首页 用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报(翻译教程)



用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报(翻译教程)用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报(翻译教程) 用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报(翻译教程) 应用软件:Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator 转载请注明出处及作者~ Sometimes, by combining elements created in different programs into one piece, you can produce a result that cannot be achieved in either of them alone. In tod...

用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报( 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 教程) 用PS与AI创建超现实风格的海报(翻译教程) 应用软件:Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator 转载请注明出处及作者~ Sometimes, by combining elements created in different programs into one piece, you can produce a result that cannot be achieved in either of them alone. In today’s tutorial, I will demonstrate how the flexibility of Photoshop can be combined with the boldness of Illustrator to create a fantastic mixed media piece. 有时候,将多种软件所创建的元素合成在一起,你会得到单独的软件所无法企及的效果。在这个教程里,我会向你展示将Photoshop 与Illustrator大胆的结合起来后,创建一个超现实的混合风格作品是件多么容易的事情。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources Used 所用的素材 Texture by bashcorpo Image by 123rf Spray ink brushes by itsJ2o Silhouettes by all-silhouettes Cloud brushes by JavierZhX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1 Start of by creating a new document at a size you find suitable, I say this because the elements of this design can easily be arranged to match any size. I chose 1024 pixels by 768 pixels, at 72 px/inch. Make a new layer and fill it with white, next grab the texture and place it and resize it until you are satisfied with its position. 开始创建一个你认为大小合适的文件吧,我之所以这么说是因为这个 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 中的元素可以很容易的匹配任何尺寸的画布。我的选择是 1024×768 像素, 72 px/inch。打开PS,新建一层填充白色,添加素材中的材质进来,调整到你满意的位置与大小。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2 We are now going to work a bit on the texture, keeping in mind that we don’t want something too flashy so not to distract the viewer away from the main vector elements that we’re going to add later. 现在我们对背景材质做点调整,要明确一点:我们不希望一些太过花哨的东西把观众的注意力从主元素上吸引走。 Start by cleaning any unwanted areas of the texture by using the Clone Stamp tool (S), in my case I had a black smudged area at the bottom of the canvas which I didn’t like. After you’re done cleaning, turn the blending mode of the texture to luminosity, then duplicate the texture layer (Ctrl + J) and change the blending mode to multiply and turn down the opacity to 30%. 用仿制图章工具(S)将背景材质中不需要的部分清除,比如画布下方的污点我就很不喜欢。完成清理后将材质的混合模式改为亮度,然 后复制材质所在的图层(Ctrl+J)并将混合模式改为叠加,不透明度30%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Now that we’ve finished with the background it’s time to bring in the kids, I’m using this cheeky image I found in 123rf, however you can always use a free alternative. Place the image at the bottom of the canvas and resize it so that it suits the rest of the background and name this layer ” kids ”, then change its blending mode to darken. You should notice that the white background has disappeared leaving only the kids and the floor they’re sitting on. 背景完成后是时候把人物添进来了,我用的是从123rf网站上找的相片,你当然可以换成你自己喜欢的。将相片摆放到画布底端,调整 好合适的大小,将该图层命名为"Kids",然后将混合模式调为变暗。你应该注意到了图片的白色背景消失了,只剩下孩子们和地面。 Note: this is not a method of extraction, it is merely a quick shortcut that can be used when very large areas of an image are completely white, however if you’re not so lucky with your image you will have to use the pen tool (P), channels, or some other standard extraction method. 注意:这并不是抠图的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,只是当你的图像有大面积白色时可以这样取巧。如果不幸你的图像没有大面积的白色背景,你只能用钢笔工 具(P),通道或其他 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的方法抠图了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 One of the most important aspects of blending images together is getting the shadows right, in our case we have perfect natural shadows on the floor the kids are sitting on, so I’m going to take advantage of that shadow by blending the floor into the background leaving the shadows intact. 融合图像的一个重要的部分就是匹配阴影了,我们这个例子中孩子坐的地面上有非常自然的阴影,因此我会把地面完全容进背景里,但保 留这些阴影。 