首页 uhi1959)随着人类社会不断进步与科学技术的加速发展jxe



uhi1959)随着人类社会不断进步与科学技术的加速发展jxeuhi1959)随着人类社会不断进步与科学技术的加速发展jxe 全球化的过程就是跨文化交流的过程,对于跨文化交流的深入研究,有利于促进不同文化之间的交流与沟通;研究跨文化交流与维护休克,有助于促进跨文化人际交流、为不同文化之间的交流提供理论指导;使人们在世纪实践中减少不同文化之间的冲突,促进文化的融合。因为“人的生产方式是文化方式:文化是唯独人具有的生活方式”。因为文化深刻地影响着人们的行为,正如跨文化交流学的创始人之一的霍尔(E.T.Hall)所言:“文化是人类生活的环境。人类生活的各个方面无不受着文化的影响,...

uhi1959)随着人类社会不断进步与科学技术的加速发展jxe 全球化的过程就是跨文化交流的过程,对于跨文化交流的深入研究,有利于促进不同文化之间的交流与沟通;研究跨文化交流与维护休克,有助于促进跨文化人际交流、为不同文化之间的交流提供理论指导;使人们在世纪实践中减少不同文化之间的冲突,促进文化的融合。因为“人的生产方式是文化方式:文化是唯独人具有的生活方式”。因为文化深刻地影响着人们的行为,正如跨文化交流学的创始人之一的霍尔(E.T.Hall)所言:“文化是人类生活的环境。人类生活的各个方面无不受着文化的影响,并随着文化的变化而变化。或者说,文化决定人们的存在,包括自我 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的方式以及情感流露的方式,思维方式、行为方式、解决问题的方式等等。正是在这些一般情况下十分明显、习以为常,然而又很少加以研究的文化方面,以最深刻和最微妙的方式影响着人们的行为。”(E.T.Hall the Silent Language. Green Wish Conn 1959)随着人类社会不断进步与科学技术的加速发展,人们之间的交往超越了民族与科学技术的界限,形成了在全球范围内的经济、贸易、思想、文化的交流与融合,随着全球化不断加深,地球开始被称为“地球村”,跨文化交流的深度和广度日渐扩展。 跨文化交流形式多种多样,国内学者从文化人类学的角度把它分为种族之间的交流、民族之间的交流和国际交流三种形式。种族之间和民族之间的交流常常是指发生在一国之内跨种族和跨民族的文化交流,而国际间的交流则常常是指主权国国家间政 2 府之间的交流,包括外交和宣传领域,以及经贸、文化科技等的交流,它也是跨民族、跨种族的交流。无论是何种形式的跨文化交流,都可以归纳为三个不同的交流层次,即跨文化人际交流、跨文化组织建立和国家之间的跨文化交流。跨文化人际交流主要指不同文化背景的个人之间的交流,相互交往的人可以是不同种族、不同民族、不同国家的人;跨文化组织交流是指不同文化背景的两个组织之间的交流;国家之间的跨文化交流主要是指不同国家之间的利用各种大众传媒进行的信息传播和交流。事物的形式是其本质的外在表现,透过其外在的形式我们可以发现其内在的本质规定性;以此分析跨文化交流我们可以看到,无论是何种形式的跨文化交流,亦无论是在何种层次上的跨文化交流,其核心都在于人的参与,都是通过人的具体行为完成的。所以,我们研究全球化背景下的跨文化交流,着眼点是要通过对跨文化交流的研究,加强不同文化之间的交流、沟通与融合,减少文化差异所引起的冲突。但是,研究的着力点应该放在跨文化人际交流。 人既是文化的产物,也是文化的承载者。德国著名的文化哲学家恩斯特?卡西尔(Ernst Cassirer)认为:“人的突出特征,人的与众不同的标志,既不是她的形而上学本性,也不是她的无理本性,而是人的劳作(work)。正是这种劳作,正是这种人类活动的体系,规定和缓定了‘人性’的圆周。语言、神话、宗教、艺术、科学、历史,都是这个圆的组成部分和各个扇面。”某种意义上文化就是人的本质,它是人类在创造自我的过程中形成的,随着人类社会的 3 发展而不断演进并改变自身的形态、丰富其内容;不同文化背景的人与人之间的交流,即充分体现了跨文化人际交流。 在跨文化人际交流过程中,人的行为本质决定了跨文化交流的特点。首先,交流双方不同的文化背景导致了文化共享性差。不同文化背景的人在交流中所涉及到的语言、风俗习惯、行为方式及其背后的价值观念系统,具有极大的差异性;而且表面相同的语言文字、符号系统所表达出的实际内涵常常具有极大的差异性、甚至是截然相反的含义。其次,跨文化交流中存在着个体无意识的先入为主和偏见。由于不同的文化具有不同的价值判断标准,这种标准又是一种文化在长期的发展过程中形成的、有利于维护该文化群体的繁衍、稳定和发展的,所以,出生在这种文化背景中的人在个体社会化的过程中受到这种价值体系的潜移默化的影响,形成一种固定的思维模式和道德价值标准,在与人交往的过程中,他会无意识地以此作为评判标准。正是由于这些原因,在跨文化交流过程中往往会出现各种误解、矛盾,甚至是冲突。在国家之间的文化交流中会出现文化的冲突、进而会引起政治和军事的冲突,像20世纪中叶以来,原教旨主义者广泛兴起,而导致的不同民族、国家之间的矛盾、冲突;在个人交往的层次上,交往者的心理往往会出现“文化休克。” 文化休克是跨文化交流中出现的一种心理现象、心理过程。美国人类学家奥伯格(KalveroOberg)认为,文化休克是指一个人初次进入不同于母语文化的全新文化环境后产生的心理上不适应, 4 是“由于失去了熟悉的社会交往信号或符号,对于对方社会符号不熟悉而产生的深度焦虑症”[5](P340)。实际是指人们置身于异域文化中,即在学习或工作、生活遇到另外一种完全陌生的文化时出现的一种心理反应,从感到别扭到不适应,从轻度的易怒、烦躁、到心理上的深刻惊恐和危机的现象。按照奥伯格的理论,文化休克大致经历四个阶段:即兴奋阶段、休克阶段、适应阶段和稳定阶段。 在文化休克的不同阶段,其表现形式是不同的。在兴奋阶段人的心理表现是兴奋和乐观,主要是到新的环境后对新的环境、文化、乃至风景、食物等感到新鲜、满意。但是,人在进入新的文化环境之后的一段时间,便会进入到休克阶段,此时,对新的文化、环境、食品、人民新鲜感消失,兴奋和乐观的感觉很快被失望、失落、烦恼和焦虑所取代;由于文化不同、价值观念差异、环境陌生等,逐渐感到孤立无援,进一步的交流受到挫折和阻碍,这时会产生失落、沮丧、压抑、抱怨,甚至是敌视的心理。有的人无法忍受文化休克,采取逃避和回避的态度,无法度过文化休克阶段;多数人在经历了一段时间的沮丧和迷惑之后,开始逐渐适应新的文化环境,逐渐了解新的文化环境中的人、语言、习惯、食物等;不仅仅只看到异文化的缺点,而且开始理解不同文化之间的差异,逐渐增加了在新文化环境中的交流与活动,开始融入新的环境之中。经历过适应阶段的人,逐渐融入到新的环境当中,能够自如地使用异文化的语言自由地与人们交往,能够深入了解异文化 5 的优缺点,客观地看待不同文化之间的差异,游刃有余地生活在新的文化环境中。 文化休克是跨文化交流过程中的一种客观存在,每个置身于新的文化环境中的人都会遇到,能否很好应付这个问题,是跨文化交流能否获得成功的重要因素。文化休克直接影响着跨文化交流,从个体的层面上看,它直接影响着个人能否适应新的环境,能否顺利完成跨文化交流;从组织交流或国家交流的层面看,因为个人的原因可能直接影响组织交流和国家交流的成败。所以,全球化背景下的文化交流,无论从个人层面、还是组织和国家交流的层面,都无法回避文化休克的问题。只有解决这个问题,才能更好地实现全球背景下的跨文化交流。 6 The process of globalization is the process of cross-cultural communication, which can promote the communication between different cultures through thorough research; Research cross-cultural communication and maintain the shock not only promotes intercultural communication and interpersonal communication between different cultures but also provide theoretical guidance; in the practice of the conflict between different cultures reduction, it promotes cultural fusion. Because of the means of production "culture is only one way: culture is with the way of life". Because the culture profoundly affects people's behavior, the cross-cultural communication, as one of the founders of the study of E.T.H hall (all) said, "Culture is a human living environment. All aspects of human life are influenced by culture, changing with the cultural changes. Or, culture decides existence of people, including people's way of expressing themselves, and emotional outpouring, mode of thinking and behavior, and how to solve the problem, etc. In these general conditions, however, obviously and rarely used in culture research, culture is with the most profound and the most subtle way affecting the behavior of people." ( E.T.Hall the Silent Language. Green Wish Conn 1959) with human society progress and science and technology development, the communication between people is 7 beyond the boundaries of national science and technology, and it formed an integration of global economy, trade, thoughts and culture. As the globalization deepened itself, the earth began to be called "global village", and cross-cultural communication is expanding in width and depth. There are various forms of intercultural communication, from the perspective of cultural and domestic anthropology, scholars put it into three forms: the communication between races, the communication between nations and international communication. Racial and ethnic exchanges often refers to cross-racial and cross-ethic cultural exchange occurring in one country, while communication between sovereign state often refers to the communication between the government, including diplomatic and economic, trade and cultural fields, such as science and technology, it is also the exchange across nation, the exchange across race. Whatever the form of intercultural communication is, all can be divided into three levels, namely the cross-cultural communication, interpersonal communication and cross-cultural organization of cross-cultural communication between countries. Cross-cultural interpersonal communication mainly refers to communication between individuals from different cultural backgrounds, namely, different races, ethnicities or countries; 8 cross-cultural communication refers to communication between two organizations of different cultural backgrounds; cross-cultural communication between countries mainly refers to the use of mass media dissemination and communicating information between different countries. Things are the essence of the external