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蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 精品文档 蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 赤湾左炮台位于广东省深圳市南山区蛇口半岛的深圳鹰嘴山顶端,分东、西两侧箝制赤湾港,雄视伶仃洋面。一下是收集的导游词,欢迎大家欣赏。 蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 各位游客,上午好!我们已经乘车经过喧闹的深圳市区.繁华的街市,如画的美景,一定给你留下深刻而美好的印象吧!而我们即将前往的蛇口赤湾古炮台,也一定会让你感受到深圳的另一番风情,宁静自然。古朴沧桑! 【正门】 好,我们已经到了景区的正门口。古炮台位于蛇口半岛的赤湾左右两侧的山顶上。大家看,这...

蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 精品文档 蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 赤湾左炮台位于广东省深圳市南山区蛇口半岛的深圳鹰嘴山顶端,分东、西两侧箝制赤湾港,雄视伶仃洋面。一下是收集的导游词,欢迎大家欣赏。 蛇口赤湾古炮台导游讲解词 各位游客,上午好!我们已经乘车经过喧闹的深圳市区.繁华的街市,如画的美景,一定给你留下深刻而美好的印象吧!而我们即将前往的蛇口赤湾古炮台,也一定会让你感受到深圳的另一番风情,宁静自然。古朴沧桑! 【正门】 好,我们已经到了景区的正门口。古炮台位于蛇口半岛的赤湾左右两侧的山顶上。大家看,这是一块1983年由深圳市政府刻立于此的石碑,“深圳市重点文物保护单位”几个字显得格外醒目!原来这里.两处清朝重要的海防工事赤湾左右炮台!赤湾,是昔日广东门户之一,它位于蛇口半岛最前沿,毗邻珠江口,地理位置十分重要!据史书记载:古代外国商船往来广东和广州船只驶往南洋,都要取道于这附近航线。早在明朝,官府就曾在此设立了望台;到了清康熙五十六年,原福建提督杨琳担任广东巡抚时,设立了一系列的炮台,城垣等军事设施,赤湾左右炮台就是其中一处。左右炮台隶属于广东水师提督左营,由南头炮台总指挥,炮台 1 / 13 精品文档 共.驻军20人,生铁炮六门,现在的炮台究竟怎么样了呢?让我们一起进去看看吧! 【石碑】 我们沿着古老的青石小路,在清凉的树荫下捨阶而上,可以看到一路的石碑。大家看!这第一块石碑,是江泽民同志于1995年11月8日题写的:林则徐的爱国主义精神永垂不朽!再看第二块石碑,也是他在1990年6月30日为纪念鸦片战争150周年题写的:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之!这是.人会问了:难道这里与林则徐和鸦片战争.关?您说的没错,让我们深入了解一下吧! 赤湾古炮台地势险要,“临海山梁遏三面之险”俯瞰伶仃洋,遏制珠江口.鸦片战争前,林则徐调任两广总督,与英军的交战迫在眉睫。在林则徐的主持下,广东各地的海防军事要塞均得到了重修加固,包括赤湾左右炮台。鸦片战争中,左右炮台作为清朝重要的海防军事要塞,它为林则徐成功禁烟发挥了重要作用。广东水师提督关天培曾利用炮台,在伶仃洋和穿鼻洋打败英军。书写了人民抵御外辱的光辉一页! 接下来在石碑中还可以看到由毛泽东手书的>中的两首,以及少穆林手书的“海纳百川.容乃大,壁立千仞无欲则刚”。这些石碑都给我们留下了无尽的怀念和思考! 【营房旧址】 2 / 13 精品文档 穿过碑林,我们来到炮台基石,它是一段树根墙,这可是大自然的一大奇观啊!大家看这两颗.着106年树龄的古榕树,多么枝繁叶茂,仰望才可见顶,这些树干与树根盘根错节,已经与墙体成为一体,共同见证了这段不同寻常的风风雨雨。 走上炮台基石,前面就是一块平整的广场。穿过一道拱门,我们可以看到,左手边是由玻璃墙体保护的营房残垣,右手边是现代仿制的四间营房,为了方便我们更好的了解当时的情况。 我们知道,鸦片战争后,国门洞开,海防已如同虚设。到了清光绪中叶,左右炮台已被清政府废弃,炮台边长满一人高的蒿草,人们早已忘了炮台曾拥.显赫的历史 1982年,蛇口大规模开放赤湾港。由于当时的历史局限,右炮台未能保存下来。当人们意识到这里是一处清朝重要的军事遗址时,就把左炮台保留下来了。并对炮台进行了发掘。经考证,赤湾左炮台形状为长方形,坐北朝南,在北边还.一扇门。炮台下部用花岗岩,上部用青砖砌成。全长26.2米,高4.5米。内.营房七间。分别为军方,官房,厨房,神堂和弹药库。在炮台倒塌的营房下面,还发掘出当年驻守的士兵用过的物品,.陶瓷器皿,枪弹,匕首等等。最.趣的是这里还出土了20多枚用瓦片磨成的红黄两色的象棋子,棋子上的黑色字迹仍清晰可见。这一定是当年士兵闲暇之 3 / 13 精品文档 时,摆上一盘,厮杀一番所用的象棋。 【炮台铁炮】 从营房旧址旁的台阶,走上海拔170米的炮台山顶,我们向往已久的炮台就展现在我们眼前。虽然只.一枚锈迹斑斑,不到两米的铁炮静静倚着,但它的沉默与人们的欢笑同样.魅力。人们沐浴在阳光下,走动在古老的城墙边,竞相与古炮合影,景象是那么和谐,很难想象,这里曾是一个举足轻重的军事要塞,一个战火纷飞的古战场! 1983年,蛇口工业区将左炮台修复,并于1984年林则徐诞辰200周年之际向游客开放。1993年这里成为爱国主义教育基地。重修后的炮台达360平方米。 【林则徐铜像】 最后我们往右边走几步,展现在大家眼前的就是林则徐铜像了,它是在1984年由深圳市政府树立与此的。并请赵朴初题字,这尊铜像高3.2米,重达1.8吨,座高1.5米,基座是由大理石砌成。林则徐面容庄严,气宇轩昂,他身佩宝剑,手持一柄单眼望远镜。远眺烟波浩渺的伶仃洋,在他的身后,是一片绿海松涛。更显得气氛庄严肃穆,令人不愿打扰这位伟人的沉思。林则徐号称开眼看世界第一人,但他老人家不会想到,昔日重要的军事要塞下,出现了一个生机勃勃,巨轮穿梭的现代化大港。 【港口雄姿】 4 / 13 精品文档 在林则徐身边,最开心的莫过于和他一起看港口雄姿 了。赤湾港犹如镶嵌在蛇口半岛的一颗明珠,面积达2.2平 方公里,水深13米,是停靠万吨巨轮的主要货运码头之一。 隔海望去,之见几十座20层高的巨型起重机沿码头一 线排开,面对堆积如山的集装箱,繁忙而不见人影的码头, 我们一定会体会到现代自动化工业发展的成就。 好了,今天的讲解就告一段落,请大家自由参观,半个 小时后,我们再集合上车,谢谢大家! 蛇口赤湾古炮台英文导游词 Each visitor: How are you, welcome you to Shenzhen to travel, I am your guide DAVID. Each visitor, good in the morning!We have already gone by car has been quarreled of downtown in Shenzhen.Prosperous business center, such as painting of lovely view, definitely leave a deep but fine impression for you!And we will soon go to of snake red gulf thou fort, will definitely make you feel some kind of another romantic feelings of Shenzhen as well, quite nature.Ancient plain vicissitudes of life! 【Center door 】 Like, we have already arrived the center door of 5 / 13 精品文档 view area.Thou the fort is located in or so summit of hill of two sides of the red gulf of snake peninsula up.Everyone sees, this is a cake of is in 1983 engraved by city hall in Shenzhen to sign here of stone tablet, "Shenzhen City point cultural object protection unit" a few words seem to be particularly refreshing!Originally have two Manchu Dynasty important coastal defense works hereRed gulf or so fort!The red gulf is in former days one of gates in Guangdong, it is located in a snake the peninsula Be ex