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知识产权法历年司考真题知识产权法历年司考真题 历年真题(知识产权法) (一)单项选择题 2005 1(甲网站与乙唱片公司签订录音制品的信息网络传播权许可使用合同,按约定支付报酬后,即开展了网上原版音乐下载业务。对甲网站的行为应如何定性, (2005年试卷三第16题) A(是合法使用行为 B(构成侵权行为,因为该行为应取得著作权人的许可,而不是取得录音制作者的许可 C(构成侵权行为,因为该行为还须取得著作权人、表演者的许可并支付报酬 D(构成侵权行为,因为该行为虽然无须取得著作权人的许可,但必须取得表演者的许可 答案:C 2(...

知识产权法历年司考真 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 历年真题(知识产权法) (一)单项选择题 2005 1(甲网站与乙唱片公司签订录音制品的信息网络传播权许可使用合同,按约定支付报酬后,即开展了网上原版音乐下载业务。对甲网站的行为应如何定性, (2005年试卷三第16题) A(是合法使用行为 B(构成侵权行为,因为该行为应取得著作权人的许可,而不是取得录音制作者的许可 C(构成侵权行为,因为该行为还须取得著作权人、表演者的许可并支付报酬 D(构成侵权行为,因为该行为虽然无须取得著作权人的许可,但必须取得表演者的许可 答案:C 2(某歌厅购买了若干正版卡拉OK光盘后,未经任何人的许可,直接将该光盘用于其经营活动。对该歌厅的行为应如何定性, (2005年试卷三第17题) A(合法使用 B(合理使用 C(法定许可使用 D(侵权行为 答案:D 3(甲、乙共同创作完成一部小说,甲主张发表,乙不同意。后乙死亡,有一继承人,后甲将该小说发表,下列说法哪一个是错误的,(2005年试卷三第20题) A(乙生前不同意发表该小说,甲无权发表 B(发表该小说的稿费全部由甲获得 C(该小说的使用权保护期应截止于甲死亡后第50年的12月31日 D(甲不能剥夺乙的署名权 答案:A 2003 4.红旗中学为了迎接建校50周年庆典,特委托某工艺美术院 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 校徽,双方约定校徽著作权归红旗中学所有,工艺美术院在接受委托后组织实施中,因自己的设计人员设计稿不尽如人意,遂又委托在某广告公司工作的李某设计校徽,但对著作权的归属未约定。后工艺美术院将李某的作品交给红旗中学,红旗中学十分满意,将其确定为校徽。但是各方对著作权的归属发生了争议。本案中著作权应归属于何人, (2003年试卷三第10题) A.红旗中学 B.工艺美术院 C.李某 D.三方共有 答案: C (二)多项选择题 2005 1(1999年7月,甲发现乙公司非法复制其作品,但未予制止。2004年5月8日,甲发现乙一直未停止复制行为,遂向法院起诉,要求乙停止侵权并赔偿损失。对此,下列哪些说法是正确的,(2005年试卷三第59题) control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and A(法院应当受理甲的起诉 B(甲的诉讼请求已过诉讼时效,应驳回其诉讼请求 C(法院应当判决乙停止侵权行为 D(甲应获得的赔偿数额应从2004年5月8日起向前推算2年计算 答案:ACD 2004 2(某影视中心在一电视连续剧中为烘托剧情,使用播放了某正版唱片中的部分音乐作品作为背景音乐。中国音乐著作权协会(音乐作品著作权人授权的集体管理组织)以该使用行为未经许可为由要求制片人支付报酬。该协会的要求被拒绝后,遂向法院起诉。下列说法哪些是错误的,(2004年试卷三第63题) A(播放行为是合理使用行为 B(播放行为侵犯了音乐作品著作权人的表演权 C(播放行为侵犯了录音制品制作者的播放权 D(中国音乐著作权协会不是正当原告 答案:ACD 2003 3.某刊物不愿让别的刊物随意转载其刊物上发表的文章,下列做法哪些是可行的,(2003年试卷三第46题) A.在刊物上发表不得转载的声明 B.在每一篇文章都刊载作者不许转载的声明 C.在刊物的声明中载明所有作者均已授予本刊专有使用权 D.不须作任何声明 答案:BC 2002 4(某大学中文系英籍留学生马克用汉语创作了一篇小说,发表在《文学新星》杂志上,发表时未作任何声明。以下哪些行为是侵犯马克著作权的行为? (2002年试卷三第42题) A(甲未经马克同意将该小说翻译成英文在中国发表 B(乙未经马克同意也未向其支付报酬将该小说团译成藏语在中国出版发行 c(丙未经马克同意也未向其支付报酬将该小说改变成盲文出版 D(丁未经马克同意也未向其支付报酬将该小说收录进某网站供人点击阅读 答案:ABD 5(甲公司的一注册商标系乙画家创作的绘画作品。甲申请该商标注册时未经乙的许可。现乙认为其著作权受到侵害,与甲进行交涉。乙对于此事可采取的正确作法有哪些? (2002年试卷三第43题) A(向甲公司所在地基层法院提起著作权侵权之诉 B(请求商标评审委员会裁定撤销甲的注册商标 c(如对法院判决不服可以上诉但对商标评审委员会的裁定只能服从 D(采取许可方式使甲继续使用该注册商标,但甲应赔偿损失和支付报酬 答案:ABD control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 6(下列哪些行为不属于侵犯著作权的行为? (2002年试卷三第54题) A(某电视台为了报道油画展览的盛况,在电视新闻中播放了展览的油画 B(某教授在世纪论坛上的演讲词被电台全文报道 c(法院为了查证将张某发表的文章复制了3篇 D(出版杜将蒙文发表的作品翻译成汉文在国内出版发行 答案:ABC 2002 7(陈某为撰写学术 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 须引用资料,为避免引发纠纷,陈某就有关问题向赵律师咨询。赵律师的下列意见中哪些是可以采纳的? (2002年试卷三第62题) A(既可引用发表的作品,也可引用末发表的作品 B(只能限于介绍、评论或为了说明某问题而引用作品 c(只要不构成自己作品的主要部分,可将资料全文引用 D(应当向原作者支付合理的报酬 答案:BC 商标法 (一)单项选择题 2004 1(甲厂经乙厂许可,在某省独占使用乙厂的注册商标。后发现当地的丙厂也使用了该商标。经查,丙厂是经过外省对同一商标享有独占使用权的丁厂的违法许可而使用该商标的。甲厂的下列请求哪一个不能成立,(2004年试卷三第21题) A(请求乙厂承担违约责任 B(请求丁厂承担侵权责任 C(请求丙厂承担侵权责任 D(请求丙、丁厂连带承担侵权责任 答案:A 2003 2.甲于1999年3月1日开始使用“建华”牌商标,乙于同年4月1日开始使用相同的商标。甲、乙均于2000年5月1日向商标局寄出注册“建华”商标的申请文件,但甲的申请文件于5月8日寄至,乙的文件于5月5日寄至。