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古典占星:Morin的法则古典占星:Morin的法则 Morin的法则 译者:attggy ------------- 1. Each planet causes different specific effects in each of the houses. The same applies to the zodiacal signs and the stars. 每一顆星體在每一個宮位中各有不同的效用。 同樣的法則對黃道十二星座以及恆星同樣適用。 第二句意思是說,宮頭星座的不同會對該宮相關事務產生不同的效用,例如雙魚座是...

古典占星:Morin的法则 Morin的法则 译者:attggy ------------- 1. Each planet causes different specific effects in each of the houses. The same applies to the zodiacal signs and the stars. 每一顆星體在每一個宮位中各有不同的效用。 同樣的法則對黃道十二星座以及恆星同樣適用。 第二句意思是說,宮頭星座的不同會對該宮相關事務產生不同的效用,例如雙魚座是陰性變 動水象星座之類。座落在宮頭的恆星亦然。 2. In the same house, each planet produces different effects. So also does each zodiacal sign, each star. 在同一宮位裡,每顆星體各自產生不同的作用。黃道十二宮與恆星亦然。 3. The same planet produces certain effects by its conjunction with a planet, others by its opposition, others by its trine, others by its square, etc. 同一顆星體跟其他星體所構成的不同相位,會在星盤裡產生特定的且不同的效用。 例如某宮內水星與火星的相位不同,水星在第二宮裡的作用也跟著不同。 4. The same aspect determines different effects when sent from different planets. 同樣的相位,例如四分相,由不同的星體構成,則效果亦不同。 例如水星與火星的四分相,與水星月亮的四分相效果不一樣。 5. The same planet elicits different kinds of effects when it rules different houses. 同一顆星體會因為該星體所主宰的宮位不同,而引發不同的效果。 例如,第二宮內有水星,水星主宰第九宮頭時,跟水星主宰第五宮頭時所引發的效果亦不同。 6. A point on the Primum Mobile (the Zodiac for practical purposes) which, in the horoscope of an individual, is occupied by a certain planet, manifests its influence depending on the properties of this planet, and acts on the individual as long as he lives. 在個人星盤上,星體所座落的黃道位置以及該星體天性間所產生的交互作用會影響命主一輩 子。 例如火星金牛的作用方式,是火星的天性,加上金牛的陰性固定土象所共同組成。 In a similar way, the same point of the Primum Mobile can simultaneously be the Ascendant of one person, and thus exert its influence on the life and constitution of this subject, and be found on the cusp of another house of another horoscope, and thus act on this other person in the direction of the meanings attached to this other house. What has just been said of the planets must be applied to their aspects. 同樣地,黃道中任何一點也可以同時是ASC的落點,或者其他宮頭所座落之處, 而這些落點(宮頭等)的作用與影響方式則是依照星座的天性(如水瓶座是陽性固定風象) 而來。 另外,剛才所提到的星體的作用方式(火星金牛),亦需考量星體間的相位。 7. Each celestial agent acts only according to its own nature and power. 每一星體根據本身的天性與力量而作用。 8. The range of particular effects which a celestial agent can cause in connection with a given person is determined by the person's capacity to receive the influence and react to it. 每一星體所生特定效果的類別級別取決於命主本身接受與反應該星體之力的的程度。 9. The same agent, in the same conditions, always produces the same effects on the same subject. 同樣的星體,在同樣的情狀下,永遠產生同樣的效果在同樣的議題上。 Scarrott說 : 這是不可能發生的狀況。 10. Each house differs from every other house because of its properties. 各宮位所主宰的事務皆不同。 11. Each planet differs from every other because of its nature, or at least because of the active properties of its influx. 每顆星體的效用都彼此不同,因為星體各自天性不同,或者至少因為每顆星體所影響作用的 事務不同。 例如,土星影響睡眠以及記憶力,水星影響語言 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 達與自我反省能力等。 12. All zodiacal signs differ among themselves either because of their elemental nature, or the active properties of their influx, or both. 黃道十二星座各自的影響作用皆不同。 因為陰陽性,四元素,quadruplicity等的組合不同。 如天蠍座是陰性固定水象星座,處女是陰性變動土象。 13. Different aspects from the same planet are different because of their properties or their power. 同一顆星體所構成的相位不同,其效用也會跟著相位的性質不一樣。 14. All the Fixed Stars do not possess either the same nature or the same properties. 每一顆恆星的天性與性質都不同。 