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看电影学口语 真爱至上


看电影学口语 真爱至上看电影学口语 真爱至上 真爱至上1 简介 这实际上是一个短篇故事集,影片为我们讲述十个各自独立发展但是又相互牵连的爱情故 事,不同的爱情以不同的方式降临在不同的人头上,相同的是,它们都发生在距离圣诞节到 来前的五个星期: 故事的主线人物是一位新晋的英国首相(休?格兰特),年轻有为的他在刚刚入主伦敦 唐宁街10号(英国首相官邸)的第一天,就发现自己爱上了漂亮的单身母 亲娜塔丽(玛 蒂?麦克卡森),而娜塔丽的工作就是每天负责为首相端茶倒水,首相碍于自己的身份不好 表白,但是真情又难违,于是他陷入一场天人交战„...

看电影学口语 真爱至上
看电影学口语 真爱至上 真爱至上1 简介 这实际上是一个短篇故事集,影片为我们讲述十个各自独立发展但是又相互牵连的爱情故 事,不同的爱情以不同的方式降临在不同的人头上,相同的是,它们都发生在距离圣诞节到 来前的五个星期: 故事的主线人物是一位新晋的英国首相(休?格兰特),年轻有为的他在刚刚入主伦敦 唐宁街10号(英国首相官邸)的第一天,就发现自己爱上了漂亮的单身母 亲娜塔丽(玛 蒂?麦克卡森),而娜塔丽的工作就是每天负责为首相端茶倒水,首相碍于自己的身份不好 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 白,但是真情又难违,于是他陷入一场天人交战„„最终 这两个身份悬殊的人,如何成 就一段浪漫而引人瞩目的爱情, 此外,还有另外九个有关真爱的故事在这个城市分别上演——一个被致爱女友抛弃的作 家跑到法国南部去寻求治疗自己受伤心灵的方法,却爱上了一个法国女人;一个过气的摇滚 歌星千方百计想重返舞台找回曾经的荣耀与喝彩;一个步入婚姻盛殿的新 娘子却和伴郎磨 擦出了火花,可怜的伴郎必须要马上在爱情和友情中做出选择;一对面临着同样感情问题的 父子,他们都因为爱上一个可望而不可及的女人而陷入矛 盾挣扎„„ 影片对白 Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrival's gate at Heathrow airport. General opinion start to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed. But I don't see that, seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friends. When the plane hit the Twin Tower, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge. They are all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling love actually is all around. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Get gloomy with sth. Gloomy 这个词应该算得上是个常用词汇了,因为每当心情不好的时候,我们就会用得到, 比如:What's going on? You look gloomy today. 当然我们也可以说 sth is gloomy,打 个比方, Our future is gloomy. 指的就是“前途暗淡!”而短语 get gloomy with sth 指 的是对某种东西感到焦虑,甚至有时是到了忧郁的地步。原文当中的这句话 I get gloomy with the state of the world. 指的就是"对世界的现状感到焦虑!" 2. It's not particularly dignified or newsworthy 如果要完全理解这句话,我们首先要看一下dignified 这个词,通常情况下,在我们的意 识里dignified这个词指的是“有尊严的,高贵的”。但是在这里意思就完全不一样了,它 newsworthy 的意思是“具有新闻报道价值的”。那么指的是“使夸大„„”。下一 个词 把整个一句话连起来的意思就是“这种爱没有被特意夸大或者有新闻价值!” 3. It's always there “它一直都在那儿”! 看似简单的一句话,却很少有人能在适当的时候用好。我们先设定一个场景:有些人在遇到 困难的时候总是会选择逃避,虽然大家心里都清楚躲是躲不了 的,其实我们还有另外一条 路可以走,那就是战胜困难,一直向前。因为The difficulties are always there, and the only choice we've got is to face it and conquer it. 4. On board 很简单的短语,“在飞机上”! 文化面面观 Heathrow airport 伦敦希斯罗机场 London Heathrow Airport, often referred to as Heathrow, is the third busiest airport in the world, after Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and Chicago O'Hare. And Heathrow, however, handles more international passengers than any other airport. Heathrow is the United Kingdom's busiest and best-connected airport, as well as being Europe's largest. 对于去过希斯罗机场的人来讲,留给他们印象最深的应该是处在机场terminal3中的众多世 界级的品牌店。之所以印象深刻, 是因为这些店基本都是duty-free shop,所以尽管是顶 级品牌,价格也相对来讲会便宜一些。从这个角度来讲,希斯罗机场不仅是一个交通点,还 是一个购物天堂! 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子译成英语。 1. 我总是对我的前途感到焦虑。 I always get gloomy with my future. 2. 我们要学会面对困难,因为即使逃避,困难也还会在那儿。 We have to learn how to face the difficulty, 'cause it's always there! 真爱至上2 影片对白 Denial: Joe and I had a lot of time to prepare for this moment, some of her requests, for instance that I should bring Claudia Schiffer as my date to the funeral. I was confident she expected me to ignore. But others she was pretty damn clear about, when she first mentioned what's about to happen. I said: "Over my dead body". And she said: "No Daniel, over mine!" And as usual, my darling girl and Sam's darling mum was right, so she's going to say her final farewell to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, through the immortal genius of the Bay City Rollers. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Prepare for this moment 为这个时刻做准备。也许在我们的一生当中,曾经或将要经历很多个不同的时刻,开心的, 痛苦的,没有任何感情的!而我们也曾为那些激动人心的时刻做过刻骨铭心的准备。That is to say, we gotta prepare for that moment! 2. Claudia Schiffer 右图就是世界著名的supermodel 克劳迪娅。