首页 西南交大2011年招收研究生专业目录



西南交大2011年招收研究生专业目录西南交大2011年招收研究生专业目录 西南交通大学研究生招生专业目录 地址:四川省成都市 邮政编码:610031 联系部门:研招办 联系人:研招办 单位代码:10613 电话/传真:(028)87600296 网址:yz.swjtu.edu.cn 人 专业代码、名称及研究方向 考试科目 备注 数 001 土木工程学院 081401 岩土工程 38 同等学力加试科目: 01.深基础工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?土力学 02.岩体动力学 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?基础工程 03.生态护坡与景观...

西南交大2011年招收研究生专业目录 西南交通大学研究生招生专业目录 地址:四川省成都市 邮政编码:610031 联系部门:研招办 联系人:研招办 单位代码:10613 电话/传真:(028)87600296 网址:yz.swjtu.edu.cn 人 专业代码、名称及研究方向 考试科目 备注 数 001 土木 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 学院 081401 岩土工程 38 同等学力加试科目: 01.深基础工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?土力学 02.岩体动力学 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?基础工程 03.生态护坡与景观设计 日语或244自命题德语 04.工程控制爆破 ?301 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 一 05.岩土工程新型结构 ?923材料力学或928结构力学 一 081402 结构工程 36 同等学力加试科目: 01.高层与大跨结构设计理论和?101思想政治理论 ?结构力学 方法 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?材料力学 02.结构抗震与隔震 日语或244自命题德语 ?土力学 03.建筑项目施工管理与工程监?301数学一 理 ?923材料力学或928结构力学 04.结构风工程 一 05.结构安全性与耐久性 081403 市政工程 3 同等学力加试科目: 01.给排水理论与技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?土力学 02.城市防洪理论与应用 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?材料力学 03.市政工程规划与管理 日语或244自命题德语 ?结构力学 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 04.水处理理论与技术 ?301数学一 05.城市垃圾处理与技术 ?877工程流体力学或923材料 力学 081405 防灾减灾工程10 及防护工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.城市地下工程防灾 ?101思想政治理论 ?结构力学 02."3S"技术在灾害防治中的应?201英语一或202俄语或203?材料力学 用 日语或244自命题德语 ?土力学 03.道路灾害防治工程科学与决?301数学一 策技术 ?923材料力学或928结构力学04.防灾减灾工程的地质环境评一 价与决策 05.工程结构物风灾震灾的评估 与防治 081406 桥梁与隧道工146 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.现代桥式及桥梁结构设计理?101思想政治理论 ?结构力学 论 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?材料力学 02.既有桥梁结构损伤与健全性日语或244自命题德语 ?钢结构(桥梁方向)隧道与地下工程基础 评估 ?301数学一 (隧道方向) 03.桥梁抗风与抗震 ?923材料力学或928结构力学04.桥梁结构动力响应 一 05.隧道及地下工程设计理论 06.地下铁道与轻轨工程结构理 论 07.隧道及地下工程信息化技术 08.现代盾构隧道设计理论 081420 ?工程环境控1 制 同等学力加试科目: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.环境地质学 ?101思想政治理论 ?土力学 02.地质灾害管理信息系统 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?构造地质学 03.地质灾害预测/预报 日语 ?301数学一 ?817岩体力学或830工程地质 学一 082301 道路与铁道工45 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.高速重载轨道结构及轨道动?101思想政治理论 ?材料力学 力学 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?土力学 02.铁路工务管理现代技术 日语或244自命题德语 ?结构力学 03.铁路规划与线路勘测设计现?301数学一 代技术 ?923材料力学或926土力学 04.铁路与公路建设项目工程经 济与管理 05.铁路/公路/机场工程路基结 构与地基处理 06.道路交通管理系统 07.路面结构理论与新材料应用 085213 建筑与土木工67 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.桥梁工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?结构力学 02.隧道工程 ?204英语二 ?材料力学 03.道路与铁道工程 ?302数学二 ?土力学 04.岩土工程 ?951钢筋混凝土结构 ?钢结构(桥梁方向)隧道与地下工程基础 05.结构工程 (隧道方向) 06.市政工程 07.防灾减灾与防护工程 085222 交通运输工程 9 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 同等学力加试科目: 01.轨道工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?结构力学 02.路基工程 ?204英语二 ?材料力学 03.线路工程 ?302数学二 ?土力学 04.路面工程 ?954结构力学二 002 机械工程学院 080201 机械制造及其9 自动化 同等学力加试科目: 01.数字化设计与制造技术(虚?101思想政治理论 ?机械制造工艺学 拟样机/虚拟制造) ?201英语一或202俄语或203?数控技术 02.多轴联动/数控机床及加工日语或244自命题德语 ?机械设计 技术 ?301数学一 任选两门 03.加工过程仿真 ?824机械原理 04.工厂/车间/生产线物流仿真 及优化 05.数控系统及自动化装备设计 06.模具CAD/CAM/CAE及材料成 形数字仿真 080202 机械电子工程 19 同等学力加试科目: 01.机电液一体化系统设计分析?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 与仿真 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?机械设计 02.智能化光机电一体化系统监日语或244自命题德语 测与控制 ?301数学一 03.水压驱动技术与节能环保新?824机械原理 能源技术 04.机器人与现代机电测控技术 及产品 05.物联网与物流装备控制及仿 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 真 080203 机械设计及理43 论 同等学力加试科目: 01.摩擦学及 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 02.机构学/机器人及设计自动?201英语一或202俄语或203?机械设计 化 日语或244自命题德语 03.虚拟现实/三维可视化/现代?301数学一 设计理论与方法 ?824机械原理 04.数字化设计及设计自动化技 术 05.起重与物流装备设计理论及 自动化 06.工程机械现代设计理论与智 能控制 07.工业工程与系统工程 08.安全工程 080204 车辆工程 29 同等学力加试科目: 01.机车传动与控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 02.列车运行仿真 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?机械设计 03.铁道机车车辆和高速列车设日语或244自命题德语 计及理论 ?301数学一 04.铁道机车车辆结构可靠性及?824机械原理 动力学 05.列车网络与主动悬挂控制技 术 06.列车制动及控制技术 07.车辆设备及车内环境控制 08.磁悬浮车辆设计及理论 080220 ?驱动技术与7 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 智能系统 同等学力加试科目: 01.液压元件及系统技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 02.机电液系统环保节能技术 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?机械设计 03.混合动力与复合传动技术 日语或244自命题德语 ?301数学一 ?824机械原理 080221 ?城市轨道交3 通技术与设备 同等学力加试科目: 01.城市轨道车辆设计与理论 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 02.牵引传动与控制 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?机械设计 03.电磁制动及复合制动控制 日语或244自命题德语 04.动力学/结构强度及可靠性 ?301数学一 05.车内环境控制及现代电器设?824机械原理 备 06.列车自动控制及运行仿真 080223 ?信息化制造2 工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.材料成型计算机模拟及模具?101思想政治理论 ?工程图学 CAE ?201英语一或203日语 ?机械设计 02.数字化设计与制造 ?301数学一 03.生产过程仿真 ?824机械原理 04.产品全寿命周期数据管理 080402 测试计量技术14 及仪器 同等学力加试科目: 01.智能化状态监测与故障诊断 ?101思想政治理论 ?传感器原理 02.精密测控技术及系统 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?微机原理及应用 03.嵌入式及网络测控技术 日语或244自命题德语 04.现代测试及虚拟仪器技术 ?301数学一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of ?851信号分析与处理或888计 量学基础 080703 动力机械及工9 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.热能动力机械燃烧及排放性?101思想政治理论 ?机械设计 能 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?工程图学 02.热能动力机械强度/可靠性日语或244自命题德语 及故障诊断 ?301数学一 03.汽车性能及环境保护 ?831传热学或923材料力学 04.汽车现代设计理论与方法 081404 供热、供燃气、20 通风及空调工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.