首页 临沂相公中学2015年政教工作计(1)



临沂相公中学2015年政教工作计(1)临沂相公中学2015年政教工作计(1) 临沂相公中学 2015年政教工作计划 2015年政教工作思路:紧紧围绕区教体局及上级教育主管部门工作部署~丰富德育工作内涵~提高德育工作实效性~大力推进学校精致化管理~切实加强教师队伍建设~深入实施素质教育~力争学校政教工作再上新台阶。 一、工作目标 增强争先创优意识~强化各项工作落实。全力争创“河东区学校管理工作先进单位”、“河东区师德建设工作先进单位”、“河东区德育工作先进单位”、“河东区安全工作先进单位”、“河东区教育信息宣传工作先进单位”。 二、工作任务、...

临沂相公中学2015年政教工作计(1) 临沂相公中学 2015年政教工作计划 2015年政教工作思路:紧紧围绕区教体局及上级教育主管部门工作部署~丰富德育工作内涵~提高德育工作实效性~大力推进学校精致化管理~切实加强教师队伍建设~深入实施素质教育~力争学校政教工作再上新台阶。 一、工作目标 增强争先创优意识~强化各项工作落实。全力争创“河东区学校管理工作先进单位”、“河东区师德建设工作先进单位”、“河东区德育工作先进单位”、“河东区安全工作先进单位”、“河东区教育信息宣传工作先进单位”。 二、工作任务、措施 ,一, 切实加强德育工作~全面提高德育实效性 1.认真贯彻落实十八届三中、四中全会精神~深入开展中国梦宣传教育和社会主义核心价值体系教育~积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观教育。深入开展“爱学习、爱劳动、爱祖国“三爱”教育活动和“节粮、节水、节电“三节”主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 教育活动。落实上级有关要求~采取有效措施~针对学生年龄和个性特点~强化教育引导~把立德树人贯穿教育全过程。 2.认真落实《中学生守则》、《中学生日常行为规范》~强化学生养成教育。注重学生品行培养~积极推进学生自主管理~激发学习兴趣~培育学生健康体魄~培养优良学风转变~促进of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 教育教学质量的提升。 3.丰富德育内涵~树立德育品牌~打造特色德育活动。继续开展内容丰富、特色鲜明的的系列化主题教育活动~完善学生社团建设~拓展学生实践范围~丰富校园文化生活~提高校园文化品味~扎实推进德育工作精致化、实效性管理。 4.抓好班主任队伍建设~提升年级组长、班主任的工作水平。及时召开年级组长会议~通报各年级组存在的问题和值得推广的做法~提升年级组长的工作水平和领导能力。提高班主任例会质量~强化班主任工作考核~加大班主任培训力度~下大力气提升班主任班级管理的能力与水平~增强班主任工作执行力度~促进班级管理的科学化~规范化。同时深入推进“新教育”实验~继续打造“完美教室”~进一步提升班级文化建设。 ,二, 大力加强政教工作精致管理~推进学校内涵发展 1.进一步提升班级精致化管理水平。继续修订完善班级量化管理细则~细化和强化学生常规检评力度~加大学生教育和违纪处理的力度~加强班风学风建设~加强学生宿舍管理~提高班级整体管理水平。 2.规范和完善校级各类奖项设置和评选办法。根据学校实际情况制定《关于规范校级各类奖项设置和评选办法实施意见》~充分发挥评先树优的导向和激励作用~客观公正地评价教职工工作业绩~大力营造爱岗敬业、奋发向上、争先创优的良好氛围。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 3.深化家校合作~充分发挥学生家长作用。积极落实《河东区教育体育局关于充分发挥学生家长作用的指导意见》,临东教字[2015]5号,~充分发挥学生家长在学校教育教学和日常管理工作中的作用~通过成立家长学校、完善家长委员会组织、召开家长会、举行家长开放日、家长问卷调查、建立家长志愿者队伍等灵活多样的组织形式~引导家长多方位参与学校管理~凝聚家校合力~推动学校教育教学水平的提高。 4.加强学生心理健康教育工作。充分发挥学校心理咨询室的作用~通过多渠道对学生进行心理教育和心理疏导~定期组织开展心理健康专题教育活动~促进学生身心健康发展。 5.加强社会实践活动课程建设。加强校外教育基地建设联系与管理~推动实践活动课程落实。继续组织开展青少年实践基地拓展训练活动~继续开展以敬老院为阵地的传统校外德育基地~创设良好育人环境~培养学生尊老爱幼的优良美德。 6.深入实施学生综合素质评价。规范和完善学生成长档案建设~加强评价结果的管理和使用。 7. 严格控制辍学~提高巩固率。进一步规范学籍管理~规范各项学籍异动的流程和程序~制定《学校控辍保学实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》~严格落实考评奖励制度。对各班学生人数实行动态管理。政教处和学籍办定期监控班级学生人数~将控辍保学工作纳入班级量化管理。 8.加强安全教育和法制教育~增强学生安全防范意识。以开展平安校园为主线~严格落实安全工作责任制~安全一岗双of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 责制~落实安全责任事故问责制~健全各种安全应急预案~切实加强校园各类安全管理。加强学校门卫管理~加大安全隐患排查整治力度~积极开展安全、法制主题教育活动~坚决杜绝校园安全责任事故的发生~努力创建平安和谐校园。 ,三, 进一步加强师德师风建设 1.认真执行《中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 教师职业道德规范》和《河东区中小学教师“十条禁令”》。规范教师行为~坚决杜绝体罚和变相体罚及乱收费的现象发生~提高学校教师职业道德水平。 2.完善师德考核评估细则。适时开展各类师德主题教育活动~丰富学校师德建设内涵。 3.加强师德过程督导。改进师德评议办法~每月组织一次师德评议活动,采取教师互评、考核小组、学生评议、家长评议,~做好学生评教工作~纳入对教师师德考核。 4.发挥各类师德标兵示范引领作用。进一步规范校内师德标兵评比制度~开展首届“身边的感动”----十大年度教师评选活动~充分发挥各类师德标兵及优秀教师的示范引领作用~进一步规范教师行为~树立学校教师良好形象。 ,四,规范办学行为~提高学校办学水平 1.规范课程设置。严格落实国家课程方案~加强课程和教材管理。 2.落实规范办学“五公开”。继续在学校网站公开课程、课时、作业、考试和节假日安排。 ,五,广泛开展体卫艺等活动~全面提升学生素质 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 1.广泛开展阳光体育运动~全面实施体育艺术“2+1”项目。坚持大课间体育活动制度~全面落实学生体育锻炼一小时的要求~做好校运动队的建设与日常训练、竞赛等工作。加大学校创建足球训练基地力度~扎实开展校园足球运动~积极争创“全国校园足球特色学校”。 2.落实《国家学生体质健康 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》~完善学生体质健康监测工作。认真落实健康教育的常规工作~积极开展各项专题健康教育~积极开展“防龋齿、防肥胖和防近视”等学生常见疾病的防治工作。 3. 加强学校卫生管理工作的检查与督导。加强校园环境卫生整洁化~配合学校搞好校园的净化、绿化、美化~加强校园文化建设~提升校园文化品位~进一步营设良好的校园环境。 4.开足开齐艺术课。不断提高学生审美和人文素养。继续开展陶笛艺术进校园活动~继续举行校园文化艺术节活动。进一步提升学校各类学生社团建设~积极拓展学生课外兴趣小组活动项目~组建100人左右的校古琴兴趣小组~丰富学生课余生活~提高活动质量。 5.进一步开展国防教育。认真落实山东省全民国防教育条例和初中国防教育纲要~开足开好国防教育课~按时组织参加全区中小学国防教育知识竞赛~组织新生军训活动。 临沂相公中学 2015年3月 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 附:2015年政教处主要工作安排 3月: 1(制定政教工作计划,下发班级管理材料等各项开学准备工作。 2(督促年级、班级制定工作计划。 3(整理校园环境卫生~提升校园环境质量。 4(开展“行为规范强化月”活动~开展安全卫生及行为规范大检查。 5. 开展“文明礼仪进校园”活动。 6(美化绿化校园活动。,植树节, 4月: 1(开展“缅怀先烈~励志爱国”主题教育活动 2. 安全教育月活动。 3(聘请法制副校长~召开法制教育报告会~请法制教员讲课。 4(革命传统教育活动。,清明节, 5(组织春季田径运动会。 5月: 1(开展“火红的五月”系列主题教育活动。 2(开展“我为学校添光彩”师德大讨论活动~安排师德征文活动。 3(德育基地实践活动。,去敬老院, 4(写给妈妈的一封信。,母亲节感恩教育, 5(组织召开上学期家长会。 6. 义务教育宣传月活动 6月: 1(举行班主任工作经验交流会。 2(学生评教、教师互评等评教活动。 7月: 1(优秀班干部、优秀班级评比。 2(“德、勤”成绩汇总 。 3(学生暑假安全教育。 4(政教 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 ~收齐各种材料。 5(暑期放假安排。 9月: 1. 开学的各项准备工作。 2. 筹备开学典礼、开展教师节系列主题教育活动。 3(校园环境卫生整治 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 4. 组织初一新生常规教育及军训。 5(安排教师师德学习事宜。 6. 校园安全隐患大排查 10月: 1(庆祝建国66周年系列活动。 2(组织第七届校园文化艺术节。 3(组织秋季田径运动会。 4(组织法制安全教育报告会。 11月: 1(利用主题班会对学生加强常规管理教育。 2(组织广播操比赛~迎接区课间操评比验收。 3. 开展交通知识讲座~进行交通安全教育。 4(组织召开校级师德演讲比赛。 5. 组织参加德育主题班会评比。 6(组织召开下学期学生家长会。 12月: 1(组织校级师德标兵评选。 2(进行心理健康问卷调查~了解全校学生的心理状况。 3(组织召开班主任工作研讨会 4. 做好市区级“三好学生”、“优秀学生干部”评选。 5. 各项工作总结。 6(迎接区教体局综合督导检查。 2016年1月: 1(利用升旗仪式对学生加强考风考纪教育。 2(利用主题班会对学生进行考前心理辅导。 3(组织年终学生评优工作。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with
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