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计算机相关专业毕业设计外文翻译一篇(外文+翻译))计算机相关专业毕业设计外文翻译一篇(外文+翻译)) 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 移动设备的应用平台—J2ME简介 1.什么是J2ME: J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)是Java 2的一个组成部分,它与J2SE、J2EE并称。根据Sun的定义:J2ME是一种高度优化的Java运行环境,主要针对消费类电子设备的,例如蜂窝电话和可视电话、数字机顶盒、汽车导航系统等等。J2ME技术在1999年的JavaOne Developer Conference大会上正式推出,它将Java语言的与平台无关的特...

计算机相关专业毕业设计外文翻译一篇(外文+翻译)) 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 移动设备的应用平台—J2ME简介 1.什么是J2ME: J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)是Java 2的一个组成部分,它与J2SE、J2EE并称。根据Sun的定义:J2ME是一种高度优化的Java运行环境,主要针对消费类电子设备的,例如蜂窝电话和可视电话、数字机顶盒、汽车导航系统等等。J2ME技术在1999年的JavaOne Developer Conference大会上正式推出,它将Java语言的与平台无关的特性移植到小型电子设备上,允许移动无线设备之间共享应用程序。 J2ME在设计其规格的时候,遵循着对于各种不同的装置而造出一个单一的开发系统是没有意义的事」这个基本原则。于是 J2ME 先将所有的嵌入式装置大体上区分为两种 :一种是运算功能有限、电力供应也有限的嵌入式装置(比方说PDA 、手机);另外一种则是运算能力相对较佳、并请在电力供应上相对比较充足的嵌入式装置 (比方说冷气机、电冰箱、电视机上盒 (set-top box))。因为这两种型态的嵌入式装置,所以Java 引入了一个叫做Configuration 的概念,然后把上述运算功能有限、电力有限的嵌入式装置定义Connected Limited Device Configuration(CLDC)规格之中;而另外一种装置则 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 为 Connected Device Configuration(CDC)规格。也就是说,J2ME 先把所有的嵌入式装置利Configuration 的概念区隔成两种抽象的型态。 其实在这里大家可以把Configuration 当作是J2ME 对于两种类型嵌入式装置的规格,而这些规格之中定义了这些装置至少要符合的运算能力、供电能力、记忆体大小等规范,同时也定了一组在这些装置上执行的 Java 程序所能使用的类别函式库、这些规范之中所定义的类别函式库为 Java 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 核心类别函式库的子集合以及与该型态装置特性相符的扩充类别函式库。比方就CLDC 的规范来说,可以支援的核心类别函式库为java.lang.* 、java.io.*、java.util.*,而支援的扩充类别函式库为java.microedition.io.*。区分出两种主要的Configuration 之后,J2ME 接著在定义出Profile的概念。Profile 是架构在Configuration 之上的规格。之所以有Profile的概念,是为了要更明确地区分出各种嵌入式装置上Java 程序该如何开发以及它们应该具有哪些功能。因此Profile 之中定义了与特定嵌入式 装置非常相关的扩充类别函式库,而 Java 程序在各种嵌入式装置上的使用者介面该如何呈现就是定义在Profile 里头。Profile 之中所定义的扩充类别函式库是根据底层Configuration 内所定义的核心类别函式库所建立。 2. J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 新改进 J2ME Wireless Toolkit 已经成为 J2ME 开发应用程序的事实标准工具包。自从 2000 年初次亮相以来,该工具包一直在发展以赶上移动 Java 技术外观上快速改变的步伐。不要被从 2.1 版本以来的小改变所误导。新的工具包在四个重要的领域支持 Java Community Process (JCP) 所指定的新的可选 API:3D 图形、多媒体通信、蓝牙连网(Bluetooth networking)和数据管理。本文将描述这些新的 API 并且向您展示如何在工具包中实现他们。在这之前,让我们赞美一下更新后的 DefaultColorPhone 模拟器皮肤,自从 2.1 版本以来,该皮肤已有了一个更大的屏幕(320 x 240, 或 QVGA)和更多的颜色(4096 色而不是 256 色)。 2.1移动 3D 图形: JSR 184, 即 Mobile 3D 图形 API for J2ME (M3G) 在一个集成软件包中提供了三维图形功能,适用于支持最为广泛采用的 J2ME 软件栈、有限连接设备配置(CLDC)和移动信息设备描述(MIDP)的设备。API 为显示 3D 内容提供了两种 API。立即模式 API 使应用程序能够直接创建和操纵 3D元素。这一层之上是一个场景图 API,也称为保留模式,能够提早加载并显示已设计的整个3D 场景。应用程序可以采用最适合的 API,或保留模式与立即模式的组合。JSR 184 规范还为场景图定义了一种文件格式,.m3g。 该工具包的模拟器全面支持 JSR 184,并且有几个 MIDlet 展示了 API 在 Demo3D 项目中的功能。Life3D 演示了立即模式的使用。PogoRoo 是一个的交互的演示,特点是显示一只跳跃的袋鼠。 2.2多媒体通信: J2ME Wireless Toolkit 长期支持 JSR 120、Wireless Messaging API(WMA)的1.1版本;新版本支持 WMA 2.0(JSR 205),其把WMA的功能扩展到包括多媒体通信。 在工具包中,通信发生于模拟的环境中。如果多次运行模拟器,模拟器上的应用程序能够相互通信,并且可以使用工具包方便的 WMA Console 实用程序在同一环境中与应用程序交换消息。通信可以遵照以下三种标准协议之一:短消息服务(Short Message Service,SMS)、蜂窝广播服务(Cell Broadcast Service,CBS)或工具包 2.2 版本中的新协议,多媒体通信服务(MMS)。 您可以标记 MMS 消息,并向消息添加任何文件集合。而且,现在网络监视器能够显示模拟器发送或接收的 MMS 消息。 2.3蓝牙和 OBEX: J2ME Wireless Toolkit 模拟器支持 JSR 82,即 Java API for Bluetooth,包括两个独立的 API: 蓝牙 API 为蓝牙无线网络提供了接口,包括设备恢复和数据交换。 OBEX API 允许应用程序在蓝牙或其他通信信道上使用对象交换(Object Exchange,OBEX)协议。 该工具包允许在即使没有实际蓝牙硬件的情况下,也可以开发和测试采用蓝牙技术的应用程序。该工具包模拟蓝牙环境,您可以在该环境中运行可相互发现的多个模拟器实例和使用蓝牙 API 交换数据。 应用程序实例 BluetoothDemo 显示了如何从一个模拟器将图像传输到另一个模拟器。 J2ME Wireless Toolkit 通过模拟的蓝牙和红外连接上实现 OBEX 传输。模拟的红外连接遵循 Infrared Data Association 定义的 IrDA 标准。工具包在多个运行的模拟器之间模拟红外传输。 您可以使用工具包参数中的 Bluetooth/OBEX 标签来配置蓝牙和 OBEX 环境。其控制了诸如模拟器在模拟的蓝牙环境中试图用多长时间去发现其他设备,以及最大数据包大小等参数。请参见工具包的用户指南获取更多的详细信息。 2.4无线开发工具包(WTK): WTK 的全称是Sun J2ME Wireless Toolkit —— Sun的无线开发工具包。这一工具包的设计目的是为了帮助开发人员简化j2me的开发过程。使用其中的工具可以开发与 Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI, JSR 185) 规范兼容的设备上运行的j2me 应用程序。该工具箱包含了完整的生成工具、实用程 序以及设备仿真器。到本文写作时为止可以获取有四个版本,分别是1.0.4, 2.0, 2.1和2.2。每个版本都包括英语,日语,简体中文,繁体中文4个语种包。WTK是Sun提供的一个开发工具包。