form, through its external form, we can find the essence stipulation; through this analysis, we can see the core of cross-cultural communication is the people's participation, is the specific actions by people, whatever form of intercultural communication, whether in what level of intercultural communication. Therefore, we study the globalization of intercultural communication, mainly through the study of intercultural communication, to strengthen the communication between different cultures, communication and integration and to reduce the cultural differences caused by the conflict. However, the research focus should be placed on interpersonal cross-cultural communication. Man is the product of culture, also the cultural carrier. Germany's famous cultural philosopher Ernst Cassirer silvia Ernst (,) thought, "People’s outstanding characteristic, people’s unique mark is, neither her metaphysics nor her nature, but people's work. It is this work, this system of human activities that mastered the circle of ‘nature’. Language mythology, religion, art, science and history are 9 all parts of the circle diagram." To some extent, culture is the essence of human. It is formed in the process of human self creating, changing its form and enriching its content along with the development of human society and continuous evolution. Different cultural background of communication between human beings fully embodies the cross-cultural interpersonal communications. In the process of cross-cultural communication, interpersonal nature of human behavior decides characteristics of cross-cultural communication. Firstly, the communication between different cultures leads to the cultural sharing. People from different cultures involved in the communication of language, customs, behavior and the values system, has great difference; the surface of the same language, symbol system of actual connotation is often expressed great difference, even opposite meanings. Secondly, there exists individual unconscious first impression and prejudice in cross-cultural communication. Different cultures have different value judgment standards which were formed in the long-term development process and helped maintain the cultural groups flourish, stabilize and develop. Therefore, people born in this cultural background were influenced by this value system and formed a fixed thinking mode and value and moral standards with which he will unconsciously as criteria when communicating with 10 others. For these reasons, in the process of cross-cultural communication there will often appear all sorts of misunderstandings and contradictions, even conflict. In the cultural exchange between the countries, the cultural conflict can cause political and military conflict, just like the wide awake of fundamentalists since the middle of 20th century, which leads to the different nationalities, the contradiction and conflicts between countries. In personal contacts, the psychology of people will often appear "cultural shock." Culture shock is a psychological phenomenon, mental processes in intercultural communication. American anthropologist Mr. KalveroOberg thought that, cultural shock refers to a person’s psychological adaptation while first entering a new cultural environment different from his native culture. "Because he lost the familiarity with social interaction symbols or signals and was unfamiliar with the new culture’s symbols, thus having a deep sense of anxiety." [5] (P340). It actually refers that people involving in foreign culture, namely in the study or work and life meet another completely alien culture of a kind of psychological reaction from uncomfortable to not adaptive, from mild irritability, irritable to the profound psychological terror and crisis. According to Mr. Oberg's theory, the culture shock roughly experienced four stages: namely, 11 shock stage, excitement stage, adaptation stage and stable stage. At different stages of culture shock, its form is different. In the stage of excitement, psychological performance of people is excited and optimistic, mainly because of feeling fresh and satisfaction with surroundings, culture, even scenery and food of the new environment. However, after entering the new cultural environment a period of time, people will enter into shock stage, at which people's sense of fresh towards culture, environment, food and new people will disappear, excitement and optimism quickly replaced by depression, anxiety and worry. Due to different cultures, different values, different environment etc. people gradually felt strange isolated, further communication obstacles, then setbacks and it can produce loss, depression, oppression and complaint, even hostility. Some people can't stand cultural shock and want to escape; however, it still cannot spend culture shock stage. After a period of depression and confusion, most people gradually begin to adapt to the new cultural environment, and gradually learn new cultural environment of people, language, customs, food and so on They not only see different cultural shortcomings, but also begin to understand the differences between different cultures, and gradually increase communication and activities in the new environment. Experienced adapting period, people gradually get into the new 12 environment and can freely use different cultural languages, freely communicate with people, understand the advantages and disadvantages of different cultures, objectively treat the differences between different cultures and easily live in the new cultural environment. Culture shock is in the process of cross-cultural communication, a kind of objective existence, everyone involved in the new cultural environment will meet the problem, whether to tackle the problem is an important factor of intercultural communication success. Culture shock directly affects intercultural communication, from individual level; it directly influences whether the individual can adapt to the new environment and whether he can successfully complete cross-cultural communication. From the organizational or national level, the exchange of personal reasons may directly influence national and organizational exchange. Therefore, no matter from a personal level or the organizational level, under the background of globalization, it can not avoid cultural shock. Only by solving this problem, we can achieve better cross-cultural under global background. 