首页 很老很老的老偏方(精简版)



很老很老的老偏方(精简版)很老很老的老偏方(精简版) 很老很老的老偏方,小病一扫光 1.劝君放弃洗发液,用洋葱、生姜治头皮屑 症状:头皮屑 第一个偏方:将一个捣烂的洋葱头用消过毒的干净纱布包好~然后轻轻反复揉擦头皮~让洋葱汁充分渗入其间~24小时后再用温水洗头~便可止头痒去头屑了。一般使用 1次~可以维持一周左右的疗效。 另一个偏方:将生姜切片~放入锅里煮沸~待水温不烫的时候倒上适量的醋~再用来洗头发即可。 2.小白果赶走青春痘,让你倍儿有面子 症状:痤疮红肿、发炎、脓疮 用白果治痤疮~方法有两种。第一种:准备 1~2颗白果...

很老很老的老偏方(精简版) 很老很老的老偏方,小病一扫光 1.劝君放弃洗发液,用洋葱、生姜治头皮屑 症状:头皮屑 第一个偏方:将一个捣烂的洋葱头用消过毒的干净纱布包好~然后轻轻反复揉擦头皮~让洋葱汁充分渗入其间~24小时后再用温水洗头~便可止头痒去头屑了。一般使用 1次~可以维持一周左右的疗效。 另一个偏方:将生姜切片~放入锅里煮沸~待水温不烫的时候倒上适量的醋~再用来洗头发即可。 2.小白果赶走青春痘,让你倍儿有面子 症状:痤疮红肿、发炎、脓疮 用白果治痤疮~方法有两种。第一种:准备 1~2颗白果~去壳切开~晚上睡前用切面频搓温水清洗过的患部~一边搓一边削去用过的部分~换新鲜的切面继续搓。次日早上洗脸后~可涂擦保湿滋润的护肤品。一般用药 1~2周痤疮便可消失。 第二种:将白果压碎~在70%的酒精里浸泡一周~然后过滤取其药液擦患部~ 2~3次。 每日 3.治好脚气,走路就是神气~ 症状:脚气、脚臭很老很老的老偏方:生姜 2两~食盐 1两~加水煮沸~倒入盆里后加适量的陈醋~然后泡脚 30分钟~每日一次。 4.艾叶菊花浴,防治汗斑不一般 症状:汗斑,花斑癣,~夏天因出汗多引发的皮肤疾病。 很老很老的老偏方: ?取艾叶、菊花各 1两~泡在热水澡盆里 5分钟左右~然后捞出用水洗浴即可。 ?新鲜黄瓜约 200克~硼砂 100克。黄瓜切片加入硼砂并置于容器中~搅拌均匀~放置 3~4小时~滤出汁液~用消毒纱布蘸黄瓜汁涂擦汗斑。 除了艾叶、菊花这个偏方外~我还收集到另一个偏方~效果也不错~不过制作起来麻烦一些~附录如下~供读者参考: 取新鲜黄瓜一根~约 200克~硼砂 100克。将黄瓜洗净切片放在一个容器中~加入硼砂~搅拌均匀~放置 3~4小时~滤出汁液装入瓶内~冷藏。待皮肤患部清洗后~用消毒纱布蘸黄瓜汁涂擦白斑。每日 3~4次~连续涂擦 7天即可。 5.想不显老,老年斑是可以“擦”掉的 症状:老年斑 偏方: be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm ? 100m g维生素 E每日一粒。 ?鲜姜片 10克~用 200~300毫升开水浸泡 5~10分钟~加入 10~15克蜂蜜调匀当水喝~每日一次。 6.花椒白酒漱口,不再怕牙痛 症状:牙痛 很老很老的老偏方:10克花椒~开水泡约 5分钟~再加入50毫升的白酒~待冷却后含漱。还要配合合谷穴按压法。 7.一瓶冰可乐,迅速止鼻血 症状:流鼻血 偏方:紧捏住鼻梁上部硬骨两侧的凹陷处~喝一口冰冻饮料~用力将冰冻饮料瓶紧贴于前额。 8.辣椒水擦鼻,治疗过敏性鼻炎 症状:过敏性鼻炎很老很老的老偏方:取 1~2个干红辣椒~用开水泡 10分钟~或文火煮 10分钟~再用棉签蘸辣椒水~伸入两个鼻孔里涂抹。每日 1次~7~10日为一疗程。 9.有一种痛苦叫便秘,有一种解药叫核桃 症状:便秘、预防老年痴呆、动脉硬化很老很老的老偏方:每日早、晚吃几块核桃仁~或闲时随意吃~不过要注意的是~核桃含有大量油脂~虽然吃起来很香~但摄入过多~则可能引起肥胖~所以要注意控制食量~以每日不超过半两为佳。 10.治疗焦虑症,试试《红楼梦》里的好偏方 症状:精神焦虑很老很老的老偏方:龙眼 10克~配冰糖适量~炖服~或将龙眼泡茶、煮粥、泡酒服用。 11.