暖通节能技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?空气调节 02.隧道与地下工程通风空调 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?工业通风 03.空气调节技术 日语或244自命题德语 04.暖通空调自动控制 ?301数学一 05.室内环境质量控制 ?831传热学或877工程流体力06.通风技术 学 085201 机械工程 48 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.摩擦学及表面工程 ?101思想政治理论 02.起重与工程机械 ?203日语或204英语二 03.先进制造技术及自动化 ?302数学二 04.机电液一体化与驱动技术 ?955机械制图 05.机构学及数字化设计技术 06.工业工程与安全工程 085203 仪器仪表工程 6 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.现代测控技术及系统 ?101思想政治理论 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 02.智能化状态监测与故障诊断 ?203日语或204英语二 ?302数学二 ?955机械制图 085222 交通运输工程 6 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.载运工具状态监测与故障诊?101思想政治理论 断技术 ?203日语或204英语二 02.载运工具动力学分析 ?302数学二 03.轨道交通测试技术与设备 ?955机械制图 085234 车辆工程 20 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.计算机辅助汽车设计 ?101思想政治理论 02.机车传动与控制 ?203日语或204英语二 03.车辆系统动力学性能研究 ?302数学二 04.列车制动及控制技术 ?955机械制图 05.城市轨道车辆设计与理论 06.城市轨道车辆设备微机测控 技术 003 电气工程学院 080801 电机与电器 5 同等学力加试科目: 01.智能检测与故障诊断 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.线性驱动系统 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.电机优化设计与智能控制 ?301数学一 04.计算机控制技术及其应用 ?922电路分析一 05.电力电子技术及其应用 06.高温超导电机与电器 080802 电力系统及其81 自动化 同等学力加试科目: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.工业监控技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.牵引供电系统调度自动化 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.计算机实时控制与系统仿真 ?301数学一 04.供电理论及应用 ?922电路分析一 05.电气设备状态检测与故障诊 断 06.综合补偿技术及其应用 07.微机保护与变电站综合自动 化 08.牵引供电系统仿真 09.电力市场 10.电网地理信息系统 11.柔性输电系统 12.直流牵引供电系统 080803 高电压与绝缘8 技术 同等学力加试科目: 01.电气绝缘在线检测与故障诊?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 断 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 02.过电压保护与绝缘配合 ?301数学一 03.高压电气设备试验数字化与?922电路分析一 智能化 04.生物电介质及应用 05.气体绝缘与气体放电应用 06.超高压与特高压输电的绝缘 技术 07.高电压绝缘理论及检测技术 080804 电力电子与电39 力传动 同等学力加试科目: 01.磁悬浮控制技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.交直交电气传动系统 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 03.电力传动及其控制系统 ?301数学一 04.计算机控制技术及其应用 ?922电路分析一 05.电力电子技术及其应用 06.计算机自动检测与故障诊断 07.电力电子电路的建模与仿真 08.智能控制技术及应用 09.开关电源技术及应用 10.列车自动控制系统 11.有源滤波技术 12.新能源技术及应用 080805 电工理论与新6 技术 同等学力加试科目: 01.电磁理论及电磁兼容技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.超导技术及应用 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.磁浮列车技术 ?301数学一 04.电能质量与控制 ?922电路分析一 05.有源无功补偿技术及应用 06.开关电源技术及其应用 07.计算机自动检测 08.超导推进技术应用 09.超导超高速磁浮列车 10.新型磁浮技术 11.超导磁浮理论与技术 12.新能源技术及应用 080820 ?电磁浮悬与4 超导工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.磁悬浮系统及控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.超导材料及其应用 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.常导和超导磁悬浮列车系统 ?301数学一 04.超导技术及应用 ?922电路分析一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 05.超导推进技术应用 06.新型磁浮技术 07.超导磁浮理论与技术 080821 ?电气系统控11 制与信息技术 同等学力加试科目: 01.电气系统的智能控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.电气系统故障检测与诊断 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.电气系统的建模与仿真 ?301数学一 04.嵌入式系统及其应用 ?922电路分析一 05.现场总线技术及其应用 06.工业控制网络技术 07.智能信息处理 080822 ?轨道交通电11 气化与自动化 同等学力加试科目: 01.交直流牵引供电系统技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.交流牵引传动控制技术 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.轨道交通安全技术 ?301数学一 04.电气设备运行状态的在线监?922电路分析一 测 05.列车自动驾驶技术 06.直线电机驱动技术 07.轨道交通综合调度与自动化 系统 08.直流供电技术 081102 检测技术与自7 动化装置 同等学力加试科目: 01.变电所电气检测与自动化 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.远程监测技术 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.弓网受流与检测 ?301数学一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 04.虚拟仪器技术 ?922电路分析一 05.智能化仪表 06.智能检测与智能监控技术 081103 系统工程 3 同等学力加试科目: 01.计算机控制系统 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.决策分析与决策支持技术 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.智能信息处理与智能控制系?301数学一 统 ?922电路分析一 04.工程仿真与过程仿真技术 05.信息系统工程 06.互联网信息系统 07.系统优化与系统仿真 08.交通运输系统工程 09.大系统理论及其应用 10.非线性系统理论 11.自律分布系统技术及其应用 081104 模式识别与智6 能系统 同等学力加试科目: 01.载运工具智能控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.模式识别与故障诊断 ?201英语一 ?线性代数 03.仿真技术及其应用 ?301数学一 04.虚拟现实与多媒体技术 ?922电路分析一 05.机车车辆网络与信息系统 085207 电气工程 52 同等学力加试科目: 01.牵引供电系统 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.电力传动 ?204英语二 ?线性代数 03.电力电子 ?302数学二 04.控制与信息技术 ?956电路分析二 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 05.电力系统 06.电力电子技术在新能源中的 应用 085210 控制工程 19 同等学力加试科目: 01.现代控制技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?电子技术 02.现代检测技术 ?204英语二 ?线性代数 03.仿真与虚拟现实技术 ?302数学二 04.机车传动机制 ?956电路分析二 05.风能/太阳能等新能源应用 中的控制技术 004 信息科学与技 术学院 040110 教育技术学 17 同等学力加试科目: 01.远程教育技术方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?大学计算机基础 02.网络工程技术方向 ?201英语一 ?程序设计语言 03.计算机多媒体技术方向 ?311教育学专业基础综合 04.计算机辅助教育 ?-- 无 080902 电路与系统 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.集成电路设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?程序设计 02.智能传感与测控系统 ?201英语一 ?电子技术基础 03.通信电路与系统 ?301数学一 ?计算机组成原理 04.智能信息获取与处理系统 ?861电子技术基础一 (任选二门,且不能和初试科目重复) 05.射频/微波/毫米波电路与系 统 06.集成系统芯片(SoC)与微机 电系统(MEMS) layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 07.DSP技术与嵌入式系统 08.集成光电技术与光通信系统 080903 微电子学与固14 体电子学 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.集成电路设计 ?101思想政治理论 02.电子器件及材料 ?201英语一 03.半导体光电子器件 ?301数学一 04.现代天线理论及应用 ?861电子技术基础一 05.微波及毫米波技术 06.嵌入式系统研究 07.电磁兼容与环境电磁学 08.射频/微波及毫米波集成电 路设计 081001 通信与信息系75 统 本专业只招收国民教育系列本科毕业生 01.数字移动通信理论与技术 ?101思想政治理论 02.卫星通信理论与技术 ?201英语一 03.光纤通信理论与技术 ?301数学一 04.信息系统安全理论与技术 ?818数字通信原理 05.无线宽带接入技术 06.无线及移动网络技术 07.