13 本科 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 题目:The Impact of the Culture Shock on Communication between Native and Non-native Speakers 院、 系: 学科专业: 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 14 The Impact of Culture Shock on Communication between Native and Non-native Speakers Abstract With the quickening steps of economic globalization and the development of transportation, communication and medium technology, the exchange between native and non-native cultures becomes more and more frequent. But where there is intercultural communication, there is culture shock for the individuality of culture. First introduced by the anthropologist Kalvero Oberg in 1958, the term culture shock refers to the anxiety and tension of people who come into contact with a new culture that presents very few similar symbols and behaviors. In order to reveal the causes and characteristics of the culture shock and find out effective ways to overcome its negative impacts, many scholars study the issue and put forward a variety of theories from different perspectives. However, the researches remain unsystematic because of the complexity of the issue. 15 The thesis aims at probing the phenomenon of culture on cross-cultural communication, analyzing its conception and research necessity, investigating its causes, impacts, process and stages it experienced. The thesis gets conclusion also by analyzing several cases, reminding cross-cultural speakers to take proper attitude toward culture shock. Moreover, the thesis proposes some countermeasures to lighten the negative impacts of culture shock, which can help people who work and live in different cultures. Key Words: culture shock, intercultural communication, cross-cultural adaptation, cross-cultural training, intercultural competence 摘要 随着不断加快的经济一体化进程和交通、通讯、媒体技术的 飞速发展,跨文化间的交流日益频繁。但由于文化的差异性,哪 里有跨文化交际,哪里就有文化休克现象。“文化休克”这一概 念是美国人类学家奥博格于1958年首先提出,它指人在异文化 交际中由于失去熟悉的符号和行为而表现出的紧张焦虑。为揭示 文化休克的原因与特征,找出克服其负面影响的有效途径,许多 学者研究文化休克这一问题,从不同角度提出了不同的理论,但 由于这一问题的复杂性,这些理论都不系统。 本文旨在研究跨文化交际中的文化休克现象,剖析其概念及 16 其研究必要性,探讨其成因、影响、经历的过程及阶段。并通过一些实例分析得出结论,提醒人们对文化休克现象采取正确的态度,同时提出一些克服文化休克的具体对策,从而对工作生活在异文化中的人们有所帮助。 关键词:文化休克、跨文化交际、跨文化适应、跨文化培训 Contents Abstract (English)…………………………………………….. Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………. Lists of Tables and Figures………………………………….. Chapter One INTRODUCTION…………………………. 1.1 Significance and Objectives of the Thesis……... 1.2 Organization of the thesis………………………. Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW…………………… 2.1 Relevant Concepts of the Thesis……………………… 2.1.1 The concept of Culture………………………….. 2.1.2 Intercultural Communication…………………... 2.1.3 Ethnocentrism……………………………………. 2.1.4 Cultural Relativism……………………………… 2.2 A Preview of Researches on Culture Shock…………... 2.2.1 Different Interpretations of Culture Shock………. 2.2.2 The Symptoms of Culture Shock…………………. 2.2.3 The Stages of Culture Shock……………………… 17 Chapter Three THE CAUSES OF CULTURE SHOCK……… 3.1 The Psychological Reason…………………………… 3.2 The Cultural Reason…………………………………. 3.3 The Sociological Reason Chapter Four THE IMPACT OF CULTURE SHOCK………. 4.1 Analysis Cases………………………………………… 4.2 The Impact of Culture Shock………………………….. Chapter Five DEALING WITH CULTURE SHOCK…………… 5.1 Cultural Knowledge…………………………………… 5.2 Cross-cultural Training……………………………… 5.3 Cross-cultural Adaptation…………………………….. Chapter Six INSPIRATIONS AND CONCLUSION…………… 6.1 Inspirations…………………………………………….. 6.2 Conclusion…………………………………………… References…………………………………………………………… 18 Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Significance and Objectives of the Thesis The process of economic integration, as well as transportation, communications and media technologies for the rapid development of contemporary cross-cultural exchanges are increasing their scale, scope, speed and impact of the era which can not be compared in any depth. Intercultural contacts become more frequent than ever before. We have entered the era of global village. In this case, the cross-domain, cross-ethnic, cross-cultural economic and social contacts will be increasing, and the native and non-native speakers have to just and readjust themselves in order to adapt to the new environment. However, thousands of years’ culture and precipitation can change overnight with its strong cultural traditions and continuity. Generally speaking, different regions, different ethnic cultural identities are still very obvious. Due to different cultures, where there is inter-cultural exchange, there exists the phenomenon of culture shock. When people are in different cultural environment, they will feel depression, anxiety, frustration, lost. And even different cultures will give rise to 19 hostility, the worst case, but also gives them a variety of psychological and physical diseases, such negative phenomenon is the "culture shock." By parsing the definition of hazards and causes, analyzing the culture shock in cross-cultural communication influence, a solution is proposed for various types of cross-cultural activities to be carried out smoothly. Cross-cultural communication can help those who face cultural differences to overcome the anxiety and fear, so that they do cross-cultural communicative competence to make it more responsive to the needs of international master and better cross-cultural communication skills. Therefore, in cross-cultural communication in the research culture of the impact of its importance, is also where the practical significance of this study lies. This thesis has three objectives. First, this thesis is to put forward the causes and characteristics of the culture shock. Second, this thesis is to probe the impact of the culture shock on intercultural communication through the cases analysis. Third, this thesis is to sum up the previous theories on the methods for dealing with culture shock on the intercultural communication. 1.2 The Organization of the Thesis This thesis consists of six chapters. 