15. Diverse astral influences combine in the native on whom they act. 星盤裡各式各樣的星象影響交織成命主的命運。 16. The same planet, acting conjointly with the same zodiacal sign, always causes the same specific effects, as much on the elemental plane as on the influential. 同樣的星體,落在同樣的星座,其作用效果是一樣的。 例如某幾人水星水瓶,作用皆是陽性固定風象。(差異在於水星座落的宮位,主宰的宮位,以 及跟其他星體的相位等等,這上面已經提到過。) 17. Two planets cannot each produce the same effects in the horoscope of a person, whether taken separately or together. 任兩顆星體在星盤裡無法產生同樣的效果,不論是單獨或者合在一起看。 例如第二宮內有火星與木星合象,火木各自對第二宮產生自己的影響。 18. The same planet can cause, by means of its infuence, different effects in the same subject. 同一顆星體,根據其影響,可以在同一議題之下產生不同的影響效果。 例如,火星落第二宮,落火星天蠍跟火星射手所生影響不同。 19. No planet has by its influence, the same effect on subjects of different sorts not even on many subjects of the same sort. 根據星體天性與座落星座位置的不同,各星體對於生活各層面的事務所生的影響效用皆不同。 20. When a planet is outside of its own sign, it provokes on thing because of its position in the house it occupies, and another because of its rulership in another house. 當星體落在自己所主宰的星座之外,該星體會將,自己所落的宮位以及宮頭落在該星體主宰 的星座的宮位,關連在一起。 例如火星落射手第九宮,則第一宮與第八宮(白羊天蠍)會跟第九宮彼此產生關連。 21. A planet does not signify one thing except insofar as it brings it about. 星體所徵象的事務會因為該星體引動或者發生。 General Rules for the Interpretation of the Celestial Figure 22. Each planet always acts conjointly with the zodiacal sign in which it is found. 各星體皆依照所座落星座而生作用。 亦即星體天性,星座的陰陽、四元素、基本固定變動等。 23. Each zodiacal sign always operates according to the nature and zodiacal state of its ruler, but not always according to the latter's local determination. 各星座所生的效用永遠依照其星座天性(陰陽四元素,基本固定變動)以及該星座主宰星的 黃道狀態而定,但並非總是會跟主宰星的local determination(宮位,主宰的宮位以及與其他星體的相位等),產生關連。 Scarrott 說:希臘時代即有的觀念。星座為星體的延伸,星體可以進而影響星座產生的作用 效果,但星座不會(MORIN是認為難以)往回對星體造成影響。 例如,火星落金牛陷落,則白羊天蠍座落的宮頭以及這兩個星座內的星體,都會受到迫害, 而該二星座所主宰的宮位相關事務也會產生險惡的影響。 24. Each planet always acts according to the nature and zodiacal state of its dispositor. Most often it acts also by reason of the latter's terrestrial state. Finally, to a certain extent it acts also depending on its "Second Ruler". (Cf. Rule 52) 每顆星體皆依照其天性以及其定位星的黃道狀態來作用。通常也會依照其定位星所落的宮位 來發揮影響力。在一定程度上,該星體的作用方式也會依照其exaltation ruler而定。 例如,某星落金牛,則受金星與月亮影響。 比較參看下面第五十二條。 25. In the first place, one should determine the ZODIACAL STATE of a planet, as this rules the quality of the planet's effects; then, the planet's TERRESTRIAL STATE, since this determines the category of effects. 解盤第一步,先注意星體的黃道狀態(星座,定位星與相位等等),因為這影響到星體作用方式的性質。 第二步,注意星體座落的宮位與主宰的宮位以及有相位星體的宮位,因為這決定該星體所影 響的領域。 The zodiacal state includes as an invariable element the essential nature of the planet, and as variable elements the nature of the zodiacal sign through which it passes, the nature and state of its dispositor, and the quality of the aspects which it receives. The terrestrial state of a planet consists in its position in relation to the horizon of the birth place, and is expressed by the planet's presence in this or that house. 26. Any planet in favorable zodiacal state is considered to be benefic, in whatever house it is. 任何黃道狀態好的星體可被認為吉星,不論它落在哪個宮位。 Nevertheless, Saturn and Mars, even in good zodiacal state, but in an unfortunate house (VIII and XII and partially VII) produce pernicious effects. 只是土火即使黃道狀態良好,但落在第八第十二與第七宮時,仍會產生險惡的影響。 On the other hand, any planet in unfavorable zodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic. this latter circumstance accentuates further the harmful power of planets which are naturally malefic. 