首页 陈述句改为反问句的方法及练习题



陈述句改为反问句的方法及练习题陈述句改为反问句的方法及练习题 陈述句改为反问句的方法: 1、将肯定句中的肯定词(是、能、会等)改为否定词(不是、不能、不会等)。 2、将否定句中的否定词(不是、不能、不会等)改为肯定词(是、能、会等)。 3、在肯定词或否定词前面加上“怎、怎么、难道、岂”等反问语气词。 4、句尾加上疑问助词“呢、吗”等,句末的句号改为问号。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat g...

陈述句改为反问句的方法及练习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 陈述句改为反问句的方法: 1、将肯定句中的肯定词(是、能、会等)改为否定词(不是、不能、不会等)。 2、将否定句中的否定词(不是、不能、不会等)改为肯定词(是、能、会等)。 3、在肯定词或否定词前面加上“怎、怎么、难道、岂”等反问语气词。 4、句尾加上疑问助词“呢、吗”等,句末的句号改为问号。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 如:雷锋叔叔是我们学习的榜样。在改反问句时,将肯定词“是”改为否定词“不是”,在句首加上“难道”,句尾加上“吗”,句末的句号改为问号。这样,改成的反问句是:难道雷锋叔叔不是我们学习的榜样吗, 又如:我们不能浪费时间。在改反问句时,将否定词“不能”改为肯定词“能”,再在“能”前加上“怎么”,句尾加上“呢”,句号改为问号。改成的反问句是:我们怎么能浪费时间呢, 一、陈述句改为反问句练习。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 1、这幅画是我们班蔡颖画的。 2、不好好学习,自然不能取得好成绩。 3、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问 4、那奔驰的列车正是我们祖国奋勇前进的象征。 5、功课没做完,不能去看电影。 6、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这是真理。 7、我们不能因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 8、没有革命先辈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。 9、小玲取得的优异成绩正是她勤奋学习的结果。 10、我们不能被困难吓倒。 12、你们没看见过这样的总理。 13、我的心绷紧紧的,这无法忍受。 14、这潮湿冰冷的地面不能睡。 15、我们是学生,应该遵守学校的纪律。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 16、那平静的“湖面”就是被它踩碎的。 17、小姑娘天真的心灵,正像一个含苞欲放的花蕾。 18、这些树叶就是从这棵树上飘落下来的。 19、咱们早就分好了。 20、游览了长城,我受到了教育。 21、我们没有近道,和你们走的是一条道。 22、这个世界上应该有您最想要的东西。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 23、人的身躯不能从狗洞子里爬出来。 24、这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 真好看,叫人喜欢。 25、那电线上停着的几个小黑点,正是伶俐可爱的小燕子。 26、对于浪费能源的现象,我们不能容忍。 27、网络丰富多彩,让我们大家恋恋不舍。 28、我们应该相信自己的眼睛。 29、我们都爱自己慈爱的母亲。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 30、犯了错误就不敢向老师、同学承认,这不是一个少先队员应有的态度。 31、作为少先队员应该讲文明,有礼貌。 32、这样肮脏、零乱的地方,不会让人觉得舒服。 33、这场比赛不能让祖国再次蒙受屈辱。 34、像桑娜那样品德高尚的人值得赞扬。 35、为了把祖国建设得更强盛,我们应该努力学习。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 36、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问。 37、我们现在不好好学习,长大了就不能参加祖国建设。 38、任弼时同志不同意搬进新房子,他说,不能以一个人牵动一个机关。 39、沿着这条小路走,能到金明家。 40、听到波涛的轰鸣和狂风怒号,桑娜感到心惊肉跳。 41、为了实现四个现代化,我们应该努力学习。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 42、巍巍高山是英雄坚强不屈的精神的象征。 43、如果下面没有泉水,这么旱的天气,泥土不会这样湿。 44、你用脏手随便抓东西吃,肚子准会长蛔虫。 45、登泰山看日出是我很久以来最大的心愿。 46、四周围黑洞洞的,很容易碰壁。 47、对这种坏人坏事,我们不能不闻不问。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 48、没有比锻炼身体、增强体质更重要的事了。 49、我们不会忘记这比山还高比海还深的情谊。 50、我们应当把自己培养成为全面发展的人才。 51、战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我不能离开手术台。 二、按要求改变句式,意思不变。 1、讲桌上的那束鲜花,正表达着我们对老师的一片深情。(变成反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 2、没有革命先烈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。(变成反问句) 3、同窗五载的情谊,我们不能忘记。(变成反问句) 4、21世纪图书馆的大门不会关闭。(变成反问句) 5、漓江的水绿得仿佛一块无暇的翡翠。(改为反问句) 6、大家老师热爱自己的祖国。(改为反问句) 7、我是一名少先队员,必须遵守纪律。(改为反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 8、地是人类的母亲,生命的摇篮。(改为反问句) 9、越过岷山,不能不使红军战士喜笑颜开。(改为反问句) 10、“鸟的天堂”真是鸟的天堂。(改为反问句) 11、海上日出真是伟大的奇观。(改为反问句) 12、多得些知识不是坏事。(改为反问句) 13、这些设想即使能实现,也是遥远的事情。(改为反问句) 陈述句改反问句练习 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 1、这幅画是我们班蔡颖画的。 2.