首页 法制史经典口诀记忆



法制史经典口诀记忆法制史经典口诀记忆 一、封建法制思想 德主刑辅-礼法合一-明刑弼教(朱熹:礼法不可偏废,或先或后、或缓或急,德不约刑,可先刑后教, 是朱元璋重典治国的理论依据。) 二、西周结婚 原则:一夫一妻,同姓不婚,父母之命、媒妁之言 程序:六礼——纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎 三、西周离婚 七出——不顺父母、无子、淫、妒、有恶疾、口多言、盗窃 三不去——有所娶而无所归、与更三年丧、前贫贱后富贵 四、西周继承 嫡长子继承制;财产诸子均分。 五、奴隶制五刑 墨、劓、刖、宫、大辟(死刑的总称)。肉刑为...

法制史经典口诀记忆 一、封建法制思想 德主刑辅-礼法合一-明刑弼教(朱熹:礼法不可偏废,或先或后、或缓或急,德不约刑,可先刑后教, 是朱元璋重典治国的理论依据。) 二、西周结婚 原则:一夫一妻,同姓不婚,父母之命、媒妁之言 程序:六礼——纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎 三、西周离婚 七出——不顺父母、无子、淫、妒、有恶疾、口多言、盗窃 三不去——有所娶而无所归、与更三年丧、前贫贱后富贵 四、西周继承 嫡长子继承制;财产诸子均分。 五、奴隶制五刑 墨、劓、刖、宫、大辟(死刑的总称)。肉刑为主。 六、西周买卖契约-质剂 质——奴隶、牛马、较长契券; 剂——兵器、珍异之物、较短契券。 官府制作,“质人”管理。 七、西周借贷契约-傅别 傅——债的标的、双方的权利义务等写在契券上; 别——简札中间写字,一分为二,双方各执一半。 八、西周诉讼制度 1、狱(刑事案件)、讼(民事案件)。 2、三刺(群臣、群吏、万民)。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 3、五听(辞、色、气、耳、目)。 九、司法机关 1、西周:大司寇 2、秦汉;廷尉——中央司法机关的长官,审理全国案件。 3、北齐:大理寺: 十、五过——西周法官责任 惟官,畏权势而枉法; 惟反,报私怨而枉法; 惟内,为亲属裙带而徇私; 惟货,贪赃受贿而枉法; 惟来,受私人请托而枉法。 凡以此五者出入人罪,皆以其罪罪之。 十一、《法经》 魏国李悝作《法经》,封建法典第一部,盗贼囚(网)捕杂具,六篇法律在 其中。具律本是总则名,淫狡城(禁)嬉徒金,六禁之规在杂法。 十二、秦诉讼制度 公室告(贼杀伤、盗,百姓必须告发),非公室告(不得告发和受理,强行告诉给予处罚)。 十三、秦罪名 财产:盗,盗分为共盗和群盗。 人身:贼杀、伤人、斗伤、斗杀。 十四、秦司法官吏渎职犯罪 1、见知不举不直: (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 2、罪应重而轻判,罪应轻而重判 3、纵囚:当论罪而故意不论罪 4、失刑:因过失而量刑不当 十五、秦代刑罚: 笞刑 徒刑 流放刑:迁、谪 肉刑:黥、劓、刖、宫等 死刑:弃市、具五刑等 羞辱刑:髡、耐、完(徒刑附加刑)。 经济刑:赀、赎 株连刑:族刑、收 十六、徒刑:城旦舂、鬼薪、白粲、隶臣妾、司寇、候。 十七、汉律儒家化 1、上请:汉高祖(郎中有罪耐以上,请之),东汉普遍特权。 2、恤刑:汉景帝(80以上、8岁以下,孕者未乳、师、侏儒)。 3、亲亲得相首匿:汉宣帝,卑幼藏尊长不负刑责;尊长藏卑幼有条件的负刑责。 十八、汉 1、《春秋》决狱。董仲舒;儒家化;论心定罪 2、汉秋冬行刑“。天人感应;秋审的渊源 十九、《曹魏律》 共18篇;将“具律”改为“刑名”,并置于律首:“八议”正式入律(源于西周,亲、故、贤、能、功、 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 贵、勤、宾)。 二十、《北齐律》 承先启后北齐律,刑名法例二而一,名例之律始出现。此时法律定期型,篇目一共十二篇,唐宋承之 不改变,重罪十条北齐创,隋律开皇改十恶。 二十一、魏晋法律形式 科:补充、变通律、令 格:=令,补充律,刑事法律,与隋唐不同 比:比附/类推 式:公文程式 二十二、魏晋南北朝法典(1) 1、八议入律:曹魏 2、官当:北魏南陈 3、重罪十条:北齐 二十三、魏晋南北朝法典(2) 4、废宫刑:西魏、南陈 5、准五服制罪:血缘近,尊犯卑,处罚轻;卑犯尊,处罚重 6、死刑复奏:北魏太武帝、唐太宗改三复奏为五复奏 二十四、隋 1、十恶:谋反、谋大逆、谋叛、大不敬、不道、恶逆、不孝、不睦、不义、内乱。 