紫菜蛋花汤可是偏头痛的止痛法宝 症状:偏头痛很老很老的老偏方:干紫菜半两~鸡蛋 2个~煮汤服用~每日 1~2次。或常吃海苔,紫菜干,。 要注意的是~像干奶酪、巧克力、酒~含咖啡因的饮料如茶、咖啡~腌熏的肉类如香肠、火腿等~都有可能诱发偏头痛的发作~所以患者应该尽量忌口~这样才能保证最好的预防效果。此外~精神紧张或过度失眠也容易诱发头痛发作~所以希望大家引起注意~身体是革命的本钱~劳逸结合很重要。 12.米汤加盐治好拉肚子 症状:急性腹泻很老很老的老偏方:米汤 500毫升加精盐 1.75克~或炒be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 米,炒米粉~熟米粉, 25克加精盐 1.75克~再加水 500毫升煮 2~3分钟。 13.巧用盐水和土豆,就能治好咽喉炎 症状:急慢性咽喉炎、急慢性扁桃体炎 很老很老的老偏方: ?用棉签蘸浓度较高的盐水~伸到咽喉部位轻点~让盐水浸润发炎的部位~或用浓盐水漱口。 ?新鲜土豆洗净切片~贴在发炎的咽喉部位~再用胶布固定。等土豆片干了以后再换新鲜的。 14.甘草泡水,护肝养肝 症状:慢性乙肝~肝功能异常很老很老的老偏方:甘草 20克~泡水饮用。 不过~如果长期服用甘草~则要注意它可能引起血压升高、身体水肿~所以~对于高血压、肾功能损害的患者~这个偏方要慎用才行。 15.饭后一根香蕉,既降血压又防中风 症状:高血压~脑中风 偏方:每日饭后吃一根香蕉。 香蕉对老年人来说是个好东西~一般人只知道它能通便~却很少有人知道它还有辅助降血压的功效。因为香蕉富含钾元素~一根香蕉约含 400毫克钾。现代研究发现人体内的钾每增加一个浓度~就能抵消三个浓度盐的升血压作用具体原因有两个~一是钾促进了盐的排泄~另一个原因是钾本身也有部分扩张血管的作用~所以饭后一根香蕉~便能事半功倍。 除了吃香蕉外~还有一些富含钾的食物值得推荐~蔬菜中有菠菜、小白菜、油菜、雪里红,豆类中有豌豆、毛豆以及土豆,水果中有橘子、桃、葡萄,此外~还有蘑菇、紫菜、海带、木耳等。平常多吃吃这些食物~就能保证补充足够的钾了~多吃也不用担心副作用哦。 16.夏天易困、易疲倦,都是汗水惹的祸 症状:夏天容易产生疲倦感 偏方:每日吃一个橘子~或者喝一杯橘子汁~出汗特多时加量。另外~将橘子皮或陈皮泡茶配合饮用。 17.治疗心悸、心慌,还得从“补气”下手 症状:心律失常 很老很老的老偏方:黄芪 15克~开水冲泡后每日代茶饮用~一个月为一疗程。倘若整天喝黄芪水喝腻了~还可以做黄芪粥来吃。每次煮粥时一般用黄芪 30be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 克左右~配上一斤米~小火炖熟即可。 18.蒲公英泡水可治缺铁性贫血 症状:难治性缺铁性贫血 很老很老的老偏方: ?蒲公英 30克泡水饮用~每日 3次。 ?三红汤:红枣 7枚、红豆50克、花生红衣适量。三味共熬汤~每日 1次。 19.适当补补钙,就可以防止肾结石复发 症状:肾结石 偏方:每天吃 1粒钙片。 20.猪肝胡椒汤赶跑老年性贫血、记忆力下降 症状:老年人贫血、记忆力下降、痴呆、失眠 偏方:常喝猪肝汤~或鸡肝汤~烹煮时放胡椒。 21.冰水加浓糖浆,治好小烫伤 症状:烫伤 很老很老的老偏方:先用冰水冲洗~或浸泡烫伤处30分钟~至疼痛感消失~然后用冰水 30毫升加白糖50克配成浓糖浆~将糖浆轻轻涂抹于患部~保持湿润 1~2小时。 22.擦伤、割伤,药在厨房 症状:小擦伤~小割伤 偏方:?先按常规清洁伤口~然后把鱼肝油丸剪破~把里边的油液倒在伤口上~令油液完全覆盖伤口。 ?用鸡蛋膜贴伤口~注意把鸡蛋膜中沾有蛋清的那一面贴在伤口上。 ?用大蒜膜贴伤口。 23.丹参红花酒,竟能治阳痿 症状:阳痿中属于血管性勃起功能障碍者 很老很老的老偏方:丹参 60克~红花15克~以白酒 500克浸泡~每日饮 1~2小杯。 24.得了慢性前列腺炎,多喝山楂水 症状:慢性前列腺炎偏方: ?