20 Chapter one serves as an introduction, which is concerned with the significance, objectives and the organization of the thesis. Chapter Two is literature review. It introduces some relevant concepts and gives a brief review of culture shock research. Chapter Three probes the causes and characteristics of culture shock on the process intercultural communication and adaption. Chapter Four enumerates some cases on communication between native and non-native speakers, to uncover the impact of culture shock on intercultural communication. Chapter Five sums some methods up to copy with culture shock. It emphasizes the importance of intercultural adaptation and cross-cultural training. Chapter Six is the conclusion of this thesis with some inspirations for cross-cultural training and English teaching. Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Relevant Concepts of the Thesis This topic of research is culture shock in cross-cultural 21 communication of the impact, related concepts, including cultural, cross-cultural communication and cultural shock. These are a few cultural anthropology research areas, and should be taken into account the relative culturalism and ethnocentrism. 2.1.1 The Concept of Culture Culture is a social phenomenon, a long-term creation of a product formed by people. But it is also a historical phenomenon, a social history residue. Rather, culture refers to a state or national history, geography, customs, traditions, lifestyle, literature and art, behaviors and ways of thinking, values, etc. Schultz and Lavenda(1998) define culture as sets of learned behaviors and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society. In brief, culture is learned, shared, adaptive and symbolic. 2.1.2 The Concept of Intercultural Communication Cross-cultural communication in the dissemination of science is a science based on the theory, anthropology, psychology, linguistics, cultural studies, sociology intersect and the developed subject. To some degree, it originated in cultural anthropology from the book "The Silent Language" published by anthropologist Edward T. Hall in 1959 which is widely 22 regarded as the birth of cross-cultural communication studies signs, for the first time Hall put forward the "Intercultural Communication" concept. Cross-cultural communication refers to people of different cultural backgrounds (sender of information and information recipient) communicate (Jia New 1998), also refers the interaction having taken place between people of different cultural backgrounds. 2.1.3 Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism, in short, referring to the cultural self as a political, economic, and cultural supremacy of the main body of the supreme value placed on considering the idea or movement. U.S. scholar Han Scawen said: "Ethnocentrism is the first and foremost should be seen as a state of mind." British scholar Edward Carr said: “Ethnocentrism is often used to denote individuals, groups, and a nation's internal members a sense, or to enhance the nation's strength of self, freedom or wealth, a desire.” Ethnocentric (ethnocentrism) will be out of their own values and cultural development of the theory applied to other groups and populations; ethnocentrism implies bias or distortion. 2.1.4 Cultural Relativism 23 Cultural relativism is concerned with the book "human and create a" published by an U.S. cultural anthropologist Melville J. Herskovits in1949. Cultural relativism believes that: every culture has its own value system and people's beliefs and codes of conduct are from a particular social environment, thus any kind of behavior, such as beliefs, customs and so on can only use its own value of the subordinate system to evaluate and there can be one recognized by all social and absolute values. Cultural relativism promotes a culture of equality and diversity or pluralism. 2.2 A Preview of Researches on Culture Shock 2.2.1 Different Interpretations of Culture Shock "Culture Shock" (Cultural Shock) is put forward by an U.S. anthropologist Oberg (Kalvero Oberg) in 1958 which refers to a person who enters into the unfamiliar cultural environment as a result of losing his familiar symbols of all social communication and means arising from a lost, disbelief, rejection or even the feeling of fear. "Shock" originally refers to the loss of important functions of the human body, such as body excessive bleeding, respiratory and circulatory function failure. However, when a long-term living in your own home country culture, all of a sudden you arrive in as a completely alien to the new cultural 24 environment, and in a period of time it often occurs within a culture shock phenomenon. Zwingmann and Gunn (1983) applied such terms as homesickness, adjustment difficulties, uprooting to refer to the phenomenon of the culture shock. Seelye (1995) used some other terms like self-discovery shock, role shock, transitional shock and culture fatigue to describe culture shock. All those terms failed to focus on culture factors. Caputo (1994) held that culture shock was used to mean the feeling of estrangement or displacement that individual feels in visiting another culture. Caputo points out that people feel the displacement from their home culture when they are confronted with differences from the culture they are visiting. Barna (1997) considered culture shock to be one of the stumbling blocks in intercultural communication. According to Barna, the innate physiological make up of the human animal is such discomfort of varying degrees that occurs in the presence of alien stimuli. Samovar et al. (2000) also believe that culture shock can mean depression, serious physical reactions, anger, aggression toward the new culture,and even total withdrawal and all those reactions may obviously hamper intercultural communication. 25 As cited above,though these researchers view culture shock from different perspectives and give different conclusions,their ideas overlap with each other. 