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谭氏族谱(Tam tree)


谭氏族谱(Tam tree)谭氏族谱(Tam tree) 谭氏族谱(Tam tree) Sixty-seven years, forty-six years of Qianlong November 20th 1901 noon died, was buried together with his wife to the left. Distribution: Wang, fifty-four years of emperor Kangxi in September 16th next year sixty-two, Haishi, f...

谭氏族谱(Tam tree)
谭氏族谱(Tam tree) 谭氏族谱(Tam tree) Sixty-seven years, forty-six years of Qianlong November 20th 1901 noon died, was buried together with his wife to the left. Distribution: Wang, fifty-four years of emperor Kangxi in September 16th next year sixty-two, Haishi, forty-two years of Qianlong February 22nd jeongyujaeran Haishi died, was buried Yan Tang Shan tiger shaped card Shanjia to g. Children eight: vibration first, vibration ball, vibration Dan, vibration Heng, vibration recorded, cheer up, vibration material, vibration pure. Female: Jicai clock. The second dimension constant: Zhao Di, word Huan Kang, three, sixty-one years of emperor Kangxi renyin on thirteen noon, eighty-six years, twelve years Jiaqing Dingmao October 12th Chenshi died, was buried together with his wife to the left. Distribution: Xie, Kangxi sixty-one year renyin November 12th straw health, forty-nine years, thirty-six years of Qianlong January September 28th did not die, bury Yan Tang Shan Ying of Weng tiger shaped right other Shanjia to erect a monument to Zhong Geng. Children three: vibration text, vibration Wu, vibration light. Female two: suitable Hu Hu, suitable Hu Mingcong. Three dimensional constant: Zhao Ji, in the words first, four, three years of emperor Yong Zheng in February 25th ninety-six years between ulsa, March 13th, twenty-five years Jiaqing Gengchen Sishi dead, buried together with his wife hung right to. Distribution: hung, students who died is unknown, of Qiao Ye Tang Gu Ying buried the three cards to the same. Following: Wang, nine years of emperor Yong Zheng in October 18th of the year seventy-four, Haishi, Jiaqing ten years he died in August 21st of Choushi, Qiao Ye Tang Gu Ying was buried with the right to. Son: three Zhenfa, vibration, vibration Jun. Woman 1: Peng Qilu. Four dimensional constant: Zhao Rong, five, word akimune, Ding Qing Yong Zheng five years sixty-four years, October 27th Yinshi, Qianlong fifty-five years' December 18th did not die, he left his wife to the same burial mound. Distribution: Pang, seven years of emperor Yong Zheng in August eleven days Jiyou, sixty-two years, Qianlong fifty-five August 20th between gengxu dead, buried Qiao Ye Tang of Gu Ying to the left. Son five: vibration, vibration, vibration Zhensheng, justice, political isolation. Twenty-eighth Dynasties Zhao: vibration branch, pull the eldest son words before the election three years May 13th, ulsa Yin Shi Qing Yong Zheng, the wife Qie Shu. Distribution: Hu, born dead buried unknown. Son two: Garcia, etiquette. Pull the second vibration: a million words can be selected, the Qing emperor Yong Zheng nine years of the beginning of June two noon, fifty-six years, fifty-two years of Qianlong May 27th reding Haishi died, was buried after the Housing dam Tang Chong Chen Shan Xu to erect a monument. Distribution: Lee, four years of Qianlong fifty-seven years in August 20th has not born, the first year of Jiaqing Bingchen August 16th did not die, bury of Chestnut Hill wood (the prefix following a bunch of words) under the same card to Weng ying. Children two: Home Ming, home virtue. Following: young, students who died is unknown, buried under the dam Tang Wu Song, tombstone. Lizzy: the eldest son of Zhao Kun vibration, word line four, Rui, Yong Zheng thirteen years and eight days when B at the beginning of February, twenty-nine years, twenty-eight years of Qianlong 1823 August 13th Chenshi died, was buried on the Shenzhen Tong is worthy of a mountain of lime to g. The second: Zhen'ge, MB extraction was selected for the six words, the first year of Emperor Qianlong, in early October ten, Bingchen Yinshi, seventy-two years, Jiaqing thirteen years