商标局应初步审定公告谁的申请,(2003年试卷三第12题) A.同时公告,因甲、乙申请日期相同 B.公告乙的申请,因乙申请在先 C.公告甲的申请,虽然甲、乙同时申请,但甲使用在先 D.由商标局自由裁定 答案: B (二)多项选择题 2005 1(某外资企业拥有"雨露"商标,使用的商品为啤酒。该商标未在中国注册,但被我国有关部门认定为驰名商标。该外资企业的下列哪些请求应当得到支持,(2005年试卷三第60题) A(请求禁止甲公司将"雨露"商标在葡萄酒上注册 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and B(请求禁止乙公司将"雨露"商标在葡萄酒上使用 C(请求禁止丙公司将"雨露"商标在啤酒上使用 D(请求已将"雨露"商标在啤酒上使用的丁公司赔偿损失 答案:ABC 2(A市甲厂是某种饮料的商标注册人,在与B市乙厂签订的该商标使用许可合同中,特别约定乙厂使用甲厂商标的饮料全部使用甲厂的包装瓶,该包装瓶仅标注甲厂的名称和产地。该合同未报商标局备案即付诸履行。下列哪些说法是正确的,(2005年试卷三第61题) A(该商标使用许可合同无效 B(该特别约定无效 C(乙厂使用甲厂的包装瓶侵犯了甲厂的企业名称权 D(乙厂使用甲厂的包装瓶侵犯了消费者的知情权 答案:BD 2003 3.1992年2月19日,甲企业就其生产的家用电器注册了“康威”商标。后来乙企业使用该商标生产冰箱,并在2002年4月开始销售“康威”牌冰箱。下面哪些说法是正确的,(2003年试卷三第39题) A.甲对其商标的续展申请应当在商标有效期届满后的6个月内提出 B.乙企业对“康威”的使用为非法使用 C.乙企业可以在2002年8月19日后在家用电器上申请获得注册“康威”商标 D.甲企业在商标续展期内仍享有商标专用权 答案:BD 2002 4(H市的甲公司生产啤酒,申请注册的“向阳花”文字商标被国家有关部门认定为驰名商标。下列哪些行为属于商标侵权行为? (2002年试卷三第39题) A(乙公司在自己生产的葡萄酒上使用“葵花”商标 B.设在G市的丙公司将“向阳花”作为自己的商号登记使用 c(丁公司将“向阳花”注册为域名,用于阿上宣传、销售书籍等文化用品 D(戊公司自己生产的农药产品上使用“向阳花”商标 答案:BCD 专利法 (一)单项选择题 2005 1(甲公司2000年获得一项外观设计专利。乙公司未经甲公司许可,以生产经营为目的制造该专利产品。丙公司未经甲公司许可以生产经营为目的所为的下列行为,哪一项构成侵犯该专利的行为, (2005年试卷三第15题) A(使用乙公司制造的该专利产品 B(销售乙公司制造的该专利产品 C(许诺销售乙公司制造的该专利产品 D(使用甲公司制造的该专利产品 答案:B control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 2004 2(某外商向律师咨询:“在中国已经参加的知识产权国际公约中,哪项国际公约的保护范围最广、保护水平最高、保护力度最大、制约力最强,”该律师的下列回答哪一个是正确的,(2004年试卷三第22题) A(世界知识产权组织公约 B(保护工业产权巴黎公约 C(与贸易有关的知识产权协定 D(伯尔尼公约 答案:C (二)多项选择题 2003 1.甲拥有一节能热水器的发明专利权,乙对此加以改进后获得重大技术进步,并取得新的专利权,但是专利之实施有赖于甲的专利之实施,双方又未能达成实施许可 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 。在此情形下,下述哪些说法是正确的,(2003年试卷三第40题) A.甲可以申请实施乙之专利的强制许可 B.乙可以申请实施甲之专利的强制许可 C.乙在取得实施强制许可后,无须给付甲使用费 D.任何一方在取得实施强制许可后即享有独占的实施权 答案: AB 2002 2(依据《专利法》的有关规定,下列哪些情况不授予专利权? (2002年试卷三第53题) A(甲发明了仿真伪钞机 B(乙发明了对糖尿病特有的治疗方法 C(丙发现了某植物新品种 D(丁发明了某植物新品种的生产方法 答案:ABC (三)不定项选择题 2004 1.2000年1月甲公司的高级工程师乙研制出一种节油装置,完成了该公司的技术攻坚课题,并达到国际领先水平。2000年2月甲公司将该装置样品提供给我国政府承认的某国际技术展览会展出。同年3月,乙未经单位同意,在向某国外杂志的投稿论文中透露了该装置的核心技术,该杂志将论文全文刊载,引起甲公司不满。同年6月,丙公司依照该杂志的报道很快研制了样品,并作好了批量生产的必要准备。甲公司于2000年7月向我国专利局递交专利申请书。2000年12月丁公司也根据该杂志开始生产该节油装置。2003年5月7日国务院专利行政部门授予甲公司发明专利,2003年7月甲公司向法院提起诉讼,分别要求丙公司和丁公司停止侵害并赔偿损失。请回答以下85—88题。(2004年试卷三第85,88题) 85(在丙公司已研制出样品,丁公司已开始生产的情况下,甲公司的发明为何仍因具有新颖性而被授予专利权, A(因该发明在申请日前未在国内公开 B(因该发明在申请日前未在国际上公开使用 C(因该发明的核心技术在论文中被透露未经甲公司同意 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and D(因该发明达到国际领先水平 答案:C 86(甲公司能否要求丙公司停止侵害并赔偿损失, A(甲公司有权要求丙公司停止侵害并赔偿损失 B(甲公司有权要求丙公司停止侵害,但无权要求赔偿损失 C(甲公司无权要求,因丙公司有权在2004年5月7日前制造该专利产品 D(甲公司无权要求,因丙公司有权在原有范围内继续制造该专利产品 答案:D 87(丁公司实施甲公司发明的行为是否构成侵权行为, A(构成侵权行为 B(不构成侵权行为 C(2003年5月7日后的实施行为构成侵权行为 D(2003年7月后的实施行为构成侵权行为 答案:C 88(甲公司可以在起诉前向法院申请采取什么措施保护自己的合法权益, A(申请诉前禁令 B(申请诉前先予执行 C(申请诉前财产保全 D(申请诉前证据保全 答案:ACD 五案例分析 2005 1.案情:甲公司指派员工唐某从事新型灯具的研制开发,唐某于1999年3月完成了一种新型灯具的开发。甲公司对该灯具的技术采取了保密措施,并于2000年5月19日申请发明专利。2001年12月1日,国家专利局公布该发明专利申请,并于2002年8月9日授予甲公司专利权。此前,甲公司与乙公司于2000年7月签订专利实施许可合同,约定乙公司使用该灯具专利技术4年,每年许可使用费10万元。 2004年3月,甲公司欲以80万元将该专利技术转让给丙公司。唐某、乙公司也想以同等条件购买该专利技术。最终甲公司将该专利出让给了唐某。唐某购得专利后,拟以该灯具专利作价80万元作为出资,设立一家注册资本为300万元的有限责任公司。 