任何黃道狀態不好的星體不論落在哪個宮位乃以兇論,尤其是天生為兇的火土。 Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state has an influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic. 任何黃道狀態中庸的星體,其效用介於吉星與兇星之間。 The helpful action of planets which are benefic by nature and zodiacal state, shows itself in the direct production of advantage when the planets are in fortunate houses, and in the suppression of disadvantage in unfortunate houses. 黃道狀態良好的吉星,落在良好的宮位則可以發揮更正面吉利的效用, 落在險惡的宮位則可以抑制減輕險惡宮位帶來的負面影響。 The harmful action of malefics by nature or zodiacal state manifests itself in the direct causation of misfortune in unfortunate houses, and by the suppression of good fortune in the fortunate houses. 黃道狀態差的兇星,落在險惡的宮位裡是雪上加霜,落在良好的宮位裡則會抑制減輕良好宮 位所掌管的吉福。 27. A planet is determined towards a particular signification by its position, its essential dignities, its aspects and antiscions, its connections with the other celestial bodies by means of their disposition, their aspects, and their antiscions. 星體徵象的事務取決於星體在星盤中的位置,essential dignities,相位,映點, 以及與其他星體藉由定位、相位與映點的連結。 The natural analogies of the planets represent only a very general determining factor and are not able to constitute a particular one. Nevertheless, when these analogies are in harmony with a particular accidental determination, they confirm the latter. MORIN對於星體的自然徵象批評的很厲害(如月金代表妻子母親或泛指女人),但在這裡沒有 收進去就是。不過當星體的自然徵象跟星體的local determination連結協調時,則可以用 來確認該星體徵象事務的範疇,例如第七宮頭落天秤,則金星則徵象妻子這一類的情況。 In the contrary situation, they do not entirely invalidate or counterbalance the particular accidental determination. MORIN的意思是星體的accidental determination重要性大於星體的自然徵象。 Connection with another planet includes two determining factors: (1) the nature and the analogies of this planet; (2) the latter's particular determination in the horoscope. 與另一顆星體的連結有兩個決定性因素需要考量:一是星體的天性與其自然徵象,二是另一 顆星體在命盤中的local determination。 舉例同我上面那段。 28. The physical position is the most powerful of the determining factors; then comes the disposition (rulership) and aspects. 星體徵象的事務:一、宮內星大於宮主星。二、宮主星大於相位。 例如,第二宮頭落雙子,內有木星,則木星比起水星更能指示該命主的財務。 29. From the point of view of the action of celestial bodies, insofar as this results from their particular determination, the four following points should be noted: (1) this action may achieve the object of the determination; (2) it may prevent it from realization; (3) once realized, it may destroy it; (4) it may turn the realization into a source of happiness or unhappiness for the native. 星體的作用方式,在一定程度內,取決於星體於星盤中的分佈狀況,(除非天象涉入,總之就 是mundane astrology的範疇就是)並且有四種作用方式。一、星體可以成就其所徵象的事 務或者事件。二、星體可以阻止妨害其所徵象事務事件的發生。(如太陽在第五宮有燒掉子嗣 的意涵之類)三、先成就其徵象的事務事件後,再行摧毀。四、它可能導致其所徵象的事務 事件成為命主幸福或者不幸的源頭。 30. The position or rulership of a planet in a house does indicate that a category of things or accidents may or may not befall a person; but a priori and in itself position or rulership does not indicate the achievement of these things. Their effective realization - or the contrary - depends on the nature of the planet in the house or on that of its dispositor, and their zodiacal states. These same factors decise in this case the quality and the nature of the affairs to be produced. 宮內星或宮主星指示命主生命中的事務事件可能會(或者不會)發生的生活領域。而這些生 活領域是否會產生該適當的效用(例如第五宮會不會有孩子,如果有,是早夭,還是健康長 大?)則取決於宮內星的天性,其定位星,以其它們的黃道狀態良好與否,而相關事務事件 的性質也因此而來。 例如某男第八宮有火星落天秤,而金星落處女第七宮,則妻子可能愛花錢買高級保養品或者 珠寶裝飾自己之類,簡單舉個例而已。 