to follow, adjacent Pearl River, geography position is very important!Jot down according to the historical records:Is ancient foreign merchantman contacts Guangdong and boats and ships in Guangzhou drive into Southern Asia, all want via at this nearby flight path.As early as Ming Dynasty, the authorities once established watchtower here;To settle Kangxi for 56 years, Fukien lifted Du at first when Yang Lin served as Guangdong to cruise to fondle established a series of fort, military installations like city wall,etc, the red gulf or so fort was an among those places.The or so fort belongs to navy in Guangdong to lift Du Tsoying, 6 / 13 精品文档 from south head fort commander in chief, the fort totally has already stationed soldiers 20 people, the cast iron cannon is six, the fort in nowadays how actually?Let let's go in and see together! 【Stone tablet 】 We along ancient granite path, at fresh and cool shade under a tree 捨 rank but up, can see arrive all the way of stone tablet.Everyone sees!This a piece of stone tablet is Jiang Zeming's comrade on November 8, 1995 to write:Wood Xu's patriotism spirit then wills long be remembered by posterity!See the second stone tablet again, is also that he writes for being in remembrance of Opium War 150 on June 30, 1990:Gou benefit national life and death with, avoid to tend because of the disaster blessing it!This is someone will ask:Here and Lin does Xu then have relation with Opium War?You say make us thorough to understand for a while right! Red gulf thou fort the geography is hazardous, "face the insurance of the sea mountain beam E three noodles" overlooks the ocean of Ling Ding and suppresses a Pearl River.Wood before the Opium War, 7 / 13 精品文档 then two wide governor of provinces of Xu Diao Ren, and British army's belligerence of the utmost urgency.At wood then slowly of manage under, the coastal defense military of the whole Guangdong fortress all is rebuilt to reinforce, includes red gulf or so fort.In the Opium War, the or so fort is Manchu Dynasty important coastal defense military fortress, it was a wood to then slowly and successfully ban smoking to develop an important function.Navy in Guangdong lifts a Du pass the Pei once made use of fort for sky, in the ocean of Ling Ding and wore nose ocean to vanquish British army.Glorious one page that wrote Chinese people to resist outside Ru! Connect down can also see from the hair Ze east handwritten in the stone tablet ofmedium of two, and little Mu handwritten wood's"sea Na 100 Chuans have already permitted is big, the wall signs thousand Rens without the desire then just".These stone tablets all left to us to endlessly think of and consider! 【Barracks old address 】 Once wore stone tablet wood, we arrive at fort sill, it is a root wall, and this is a big spectacular sight of the great universe!Everyone sees these 2 have for 8 / 13 精品文档 106 years, the ancient banyan of tree age, what the heavy leaf is just luxuriant, look up at it is thus clear that crest, these wrong stanza, have already become integral whole with wall body, common witness this disturbances that is different usually. Walking fort sill is before a piece of neat square.Once wore an arched door, we could see, left hand side from glass wall body protection of barracks damaged site, the right hand side is that the modern makes copy of four barrackses, for the sake of convenience we are better understand the then circumstance. We know that Opium War after, the entrance to a country opens widely, coastal defense already like nominal.To settle a Guangxu middle period, the or so fort has already been abandonned by the pure government, fort the side is full with one person high Hao grass, people have already forgotten fort to once own imposing history In 1982, snake the harbor that is largescale to open red gulf.Because the then history limits, the right fort can not keep down.When