2004年12月,有人向专利复审委员会申请宣告该专利无效,理由是丁公司已于1999年12月20日开始生产相同的灯具并在市场上销售,该发明不具有新颖性。经查,丁公司在获悉甲公司开发出新型灯具后,以不正当手段获取了甲公司的有关技术资料并一直在生产、销售该新型灯具。(2005年试卷四第3题) 问题: 1(唐某作为发明人,依法应享有哪些权利, 2(甲公司在未获得专利前,与乙公司签订的专利实施许可合同是否有效,如甲乙双方因此合同发生纠纷,应如何适用有关法律, 3(甲公司为何将专利技术出让给唐某,该专利技术转让合同成立后,对甲公司和乙公司之间的专利实施许可合同的效力有何影响, 4(唐某拟以该专利作价80万元设立注册资本为300万元的有限责任公司,是否符合法律规control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 定,为什么, 5(该专利是否应当因为不具有新颖性而被宣告无效,为什么, 6(对丁公司的违法行为应如何定性,为什么, 2006年单选 15.某杂志社的期刊名称设计新颖,具有独特的含义,并且产生了广泛而良好的社会声誉,特咨询某律师其名称可以获得哪些法律保护。就该问题,该律师的下列哪种回答既符合法律规定又能最大限度地保护当事人的利益, A.著作权法、商标法、反不正当竞争法 B.著作权法、商标法 C.著作权法、反不正当竞争法 D.商标法、反不正当竞争法 答案:A 16.甲公司委托乙公司开发一种浓缩茶汁的技术秘密成果,未约定成果使用权、转让权以及利益分配办法。甲公司按约定支付了研究开发费用。乙公司按约定时间开发出该技术秘密成果后,在没有向甲公司交付之前,将其转让给丙公司。下列哪种说法是正确的, A.该技术秘密成果的使用权只能属于甲公司 B.该技术秘密成果的转让权只能属于乙公司 C.甲公司和乙公司均有该技术秘密成果的使用权和转让权 D.乙公司与丙公司的转让合同无效 答案:C 17.国画大师李某欲将自己的传奇人生 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下来,遂请作家王某执笔,其助手张某整理素材。王某以李某的人生经历为素材完成了自传体小说《我的艺术人生》。李某向王某支付了5万元,但未约定著作权的归属。该小说的著作权应当归谁所有, A.归王某所有 B.归李某所有 C.归王某和张某共同所有 D.归王某、张某和李某三人共同所有 答案:B 18.甲电视台获得2006年德国世界杯足球赛A队与B队比赛的现场直播权。乙电视台未经许可将甲电视台播放的比赛实况予以转播,丙电视台未经许可将乙电视台转播的实况比赛录制在音像载体上以备将来播放,丁某未经许可将丙电视台录制的该节目复制一份供其儿子观看。下列哪种说法是正确的, A.乙电视台侵犯了A队和B队的表演者权 B.甲电视台有权禁止乙电视台的转播行为 C.丙电视台的录制行为没有侵犯甲电视台的权利 D.丁的行为侵犯了甲电视台的复制权 答案:B 19.甲公司研制开发出一项汽车刹车装置的专利技术,委托乙公司生产该刹车装置的专用零部件。乙公司在生产过程中擅自将该种零部件出售给丙公司,致使丙公司很快也开发出同种刹车装置并投入生产。下列哪种说法是错误的, A.乙公司的行为构成违约行为 B.丙公司侵犯了甲公司的专利权 C.在甲公司提起的专利侵权诉讼中,丙公司应为被告,乙公司应列为第三人 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and D.该案只能由特定的中级人民法院管辖 答案:C 20.甲公司于2000年3月为其生产的酸奶注册了“乐乐”商标,该商标经过长期使用,在公众中享有较高声誉。2004年8月,同一地域销售牛奶的乙公司将“乐乐”登记为商号并突出宣传使用,容易使公众产生误认。下列哪种说法是正确的, A.乙公司的行为必须实际造成消费者误认,才侵犯甲公司的商标权 B.即使“乐乐”不属于驰名商标,乙公司的行为也侵犯了甲公司的商标权 C.甲公司可以直接向法院起诉要求撤销该商号登记 D.乙公司的商号已经合法登记,应受法律保护 答案:B 2006年多选 63.“花果山”市出产的鸭梨营养丰富,口感独特,远近闻名,当地有关单位拟对其采取的保护措施中,哪些是不合法的, A.将“花果山”申请注册为集体商标,使用于鸭梨上 B.将“花果山”申请注册为证明商标,使用于鸭梨上 C.将鸭梨的形状申请注册为立体商标,使用于鸭梨上 D.将“香梨”申请注册为文字商标,使用于鸭梨上 答案:CD 64.甲公司的游戏软件工程师刘某利用业余时间开发的“四国演义”游戏软件被乙公司非法复制,丙书店从无证书贩手中低价购进该盗版软件,丁公司从丙书店以正常价格购买该软件在其经营的游戏机上安装使用。下列哪些说法是正确的, A.甲公司应当对刘某进行奖励 B.丙书店应当承担赔偿损失等法律责任 C.丁公司不承担赔偿责任 D.乙公司、丙书店应当承担共同侵权的民事责任 答案:BCD 2007年单选 15(甲公司获得了某医用镊子的实用新型专利,不久后乙公司自行研制出相同的镊子,并通过丙公司销售给丁医院使用。乙、丙、丁都不知道甲已经获得该专利。下列哪一选项是正确的, A(乙的制造行为不构成侵权 B(丙的销售行为不构成侵权 C(丁的使用行为不构成侵权 D(丙和丁能证明其产品的合法来源,不承担赔偿责任 答案:D 2007年多选 58(甲公司委托乙公司设计并制作产品包装盒,未签订书面合同。丙在市场上发现该产品包装盒上未经其许可使用了其画《翠竹》作为背景图案。如果该产品包装盒的整体设计也构成美术图案,下列哪些选项是正确的, A(产品包装盒的版权属于甲公司 B(乙公司侵害了丙的复制权 C(甲公司对乙公司的侵权行为不知情,但仍构成侵权 D(甲公司不能对产品包装盒获得外观设计专利 答案:BCD control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 59(甲创作并演唱了《都是玫瑰惹的祸》,乙公司擅自将该歌曲制成彩铃在网络上供免费下载。乙公司侵犯了甲的哪些权利, A(信息网络传播权 B(广播权 C(表演者权 D(发行权 答案:AC 60(甲提供资金,乙组织丙和丁以乡村教师戊为原型创作小说《小河弯弯》。在创作中丙写提纲,丁写初稿,丙修改,戊提供了生活素材,乙提供了一些咨询意见。下列哪些选项是错误的, A(甲提供资金是完成创作的保障,应为作者 B(乙作为组织者并提供咨询意见,应为作者 C(戊提供了生活素材,应为作者 D(丁有权不经甲、乙、丙的同意发表该小说 答案:ABC 61(甲公司在纸手帕等纸制产品上注册了“茉莉花”文字及图形商标。下列哪些未经许可的行为构成侵权, A(乙公司在其制造的纸手帕包装上突出使用“茉莉花”图形 B(丙商场将假冒“茉莉花”牌纸手帕作为赠品进行促销活动 C(丁公司长期制造茉莉花香型的纸手帕,并在包装上标注“茉莉花香型” D(戊公司购买甲公司的“茉莉花”纸手帕后,将“茉莉花”改为“山茶花”重新包装后销售 答案:ABD (商标局受理了一批商标注册申请,审查过程中均未发现在先申请。