黃道狀態主要是針對 : 一、星體座落的星座位置 二、定位星所座落的星座位置 三、該星體與其他星體間的相位 How to proceed when a House has no Planets in it 宮內無星時 31. When a house is devoid of planets, one judges the realization or its suppression, and the quality of the things essentially signified by the house, according to the nature and the state of its ruler. 當宮內無星時,該宮的相關事務事件的狀態與特質取決於宮頭主宰星的天性與所座落的星座 與宮位。 空宫应当看宫主来决定宫位代表的生活领域的情况。 32. It is to be noted, however, that the Ascendant has a stronger significance for the life and constitution of the native than does its ruler, if the latter is absent from the First House. The aspects received by the Ascendant are in this case more powerful than those received by the ruler. The same observation holds for the Midheaven. 需要注意的是,當ASC的主宰星沒有落在第一宮裡面時,ASC的度數本身會比其主宰星,對 命主的生命與健康等等,更具有重要性。而ASC本身所接受到的相位,也比ASC主宰星更重 要些。 同樣的規則也可以應用在MC上。 假如命主(上升主宰星)不在一宫的话,上升点在代表生命和命主个性上会比命主星更重要。 上升点接收到的相位会比命主接收到的相位作用更有力。 对于中天也是如此。 What is indicated when only one Planet physically occupies a given House 當宮內只有單顆星體時 33. When only one planet physically occupies a house, it will be the one which principally decides whether or not realization will occur, and what quality will characterize the events and affairs signified by the house; nevertheless, its dispositor will participate in this. 當宮內只有單顆星體時,該顆星體,將是該宮相關事務與可能發生的相關事件之特徵與性質 的主要指標,但是該星體的定位星也會參與其中就是。 这颗行星会主要来决定这个宫的情况,它的定位星也应当参考。 例如第二宮內只有木星金牛,則木星金牛為第二宮相關事務事件的主要指標,但金星落的星 座宮位亦會影響並決定第二宮內木星金牛的作用。 34. Any planet which has in itself an analogy with the significations of the house where it is posited (or where it rules), realizes the matters and events of the house, whether in a helpful or harmful way, depending on the harmony or disharmony of it zodiacl state. If its analogies are contrary to the meanings of the house, it will more or less hinder or prevent the realization, or destroy what it first produces, or make the realization a source of trouble. 當星體的自然徵象(或者說天性)與其座落宮位(或主宰的宮位)所主宰的相關事務事件有 協調關連時,則該顆星體,不論影響好壞(好壞取決於星體的黃道狀態),將可引發該宮位的 相關事務事件。 若星體的自然徵象與該宮相關事務相左,則該星體將會阻礙,或者先建立再破壞該星體徵象 的相關事務事件,或者也可能讓該星體徵象的事務事件成為命主生命中麻煩的來源。 这颗行星的本身含义如果和所在宫位或者所主宰的宫位有关(比如金星落在七宫或为七宫宫 主),那么就会增强这个宫的含义。至于正面还是负面,取决于这个行星的本身状态(相位和 谐等)。如果这颗行星的本身含义与所在宫位或所主宰宫位有冲突,则会或多或少阻碍或影响 这个宫位的事件。 Scarrott : 例如,木星為財富的自然徵象,當木星落在第二宮財帛宮時,木星會更容易發揮 他身為財富自然徵象的天性,也更能引動第二宮在命盤裡的作用。但木星的效用是傾向正面 或負面以及作用方式,則端看木星的黃道狀態而定,若木星狀態不佳,例如落處女且被兇星 刑剋,則命主雖有財富,但亦有損耗,或者得財方式亦有不正當之處。 再舉一例,土星天性中徵象殞落,孤立,艱困,衰敗等等,如落第十宮,與名聲社會地位, 職業相關的宮位,這時候土星天性跟第十宮所主宰的事務就相左了,因此土星落入第十宮可 能產生命主大起大落的經歷,可能累積一定的聲名後,再整個惡名昭彰,或者直接就阻礙或 限制職業與名聲的發展等等。只是同樣地,如果土星的黃道狀態良好,那麼土星落第十宮依 然能成就命主第十宮相關事務事件等等,但還是會以土星的天性來成就發生。星體的作用方 式根據MORIN,有四種,這在之前也已經提過。 35. A planet which is benefic by nature and zodiacal state, in I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, and XI (which are the houses called fortunate) realizes the advantages indicated by the house in which it is posited. 黃道狀態良好的吉星落在良好的宮位時,則該宮位所主宰的事務事件在命盤裡會更能作用與 發揮。 良好的宮位為:一、二、三、四、五、六、七、九、十、十一宮 scarrott : 不過個人還是建議將第六宮視為兇好點。 吉星如果在天宫中有好的状态,落在1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11宫(排除8,12这两 个不幸宫位,其他的宫位都可以被认为是幸运宫位,这是Morin对fortunate house的定义, 后面Morin还有说7宫可以算作一半不幸宫位,因为也象征敌人和对手),则会正面的带动这些宫位象征的事情。 Here it is always necessary to notice if and how the planet's nature and zodiacal state harmonize with the meanings of the house. 總之,考量星體天性以及其黃道狀態是否跟所落宮位(或主宰的宮位)有無協調連結是很重 要的。 