2、封建制五刑:笞、杖、徒、流、死(劳役刑为主),唐律承之但稍有不同。 二十五、唐律 1、《武德律》唐首部法典,以隋《开皇律》为蓝本,十二篇、五百条。 2、《贞观律》基本确定唐律内容和风格,增设加役流,确定五刑、十恶、八议、类推。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 二十六、《永徽律疏》 长孙无忌、李勣;《永徽律》与《律疏》,元后被称为《唐律疏议》;中国古代立法最高水平;水平、风 格、特征;中华法系代表性法典;最完整、最早、最具社会影响。 二十七、 北齐重罪十条:反逆、大逆、叛、降、恶逆、不道、不敬、不孝、不义、内乱。 唐律十恶:谋反、谋大逆、谋叛、恶逆、不道、大不敬、不孝、不义、内乱不睦。凡犯十恶者,不适 用八议,为常赦所不原-十恶不赦。 二十八、《唐律》六杀:(1) 谋杀:预谋杀人; 故杀:事先虽无预谋,但情急杀人时已有杀人意念; 斗杀:在斗殴中出于激愤失手将人杀死; 二十九《唐律》六杀:(2) 误杀:由于种种原因错置了杀人对象; 过失杀:“耳目所不及,思虑所不至”,出于过失杀人; 戏杀:“以力共戏”而导致杀人。 三十、《唐律》六赃 1、受财枉法2、受财不枉法 3、受所监临4、强盗 5、窃盗6、坐赃 三十一、唐律刑罚原则 1、区分公、私罪:公罪从轻,私罪从重。 2、自首:区分自首与自新、重罪不适用、免罪但应还赃、不实不尽不全免 3、类推:减轻处罚举重明轻,加重处罚举轻明重 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 4、化外人(国籍同属人,国籍异属地) 三十二、宋立法: 刑统:宋太祖,史上第一部刊印颁行,律令合编 编敕:始于太祖,仁宗前“律敕并行”,神宗后“以敕代律”;神宗设“编敕所”。 三十三、宋代婚姻: 五服以内禁结婚,州县与部下、百姓禁婚;允许离婚改嫁。 三十四、宋代继承 夫亡妻在,立继从妻;夫妻俱亡,命继从尊。女未出嫁四分三,独留一份给继子。若有女儿已嫁男, 女、子、官府三三三,遗腹继承等亲生。 三十五、宋买卖契约 绝卖——一般买卖。 活卖——附条件,条件完成,买卖成立,类似典卖。 赊卖——商业信用/预付方式,收取价金。 都须订立书面契约——取得官府承认——合法有效。 三十六、宋代租赁契约 租、赁或借:房宅。 庸、雇:人畜车马。 三十七、宋代借贷契约 借:使用借贷 贷:消费借贷 负债:不付息的使用借贷。 出举:要付息的消费借贷。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 三十八、宋刑罚: 折杖法:笞杖徒流方可折,折成臀脊杖;反逆、强盗不适用 配役:,为流刑而配;刺配;黥刑的复活;太祖偶用,仁宗后常制。 凌迟:始于西辽,南宋《庆元条法事类》法定死刑,《大清现行刑律》废除。 三十九、唐: 法官回避:《唐六典》“鞫狱”。 保辜:限时内受伤者死去,定杀人罪;限外死去或者限内以他故死者,定伤人罪。 四十、宋: 翻异——人犯否认口供 别勘——另一法官或别一司法机关重审。 《洗冤集录》-世界最早的法医学著作。 四十一、元 四等人:蒙古、色目、汉、南 蒙汉异法:元宗室及蒙古人的案件——中央大宗正府; 汉人、南人诉案——刑部,同罪异罚。 烧埋银制度 四十二、明清立法 1、《大明律》(朱元璋;七篇。) 2、《明大诰》(《尚书?大诰》;加重;法外用刑;重点治吏;空前普及) 3、《大明会典》(英宗;行政法典) 4、《大清会典》(康、雍、乾、嘉、光) 5、《大清律例》乾隆定,最后一部集大成。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 四十三、例——清最重要的法律形式 1、条例——刑事单行法规,编入《大清律例》。 2、则例-行政部门或专门事务的单行法规汇编。 3、事例-皇帝的“上谕”/经皇帝批准的政府部门建议。 4、成例——定例,整理编订的事例\单行法规。统称,条例+行政单行法规。 四十四、明 1、创奸党罪 2、充军刑,分本人终身充军、子孙永远充军两种 3、刑罚从重从新(与唐律比):重其所重——贼盗及钱粮; 轻其所轻——典礼及风俗教化。 四十五、会审制度(唐) 三司推事:刑部侍郎、御史中丞、大理寺卿——地方或中央重大案件 都堂集议制:重大死刑案件——中书、门下四品以上及尚书九卿。 