目前各大手机厂商往往把WTK经过自身的简化与改装,推出适合自身产品,如SonyEricsson,Nokia Developer’s suit等,都属于此种类型;而通过JBuilder, Eclipse等IDE,J2ME开发包工具可以被绑定在这些集成开发环境中,进一步提高开发效率。 无论哪个版本的WTK都会包括以下几个目录: appdb目录: RMS数据库信息 apps目录: WTK自带的demo程序 bin目录: J2ME开发工具执行文件 docs目录: 各种帮助与说明文件 lib目录: J2ME程序库,Jar包与控制文件 session目录:性能监控保存信息 wtklib目录: JWTK主程序与模拟器外观。 2.5 J2me数字签名: 得到一个证书后就可以对j2me的jad文件进行签名。这里有一些与签名相关的需要注意的一些问题。1. 想要安装签过名的软件,就必须通过jad来安装。我们知道j2me程序生成后会有jad和jar两个文件,一般情况下我们只需要安装jar文件就可以了。例如我会将jar文件通过蓝牙传到手机上,再进行安装。但如果想通过手动安装签过名的文件,就要通过jad来安装,而且要确保jad和jar文件是在相同目录下。我的做法是通过数据线将两个文件拷入手机的内存或存储卡上,然后通过jad来安装,这样安装好的软件就是签过名的软件了。不会再有总是很烦人的询问用户是否允许操作的提示信息。但就我看过的手机看来,应该是不同的手机有不同的表现。例如索爱的手机关于提示仍然是需要用户自己设置的。诺基亚也是。只是诺基亚的在使用非签名软件时用户无法设置为“总是允许”或“只提示一次”。而签了名的就可以设置了。2. 编程人员需要注意,像很多功能在未签名前是可以使用的,例如gps,网络连接,文件读写等。3. 签过名的软件有什么好处。签名就是告诉我们这个软件是可信的,对用户最直接的感受就是联网或访问手机文件的时候,收发短信,彩信,蓝牙等,但签名后这些功 能就部可用了。这就是jad中MIDlet-Permissions属性的问题。当未签名时对这个属性的 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 并不严格,但签名后就一定要注意。必须把所要使用到的权限加入进去,否则这个功能就不能使用了。如下是一些常用的MIDlet-Permissions属性。 2.6本地文件和个人信息: J2ME Wireless Toolkit 支持 JSR 75,即 PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform,它也包括两个独立的 API:FileConnection API 提供了 MIDlet 对设备上本地文件系统的访问。Personal Information Management (PIM) 可选软件包包括用于操纵联系人列表、日程安排和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 列表的 API。 一台真实的设备可能有一个能通过使用 FileConnection API 访问的本地文件系统。在 J2ME Wireless Toolkit 模拟器中,模拟的文件系统作为硬盘上的一个目录存在。应用程序使用FileConnection可访问的文件都存放在子目录\appdb\\ filesystem中,此处 是 J2ME Wireless Toolkit 的安装目录, 是模拟器皮肤的名称。例如,DefaultColorPhone 模拟器皮肤随安装根root1 而产生,包含一个Readme 文件文件的完整路径为\appdb\DefaultColorPhone\filesystem\root1\Readme。 您可以从模拟器窗口的菜单种选择 MIDlet > External events 来管理可用的根目录。您将看到一个添加和删除根目录的小的实用程序窗口。这些操作也将为 registered listener 对象生成事件。 在真实的设备上,个人信息可能以专有格式存储在内存中。模拟器使用硬盘中的一个目录来存放这些信息,可使用 PIM API 来访问。所有的信息存储在 \appdb\pim 目录中。列表存储在联系人、事件和计划目录的子目录中。例如,联系人列表 Contacts 位于 \appdb\pim\contacts\Contacts 目录中。 在列表目录内,列表项以 Internet Mail Consortium 指定的标准格式存储。联系人以 vCard 格式存储,日历和计划项都以 vCalendar 格式存储。 J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 不仅仅是一个出色工具的增量更新。它包括了对令人激动的四项新规范的支持,同时定义了六种新的 API。随着无线 Java 技术世界的快速发展,J2ME Wireless Toolkit 紧紧跟随发展的步伐并且包含您所需的全部工具。 附件2:外文原文 Mobile application platform-J2ME profile 1. what is the J2ME J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) is a Java 2 as an integral part of it with J2SE, J2EE said. According to Sun's definition: J2ME is a highly optimized Java runtime environment, mainly for consumer electronics devices such as cellular phones and video phones, digital set-top boxes, car navigation systems and so on. J2ME technology in 1999, the JavaOne Developer Conference on the formal launch of the General Assembly, which will of the Java language and platform-independent features into a small electronic device that allows mobile wireless devices sharing between applications. J2ME in its design specifications, to follow a "variety of devices to create a single development system is meaningless" the basic principles. So first of all J2ME embedded devices generally divided into two types: One is the limited computing, power supply is also limited embedded devices (for example, PDA, cell phone); another kind of computing power is relatively better, And in the power supply is relatively sufficient for embedded devices (for example, air conditioners, refrigerators, TV set-top boxes (set-top box)). Because these two types of embedded devices, Java is why the introduction of a concept called Configuration, and then the operation of the above features are limited, limited the power of the device embedded in the definition of Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) specifications are; and the other one To standardize the types of devices are Connected Device Configuration (CDC) specifications. In other words, J2ME first of all embedded devices using the Configuration concept of separate into two kinds of abstract patterns. In fact, everyone here can be a Configuration for J2ME two types of specifications for embedded devices, which defines the specifications of these devices at least in line with the computing power and capacity of power supply, memory, and other norms Size, as well as set A set of these devices on the implementation of the Java program can be used by the type of library, these norms are defined by the type of library for the Java standard library's core categories and sub-type device features the line The expansion of the library category. For example, on CLDC specifications, can support the core category for the library java.lang .