36. A planet which is naturally benefic and located in a fortunate house, but hindered in its action by the nature of the zodiacal sign through which it is moving, or hurt by bad aspects, does not realize the advantages indicated by the house, or at least surrounds this realization with obstacles or causes bad methods to be used, or limits the acquisition to small quantity and poor quality, or makes it of short duration, and most often useless. 吉星落在良好的宮位,但若黃道狀態不佳或者與其他星體刑剋,那麼該星體則無法發揮其該 有的效用,或者最起碼也會帶給他自己所徵象的事務事件困難與麻煩,或者導致該星體以不 正當的手段成就他所徵象的事務事件,或者所徵象的吉福會受到限制或者撐不了多久等等。 吉星在幸运宫位,但如果落陷或是遭遇到负相位,则不能帮助所在的宫位实现正面的事情, 可能的后果是——错误的方法被使用,宫位代表的生活领域内的成果会很少或质量不好,或 是拥有的东西持续时间不长。 Scarrott : 例如,木星為財富的自然徵象,當木星落在第二宮財帛宮時,木星會更容易發揮 他身為財富自然徵象的天性,也更能引動第二宮在命盤裡的作用。但木星的效用是傾向正面 或負面以及作用方式,則端看木星的黃道狀態而定,若木星狀態不佳,例如落處女且被兇星 刑剋,則命主雖有財富,但亦有損耗不持久,或者得財方式亦有不正當之處。 PS. 在這裡(或者說古典占星),所謂的不正當手段跟命主本身的意願意志,並無太多的關連 性,建議不要跟現代心理占星混為一談。 37. A planet which is a benefic by nature, but in mediocre zodiacal state, and in a fortunate house, will anticipate the realization of the affairs signified by the house with more certainty than if it were badly disposed, but will make this realization equally mediocre from the point of view of quality and quantity, as also from the point of view of the affair's duration. 黃道狀態中庸的吉星,落在良好的宮位時,會比黃道狀態不佳時,更能成就該宮的相關事務 事件,但就質與量方面,亦是不上不下的中庸程度,在持久力方面亦同。 吉星在幸运宫位,但是天宫图中的状态中等(比如非庙旺非落陷),则可以帮助所在宫位实现 其代表的正面事情。但结果会和此吉星的天宫状态一致,也为中等。 38. A malefic by nature and zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will not effect the advantages signified by the house, but will rather hinder them so that they are not achieved; and if they are achieved in any case, the planet will turn their acquisition into a source of misfortune. 黃道狀態不佳的兇星落在良好的宮位時,無法導致該宮所徵象的吉福好處,反而還會給該宮 所徵象的事務事件帶來阻礙,讓這些事務事件無法順利發展。若是這些事務事件被發展成就 了,那麼該顆星體則會將這些事務事件的成就化成不幸的來源(例如先建立後再行破壞,人 生的大起落之類。) 39. A planet by nature malefic, but in a favorable zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will bring about the good signified by the house with the condition however, that it does not undergo any opposition from planets which have an analogy with the significations of the house. But even without this, it will produce always imperfect advantages, or will bring about their acquisition by reprehensible means, or with difficulty, or will cause them to be followed with unhappiness. 黃道狀態良好的兇星落在良好的宮位時,該宮所徵象的吉福事務事件可以被成就與發生,尤 其當該星體的自然徵象與該宮相關事務事件有重合協調之處時。不過即使該星體自然徵象與 該宮位兩者沒有足夠的協調性,還是可以導致該宮所主宰事務事件的發生或者成就相關的事 務事件,但該宮所徵象的吉福程度仍多少會受到損傷,或者給相關的事務事件帶來困難,或 讓這些事件成為命主不幸與麻煩的原因。 Scarrott : 例如第十宮內有土星落天秤,則命主社會地位與名聲將會崇高,但取得社會地位 與名聲的過程依然會伴隨艱辛困頓等等。 40. A planet malefic by nature, in mediocre zodiacal state, and in a fortunate house, neither gives nor takes away, but only hinders the fulfillment of advantages, above all if it is contrary to them by nature. 黃道狀態中庸的兇星落在良好宮位時,該兇星既不成就亦不帶走該宮所徵象的吉福,但會阻 礙該宮吉福的成就與發生,尤其當該星體天性與該宮位所徵象事務事件相左時更是如此。 41. A planet benefic by nature and zodiacal state but in an unfortunate house (VIII or XII) suppresses or mitigates the disadvantages signified by it. 黃道狀態良好的吉星落在兇宮時(如第八第十二宮),該星體將會抑制或者減輕該兇宮所主宰 徵象的兇惡。 The Seventh House should be considered partially unfortunate inasmuch as it also signifies battles and enmities. 第七宮半為兇半為吉。 兇的原因在於第七宮徵象戰爭與公開的敵人。 吉的原因在於徵象著配偶。 42. A planet which is benefic by nature, but in unfortunate zodiacal state, in VIII or XII, or ruling one of these although physically located elsewhere, will not hinder very dangerous illnesses nor a violent death. 黃道狀態不佳的吉星,落在兇宮或者主宰兇宮時,無法減輕或帶走這些兄宮的險惡。 Scarrott : 類似泥菩薩過江自身難保。 