商标局应当依法 62 驳回下列哪些注册申请, A(将“红旗”文字商标使用于油漆商品上 B(将“敌尔蚊”文字商标使用于驱蚊商品上 C(将“光明”文字商标使用于灯泡商品上 D(将“红高粱”文字商标使用于高粱酿制的白酒类商品上 答案:BD 63(甲厂将生产饮料的配方作为商业秘密予以保护。乙通过化验方法破解了该饮料的配方,并将该配方申请获得了专利。甲厂认为乙侵犯了其商业秘密,诉至法院。下列哪些选项是正确的, A(乙侵犯了甲厂的商业秘密 B(饮料配方不因甲厂的使用行为丧失新颖性 C(乙可以就该饮料的配方申请专利,但应当给甲厂相应的补偿 D(甲厂有权在原有规模内继续生产该饮料 答案:BD 2008年单选 19.甲、乙、丙、丁四人合作创作一部小说,甲欲将该小说许可给某电影制片厂改编后拍成电影,乙则想把它许可给某网站在网络上传播,丙对这两种做法均表示反对,丁则不置可否。对此,下列哪一选项是正确的, A.如果丙坚持反对,甲、乙均不能将作品许可他人使用 B.甲、乙有权不顾丙的反对,将作品许可他人使用 C.如果丁同意,则甲、乙可以不顾丙的反对将作品许可他人使用 D.如果丁也表示反对,则甲、乙不能将作品许可他人使用 答案:B control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 解析:《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》第9条规定,合作作品不可以分割使用的,其著作权由各合作作者共同享有,通过协商一致行使;不能协商一致,又无正当理由的,任何一方不得阻止他方行使除转让以外的其他权利,但是所得收益应当合理分配给所有合作作者。所以本题中因为甲乙行使的不是转让权,而是许可使用权,丙无正当理由,不得阻止甲乙行使,答案B是正确的,当选。 20.李某于2006年8月4日创作完成小说《别来烦我》,2007年3月5日发表于某文学刊物后被张某改编成剧本,甲公司根据该剧本拍成同名电视剧,乙电视台将该电视剧进行播放。对此,下列哪一选项是错误的, A.李某从2007年3月5日起对小说享有著作权 B.张某对剧本享有著作权 C.甲公司将该剧本拍成电视剧应当取得李某和张某的许可并支付报酬 D.乙电视台播放该电视剧应当取得甲公司许可并支付报酬 答案:A 解析:《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》第6条规定,著作权自作品创作完成之日起产生。因此,在本题中李某于2006年8月4日创作完成小说《别来烦我》,其著作权从2006年8月4日就产生了,A的说法错误,当选。《著作权法》第12条规定,改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品,其著作权由改编、翻译、注释、整理人享有,但行使著作权时不得侵犯原作品的著作权,因此B的说法正确,不当选。《著作权法》15条规定,电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品的著作权由制片者享有,但编剧、导演、摄影、作词、作曲等作者享有署名权,并有权按照与制片者签订的合同获得报酬。本题C的说法正确,不当选;第45条规定,电视台播放他人的电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品、录像制品,应当取得制片者或者录像制作者许可,并支付报酬;播放他人的录像制品,还应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。所以D的说法正确,不当选。 21.甲从书画市场上购得乙的摄影作品《鸟巢》,与其他摄影作品一起用于营利性展览。丙偷偷将《鸟巢》翻拍后以自己的名义刊登在某杂志上,丁经丙同意将刊登在该杂志上的《鸟巢》又制作成挂历销售。对此,下列哪一选项是正确的, A.甲无权将《鸟巢》进行营利性展览 B.丙的行为构成剽窃 C.丙的行为侵犯了乙的发表权 D.丁应停止销售,但因无过错免于承担赔偿责任 答案:B 解析:《著作权法》第十八条规定,美术等作品原件所有权的转移,不视为作品著作权的转移,但美术作品原件的展览权由原件所有人享有。甲从书画市场上合法购入乙的摄影作品《鸟巢》的所有权,因此,甲享有该作品的展览权,因此,A项错误,不选;丙偷偷将《鸟巢》翻拍后以自己的名义刊登在某杂志上的行为构成剽窃,因此,B项正确,当选;《著作权法》第10条第1项规定,发表权,即决定作品是否公之于众的权利。发表权只能行使一次,而且乙已经将作品发表并出售,因此,丙不可能再侵犯乙的发表权了,C项错误,不选;《最高人民法院关于审理著作权民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第十九条规定,出版者、制作者应当对其出版、制作有合法授权承担举证责任,发行者、出租者应当对其发行或者出租的复制品有合法来源承担举证责任。举证不能的,依据著作权法第四十六条、第四十七条的相应规定承担法律责任。根据该司法解释的规定可知,丁应该对其出版、制作有合法授权承担举证责任,如果举证不能的应当承担赔偿责任,而非是因无过错免于承担赔偿责任,D项错误,不选。 22.某县的甲公司未经漫画家乙许可,将其创作的一幅漫画作品作为新产品的商标使用,control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 并于2003年3月3日被核准注册。乙认为其著作权受到侵害,与甲发生纠纷。乙应当采取下列哪种方式保护自己的合法权益, A.向甲公司所在地基层法院提起侵犯著作权之诉 B.向有管辖权的法院提起撤销甲公司的注册商标之诉 C.请求商标评审委员会裁定撤销甲公司的注册商标 D.请求商标局裁定撤销甲公司的注册商标 答案: C 解析:《商标法》第41条第2款规定,已经注册的商标,违反本法第13条、第15条、第16条、第31条规定的,自商标注册之日起五年内,商标所有人或者利害关系人可以请求商标评审委员会裁定撤销该注册商标。《商标法》第31条规定,申请商标注册不得损害他人现有的在先权利,也不得以不正当手段抢先注册他人已经使用并有一定影响的商标。所以本题正确答案是C。 23.美国某公司于2004年12月1日在美国就某口服药品提出专利申请并被受理,2005年5月9日就同一药品向中国专利局提出专利申请,要求享有优先权并及时提交了相关证明文件。中国专利局于2008年4月1日授予其专利。关于该中国专利,下列哪一选项是正确的, A.保护期从2004年12月1日起计算 B.保护期从2005年5月9日起计算 C.保护期从2008年4月1日起计算 D.