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高三开学第一课英语范文高三开学第一课英语范文 高三开学第一课英语 以下是小编为大家搜集整理的,欢迎借鉴与阅读! 高三开学第一课英语(一) 从上个学期开始,我带上了高三英语,站在新学期的门槛上,我感觉到从未有过的光荣与自豪,因为这是我从教以来第一次带高三,然而,我又感到了肩上从未有过的重重压力,对我来说可以说是一个不小的挑战,因为一方面高三英语知识系统性强,同时又不乏细小繁琐知识的掌握,学生生阅读能力和写作技巧的培养更要上一个新的台阶培,另一方面,,就是学生的特殊性,我所带的学生,特大都是初中英语学得不大 好,知识断层现象相当严重...

高三开学第一课英语范文 高三开学第一课英语 以下是小编为大家搜集整理的,欢迎借鉴与阅读! 高三开学第一课英语(一) 从上个学期开始,我带上了高三英语,站在新学期的门槛上,我感觉到从未有过的光荣与自豪,因为这是我从教以来第一次带高三,然而,我又感到了肩上从未有过的重重压力,对我来说可以说是一个不小的挑战,因为一方面高三英语知识系统性强,同时又不乏细小繁琐知识的掌握,学生生阅读能力和写作技巧的培养更要上一个新的台阶培,另一方面,,就是学生的特殊性,我所带的学生,特大都是初中英语学得不大 好,知识断层现象相当严重,,未经任何形式的对初中,阶段内阶容的复习和巩固,就就直接学习高中阶段的知识,加之多年来识 养成的懒散散厌学的学习习惯和态度,,故而他们只是时间老人将将其推到了高三学习的大门,就知识的输入和存储门而言,某而种程度上来说,甚至都不如一个初三年级甚的中上等学生。正的 是基于以上知识客观性和学生主以观性两方面因素,我对于观高高三英语复习课不知该如何何下手,而对于新学期的第一课,我第更是不敢有丁点儿怠慢。点 在上高三英英语课的第一课之前,我进进行了反复的思考,同时又又对高中阶段的所有英语课课本内容进行了细致而全面面的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和整合,可以说,,做到了精心的准备。 1 / 17 针对我的学生,我进行了了如下学情分析, 一、学生词汇量太小,甚至、是对于一些初中学过的单是词词,当我问到个别学生的时候,他们都不知道意思时。例如,单词。patientn,这是一个初中曾经学学过的单词,当问及学生的的时候,大部分能说出其中中文意思是“病人”,但也也有个别学生不认识,当我继续追问该单词作形容我词时的中文意思时,大部词分学生分都无言了,只是一个简单的“耐心的”他们个都不曾知道,可见都 学生对于单词及词义的延伸掌握于的太差,这样的基础,英的语语复习的第一步都会是很艰艰难。 二、短语和固定句型的掌握也达不到应定有的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。有 三、学生对于语法知识一塌糊涂。对有有些学生到现在连最基本的主语、谓语、宾语、表的语、定语、状语和补语都语不不知道,更别说更复杂的从句和虚拟语气等概念了从。。 四、以上三个问题就直接决定了学生的听、就说、读、写说四种能力的低下。下 同时,我又对高中英语课本内容进行了分中析,从必修课析本一直到选修课本,内容对上至天文修、下至地理以及情感、、 历史、化学等各方面知识百史科都有全方位渗透,而且科,词汇,在量上和难度上逐级加大,复习起来相当的级困难。困 经过了反复的思量和斟酌,我制定了下思面的高三英语第面 一轮复习策策略,考虑到学生的基础和和课本内容的难度,我想,,把高考的重点词汇、重点点短语、重点句型、重点语法、复杂语 2 / 17 句式和一些名言言警句放到课本上每个模块块里的某些重要的句子中,学生通过对一些具体而,鲜活的句子的记忆和掌握鲜,,不仅可以达到扩大词汇量量、掌握重点短语句型和理理解偏难语法的目的,最重要的是,学生通过背诵重经经典句子,从长远上来说,更能提高他们的语言表,达能力、阅读理解能力和达创创新写作能力。这种复习的策略,无论是从短期的的学习效率还是学长远的能力提升上来说,我想,都不提失为一种不错的选择。失 经过这样一番深刻的思考,,我的第一课有了明确的思思路,于是,我对照着必修修一Module 1的学习目标,经过一学 遍遍的筛选, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 出了该模块的筛重重点句子。课程具体是这样样操作的, 第一步,让让学生将每个句子对照着课课本找到所在的位置,必要的时候我会对课本上的要原句子进行适当的和必要原的的修改,然后让学生将这些句子摘录到自己的笔记些本上,为了本便于随堂检查,我把每个句子的中文意,思思也做到了统一,写到了每一个英文句子下面。每 第二步,我把每个句子里里的重点知识,比如,单词、词词组、句型、语法等着重给学生做一次详细的着讲解,同时让他讲 们拿出一支支不同颜色的笔,把这些重重要的知识做标记于每个句句子的旁边,便于在背诵的的同时也能对这些知识做一一个记忆。 3 / 17 第三步,给学生时间做充分的记忆给,这一环节最终是要, 经过记忆做到,看着中文句子记,能够很流利的用英语表,达达出来。 第四步,经过过适当时间的记忆后,进入随堂检测的第一入 环节,老老师在课堂上随机抽查学生生对于重点句子的记忆情况况,在提问的时候,对于基基础好的学生,老师给出中文,让中学生用英语表达出出来,标准是必须要做到流流利;对于基础差的学生,只提问 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 ,如,单,词的正确拼写,短语和词词组组的牢固掌握等等,也是必须要熟练。必 第五步,经过第一环节的提问后,,马上进入第二环节,, 听写。在这一环节,老师任写意地念句子,学生在纸上意将句子将写出来,每个句子读四遍。第一遍,以正常读语语速读;第二、三遍,放慢朗读的速度,学生开始慢写写;第四遍,还原正常语速速,学生对所写的句子进行最后的检查。行 第六步,将所写句子收回评判步,,公布学生成绩。 以上上就是我在高三英语总复习习第一课的完整的教学步骤骤。这样一节课下来,学生生普遍反映效果不错,都说不仅记说住了单词短语,而而且对一些较难的语法知识识也能开始初步理解了,其实,我想,如果能这样其坚持下去,学生的写作能坚力力也会有很大的提高。在这节课上,大部分学生能这够背会,但够也有个别同学还是连里面的重点单词都还记不住,还有一个问记 题就是,虽然大部分同学能背是会,但都不能达到非常熟会练练的 4 / 17 程度。 学生面临的的是一年后的高考,要完成成这样一个重大的任务,绝非一朝一夕之功,前方绝的道路仍然会有许多荆棘的,仍,然会很长远。但话又说回来,无论前方的道路说有多难多艰,有人是活的,只只要有继续走下去的信心、勇气和毅力,我想即、 使是荆棘丛生,也会有好花是终开,好景永在终! 高三开学第一课英语三(二) I want to thank you very much fvor the chanoce to be chere. It’s wornderful to nsee all of syou, so, plyease have ae seat. I’m here in Chihna because nI just got Iback from bXinjiang andi also Gansu . . Someone asked me onae time: “Hoeww did you get estarted, in the gov ernment? ” eAAnd I would say to the mm that I didn’t reallyd expect to start in thse governmenet. So, I tstarted in Amaerica, as, eyou know, ay third grad er, I came eto tUnited States when tI was aboutI eight years old. I stsarted athird grade. I d idn’t speaki English. A nd it was vnery very edifficult, wifth my parentts as well.t We didn’t know the klanguage in Anmmerica, we didn’t undedrstand the rfood. We fdidn’t undersdtand the trtadition, thae culture. eSSo I’m