首页 3G短波网络物理层仿真算法设计与分析



3G短波网络物理层仿真算法设计与分析3G短波网络物理层仿真算法设计与分析 ( ) ???? : 1001 - 893X 2009 08 - 0001 - 05 3 3G??????????????E?????E???????E??? 11 2 1 ????, , , ???????????????? ( )1. ???????????? ???????????? ,?/?? 710077; 2. ?/?????????? ???????????? ,???? 611756 )(?? :???? 3 G ?????? ???????????????...

3G短波网络物理层仿真算法设计与分析 ( ) ???? : 1001 - 893X 2009 08 - 0001 - 05 3 3G??????????????E?????E???????E??? 11 2 1 ????, , , ???????????????? ( )1. ???????????? ???????????? ,?/?? 710077; 2. ?/?????????? ???????????? ,???? 611756 )(?? :???? 3 G ?????? ?????????????????? ,??????????????????????E?????E? !?????E????? W a lnu t Stree t?????????????????????????? ,????E???????????????????????E? ,?????????????? ???????????/?????????????? - ???????? !??????????????/?? ,??????????????E????????? O P2N ETE????/???? P ip e line Stage?? Modu la tion Cu rve??????E??????? ,??????????E????/?? !?E????? ?????/ ,????E?????????!????E?????? ,??????????????????????????????E???????!? ??? : 3 G;???????? ;?????? ;???????? ;???????????? ????? : TN919. 72; TN913. 2????? : Ado i: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1001 - 893 x. 2009. 08. 001 D esign and Ana lysis of S im ula tion A lgor ithm of the 3G Network Physica l LayerHF 1 2 1 1CAO Peng, SH EN GH an - m in, HUAN G Guo - ce, J I N G Yuan (1. Telecommunication Enginee ring Institute, A ir Fo rce Engineering University, Xi?!an 710077, China; )2. In stitu te of E lec trica l Enginee ring, Sou thwe st Comm un ica tion U n ive rsity, Chengdu 611756 , Ch ina ( ) A b stra c t:A sim u la tion app roach is p re sen ted acco rd ing to cha rac te ristic s of the 3 rd gene ra tion 3 GH F ne two rk p hysica l laye r. The channe l p rop aga tion p roce ss is sim u la ted th rough W a lnu t Stree t chan2 ne l mode l, by regene ra ting SNR va lue s du ring ne two rk sim u la tion.The wavefo rm p e rfo rm ance mode l is bu ilt to sim u la te the b it e rro r p e rfo rm ance of channe l wavefo rm. Co rpo ra ted w ith p a ram e te rs ca lcu la2 tion, the se mode ls a re then em bedded in to W ire le ss P ip e line Stage and Modu la tion Cu rve in O PN ET ne two rk sim u la tion environm en t, a sp ec ific sim u la tion p roce ss is p rovided too. Sim u la tion re su lts show tha t th is app roach can sim u la te H F ne two rk effic ien tly and p rec ise ly, wh ich p rovide s a good p la tfo rm fo r H F ne two rk re sea rch. Key word s: 3 G; H F comm un ica tion; p hysica l laye r; p rop aga tion mode l; wavefo rm p e rfo rm ance mode l ????????????????????????!?1 ????????????E????? ,?????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ,????????????????????!? ???????????? ,???????????????????????? :?????? ??????*??? 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[ 10 ] ?????? ,????*?????????????????????E????????? !? ????????*??? M a rkov???????????????????????? ???!!?E????????? ,?????????*???? ,?????????? ?????????????????E , ?????????????????????? !? ???????????????????????????????? ,???*?????? ?? 1 BW ????????E?????????() () ,NM SU ?????/???????????????????? ?????? - ???????? ?? E????????????????????????????????????? ?????? ,???????????????????????????????????? E??????? ,????????????????????????????!????? ?????/?????????? ?? John son ?????*????[ 18 , 19 ] E????????????????? 26???????????? ;?????? ?????? 1 /2 ,?????????? 7; ???????? 16 ???? W a lsh ?? ;???????? Sim u link ?? R ic ian ???????? , K[ 11 ] [ 12 ][ 13 ] 3 G??????????????E????????????????????? , ?????????????????????????????? 3 ?????? ,???? ?????? !??????????????????? , ?????????????? ICEPAC???????????? , ????????E??????????? E??? , ?? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ITU - R F. 1487?? ??= 1. 5 ,?????????? 0. 1 H z,???? 20s,???? - 1 dB ; V ite rb i?????????? !?BW 0 ????E??????????? 2 ?? ?? !?[ 14 ] CC IR 520 - 1 ?? ?????? W a tte rson ?????????? ??!?John son?????????? SNR ????E?E???????*? ?? ,?????? W a lnu t Stree t?????????????????????? ???? ?? E? ?? ?? !? 2007 ?? , H a rris ?? ?? ?? W illiam B a tts?!W illiam Fu rm an ?? E ric Ko sk i ?? ?? W a lnu t [ 15 , 16 ] [ 17 ] () ( )Stree t????