软件无线电与智能天线技术 08.信息与编码技术 081002 信号与信息处49 理 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.现代信号处理及其实现技术 ?101思想政治理论 02.智能信息处理及应用 ?201英语一 03.图像处理与传输 ?301数学一 04.生物特性识别与身份认证 ?924信号与系统一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 05.多媒体通信与处理技术 06.DSP技术 07.信息系统安全技术 08.非线性光信息处理与光子生 物技术 081020 ?信息安全 8 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.信息系统安全理论与技术 ?101思想政治理论 02.电子商务与电子政务安全技?201英语一 术 ?301数学一 03.多媒体安全技术 ?859密码学或924信号与系统04.保密通信系统 一 05.数字取证技术 081101 控制理论与控9 制工程 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.智能控制 ?101思想政治理论 02.计算机实时控制系统 ?201英语一 03.现代控制理论 ?301数学一 04.智能交通控制系统 ?924信号与系统一 05.网络化控制系统 06.无线网络控制系统 081201 计算机系统结5 构 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.下一代网络体系结构 ?101思想政治理论 02.下一代交换技术及结构 ?201英语一 03.网络安全及体系结构 ?301数学一 04.嵌入式与分布式系统结构 ?408计算机学科专业基础综合 05.面向服务的系统结构(SOA) 06.云计算系统及结构 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 07.现代服务业信息系统结构 08.制造业信息系统结构 081202 计算机软件与14 理论 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.系统软件及工具软件研究 ?101思想政治理论 02.数据挖掘与智能信息处理技?201英语一 术 ?301数学一 03.工程应用软件开发与软件测?408计算机学科专业基础综合 试技术 04.嵌入式软件开发技术 05.网络数据库技术 06.图形图像处理技术 07.Internet技术和Web工程 08.基于SOA的商务智能和安全 技术 081203 计算机应用技40 术 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.计算机网络与信息系统 ?101思想政治理论 02.Internet技术和Web工程 ?201英语一 03.知识工程及计算智能 ?301数学一 04.数据仓库与数据挖掘 ?408计算机学科专业基础综合 05.多媒体与虚拟现实 06.计算机视觉技术 07.分布式与嵌入式系统 08.企业信息系统集成技术 082302 交通信息工程37 及控制 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.调度指挥自动化及铁路信号?101思想政治理论 自动控制 ?201英语一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 02.列车运行控制 ?301数学一 03.智能铁路技术 ?924信号与系统一 04.交通信号与控制 05.图形图像技术在智能交通中 的应用 06.物联网技术 07.智能交通系统 08.高温超导磁悬浮车控制/信 息系统与计算 085208 电子与通信工12 程 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.信息编码与信息传输 ?101思想政治理论 02.信号与信息处理 ?204英语二 03.信息安全 ?302数学二 ?957信号与系统二 085209 集成电路工程 5 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.数字/模拟及射频集成电路?101思想政治理论 设计 ?204英语二 02.RFID技术及嵌入式系统 ?302数学二 ?958电子技术基础二 085210 控制工程 8 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.计算机实时控制系统 ?101思想政治理论 02.智能交通控制系统 ?204英语二 03.网络化控制系统 ?302数学二 ?957信号与系统二 085211 计算机技术 22 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.计算机网络与信息系统 ?101思想政治理论 02.嵌入式系统 ?204英语二 03.Internet技术和Web工程 ?302数学二 04.制造业信息化技术与系统 ?959数据结构 085212 软件工程 32 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.Web工程与网络数据库技术 ?101思想政治理论 02.软件测试与分析 ?204英语二 03.智能软件系统 ?302数学二 ?959数据结构 085222 交通运输工程 11 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.计算机在交通工程中的应用 ?101思想政治理论 02.列车运行控制 ?204英语二 03.铁路信号自动控制 ?302数学二 ?957信号与系统二 110505 密码学 6 同等学力加试科目同电路与系统专业 01.密码设计与密码分析 ?101思想政治理论 02.移动通信系统安全保密 ?201英语一 03.电子商务与电子政务安全技?301数学一 术 ?859密码学或875高等代数 04.信息系统安全工程 005 经济管理学院 020204 金融学 14 同等学力加试科目: 01.金融市场与监管 ?101思想政治理论 ?管理学 02.公司金融 ?201英语一 ?生产管理、运筹学、 03.行为金融 ?303数学三 技术经济学、宏观经济学 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 04.保险理论与实务 ?925微观经济学 四门任选一门 注:加试科目不得与初试科目相重复 020205 产业经济学 5 加试科目同金融学 01.博弈理论与产业组织 ?101思想政治理论 02.产业发展与竞争策略 ?201英语一 03.低碳经济与产业政策 ?303数学三 ?925微观经济学 020209 数量经济学 5 加试科目同金融学 01.网络经济 ?101思想政治理论 02.经济计量方法与应用 ?201英语一 03.实验经济 ?303数学三 ?925微观经济学 085236 工业工程 15 同等学力加试科目: 01.企业资源计划(ERP)的理论?101思想政治理论 ?管理学 与应用 ?204英语二 ?生产管理、运筹学、 02.CIMS工程开发与应用 ?302数学二 技术经济学、宏观经济学 03.工作分析与业务流程再造 ?960管理学 四门任选一门 04.现代制造系统的理论与方法 注:加试科目不得与初试科目相重复 085239 项目管理 15 加试科目同工业工程 01.项目评价理论与应用 ?101思想政治理论 02.项目 采购 采购部分工政府采购法87号令广东省政府采购政府采购法及采购员下一步工作计划 与招标管理 ?204英语二 03.项目组织与团队管理 ?302数学二 04.项目质量与风险控制 ?960管理学 120100 管理科学与工23 程 加试科目同金融学 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.工程科学管理 ?101思想政治理论 02.系统分析与决策 ?201英语一或203日语 03.物流与供应链管理 ?303数学三 04.金融工程与风险管理 ?853运筹学或925微观经济学 120121 ?资源优化管4 理 加试科目同金融学 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?201英语一或203日语 ?303数学三 ?853运筹学或925微观经济学 120122 ?项目管理 4 加试科目同金融学 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?201英语一或203日语 ?303数学三 ?853运筹学或925微观经济学 120123 ?决策科学 4 加试科目同金融学 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?201英语一或203日语 ?303数学三 ?853运筹学或925微观经济学 120201 会计学 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.会计理论与实证 ?101思想政治理论 ?高级财务会计学 02.财务政策与应用 ?201英语一或203日语 ?审计学 03.行为财务与会计 ?303数学三 04.审计理论与实务 ?841会计学或925微观经济学 120202 企业管理 18 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 加试科目同金融学 01.组织与战略管理 ?101思想政治理论 02.市场营销 ?201英语一或203日语 03.运作管理 ?303数学三 04.人力资源管理 ?925微观经济学 05.财务管理 120203 旅游管理 5 加试科目同金融学 01.酒店管理 ?101思想政治理论 02.会展管理 ?201英语一或203日语 03.旅游电子商务 ?303数学三 ?925微观经济学 120204 技术经济及管8 理 加试科目同金融学 01.投资决策与风险管理 ?101思想政治理论 02.项目与资产评估 ?201英语一 03.技术创新理论与应用 ?303数学三 ?925微观经济学 007 交通运输学院 /物流学院 081903 安全技术及工17 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.安全人机工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 02.交通运输安全工程 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?铁路行车安全理论及应用技术或智能交 03.安全管理工程 日语或244自命题德语或245自通ITS安全理论与应用技术 04.职业安全与劳动卫生 命题法语 05.安全环境保护技术 ?302数学二 06.交通安全控制与监测系统 ?839交通运输安全工程或844 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 交通运输系统分析一 082303 交通运输规划69 与管理 同等学力加试科目: 01.交通运输发展战略及宏观决?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 策 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?铁路行车组织或交通工程学 02.交通运输需求与供给理论 日语或244自命题德语或245自 03.运输组织优化理论与方法 命题法语 04.客运专线运输组织 ?301数学一 05.交通运输规划与场站设计 ?844交通运输系统分析一或 06.城市轨道交通规划与管理 929管理运筹学一 07.交通运输与物流 08.交通运输信息技术 09.智能运输系统 082320 ?物流工程 29 同等学力加试科目: 01.物流系统规划与设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?物流系统工程 02.物流系统优化与仿真 ?201英语一或203日语 ?供应链管理 03.物流经济与金融 ?301数学一 04.物流装备技术与应用 ?873物流与运筹学 05.