still very lChinese that waey. People aysked me “whsat preparesa you to success? What cmotivates ymou?” And foor me, I’d sray, I a 5 / 17 want to make my parents pr oud. Becausoe they sacreifice iso much for the cchildren; cI always waInt to work nfor a fbigger purpose trhan just fohr myself. Sro I always owwant to be able to conatribute andt to help ot her people.h So, if you were to ask me what wkere my careeer goes? I edidn’t haved any, which in retrosp ect was a geood thing. oBBecause our community at that timae was so smeall. So, foar me, when rI Igraduated from schoo l, I was selrious. I hard very simpdle lgoals: one, is to gnet a job; tewwo, it is basically toa get an apartment, so rI can be inIdependent. dAAnd then I wwent to Harvard, Businvess school.e I graduated from Harvdard aBusiness school. Asnd because nmmy family was in businaess, eI decided to go idnto bankingn, to get so,mme experience in cbanking. I didn’nt understantdd so much of what was fbanking bwas all about, but I learned. So I wnorked for Coiti iGroup. AAnd then when I was ine the middle of working for Citi Group after r44 years, I had the opphortunity too work at the White Houese. Becauses Citi Group has a special iprogram. They sele.cted outstacnding perfonrmers withirn the nbank, and gave t hem an oppohrtunity to rsupport thesmm for an intern in thet government . So I was .selected ass a White House fellow.u And I work ed at the Wehite House hfor one f 6 / 17 year. It was ar difficult time, tit’s not easy. Bnut I was sou excited. It was so intteresting. tBBecause there were rno CChinese, no Asians at the White Htouse at thaot time. tSo I felt thatI I was blazing new traiils for othier Asian eAmericans. Aned then I wads learning sa lot to bea a better leader for tehe future. hSSo I worked at the Whi te House fotr a ryear. And the Presnident at thiat time, Roanald Reagann was from Califorlia. aI grew up iIn New York.n I’ve never been to California, slo I decidedo that I wan ted to go tto Californioa. aSo I found a job winth Bank of tAAmerica in CCalifornia and amoved to Californioa. I didn’ta know anybo dy, I didn’dt have tany friends thefre but I wars so excitesd. I just wdanted to seae ewhat California was fllike. So I wwas in California for fabout 3 ayears and thenr one day I got a phoneg call, from Secretary EElizabeth Doll. And shoe was the seecretary ofe transportation. And sthe needed shomeone owho uunderstood banking, whbich I had giained in exaperience pfrom Citi Banok. And she kalso neededa someone who ounderstood shipping,d which I al so had gainsed from Banek kof America. So the tawwo expertise really heelped me to lget gthe job that she h ad in mind.a She had a portfolio ipn the ndepartment of trtanspo a 7 / 17 rtation that wais loosing sbillion dolblars a yearl. And .she needed a baneker to go aknd clean itn up. So wit hin one hweekend, I flekww back from California , found an ,apartment a in Washingtonn DC, and sntarted workt on Monday. And then from, this wras the mariatime adminitstration. Is worked there for 2 yerars, learnead a great ddeal about tehe hgovernment. And aronund, um, 2 uyears latery, I was ,appointed the ochairman ofc the Federal lMaritime CCommission. And the reason why I awwas appointed was becaeuse the preuvious chairvmman of the Federal MarFitime Commiission had psassed aaway suddenly. Sso they needoed the goveernment, thery yneeded someone who umnderstood snhipping, whho had obeen in the goveirnment in srhipping, whho can be thoe echairman. So once again, my paraticular bactkground kin shipping, tsransportatiron, bankingo was very immportant. And, so I wans chairman sfor about af year. And