出身于德国的上层社会,位于现今世界名模收 入排行榜的前几位。 3. be pretty damn clear about sth. “对某样东西或某件事情非常确信”。其实这句话Daniel 本可以说 pretty clear about...但是他偏偏要在中间加一个damn,很多人听到这儿的时候,总会想这是一个不好的词,但 是为什么会用在这里。其实当老外讲到这个词的时候 不一定就是“TMD”的意思,更多的时 候是为了强调,比如:“我是相当的确信。I'm pretty damn sure about that!” 4. over my dead body 这是一个特别常用的俚语,指的是“不可能”的意思!比如:一人问:“我能在一天内学好 英文吗?”就可以答:“Over my dead body”。 5. Say her final farewell to you Farewell这个词是在日常生活中很少用的,我们常说的是goodbye。farewell相对更正式, 更庄重一些。Say her final farewell to you 指的就是“向你们道别”。打个比方,由于 工作关系,某人被调到很远的地方去,在临行之前一定要和朋友们道别一下,to say her / his farewell to her / his good friends。 文化面面观 Bay City Rollers The Bay City Rollers were a Scottish pop/rock band of the 1970s. Their youthful, clean-cut image, distinct styling featuring tartan-trimmed outfits, and cheery,sing-along pop hits helped the group become among the most popular musical acts of their time. For a relatively brief but fervent period (nicknamed "Rollermania"). 这是上个世纪70年代一个非常出色的乐队,乐队中每个成员都以当时比较流行的清新形象 出现在大众面前,深受歌迷的喜爱,更有很多人把此乐队和 Beatles相提并论。Their first hit was "keep on dancing". 在这个电影片段中,当Daniel说完了这段告别辞之后响起的 那首歌就是Bay City Rollers 的Bye Bye baby! 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子翻译成英语。 1(对于这一点,我是非常清楚的。 I'm pretty clear about that. 2. 这是不可能的事。 Over my dead body. 3. 我得和Steve 到个别再走 Before I'm leaving, I have to say my farewell to Steve. 真爱至上3 President: It's a great scotch! Natalie: I'll, erm. I'll be going, then. President: Er, Natalie. I hope to see much more of you, as our two great countries work toward a better future. Natalie: Thank you, sir. Prime minister: Yes,Peter. Peter: Erm, Mr. President. Has it been a good visit? President: Very satisfactory, indeed. We've got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special. Peter: Prime minister? Prime minister: I love that word "relationship". Covers all manners of sins, doesn't it? I fear that it has become a bad relationship. A relationship based on the president taking exactly what he wants, and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to... Britain. We maybe a small country, but we are a great one too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry potter, David Beckham's right foot, David Beckham's left foot, come to that. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I'll be prepared to be much stronger. And the president should be prepared for that. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. I hope to see much more of you “我期待能和你多见见面”。这句话非常地道。经常会听到很多人说I wanna see you more. 虽然说出来能听懂,但总觉得不是很舒服。建议大家还是多多模仿这部电影里用到的这句: I hope to see much more of you. 2. Covers all manners of sins Sin这个词在宗教上来讲是“原罪”的意思,而在这里只把它翻成“罪”就可以了。除了sin 之外,cover 这个词也很重要,除了我们熟知的“覆盖”的意思之外,它还有“包括”的意 思。 3. Taking exactly what he wants “拿走他想要的东西”。这句话虽然很简单,但很少见人表达的淋漓 尽致。我们来举个例 子练习一下,看港片的时候经常听到主角们讲:“别阻止我,我只想拿走我想要的东西~” 翻成英文就是“Just stay away from me, I just wanna take what I want!” 4. A friend who bullies us is no longer a fiend 相信大家都听说过一句话:A fiend in need is a friend in deed.(患难朋友才是正真的 朋友)。今天我们又可以学到另外一句:A friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. (一个仗势欺人的朋友算不上是真正的朋友。) 5. From now onward “从现在开始”的意思,相当于from now on。 文化面面观 Sean Connery 真正的明星——肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery was the first, and is possibly still the most beloved, of the actors to play superspy James Bond in feature films. Connery was a bodybuilder who turned to acting, making his way into the movies in the late 1950s. In 1963 he starred as Bond in Dr. No, and by 1971 he had appeared in five more Bond movies, quitting the role after Diamonds Are Forever. He managed to break free of the Bond stereotype in the 1970s, thanks to movies such as the 1975 adventures The Wind and the Lion (with Candice Bergen) and The Man Who Would Be King (with Michael Caine). During the 1980s and '90s he appeared in dozens of films, and won an Oscar for his supporting role as a grizzled Irish cop in The Untouchables (1987). Eternally hunky and no-nonsense, even as a senior citizen Connery continued to play the love interest to younger actresses such as Catherine Zeta-Jones (in 1999's Entrapment). He also returned to the role of Bond in Never Say Never Again (1983, with Kim Basinger. Although Connery was first denied a knighthood by Britain in 1998 for his support of Scottish nationalism, he was eventually knighted in 2000 by Queen Elizabeth II. Connery was People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" for 1989. Connery has actually quit the role of Bond a few times. He starred in Dr. No (1962), From Russia With Love (1963), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965) and You Only Live Twice (1967), then gave way to Australian model George Lazenby, who played Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service in 1969. Connery again played Bond in Diamonds Are Forever (1971) and then with a wink as an older Bond in Never Say Never Again. 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子翻译成英语。 1. 在临走之前,我想多见见你~ Before I'm moving, I really wanna see much more of you. 2. 我来是要拿走我想要的东西。 I came here to take exactly what I want. 3. 从现在开始,我要努力工作。 From now onward, I will be prepared to work hard. 真爱至上4 Juliet: Banoffee pie? Mark: No, thanks. Juliet: Thank god, you would have broken my heart if you'd said yes. Mark: Right, well. Lucky you. Juliet: Can I come in? Mark: Er, yeah! Well, I'm a bit busy. Juliet: I was just passing and I thought we might check that video thing out. I thought I might be able to swap it for some pie or maybe munchies? Mark: Actually I was being serious. I don't know where it is. I'll have a look around tonight. Juliet: Mark, can I say something? Mark: Yeah. Juliet: I know you're Peter's best friend and I know you've never particular warmed to me. Look, don't, don't argue. We've never got friendly. But I just wanted to say, I hope that can change. I'm nice, I really am. Apart from my terrible taste in pie and... it would be great if we could be friends. Mark: Absolutely, absolutely. Juliet: Great. Mark: Doesn't mean we'll be able to find the video, though. I had a real search when you first called and couldn't find any choices so... Juliet: This one says Peter and Juliet's wedding. Do you think we might be on the right track? Mark: Err, yeah, well... wow. That- that could be it. Juliet: Do you mind if I...? Mark: I've probably taped it over it. Almost everything's episode of west wing on it now. Oh. Juliet: Oh bingo. That's lovely. Well done you. Oh, that's gorgeous. Thank you so much, Mark. This is exactly what I' was hoping for. I look quit pretty. You've stayed rather close, haven't you? They are all of me. Mark: Yeah, yeah, yes. Juliet: But, you never talked to me. You always talk to Peter. You don't like me. Mark: I hope it's useful. Don't show it around too much. Needs a bit of editing. Look, I got to get a lunch, early lunch. You can just show yourself out, can't you? It's a self- preservation thing, you see. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Check sth out 意思就是“把„„查出来/弄出来”,在此片断中提到的check the video thing out,指 的就是“找一下那个video”。那么在我们的日常生活中这个短语要怎么用呢,打个比方: What are you doing here? Well, I'm here to check my bag out.(我来这儿是找我的包 的。)再比如:Don't make any haste decisions before we check it out.(在事情调查 好之前,先不要果断下结论。) 2. Swap sth for sth “用„„换„„”的意思。Can I swap the chocolate for some apples? 我能用苹果换点 巧克力吗,我们还要注意到另外一个短语:swap meet,虽然在此片当中没有提到,但是也 很重要,指的就是flea market 跳蚤市场。 3. You've never particular warmed to me. “你从来都没对我热情过”,这句话不能这么翻译,一定要反过来才可以:你一向对我都这 么冷淡。