43. A planet which is benefic by nature, in mediocre zodiacal state, in VIII or XII, neither causes nor suppresses the unhappy events connected with these houses, but only tempers their quality and moderates their extent. 黃道狀態中庸的吉星落在兇宮時,既不導致也不帶走該兇宮所徵象主宰的兇惡,但可以減輕 一點該宮兇惡的程度。 44. A planet malefic by nature, in favorable zodiacal state, but in an unfortunate house, does not suppress the disadvantages signified there, that is, it does not prevent them from happening (due to its natural malignity), but it will permit the native to escape, or will mitigate the intensity (due to its favorable zodiacal state). 黃道狀態良好的兇星落在兇宮時,該兇星一樣會讓該兇宮所主宰徵象的兇惡發生或者被成就, 這是因為兇星的天性所致。不過該兇星會提供機會讓命主可以從該宮所徵象的兇惡中脫逃, 或者減輕該宮所徵象之兇惡的程度。 Nevertheless, for this to be so, the favorable zodiacal state should include good aspects from benefics; if it consisted only in the fact that the malefic occupied its Domicile or exaltation, the malefic power would be intensified. 只不過,要讓該兇星提供機讓命主可以從該宮所徵象的兇惡中脫逃,或者減輕該宮所徵象之 兇惡的程度,除了該兇星本身的黃道狀態須良好之外,與吉星的吉相位也是必須的,但如果 只有該兇星本身的黃道狀態良好,例如落在自己主宰的星座與擢升位,則兇星的天性會得到 強化。 45. A planet which is malefic by nature, in unfavorable zodiacal state, and in an unfortunate house greatly favors the realization of the troubles signified by the house, provokes them, and makes them lead to disgrace, infamy, or violence. 黃道狀態不佳的兇星落在兇宮時,該兇宮主宰徵象的兇惡,在命主生命中會更加活躍與作用, 並且帶來恥辱,惡名昭彰與暴力等等。 46. A planet which is malefic by nature, in mediocre zodiacal state, and in an unfortunate house does not suppress the difficulties signified there, but rather contributes to their fulfillment, giving them, nevertheless, less scope than if its zodiacal state were bad. 黃道狀態中庸的兇星落在兇宮時,可以導致該兇宮所徵象之兇惡的成就或發生,但狀況會比 該兇星黃道狀態不佳時輕微一點。 47. Since each house has an essential significance and an accidental one which actually derives from its opposite house, it is necessary to make this distinction: a planet benefic by nature, in favorable zodiacal state and in an unfavorable house, diminishes in itself the misfortune essentially signified there, but stimulates the good fortune accidentally signified. 每一宮位都有其基本主宰與徵象的事務物件,以及夾帶一些對宮所徵象的事務事件。因此區 分宮位的主宰與徵象事務事件的差異是需要注意的,例如一顆黃道狀態良好的吉星落在兇宮, 該吉星可以減輕或帶走所在兇宮主宰徵象的兇惡,同時也能促使對宮所徵象之吉福相關事務 事件被成就或者發生。 On the other hand, a malefic, whatever its zodiacal state, always indicates by its opposition hindrance of the accidental significations if they are fortunate, and realization if they are unfortunate. 另一方面,不論黃道狀態良好與否的兇星,若該兇星所在宮位的對宮是吉宮,則該兇星會對 該對宮所徵象事務帶來阻礙。若對宮是兇宮,則會促進該對宮所徵象主宰之兇惡的引動或發 生。 Scarrott : 簡單的應用法例如,第八宮內有兇星,則第八宮的兇星會對第二宮相關事務造成 阻礙。類似地,若第二宮若無星體,則落在第八宮的兇星亦可指示第二宮相關事務事件的狀 態與特質。MORIN的解盤實例中可以見到這一類的應用。 48. When a planet rules in a house where it is physically located, its effects acquire even more intensity. 當某宮頭星座的主宰星落入該宮(例如第三宮頭落天蠍而火星亦在第三宮內),則該星體徵象 該宮位相關事務事件的程度與強度得到強化。 例如第三宮頭落天蠍,火星也在第三宮內,則火星帶有很強的第三宮相關事務的徵象力。 49. When a planet rules in a house other than the one it occupies, the meanings of these two houses combine. However, because of Rule 28, the result of this combination tends more to the meanings of the house occupied by the planet. 當星體落在非自己所主宰的宮位裡,則該星體會將自己所落的宮位以及自己所主宰的宮位之 相關事務徵象關連在一起,但論斷上會以該星體本身所座落宮位的徵象意涵為主,這是因為 宮內星重要性大於宮主星的關係。 当一颗行星落在非它主宰的宫位,那么它所主宰的宫位和所落入的宫位的含义需要结合来看。 (可以参考洪能平飞星专论)。这种结合的结果会侧重于行星所落入的宫位。 例如火星落射手第九宮,則火星會將第九宮與第八宮,第一宮關連在一起, 但以第九宮所主宰徵象的事務事件為主體,例如命主的長途遠行並且遭遇險惡(第八宮)之 類。粗糙地舉例,別太介意。 