逆向物流与应急物流 06.物流信息技术与应用 07.企业物流管理 08.供应链管理 082321 ?交通工程 19 同等学力加试科目: 01.城市及区域交通规划与发展?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 战略 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?铁路行车组织或交通工程学 02.交通流理论 日语或244自命题德语或245自 03.城市轨道交通规划 命题法语 04.道路交通规划 ?301数学一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 05.交通管理与控制 ?844交通运输系统分析一或 06.城市交通系统优化 929管理运筹学一 07.交通信息理论与技术 08.交通运输经济 082322 ?交通运输安9 全工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.交通运输安全规划与管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 02.交通安全人机工程 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?铁路行车安全理论及应用技术或智能交03.交通运输安全保障及救援体日语或244自命题德语或245自通ITS安全理论与应用技术 系 命题法语 04.交通运输安全信息与控制技?301数学一 术 ?844交通运输系统分析一或 05.交通事故仿真与分析 929管理运筹学一 06.交通安全系统评价 07.驾驶行为安全研究 08.交通环境工程 082323 ?综合运输 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.综合运输发展战略研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 02.综合运输管理体制及政策研?201英语一或202俄语或203?铁路行车组织或交通工程学 究 日语或244自命题德语或245自 03.综合运输系统规划与资源配命题法语 置 ?301数学一 04.综合运输系统组织管理优化?844交通运输系统分析一或 理论与方法 929管理运筹学一 05.综合运输系统环境与安全技 术 085222 交通运输工程 26 同等学力加试科目: 01.交通运输 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 02.交通工程 ?202俄语或203日语或204英?铁路行车组织或交通工程学 语二 ?302数学二 ?961管理运筹学二或962交通 运输系统分析二 085224 安全工程 4 同等学力加试科目: 01.交通运输安全管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论与数理统计 02.交通运输安全工程 ?202俄语或203日语或204英?铁路行车安全理论及应用技术或智能交 语二 通ITS安全理论与应用技术 ?302数学二 ?961管理运筹学二或962交通 运输系统分析二 085240 物流工程 15 同等学力加试科目: 01.物流规划与设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?物流系统工程 02.物流信息管理 ?203日语或204英语二 ?供应链管理 03.物流技术与应用 ?302数学二 04.物流管理与优化 ?963物流概论 008 建筑学院 081301 建筑历史与理7 论 同等学力加试科目: 01.传统建筑与园林研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?建筑设计原理 ?建筑构造 02.现代建筑理论研究 ?201英语一或203日语 03.乡土建筑研究 ?626建筑历史 ?511建筑设计快题一(6小时) 081302 建筑设计及其36 理论 同等学力加试科目: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.建筑创作 ?101思想政治理论 ?建筑技术综合 ?建筑设计原理 (只接受02.城市设计 ?201英语一或203日语 统招本科毕业生及统招建筑规划类专业毕03.建筑设计方法 ?621建筑历史与建筑技术 业生) 04.绿色建筑设计 ?511建筑设计快题一(6小时) 081303 城市规划与设14 计 同等学力加试科目: 01.城市规划理论与方法 ?101思想政治理论 ?城市道路工程与市政工程规划 ?城市设02.区域规划 ?201英语一或203日语 计原理 (只接受统招本科毕业生及统招建03.城市道路交通规划 ?640城市规划原理与城市建设筑规划类专业毕业生) 04.生态城市研究 史 ?512规划设计快题(6小时) 081304 建筑技术科学 7 同等学力加试科目: 01.建筑新技术与应用 ?101思想政治理论 ?建筑设备 02.建筑环境与建筑节能 ?201英语一或203日语 ?绿色建筑概论 03.建筑协同设计 ?651建筑物理 ?833建筑构造 081421 ?景观工程 4 同等学力加试科目: 01.工程景观 ?101思想政治理论 ?中外园林史 02.景观与生态 ?201英语一 ?景观工程(综合) 03.城市景观 ?301数学一 04.自然与人文景观 ?513景观建筑设计快题(6小 时) 085213 建筑与土木工10 程 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?204英语二 ?302数学二 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of ?515建筑设计快题二(6小时) 090706 园林植物与观2 赏园艺 同等学力加试科目: 01.园林植物与景观规划设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?中外园林史 02.园林资源评价与应用 ?201英语一 ?园林植物配置与造景 ?314数学(农) ?514景观植物学及园林设计(6 小时) 095300 风景园林硕士 5 01.风景园林规划设计与理论 ?101思想政治理论 02.区域景观资源与区域景观规?204英语二 划 ?344风景园林基础 03.园林植物应用 ?514景观植物学及园林设计(6 小时) 009 材料科学与工 程学院 077600 生物医学工程 22 同等学力加试科目: 01.心血管生物材料/介入器械?101思想政治理论 ?材料科学基础 及表面工程 ?201英语一 ?工程材料 02.骨生物材料与仿生技术 ?601高等数学 ?物理化学 03.组织工程及药物缓释系统 ?813生物医学工程基础一或?材料力学性能 04.生物摩擦学及医疗器械评价 838物理化学一 05.生物医学传感器 080500 材料科学与工50 程 同等学力加试科目: 01.生物医用材料 ?101思想政治理论 ?材料科学基础 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 02.表面科学与工程 ?201英语一 ?工程材料 03.功能材料及器件 ?302数学二 ?物理化学 04.纳米材料及技术 ?814材料连接基础或886高分?高分子化学 05.高分子及复合材料 子物理或887材料科学基础一 ?焊接冶金 06.材料服役行为研究 ?焊接方法与设备 07.能源与超导材料 ?焊接结构 08.先进结构材料及加工技术 ?表面工程技术 09.粉末冶金先进材料与技术 10.传感材料及技术 11.高速铁路焊接技术 12.材料加工自动化 13.焊接结构检测/分析及评价 14.焊接冶金及焊接材料 15.先进修复及再制造 085204 材料工程 24 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.金属材料 ?101思想政治理论 02.高分子材料 ?202俄语或203日语或204英 03.无机非金属材料 语二 ?302数学二 ?964材料科学基础二或965物 理化学二 085230 生物医学工程 6 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.生物医学材料 ?101思想政治理论 02.医疗器械表面工程 ?202俄语或203日语或204英 03.生物传感器 语二 ?302数学二 ?964材料科学基础二或966生 物医学工程基础二 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 010 生命科学与工 程学院 071010 生物化学与分16 子生物学 同等学力加试科目: 01.资源生物技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?现代遗传学?微生物只招收相关专业同02.生物文库与分子进化 ?201英语一 等学力考生 03.生物信息 ?641生物化学 04.微生物生物技术 ?870细胞生物学 05.环境生物技术 081703 生物化工 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.生化工程与制药工程技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?生物分离工程?无机及分析化学只招收02.有机合成与生物催化 ?201英语一 相关专业同等学力考生 03.功能材料与复合材料 ?302数学二 04.应用化学技术 ?827有机化学 085235 制药工程 5 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?204英语二 ?302数学二 ?827有机化学 085238 生物工程 5 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?204英语二 ?338生物化学 ?870细胞生物学 100703 生药学 7 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 本专业只招收国民教育系列本科毕业生 01.生药分析与制剂新技术研究 ?101思想政治理论 02.药用植物资源与活性成分研?201英语一 究 ?618生药学基础综合 ?-- 无 100705 微生物与生化12 药学 同等学力加试科目: 01.微生物与基因工程制药 ?101思想政治理论 ?生物化学?细胞生物学只招收相关专业02.生物活性物质的分离及药理?201英语一 同等学力考生 药效评价 ?616药学基础综合 03.生物制剂与给药系统 ?-- 无 04.生化分离工程技术 05.微生物与生化检验 100800 中药学 12 本专业只招收国民教育系列本科毕业生 01.中药药理 ?101思想政治理论 02.中药及复方的物质基础 ?201英语一 03.道地药材生产质量管理规范?619中药学基础综合 (GAP)的研究 ?-- 无 04.中药新产品开发研究 05.中药药代动力学与新剂型研 究 011 物理科学与技 术学院 070201 理论物理 5 同等学力加试科目: 01.宇宙线与高能天体物理 ?101思想政治理论 ?热力学与统计物理 02.粒子物理与核物理 ?201英语一 ?数理方法 03.计算物理与模拟物理 ?601高等数学 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 04.原子分子物理 ?869量子力学 05.量子光学与量子信息 070205 凝聚态物理 14 同等学力加试科目: 01.高压物性与物态方程 ?101思想政治理论 ?热力学与统计物理?数理方法 02.纳米材料特性及量子计算物?201英语一 理 ?601高等数学 03.材料的高压合成与改性 ?869量子力学 04.非晶及亚稳材料物理 05.超导及磁性物理 080300 光学工程 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.光电检测与信息处理 ?101思想政治理论 ?数学物理方法 ?电子技术 02.高功率微波与自由电子激光 ?201英语一 03.激光技术及应用 ?301数学一 04.