*, java.io. *, java.util .*, and support the expansion of the category for the library java.microedition.io. *. A distinction between the two main Configuration after, J2ME and then in the definition of the concept of a Profile. Profile is a framework in the Configuration on the specifications. The reason why there is the concept of the Profile in order to more clearly separate the various areas of embedded Java devices, as well as how to develop the procedures they should have the function of what. Therefore Profile of the definition of embedded devices are very specific and related to the expansion of the types of libraries, and the Java program embedded in a variety of devices on a user interface that shows how the definition of the Profile is inside. Profile of the expansion of the definition of the type of library is based on the underlying Configuration within the definition of the core categories established by the library. 2. What's New in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 The award-winning J2ME Wireless Toolkit has become the de facto standard toolkit for developing applications for Java 2, Micro Edition (J2ME). Since its debut in 2000, the toolkit has evolved to keep pace with the rapidly changing face of mobile Java technology. Don't be misled by the small change in version number from 2.1. The new toolkit supports new optional APIs specified through the Java Community Process (JCP) in four vital areas: 3D graphics, multimedia messaging, Bluetooth networking,and data management.In this article I'll describe these new APIs and show you how they're implemented in the toolkit. Before I do, take a moment to admire the updated DefaultColorPhone emulator skin. Since version 2.1, this skin has gotten a larger screen (320 x 240, or QVGA) and far more colors (4096 instead of 256). 2.1 Mobile 3D Graphics: JSR 184, the Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME (M3G), provides three-dimensional graphics functionality in a compact package that's appropriate for devices that support the most widely adopted J2ME software stack, the Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). The API provides two APIs for displaying 3D content. The immediate mode API makes it possible for applications to create and manipulate 3D elements directly. On top of this layer is a scene graph API, also called retained mode, that makes it possible to load and display entire 3D scenes you've designed ahead of time. Applications may use whichever API is most appropriate, or a combination of retained mode and immediate mode. The JSR 184 specification also defines a file format for scene graphs, .m3g. The toolkit's emulator fully supports JSR 184 and you'll find several MIDlets that show off the API's capabilities in the Demo3D project. Life3D demonstrates the use of immediate mode: PogoRoo is an interactive demonstration that features a bouncing kangaroo:Finally, retainedmode shows how to load and render a scene graph file: 2.2 Multimedia Messaging: The J2ME Wireless Toolkit has long supported JSR 120, version 1.1 of the Wireless Messaging API (WMA); the new release supports WMA 2.0 (JSR 205), which expands WMA's capabilities to include Multimedia Messaging. In the toolkit, messaging takes place in a simulated environment. If you run the emulator multiple times, applications on the emulators can communicate with each other, and you can use the toolkit's handy WMA Console utility to exchange messages with the applications in the same environment. Messages may conform to any of three standard protocols: Short Message Service (SMS), Cell Broadcast Service (CBS), or - new in version 2.2 of the toolkit - Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). You can address MMS messages and add any collection of files to the message. Furthermore, the network monitor now displays MMS messages that are sent or received by the emulator. 