该专利的保护期是10年 答案:A 解析:《专利法》第29条规定,申请人自发明或者实用新型在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起十二个月内,或者自外观设计在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同主题提出专利申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。所以本题中保护期从2004年12月1日起计算,答案A正确。第42条规定,发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算,由此,D错误,不当选。 24.甲公司拥有一项汽车仪表盘的发明专利,其权利要求记载的必要技术特征可以分解为a,b,c,d共四项。乙公司制造四种仪表盘,其必要技术特征可以作四种分解,甲公司与乙公司的必要技术特征所代表的字母相同,表明其相应的必要技术特征相同或等同。乙公司的哪项技术侵犯了甲公司的专利, A.b,c,d B.a,b,c C.a,b,d,e D.a,b,c,d,e 答案: D 解析:《专利法》第56条规定,发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,说明书及附图可以用于解释权利要求。《最高人民法院关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定》第17条规定,专利法第五十六条第一款所称的“发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,说明书及附图可以用于解释权利要求”,是指专利权的保护范围应当以权利要求书中明确记载的必要技术特征所确定的范围为准,也包括与该必要技术特征相等同的特征所确定的范围。等同特征是指与所记载的技术特征以基本相同的手段,实现基本相同的功能,达到基本相同的效果,并且本领域的普通技术人员无需经过创造性劳动就能够联想到的特征。由此,乙公司的技术要达到侵犯甲公司专利的程序,必须control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 具备a、b、c、d四个必要技术特征,本题中正确答案是D. 2008年多选 65.甲电视台获得了某歌星演唱会的现场直播权,乙电视台未经许可对甲电视台直播的演唱会实况进行转播,丙广播电台经过许可将现场演唱制作成CD,丁音像店从正规渠道购买到CD用于出租,戊未经许可将丙广播电台播放的演唱会录音录下后上传到网站上传播。下列哪些选项是正确的, A.甲电视台有权禁止乙电视台的转播 B.乙电视台侵犯了该歌星的表演者权 C.丁音像店应取得该歌星或丙广播电台的许可并向其支付报酬 D.戊的行为应取得丙广播电台的许可并应向其支付报酬 答案:ABD 解析:《著作权法》第44条 广播电台、电视台有权禁止未经其许可的下列行为:(一)将其播放的广播、电视转播;(二)将其播放的广播、电视录制在音像载体上以及复制音像载体。前款规定的权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该广播、电视首次播放后第五十年的12月31日。由此,A正确。《著作权法》第37条规定,表演者对其表演享有下列权利:(一)表明表演者身份;(二)保护表演形象不受歪曲;(三)许可他人从现场直播和公开传送其现场表演,并获得报酬;(四)许可他人录音录像,并获得报酬;(五)许可他人复制、发行录有其表演的录音录像制品,并获得报酬;(六)许可他人通过信息网络向公众传播其表演,并获得报酬。被许可人以前款第(三)项至第(六)项规定的方式使用作品,还应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。由此,B正确。《著作权法》第10条规定的享有出租权的作品只有电影作品、电影类作品和计算机软件三类。CD是作用于听觉的,不是电影类作品,不存在出租权的问题,排除C.《著作权法》第41条规定:“录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制、发行、出租、通过信息网络向公众传播并获得报酬的权利;权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该制品首次制作完成后第五十年的12月31日。被许可人复制、发行、通过信息网络向公众传播录音录像制品,还应当取得著作权人、表演者许可,并支付报酬。”因此,D正确。 66.甲公司为其牛奶产品注册了“润语”商标后,通过签订排他许可合同许可乙公司使用。丙公司在其酸奶产品上使用“润雨”商标,甲公司遂起诉丙公司停止侵害并赔偿损失,法院判决支持了甲公司的请求。在该判决执行完毕后,“润语”注册商标因侵犯丁公司的著作权被依法撤销。下列哪些选项是错误的, A.甲公司和乙公司可以作为共同原告起诉丙公司 B.甲公司与乙公司的许可合同应当认定为无效合同,乙公司应当申请返还许可费 C.甲公司获得的侵权赔偿费构成不当得利,应当返还给丙公司 D.甲公司获得的侵权赔偿费应当转付给丁公司 答案:BCD 解析:《最高人民法院关于审理商标民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第4条第2款规定,在发生注册商标专用权被侵害时,独占使用许可合同的被许可人可以向人民法院提起诉讼;排他使用许可合同的被许可人可以和商标注册人共同起诉,也可以在商标注册人不起诉的情况下,自行提起诉讼;普通使用许可合同的被许可人经商标注册人明确授权,可以提起诉讼。由此,A的说法正确,不当选;《中华人民共和国商标法实施条例》第36条规定,依照商标法第四十一条的规定撤销的注册商标,其商标专用权视为自始即不存在。有关撤销注册商标的决定或者裁定,对在撤销前人民法院作出并已执行的商标侵权案件的判决、裁定,工商行政管理部门作出并已执行的商标侵权案件的处理决定,以及已经履行的商标转让或者使用许可合同,不具有追溯力;但是,因商标注册人恶意给他人造成的损失,应当给control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 予赔偿。由此,B、C、D的说法均不正确,当选。本题正确答案是BCD。 67.甲公司于2004年5月10日申请一项汽车轮胎的实用新型的专利,2007年6月1日获得专利权,2008年5月10日与乙公司签订一份专利独占实施许可合同。下列哪些选项是正确的, A.该合同属于技术转让合同 B.该合同的有效期不得超过10年 C.乙公司不得许可第三人实施该专利技术 D.乙公司经甲公司授权可以自己的名义起诉侵犯该专利技术的人 答案:AC 解析:《合同法》第342条规定,技术转让合同包括专利权转让、专利申请权转让、技术秘密转让、专利实施许可合同。本题中,甲乙之间的合同是专利实施许可合同,归于技术转让合同,A的说法正确,当选;《合同法》第344条规定,专利实施许可合同只在该专利权的存续期间内有效。