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画图软件CAD 快捷键


画图软件CAD 快捷键画图软件CAD 快捷键 CAD常用快捷键 F1: (获取帮助) F2: (实现作图窗和文本窗口的切换) F3: (控制是否实现对象自动捕捉) F4: (数字化仪控制) F5: (等轴测平面切换) F6: (控制状态行上坐标的显示方式) F7: (栅格显示模式控制) F8: (正交模式控制) F9: (栅格捕捉模式控制) F10: (极轴模式控制) F11: (对象追 踪式控制) Ctrl+B: (栅格捕捉模式控制F9) Ctrl+C: (将选择的对象复制到剪切板上) Ctrl+F: (控制是否实...

画图软件CAD 快捷键
画图软件CAD 快捷键 CAD常用快捷键 F1: (获取帮助) F2: (实现作图窗和文本窗口的切换) F3: (控制是否实现对象自动捕捉) F4: (数字化仪控制) F5: (等轴测平面切换) F6: (控制状态行上坐标的显示方式) F7: (栅格显示模式控制) F8: (正交模式控制) F9: (栅格捕捉模式控制) F10: (极轴模式控制) F11: (对象追 踪式控制) Ctrl+B: (栅格捕捉模式控制F9) Ctrl+C: (将选择的对象复制到剪切板上) Ctrl+F: (控制是否实现对象自动捕捉f3) Ctrl+G: (栅格显示模式控制F7) Ctrl+J: (重复执行上一步命令) Ctrl+K: (超级链接) Ctrl+N: (新建图形文件) Ctrl+M: (打开选项对话框) AA: (测量区域和周长area) AL: (对齐align) AR: (阵列array) AP: (加载*lsp程系) AV: (打开 视图对话框dsviewer) SE: (打开对相自动捕捉对话框) ST: (打开字体设置对话框style) SO: (绘制二围面2d solid) SP: (拼音的校核spell) SC: (缩放比例 scale) SN: (栅格捕捉模式设置snap) DT: (文本的设置dtext) DI: (测量两点间的距离) OI: (插入外部对相) Ctrl+1: (打开特性对话框) Ctrl+2: (打开图象资源管理器) Ctrl+6: (打开图象数据原子) Ctrl+O: (打开图象文件) Ctrl+P: (打开打印对说框) Ctrl+S: (保存文件) Ctrl+U: (极轴模式控制F10) Ctrl+v: (粘贴剪贴板上的内容) Ctrl+W: (对象追 踪式控制F11) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage Ctrl+X: (剪切所选择的内容) Ctrl+Y: (重做) Ctrl+Z: (取消前一步的操作) A: (绘圆弧) B: (定义块) C: (画圆) D: (尺寸资源管理器) E: (删除) F: (倒圆角) G: (对相组合) H: (填充) I: (插入) S: (拉伸) T: (文本输入) W: (定义块并保存到硬盘中) L: (直线) M: (移动) X: (炸开) V: (设置当前坐标) U: (恢复上一次操做) O: (偏移) P: (移动) Z: (缩放) IN: (求交 INTERSECT) LA: (建立图层 LAYER) ATT: (定义属性 ATTDEF) LE: (快速导引线标注 QLEADER) ATE: (编辑属性 ATTEDIT) LEN: (加长LENGTHEN) LI: (列表 LIST) BH: (图案填充 BHATCH) LT: (设置线型 LINETYPE) BR: (打断 BREAK) LTS: (设置线型比例 LTSCALE) CH: (特性修改 PROPERTIES) MA: (属性匹配 MATCHPROP) CHA: (倒斜角 CHAMFER) ME: (测量 MEASURE) COL: (改变物体颜色 COLOR) MI: (镜像 MIRROR) CO: (复制 COPY) ML: (画双线 MLINE) MT: (多行文字 MTEXT) DAL: (对齐标注 DIMALIGNED) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage DAN: (角度标注 DIMANGULAR) OP: (系统设置 OPTIONS) DBA: (基线标料 DIMBASELINE) OS: (物体捕捉 OSNAP) DCE: (圆心标注 DIMCENTER) DCO: (连续标注 DIMCONTINUE) PE: (复和线编辑 PEDIT) DDI: (直径标注 DIMDIAMETER) PL: (复合线 PLINE) DED: (标注编辑 DIMEDIT) PO: (画点 POINT) POL: (画正多边形 POLYGON) DIV: (等分 DIVIDE) PRE: (视图预览 PREVIEW) DLI: (线性标注 DIMLINEAR) PRINT: (打印 PLOT) DO: (圆环 DONUT) DOR: (坐标标注 DIMORDINATE) RE: (重新生成 REGEN) DOV: (尺寸更新 DIMOVERRIDE) REC: (画矩形 RECTANGLE) REN: (改名 RENAME) DRA: (半径标注 DIMRADIUS) RO: (旋转 ROTATE) DS: (草图设置 DSETTINGS) ED: (修改文字 DDEDIT) SPL: (画样条曲线 SPLINE) EL: (画椭圆 ELLIPSE) SPE: (编辑样条曲线 SPLINEKIT) EX: (延伸到 EXTEND) EXIT: (退出 QUIT) TO: (调用工具条 TOOLBAR) TR: (修剪 TRIM) UN: (设置单位 UNITS) IMP: (导入 IMPORT) A ARC(画弧) IN INTERSECT(求交) AA AREA(测量面积) L LINE(画线) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage AR ARRAY(阵列) LA LAYER(建立图层) ATT ATTDEF(定义属性) LE QLEADER(快速导引线标注) ATE ATTEDIT(编辑属性) LEN LENGTHEN(加长) B BLOCK(定义图块) LI LIST(列表) BH BHATCH(图案填充) LT LINETYPE(设置线型) BR BREAK(打断) LTS LTSCALE(设置线型比例) C CIRCLE(画圆) M MOVE(移动) CH PROPERTIES(特性修改) MA MATCHPROP(属性匹配) CHA CHAMFER(倒斜角) ME MEASURE(测量) COL COLOR(改变物体颜色) MI MIRROR(镜像) CO COPY(复制) ML MLINE(画多线) D DIMSTYLE(设置标柱样式) MT MTEXT(多行文字) DAL DIMALIGNED(对齐标注) O OFFSET(偏移) DAN DIMANGULAR(角度标注) OP OPTIONS(系统设置) DBA DIMBASELINE(基线标料) OS OSNAP(物体捕捉) DCE DIMCENTER(圆心标注) P PAN(视图平移) DCO DIMCONTINUE(连续标注) PE PEDIT(复和线编辑) DDI DIMDIAMETER(直径标注) PL PLINE(复合线) DED DIMEDIT(标注编辑) PO POINT(画点) DI DIST(测量距离) POL POLYGON(画正多边形) DIV DIVIDE(等分) PRE PREVIEW(视图预览) DLI DIMLINEAR(线性标注) PRINT PLOT(打印) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage DO DONUT(圆环) R REDRAW(重画) DOR DIMORDINATE(坐标标注) RE REGEN(重新生成) DOV DIMOVERRIDE(尺寸更新) REC RECTANGLE(画矩形) DR DRAWORDER() REN RENAME(改名) DRA DIMRADIUS(半径标注) RO ROTATE(旋转) DS DSETTINGS(草图设置) S STRETCH(伸展) DT DTEXT(动态文本) SC SCALE(比例缩放) E ERASE(删除) SN SNAP(栅格点捕捉) ED DDEDIT() SPL SPLINE(画样条曲线) EL ELLIPSE(画椭圆) SPE SPLINEKIT(编辑样条曲线) EX EXTEND(延伸到) ST STYLE(设置文字样式) EXIT QUIT(退出) T MTEXT(多行文字) EXP EXPORT(炸开) TO TOOLBAR(调用工具条) F FILLET(倒圆角) TR TRIM(修剪) G GROUP(成组) UN UNITS(设置单位) HE HATCHEDIT(图案填充编辑) W WBLOCK(块存盘) I INSERT(插入块) Z ZOOM(视图缩放) IMP IMPORT(导入) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage
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