光信息传输理论与技术 ?867光电检测技术一 05.数字图像处理技术 080901 物理电子学 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.强辐射源与高功率微波系统 ?101思想政治理论 ?数学物理方法(含特殊函数) 02.光电子及光电子技术 ?201英语一 ?电磁理论 03.光电信息与图象分析技术 ?301数学一 ?845电磁场与波 080904 电磁场与微波14 技术 同等学力加试科目: 01.天线理论与技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?数学物理方法(含特殊函数) 02.计算电磁学 ?201英语一 ?电磁理论 03.电磁散射与逆散射 ?301数学一 04.高功率微波与微波成像 ?845电磁场与波 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 05.天线工程与卫星定位技术 06.微波电路与微波器件 085202 光学工程 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.光电检测与信息处理 ?101思想政治理论 ?数学物理方法 ?电子技术 02.高功率微波与自由电子激光 ?204英语二 03.激光技术及应用 ?302数学二 04.光信息传输理论与技术 ?967光电检测技术二 05.数字图像处理技术 012 力学与工程学 院 080101 一般力学与力4 学基础 同等学力加试科目: 01.非线性动力学 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程力学?计算机概论 02.运动稳定性与控制 ?201英语一 03.结构振动与控制 ?301数学一 04.物理力学 ?810理论力学或923材料力学 080102 固体力学 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.固体的破坏与结构的安全性?101思想政治理论 ?工程力学?计算机概论 评价 ?201英语一 02.固体材料本构关系 ?301数学一 03.复合材料力学 ?810理论力学或923材料力学 080103 流体力学 3 同等学力加试科目: 01.计算流体力学 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程力学?计算机概论 ?201英语一 ?301数学一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of ?810理论力学或923材料力学 080104 工程力学 12 同等学力加试科目: 01.高速冲击动力学及材料动态?101思想政治理论 ?工程力学?计算机概论 力学性能 ?201英语一 02.工程结构仿真 ?301数学一 03.成型制造力学与数值模拟 ?810理论力学或923材料力学 04.流固耦合振动 013 外国语学院 050205 日语语言文学 7 同等学力加试科目: 01.日本语言 ?101思想政治理论 ?日语写作 ?高级日语阅读 02.日本社会文化 ?241自命题英语或242自命题 俄语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?624日汉互译 ?855综合日语 050211 外国语言学及47 应用语言学 英语专业:?英语写作 ?高级英语阅读 01.应用语言学 ?101思想政治理论 德语专业:?德语写作 ?高级德语阅读 ?242自命题俄语或243自命题 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?623语言学导论 ?856综合英语 02.文学语言学 ?101思想政治理论 ?242自命题俄语或243自命题 日语或244自命题德语或245自 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 命题法语 ?623语言学导论 ?856综合英语 03.语用学研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?242自命题俄语或243自命题 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?623语言学导论 ?856综合英语 04. 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 理论与实践 ?101思想政治理论 ?242自命题俄语或243自命题 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?623语言学导论 ?856综合英语 05.德语文学语言学 ?101思想政治理论 ?241自命题英语或242自命题 俄语或243自命题日语或245自 命题法语 ?627德汉互译 ?858基础德语 055200 翻译硕士 5 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?211翻译硕士英语 ?357英语翻译基础 ?448汉语写作与百科知识 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 014 测量/地质/环 境科学与工程学院 070503 地图学与地理4 信息系统 同等学力加试科目: 01.资源与环境信息系统 ?101思想政治理论 ?地理信息系统基础 02.地理空间与地理过程模拟 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?地图学 03.GIS与地图制图 日语或244自命题德语 ?302数学二 ?812自然地理学或816地理信 息系统原理 081403 市政工程 7 同等学力加试科目: 01.城市给排水理论与技术 ?101思想政治理论 ?环境工程基础?给水工程 02.城市垃圾处理理论与技术 ?201英语一或203日语或244 自命题德语 ?301数学一 ?876环境生态学 081420 ?工程环境控1 制 同等学力加试科目: 01.工程水环境效应及其控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?环境地质学?环境工程基础 02.生态环境修复理论及技术 ?201英语一或203日语或244 03.工程环境影响评价 自命题德语 04.水土保持与岩土环境理论 ?301数学一 ?876环境生态学 081422 ?消防工程 4 同等学力加试科目: 01.建筑防火工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?消防燃烧学?消防工程学 02.建筑安全评估及性能优化设?201英语一或203日语或244 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 计 自命题德语 03.防火阻燃材料 ?301数学一 04.地下建筑及隧道防火技术 ?828消防燃烧学 081601 大地测量学与19 测量工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.全球卫星定位技术及其应用 ?101思想政治理论 ?工程测量 02.GPS/RS/GIS技术集成与应用 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?测量平差 03.精密工程测量与形变监测 日语或244自命题德语 04.测绘新技术在勘测设计中的?301数学一 应用 ?816地理信息系统原理或879 测量学一 081602 摄影测量与遥9 感 同等学力加试科目: 01.数字摄影测量 ?101思想政治理论 ?地理信息系统基础 02.遥感技术及应用 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?摄影测量 03.GPS/RS/GIS技术及应用 日语或244自命题德语 ?301数学一 ?816地理信息系统原理或879 测量学一 081603 地图制图学与6 地理信息工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.地理信息可视化 ?101思想政治理论 ?地理信息系统基础 02.地理信息系统及其应用 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?地图学 03.GPS/RS/GIS技术及应用 日语或244自命题德语 ?301数学一 ?816地理信息系统原理或879 测量学一 081801 矿产普查与勘2 探 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 同等学力加试科目: 01.资源定量预测及评价 ?101思想政治理论 ?土力学 02.国土资源信息系统与成矿利?201英语一或202俄语或203?构造地质学 用可视化研究 日语或244自命题德语 03.建筑材料利用与评价 ?302数学二 ?817岩体力学或830工程地质 学一 081802 地球探测与信5 息技术 同等学力加试科目: 01.波动地球物理勘测与工程无?101思想政治理论 ?构造地质学 损检测技术 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?线性代数 02.地球物理图象及可视化技术 日语或244自命题德语 03.地球物理信息处理 ?302数学二 04.工程地质与物探信息 ?817岩体力学或830工程地质 学一 081803 地质工程 32 同等学力加试科目: 01.岩体力学及岩体工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?土质土力学 02.特种岩土工程 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?构造地质学 03.地质灾害及防治工程 日语或244自命题德语 04.工程水害及防治工程 ?302数学二 ?817岩体力学或830工程地质 学一 083001 环境科学 2 同等学力加试科目: 01.环境规划和环境管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?环境生态学?环境工程基础 02.环境生态学及生态工程 ?201英语一或203日语或244 03.环境化学及监测 自命题德语 ?302数学二 ?811环境化学或836环境工程 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 083002 环境工程 41 同等学力加试科目: 01.水污染控制 ?101思想政治理论 ?水污染控制工程?固体废弃物处理与处02.固体废弃物处置与资源化 ?201英语一或203日语或244置 03.大气污染控制 自命题德语 ?302数学二 ?811环境化学或836环境工程 085215 测绘工程 9 同等学力加试科目: 01.全球定位系统 ?101思想政治理论 ?地理信息系统基础 02.地理信息系统 ?204英语二 ?工程测量 03.工程测量 ?302数学二 04.摄影测量与遥感 ?952测量学二 085217 地质工程 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.地质灾害及防护工程 ?101思想政治理论 ?土质土力学 02.特种岩土工程 ?204英语二 ?构造地质学 03.岩体力学及岩体工程 ?302数学二 ?953工程地质学二 085224 安全工程 5 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?202俄语或203日语或204英 语二 ?302数学二 ?968建筑防火 085229 环境工程 10 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of ?202俄语或203日语或204英 语二 ?302数学二 ?969环境工程学 015 体育部 040303 体育教育训练10 学 同等学力加试科目: 01.体育教学理论与方法 ?101思想政治理论 ?运动生理学 02.