《专利法》第42条规定,发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。由此,本题中,该汽车轮胎实用新型的专利权为10年,这里的10年自2004年5月10日起计算,而专利实施许可合同是与2008年5月10日签订的,所以合同的有效期不得超过6年,B的说法错误,不当选;《最高人民法院关于审理技术合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第25条 专利实施许可包括以下方式:(一)独占实施许可,是指让与人在约定许可实施专利的范围内,将该专利仅许可一个受让人实施,让与人依约定不得实施该专利……,由此,C的说法正确,当选;《最高人民法院关于对诉前停止侵犯专利权行为适用法律问题的若干规定》第1条规定,根据专利法第六十一条的规定,专利权人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院提出诉前责令被申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的申请。提出申请的利害关系人,包括专利实施许可合同的被许可人、专利财产权利的合法继承人等。专利实施许可合同被许可人中,独占实施许可合同的被许可人可以单独向人民法院提出申请;排他实施许可合同的被许可人在专利权人不申请的情况下,可以提出申请。虽然这是对《专利法》第61条的解释,但既然享有诉前申请权的利害关系人包括专利实施许可合同的被许可人,该被许可人也自然享有提起诉讼的权利。从该司法解释起码可以推定,独占实施许可合同的被许可人可以单独向人民法院提起诉讼,排他实施许可的被许可人在专利权人不起诉的情况下,可以提起诉讼。由此可知,乙公司可以单独向人民法院起诉,不需要经过授权,D的说法错误,不当选。本题正确答案是AC。 2009年单选 14(小刘从小就显示出很高的文学天赋,九岁时写了小说《隐形翅膀》,并将该小说的网络传播权转让给某网站。小刘的父母反对该转让行为。下列哪一说法是正确的, A(小刘父母享有该小说的著作权,因为小刘是无民事行为能力人 B(小刘及其父母均不享有著作权,因为该小说未发表 C(小刘对该小说享有著作权,但网络传播权转让合同无效 D(小刘对该小说享有著作权,网络传播权转让合同有效 答案:C 解析:本题考核著作权的归属与合同的效力问题。 《著作权法》第11条规定,著作权属于作者,本法另有规定的除外。创作作品的公民是作者。本题中,小刘是小说《隐形翅膀》的创作者,因此,小刘是该作品的著作权人,不因其行为能力受到影响。因此,A项错误。 《著作权法》第2条第1款规定,中国公民、法人或者其他组织的作品,不论是否发表,依照本法享有著作权。因此,B项错误。 《民法通则》第58条第(一)项规定,无民事行为能力人实施的民事行为无效。本题control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 中,小刘是9岁的无民事行为能力人,他签订的网络传播权转让合同无效。因此,C项正确,D项错误。 15(甲创作的一篇杂文,发表后引起较大轰动。该杂文被多家报刊、网站无偿转载。乙将该杂文译成法文,丙将之译成维文,均在国内出版,未征得甲的同意,也未支付报酬。下列哪一观点是正确的, A(报刊和网站转载该杂文的行为不构成侵权 B(乙和丙的行为均不构成侵权 C(乙的行为不构成侵权,丙的行为构成侵权 D(乙的行为构成侵权,丙的行为不构成侵权 答案:D 解析:本题考核著作权的侵权与合理使用。 《著作权法》第32条第2款规定,作品刊登后,除著作权人声明不得转载、摘编的外,其他报刊可以转载或者作为文摘、资料刊登,但应当按照规定向著作权人支付报酬。本题中,报刊、网站对甲的作品进行转载需要向其支付报酬,否则构成侵权。因此,A项错误。 乙将杂文译成法文在国内出版的行为不属于《著作权法》第22条规定的合理使用的范围。因此,乙的行为构成侵权。《著作权法》第22条第(十一)项规定,将中国公民、法人或者其他组织已经发表的以汉语言文字创作的作品翻译成少数民族语言文字作品在国内出版发行的,属于著作权合理使用的范围。可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利。据此可知,本题中丙将甲已经发表的杂文译成维文在国内出版的行为不构成侵权。因此,BC项错误,D项正确。 16(下列哪一行为构成对知识产权的侵犯, A(刘某明知是盗版书籍而购买并阅读 B(李某明知是盗版软件而购买并安装使用 C(五湖公司明知是假冒注册商标的商品而购买并经营性使用 D(四海公司明知是侵犯外观设计专利权的商品而购买并经营性使用 答案:B 解析:本题考核知识产权的侵权行为。 《计算机软件保护条例》第30条规定,软件的复制品持有人不知道也没有合理理由应当知道该软件是侵权复制品的,不承担赔偿责任;但是,应当停止使用、销毁该侵权复制品。 如果停止使用并销毁该侵权复制品将给复制品使用人造成重大损失的,复制品使用人可以在向软件著作权人支付合理费用后继续使用。 根据上述规定可知,盗版软件的持有人知道或应当知道该软件是侵权复制品的,构成对知识产权的侵犯。B项中,李某明知是盗版软件而购买并安装使用的行为构成对知识产权的侵犯。因此,B项正确。 对于ACD中的情况,相关知识产权法没有规定上述行为构成侵权,所以法无明文规定不认为是侵权 17(黑土公司获得一种新型药品制造方法的发明专利权后,发现市场上有大量白云公司制造的该种新型药品出售,遂向法院起诉要求白云公司停止侵权并赔偿损失。依据新修改《专利法》规定,下列哪一说法是错误的, A(所有基层法院均无该案管辖权 B(黑土公司不应当承担被告的药品制造方法与专利方法相同的证明责任 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and C(白云公司如能证明自己实施的技术属于现有技术,法院应告知白云公司另行提起专利无效宣告程序 D(如侵犯专利权成立,即使没有证据确定损害赔偿数额,黑土公司仍可获得一万元以上100万元以下的赔偿额 答案:C 解析:本题考核专利侵权纠纷的相关规定。 《民诉意见》第2条第1款规定,专利纠纷案件由最高人民法院确定的中级人民法院管辖。据此可知,专利纠纷案件由中级以上的人民法院管辖,基层人民法院没有管辖权。因此,A项正确。 《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第4条第(一)项规定,因新产品制造方法发明专利引起的专利侵权诉讼,由制造同样产品的单位或者个人对其产品制造方法不同于专利方法承担举证责任。据此可知,本案中应该由白云公司对此承担证明责任,而非黑土公司。因此,B项正确。 《专利法》第62条规定,在专利侵权纠纷中,被控侵权人有证据证明其实施的技术或者设计属于现有技术或者现有设计的,不构成侵犯专利权。据此可知,如果白云公司可以证明自己实施的技术属于现有技术的,那么白云公司的行为则不构成侵权,法院应当判决驳回黑土公司的诉讼请求,而非告知白云公司另行提起专利无效宣告程序。