at the beginning of July ten, Wushi boshin died, he buried his wife Xiao Zhong left the same direction. Distribution: Shaw, sixteen years of Qianlong June twenty days when Xinwei, forty-six years, two years Jiaqing Dingsi February 14th the dead, buried dam Tang Chong Li Shan Chai Fen (this prefix following a bunch of words) to Yin Shi shen. Son two: heraldries, Jia yue. Zhao: Zhenyu, extract three character training, seven, five years of Qianlong seventy-one years between June 18th Gengshen, Jiaqing fifteen years, at the beginning of September ten, Gengwu Yinshi dead, Zhenshang buried mountain Hongxing group left to Wu Zi fen. Distribution: Qin, Qing Qianlong thirteen years in October 11th twenty-eight years on the boshin, Qianlong forty-one years in April 17th, Bingchen Choushi died, was buried on the old house of Shenzhen has Zubi grave not ugly to the mountain. Son one: family friend. Zhao Zhenguo, extract four: selected, eight words, ten years of Qianlong of Qing Yi December 21st Wushi, seventy-eight years, three light years 1823 September 19th Hai died, was buried together with wife Wang Zhong left to. Distribution: Wang, Qing Qianlong seventeen years in September 27th fifty-eight years at nonanal, Jiaqing fifteen years, September 24th at noon Gengwu died, was buried behind the house of Chen Ba Tang Gu Ying with tiger shaped to the left. Three children: home, home, Lin, home bin. Two female: Xie Yuming, Nie Shende. Zhao extract five sons: vibration officer, word selection for nine students, Confucianism, who died is unknown, Zhang Yu and his wife buried granduncle Qin to the left. Distribution: hung, students who died is unknown, buried Ba Tang Zi Shan Yu Geng Jia Shan head to the brain. Son one: family planning. Female: Zhong Chu book. Zhao Fang son: Zhen Yin, suitable Shu, students who died was unknown. Zhao was eldest son: Zhen Lun, the word is still friends, eleven years of emperor Yong Zheng in April 12th on the seventy-three years Guichou, Jiaqing ten years in September 20th, he died between, buried head of Yu Zi Shan Tang Shu Fang Zhao brain left to another grave. Distribution: Kim, students who died is unknown, Chong Jing Chong should be buried catalpas's brain Geng Shanjia to. The second: vibration, Zhao significant word Ming, Qing Yong Zheng thirteen years 1915 September 21st the students, sixty-two years, two years Jiaqing Dingsi March 11th Chenshi died, was buried old Cliff House door of the father to the same grave. Three: MB Zhenfang, word wizards, line three, four years of Qianlong April 24th has fifty-nine years, university students, three years Jiaqing skelgas March 20th Chenshi died, was buried with old father to the grave with the past. Distribution: Wang, twenty-two years of Qianlong Dingchou November 11th Chenshi, thirty-nine years, the first year of Jiaqing Bingchen June 12th Choushi died, was buried together with the husband. Three children: Fen, family, family element. Two female: Wang Rongqi, Xie Shengting. Vibration: first, the eldest son of Zhaoxiang word is the first year of Qian Long, the Qing Bingchen August 23rd Yinshi of forty-eight years, forty-nine years, Qian Long Chen Yin died March 19th, buried nineteen pond dam Horse cattle to Shangeng Shanjia Jia Lun han. The second: vibration ball, Zhaoxiang words were for five years, the Qing Emperor Qianlong Gengshen September 22nd Chenshi, suitable Shu, died buried unknown. Zhaoxiang three sons: Zhen Dan, the words were even, eight years of Qianlong sixty-seven years in September 13th gyehae Haishi, Emperor Jiaqing fourteen years, December 30th died of cold mountain cattle Haishi, buried with her brother left the same to the first grave vibration. Four: Zhen Heng, Zhao Xiang Zhen Qing Qianlong eleven years character, the beginning of the July noon, eighty-seven years, fourteen years in December 14th, Sino Japanese Light Haishi dead, buried wire has been left with Tang Kan Ying to. Distribution: Pang, Qing twelve years of Qianlong Dingmao June 25th seventy-nine years, Haishi, Daoguang