不好好学习,自然不能取得好成绩。 3.对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问 4.那奔驰的列车正是我们祖国奋勇前进的象征。 5.功课没做完,不能去看电影。 6.犯了错误就不敢向老师、同学承认,这不是一个少先队员应有的态度。 7.我们不能因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 8.没有革命先辈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。 9.小玲取得的优异成绩正是她勤奋学习的结果。 10.我们不能被困难吓倒。 12、你们没看见过这样的总理。 13、我的心绷紧紧的,这无法忍受。 14、这潮湿冰冷的地面不能睡。 15、我们是学生,应该遵守学校的纪律。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 16、那平静的“湖面”就是被它踩碎的。 17、小姑娘天真的心灵,正像一个含苞欲放的花蕾。 18、这些树叶就是从这棵树上飘落下来的。 19、咱们早就分好了。 20、游鉴了长城,我受到了教育。 21、我们没有近道,和你们走的是一条道。 22、这个世界上应该有您最想要的东西。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 23、人的身躯不能从狗洞子里爬出来。 陈述句改反问句练习 陈述句改为反问句的方法: 1、将肯定句中的肯定词(是、能、会等)改为否定词(不是、不能、不会等)。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 2、将否定句中的否定词(不是、不能、不会等)改为肯定词(是、能、会等)。 3、在肯定词或否定词前面加上“怎、怎么、难道、岂”等反问语气词。 4、句尾加上疑问助词“呢、吗”等,句末的句号改为问号。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 如:雷锋叔叔是我们学习的榜样。在改反问句时,将肯定词“是”改为否定词“不是”,在句首加上“难道”,句尾加上“吗”,句末的句号改为问号。这样,改成的反问句是:难道雷锋叔叔不是我们学习的榜样吗, 又如:我们不能浪费时间。在改反问句时,将否定词“不能”改为肯定词“能”,再在“能”前加上“怎么”,句尾加上“呢”,句号改为问insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 号。改成的反问句是:我们怎么能浪费时间呢, 一、陈述句改为反问句练习。 1、这幅画是我们班蔡颖画的。 2、不好好学习,自然不能取得好成绩。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 3、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问 4、那奔驰的列车正是我们祖国奋勇前进的象征。 5、功课没做完,不能去看电影。 6、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这是真理。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 7、我们不能因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动。 8、没有革命先辈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。 9、小玲取得的优异成绩正是她勤奋学习的结果。 10、我们不能被困难吓倒。 12、你们没看见过这样的总理。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 13、我的心绷紧紧的,这无法忍受。 14、这潮湿冰冷的地面不能睡。 15、我们是学生,应该遵守学校的纪律。 16、那平静的“湖面”就是被它踩碎的。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 17、小姑娘天真的心灵,正像一个含苞欲放的花蕾。 18、这些树叶就是从这棵树上飘落下来的。 19、咱们早就分好了。 20、游览了长城,我受到了教育。 21、我们没有近道,和你们走的是一条道。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 22、这个世界上应该有您最想要的东西。 23、人的身躯不能从狗洞子里爬出来。 24、这本书真好看,叫人喜欢。 25、那电线上停着的几个小黑点,正是伶俐可爱的小燕子。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 26、对于浪费能源的现象,我们不能容忍。 27、网络丰富多彩,让我们大家恋恋不舍。 28、我们应该相信自己的眼睛。 29、我们都爱自己慈爱的母亲。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 30、犯了错误就不敢向老师、同学承认,这不是一个少先队员应有的态度。 31、作为少先队员应该讲文明,有礼貌。 32、这样肮脏、零乱的地方,不会让人觉得舒服。 33、这场比赛不能让祖国再次蒙受屈辱。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 34、像桑娜那样品德高尚的人值得赞扬。 35、为了把祖国建设得更强盛,我们应该努力学习。 36、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问。 37、我们现在不好好学习,长大了就不能参加祖国建设。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 38、任弼时同志不同意搬进新房子,他说,不能以一个人牵动一个机关。 39、沿着这条小路走,能到金明家。 40、听到波涛的轰鸣和狂风怒号,桑娜感到心惊肉跳。 41、为了实现四个现代化,我们应该努力学习。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 42、巍巍高山是英雄坚强不屈的精神的象征。 43、如果下面没有泉水,这么旱的天气,泥土不会这样湿。 44、你用脏手随便抓东西吃,肚子准会长蛔虫。 45、登泰山看日出是我很久以来最大的心愿。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 46、四周围黑洞洞的,很容易碰壁。 47、对这种坏人坏事,我们不能不闻不问。 48、没有比锻炼身体、增强体质更重要的事了。 49、我们不会忘记这比山还高比海还深的情谊。 insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 50、我们应当把自己培养成为全面发展的人才。 