因此,C项说法错误。 《专利法》第65条第2款规定,权利人的损失、侵权人获得的利益和专利许可使用费均难以确定的,人民法院可以根据专利权的类型、侵权行为的性质和情节等因素,确定给予一万元以上一百万元以下的赔偿。因此,D项说法正确。 18(甲创作并出版的经典童话《大灰狼》超过著作财产权保护期后,乙将"大灰狼"文字及图形申请注册在"书籍"等商品类别上并获准注册。丙出版社随后未经甲和乙同意出版了甲的《大灰狼》童话,并使用了"大灰狼"文字及图形,但署名为另一著名歌星丁,丁对此并不知情。关于丙出版社的行为,下列哪一说法是错误的, A(侵犯了甲的复制权 B(侵犯了甲的署名权 C(侵犯了丁的姓名权 D(侵犯了乙的商标权 答案:A 解析:本题考核著作权侵权及商标侵权的相关规定。 《著作权法》第10条第(五)项规定,复制权,即以印刷、复印、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的权利。著作权人对自己的作品享有复制权,本题中,甲创作的《大灰狼》已经超过了著作权的保护期限,不再对此享有著作财产权中的复制权。因此,丙的出版行为并没有侵犯甲的复制权,A项说法错误。 《著作权法》第20条规定,作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。因此,丙的行为侵犯了甲的署名权,B项说法正确。 《民法通则》第99条第1款规定,公民享有姓名权,有权决定、使用和依照规定改变自己的姓名,禁止他人干涉、盗用、假冒。本题中,丙将甲创作的《大灰狼》童话署上丁的姓名的行为侵犯了丁的姓名权。因此,C项正确。 本题中,乙已将“大灰狼”文字及图形申请注册在“书籍”等商品类别上并获准注册。丙擅自在“书籍”商品上使用“大灰狼”文字及图形的行为侵犯了乙的商标权。因此,D项说法正确。 2009年多选 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 62(甲公司非法窃取竞争对手乙公司最新开发的一项技术秘密成果,与丙公司签订转让合同,约定丙公司向甲公司支付一笔转让费后拥有并使用该技术秘密。乙公司得知后,主张甲丙间的合同无效,并要求赔偿损失。下列哪些说法是正确的, A(如丙公司不知道或不应当知道甲公司窃取技术秘密的事实,则甲丙间的合同有效 B(如丙公司为善意,有权继续使用该技术秘密,乙公司不得要求丙公司支付费用,只能要求甲公司承担责任 C(如丙公司明知甲公司窃取技术秘密的事实仍与其订立合同,不得继续使用该技术秘密,并应当与甲公司承担连带赔偿责任 D(不论丙公司取得该技术秘密权时是否为善意,该技术转让合同均无效 答案:CD 解析:本题考核技术秘密转让合同。 《最高人民法院关于审理技术合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第12条规定,根据合同法第三百二十九条的规定,侵害他人技术秘密的技术合同被确认无效后,除法律、行政法规另有规定的以外,善意取得该技术秘密的一方当事人可以在其取得时的范围内继续使用该技术秘密,但应当向权利人支付合理的使用费并承担保密义务。 当事人双方恶意串通或者一方知道或者应当知道另一方侵权仍与其订立或者履行合同的,属于共同侵权,人民法院应当判令侵权人承担连带赔偿责任和保密义务,因此取得技术秘密的当事人不得继续使用该技术秘密。 本题中,甲公司非法窃取竞争对手乙公司最新开发的一项技术秘密成果,与丙公司签订转让合同的行为,侵害了乙公司的技术秘密成果使用权和转让权,该技术秘密转让合同无效。因此,A项错误,D项正确。 另外,受让人丙公司如果不知情属于善意的话,可以继续使用该技术秘密,但应当向权利人支付合理的使用费并承担保密义务。因此,B项说“乙公司不得要求丙公司支付费用”错误。 如果受让人丙公司明知甲公司窃取技术秘密的事实仍与其订立合同的话,属于共同侵权,应当承担连带赔偿责任和保密义务,因该无效合同而取得技术秘密的当事人不得继续使用该技术秘密。因此,C项正确。 63(叶某创作《星光灿烂》词曲并发表于音乐杂志,郝某在个人举办的赈灾义演中演唱该歌曲,南极熊唱片公司录制并发行郝某的演唱会唱片,星星电台购买该唱片并播放了该歌曲。下列哪些说法是正确的, A(郝某演唱《星光灿烂》应征得叶某同意并支付报酬 B(南极熊唱片公司录制该歌曲应当征得郝某同意并支付报酬 C(星星电台播放该歌曲应征得郝某同意 D(星星电台播放该歌曲应征得南极熊唱片公司同意 答案:AB 解析:本题考核著作权侵权行为。 《著作权法》第36条第1款规定,使用他人作品演出,表演者(演员、演出单位)应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。演出组织者组织演出,由该组织者取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。第22条第(九)项规定,免费表演已经发表的作品,该表演未向公众收取费用,也未向表演者支付报酬的,使用作品可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利。本题中,郝某是赈灾义演,虽然收取观众的费用没有自己占有而捐给灾区,但是不满足法律规定的“未向公众收取费用”的条件,不属于合理使用的范围,郝某演唱叶某创作的《星光灿烂》应征得control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 叶某的同意并向其支付报酬。因此,A项正确。 《著作权法》第37条第(四)项规定,表演者对其表演享有许可他人录音录像,并获得报酬的权利。本题中,南极熊唱片公司录制郝某的歌曲,应征得郝某的同意并向其支付报酬。因此,B项正确。 《著作权法》第43条规定,广播电台、电视台播放已经出版的录音制品,可以不经著作权人许可,但应当支付报酬。当事人另有约定的除外。具体办法由国务院规定。据此可知,星星电台播放该歌曲不需要征得著作权即郝某和南极熊唱片公司的同意,但是应当向他们支付报酬。因此,CD项错误。 64(下列哪些出租行为构成对知识产权的侵犯, A(甲购买正版畅销图书用于出租 B(乙购买正版杀毒软件用于出租 C(丙购买正版唱片用于出租 D(丁购买正宗专利产品用于出租 答案:BC 解析:本题考核知识产权的侵权行为。 《著作权法》第10条第(七)项规定,出租权,即有偿许可他人临时使用电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品、计算机软件的权利,计算机软件不是出租的主要标的的除外。据此可知,并非所有的著作权人都对自己的作品享有出租权,享有出租权的主体是电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品及其计算机软件的著作权人。 因图书的著作权人不享有出租权,甲对其购买的正版图书进行出租的行为不构成对知识产权的侵犯。