five years at the beginning of December eight, the dead buried behind Ma Jia Lun Hai, Yin Kun Shen to Longshan mountain. Son four: Home pine; Bai Jiajun, in addition to home, brother vibration recorded as heir; Jia sheng. Woman two: Wang Shengcai, thanks. Five: vibration Zhaoxiang book, the words were issued, six, thirteen years of Qianlong December 20th born sixty-eight years boshin Haishi, Bingzi, Jiaqing twenty-one years at the beginning of September nine, Haishi died, buried Yan Tang Shan Ying left with tiger shaped attached to erect a monument. Nadeshiko: Jun, to hang three into the following sub brother vibration. Zhaoxiang six sons: perk, line eight, fifteen years of Qianlong Gengwu day in December twenty-eight, fifty-three years, Jiaqing eight years at the beginning of June two days when Guihai died, was buried with cold mountain cattle brother Ying Geng Shanjia right to pure vibration. Seven: vibration material, Zhaoxiang sub word Zong Sheng, twelve, nineteen years of Qianlong was the beginning of May nine, fifty years, between students, Jiaqing eight years of gyehae died, was buried with cousin Zhen Wu Tang Qiao Ye Ying right to erect a monument. Distribution: thirty-five years of Qianlong of Qing Jiang, Geng Yinzheng at the beginning of the month six, sixty-three years, luxurious, light twelve years Renchen on August 12th did not die, bury Ba Tang Chong Tang Shan Gan Xun back to wild duck. Son one: home wins. Woman 1: Wang Jilin. Eight: vibration Zhaoxiang pure, the words were lifted, for fourteen, twenty-one years of Qianlong October 29th Bingzi Choushi, forty-three years, four years Jiaqing has died in August 23rd buried cold mountain Haishi, cattle with brother first right to vibration. Zhao Di Zhen Wen Hua, the eldest son: the word in four, ten years of Qianlong of Qing Yi December 22nd Wushi, seventy-two years, twenty-two years Jiaqing Ding Choushi at the beginning of the month nine day Yinshi dead, buried Qiao Ye Tang of Uncle Zhao Ji Ying right to erect a monument, a hollow coffin. Distribution: Luehdorfia, students who died is unknown, buried Ma Jia Lun Xia purple on the left brain to Zhong Shan Gan xun. After sixteen years of Qianlong of Qing Dynasty: Hayes, Xinwei May 24th year eighty-five, Yinshi, Daoguang fifteen years after noon November 17th Yiwei died, gaizang nineteen spent pavilion area Yan Tang Shan Wang Li Shan Shan Chen Xu behind the brain to erect a monument to the grass. Two children: home, home. Woman 1: Zhong Penghui. The second: Katherine Di Zhenwu, Chinese word, line seven, fifteen years of Qianlong Gengwu years forty-two, February 18th between students, fifty-six years of Qianlong April 12th 1911 died at noon, Tang Ying grandmother of buckwheat leaf buried the two cards to erect a monument. With: Wang, Sheng unknown, down the hall. Son one: the family thread. Woman 1: the king of fitness. Zhao Di three sons: light, the word Hua Yao, ten, eighteen years of Qianlong Guiyou eighty-three years, August 29th Yinshi, Daoguang sixteen years after July 14th when bingshen died, gaizang nine Hushan section house first Ying Wu Chang of Yucca Mountain to the dry right. Distribution: Wan, twenty-nine years of Qianlong Jiashen years fifty-three, March 17th Chenshi, Jiaqing twenty-two years at the beginning of the month six noon Ding Chouer died, was buried with Gu Ying Qiao Ye Tang Zu the first brand to the same. Son three: Ji Shang Zhi home, home; family. Three female: Tang Tinggui, Hu Hong Wei Jiawei suitable, suitable for high. Zhao Ji Zhenfa, eldest son: eleven, word of glory, nineteen years of Qianlong was positive at the beginning of the month ten days around the students, fifty-eight years, sixteen years Jiaqing Xinwei October 12th did not die, bury Qiao Ye Tang with cousin Zhencai right to the grave. With the dragon's death, life is unknown, he was buried with the husband. Have a burning shame: home. Woman 1: Zhou Shiguang. Yoshi Jiko: the perfect word, Guangyu, line eighteen, twenty-eight September twenty-seven days of Qianlong 1823 sweat