To do this, first you have to make sure that the kids layer is not a ”smart object”, if it is you will have to rasterize it (Layer > Rasterize > Smart Object). Now zoom in about 300%, and use the eraser tool (E) to carefully erase the hard edges of the floor, then make a rough selection around the floor and shadows and bring down its saturation so that it matches the color of the background. Finally, using the arrows on your keyboard move the image down until the children’s feet are almost touching the bottom of the canvas. 为了做到这点,请先确保"Kids"图层不是"智能对象",如果是,你需要将它栅格化(图层 > 栅格化 > 智能对象)。现在放大到300%, 使用橡皮工具(E)将地面的硬边缘擦掉,然后围绕地面和阴影建立一个大致的选区并将其饱和度降低,这样它与地面会更加匹配。最后, 用你键盘上的方向键将图像下移,直到孩子们的脚趋近画板底部。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 When I was creating this image I had in mind a color range that consisted of gray, green and yellow, therefore I have to change the color of the blue T-shirt. To do this use the Color Replacement tool (B), and set the foreground color to #67700e, then carefully color over the blue T-shirt, notice that the color of the shirt is changing to a yellowish green. 在创作这个海报的过程中,一个由灰、绿、黄组成的用色范围已经在我脑海里产生,因此我需要将那件蓝色T恤的颜色换掉。选择颜色替 换工具(B),将前景色设置为#67700e,然后小心地为T恤上色,可以看到T恤的颜色已经变为黄绿色。 Note: there are many different ways of coloring that suite different images, to learn more check out this tutorial: awesome photorealistic coloring techniques. 注意:对于不同的图像,可以有多种上色的方法,想了解更多的话可以看看这个教程:awesome photorealistic coloring techniques(点击进入)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 6 Now we’re going to start working on our vector elements, so open up illustrator and start off by drawing a square using the Rectangle Tool (M), color the square in with a solid yellow and make sure the ”strokes” are off. Now we’re going to change this square into a triangle, to do this select the Direct Selection tool (A) and then click once on the square, notice that 5 small anchors have appeared, the one’s on the outside are called anchor points and the one in the middle is called the center point. Click on the top right anchor point once, and using the arrows on your keyboard move it until it meets with the center point, you should end up with an isosceles triangle. 现在我们可以开始做点矢量元素了,打开AI后用矩形工具(M)画一个正方形,为其填充黄色并确保关掉描边。我们来将这个正方形变 为三角形,选中直接选择工具(A)然后在正方形上点击一下,可以看到出现了5个小点,外边缘的那些叫锚点,中间的那个叫中心点。 点选右上方的锚点,用键盘方向键将它移动至中心点的位置,你将得到一个等腰三角形。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 7 Make sure the triangle is still selected and go to Effect > 3d > Extrude & Bevel, enter in the values shown in the image below. 确保三角形仍被选中,执行效果>3D>凸出和斜角,按下图所示输入数值。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 8 Bring the 3d triangle into Photoshop, place it at the top left corner of the canvas and rotate it until it looks suitable, then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur and give it a radius of 2 pixels. 将这个3D三角形导入PS,向他摆放到画布的左上角,旋转到合适的角度,对其执行滤镜>模糊>高斯模糊,半径设置为2像素。 Note: if your version of Photoshop is CS4+ then the blur will be added to the smart object (triangle) as a smart filter, if not then you’ll have to rasterize the triangle before applying the blur, so make sure you are completely happy with its position before you rasterize it. 注意:如果你用的是PS CS4以上的版本,模糊会作为智能滤镜直接添加到智能对象(这个三角形)上,否则你必须先栅格化这个三角 形再模糊,在栅格化之前请确保它已经处在你满意的位置上。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 9 Create a gray rectangle in Illustrator, and then apply Extrude & Bevel with the settings shown in the following image. 在AI里创建灰色的矩形,然后执行效果>3D>凸出和斜角,参数如下图。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 10 Bring the rectangle into Photoshop and place it somewhere below the triangle, we are now going to give it a shadow that will create a feeling that it’s floating and moving above the background. To do this, create a new layer underneath the triangle, and name it ”triangle shadow”, now click on the triangle layer while holding Cmd/Ctrl to select its transparency, make sure your on the ”triangle shadow” layer and using the paint bucket tool (G) fill the selection with solid black. Now use the arrows on your keyboard to move the shadow to the bottom left of the rectangle, then give it a Gaussian Blur with a radius of 1.5 pixels and bring down the opacity of the layer to 10%. Use the following images to guide you through this step. 将矩形导入PS,放至三角形下方附近。现在我们为矩形创建一个阴影,这会使它看起来像漂浮在背景之上。在矩形下新建一层,命名为”rectangle shadow”(原作者在这里有个笔误,错把rectangle写成了triangle,翻译里已经改正,下面的图片里也犯了同样的错误,请注意甄别),按住Ctrl单击矩形所在图层选择其所有像素选区,确保”rectangle shadow”图层被选中,使用油漆桶工具(G)将选区填黑。现在用方向键将阴影移动到原矩形的左下方,对其应用1.5像素的高斯模糊并将该图层不透明度降至10%。可以参考下面的图片。