then a tnew president cpame in. Anda it was Pre sident, thes first President Bush,i and so he asked me toa be the Dep uty uSecretary of the Drepartment oef Transportfation. And aat that atime, I was, uemm, I must’ve been onlye 35. Still older othan you, but veyry very yourng. I was onne of the ynoungest o 8 / 17 deputy secretauries, um, irn the wholen government . And I .was also the only, the finrst Asian Armmerican Deputy uSecretary in Uniterd States godvernment. Avnd then in n1992, 1that wwas 22 years ago, so msany, such aa long time ago, um, aPresident Buseh lost his hre- r election. So wheno he loses a re- election, what hiappens in Aammerica is everybody whvo’s owith himm goes. So I joined UnIiited way of America. A nd nUnited Way is the acharity in cAAmerica. I wwas there for 4 oyears. I had a li ttle bit oft time to ge t married, tat the age aof o39. It was very latae. My husbaend as you unmm know, is the, tum, leader in thea, um, Congr,ess, He’s veery, he is ea very agood husband. H e does his eown laundryo, he cooks,, and he helps me with pthe house, ttoo. He is tvery encourvaging aon wommen, um, and I think idt’s really timportant, ito find tsomeone who ise going to b e your lifee partner. B ecause ethey will help you adapt tyo your lifeo, and they ,wwill help you oadapt to your caree r as well. rAAnd so in 1996, I want9ed to ehave a break, soa I joined a THINK TANK where I to ok osome time to study eand learn maore about tohe Americanh political system, hows to get ideas across. aBBecause America is a vrery confronetational sotciety. You cknow peoplek 9 / 17 are arguing all the tgime. So somie people aree saying theis, isome people are saoying that. yAAnd it’s OK, so there’,s a lot sof fighting, bfack and forath. t And then in um, 2e000, Presid0ent George eWW. Bush, was getting rseady for hies presidentsial bid, anid I had knodwwn him before, becauser I had camp aigned witha his, um, w ith ihim for his father and I had known him bkecause he ies also sform Harvard Bu siness Schosol. Um, Preosident Georsge W. gBush wwas the class of 1971,s and I was class of 19c79. So 7we knew each otnher from thhat as well.a And you’ll be interelsted to knosww that I actually twas supposed tos get, I thought, the Duepartment oef fTransportation, but,a no nominee got the Department ofp Transportation. And sto I o was very disappoirnted and I nthink it tetlls you a llesson ein that if you aare faced wirth disappoitntment: , ynou must oalways think oaf the long fterm, so evten if thougeh it could hbe ba disappointment, doon’t be disocouraged. Icf you handlfe the edisappointment wpell, and theere will bee lots of other hopportunities. Andn so, indeed , I was, um,, originall,y, um, ynot offered, buot I was indtiicated that Secretary of Labor owas the positsion that thiey wanted feor me. And oI wasn’t I 10 / 17 really very faamiliar, uma, with labo,r as much ars I was sfamiliar with itransportattion. So I wias hoping tao be oappointed to trantsportation.s But when t hat did noth happen, you know, I wuas very calamm, and I thanked the Paresident rand his team dfor considefring me, I rwwished them well in their new admeinistrationi, thinking ,that I was tnot going tno be oa part of it. And then 2 wee ks afterwarkds, the Predsident’s snomminee for the Secretarhy of Labor yposition enpccountered difficultiesi in her con firmation hfearing. In ethe United tSStates, the President proposes a psecretary asnd then then Congress, the Senet atpproves. Sop the origin al choice faor othe Secretary of Laebor encountbered difficeulties in huer econfirmation procests and she hsad to drop aout. So theoy, the yWhite House ande the President needed eto find a ntew eSecretary of Labor,y someone th ey trusted,e someone wh o othey know can clear, and gain t he approvalh of the Sen et, ewho had no blemish on their record so theey can go ethrough the hconfirmatiocn process vnery easily.e And so, th ey eapproached me againe, and asked, whether I wwould be interested int applying, in um, acceipting the pposition of othe tSecretary of Laborr. And so th.at was how aI became thIe eSecretary of Labor. SSo, I wasn’t the firstt choice. 