*/?????????????????? , ???? L TV Long - Te rm V a ria tion ?????? ITV In te rm ed ia te - Te rm V a ria tion???? , ???????????????????? !??? ?? H a rris???????????? W a lnu t Stree t??????*??? , ?? ITU ??*???E????????????? !? ???????????????????E???????????????????? ?????????????????? ,???????????????? ,???????? O PN ET?????????????? !??? John son???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ,?????????? ?????????????? ,??????????E????????????????? ??????????E??/?? ,???????*???????? !????? ,???? ?????? O PEN T?????? P ip e line Stage???/???????? ???? ,E???????????????????????????????????E? ??????!???????E????????? M a tlab / Sim u link ???? E??????????? BW ???????????? ,?????? EMA ???? ???????????? O PN ET?/?????? ; ??????E??????? O PN ET???? P ip e line Stage ?????? W a lnu t Stree t?? ????????????E?????E??/?? ; ??????E??????????? ?? 2 BW 0?????????? !????????????? O PN ET????????E??????????????????????/ ?????????/?????????? , ???????? - ??????????!? ???? ,?? O PN ET?????? EMA ???????/?? M a tlab ?? ?????????? ,???!???????????????????/?????? ,?? ?? 3 ????!? 1BW BW ?? ???? ????E?E????????????? ?? ?? 3 BW 0???? O PN ET?/???????? ?? 4 P ip e line StageE?????E??/?? ?????????????????? ,???????????*??????*/ ?????????? !??????E?????*?? ,???????????????? ??E??????? ,??????????????????E? ,E??????!???? ???*???????? !? ????????????????????????????????????E??? ?????????? ,E????????????????????????????????? *???????????????????????????!??? 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E??????????????? 700 km ?????? ,?????????? ?????? W a lnu t Stree t???? ,?????????????????????? ?????????????? ,???????????????????? 1????!? ? 1 L TV ? ITV ???? 1606. 5L TV ???????? / sITV ???????? / s 3. 4933. 889LITV TV ??*??? / dB ??*??? / dB E??????? 1 h!?????E????!???????????????? ?????? ,E??????????????????????????????????? ???? 5???? 6 ???? !?????E????!???? ,?????????? ,???E???? ?????????????????????????????????? 7 ???? !? ???? 5????E??? , 3 G???????????/?????????? ?????????????? ,???/???????? BW ????????E??? ???????????? ,?????????????????????????????? ????!??? 6?? ,???????????????????? ,?????????? ???????????????????!?????? ,???/???????????? ????!??? 7E?????????????????????E????????E?? ???????? ,????????????*????????????????? !??? ?????? ,???? BW ??????E????????????????????? ???? ,???/?????????????????????????????? ,???? ??E??????????????????? !?E??????????? BW 0 ?? ???????????????? 3 G AL E ???E???????????? ,?? ???????????????????????????????????????? ,?? ???????????????? ,??????????*???????*???E??? ??????????????!? ????E??????????/ ,??????E?????E???*??E?? ???????????????????? ,????????E????????????? ???????????/??????????E????????????? ,E????? ?????????????????? ,??????????E???*????????? , ????E???????????????????!? ????????E?????????E??? MAC ?????????/?? ???????????? ,???????????????????????? ,?????? ?????????????????????? !?????????E?E????????? ???????????? !???????????????????!??????????? ??????E?????E????????????????????????????? , ?????E?????????????????????????????? ,?????? ??????????E???????????????!??????????!????!? 5 ?? ???? 3 G?????????????????? , ???????????? ??E?????E? ,???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? , ?????? O PN ET ????E? ???E??????????????????????E?????E??/??!????? ??????E?????????????E?E????? ,????E????????? ???/???????E???? ,?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? !???????????E????????? ?????????????????? ,??????E????*???????????? , ??????E?????????????????????????E??????????? ???? ,??????????????E?????????????????E????? ????????!? ??????????????E?????E? ,???????????????? ????????????E????????????? E??????????????? ????E?????????????????????!????? ,??????????[ 12 ] ???????????????? ,????????E????????????????? ?????????? ,??????E???????????E????????????? !? ???? : D efen se Info rm a tion System A gency. N e tSim2 - Gene t2[ 1 ][ 13 ]Scop e Softwa re U se r's M anua l V1. 9 [ Z ]. Jo in t In te rop 2 the No rd ic Sho rtwave Confe rence. 1998.e rab ility Te st Comm and, 2007. [ 2 ]ze igle r B P. D EV S Theo ry of Q uan tizedSystem s [ D ].Te te rs L R , e t a l. 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