2.3 Bluetooth and OBEX: The J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator supports JSR 82, the Java APIs for Bluetooth, which includes two independent APIs: The Bluetooth API provides an interface to Bluetooth wireless networking, including device discovery and data exchange. The OBEX API allows applications to use the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol over Bluetooth or other communication channels. The toolkit allows you to develop and test applications that use Bluetooth technology even if you don't have any actual Bluetooth hardware. The toolkit simulates a Bluetooth environment, in which you can run multiple emulator instances that can discover each other and exchange data using the Bluetooth API. An example application, BluetoothDemo, shows how to transfer imagesfrom one emulator to another. The J2ME Wireless Toolkit implements OBEX transfer over simulated Bluetooth and infrared connections. The simulated infrared connection follows the IrDA standard defined by the Infrared Data Association. The toolkit simulates infrared transfers between multiple running emulators. You can configure the Bluetooth and OBEX environment using the Bluetooth/OBEX tab in the toolkit preferences. This controls such parameters as how long the emulator attempts to discover other devices in the simulated Bluetooth environment and the maximum packet size. See the toolkit's User's Guide for more details. 2.4 Wireless development kit(WTK): WTK full name is from J2ME Wireless Toolkit - from Wireless development kit. This kit are designed to help developers simplified from j2me development process. Use one of the tools can develop with the Wireless Technology for Java (JSR 185, judge not JTWI standardizing compatible equipment running on j2me applications. The kit contains a full set of generation tool, practical procedures and equipment emulator. When writing to text so far can gain four versions, respectively is 1.0.4, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2. Each version is including English, Japanese, simplified Chinese character, traditional Chinese four languages in the bag. Provide a WTK is from development kit. At present each big phone makers tend to pass their simplification and WTK disguised himself, and launch suitable products, like SonyEricsson, Nokia Developer 's suit, etc., all belong to this type, And through Eclipse etc, JBuilder IDE, J2ME setups tools can be bound in these integrated development environment, further improve the efficiency of development. No matter which version WTK will include the following categories: Appdb directory: the RMS information from a database Apps directory: WTK own produce professional demo programs Bin directory: J2ME development tools executable files Docs directory: all kinds of help and documentation The lib directory: J2ME program libraries, Jar wrapped and control documents Session directory: performance monitoring conservation information Wtklib directory: JWTK main program and simulator appearance. 2.5 J2me digital signature : Get a certificate of the j2me jad files for signature. Here are some and autograph related need to pay attention to some problems. 