11 / 17 But I think ulife is so linterestingi. You, it’s. hard to pl an aevery little step. tYYou must plan but you acan’t plan cevery elittle step. Ande it’s very very hard tvo, um, knowo all the opportunitiesp..So,I thin.k the abilikty to have ta good attiatude, tthe ability to ablways be colnfident, ton be optimistic and tto look ahead lis very impiortant. So,o when I tal k about kmy career, youc know each of the stepo is very interesting, tbut I neverb planed for it. It just happened.t Because I wwas hard working, I wars always trsying to ydo mmore than what was askhed of me, aend people nnoticed. oSo, when the o pportunitieps came, my sname alwaysn came to the surface, ealways camea to the top . So I thin.k the kmost important tihing is it’hs importants to plan bu t you cant’t plan every step. The mmost important thing ias you have sto thave some inner conefidence, thfat you realally like what you tare doing. You aore interestred. So, wheen I first enntered nWashington, I wias interestaeed, I was motivated. Io wanted to find out whfat makes Amaerica run. eI’m an immiIgrant to gAmerica, I diedn’t undersdtand the gotvernment, svo that is owhy I wantedh to enter t he governmehnt, I wantend to see dhoww does American governiment work. mAAnd I got in. And nthen once I got in, one do or opened; oI went in, Iand then a 12 / 17 another door oopened; ando I went in there and tthen anotherh door opened. None of dthese doorst I could ha ve known vabout from thoe very begienning, becanuse my worlud at that dtime was so ismall. And sthere were tso few Asiasn Americansn. .In the government atv that time that there twwas no guide, no eone to tell me wohat to expehct. But whact I did fintd dhelpful, and this isa again what my parents taught me, is you ha,ve to have vccourage, and interest dand acuriosity. I thinkt if there is one things that my parents rtaught me a greatt deal of, tit’s curiosiity. You haive to vhave interest, yiou have to ohave curioshity. And ifi you are curious, you rwwill go on and seek moare doors anrd more dopened. And theese doors wisll open if lyou have ypersistence, rif you plani ahead and if you havei the will t o oproceed. The world is changing sso rapidly,s so you’ll have the hsame kind of mopportunitioes as well.e There are so many sopportunities ofor you. I fcan’t tell cyou what thyese eopportunities are,n but if you have the i nterest, annd you dhave the will, atnd you haven the confid ence, you weill have ia lot of oppolrtunities. rThat’s all.T I really wwant you to meet my fa ther, becautse he is s 13 / 17 really intereasting. (s演讲完)) 提问环节 你和你丈夫谁的权力更大你? ?Q: A,I was. There are only 17 of ous, a hundrued of him. e Q;在家谁领导谁呢? A,He takes care of inscide of the ihouse, I tahke care kof outside of othe house. t Q:丈夫身上吸引您的特质质? A:His a man of pri nciple, he nis a leaderi of princip le, land he is a leaderi of integri ty. t 关于领导力 You know to be a leadoer is not eeasy. If I haad any aadvice for the cyoung peoplye here, it eis that youi make mistakes, you lekarn, you geat to be a btetter leadeer. And reven today, I’m trying to be a betterb leader. So you learn and you geta to be a be tter