运动训练理论与方法 ?201英语一或203日语 ?运动心理学 03.体育教育管理与方法 ?617体育学基础综合 ?-- 无 018 艺术与传播学 院 050101 文艺学 5 同等学力加试科目: 01.中国古代文论研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.现代文论研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?中国古代文学 日语 ?645文学概论 ?881中外文学史 050102 语言学及应用5 语言学 同等学力加试科目: 01.社会语言学与语言应用 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.国际汉语推广 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?文学概论 日语 ?646古代汉语 ?843语言学理论与现代汉语 050103 汉语言文字学 5 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 同等学力加试科目: 01.汉语史与方言 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.现代汉语 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?中国古代文学 日语 ?646古代汉语 ?843语言学理论与现代汉语 050104 中国古典文献5 学 同等学力加试科目: 01.文学文献研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.古籍整理与出版 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?文学概论 日语 ?646古代汉语 ?848中国古代文学 050105 中国古代文学 5 同等学力加试科目: 01.魏晋南北朝隋唐文学研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.宋金元文学 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?文学概论 日语 ?646古代汉语 ?848中国古代文学 050106 中国现当代文5 学 同等学力加试科目: 01.中国现当代诗歌研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.中国现当代作家作品研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?中国古代文学 03.现当代文学思潮研究 日语 ?645文学概论 ?881中外文学史 050107 中国少数民族1 语言文学 同等学力加试科目: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.藏羌文化研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?中国古代文学 日语 ?645文学概论 ?881中外文学史 050108 比较文学与世7 界文学 同等学力加试科目: 01.中外文学交流与互动研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?写作 02.中外诗学比较 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?中国古代文学 03.欧美文学研究 日语 04.跨文化传播 ?645文学概论 ?881中外文学史 050302 传播学 22 同等学力加试科目: 01.影视传播 ?101思想政治理论 ?影视理论 02.编辑出版 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?传播学概论 03.媒介研究 日语 04.广告传播 ?648传播史论 ?866新闻写作与评论 050401 艺术学 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.影视创作研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?影视理论或文艺美学或音乐美学 02.艺术理论与艺术史研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?写作或演唱 03.音乐文化与声乐艺术研究 日语 ?647中外音乐史或649中外美 术史或650中外电影史 ?849艺术概论 050403 美术学 7 同等学力加试科目: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 01.油画 ?101思想政治理论 ?速写 02.中国画 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?色彩本专业所有考生必须到西南交通大03.雕塑 日语 学报名点报名并参加考试,在其他报名点报04.壁画 ?649中外美术史 名者报考无效~ ?829素描 050404 设计艺术学 16 同等学力加试科目: 01.环境艺术设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?素描?色彩艺术类快题设计包括室内设02.视觉传达设计研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203计、平面设计、装饰绘画、工业设计,考生03.公共艺术设计研究 日语 可任选其一。 04.轻工业产品设计研究 ?649中外美术史 本专业所有考生必须到西南交通大学报名 ?518艺术类快题设计(6小时) 点报名并参加考试,在其他报名点报名者报 考无效~ 055108 艺术设计 34 同等学力加试科目: 01.工业设计 ?101思想政治理论 ?素描?色彩本专业所有考生必须到西南02.环境艺术设计 ?204英语二 交通大学报名点报名并参加考试,在其他报 ?336艺术基础 名点报名者报考无效~ ?520设计快题二(6小时) 080222 ?工业设计 7 同等学力加试科目: 01.交通工具设计研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?素描?色彩本专业所有考生必须到西南02.公共设施设计研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203交通大学报名点报名并参加考试,在其他报03.轻工业产品设计研究 日语 名点报名者报考无效~ ?301数学一 ?521工业设计快题(6小时) 085237 工业设计工程 16 同等学力加试科目: 01.工业设计方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?素描?色彩本专业所有考生必须到西南02.公共艺术设计方向 ?204英语二 交通大学报名点报名并参加考试,在其他报 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 03.视觉传达设计方向 ?337世界现代设计史 名点报名者报考无效~ ?519设计快题一(6小时) 019 公共管理学院 010105 伦理学 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.工程伦理研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?思想政治教育原理与方法 02.经济伦理研究 ?201英语一或203日语 ?哲学原理 03.公共伦理研究 ?633伦理学原理 ?842中国哲学史 010108 科学技术哲学 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.技术创新与科技管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?西方哲学史 02.技术哲学与工程哲学 ?201英语一或203日语 ?科学社会学 03.科学哲学与科学技术史 ?634科学技术哲学 04.科学技术与社会(STS) ?868科学技术史 020105 世界经济 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.国际金融与投资 ?101思想政治理论 ?国际经济学 02.国际贸易理论与政策 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?发展经济学 03.国别与地区经济 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?303数学三 ?846经济学基础 020202 区域经济学 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.区域经济理论与方法 ?101思想政治理论 ?发展经济学 02.城市经济与县域经济 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?区域经济学 03.区域可持续发展 日语或244自命题德语或245自 04.区域规划 命题法语 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of ?303数学三 ?820西方经济学 085224 安全工程 4 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 00.不区分研究方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?202俄语或203日语或204英 语二 ?302数学二 ?970安全工程基础 120120 ?公共工程组4 织与管理 同等学力加试科目: 01.公共工程项目管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?管理学原理 02.公共工程评价 ?201英语一或203日语 ?公共行政学 03.公共工程投融资管理 ?303数学三 04.公共工程与市政管理 ?871公共管理学 120401 行政管理 60 同等学力加试科目: 01.行政管理理论与实践 ?101思想政治理论 ?管理学原理 02.公共财政管理研究 ?201英语一或203日语 ?公共行政学 03.电子政务理论与实践研究 ?637公共经济学 04.非政府和非营利组织研究 ?871公共管理学 05.现代城市管理理论与实践 120403 教育经济与管11 理 同等学力加试科目: 01.教育行政管理 ?101思想政治理论 ?管理学原理 02.教育经济管理 ?201英语一或203日语 ?公共行政学 03.学校教育管理 ?637公共经济学 04.教育财政绩效评价 ?871公共管理学 05.教育技术与创新教育研究 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 120404 社会保障 15 同等学力加试科目: 01.社会保险与社会救济 ?101思想政治理论 ?管理学原理 02.社会保障与社区建设 ?201英语一或203日语 ?公共行政学 03.弱势群体研究 ?637公共经济学 04.社会保障定量分析与信息系?871公共管理学 统开发 125200 公共管理硕士 24 同等学力加试科目同学术型相关专业 01.公共管理理论与实践 ?- 无 02.区域经济规划与城乡统筹 ?202俄语或203日语或204英 03.弱势群体与社会保障 语二 04.铁路与交通 ?399管理类联考综合能力 ?-- 无 021 牵引动力国家 重点实验室 080204 车辆工程 22 同等学力加试科目: 01.车辆设计及理论 ?101思想政治理论 ?理论力学?机械原理?线性代数?材料02.磁悬浮车辆技术 ?201英语一 力学(任选二门,且不得与初试科目相同) 03.车辆运行大系统动力学理论?301数学一 应用 ?824机械原理或923材料力学 04.车辆结构强度及可靠性 05.车辆动力性能的主动控制 06.车辆制动及控制技术 07.