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马鞍镇司法所普法信息调研文章马鞍镇司法所普法信息调研文章 求真务实 注重普治工作实效 开拓创新 提升整体工作水平 马鞍镇位于资中县城北20公里。全镇辖驼柏树、石板滩、熊家溪、马鞍村、石桥村等9个村(社区)民委员会, 81个村民小组。2010年末,全镇总户数 8102户,总人口 32123人,其中:非农业人口1007人,占总人口的 3.13 ,;女性15620人,占总人口的47.5 ,;全镇应普法人口24531人。 一、普法依法治理工作的现状 自2006年“五五”普法依法治理工作开展以来,马鞍镇党委、政府高度重视,积极落实普法决议,认...

马鞍镇司法所普法信息调研文章 求真务实 注重普治工作实效 开拓创新 提升整体工作水平 马鞍镇位于资中县城北20公里。全镇辖驼柏树、石板滩、熊家溪、马鞍村、石桥村等9个村(社区)民委员会, 81个村民小组。2010年末,全镇总户数 8102户,总人口 32123人,其中:非农业人口1007人,占总人口的 3.13 ,;女性15620人,占总人口的47.5 ,;全镇应普法人口24531人。 一、普法依法治理工作的现状 自2006年“五五”普法依法治理工作开展以来,马鞍镇党委、政府高度重视,积极落实普法决议,认真实施普法依法治理规划,“五五”普法依法治理工作取得了明显成效,为我镇经济社会发展提供了法治保障。主要表现在: (一)加强领导,健全网络,普法工作基础不断夯实。一是加强领导。成立了由镇党委书记任组长,镇长和分管政法的人大专职副主席任副组长,相关部门、站所主要负责人为成员的普法依法治理工作领导小组。各村委会、镇直各部门也相应建立了组织机构。镇党委、政府还将普法依法治理工作纳入各目标考核,为普法依法治理工作的开展提供了坚实的组织保障。二是制定规划。结合我镇实际,制定马鞍镇“六五”普法规划,并及时召开动员会进行宣传发动,有计划、有步骤地推进了工作开展。三是健全网络。重视抓好普法队伍建设,整合和充实普法联络员、普法讲师团、普法宣传员、普法志愿者和法制副校长等五支普法队伍,不断健全普法工作网络。四是营造氛围。积极开展法制宣传日、宣传周、宣传月活动,在运用宣传资料、宣传专栏、法律咨询、悬挂横幅等多种手段和形式努力营造良好社会氛围。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test (二)把握重点,强化措施,全民法律素质逐步提高。一是公务员学法不断加强。坚持和完善党委(党组)中心组定期学法、普法考试、开展法律知识培训等MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714120229956_2,提高了干部依法决策、依法办事的能力和水平。二是青少年法制宣传教育深入开展。根据《中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 法制教育指导纲要》精神,坚持校内教育与校外实践有机结合,积极开辟法制教育第二课堂,充分发挥学校教育的主阵地作用。通过上法制课、“小手拉大手”等活动,切实加强在校学生的法制教育。通过普法教育,在校学生的法制观念得到进一步增强,青少年违法犯罪现象呈减少态势。三是农村法制宣传教育更加重视。组织为村干部和村民代表上法律课、送法律书活动,培训300多名农村法制宣传员,发放2000余册普法书籍。利用组建法律宣讲团、刊出法制黑板报、发放宣传资料、赠送宣传挂画等方式,深入开展普法工作。四是企业、单位法制宣传教育进一步推进。镇党委下发了《关于进一步加强企业经营管理人员和职工学法用法工作的通知》,扎实推进“法律进企业”活动。积极开展法律培训、法律讲座等活动,加强与企业和单位生产经营管理密切相关的安全生产、劳动保障、食品卫生等法律法规的法制教育,努力消除普法盲区。五是外出务工人员的法制宣传教育逐步增强。以社会保障所为依托,加强对劳务输出务工人员的法制宣传教育,增强其守法意识和维权意识。 (三)注重实效,普治结合,基层依法治理稳步推进。一是农村民主建设扎实开展。制定“民主法治村”创建活动实施意见和考核 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,加强基层民主政治建设,逐步实现村务活动的民主化、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化、法治化。目前,创建了“民主法治示范村”9个,创建率和巩固率都达到了100,。二是人民调解工作有序推进。完善村级人民调解组织,建立诉调衔接机制,成立社会矛盾调解中心,较好地发挥了人民调解组织在化解矛盾纠纷中的作用。三是企业、集镇市场依法治理进一步加强。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 二、 普法依法治理工作面临的问题 1、保障机制不到位,制约发展。一是普法依法治理工作经费缺乏,普法设施及平台建设滞后,普法器材及资料匮乏,已不能适应新时期普法依法治理工作的要求;二是普法办工作人员偏少,其职能作用难以发挥;三是普法宣传队伍及人员的组建随意性较大,致使很多工作流于形式,实际效果较差。 2、普法宣传形式单一,工作创新难度较大。法律宣传工作大部分地区仅仅满足完成规定的动作,就目标或文件的任务而工作,缺乏创新理念和意识、缺乏钻研的氛围。 