2.2.2 The Symptoms of Culture Shock Oberg gave a description of the symptoms of culture shock: “Some of the symptoms of culture shock are: excessive washing of the hands; excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants or servants; the absent-minded, far-away stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over delay and other minor frustrations; delay and outright refusal to learn language of the host country; excessive fear being cheated, robbed or injured; great concern over minor pains and irruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to be back home, to be able to have a good cup of coffee and a piece of apple pie, to walk into that corner drugstore, to visit one’s relatives, and, in general, to talk to people who really make sense.” 2.2.3 The Stages of Culture Shock Culture shock appears to be a psychological and social process that progresses in stages. Oberg listed four stages of the shock: a. Honeymoon stage 26 At this stage,inter-culture speakers usually have an initial reaction of fascination, enthusiasm, admiration, friendly, superficial relationships with hosts. This stage usually lasts from several weeks to half a year. b. Crisis At this stage, prime differences in language, concepts, values, familiar signs and symbols lead to feelings of inadequacy, frustration, anxiety and anger. This stage usually lasts weeks or months. c. Recovery At this stage, the crisis is resolved by a number of methods so that the person ends up learning the language and culture of the host country. After the period of anxiety and tension, people realize that there is a real difference in values, beliefs, and behaviors. People begin to search effective methods to solve problem and to resolve conflict. d. Adjustment At this stage, the intercultural speakers begin to work in and adapt themselves to the new culture. They try their best to lighten the anxiety and tension, and develop the communication competency on intercultural communication. Over the years different scholars described the process of culture 27 shock in different stages, such as the three-stage theory of Lesser and Peter, the five-stage process of Adler, the nine-stage sequence of Jacobson. Chapter Three CAUSES OF CULTURE SHOCK In order to achieve the purpose of this research to identify cultural shock effects in cross-cultural communication, first of all we must find the causes of cultural shock, and then understand its essential features. 3.1 The Psychological Reason From a psychological point of view, culture shock arises because there is loss of something has always depended on the psychological feeling of anxiety, loneliness. When the communication is in a new environment, it has been dependent on the values, world views, ways of thinking and the different cultures of differences or conflicts, but also the deep-seated national character, so that communication gap between those who increase the psychological and cultural shock naturally occurs. 3.2 The Cultural Reason From a cultural studies perspective, since the old culture has been deep-rooted, when the communication is in different 28 cultures, the cultural context is different. As the new environment, living habits, lifestyle, learning style and assessment change in the way to make it difficult to adapt to communication. At the same time, due to pragmatic transfer reasons, the communication of those who rely on different communication environments are different, and culture shock will inevitably arise. 3.3 The Sociological Reason From a sociological perspective, the emergence of cultural shock is the huge difference in the social environment, because the culture can be learned, and social environment can not be copied. Society as a deep broad carrier, when the communication is in the different cultures, it assumed the social role will change and there will be some differences in social support systems for their different behavior patterns, group identity and individual-based. In such a social environment, culture shock naturally produces. Analysis from various angles resulting in cross-cultural communication and cultural shock, you can understand the culture shock of the Speech Communication behavior and the impact of non-verbal behavior, which can find the solution. 29 Chapter Four THE IMPACT OF CULTURE SHOCK 4.1 The Cases of Culture Shock 4.1.1 Case One Let us look at the cultural shock of a farce: The wife of a Bulgaria's foreign ambassador was dining guests, and each guest was provided a bowl of soup. The ambassador found guests liked this soup, and his wife asked if the guests wanted more. All guests had declined, but only one black student smiled and said, "Good! Good!" When the guests finished the second bowl, his wife asked to add a bowl or not, the student also nodded. This third bowl was clearly hard for the guests to drink, but when his wife asked if he wanted one more, he nodded with a smile. Looking at his wife, he carried his bowl into the kitchen, while students had been holding up lying on the ground. Originally in black students of African culture, as long as the owner advised food, guests can not retreat; while his wife, the Bulgarian culture, 30 as long as the guests needs, housewives have to satisfy them. 4.1.2 Case Two Anna Godina who goes to Moscow State Pedagogical University says: My name is Anna Godina. I’m 26 years old. I’ve experienced cultural shock at least three times in my life. Each time it was different and yet equally painful. The first time it happened when I went to a summer camp in England for a month. I was about 14 and it was the first time I had been abroad. The second time l was 20 and went to the States to study at SAU (Southern Arkansas University). It was even worse as I continued to suffer from cultural shock for half a year. I went to Denmark to take a postgraduate degree when I was 23. I had a tough time. The problem was that I had the same difficulties during the first overseas experience. I couldn’t realize why I was on edge and that was killing me! If I had known any thing about cultural shock that time I would have behaved quite differently in a number of situations. That’s why I want to talk about it and warn those who may happen to go abroad. 