people realized that here 9 / 13 精品文档 was important a Manchu Dynasty military ruins, protect left fort to stay.Combined to carry on exhumation to the fort.Through research, the red gulf left fort shape is a rectangular, face south, there is still in the north a door.The fort lower part is used granite, the upper part is carved with the green brick.All grow 26.2 meters, 4.5 meters in height.Inside have the barracks 7.It are respectively military authority, officer's building, kitchen, absolute being hall and powder magazine.The barracks that tumbles down in the fort also digs out below the soldier who garrisoned in those early years once uses of product, had the porcelain and ceramics the container, bullet, bayonet etc..Here was stillmost interesting to still sprout more than 20s to whet with the tile of the elephant pawn of red and yellow dichromatism, the black record of writing of pawn is still clear it is thus clear that.This must be those early years soldier spare time of, put 1 dish, fight some kind of use of Chin chess. 【Fort iron cannon 】 Old step at the side of address from the barracks, walk Shanghai pull out the fort summit of hill of 170 10 / 13 精品文档 meters, we look forward to already a long time of the fort make a show of at us in the moment.Although only a rust vestige spot spot, don't arrive the iron cannon of two meters quiet quiet lean on, its silent equally have magic power with people's mirth.People bathe in the sun and take a stroll by the side of the ancient city wall and competitively match a shadow with thou cannon, the prospects is so harmonious, very difficult imagination, here once was a prominent military fortress, a battle fire fell thick and fasted of ancient battlefield! In 1983, the snake industrial area repairs left fort, and at the wood of 1984 then slowly birthday 200 anniversary moments open to the visitor.1993 here become patriotism education base.The fort after rebuilding reaches to 360 square meters. 【Wood then slowly bronze statue 】 We finally walk toward the right side several step, the display is a wood before everyone's eyes Xu then bronze statue, it is in 1984 set up by city hall in Shenzhen and this.Combine to invite Zhao Pu Chu word, this bronze statue is 3.2 meters in height, weigh up 11 / 13 精品文档 to 1.8 tons, is 1.5 meters in height, and the base carves to?from the marble.Wood then Xu Mian Rong's majesty, impressive demeanor, his body wears a doubleedged sword and hold one handle simple eye telescope.Take a distant look mistshrouded waters Hao boundless ocean of Ling Ding, at his is after death a loose green one sea big wave.Seeming to be atmosphere more is solemn solemn and peaceful, make people don't wish to bother this contemplating of great man.Lin Ze Xu declares that China opens eyes to visit a world one person, but his old man's house can't thought of, the in former days important military fortress is next, appeared one animate, huge round the modern big harbor for shuttling. 【Port magnificent posture 】 At wood then slowly and nearby, most happily and nothing is better than in see port magnificent posture together with him.Red gulf harbor as if inset in a bright pearl of snake peninsula, the area reaches to 2.2 square kilometers, water deep 13 meters, is stop to depend ten thousand a ton one of the main freight transportation wharves of the huge round. 12 / 13 精品文档 Separate sea and hope and go, it see the giant derrick of several ten 20 story highs follow wharf front line the row open and face a pile of gather and pack, busy but don't see person of wharf, we will definitely realize a modern and automate the achievement of the industrial development. Like, explaining in detail of today comes to an end for the time being and pleases an everyone free visit, half hour after, we gather again to get on the car and thank everyone! 13 / 13
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