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 11 We are now going to decorate this shape to make it look a bit more alive, to do this create a new layer above the rectangle layer and name it ”decoration”. From the tool palette select the brush tool (B), choose a round brush and set the size to 3 or 5 pixels depending on the size of your rectangle and set the hardness to 100%, now make sure the foreground color is set to white and start coloring in parts of the rectangle, when your done bring the opacity of this layer down to 10%. 为了让这个形状看起来更生动一些,我们来做些修饰。在矩形上新建一层,命名为”decoration”。应用画笔工具(B),选择用一个圆 形笔刷,大小视你的矩形而定,我这里是3到5像素左右,硬度100%。确保前景颜色为白色,开始在矩形上上色,完成后将这一层的 不透明度降至10%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 12 In the next few steps we are going to create the swirl, which is definitely the most interesting aspect of this design. Start by drawing a white circle in illustrator using the Ellipse tool (L) and give the circle a very slim stroke of about 0.25 pt, also give the stroke a color of #A2A2A3. Now duplicate this circle once (copy & paste) and size it down until you have a very small circle, just make sure that the layer of the small circle is below the layer of the big circle since this will be very important to create the swirl. Now select both circles while holding shift on your keyboard, then go to Object > Blend > Make, then go to Object > Blend > Blending Options and apply the settings shown in the image. 接下来几步我们来制作抽象的螺旋形状,这绝对是这个作品最有意思的一部分。用椭圆工具(L)在AI中画一个圆并给它一个0.25pt 的细描边,颜色为#A2A2A3。复制这个圆一次(复制&粘贴)并将它缩小,请确保小圆所在的图层在大圆之下,这是创建螺旋形状很关 键的一步。选中两个圆,执行对象>混合>建立,然后到对象>混合>混合选项里做如下图所示的调整。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 13 Now we are going to play with the angle and the path of this swirl, to do this select the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C), then click and hold the center point of the small circle, while holding on to the center point use your mouse and pull the path upwards, do the same thing to the big circle but this time pull the path downwards, keep playing around with the path until you reach an outcome you like, use the following images for reference. 现在我们该调整一下这个螺旋路径的角度了,选择转换锚点工具(Shift+C),点击并拖动小圆的中心点,使路径向上偏移,对大圆做相 同的操作,但让它的路径向下偏移。可以继续调整路径,直到你满意为止,可以参考下图。 Note: this kind of swirly shape is the signature mark of Adhemas Batista, one of the worlds leading graphic designers, so if your looking for inspiration on ways to apply this technique be sure to check out his portfolio. 注意:这种螺旋形状是世界著名设计师Adhemas Batista的代表标志,因此如果你想在应用这个技术的时候找点灵感,不如去看看这 家伙的作品集(可以点击英文里的链接,很不错的网站,作品很炫)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 14 Bring the swirl into Photoshop and place it somewhere close to the kids. We are now going to create the hole that will make the swirl look as if it had emerged from the background itself. To do this Create a new layer underneath the ”swirl” layer and name it ”hole”, zoom in until you are very close to the smallest circle in the swirl and using the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) while holding down (Shift) on your keyboard create a selection that is just slightly larger than the smallest circle, and fill this selection with black, finally add an Outer Glow to the ”hole” layer with the settings shown in the image below and bring down the opacity of the layer to 80%. 将螺旋导入PS,摆在靠近孩子的地方。现在我们来做一个洞,这样会使螺旋像是从背景里长出来的一样。在”swirl”层下创建新图 层”hole”,放大观察螺旋最小的圆,使用椭圆选框工具(M)按住Shift键创建一个比螺旋最小的圆稍大一些的选区,并为这个选取填 充黑色。最后为”hole”图层添加外发光,参数如下图所示。再将该层的不透明度降至80%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 15 In this step we are going to shade the area of the swirl which is near to the opening of the hole, to do this start of by creating a layer above the ”swirl” layer and name it (shade), now select the transparency of the swirl by clicking on the ”swirl” layer while holding (Cmd/Ctrl) on your keyboard, then zoom in close to the hole and using the Brush Tool (B) carefully add a bit of black shade to the two circles closest to the hole and bring down the opacity of the layer to 40%. 这一步我们为靠近小洞附近的螺旋添加一些阴影。 在”swirl”图层下新建一层“shade”,按住Ctrl键单击”swirl”图层以选择整个螺 旋,放大视图到小洞附近,使用笔刷工具(B)仔细地为靠近小洞的两个圆添加一些黑色阴影,并将该层的不透明度降至40%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 16 Using the exact same technique that we used in Step 10 to create the rectangle’s shadow create a shadow for the swirl, however I felt that the opacity of 10% was to much so I brought it down to 8%, feel free to experiment with opacity and the position until you are satisfied. 