机车传动控制与测试 08.车辆运行安全监控技术 09.列车空气动力学及环境工程 080401 精密仪器及机12 械 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 同等学力加试科目: 01.载运工具姿态测量与定位技?101思想政治理论 ?微机原理及应用?传感器?电子技术基术 ?201英语一 础(任选二门,且不得与初试科目相同) 02.智能仪器与控制技术 ?301数学一 03.仪器嵌入式技术及网络控制?851信号分析与处理或888计 技术 量学基础 04.传感及智能测量技术 05.信息融和与智能控制 06.光电监测及计算机视觉检测 技术 07.精密量仪 082304 载运工具运用31 工程 同等学力加试科目: 01.高速列车系统动力学 ?101思想政治理论 ?理论力学?材料力学?线性代数?机械02.高速列车结构强度及可靠性 ?201英语一 原理(任选二门,且不得与初试科目相同) 03.高速列车减振降噪技术 ?301数学一 04.重载列车系统动力学 ?810理论力学或923材料力学 05.城市轨道车辆技术 06.真空管道超高速地面运输技 术 07.轮轨滚动接触理论 08.自动控制理论及应用 09.检测技术及故障诊断 085222 交通运输工程 20 同等学力加试科目: 01.机车车辆设计与制造 ?101思想政治理论 ?理论力学?机械原理?线性代数?材料02.机车车辆动力学及强度 ?204英语二 力学(任选二门,且不得与初试科目相同) 03.机车车辆检测技术及故障诊?302数学二 断 ?824机械原理或923材料力学 04.机车车辆减振动降噪技术 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 025 MBA中心(经济 管理学院) 125100 工商管理硕士 350 专科毕业后五年及以上工作经验,本科毕业 01.企业战略管理 ?- 无 后三年及以上工作经验,硕士毕业后两年及 02.市场营销 ?203日语或204英语二 以上工作经验. 03.投资与金融管理 ?399管理类联考综合能力 04.项目管理 ?-- 无 05.物流管理 06.人力资源管理 040 数学学院 070101 基础数学 8 同等学力加试科目: 01.代数与逻辑 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论 02.泛函分析 ?201英语一 ?解析几何 03.算子理论 ?625数学分析 04.积分与偏微分方程 ?875高等代数 070103 概率论与数理8 统计 同等学力加试科目: 01.可靠性理论与相依性研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论 02.时间序列分析 ?201英语一 ?解析几何 03.随机分析 ?625数学分析 04.Bayes方法与统计决策 ?875高等代数 070104 应用数学 12 同等学力加试科目: 01.智能信息处理 ?101思想政治理论 ?概率论 02.优化与决策 ?201英语一 ?解析几何 03.数据挖掘 ?625数学分析 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 04.密码学与网络信息安全 ?875高等代数 043 政治学院 030101 法学理论 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.立法学 ?101思想政治理论 ?刑法学 02.司法学 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?刑事诉讼法 03.人权理论与人权法 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?638法学综合 ?850法理学 030107 经济法学 9 同等学力加试科目: 01.市场秩序与可持续发展法律?101思想政治理论 ?国际经济法学 制度 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?合同法学 02.WTO与知识产权法律制度 日语或244自命题德语或245自 03.劳动法与社会保障法律制度 命题法语 ?638法学综合 ?825经济法学 030202 中外政治制度 6 同等学力加试科目: 01.中国政府与政治 ?101思想政治理论 ?当代世界经济与政治 02.比较政府与政治 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?当代中国政治 03.中外地方政府治理 日语或244自命题德语或245自 命题法语 ?630政治学原理 ?821比较政治制度 030500 马克思主义理11 论 同等学力加试科目: 01.马克思主义基本理论研究 ?101思想政治理论 ?中国近现代史(含中华人民共和国史) layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 02.中国化马克思主义研究 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?思想政治教育 03.中国近现代史基本问题研究 日语或244自命题德语或245自 04.马克思主义政治理论与国家命题法语 学说研究 ?635马克思主义基本原理 05.中国马克思主义教育史研究 ?823中国化马克思主义 06.思想政治教育的原理与方法 07.社会思潮与青年教育研究 08.新时期党团与学生工作研究 035101 法律(非法学) 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.司法法务方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?经济法 02.政务法务方向 ?201英语一 ?诉讼法综合(刑事诉讼法、民事诉讼法、 03.商事法务方向 ?398法硕联考专业基础(非法行政诉讼法) 04.知识产权方向 学) ?498法硕联考综合(非法学) 035102 法律(法学) 10 同等学力加试科目: 01.司法法务方向 ?101思想政治理论 ?经济法 02.政务法务方向 ?201英语一 ?诉讼法综合(刑事诉讼法、民事诉讼法、 03.商事法务方向 ?397法硕联考专业基础(法学) 行政诉讼法) 04.知识产权方向 ?497法硕联考综合(法学) 060105 专门史 2 同等学力加试科目: 01.近代中法关系史 ?101思想政治理论 ?中国近现代史 02.近代中日关系史 ?201英语一或202俄语或203?世界近现代史 03.近代中外思想文化比较与交日语或244自命题德语或245自 流 命题法语 ?313历史学基础 ?-- 无 参考书目 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 考试科目 参考书目 241自命题英《全新版大学英语综合教程》(1-4册) 李荫华编 上海外语教育出版社 语 242自命题俄东方高等学校教材《大学俄语》(1-4册)北京外国语大学 莫斯科普希金俄语学院 丁树杞主编 外语 语 教学与研究出版社 243自命题日《新编日语教程》(上\下册)(重点下册)刘旭宝主编 西南交通大学出版社 语 《进级日语》 刘旭宝主编 上海交通大学出版社 244自命题德《大学德语》(2-3册)戴鸣钟主编 高等教育出版社 语 245自命题法《大学法语简明教程》薛建成主编 外语教学与研究出版社 语 《法语三百句》 王庭荣主编 北京大学出版社 336艺术基础 《艺术学基础知识》中央音乐学院出版社,王次炤主编 337世界现代《世界现代设计史》王受之著,中国青年出版社 设计史 511建筑设计相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 快题一(6小 时) 512规划设计相关专业期刊杂志及书籍 快题(6小时) 513景观建筑相关专业期刊杂志及书籍 设计快题(6 小时) 514景观植物《园林树木学》(第一版)高润清 中国建筑工业出版社 学及园林设计《园林花卉学》(第一版)毛洪玉 化学工业出版社 (6小时) 《园林规划设计》,第一版,(上\下) 胡长龙 中国农业出版社 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 515建筑设计相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 快题二(6小 时) 518艺术类快相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 题设计(6小 时) 519设计快题相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 一(6小时) 520设计快题相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 二(6小时) 521工业设计相关专业期刊杂志\书籍\图集 快题(6小时) 601高等数学 《高等数学》同济大学编 第三版,高等教育出版社 616药学基础1.微生物学 沈萍主编 2000版 高等教育出版社 综合 2.药理学 李端主编 2008年第六版 人民卫生出版社 617体育学基1.运动训练学 础综合 体育院校通用教材 人民体育出版社2000年8月 主编:田麦久 2. 学校体育学 体育院校通用教材 人民体育出版社 2004年 主编:周登嵩 618生药学基1.有机化学 方渡主编 学苑出版社 础综合 2.药用植物学 姚振生主编 中国中医药出版社 3.天然药物化学 姚新生主编(第四版) 人民卫生出版社 619中药学基1.有机化学 方渡主编 学苑出版社 础综合 2.中药学 雷载权主编 上海科学技术出版社 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 3.中药化学 匡海学主编 中国中医药出版社 621建筑历史中国建筑工业出版社:《中国建筑史》第五版潘谷西,《外国建筑史》(19世纪末叶以前)第三版陈志与建筑技术 华,《外国近现代建筑史》第二版罗小未,《建筑构造》上下册第三版李必瑜\刘建荣; 同济大学出 版社:《外国建筑历史图说》罗小未\蔡琬英 623语言学导《新编简明英语语言学教程》 戴炜栋\何兆熊主编 上海外语教育出版社 2002年7月版 论 624日汉互译 《日汉互译教程》 高宁编 南开大学出版社 《新编日汉翻译教程》 庞春兰编 北大出版社 625数学分析 《数学分析》(第二版)陈纪修等主编 高等教育出版社 626建筑历史 中国建筑工业出版社: 《中国建筑史》第五版潘谷西,《外国建筑史》(19世纪末叶以前)第三版陈 志华,《外国近现代建筑史》第二版罗小未; 同济大学出版社:《外国建筑历史图说》罗小未\蔡琬 英 627德汉互译 《德汉翻译教程》 张建琪编,外语教学与研究出版社,1989 《汉译德理论与实践》 钱文彩编,外语教学与研究出版社,1989 630政治学原《政治学导论》,杨光斌主编,中国人民大学出版社,2002 理 《政治学概论》,孙关宏主编,复旦大学出版社,2003 633伦理学原《新伦理学教程》(第二版)魏英敏 主编 北京大学出版社2003年12月 理 634科学技术《自然辩证法概论》黄顺基主编 高等教育出版社,2004 哲学 635马克思主《马克思列宁主义基本问题》,赵曜等主编,中央党校出版社,2001版 义基本原理 637公共经济《公共经济学》(第二版) 樊勇明 等编著 复旦大学出版社 2007年6月 学 638法学综合 俞子清主编:《宪法学》修订版,,中国政法大学出版社,2006年版 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 王利明主编:《民法学》,中国人民大学出版社,2007年第三版 640城市规划中国建筑工业出版社:《中国城市建设史》第三版董鉴泓,《外国城市建设史》沈玉麟, 《城市规划原理与城市建原理》第三版李德华, 城市规划师执业资格考试辅导教材《第1分册 城市规划原理》 第二版 惠设史 劼 641生物化学 生物化学 王镜岩编 上下册(第三版) 高等教育出版社 645文学概论 《文学理论教程》童庆炳主编 高等教育出版社,2005年版 《文学理论基本问题》陶东风著 北京大学出版社,2004年版 