每天用 1~2两的山楂泡水当茶常饮。 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm ?每天起床和睡前~先排空小便然后平卧屈腿~放松小腹~搓热双手~右手平放在肚脐下方~左手压在右手上按顺时针方向缓慢按摩。 25.吃生蚝,补肾壮阳豪气冲天 症状:少精症~免疫力低下~反复感冒 偏方:每日吃 1~2个生蚝~煎、烤煮皆可~一个月为一疗程。 26.好方法治痛经,快乐做女人 症状:原发性痛经偏方: ?苹果 400克~去皮~用刀切成月牙状。把苹果放入锅里~倒入红酒没过苹果~用中火炖煮 15分钟后关火~等苹果在红酒中浸泡 2个小时后即可食用。 ?来月经之前三天~取仰卧位~全身放松,将掌心置于神阙穴,肚脐,之上~靠腕关节带动掌指关节~产生柔和的震颤并作用于腹部~振动的频率要快。每次操作 10~20分钟~每日 1次。 27.三种中草药,让你对白带异常、外阴瘙痒说拜拜 症状:细菌、真菌、滴虫、病毒感染引起的外阴瘙痒、白带异常 偏方:苦参、大黄、蛇床子、地肤子、防风各 30克~薄荷 10克~先用冷水泡半小时~然后文火煎汤至剩余汤液约 500毫升,冲洗下阴处、阴道处~尤其阴道深处应注意冲洗~坚持使用一周。 28.让好妈妈不缺奶最简单的方法 症状:缺少奶水 偏方:维生素 E~口服~每次 200毫克~每日 2~3次~连服 5日。 29.生姜口服,缓解妊娠呕吐 症状:妊娠呕吐 偏方:生姜切片含服或嚼服~也可以将生姜榨汁后喝生姜汁。 30.打嗝不断,烧一片指甲让你很舒畅 症状:打嗝 很老很老的老偏方:?用指甲一小块~点燃闻味~即止。?生八角 100克~用两碗水煎至一碗~加蜜服用。 对于胃寒型的打嗝~还可以用八角汤来治:出门在外~如果打嗝不止~也有一种应急的办法~即按压内关穴。生八角 100克~用两碗水煎到剩下一碗时~再加些蜂蜜煮沸~调好服用。 31.上班总疲劳,枸杞子来帮忙 症状:工作紧张引起的疲劳 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 很老很老的老偏方:10~20克枸杞子~放入茶杯浸泡于温开水中~每日饮用。 32.解决高血压,方法真不少~ 症状:高血压 很老很老的老偏方:杜仲叶、枸杞子泡茶~或者葛根煮粥服用。由于个体差异较大~具体剂量和频次要自行尝试调整。 用新鲜的杜仲~或者药房里卖的杜仲,药房里卖的都是用杜仲皮炮制而成的,~一次以 10克杜仲泡水服用~早、晚各一次。 枸杞子可以泡茶~也可以泡酒。泡酒的比例一般是 300克枸杞配上1000克白酒~浸泡 2周左右即可。常喝枸杞酒有两个好处~一是枸杞子里的枸杞多糖对于收缩压、舒张压都有降低作用,另一个是里面含有的少量酒精成分能起到活血通窍作用~还能降低日后心脑发病几率呢: 葛根也有降压作用~取 30克葛根与 1~2两粳米~加水煮粥服用~一日一次。 33.常吃三样东西,提高免疫力不生病 症状:免疫力低下很老很老的老偏方:党参25克~香菇,鲜,50克~黄芪15克~鸡肉适量~加入葱、姜、料酒、盐等~一起清炖 1个小时左右。 34.快速解酒法,让你千杯不醉 症状:醉酒很老很老的老偏方:取葛花 10克~用温水浸泡~再加入蜂蜜~饮酒时适量饮用。 35.失眠不用怕,早晚巧喝茶 症状:失眠 很老很老的老偏方:早晚喝茶。早茶:上午10点前喝红茶。晚茶:枸杞子茶。取枸杞子 15克~柏子仁 15克也可以用五味子 10克代替,开水冲泡~加盖焖 5分钟~每晚代茶饮用。 36.常服人参、鱼油,远离抑郁症 症状:心情抑郁、抑郁症很老很老的老偏方: ?人参 3克~泡水饮用~每日 2~3次。 ?每周吃两次或两次以上的鱼类食物~或者鱼油胶囊一天吃一粒~每周吃两次或两次以上。 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm
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