首页 2012年湘西自治州工商局商标广告监管工作要点



2012年湘西自治州工商局商标广告监管工作要点2012年湘西自治州工商局商标广告监管工作要点 2012年湘西自治州商标广告监管工作要以科学发展观为指导~紧紧围绕省工商局、州工商局工作部署和目标任务以及全国、全省工商行政管理工作会议精神~围绕“四化两型”建设~切实做到“五个更加”~始终坚持以发展为重、以服务为先~深入推进“四大”~做到更加自觉服务经济发展~更加高效加强市场监管~更加有为强化消费维权~更加努力推进依法行政~更加严格锻炼队伍~开创我州商标广告监管工作新局面~为自治州经济持续、稳定、健康和跨越式发展做出新贡献。 一、商标工作: ,一,突出商标服务...

2012年湘西自治州工商局商标广告监管工作要点 2012年湘西自治州商标广告监管工作要以科学发展观为指导~紧紧围绕省工商局、州工商局工作部署和目标任务以及全国、全省工商行政管理工作会议精神~围绕“四化两型”建设~切实做到“五个更加”~始终坚持以发展为重、以服务为先~深入推进“四大”~做到更加自觉服务经济发展~更加高效加强市场监管~更加有为强化消费维权~更加努力推进依法行政~更加严格锻炼队伍~开创我州商标广告监管工作新局面~为自治州经济持续、稳定、健康和跨越式发展做出新贡献。 一、商标工作: ,一,突出商标服务重点~推动商标总量稳定增长。 2012年全州商标工作以保护湘西特色商标为重点~一是积极开展商标法律法规的宣传~提高全社会的商标意识,二是积极开展“商标富农”工作~通过商标创牌扶持农业产业化龙头企业和农民专业合作社,三是积极开展“品牌兴州”项目化建设~支持帮助开展湘西特色商标注册、创牌、保护工作。今年准备完湘西吊角楼等14个地理标志集体商标的申报工作。州局和各县市局要对辖区内的湘西特色商标使用、注册、保护等情况开展调研~准确掌握第一手资料~为提升湘西特色商标品牌档次~为湘西经济发展出谋划策。 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an ,二,全面开展商标普查工作~制定商标十二五发展规划。为全面准确掌握我州企业商标注册、使用有关情况~提升工商部门商标服务工作水平~有效地开展商标专用权行政保护工作~以推动我州商标战略的顺利实施~实现创品夺牌。今年我们将对全州范围内的商标注册情况进行全面调查摸底~了解掌握辖区各类经济主体商标注册、使用情况~包括已注册商标、正在申请尚未核准商标、已注册但未使用的闲臵商标、已在国外注册的商标、涉农商标的注册使用等情况~将我州商标的基本情况汇编成册~为商标品牌发展提供有力的数据保障。在全面掌握我州商标发展基本情况同时~为进一步加强我州创品夺牌工作力度~形成创品夺牌工作常抓不懈的良性机制~今年我们将给州委、州政府及时汇报~组织农业、质监、旅游等相关部门~结合我州的“十二五”发展规划~制定“十二五”期间全州创品夺牌工作规划和意见。 ,三,实施品牌战略~ 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 引导争创各种品牌商标 根据我州品牌兴州十二五规划要求~全州工商部门要科学指导~规范指导、扶持、培育争创著名、驰名商标。2012年推荐企业如下: 1.指导、培育国家级驰名商标 湖南土家人集团工贸有限公司“土家人”商标 凤凰古城旅游有限责任公司“天下凤凰”商标 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 湘西猛洞河旅游开发有限责任公司“天下第一漂”商标 2.申报省著名商标 湘西自治州天源建材有限公司的“金湘水泥”商标 湘西宏成制药有限责任公司的“宏成”商标 湖南湘源植物生化有限公司的“佳民”商标 古丈县有机茶业有限公司的“倩云”商标 保靖县万发农业产业发展有限公司的“万发”商标 凤凰县梳宝斋角艺厂的“梳宝斋”商标 凤凰县边城银庄的“边城”商标 吉首市五金厂的“银世界”商标 湘西自治州边城醋业科技有限责任公司的“神秘湘西”商标 ,四,加大执法力度~推进商标行政保护工作。 一是做好商标管理的基础工作。要重点利用经济户口管理软件~建立和完善工商所的商标档案~及时掌握企业的商标发展动态。制定商标管理巡查 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~确定检查的重点~认真开展商标日常巡查工作~及时发现和纠正商标违法行为。要按照经济户口管理的要求~对监管检查的计划、内容、处理结果及时、准确录入。 二是认真开展商标印制企业专项检查。要建立商标印制企业台账~着重对商标印制企业承接商标印制件业务的审查登记手续、建立商标印制业务登记表制度和建立商标标识出According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 入库登记台帐制度以及审查登记手续的存档情况进行详细检查。对管理较为混乱~缺乏商标印制的法制意识~各种规章制度落实比较差的商标印制企业~要从加强管理、提高商标印制的法制意识入手~指导其建立健全规章制度~切实规范商标印制行为。 三是开展流通领域商标使用行为的检查。把对消费者投诉较多、商标使用行为较为混乱、关系群众生命健康安全的产品和行业作为检查的重点。引导帮助企业建立健全商标 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~完善商标登记台帐~督促企业严格审查营业执照、商标注册证明、授权委托书等证明文件~从而实现商标管理由静态向动态的转变~减少侵权行为的发生。 