3.1.4 Case4 31 For the cross-cultural communication in the case of culture shock, many scholars have conducted research. For example, Danish scholar Mirdal, a female Turkish immigrant had conducted a survey and found that the majority of female migrants who had psychological and physical reactions were the most tension. In addition to disease, its causes, occupation, residential crowding factor were concerned with their long-separated spouses, literacy and religious beliefs, values, lifestyle and living environment of conflict, local culture, language barriers and other factors. At the same time, these immigrants had a serious psychological anxiety, a sense of helplessness and depression. 4.2 The Impact of Culture Shock Culture shock on the impact of cross-cultural communication can not be ignored; it is not only impeded the smooth progress of cross-cultural communication, but also for those who own psychological barriers to communication. As noted following. a. In multinational companies, because of the expatriate managers and their families, "culture shock", had to terminate the mandate of working abroad to return list going on. This not only caused huge economic losses for the company and the time wasted at the same time gave them the 32 failure of the assignment manager of the psychological and family made it difficult to heal wounds. Overseas office failure is not just the loss of money, but also may undermine the relationship with the host country, lost business opportunities. b. Ashamed of this culture, so it is completely degrading excluded him, while the overall acceptance of foreign cultures. This situation is known as "assimilation." But assimilation is not really a "cross-culture." Real "cross-cultural", is this culture and foreign culture has a certain degree of recognition and reflection, that is, we often say can "essence, to its dregs," for our own use. This is the integrated adaptation. Outside the cultural "assimilation" of a person, his sense of self-worth may be quite low, and always with an inferiority complex heart operations. c. Very identity of this culture, foreign culture, is completely excluded, and there will be opposition mentality. This mentality is certainly not conducive to the new environment, which appeared depressed, or even negative or psychological resistance. d. When communication is outside of this culture and cultural identity is very low, people are often very isolated, are in a state of marginalization, the lack of a sense of belonging, so 33 that it passes away world-weary attitude. This series of negative effects of culture shock, a serious impediment to the smooth cross-cultural communication activities carried out, affecting communication in the different cultures of work or life, it is imperative to find a solution. Chapter Five DEALING WITH CULTURE SHOCK Different theories about culture shock provide different methods to cope with culture shock. This chapter sums up some methods that have been applied to dealing with culture shock with the help of causes and characteristics discussed in the pervious chapters. It emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural training of intercultural competence. 5.1 Culture Knowledge 5.1.1 Know the Host Country Being familiar with the cultural and social nuances of a host country is essential to deal with culture shock. What people must care is the culture filtering in the language learning, and the knowledge of culture patterns. a. Learn the Language of the Host Country It is rather clear that learning the language of the host culture produces positive result. There is also ample research that 34 supports the nation that insufficient language skills may result in negative consequences in that it reduces “interpersonal interactions”. First, teaching foreign language goes with developing cross-cultural awareness. Second, teaching foreign language goes with comparative method. Third, teaching language goes with games simulations, and activities. Those methods can help the people to learn the language of the host country. b. Know the Culture Patterns of the Host Country Cultural patterns are a study of sociology and cultural anthropology, one of the topics. It is divided into specific cultural patterns and cultural patterns of two types of universal. Specific cultural patterns refer to the nation or the state's unique cultural system. It is from a variety of cultural characteristics, and cultural set of bundles consisting of a combination of distinctive cultural system. Generally it refers to all culture, cultural patterns by different components, and this cultural construct for any nation's culture. American anthropologist C. Weisileer found that the general cultural patterns include the following nine parts: Language; physical characteristics; art; mythology and scientific knowledge; religious practices; family and social institutions; property; 35 government; War. 5.1.2 Familiar with the Exotic Customs and Rituals When they arrived at a new place, they had to know important things to familiarize themselves with the customs and etiquette, know how to gain life skills and interpersonal communication. A better understanding of the culture of communication, includes both surface and cultural artifacts, such as architectural culture, food culture, dress culture, drama and culture. The middle of the institutional culture, such as the rules of engagement, folk, institutional norms, behavior, etc.; deep-rooted concept of culture, includes the values, ways of thinking, social psychology and so on. Such as the touching way is an obvious example of this. Touch can show a lot of things, including the goodwill or enmity between them, identity, and mutual relations. 5.1.3 Strengthen Mother-tongue and Cultural Heritage To language and cultural knowledge into their language skills and behavior within the habit, it must be multi-channel, wide exposure from the target country's cultural information input. Damen (1987:16) for first language acquisition studies have shown that mother tongue acquisition processes, namely through the significance of the process of acquisition of the national 36 culture; while for people who have a second language and culture acquisition, it is based on the first language and cultural basis. e. Know the New Culture. Frankly the face of a new culture where there is an objective reality, it will also not impact people's will, and avoid a more passive means, so we should have "barbarians techniques to be used for me " the calm attitude and courage. That being the case, we are faced with a new culture; we should conscientiously learn the culture and cultural integration. 