用与Step 10相同的技术为螺旋创建阴影,不过这次我把透明度改为了8%,当然你可以自己调整不透明度与阴影位置直到满意。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 17 What I really love about these swirly shapes is that there’s no end to the tricks and tweaks you can apply to them, we’re going to be adding a silhouette of a bicyclist to make it look as if he were sliding down a slope and jumping of at the end. 这个螺旋形状很有爱的一点就是你可以在它身上尝试无限的创意。我们来创建一个自行车手的剪影,并使他看上去是从一个斜坡上滑下来 后腾空到最高点。 To do this, start of by downloading this cool silhouette pack, this pack contains 2 files, the one we are going to use is the ”CSH” file (Custom Shape), to get this into Photoshop select the Custom Shape Tool (U) and right click anywhere on the canvas, you should find a small arrow on the right, click it and choose ”Load Shapes” and load the ”extreme actions” file. You should now find that a new set of shapes has been added to the list, choose a silhouette you like and place it at the end of the swirl and give it a color of #201c1d. 你可以下载这个很酷的剪影包(链接点击英文),这个图包里有两个文件夹,我们用到的是 ”CSH”(把它放到PS安装路径下的Custom Shape文件夹里),把它添加进PS,选择自定形状工具(U)并在画板上右击,你可以在弹出的面版的右上方找到一个小箭头,点击它 并选择"载入形状",载入extreme actions”,你现在应该可以在形状列表里看到它们了。选择一个你喜欢的,把它摆在螺旋的末端, 设置颜色为#201c1d。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 18 Now that we’re done with our 3d objects, we are going to add some 2d decoration shapes to make the background more interesting, these are very simple shapes that you can easily mimic just by looking at the image below. 我们已经做完了3D物体,现在来添点儿2D装饰物让背景看起来更有趣吧。这些形状都非常简单,我想你看着下图就能很轻易地模仿出 来了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 19 Continue filling in the spaces using the 3 main techniques we’ve learned in this tutorial (3d objects, swirls and the 2d objects) and make sure you experiment with shapes and sizes, also make sure you create some 3d objects and place them out of focus to create a sense of depth of field (as shown in step 8), this is the outcome I ended up with. 继续用我们之前所学到的3种主要技术(3D物体,螺旋,2D装饰物)填充画面,多尝试不同的尺寸与形状,别忘了你还可以多创建一 些焦点之外的3D物体来模拟景深效果(就像step 8所做的那样),下图是我最终的结果。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 20 We are now in the final phase of creating this piece and all that’s left is to bring it to life with a few final effects. We’re going to start of by adding some brush strokes to make the piece look a bit dirty, I chose to use these spray paint brushes, spray some yellow, gray and light green brushes on a layer above all the other layers, and then use the Eraser Tool (E) to erase the parts of the brushes you don’t like. 现在我们的创作已经接近尾声了,剩下要做的就是加一些最终润色让作品更生动。我们来添加一些笔触,让整幅画看起来“凌乱”一些。我 用了这些喷溅笔刷(链接见英文),在最上方新建一层并喷洒一些黄色,灰色和亮绿色的斑点,然后用橡皮工具(E)擦掉你不喜欢的部 分。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 21 Download this cloud brush pack and add it to your brush list, now create a new layer above all the other layers and name it ”clouds”, make sure that the foreground color is white and the background color is black, then add some clouds to various sections of the canvas, just make sure that they don’t overpower the main elements of the design. 下载这个云雾笔刷(连接见英文),将其加到你的笔刷列表里,在最上方新建一层命名为”clouds”,确定前景色为白色,背景色为黑色, 然后在画布的不同区域添加一些云彩,但要确保它们不要抢了主元素的风头。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 22 As you may have noticed the colors of this image are a bit drab, so to spice it up we’re going to add some color and exposure adjustments, to do this go to Layer > Adjustment Layer > Color Balance, Brightness/Contrast and Gradient map with the settings shown below. 你可能注意到了现在图像的色调有些单调乏味,那么给它加点儿料吧,我们来添加一些色调和曝光度的调整层。依次执行图层>新建调整 图层>色彩平衡,亮度/对比度,渐变映射。具体参数请参考下图。 Note: set the Gradient Map’s blending mode to Multiply with an opacity of 20%. 注意:将渐变映射的混合模式改为叠加,不透明度20%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 23 Create a new layer above all the other layers and go to Image > Apply Image, then go to Filter > Other > High Pass, turn the radius to 5 pixels then click OK, finally change the blending mode to Soft Light and the opacity to 50%. 在最上方新建一层,执行图像>应用图像(作者没写具体参数,个人感觉应该是默认参数就可以了,主要是为了合并所有图层到这一层)。 然后执行滤镜>其他>高反差保留,半径设为5像素,最后将这一层的混合模式改为柔光,不透明度50%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Image To bring this piece to an end, create a new layer and go to Image > Apply Image, now select the Sharpen Tool and set the Strength to 30%, sharpen parts of your image. And there you have it, the final outcome. 最后一步,新建一层然后执行图像>应用图像,选择锐化工具,强度设置为30%,适当锐化一下你图像的某些部分。好了,你的大作已 经应运而生了。
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