首页 港台当代保养最强的八位女星



港台当代保养最强的八位女星港台当代保养最强的八位女星 港台当代保养最强的八位女星排行榜 当我们40岁会是什么样子,“不老”一直都是从古到今女人最大的“心愿”。当我们身边拥有数不清的保养品、护肤品、高科技器材的时候,“不老”的传说似乎真的可以实现。看看那些美丽的明星们,几十过去了,青春依然那样地眷恋着她们。我们应该有点自信,把自己的美丽留住~精选8位港台不老的经典女星,给各位姐妹打气~ 第八位: 张曼玉——贵气慑人,嫣红如初 无人不知她是香港获奖最多的影后,1964年9月20日出生,今年42岁,越是成熟越是美丽。 在《阮玲玉》里,她的...

港台当代保养最强的八位女星 港台当代保养最强的八位女星排行榜 当我们40岁会是什么样子,“不老”一直都是从古到今女人最大的“心愿”。当我们身边拥有数不清的保养品、护肤品、高科技器材的时候,“不老”的传说似乎真的可以实现。看看那些美丽的明星们,几十过去了,青春依然那样地眷恋着她们。我们应该有点自信,把自己的美丽留住~精选8位港台不老的经典女星,给各位姐妹打气~ 第八位: 张曼玉——贵气慑人,嫣红如初 无人不知她是香港获奖最多的影后,1964年9月20日出生,今年42岁,越是成熟越是美丽。 在《阮玲玉》里,她的身姿与30年代的衣香鬓影重迭,从此便是复古风中的翘楚;在《滚滚红尘》中,她一派轻狂娇痴,又开了快乐新美人的先河……她常去欧洲,后来在巴黎恋爱……偶而惊鸿一现,浪漫旖旎不可方物。 看张曼玉十年影集,渐入佳境,起始是花丛中的一朵嫣红,最后变成最精萃的一滴金黄色的花蜜——这样的美女,正是一句西谚的注脚:“所谓美女,是时光雕刻成的。” 当年的青春扮相 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 30岁:风情万种 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 40岁:典雅大方 愈发迷人 第七位: 刘嘉玲——傲雪的玫瑰 苏州盛产美女,刘嘉玲便是苏州的杰作。1965年出生,今年41岁了,面容娇媚,身材诱人,穿衣性感。刘嘉玲所摄电视与影片,所拍广告与封面,无不展示她婀娜多姿的东方美。她的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演象一朵雏菊,舒服得让人不忍心指责。在娱乐圈多年的风风雨雨让她早已经学会了处事不惊。刘嘉玲身上的成熟魅力和优雅风度,随着年龄的增大也与日俱增,让无数年轻女星黯然失色。前年的绑架事件,更令人看到她坚强的一面。女人,过了四十岁便更加珍惜身边的一切,尤其是心爱的人。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 初出道娇俏可人 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 修身广告展示30后傲人身段 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 最新拍摄的广告女人味十足 第六位:周润发的前妻——余安安 可能不是十分多的人认识她,她可是当年香港十分出名的歌星及影星,发哥的发妻。说来荒唐,刚刚为陈玉莲而自杀的发哥却突然宣布迎娶余安安,连安安本人都有做梦的感觉。犹如麻雀飞上枝头变成金凤凰。他们跳跃了恋爱的程序,直接进入婚姻,先结婚后恋爱慢慢培养感情也不是不可能的。但是过于匆忙仓促,不尽完美。婚礼很轰动,万人空巷。婚后九个月,双方签字离婚。后来余安安又嫁作他人妇,终于16年后无法忍受老公的背叛决定离婚,随后复出。现年47岁,保养有方,依然是一位大美人。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 早年与秦汉拍档传绯闻 40年华依然风采照人 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 年龄与潮流并没有隔阂 第五位:永远的阿姐——汪明荃 1947年的美女,59岁高龄,香港娱乐圈当之无愧的阿姐。在灿若星河的香港电视艺员中,如果要挑出一位最能代表香港电视三十年发展成就的“见证人”会是谁,可能每一位朋友心目中的人选大不相同,但是这个问题要是拿到香港土生土长的电视观众面前,答案也许只有一个——汪明荃。当年一部《京华春梦》不知道赢尽多少人的眼泪。拍电视剧、又演电影,又灌唱片,又在大型晚会当司仪,还唱粤剧,甚至在政界大展拳脚,几度出任全国人大代表——说句老实话,如此“十八般武艺样样精通”,在卧虎藏龙的香港娱乐圈里,恐怕到目前为止还“只此一家”。 阿姐同时也是保养高手,羡慕天下竟有这般女人,让人尊敬~以下是阿姐的美女照片。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 让人想起当年《京华春梦》 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 50岁后接拍摄瘦身广告 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 阿姐的身段连少女都妒忌 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 自信是美丽最重要的保养品~ 殿军:出水芙蓉——赵雅芝 用出水芙蓉、清丽高雅、深情款款来形容刚刚出道的赵雅芝是十分贴切的,在周润发那迷人的微笑和收放自如的演技衬托下,冯程程的大家规范和为爱迷离的感受,被赵雅芝演绎得楚楚动人,一下子就风靡了大江南北,使《上海滩》这部并不完美的电视剧成为了那个文化和感情都很贫瘠的年代的经典。从此,赵雅芝人气陡升。今年,1954年11月15日出生,今年52岁高龄,仍拥有30多岁的样貌与身材,堪称一代美女~ road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 美丽的“冯程程” road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 与叶童携手“白娘子” road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 50年华依然明艳 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 一复出就成为广告宠儿 季军:一代天娇——米雪 曾经红极一时的香港著名影视明星,《霍元甲》中赵倩男的扮演者米雪,1955年9月2日出生。今年也是已经50多岁的米雪看上去还是那么苗条,皮肤也保养有加,她对于大家的赞美显得十分开心。有这么一个形象代表,难怪她自己开办的美容院客似云来。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 初出道的米雪很有时代气息 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 与刘松仁是屏幕情侣搭档 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 50岁拍摄的宣传照依然像20多的女生 亚军:第一美妇人——宫雪花 1995年,当祖籍上海的宫雪花以47岁的“高龄”在香港角逐“亚洲小姐”比赛时,传媒一片哗然。当年,当我们面对年逾50的宫雪花时,不得不为她的养生驻颜有方而表示钦佩…… 也就是说这个女人今年已经58岁了,虽然很多MM都不喜欢这个老女人,可是她保养得就是好~汗啊~ 47岁的选美佳丽 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 谁能说她老, road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 到美国参加太太选举的中国第一人~ 克林顿也拜倒裙下 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 她用奖项证明了自己的美丽 冠军:倾国倾城——潘迎紫演绎“不老传说” 1947年生人,今年59岁,八十年代开始出演电视剧,知名度虽不高,但注意下图她演小龙女时已是四十多岁,真正叫人明白什么是上天眷顾,岁月无痕~当代小龙女们望尘莫及。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 40岁的“小龙女” road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 饰演武则天的少女时代 摄于2001年,时年54岁 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 59岁了,感觉才刚过30~ road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly
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