因此,A项错误。 杀毒软件是计算机软件,其著作权人享有对该作品的出租权。乙将购买的正版杀毒软件进行出租需要再次得到著作权人的许可,否则构成侵权。因此,B项正确。 《著作权法》第41条第1款规定,录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制、发行、出租、通过信息网络向公众传播并获得报酬的权利;权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该制品首次制作完成后第五十年的12月31日。据此可知,唱片的著作权人享有对唱片的出租权,丙购买的虽然是正版唱片,但是没有经过著作权人同意而擅自用于出租的,构成对著作权人出租权的侵犯。因此,C项正确。 《专利法》没有对出租权进行规定,专利权人对自己的专利产品不享有出租权。因此,丁将购买的正宗专利产品用于出租的行为不构成侵权,D项错误。 65(甲公司在食品上注册"乡巴佬"商标后,与乙公司签订转让合同,获五万元转让费。合同履行后,乙公司起诉丙公司在食品上使用"乡巴佬"商标的侵权行为。法院作出侵权认定的判决书刚生效,"乡巴佬"注册商标就因有"不良影响"被依法撤销。下列哪些说法是错误的, A."乡巴佬"商标权视为自始不存在 B(甲公司应当向乙公司返还五万元 C(撤销"乡巴佬"商标的裁定对侵权判决不具有追溯力 D(丙公司可以将"乡巴佬"商标作为未注册商标继续使用 答案:BCD 解析:本题考核商标权被撤销后的法律后果。 《中华人民共和国商标法实施条例》第36条规定,依照商标法第四十一条的规定撤销的注册商标,其商标专用权视为自始即不存在。有关撤销注册商标的决定或者裁定,对在撤control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 销前人民法院作出并已执行的商标侵权案件的判决、裁定,工商行政管理部门作出并已执行的商标侵权案件的处理决定,以及已经履行的商标转让或者使用许可合同,不具有追溯力;但是,因商标注册人恶意给他人造成的损失,应当给予赔偿。 根据上述规定可知,“乡巴佬”商标被撤销后,其商标专用权视为自始即不存在。因此,A项正确。 商标权被撤销后,已经履行的商标转让或使用许可合同,不具有追溯力。因此,B项错误。 商标被撤销后,对已执行的商标侵权案件的判决、裁定不具有追溯力,并非对所有的商标侵权案件的判决、裁定都没有追溯力。因此,C项错误。 《商标法》第46条规定,注册商标被撤销的或者期满不再续展的,自撤销或者注销之日起一年内,商标局对与该商标相同或者近似的商标注册申请,不予核准。据此可知,《商标法》仅对被撤销的商标在一年内不能再申请注册,没有关于是否可以继续使用的相关规定。根据常理分析,本题中 “乡巴佬”注册商标是因有“不良影响”被依法撤销。说明该商标的使用会产生“不良影响”,撤销的目的就是为了禁止使用权人使用,那么如果允许撤销后作为非注册商标使用的话,那么撤销的目的并没有达到。因此,D项说法错误。 2010年单选 15.甲无国籍,经常居住地为乙国,甲创作的小说《黑客》在丙国首次出版。我国公民丁在丙国购买了该小说,未经甲同意将其翻译并在我国境内某网站传播。《黑客》要受我国著作权法保护,应当具备下列哪一条件, A.《黑客》不应当属于我国禁止出版或传播的作品 B.甲对丁翻译《黑客》并在我国境内网站传播的行为予以追认 C.乙和丙国均加入了《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》 D.乙或丙国加入了《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》 16.甲、乙合作完成一部剧本,丙影视公司欲将该剧本拍摄成电视剧。甲以丙公司没有名气为由拒绝,乙独自与丙公司签订合同,以十万元价格将该剧本摄制权许可给丙公司。对此,下列哪一说法是错误的, A.该剧本版权由甲乙共同享有 B.该剧本版权中的人身权不可转让 C.乙与丙公司签订的许可合同无效 D.乙获得的十万元报酬应当合理分配给甲 17.甲公司注册了商标“霞露”,使用于日用化妆品等商品上,下列哪一选项是正确的, A.甲公司要将该商标改成“露霞”,应向商标局提出变更申请 B.乙公司在化妆品上擅自使用“露霞”为商标,甲公司有权禁止 C.甲公司因经营不善连续三年停止使用该商标,该商标可能被注销 D.甲公司签订该商标转让合同后,应单独向商标局提出转让申请 18.甲是某产品的专利权人,乙于2008年3月1日开始制造和销售该专利产品。甲于2009年3月1日对乙提起侵权之诉。经查,甲和乙销售每件专利产品分别获利为二万元和一万元,甲因乙的侵权行为少销售100台,乙共销售侵权产品300台。关于乙应对甲赔偿的额度,下列哪一选项是正确的, A.200万元 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and B.250万元 C.300万元 D.500万元 2010年多选 62.甲乙丙三人合作开发一项技术,合同中未约定权利归属。该项技术开发完成后,甲、丙想要申请专利,而乙主张通过商业秘密来保护。对此,下列哪些选项是错误的, A.甲、丙不得申请专利 B.甲、丙可申请专利,申请批准后专利权归甲、乙、丙共有 C.甲、丙可申请专利,申请批准后专利权归甲、丙所有,乙有免费实施的权利 D.甲、丙不得申请专利,但乙应向甲、丙支付补偿费 63.甲影视公司将其摄制的电影《愿者上钩》的信息网络传播权转让给乙网站,乙网站采取技术措施防范未经许可免费播放或下载该影片。丙网站开发出专门规避乙网站技术防范软件,供网民在丙网站免费下载使用,学生丁利用该软件免费下载了《愿者上钩》供个人观看。对此,下列哪些说法是正确的, A.丙网站的行为侵犯了著作权 B.丁的行为侵犯了著作权 C.甲公司已经丧失著作权人主体资格 D.乙网站可不经甲公司同意以自己名义起诉侵权行为人 64.商标注册申请人自其在某外国第一次提出商标注册申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同商品以同一商标提出注册申请的,依据下列哪些情形可享有优先权, A.该外国同中国签订的协议 B.该外国同中国共同参加的国际条约 C.该外国同中国相互承认优先权 D.该外国同中国有外交关系 65.甲公司聘请乙专职从事汽车发动机节油技术开发。因开发进度没有达到甲公司的要求,甲公司减少了给乙的开发经费。乙于2007年3月辞职到丙公司,获得了更高的薪酬和更多的开发经费。2008年1月,乙成功开发了一种新型汽车节油装置技术。关于该技术专利申请权的归属,下列哪些选项是错误的, A.甲公司 B.乙 C.丙公司 D.甲公司和丙公司共有 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and
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