四是以保护驰名、著名商标、涉外和涉农商标为重点~继续深入开展保护注册商标专用权行动~切实维护商标所有权人和消费者的合法权益。积极探索尝试市场商标监管工作的新方式~将市场商标监管、促进诚信经营和引导群众消费结合起来。对于商标侵权要加大力度进行查处~各县市要特别注意保护驰名、著名商标企业的商标权益~必须查处3件以上的商标案件。 二、广告工作: ,一,加强引导扶持~促进广告业健康发展 2012年重点抓好《湖南省广告业“十二五”发展规划》的贯彻落实工作~促进广告业健康发展~充分发挥广告业在According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 服务生产、引导消费、创建品牌、推动经济增长中的功能作用~为企业排忧解难~为扩大消费需求~促进经济平稳较快发展~努力营造健康、有序的广告市场环境。 1.制定规划计划。2012年要把广告业的发展纳入重要的议事日程~作为工商监管职能工作重要内容~列入绩效的重要指标。要认真贯彻落实《湖南省广告业“十二五”发展规划》精神~开展一次广告业调查活动~摸清我市广告业现状~查找存在问题~制订具体措施~紧紧结合实际、制订广告业十二五发展规划~推进指导广告业发展各项工作。 2.指导扶持广告业发展。深入研究广告主体的新构成、新特点和新趋势~积极引进外资兴办广告业现有的广告业进行科学指导~改组改制~强化联合~做强做大~鼓励我州广告业发挥优势~跨行业、跨地区经营~选择1至2家广告业参加资质评定~积极参加国内外广告交流合作~提高广告 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、策划、发布水平。 ,二,加强监管~开展广告专项整治工作 1、完善和落实广告监测制度,加强广告监测和预警。严格规范广告媒体监测工作。省局已为各县市配备了广告监测设备~并将进一步加强广告监管人员的培训~各县市局要加强对监测数据的分析研究,及时发布监测预警提示和违法广告公告,并做到监测与案件查办的有机衔接,确保违法广告及时得到查处。 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 2、继续把直接关系人民群众健康安全的医疗、药品、食品、“两非”等广告作为整治重点~依法严格查处。进一步加大执法力度~从严查处在食品广告中宣传对疾病的预防和治疗作用等违法行为,从严查处在医疗、药品广告中夸大功能、保证疗效、保证治愈~使用患者、公众人物、专家名义作疗效证明的违法行为,从严查处未经广告审查机关审查擅自发布医疗、药品、保健食品广告的违法行为,从严查处以新闻报道、专家咨询等形式变相发布广告的违法行为,严厉打击各类严重损害消费者权益的虚假广告。各县市局必须严厉查处各类违法广告~特别是违法媒体广告必须进行立案查处~不能只采取责令改正和责令停播等一般行政措施~各县市查处的各类广告违法案件必须达到10件。 3、加强对涉及和影响社会稳定、危害未成年人身心健康等严重违法及不良广告的监管。进一步增强敏感性和预见性~迅速果断处臵重大违法广告~及时把危害和不良影响有效控制和消除在萌芽状态~防止蔓延或失控。继续保持打击网上非法“性药品”广告和性病治疗广告的高压态势~加强网上监测和巡查~积极协调有关部门按照各自的职责分工~共同做好对网上不良广告的删、关、查工作~不断巩固整治成果。 4、充分发挥部门联席会议制度~加强部门间的协调配合及联动~不断增强监管的合力和实效~继续巩固、扩大专项According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 整治成果。一是加强对大众媒体广告发布的监管~开展媒体广告发布季度检查工作~会同有关部门监督媒体单位履行广告发布审查的法定责任和义务~严格落实广告发布审查的各项管理制度~二是定期组织召开联席会议,通报和沟通情况~认真研究和解决整治工作中遇到的突出问题~研讨整治措施~制定和完善监管制度,推进广告监管长效机制的建立和完善。 5、加强对广告新媒体的研究和监管。强化对电视购物广告和网上非法广告的治理力度~会同有关部门加强对利用通讯短消息等电信信息服务发送广告的监管,研究探索网络广告的监管方式 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。积极推进广告监管信息化建设~提高监管科技含量~运用高科技手段实现高效能监管。 6、充分发挥基层工商所职能作用~加大对广告市场巡查力度。将监管的视角触及到广告领域的方方面面~尤其是要加大网络广告、药品广告、医疗广告、房地产广告等违法行为发生率较高领域的监管力度。要通过基层工商所进一步强化农村广告市场监管。依法规范涉农广告发布内容~切实加大家用电器、建材、装饰材料等新农村建设重点商品和农资产品广告的监管力度~严厉查处以帮助农民致富为名发布虚假违法的加工承揽、种植、养殖广告的行为,严厉打击以农民为主要对象的招工招聘、劳务培训及借国家对农民优惠政策的名义发布的各类违法广告。 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an
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