5.2 Cross-cultural Training 5.2.1 Cross-cultural Training Methods a. Knowledge-Giving Approach. Including the host country and regional cultural and related lectures, cross-cultural theory courses and other training, are often presented through lectures, films, video training, background information, etc. Time is generally within a week. Low intensity training, the objective is to provide the host business and national culture as background information and for the company and so on. b. Affective Approach In addition to training in general, the first method also includes 37 the culture of simulation training, stress management training and intercultural learning training, to strengthen foreign language training. Training methods tend to use case studies, role-playing, and the main cross-cultural scenario simulation. Normally it is a period of 1-4 weeks. Moderate intensity training has the training objectives of the host country to cultivate the culture of general knowledge and specific knowledge to reduce ethnocentrism. c. Immersion Approach. In addition to the contents above, the general training in the host country talks with the host country experienced managers. The training includes the analysis of cross-cultural competency assessment, field exercises, and cultural sensitivity training, capability etc. Training time is generally 1-2 months. High intensity training, the objective with the host country wishes to attain the national culture, business culture and social systems integration along. 5.2.2 Personal Coaching From Cross-cultural Consultants Employing cultural consultants, specializing in individual counseling, guidance on how managers are not familiar with cross-cultural field. There are many large multinational companies to use "cultural translation" to help the new 38 assignment manager and his family arrived in different cultures to solve the problems encountered. Cultural translation contributes the assignment manager a smooth transition to the host society and explains the misunderstanding appearing, faster integration into the host country to assist the expatriate manager, the culture and everyday life. In cross-cultural communication for effective practice there are at least the following four aspects owning the ability: a. Speech capacity. This refers to both a better grasp of the language of their mother tongue and foreign language knowledge and a stronger ability to use language. b. Non-verbal capacity. To be able to correctly understand the different cultures of non-verbal behavior of the common features, better regulation of non-verbal behavior differences in emotional response, with proper and effective implementation of non-verbal capacity. c. Cognitive ability. Namely, with reasonable knowledge structure, a better understanding of the culture of communication, including both surface and cultural artifacts, such as architectural culture, food culture, dress culture, drama and culture; middle of the institutional culture, such as rules of engagement, folk, institutional norms, behavior 39 methods; deep-rooted concept of culture, including values, ways of thinking, social psychology and so on. d. Empathic ability. This refers that the communication is not in their own experiences and cultural norms as an explanation and evaluation of standards of behavior, but the shoes for the sake of others, care, appreciate others, with a relative culturalism. 5.2.3 Self-training Before leaving the country to prepare themselves to understand the objectives of the national customs, cultural, political, economic and other knowledge, to strengthen foreign language learning, those in the target countries have lived to talk, learning, ideologically and psychologically well to overcome cultural shock preparation, and with an open mind to new cultures and meet people there and also help their families prepare. a. Psychological Preparation We should face up to and respect for different cultures and differences in national characters, that is, the diversity of world culture, and consciously reflecting on cultural commonalities and differences in national character. A sense of abandon the advantages of this culture tending to tolerant attitude towards different cultures and accepting Cultural Conflict and 40 integration of the objective reality can not be separated. Each nation has formed its own set of unique culture, from language, behavior, habits and customs to their underlying values, moral standards, which have their own unique national character. The national character of knowledge and respect for cultural difference and diversity of world culture is a cross-cultural basis to fully understand the objectivity of the existence of cultural shock and do cross-cultural psychological preparation. b. Interest in Cultivating a Positive Culture People actively promote cultural interest which is in the establishment of cross-cultural basis. People are the main participants conducting all self-conscious behaviors, and cross-cultural communication is also a subjective consciousness conscious behavior conducted by a person; human behavior is necessarily based on the intent and purpose, from the epistemological point of view, interest is the best teacher. Therefore, to the successful completion of cross-cultural activity that requires actors to build understanding of different cultures dealing with interest, people are willing to accept, experience and understand different cultures; in such interest under the guidance of a person to enter upon a new cultural environment will be a positive attitude towards the new cultural environment, 41 holding understand it, accepting his state of mind and being interested in contacts and exchanges. 