when, sixty years, two light years of the beginning of the October, Yan Tang Shan Yin Shi died, was buried with tiger shaped cousin Ying left to record vibration. Distribution: Xie, twenty-nine years of Qianlong Jiashen years twenty-six, November 11th Haishi students, fifty-four years of Qianlong Jiyou November 27th Chenshi died, Jiaqing eleven years by Yan Tang Shan tiger shaped gaizang Tang Xu Zhong Qiao leaf left the other mountain to chen. Son two: now, home. Zhao Ji San Zi: Zhen Jun, words from twenty-one, thirty-one years of Qianlong bingxu day at the beginning of September sixty-six years, Chen Shi, Daoguang twelve years at the beginning of October seven, the Imjin Yinshi dead, buried hill of Ying Tang Yuan tiger shaped left to right coffin. Distribution: Lee, thirty years of Qianlong in early April nine, the birth of eighty-seven years, Chen Shi, Xianfeng two years Renzi twenty-one January Haishi died, was buried Yan Tang Shan tiger shaped sand Geng Shanjia to the right. Son eight: Home Jun, Wang home, home, Home Feng Yun, home, home like home, family or bullfinch. Zhao Rong son: vibration, nine, seventeen years of Qianlong December 21st Choushi nonanal, brothers wife resettlement Hubei Prefecture of Yichang Badong County in eight before a longxi. Distribution: Lee, students who died is unknown, buried in Badong longxi. Zhao Rong: the second word Zhensheng, nine, thirteen, twenty years of Qing Emperor Qianlong Yi Hai in early April five, Choushi born dead, buried unknown. Distribution: Yu's thirty-five years of Qianlong, the Qing Yin Geng March 28th at noon, he is buried. Child a: home show. Two female: dragon to fitness, li. Zhao Rong San Zi: vibration, twenty-six years of Qianlong March 21st "Haishi students died of unknown buried. Distribution: Lee, who died of unknown buried life. After Zhang's students died, was buried unknown. Zhao Rong Sizi: Zhen Yi, Zi Shaozu, nineteen, twenty-eight years of Qianlong December 26th 1823 Sishi, the wife Qie suitable Shu, died buried unknown. Distribution: Xie, Qianlong forty-nine years at the beginning of the March three day - Chen, hall. Son one: family benevolence. Zhao Rong Wuzi: Zhen Zheng, thirty-one years of Qianlong August 18th bingxu Haishi, who died is unknown, buried in Badong longxi. Distribution: Yu's thirty-five years of Qianlong, the Qing Yin Geng March 30th Sishi, died of unknown buried. Son one: home shun. Twenty-ninth Dynasties The second light: home records, six, fifty years of Qianlong ulsa August 20th when, in twenty-one years, Jia Qingshi died in October 13th he was buried Tang Chong Haishi, Ba Da Yu Ying Ji brother home of another mountain to the right, the ugly, a monument. Light three sons: affected by the party, 000, seven, six year Jiaqing years in November 19th at noon, thirty-five years, sixteen light years bingshen June 21st Yinshi died, was buried Ba Tang Chong Wu Zhushan door card not to have the ugly hill, monument. Distribution: silverband, Jiaqing four years has twenty-four years, September 27th at noon, the light of three years at the beginning of August two, the 1823 died, was buried under the Yellow dam Tang Chong brain Dun Zi Maoshan unitary to a monument. Child one: sound cheap. To the following: Shi, Qianlong fifty years in August 22nd fifty-one years ulsa Chenshi born, Daoguang sixteen years December 15th bingshen Haishi died, was buried Ba Tang Chong Da Yu Ping Zhong Qian bitter strain right another mountain to Xun monument. Thirtieth Dynasties The son of sound: cheap, word to Germany, for a twenty year Jiaqing Yi Hai September 23rd Chenshi, sixty-two years, two years Guangxu Bingzi in early December five days when dead, buried nineteen District seven dam Tang Chong Chen Shan Xu to the middle cerebral. Distribution: Wang Chang Wen, female, Jiaqing nineteen years was at the beginning of November five, born seventy-three years, Chen Shi, Guangxu fourteen years the May 29th Sishi dead, buried together with the right to her husband. Six children: Ann, Ann melancholy, Lu ANN, Anxiang, an