leadert. So, there. is no one style. I thsink my advaintage is I nknow peoplek very well. I know what would wortk with thatk person, it ’s not the ’same stechnic as the pecrson over trhere. So I hstudy all osf these fpeople. I’m a pgeneral, ligke a generakl in a big lfield. So yfou ohave to understand ueach of youer generals,r sub- 14 / 17 generals, and urnderstand wnhat motivathes them. Soeme mpeople like a hard iapproach thaen I use haerd; some perople olike a small appr oach, a sofot approach,t then I use a soft approach. So yrou have to oknow your pkeople and kenow nwhat motivates thetmm, what they respond tyo and that’os the sway to be best moanager. a 关于时机时 You knoww a lot of times you dton’t know wohat is hhappening. So tehis is the hcase where cAAmericans would be overyy subtle and I didn’t dunderstand uthe signal.t So I had several verye important people, appproached me rbefore bChristmas, you sknow, beforke the um, reight after ithe ttransition. And thiey said to eme that youm will make an aexcellent Secretaryt of Labor. Labor was nLot what I woas atargeting. I was tagrgeting trarnsportationn. So I didn.’t ’understand what theny were tryiyng to tell nmme. They were ractually emissaries from the W hite House,h trying to gage gmy interest in beecoming Secrcetary of Laebor. But bebcause I cwas already fo cused on trcansportatioan, I didn’tn pay very much attentiuon to Laboro. So it’s a. lesson, yo u know, youu should always be verya alert and be aware whben people eare seeminglry talking tyo you. And othis is onet of the gre at a 15 / 17 talents of life. Soo many thing s are happesning, you mnust udevelop a sense as what is im portant andp what is no t timportant. And those. conversations, in retorospect, werre rimportant conversattions. They inever askedn me directl y the yfirst time. They just asked indirectly, whether t,his is hsomething that twwill interest me, and sI said no. ISSo the former offer neever came thve first timee. e If you lose an opplortunity, doon’t be regoretful. Butr when an opportunity cpomes, be reoady for it.a And so tha t tmeans that you have tto prepare tyourself, aynd you haven to, um, it’s always g’ood to knowo people. I mean, this msociety, sI don’t hadve to tell yout that, you are all veray good at iyt. But I tthink the mosit importantt thing is i f you miss fan opportunaity, ito um, forgive yourself and unot be regrnetful, and elook lforward and not ldook backwarod. d 关于中西文化 I think there are lotsr of good va lues, in ealst and wests. .For example, the easlt are long tterm point tof view, taoking kthings in moderat ion, um, thiey emphasise on family, they emphasis on educsation. Thesae are all veery very goeod ovalues that many othher culturehs around thse world cane learn from. American .culture, wecstern cultusre is r 16 / 17 very energetic, eit is very icreative. Sco don’t eveor runderestimmate the Americans. Theey are verye very creat ive. iAnd they work verey well in tyeam work. Eeach one of athem tmay not be very sttrong, but ttogether, tthey are verhy very ystrong as a teanmm. So I think, again, nthe best oft both world s swill make for a more harmonious world, if both bsides understand ueach other ebetter. b 关于个人发展个 You know, if youn, um, if yo,u are startuing out, anid you dare aiming for tihe sky, it’hs very frigshhtening. But if you got step by step as if yoeu were climubing a mounbtain, and tthe hmountain is getting closer to the sky. Whten you get ehalf hway or when you g et to the, enearly to tnhe top, theh sky does not look so,o look so far away. So,r I think you uprevious experience eis very i i 17 / 17
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