5.2.4 Way to Provide Information Information approach is more traditional and easier to use a method. For example, a country's history and cultural practices of knowledge such as lectures, cross-cultural theory courses and other training are often got through lectures, films, reading background information, etc. 5.2.5 Interactive Practice Practice cross-cultural training in an interactive way is the most authenticity and practical methods. The training recruited trainees and guests (the representative of another culture or consultant) for contacts, learning from each other in exchanges of cultural practices, and learning a variety of communication skills. In this process, consultants can be employed to culture and devoted to individual counseling. Guidance on how the trainees are not familiar with cross-cultural field, to overcome the difficulties arising from cultural conflict and help them solve the arrival of different cultures encountered problems. 5.3 Cross-cultural Adaptation Adaptation is the natural way to overcome culture shock. One natural result of acculturation is that the initially experienced 42 culture shock can be lightened after the fulfillment of acculturation. This does not mean that to lighten culture shock has to acculturate to the traveled culture and deny one’s culture of origin. One fact this section wants to recall is that alleviated culture shock is natural result of acculturation. In order to justify this point, this section will first discuss the outcomes of intercultural contact and then highlight the outcomes of successful cross-cultural adaptation, believing the ends to some extent justify the means. 5.3.1 Intercultural Contact Outcomes Intercultural contact outcomes include those following factors: assimilation, separation, marginalization, integration. 5.3.2 Cross-cultural Adaptation Outcomes Cross-cultural adaptation outcomes include those following factors: functional fitness, psychological health, intercultural identity and so on. In this chapter, the relationship between cross-cultural adaptation and the causes of the culture shock have been discussed. 43 Chapter Six INSPIRATIONS AND CONCLUSION 6.1 Inspirations 6.1.1 Inspiration for the cross-cultural training Cross-cultural trainers are often expected to give advice on how best to adjust quickly and painlessly to another culture. Furthermore, they are to describe the other culture in a colorful manner without complexity. There are four inspirations that are present studies on culture shock for the cross-cultural training. First, understand the concept of the culture. Culture is an abstraction which we must be understood before we can begin discussing our own culture and another culture. The trainers must deeply understand the meaning of the culture firstly, so they have the ability to train the students including their own culture and other cultures. Second, understand the dynamics of cross-cultural communication and adaptation. If the misunderstand and unknown are the causes of culture shock, the trainers must understand the dynamics interpersonal communication. The prime learning will help the cross-cultural speaker work or live in a new culture. 6.1.2 The Inspirations for Foreign Language Teaching To strengthen cross-cultural training in the traditional teaching, 44 English learning to become an analysis of grammatical structures of a large number of memory words, students can receive a certain degree of language ability, to read and write the exam. However, this relatively passive learning is of practical difference. First of all, as English educators, they need to correct understanding of the teaching of English. Abandoned learning English is to learn the views of English grammar and vocabulary, thereby improving the teachings. The communicative elements introduced into the teaching of English in an effort to reveal the process of teaching in the English language are hidden behind the easy to cause misunderstandings and conflicts, cultural factors. Second, to help learners understand that, with the acceleration of the pace of reform and opening up, foreign exchanges become more frequent, and more and more extensive exchanges between countries, especially in social information and increase the opening of the Internet, when more people are not enough out of families have become involved in cross-cultural communication. It is the time for Cross-cultural Communicative Competence to face the challenges and opportunities. Summary of these methods into practice, that is, when learning a 45 foreign language to the target language, we should as much as possible distinguish between national culture and mother tongue of national cultural differences. Learning knowledge of language home and abroad, we should as much as possible understand the customs, national characteristics and so on. In addition, widely reading foreign original novels, enjoying foreign films, etc. are all good methods. Finally, the conflicts between Chinese and Western cultures have been left to foreign language teaching in lessons. As to English teachers, in the classroom, teaching process should be appropriate to the students, teaching cross-cultural communication, not just language knowledge and basic skills. Teachers in teaching, should word phrase into a big go on to explain the cultural background. Encountered English-Chinese translation, we should also pay attention to explain the different Eastern and Western thinking to inspire students to pay attention in the translation. 6.2 Conclusion Culture shock is an objective existence of the phenomenon in cross-cultural communication, where there are inter-cultural exchanges, there is culture shock. Cross-cultural communication, cultural shock, the phenomenon of cross-cultural 46 communication hindered the conduct of its negative effects. But as long as the laws of understanding the cultural shock can openly face and distinguish right from wrong, not the mother tongue as the fundamental starting point of thinking, do not form a nation-centered consciousness, but to different cultural traditions for a full understanding, free from any influence, thus the real to improve cross-cultural communicative competence. 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