1. Want to install signed the software, you must pass jad to install. We know the j2me program generator will have the jar jad and two files, in the ordinary circumstances we only need to install the jar file is ok. For example I would jar file via bluetooth to phone, install later. But if you want to through installed manually signed documents, will pass through jad to install, and ensure that jad and jar file is in the same directory. My way is through the data will be two files into mobile phone memory or covering the card, then through jad to install, this installation, good software is software that has signed. Won't have always annoying asking users are allowed to operate the tooltip. But I've seen mobile opinion, should be different mobile phones have different performance. Such as SONY Ericsson mobile phone about clew is still require the user to set themselves up. Nokia also. Only nokia in using the signature software users cannot set to "always allow" or "only hint again." And signed can be set up. 2. Programming staff need to pay attention to, like many functions in the unsigned is before can use, such as GPS, network connection, and file for reading and writing. 3. Signed software what benefits. Signature is told us this software is credible, user the directest feeling is networking or visit the mobile phone files, transceiver SMS, MMS, bluetooth etc, but after signed these functions are available. Part This is jad MIDlet - Permissions attribute in the problem. When unsigned attributes to this request is not strictly, but after signed must note. Must put to use to access to join in, otherwise this function cannot be used. Below are some commonly used MIDlet - Permissions attributes. 2.6 Local Files and Personal Information: The J2ME Wireless Toolkit supports JSR 75, the PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform, which also includes two independent APIs: The FileConnection API gives MIDlets access to a local file system on the device. The Personal Information Management (PIM) optional package includes APIs for manipulating contact lists, calendars, and to-do lists. A real device may have a local file system which can be accessed using the FileConnection API. In the J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator, a simulated file system is maintained as a directory on your hard disk. The files your application can access using FileConnection are stored in subdirectories of \appdb\\filesystem, where is the installation directory of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit and is the name of the emulator skin. For example, the DefaultColorPhone emulator skin comes with a root directory installed called root1, which contains a file called Readme. The file's full path is \appdb\DefaultColorPhone\filesystem\root1\Readme. You can manage the root directories that are available by choosing MIDlet > External events from the emulator window's menu. You'll see a small utility window for adding and removing roots. These actions will also generate events for a registered listener object. In a real device, personal information might be stored in a proprietary format in memory. The emulator uses a directory on your hard disk to contaiin this information, accessible using the PIM API. All information is stored in \appdb\pim. Lists are stored in subdirectories of the contacts, events, and todo directories. For example, a contact list called Contacts is contained in \ appdb\ pim\ contacts\ Contacts. Inside the list directory, items are stored in standard formats specified by the Internet Mail Consortium. Contacts are stored in vCard format, while calendar and to-do items are both stored in vCalendar format. Summary The J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 is much more than an incremental update of an excellent tool.It includes support for four exciting new specifications that together define six new APIs. As the world of wireless Java technology rapidly evolves, the J2ME Wireless Toolkit keeps pace and contains all the tools you need for.
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