Yu, Li. Two female: Xie Han Gong five, suitable beatification. Thirty-first Dynasties Lian: Ann, the eldest son of the sound of a word, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Qing Dynasty thirteen years in December 17th sixty-three years by Kimi, Guangxu twenty-two years in October 29th, bingshen Sishi dead, buried Da Yu Ping attached to Zubi's hard line with the right to the grave. Distribution: Chen Xuan, the Qing Dynasty nine years, year November 27th Wushi, sixty-two years, eighteen years Guangxu Renchen September 22nd Wushi died, was buried at old pond dam, gaizang strains of Zubi to bitter Ping's grave to the left. Birth girl two. The second son: an acoustic melancholy, word Ming Han, two, twenty years the Qing Dynasty seventy-five years Haishi boxer in October 16th, and in four years at the beginning of November eight, 1915 Wushi died, was buried in an Yu Ping line bitter brother left to the grave. Distribution: Wang, Mao Zong Qing Xianfeng two years female, born eighty-two years November 28th Renzi Haishi, in twenty-two years, house of July 22nd Chenshi died, was buried with Gu Ying Wang to the right. Son one: righteousness. Two female: long, suitable time, suitable clock; Xie Qiu yuan. Three: Lu Lian sound, word Ming xiang, Three, the Qing Dynasty twenty-three years guimao early October nine, sixty-two years, Haishi, Guangxu thirty years at the beginning of December five, by Chen died, was buried together with his wife to the right. Distribution: Duchenne, Qing Xianfeng ten years in July 17th thirty-one years by Gengshen, Guangxu seventeen years, Mao Shen died March 19th, buried Ba Tang Chong Ping left the other strains of bitter Gan Shan Xun to heap. Son: a state in the war. Nadeshiko: Bang Yan, brother Li to the second state into the following. The sound of low four sons: peace, word line four, Ji Ming, Qing Dynasty, twenty-six years in August 12th fifty-two years heigo Haishi students, jeongyujaeran Guangxu twenty-three years October 20th Haishi died, was buried in Da Yu Ping An Yu bitter line brother Zhong's wife left Ying Xun to dry mountain. Distribution: Liu, Tongzhi five years of the beginning of February eight, Wushi, hall. Three children: Kunita, Shang Hui; state, state grain war. A woman: Thank Yunchang. Five: An Yu Lian sound, word Ming pool, five, Qing Xianfeng three years at the beginning of February five, Guichou Haishi students, seventy-one years, thirteen years in the cycle of sixteen January Shenshi died, was buried with an elder brother Ying Gan Shan Xun to melancholy right. Distribution: Zhong Shi, Emperor Tongzhi eight years at the beginning of June three on the year thirty-seven, students, thirty-one years Guangxu Otomi October 13th around the dead, buried together with the coffin to the second husband. Son two: state Huai, Bangxiu. The sound of low six sons: Ann Li Ming, word source, line six, Qing Xianfeng eight years skelgas noon in April 27th, sixty-nine years, sixteen years of the Republic of China in March 19th by Dingmao died, was buried with left to Jiashan Geng ying. Distribution: Cheng Shi, Tongzhi five years at the beginning of four, Bing Yinsan Haishi, divorced. Son two: Bang Bang Yan, light; in addition to brother Lu ANN as heir. Thirty-second Dynasties A Noriko: state meaning, word line, Zi Feng, three years Guangxu Dingchou twenty-four January Haishi students Distribution: Huang, eleven years of the Qing Dynasty the Wushi born October 19th Son four: Wu Xing; Xing Rui; Bai Xing, in addition to Dou Kunihiko as heir; Xing light. Woman three: suitable king, suitable Xie Yao, Li li. Ann: the son of Lu Bang Yan Zi Xuan, word, line five, fourteen years of the Qing Dynasty the October 19th Chenshi born Son: Xing Bai, with cousin, righteousness, three sons into the following. Distribution: Chen, twelve years of the Qing Dynasty in early December five bingxu day, divorced. Anxiang son: the state grain, the word Zi bin, eight, seventeen years of the Qing Dynasty in November 28th January Haishi students Nadeshiko: Lam, with three children into the following Bangxiu cousin. An Yu Huai Bang Zi: word, the eldest son of bamboo, seven year, fifteen years of the Qing Dynasty at the beginning of the October day Haishi students Distribution: Hongshi Guangxu ten years, said Geng Yin Choushi born October 14th Son two: Shang Xing poem; Xinchang. Woman three: long, suitable Liu; second, suitable flood; three, Li li. Safety margin: Bangxiu, the second word Zi expensive, nine, twenty-six years of the Qing Dynasty at the beginning of the September day Haishi students gengzi With the clock's winter, two women, twenty-eight years of the Qing Dynasty renyin September 26th Haishi students Son three: Xing Chang; Xing Bing; Xing Lin, in addition to the state for the people of her cousin. Female: long, suitable week. Ann Li's son: state light, the word Zi Lu, three, eleven years of the Qing Dynasty the eighteen January between students of twenty-two years, thirty-three years Guangxu, in early July six, reding died of Beth Ann Yinshi, buried grave with the right to learn. Thirty-third Dynasties State righteousness eldest son: Xing I, word three provinces, No. bamboo Ting, one line, the Qing Emperor Guangxu twenty-nine years, Mao Mao, August twenty-eight days of life Distribution: Zhong Shi, Qing Xuantong Jiyou December 13th Sishi students Son three: Shi Qing, Shang Shi Fa; Shi Ren. Three female: long, suitable time, suitable Zhu; 000; three, single. Yi Xing Rui, the second state: word Radegast, line two, Qing Xuantong first year students Jiyou noon in September 22nd Distribution: Xie, valley girl, 1911 Qing Xuantong three years at the beginning of November six days time Son: shi. Female first. Four: state Yi Xing light, word of Hunan Chen, four, in fifteen years of the March 28th by students Kunihiko son: Xingbai, 100 words, line three, in the first year students at the beginning of November 23rd Renzi Wushi, conscripted into the camp of death, he was buried is unknown. Distribution: Xie, top female, in seven years at the beginning of August six, Choushi born skelgas Children three: world literature, world wealth, world shou. State Grain son: Xing Lin, song words often in twenty-two years in September 24th, house of Wushi students The second: state Huai Xing poem, word Bowen, two, in three years at the beginning of February seven, Jiayin Haishi students With the Zhong family, filial piety and female, in seven years at the beginning of October ten, students Yinshi skelgas Son: Shi Zhuang, Sata. Bangxiu okitsune, eldest son: the word Fuyang, for one, in fifteen years of the December 22nd day and Distribution: Xie, in fourteen years he Sishi students in July 26th The second Bangxiu: Xing Bing, Lu Zhong words, in eighteen years of such nineteen January on students, nineteen years, thirty-six years of the Republic of China in September 13th by his death, Buried nineteen Da Yu area seven Ping Gan Shan Xun to bitter lines. Thirty-fourth Dynasties The second son of Wu Xing: world, spring two, the first word, in twenty-eight years was discovered at the beginning of the month three day Wushi students Wu Xing three: World benevolence, why does the word first in thirty years, Chinese students on November 23rd Xing Rui son: the first word, a style, and in nineteen years in June 17th by students Gengwu Distribution: Liu, autumn and spring, in twenty-two years May 29th Chenshi born Xinwei Bai Xing Shi Wen, the eldest son: the word Ding Xian, two, in twenty-seven years in May 16th the Tiger Born Bai Xing Shi Cai Zhong, the second word: first, for four in twenty-nine years in April 28th, Geng Chen Haishi students Xingbai third: there Shou, character first, in thirty-one years of the beginning of October three noon students Xing poem: the eldest son Paul Yin Zhuang, word, line, in thirty-three years Jiashen twenty-five January Haishi students Xingpoem Sata, second son: word Jixian, line two, in thirty-five years at the beginning of December six, bingxu Wushi health
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