举个例子:He's never particular warmed to anybody. 他对谁都那样,冷冰冰 的。 4. I had a real search for... Search for... 指的就是“找„„”。有时候我们说 search for 会觉得语言表达得不够生 动,为了表示强调,就会说I had a real search for...(我还真是费了好大的力气找了 半天呢~)比如:I had a real search for my wallet. But I did that in vain. 我费了 好大的劲找我的钱包,但是还是没找到~ 5. On the right track 在理解这句话的意思之前,我们要先看一下 track 这个词。通常情况下,track 指的是“路 径”的意思,等同于 path。在英文当中我们有这样的表达,be on the right path 正确的 道路上/已经有了正确的选择。on the right track 也是同样的意思。在本片断中的 We might be on the right track. 指的就是“我们也许选对了”。 6. Don't show it around. 在这里做“不要到处炫耀”解。show sb. around 常用的意思是“带某人随便转转”。比如: Since this is the first time I'm in the capital of China, would you like to show me around or something? 这是我第一次到北京,你是否愿意带我转转, 文化面面观 Banoffee pie Pie 是西方人喜欢的一道美食。它可不止是汉语中的“馅饼”那么简单。在西式糕点中,也 有pie的一席之地。 Banoffee pie is a dessert made from biscuits, bananas, butter, cream and boiled condensed milk. Its name is a portmanteau (合成词) constructed from the words "banana" and "toffee (太妃糖)". Inventorship of the pie is claimed by Ian Dowding and Nigel Mackenzie of The Hungry Monk restaurant in Jevington, East Sussex. They claim to have invented the pie in 1972, and the restaurant's exterior bears a plaque to that effect. The recipe was never patented, however, and in 1994 a number of supermarkets began selling it as an American pie, leading Dowding and Mackenzie to offer a ?10,000 prize to anyone who could disprove their claim. There is some discussion over the best spelling for the pie's name; The Hungry Monk preferring "banoffi" where the logical etymological spelling would be "banoffee", to correspond with "toffee". Other variations include "banoffy" and "bannofie". 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子译成英语。 1. 我能用我的铅笔换你的文具盒吗, Can I swap your pencil box for my pencil? 2. 我花了好大的劲才找到我的笔记本。 I had a real search for my note-book. 3. 别到处炫耀了,不就是个手机嘛, Don't show it around, it just is a cellphone. 真爱至上5 ales clerk: Looking for anything in particular, sir? Harry: Yes, em, that necklace there, how much is it? Sales clerk: It's,270. Harry: Erm, all right, er, I'll have it. Sales clerk: Lovely! Would you like it... gift- wrapped? Harry: Yes, all right. Sales clerk: Lovely! Let me just pop it in the box. There! Harry: Look, could we be quite quick? Sales clerk: Certainly, sir~Ready in the flashest of flashes! There! Harry: That's great. Sales clerk: Not quite finished. Harry: Look I, I don't need a bag; I'll just put it in my pocket. Sales clerk: Oh, this isn't a bag, sir! Harry: Really? Sales clerk: This is so much more than a bag! Ooh! Harry: Could we be quite quick, please! Sales clerk: Prontissimo. Harry: What's that? Sales clerk: It's a cinnamon stick, sir! Harry: Actually, I really can't wait~ Sales clerk: You won't regret it, sir. Harry: Wanna bet? Sales clerk: 'Tis, but the work of a moment. Yeah? Almost finished. Harry: Almost finished, what else gonna be. Are you gonna dip it in your yogurt, cover it with chocolate buttons? Sales clerk: Oh, no sir, we're going to pop it in the Christmas box. Harry: But I don't want a Christmas box. Sales clerk: But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped. Harry: I did, but... Sales clerk: This is the final flourish. Harry: Can I just pay? Sales clerk: All we need now... Harry: Oh, God! Sales clerk: Is a sprig of holly? Harry: No, no, no, no. No bloody holly! Sales clerk: But, sir... Harry: Leave it, leave it! Just leave it! 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Looking for anything in particular “请问您需要什么,”这可是一句特别地道的表达,是要比 Can I help you,What can I do for you? 好上很多的招揽顾客的方式。 2. Gift-wrapped 这是在买礼品的时候可能会用到的话,指的就是“给礼物打包装”。通常情况下店员会问 Would you like it gift-wrapped? 意思就是“您需要包装吗,” 3. Ready in the flashest of the flashes 在理解这句话之前,我们要先看一下flash这个词,它指的是“闪现”,有一个这样的短语: 昙花一现”。