50. Besides the determination by position, a planet can undergo another determination towards the analogies pertaining to another planet with which it is in conjunction or aspect. 除了依照星體所落宮位與主宰的宮位來決定星體在命盤中徵象的事務事件之外,亦可從該星 體與其他星體的合相與相位,進而影響到到由其他星體所徵象之事務事件。 例如,水星落第八宮天蠍與第十宮內月亮成六分相,則水星徵象死亡(宮內星),短期旅行與 工作技能外(主宰第三宮與第六宮),也會對命主職業與名聲造成影響,同時更進一步地,水 星對月亮所主宰的宮位亦有所影響。但基於宮內星大於宮主星,宮主星大於相位,因此影響 程度也會跟著遞減。 Scarrott 說 : 嚴格說來,合相與對分相不算所謂的相位。 51. Likewise, the aspects received by a planet can exert a complementary determination on it towards the significations of the planet from which they come, by virtue of the latter's position or rulership in the nativity. 同樣地,接受來自其他星體的相位也會對該宮內星造成影響,而影響來源則取決於另一星體 座落以及主宰的宮位。 52. A planet depends more directly on its dispositor when in conjunction or aspect with it (and above all if this configuration is close). (Cf. Rule 24) 當星體與其定位星有合相或相位時,則該星體的作用方式更取決於其定位星,尤其當合相或 相位緊密時更是如此。比較參看第二十四條。 Scarrott : 這是reception的應用基礎。 When a planet is in unfavorable zodiacal or terrestrial state but its dispositor is in a favorable state, the affairs signified by the former will go badly in the beginning, but later will take a turn for the better, above all if the first planet approaches a good aspect from its dispositor. On the other hand, if the planet is in favorable zodiacal state, but its dispositor is in an unfavorable one, the success or happiness at the beginning will change into misfortune. 當星體黃道狀態或者落兇宮時,但其定位星狀態良好(座落的星座宮位皆好),則該星體所徵 象的事務事件一開始的時候會很差,但之後會好轉,尤其是當該星體與其定位星有吉相位的 時候。另一方面,如果該星體黃道狀態良好,但其定位星則狀態不佳,那麼該星體所徵象的 事務事件,一開始不錯,但後來則會惡化。 Scarrott : 例如第二宮內有火星金牛與第四宮月亮巨蟹成六分相,火星落月亮的exaltation因此受月亮定位,而月亮落角宮並且落在自己主宰的星座為強力之兆,則可初步判命主財務 早年不好(因為火星黃道狀態差),但年紀越大越有錢(因為定位星月亮強有力)。 当一个行星与它的定位星有相位的时候,这个行星更依赖于它的定位星。 当一个行星天宫中状态不好,但是定位星状态很好,那么前者所代表的事情很可能刚开始的 时候不好,但是后来的结果可能很好;尤其是前者和它的定位星有正面相位的时候。 但是,反过来说,如果一个行星天宫状态很好,但是定位星很差,或者与定位星有不良相位, 那么可能事件会由好变坏。 Morin的法则一条一条简单明了,比较适合阅读的,比如他讲到一个宫位里没有行星应该如 何解读,然后有一颗应该怎么样,然后再是如果有多颗星星在一个宫里应该怎么样... 里面具体有如果吉星落凶宫的后果,凶星落吉宫等等的后果,读读是可以帮助增长功力的 比如火星落十二宫,属于凶星落凶宫,这时候火星位于天蝎入庙的位置和火星位于天秤失势 的位置,对命主会有什么影响? 哪个更凶? 如果火星没有任何外在的相位影响,和火星收 到金星或木星的吉相位的情况下,这两种情况又会有什么区别? 这些情况综合考虑呢? 看完Morin的第44,45,46条法则就了解了。 53. The rules from 35 to 47 and from 49 to 51 apply equally to the house rulers. 第35 ~ 47條,以及第49 ~ 51條可同樣應用在宮主星上。 1. 普遍來說,星體受定位星左右,尤其當它們之間有相位時。 2. 宮內星的作用方式主要取決於座落的星座與其定位星天性。 定位星的角色是背後的推手。 好比一個成功的男人背後,總有一個女人什麼什麼。。。 星體是男人,定位星是女人 男人可以單方面接收來自背後女人的好, 也可以回過頭來對他背後的女人好,然後兩人幸福快樂 The Determination of the Planets by Aspects 相位的判断 80. The points of the Primum Mobile where the arcs measuring aspects end, are determined towards the nature and the accidental disposition of the Planet which sends the aspects. Thus, the Planets act by means of their aspects. Since, on the other hand, these same places undergo a local determination deriving from the Houses in which the aspects fall, it happens that the Planets are "determined by their aspects". 相位是由行星的性质以及在黄道面上的位置所决定的. 即相位形成的原因有两种类型. 一种是依照行星的性质即星座来判断是否构成相位 比如火象星座与水象星座成90度 另一种是按行星的位置来判断是否构成相位 比如行星在火象星座最后几度靠近土象就可能与在土象星座的行星构成0度 这如果按照星座的方法来判断是不可能构成0度的 81. The influence of the Planets by virtue of their aspects is often more important than that exerted by virtue of their Rulership. Every Planet has a noticeably more effective influence on the affairs signified by the House opposite to the one it physically occupies than does the Ruler of this opposite House if absent there from and weak, and without aspect to it. (Thus it is worse for the Ascendant to be afflicted by a square or an opposition from Saturn or Mars, than it is for the Ascendant to be merely under their Rulership.) 