51、战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我不能离开手术台。 二、按要求改变句式,意思不变。 1、讲桌上的那束鲜花,正表达着我们对老师的一片深情。(变成反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 2、没有革命先烈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。(变成反问句) 3、同窗五载的情谊,我们不能忘记。(变成反问句) 4、21世纪图书馆的大门不会关闭。(变成反问句) 5、漓江的水绿得仿佛一块无暇的翡翠。(改为反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 6、 大家老师热爱自己的祖国。(改为反问句) 7、 我是一名少先队员,必须遵守纪律。(改为反问句) 8、地球是人类的母亲,生命的摇篮。(改为反问句) 9、越过岷山,不能不使红军战士喜笑颜开。(改为反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 10、“鸟的天堂”真是鸟的天堂。(改为反问句) 11、海上日出真是伟大的奇观。(改为反问句) 12、多得些知识不是坏事。(改为反问句) 13、这些设想即使能实现,也是遥远的事情。(改为反问句) insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 参考答案: 一、陈述句改为反问句练习。 1、这幅画不是我们班蔡颖画的吗, 2、不好好学习,怎能取得好成绩呢,3、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们怎能不闻不问呢, 4、那奔驰的列车不是我们祖国奋勇前进的象征吗, 5、功课没做完,怎么能去看电影呢, 6、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 难道这不是真理吗, 7、我们怎能因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动呢, 8、没有革命先辈的流血牺牲,怎么会有我们今天的幸福生活呢,9、小玲取得的优异成绩不是她勤奋学习的结果吗,10、我们怎能被困难吓倒呢,12、难道你们见过这样的总理吗,13、我的心绷紧紧的,这怎么能忍受呢,14、这潮湿冰冷的地面怎么能睡呢,15、我们是学生,怎能不遵守学校的纪律呢,16、那平静的“湖面”不是被它踩碎的吗,17、小姑娘天真的心灵,不正像一个含苞欲放的花蕾吗, 18、这些树叶难道不是从这棵树上飘落下来的吗,19、咱insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 们不是早就分好了吗,20、游览了长城,我怎能不受到教育呢,21、我们没有近道,和你们走的不是一条道吗,22、这个世界上怎么没有您最想要的东西呢,23、人的身躯怎能从狗洞子里爬出来呢,24、这本书真好看,怎么不叫人喜欢呢,25、那电线上停着的几个小黑点,不正是伶俐可爱的小燕子吗,26、对于浪费能源的现象,我们怎么能容忍呢,27、网络丰富多彩,怎能不让我们大家恋恋不舍呢, 28、难道我们不相信自己的眼睛吗,29、我们怎么不爱自己慈爱的母亲呢,30、犯了错误就不敢向老师、同学承认,这难道是一个少先队insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 员应有的态度吗,31、作为少先队员怎能不讲文明,有礼貌呢, 32、这样肮脏、零乱的地方,怎么会让人觉得舒服呢, 33、这场比赛怎能让祖国再次蒙受屈辱呢, 34、像桑娜那样品德高尚的人难道不值得赞扬吗, 35、为了把祖国建设得更强盛,我们怎能不努力学习呢,36、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们怎能不闻不问呢, 37、我们现在不好好学习,长大了怎能参加祖国建设呢,38、任弼时同志不同意搬进新房子,他说,怎能以一个人牵动一个机关呢,39、沿着这条小路走,怎么不能到金明家呢,40、听到波涛的轰鸣和狂风怒insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 号,桑娜怎么不感到心惊肉跳呢, 41、为了实现四个现代化,难道我们不应该努力学习吗,42、巍巍高山不是英雄坚强不屈的精神的象征吗,43、如果下面没有泉水,这么旱的天气,泥土怎么会这样湿呢,44、你用脏手随便抓东西吃,肚子怎么不会长蛔虫呢,45、登泰山看日出不是我很久以来最大的心愿吗,46、四周围黑洞洞的,难道不容易碰壁吗,47、对这种坏人坏事,我们怎能不闻不问呢,48、难道有比锻炼身体、增强体质更重要的事了吗,49、我们怎么会忘记这比山还高比海还深的情谊呢,50、我们怎能不把自己培养成为insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 全面发展的人才呢,51、战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我怎能离开手术台呢, 二、按要求改变句式,意思不变。 1、讲桌上的那束鲜花,不正表达着我们对老师的一片深情吗,2、没有革命先烈的流血牺牲怎么会有我们今天的幸福生活呢, 3、同窗五载的情谊,我们怎能忘记呢,4、21世纪图书馆的大门怎么会关闭呢, 5、漓江的水不是绿得仿佛一块无暇的翡insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal 翠嘛,6、大家老师怎么不热爱自己的祖国吗, 7、 我是一名少先队员,怎能不遵守纪律呢, 8、地球不是人类的母亲,生命的摇篮吗,9、越过岷山,怎能不使红军战士喜笑颜开呢,10、“鸟的天堂”不是鸟的天堂吗, 11、海上日出不是伟大的奇观吗,12、多得些知识难道是坏事吗, 13、这些设想即使能实现,难道不是遥远的事情吗, insulating rubber, use screws to install the insulation sleeve and bottom insulating flat gasket, installation, 500V Megger test side, side under the assurance of the insulation after construction, installed insulation for each column record. 6.2.7 installed locally to terminal box corresponds to the height you want to install in the same area. Thermal
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