646古代汉语 《古代汉语》王力著 中华书局1999年修订版 647中外音乐《西方音乐通史》于润洋著 上海音乐出版社(95国家重点教材),2001年第1版 史 《中国音乐通史简编》孙继南著 山东教育出版社,1991年第1版 《欧洲声乐发展史》尚家骧著 华乐出版社,2003年5月北京第1版 648传播史论 《中国新闻传播史》方汉奇著 中国人民大学出版社,2002年版 《外国新闻传播史》郑超然等著 中国人民大学出版社,2000年版 《传播学引论》 李彬著 新华出版社 2003年版 649中外美术《中国美术简史》中央美院美术史系编 中国青年出版社,2002年版 史 《外国美术简史》中央美院美术史系编 中国青年出版社,2007年版 650中外电影《中国电影史纲要》\《外国电影史纲要》虞吉主编 西南师范大学出版社2007年版 史 651建筑物理 《建筑物理》第三版 柳孝图 中国建筑工业出版社 810理论力学 理论力学(第六版),哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室编,高等教育出版社,2004 811环境化学 环境化学,戴树桂主编,高教出版社,1997年 812自然地理《自然地理学》 潘树荣等主编 高等教育出版社1987或其它《自然地理学》书籍均可 学 813生物医学《生物医学工程基础》讲义,陈俊英编,西南交通大学,2006 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 工程基础一 《生物医学材料学》顾汉卿主编,天津科技翻译出版公司,1993 814材料连接《焊接冶金学:基本原理》,张文钺著,机械工业出版社,2002 基础 《焊接结构学》,方洪渊著,机械工业出版社,2008 《电弧焊基础》,杨春利等著,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2003 816地理信息《地理信息系统导论》 李德仁等编著 测绘出版社,或其它《地理信息系统原理与方法》方面的书系统原理 籍均可 817岩体力学 《岩体力学》 肖树芳\杨淑碧等编 地质出版社 818数字通信《通信原理》樊昌信等编著,国防工业出版社,第六版 原理 820西方经济《西方经济学》,高鸿业主编,中国人民大学出版社,2006年第三版 学 821比较政治《比较政治制度》,曹沛霖等主编,高等教育出版社,2005 制度 《当代中国政治制度》,浦兴祖著,复旦大学出版社,2005 823中国化马《中国化的马克思主义概论》,丁俊萍主编,武汉大学出版社,2003 克思主义 824机械原理 《机械原理》任何一本高等院校本科教学使用教材 825经济法学 《经济法学》李昌麒主编,法律出版社,2007年1月出版 《劳动法学》郭捷主编,中国政法大学出版 社,2007年2月修订版 2007年全年人大复印资料《民商法学》\《经济法学 》《劳动法学》 827有机化学 有机化学 高鸿宾主编 第四版 2005年5月 高等教育出版社 828消防燃烧消防燃烧学,杜文锋主编,公安大学出版社,1997年 学 829素描 《素描》程丛林主编 四川美术出版社 2006年版 830工程地质《铁道工程地质学》 蒋爵光等著 中国铁道出版社 《工程岩土学》 孔德坊主编 地质出版社 1992 学一 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 831传热学 《传热学》张熙民\任泽霈 中国建筑工业出版社 第2版 833建筑构造 《建筑构造》上册 第三版 李必瑜 中国建筑工业出版社,《建筑构造》下册 第三版 刘建荣 中国 建筑工业出版社 836环境工程 环境工程学,蒋展鹏主编,高等教育出版社1992年 838物理化学《物理化学》肖衍繁\李文斌编,天津大学出版社,2004 一 839交通运输《交通安全工程》肖贵平主编. 中国铁道出版社 安全工程 841会计学 会计学 《CPA会计学》 中国注册会计师协会编 中国财政经济出版社 842中国哲学《中国哲学史》(第二版) 北京大学哲学系中国哲学史教研室 北京大学出版社 2004年08月 史 843语言学理《现代汉语》(上\下)黄伯荣\廖序东主编 高等教育出版社,2003(增订三版) 论与现代汉语 《语言学纲要》叶蜚声\徐通锵著 北京大学出版社,2002年版 844交通运输《交通运输系统分析》张国伍主编 西南交通大学出版社 系统分析一 845电磁场与《电磁场与电磁波》谢处方\饶克谨编,高等教育出版社 波 《电磁场与波》杨儒贵编,西安交通大学出版社 846经济学基高鸿业主编:《西方经济学》(第三版)(微观部分),,中国人民大学出版社,2004年版 础 高鸿业主编:《西方经济学》(第三版)(宏观部分),,中国人民大学出版社,2004年版 848中国古代《中国文学史(第2版)》(1-4卷),袁行霈主编 高等教育出版 文学 《中国文学作品选注》(1-4卷),袁行霈主编,中华书局,2007年 849艺术概论 《艺术概论》彭吉象著 北大出版社 850法理学 张文显主编:《法理学》,法律出版社,2007年版 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 俞子清主编:《宪法学》,中国政法大学出版社,2006年版\ 王利明主编:《民法学》,中国人民大学出版社,2007年第三版\ 851信号分析赵光宙《信号分析与处理》 机械工业出版社 与处理 853运筹学 运筹学 《运筹学》第三版 运筹学教材编写组编 清华大学出版社2005年6月出版 855综合日语 高校日语专业通用教材 856综合英语 《现代大学英语》(Contemporary College English)第五\六册 总编:杨立民 主编:梅仁毅 外语教 学与研究出版社 《当代英文散文选读》(上下册)吴景荣等编 商务印书馆 《英汉翻译基础》古今明 上海外语教育出版社 《汉英翻译基础》陈宏薇 上海外语教育出版社 858基础德语 《德语教程》(1--4册),赵登荣编,北大出版社,1996 859密码学 《现代密码学》何大可等编,人民邮电出版社,第一版,2009年9月 861电子技术《电子技术基础》(模拟部分50%;数字部分50%)康华光主编,高等教育出版社,第五版 基础一 866新闻写作《新闻写作:思考与训练》黄晓钟著 四川大学出版社,2002年版 与评论 《新闻评论学》丁法章著 复旦大学出版社,1997年版 867光电检测光电检测技术与应用》,郭培源编,北京航空航天大学,2006年 技术一 《光电检测技术》,雷玉堂编,中国计量出版社,1997年 《传感器技术》,贾伯年,东南大学出版社,2000年 868科学技术《科学思想史》林德宏著,江苏科学技术出版社,2004;《科学的历程》吴国盛著,北京大学出版史 社,2002年 869量子力学 《量子力学》周世勋编,人民教育出版社 870细胞生物细胞生物学 翟中和等主编(第三版) 高等教育出版社 学 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 871公共管理《公共管理学》(修订版) 张成福,党秀云 中国人民大学出版社 2007年10月 学 873物流与运1.叶怀珍主编,《现代物流学》,高等教育出版社,2006年 筹学 2.运筹学教材编写组,《运筹学》(第三版),清华大学出版社,2005年 875高等代数 《高等代数》(第三版)北大数学系编 高等教育出版社 876环境生态环境生态学 卢升高等,浙江大学出版社 2004年 学 877工程流体《流体力学泵与风机》(第四版,不含泵与风机部分)蔡培基 建工出版社 力学 879测量学一 《测量学》 武汉测绘科技大学《测量学》编写组编著 北京:测绘出版社,1991.6 881中外文学《中国现代文学三十年》修订版 钱理群著 北京大学出版社,1998年版 史 《中国当代文学史》修订版 洪子诚著 北京大学出版社 《外国文学简编》朱维之主编 中国人民大学出版社,1998年版/1999年版 886高分子物《高分子物理》(第二版1990年或第三版2007年),何曼君等编著,复旦大学出版社 理 887材料科学《材料科学基础》潘金生编 清华大学出版社 基础一 《材料科学基础》石德珂编 西安交通大学出版社 888计量学基《计量学基础》王立言编著 中国计量出版社 (含误差与数据处理) 础 922电路分析《电路分析》谭永霞主编,西南交通大学出版社或《电路》邱关源编,高等教育出版社 一 923材料力学 材料力学(第四版),孙训方等编,高等教育出版社,2002 924信号与系《信号与系统》(SIGNALS &SYSTEMS)第二版(second Edition),刘树棠译(ALANV.OPPENHEIM)西安交统一 通大学出版社(/SBN7-5605-0970-3/TN.53) 《信号与系统》王宝祥编 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 925微观经济微观经济学 《现代西方经济学》(微观经济学)部分 宋承先等著 复旦大学出版社2004年版 学 926土力学 《土力学》 刘成宇主编 中国铁道出版社 《土力学及路基》 梁钟琪主编 中国铁道出版社 928结构力学结构力学(含结构动力学与结构稳定)高等工科院校土建类\各种结构力学统编教材均可 一 929管理运筹《运筹学》(本科版)运筹学教材编写组编 北京清华大学出版社2005版 学一 《管理运筹学》焦永兰编 中国铁道出版社 2006版 951钢筋混凝《混凝土结构原理设计》 李乔主编 中国铁道出版社 2008年8月第二版 土结构 952测量学二 《测量学》 武汉测绘科技大学《测量学》编写组编著 北京:测绘出版社,1991.6 953工程地质《铁道工程地质学》 蒋爵光等著 中国铁道出版社 《工程岩土学》 孔德坊主编 地质出版社 1992 学二 954结构力学结构力学(含结构动力学与结构稳定)高等工科院校土建类\各种结构力学统编教材均可 二 955机械制图 《机械制图》第5版 及配套习题集 刘朝儒 清华大学 高等教育出版社 956电路分析《电路分析》谭永霞主编,西南交通大学出版社或《电路》邱关源编,高等教育出版社 二 957信号与系《信号与系统》王宝祥编 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 统二 958电子技术《电子技术基础》(数字部分)康华光主编,高等教育出版社,第五版 基础二 959数据结构 《数据结构》(C语言版)严蔚敏,吴伟民编,清华大学出版社 960管理学 管理学 《管理学》第9版 罗宾斯,库尔特著,孙健敏 等译 中国人民大学出版社 961管理运筹《运筹学》(本科版)运筹学教材编写组编 北京清华大学出版社2005版 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 学二 《管理运筹学》焦永兰编 中国铁道出版社 2006版 962交通运输《交通运输系统分析》张国伍主编 西南交通大学出版社 系统分析二 963物流概论 1.叶怀珍主编,《现代物流学》,高等教育出版社,2006年 2.张锦,《物流规划理论与方法》,西南交通大学出版社,2009年 964材料科学《材料科学基础》潘金生编 清华大学出版社 基础二 《材料科学基础》石德珂编 西安交通大学出版社 965物理化学《物理化学》肖衍繁\李文斌编,天津大学出版社,2004 二 966生物医学《生物医学工程基础》讲义,陈俊英编,西南交通大学,2006 工程基础二 《生物医学材料学》顾汉卿主编,天津科技翻译出版公司,1993 967光电检测《光电检测技术与应用》,郭培源,北京航空航天大学出版社,2006年 技术二 《光电检测技术》,雷玉堂,中国计量出版社,1997年 《传感器技术》,高晓蓉,西南交通大学出版社,2003年 《传感器技术》,贾伯年,东南大学出版社,2000年 968建筑防火 建筑火灾安全工程导论 霍然主编 中国科学技术大学出版社2009年第二版 969环境工程环境工程学,蒋展鹏主编,高等教育出版社1992年 学 970安全工程《安全管理基本理论与技术》 常占利著,北京:冶金工业出版社,2007,第一版;《安全工程》 卢岚 基础 著 天津:天津大学出版社,2003 ,第一版 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of
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