比如上升与土星和火星构成180或90度 比上升在山羊或白羊力量大. 或是月亮在白羊.可以认为月亮与火星构成相位 但这个相位的力量远没有月亮与火星直接构成相位要大. 82. Each Planet acts by its aspects: (1) by virtue of its nature; (2) by virtue of its Zodiacal state; (3) by virtue of its Terrestrial state, that is, its position and the position of its Domiciles. Nevertheless, it does not always act simultaneously by reason of the two elements which make up its Terrestrial state, but sometimes because of one, sometimes because of the other, sometimes because of both at the same time. 行星的相位要参考 行星的性质 ie,benefic or malefic 行星的星座 行星的宫位和宫主星 83. Since each Planet forms aspects of different natures it exerts constructive and destructive influences simultaneously. 由于构成不同相位 行星也会同时表现出"好"和"坏"的一面. 比如同时有120度和90度..等等 84. In conjunctions, the quality of the effects depends on the benefic or malefic nature of the Planets concerned, as well as their Zodiacal state. 0度的影响依行星的性质和星座来判断. 85. Each Planet acts constructively by means of its beneficial aspects (which are, in order of power: trine, sextile, semi-sextile), and destructively by means of its malefic aspects (opposition. square. quincunx). 行星的优良相位是120度 60度 30度 不良相位是180 90 72 86. Good aspects coming from a naturally benefic Planet produce positive effects with ease and abundance. They fulfill the advantages signified by the Houses where they fall, and prevent disadvantages from taking place. 好的相位使事情更加顺利 结果更加丰富甚至防止不好的影响发生 至于那方面能获得利益依宫位而定 87. Bad aspects coming from a naturally benefic Planet provoke difficulties, troubles, and losses. 吉星不好的相位则会带来损失,阻碍或失望 88. When a Planet which is naturally benefic is accidentally in bad Zodiacal or Terrestrial state, its good aspects will produce only small advantages; its bad ones, much damage. 如果吉星落在不好的星座或宫主星不好 那么即使好相位也只能一小部分的利益 如果是凶相位则更加糟糕. 89. Bad aspects from a naturally malefic Planet cause considerable trouble in the affairs signified by the Houses in which they fall. 煞星构成不好相位会给属于所落宫位范围的事项带来较大的困难 90. When a naturally malefic Planet is in bad Zodiacal or Terrestrial state, the harmful effects of its malefic aspects are magnified. On the other hand, its good Zodiacal state will mitigate these effects. 如果煞星落在不好的星座或宫位将放大其不好相位的影响 反言之如果在好的星座或宫位则减少其不好相位的影响. 91. By means of its good aspects a naturally malefic Planet will produce a certain success or fortune in the midst of moderate difficulties. However, if the Zodiacal or Terrestrial state of the Planet is unfavorable, even its good aspects will harm greatly. 煞星只要构成好相位还是能达到一定程度的成功 但如果星座和宫位都不好的话 好相位也无济于事 92. When a Malefic, in unfavorable Zodiacal state, receives a bad aspect from a Planet which is malefic by nature or determination, the malignity of its action will be intensified; if it receives a good aspect from a benefic, its malignity will be mitigated. 如果落在不好星座的煞星 与煞星 或在不良星座或宫位的行星 又构成不好的相位 其不良影响将加深 如果煞星与吉星 或落在好的星座或宫位的行星 形成好的相位 则它的不良影响将减弱. 93. When a Planet which is benefic by nature but in unfavorable Zodiacal state is hurt by a malefic aspect, its action becomes harmful. 吉星落在不好的星座与煞星构成相位 它的影响将变得不好 94. The same aspect formed by the same two Planets can be at once benefic for one thing, malefic for another. 吉星成吉相为吉 煞星成凶相为凶 不管如何制定,V.V、Dorotheus、Alexandrinus或拖勒密 都認為界的效力等同於廟旺,在命盤的分析上不容忽視, 雖然界的用法當時大都集中於計算壽限。因此在黃道上, 將界做出整理,土星管57年,木管79年,火66,金82, 水76,全部加起來剛好360度。
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