由此可以看出 flash有“短暂”的意思。还有flash in the pan,指的是“ 一个短语be in the flash,指的是“立刻,马上”。 in the flashest of the flashes 实际上是一种夸张的说法,但又不失生动,意思就等于in the flash。 4. This is so much more than a bag 如果直译这句话,意思就是“这要比一个袋子还多”,但你会发现这不是一句正常的中文。正确的意思是:这比袋子还要袋子。比如当我们生气的时候会说“你怎么这么傻,比傻子还傻”英文就是:You're so much more than a jerk! 5. The work of the moment 这是在英文中的习惯表达方式,类似的还有the man of the year,the album of the year。The work of the moment 的意思就是“绝世佳作”,the man of the year 就是“年度风云人物”,the album of the year 就是“年度最佳唱片”。 文化面面观 Prontissimo Prontissimo is a kind of make-up word, coming from both Italian and English; sometimes people use it for fun. If we are in a hurry, we used to say hurry, or be quick please. If we don't wanna be offensive or reveal our impatience, "prontissimo", with no doubt, could be a good choice. Prontissimo 实际上是一个半外来语,前部分 来自印度语presto意思是“快”,这个词来自印度的一种乐器,这种乐器要以特别快的速度来弹奏,最后人们就把 protissimo做为“快”的代名词了。 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子译成英语。 1. 请问你的礼物需要打上包装吗, Would you like it gift-wrapped? 2. 马上就好~ Ready in the flashest of the flashes. 3. 天呐~你岂止是天才,你比天才还天才~ Oh my goodness, you're so not a genius, you're much more than a genius. 真爱至上6 Manager: Hello, Daisy. Bill: This one is Greta. Manager: Hello, Greta. Jamie: Here she is. This is Aurelia. This is Juliet, Peter. Peter: How are you? Jamie: Didn't see you there. Mark: Yeah, just thought I'd tag along . Aurelia: Jamie's friends are so good-looking. He never tells me this. I think maybe now I have made the wrong choice, picked the wrong English man. Jamie: She can't speak English properly. She doesn't know anything. Daisy: Dad! Dad! Harry: Oh, God. Daisy: Did you get us any presents? Harry: A matter of fact, I did. Bernie: Thanks, Dad. Harry: How are you! Karen: I'm fine. I'm fine. Good to have you back. Come on. Home. Sammy: There she is. Hi. Joanna: Hello. Daniel: Aw, he should have kissed her. Carole: No, that's cool. Collin: Now, this is Harriet. Harriet: Hi, really please to meet you. Tony: Hello, Harriet. Harriet: I hope you don't mind. I sort of brought my sister to stay. This is Carla. She's real friendly. Carla: Hello, you must be Tony! I heard you were gorgeous. Prime Minister: God, you weigh a lot. Natalie: Oh, shut your face. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Didn't see you there 这是一句非常口语化的句子,意思是“没看见你在那儿”。这句话应该是日常生活中我们寒暄时经常会说到的一句话,就好像“哎,你也在呢,我刚才没看到你~”英文就是 Didn't see you there~ 2. Tag along Tag 是标签的意思,tag along是一个英国人的习惯用语,指的是 accompany or follow someone。但是它们之间还是有区别的,因为 tag along 通常指的是伴随的那个人是不太受欢迎的。打个比方:不管走到哪,他都像是跟屁虫似的跟着~Wherever we go, he's always been tagging along! 3. Good to have you back! 很礼貌的说法,在礼貌的同时,又不失亲切感。是同龄人,长辈,朋友或是晚辈之间都可以讲的话。可以说是“老少皆宜”~比如我们在接人的时候,就可以很有礼貌地、充满感情地说一句,“Good to have you back~” 4. You weigh a lot 这可是一句女孩特别不喜欢听的话。减肥可能是当代女性毕生的目标之一,咱先别管最后的 结果到底怎么样,至少我们在提倡。如果哪个人对身边的女孩说 You weigh a lot,那可就 是 You're doomed~你死定了~所以大家要注意了,不要轻易地对哪个女孩说这句话。 5. Shut your face 意思相当于Shut up~ 思想火花 With no doubt, we got a happy ending here! Still remember at the beginning of this movie, the director tried to show us a theme through a plot that love actually is all around! And I think you guys will agree that he didn't fail to do that, 'cause in the middle of this movie, we did experience all kinds of love! To quote from these lines "Love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friends." Yeah, it's true and absolutely right. But sometimes we can't see any love around us, why? Well, it's very obvious that we just take it for granted! And always bear in mind, it's never too late to say your love, but don't wait till it's too late! 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子译成英语。 1. 刚刚没见到你。 2. 你好重啊! 3. 欢迎回来。
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