三司使:大理寺评事、刑部员外郎、监察御史——地方不便解往中央的案件 四十六、会审制度(明) 三司会审:重大疑难案件三法司刑部、大理寺、都察院共同会审。 九卿会审(圆审)-皇帝交付的案件或已判决但囚犯仍翻供不服之案。 朝审-霜降,会审重案囚犯,清代秋审,朝审源于此。 大审-司礼监、5年。 四十七、会审制度(清) 秋审-死刑复审制度 朝审-重案及京师附近绞、斩监候案件复审, (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 结果为情实、缓决、可矜、留养承嗣。 热审-京师笞杖刑案件重审。 四十八、清末修律: 1、《大清现行刑律》:过渡、刑律、分门、废凌迟、增妨害国交 2、《大清新刑律》:近代史上第一部专门刑法典;总则,分则,暂行章 程;主刑,从刑;罪刑法定,缓刑 四十九、《大清民律草案》: 1911成,未颁行;中学体,西学用;总则、债、物权(松冈义正)、亲属、继承(修订法律馆、礼学馆)。 商事立法:《钦定大清商律》、《大清商律草案》、《改订大清商律草案》。 五十、清末司法体制改革: 四级三审制;刑部改为法部(司法行政),大理寺改为大理院(最高审判机关);审、检合署;公开、回避;法官及检察官考试任用制度; 五十一、 领事裁判权:《中英五口通商章程及税则》《虎门条约》,被告主义; 观审:外国人是原告,其所属国领事官员也有权前往观审,认为审判、判决有不妥之处,可以提出新证据等。 五十二、会审公廨 英、美、法、租界内设特殊审判机关。凡涉外国人须有领事官员参加 会审;凡中国人与外国人诉讼,本国领事裁判或陪审,租界内中国人之间诉讼也由外国领事观审并操纵判决。 五十三、《十二表法》 元老院制定;诸法合体、私法为主,程序法优于实体法;罗马国家第一部成文法,罗马法的主要渊源。 五十四、市民法 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 内容:国家行政管理、诉讼程序、财产、婚姻家庭和继承 渊源:罗马议会制定的法律、元老院的决议、裁判官的告示以及罗马法学家的解释等。 五十五、万民法 内容:所有权和债权,很少涉及婚姻、家庭和继承等内容。 与市民法成两个不同体系、互为补充,查士丁尼统一。 五十六、《国法大全》: 《查士丁尼法典》、《查士丁尼法学总论》(《法学阶梯》)、《查士丁尼学说汇纂》(《法学汇编》)、《查士 丁尼新律》,最发达。 五十七、罗马法的渊源 (1)习惯法(2)议会制定的法律(3)元老院决议 (4)长官的告示(5)皇帝敕令(6)法学家的解答与著述 五十八、人法 1、自然人:人格=自由权+市民权+家庭权,人格减等。 2、法人:没有明确概念,有初步制度。 3、婚姻家庭:一夫一妻的家长制;有夫权婚姻、无夫权婚姻。 五十九、物法 罗马法的主体和核心;物权+继承+债:“概括继承”?“有限继承”遗嘱继承和法定继承,遗嘱继承优 于法定继承。 六十、罗马法复兴的过程 (一个大学、两个学派、三个意义、四个影响) 六十一、英国法 1、普通法:遵循先例(最基本原则),程序先于权利(最重要特征)。 2、衡平法:遵循先例,与普通法冲突时优先。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 3、制定法:效力高于判例法。 六十二、英国 1、陪审制:发源地,陪审团裁决一般不许上诉,但法官可撤销。 2、对抗制 3、律师:出庭律师和事务律师。 六十三、美国1787年宪法 序言+7条本文;,序言不是宪法组成部分,审判不能被引用;分权原则、制衡原则、限权政府原则; 宪法前10条修正案(“权利法案”)。 六十四、美国法 1、世界第一部资产阶级成文宪法 2、立法和司法双轨制 3、缓刑制度,教育、人道主义观念 4、最早反垄断法规。 六十五、英美法系的特点: 1、判例法为主 2、日尔曼法为历史渊源 3、“法官造法” 4、以归纳为主要推理方法。 5、不严格划分公法和私法。 六十六、法国“六法”体系: 拿破仑,《民法典》、《商法典》、《刑法典》、《民事诉讼法典》、《刑事诉讼法典》、〈宪法〉 六十七、封建时期德国法: 分散性和法律渊源多元化; (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 《萨克森法典》 刑法典——《加洛林纳法典》 六十八、《人权宣言》; 1、人权天赋,神圣不可侵犯。 