3、普法依法治理工作发展不平衡,村、组之间差距较大,普法教育的宣传面还有待进一步拓宽。 4、普法依法治理工作仍不能以农村群众的法律需求为出发点,导致农村群众学法积极性低,参与村务管理的意识不强,普法及依法治理工作在村、组、户间还存在盲点。 5、重普法轻治理的错误观念较为普遍。在普法工作上往往是开展的活动多,方式方法也灵活多样、内容充实;但在依法治理工作方面,却活动开展得微乎其微,还缺少方式方法和内容的创新。特别是对依法治理工作重点、普治并举等内容理解不够的现象较为普遍。 三、加强普法依法治理工作的意见和想法 党的十七大确定我国民主法治建设的目标和主要任务是:“全面落实依法治国基本方略,加快建设社会主义法治国家。深入开展法制宣传教育,弘扬法治精神,形成自觉学法守法用法的社会氛围。”这一重大决策和部署,为我们描绘了一幅Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 锦绣灿烂的民主法治和谐蓝图,同时也向我们广大普法工作者吹响了时不我待的进军号角。我们要在今后的工作实践中,从普法依法治理的广度、深度和力度上下功夫,力争实现工作的新突破: (一)建立“大普法”格局,实现普法广度的突破。法律宣传工作是一项宏大的社会系统工程,仅仅依靠法律宣传工作主管部门或者是一两个职能部门是远远不够的,普法对象的社会性、广泛性、多样性和长期性决定了法律宣传的主体必须具有多层次、复合型的特点,需要广泛吸纳工、青、妇、老年协会、关工委和新闻媒体等一些社会团体、群众组织力量的参与,充分发挥他们在基层辐射性强、社会影响面广的优势作用。在党委统一领导下、由主管部门指导规划、职能部门组织实施、人大监督、全社会共同参与的工作局面,使普法工作有规划、有指导、有执行、有监督,建立起“横能到边、纵能到底”的普法工作体系。 (二)做好重点对象宣传教育工作,实现普法深度的突破。“六五”普法要继续做到有的放矢、因人施教、分类指导。对重点普法对象的学法要做到有组织、有计划、有实施、有考核,切实增强重点普法对象学法的针对性和实效性,努力提高重点普法对象的法律素质。一是加大领导干部学法用法的工作力度,着力提高其依法决策、科学决策和依法处理社会事务的能力。重点使领导干部树立崇尚法律的思想意识,树立国家一切权力来自于人民、由人民赋予的观念,在工作中依法规范决策、管理和服务行为,不断提升各级领导干部依法管理经济和社会事务的能力。二是加大对公务员特别是执法人员的法制教育,着力提高其依法行政和公正司法的能力。教育全体公务员牢固树立有权必有责、用权受监督、违法要追究的观念;尤其要引导司法和行政执法人员带头学法用法,提高依法行使权力的能力,促进严格执法、公正执法和文明执法,确保国家法律法规和行政权力的正确实施。三是加大对青少年的法制教育,着重培养其爱国意识、守法意识和权Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 利义务意识。健全和完善学校、社会、家庭“三结合”的法制教育网络,充分利用各种教育阵地,增强青少年崇尚法律、遵守法律的意识,引导青少年践行八荣八耻,争做“四自五爱”和遵纪守法的好公民,预防和减少未成年人违法犯罪。四是加大对企业经营管理人员的法制教育,着力提高依法生产、依法经营和依法管理的能力。切实培养企业经营管理人员诚信经营、依法经营的观念。五是加强农村群众依法维权、依法信访的宣传教育,引导居民依法合理地表达利益诉求,使其了解和掌握解决矛盾纠纷、维护自身合法权益的法律途径。通过开展创建“民主法治示范村”活动,重点关注涉及群众切身利益的热点、难点问题,扎实开展法律宣传、法律援助和法律服务进村组活动,让群众在接受法律服务、法律援助的过程中,学到实实在在、方便实用的法律知识。 (三)坚持开拓创新,实现方式和模式的新突破。“六五”普法期间,我们要将工作创新贯穿于始终,不能将普法目标仅仅定位于学法上,要引导公民树立应用法律、维护法律,崇尚法律的思想观念;认真研究和解决新形势下普法工作中的新情况、新问题,用创新的理念提升普法工作质量;把“提高全民法律素质,普及法治文化”作为普法教育的价值追求,让创新的理念不断为普法工作提供精神动力。要通过创新手段和形式,让生硬单调的法律法规内容变为群众喜闻乐见的法律知识竞赛、法治文艺演出、法治演讲等形式展现出来,开展以事喻法,以案说法,以艺释法等活动,让群众在耳闻目睹、潜移默化中受到法治教育,使法律宣传工作收到事半功倍的效果。 (四)加快法治创建工作。一是围绕中心工作,加大创建力度。二是抓住重点,力求有大发展。坚持“普治并举”,加大地方、行业、基层依法治理“三大工程”的推进力度,真正抓出成效。三是联系实际,力求有好的效果。要注重从实际出发,因地制宜、因事而异、分类创建,增强法治创建工作的实际效果。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test (五)加强建章立制,实现规范化建设的突破。 “六五”普法期间,要逐步规 范普法依法治理的领域和空间,依法建章立制,强化内部监督制约机制,促进各 项工作的制度化、规范化、程序化,保证普法依法治理工作的有序开展 马鞍镇司法所(梁亮供稿) 2011-10-17 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test
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