2、人民主权、权力分立 3、法律面前人人平等 六十九、法国宪法: 1、1791年宪法:第一部,君主立宪,三权分立。 2、1875年宪法:实施时间最长,资产阶级共和制,参事院,三组织法。 3、战后宪法:1946年宪法、1958年宪法(现行宪法)。 七十、1804《法国民法典》: 个人最大限度自由,法律最小限度干涉;权利平等、私有财产不可侵犯、契约自由、过失责任四大原则;资本主义社会第一部民法典,大陆法系的核心和基础。 七十一、1896年《德国民法典》: 自由向垄断资过渡时期(限制所有权绝对、限制契约自由、承认无过错责任);第一次全面规定法人制度;封建残余;逻辑严密、概念科学、用语精确。 七十二、日本: 1、1889年“明治宪法”:钦定宪法。 2、1946年“和平宪法”:天皇成为象征;三权分立;责任内阁制;放弃战争权,仅保留自卫。 七十三、大陆法系特点: 制定法;法典编纂;演绎推理;法官职权主义;区分公法(宪、行、刑、诉)和私法(民、商)。 一、朝代歌 夏商与西周,东周分两段; (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 春秋和战国,一统秦两汉; 三分魏蜀吴,二晋前后延; 南北朝并立,隋唐五代传; 宋元明清后,皇朝至此完。 二、中法史(法典篇) 作者:杨帆 为君歌一曲,请君为我倾耳听: 魏国李悝(kui)作《法经》,封建法典第一部,盗贼囚(网)捕杂具,六篇法律在其中。具律本是总则名,六禁之规在杂法。 汉萧何,人之杰,作律《九章》传后世,户兴厩,是新创,其余抄袭魏《法经》。 三国之时乱糟糟,唯有魏国留其名,明帝《新律》18篇,具改刑名置律首,八议此时入法律,等级特权昭昭然。 司马代魏西晋立,泰始年间做法律,律名晋律或泰始,此律一共20篇,刑名之后法例加,五服治罪是首创。张斐杜预疏法律,解释与律同效力,此律还名张杜律。 北有北魏南有陈,官职抵罪律中明。 承先启后北齐律,刑名法例二而一,名例之律始出现。此时法律定其型,篇目一共十二篇,唐宋承之不改变,重罪十条北齐创,隋律开皇改十恶。 墨劓废宫加大辟,奴隶制度之五刑。北齐鞭杖徒流死,封建刑法五刑始。 三、法制史上的“第一” 第一部罗马历史上的成文法:《十二表法》; 第一个形成宪法的资产阶级国家:英国宪法(“近代宪法之母”); “第一个人权宣言”:《独立宣言》/美国; 第一部成文宪法:1787《美国宪法》; 第一部欧洲大陆成文宪法:1791《法国宪法》; (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 第一部资本主义社会民法典:《法国民法典》(《拿破仑民法典》); 第一部现代资产阶级宪法:1919《魏玛宪法》(《德意志共和国宪法》); 规模最大(第一)的资本主义国家民法典:1900《德国民法典》(“德国法律科学之大成”); 第一部日本成文法典:《大宝律令》; 第一部日本宪法:《明治宪法》。 今年司考第一次考法制史(律考86——92有考),那就记一记第一次吧: 第一次公布成文法:郑国/子产/“铸刑书”; 第一部系统的封建成文法典:《法经》/战国/魏/李悝; 第一次改法为律:商鞅/秦; 第一次废除肉刑:汉文帝; 第一次确立“亲亲得相首匿”:汉宣帝; 第一次“八议”入律:《魏律》; 第一次“官当”入律:《北魏律》/《陈律》; 第一次规定“重罪十条”:《北齐律》; 第一次废除宫刑:南北朝时期; 第一次规定“准五服以治罪”:《晋律》/《北齐律》; 第一次死刑复奏:北魏太武帝; 第一次设立大理寺:北齐; 第一次规定“十恶”:《唐律疏议》; 第一部刊印颁行的法典:《宋刑统》; 第一次以六部体例定律:《大明律》; 第一次设立大诰:明太祖/朱元璋; (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 最后一部(倒数第一)封建成文法典:《大清律例》; 第一个宪法性文件:《钦定宪法大纲》; 第一部近代意义上的刑法典:《大清新刑律》; 第一部资产阶级宪法性文件:《中华民国临时约法》; 第一部北洋政府宪法草案:《天坛宪草》/《中华民国宪法》(草案); 第一部近代史上正式公布的宪法:《中华民国宪法》(“贿选宪法”)。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people.
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