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武术套路比赛规程及报名表武术套路比赛规程及报名表 附件五 2014年第13届世界精武武术文化大会 武术套路比赛规程 一、年龄组别: ,A,儿童组:12岁及其以下,2002年1月1日以后出生, ,B,少年组:13岁,17岁 ,1997年1月1日,2001年12月31日出生, ,C,青年组:18岁,35岁 ,1979年1月1日,1996年12月31日出生, ,D,成年组:36岁,55岁 ,1959年1月1日,1978年12月31日出生, ,E,老年组:56岁及其以上,1958年12月31日以前出生, 二、比赛项目:每位运动员最多可...

武术套路比赛规程及报名 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 附件五 2014年第13届世界精武武术文化大会 武术套路比赛规程 一、年龄组别: ,A,儿童组:12岁及其以下,2002年1月1日以后出生, ,B,少年组:13岁,17岁 ,1997年1月1日,2001年12月31日出生, ,C,青年组:18岁,35岁 ,1979年1月1日,1996年12月31日出生, ,D,成年组:36岁,55岁 ,1959年1月1日,1978年12月31日出生, ,E,老年组:56岁及其以上,1958年12月31日以前出生, 二、比赛项目:每位运动员最多可选报三项个人竞赛项目和一项表演项目~其中 必须报一项“精武传统套路”项目类~否则不得参赛。 (A)儿童组: 1、精武传统项目类: 拳术:潭腿,下六路,、功力拳、十字战、挡拳任选其一, 器械:八卦刀、群羊棍、雪片刀、达摩剑任选其一, 对练:接潭腿。 2、武术传统项目类: 拳术:各种传统拳术任选其一, 器械:各种传统器械,单器械、双器械、软器械等,任选其一。 3、武术竞赛项目类: 拳术:长拳、南拳、42式竞赛太极拳任选其一, 器械:刀术、剑术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍、42式竞赛太极剑任选其一。 4、表演项目类:集体和个人套路不限。 (B)少年组: 1、精武传统项目类: 拳术:功力拳、大战拳、挡拳、杨家手、任选其一, 器械:八卦刀、群羊棍、雪片刀、三光剑、露花棍、六合枪任选其一, 对练:接潭腿、套拳对、一百零八手、双刀对枪任选其一。 2、武术传统项目类: 拳术:各种传统拳术任选其一, 器械:各种传统器械,单器械、双器械、软器械等,任选其一。 3、武术竞赛项目类: 拳术:长拳、南拳、42式竞赛太极拳任选其一, 器械:刀术、剑术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍、42式竞赛太极剑等任选其一。 4、表演项目类:集体和个人套路不限。 (C)青年组: 1、精武传统项目类: 拳术:节拳、散拳、崩步拳、杨家手、大绵掌任选其一, 器械:五虎抢、抱月刀、三光剑、奇门棍、张家枪任选其一, 对练:套拳对、一百零八手、底盘捶、双刀对枪、斩马刀对枪任选其一。 2、武术传统项目类: 拳术:各种传统拳术、各式传统太极拳任选其一, 器械:各种传统器械,单器械、双器械、软器械,、太极器械等~任选其一。 3、武术竞赛项目、自选项目类: 拳术:长拳、南拳、42式竞赛太极拳或自选拳~任选其一, 器械:刀术、剑术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍、42式竞赛太极剑等~任选其一。 4、表演项目类:集体和个人套路不限。 (D)成年组: 1、精武传统项目类: 拳术:功力拳、大战拳、散拳、崩步拳、任选其一, 器械:八卦刀、奇门棍、雪片刀、三光剑、露花棍、张家枪任选其一, 对练:套拳对、一百零八手、地盘捶、斩马刀对枪任选其一。 2、武术传统项目类: 拳术:各种传统拳术、各式传统太极拳任选其一, 器械:各种传统器械,单器械、双器械、软器械,、太极器械等~任选其一。 3、武术竞赛项目类: 拳术:长拳、南拳、42式竞赛太极拳任选其一, 器械:刀术、剑术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍、42式竞赛太极剑等~任选其一。 4、表演项目类:集体和个人套路不限。 (E)老年组: 1、精武传统项目类: 拳术:潭腿,前六路,、功力拳、十字战、挡拳、崩步拳任选其一, 器械:八卦刀、群羊棍、雪片刀、三光剑、奇门棍、六合枪任选其一, 对练:接潭腿、一百零八手、双刀对枪任选其一。 2、武术传统项目类: 拳术:各种传统拳术或各式传统太极拳任选其一, 器械:各种传统器械,单器械、双器械、软器械,、太极器械任选其一。 3、武术竞赛项目类: 拳术:长拳、南拳、42式竞赛太极拳任选其一, 器械:刀术、剑术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍、42式竞赛太极剑等任选其一。 4、表演项目类:集体和个人套路不限。 三、参加办法 1、各团体可报1-3个队~设总领队1名~每队教练员1-2名~每队运动员12名,性别、组别不限,, 2、各团体可报1-2名参加2014年世界精武裁判员 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班并获得等级证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的武术裁判员,裁判员人数不足时~由大会邀请。 四、竞赛办法: 1、竞赛性质:本次比赛只计个人成绩~不设团体总分。 2、竞赛 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf :均采用《精武国际武术竞赛规则》和中国武术协会审定的《传统武术竞赛办法,2006年版,》。 3、集体项目:人数6-12人~不受形式、内容、音乐限制。集体项目以武术 技术为主要内容~来烘托武术的技术风格。 五、各项目比赛时间规定: 1、任何单练项目、对练项目和个人表演项目完成套路的时间为40秒至4分钟,太极项目4分钟以内~其他项目40秒至2分钟,。太极项目演练至3分钟时~由裁判长鸣哨提示。 2、集体项目完成套路的时间不得超过4分钟。 3、完成套路时间不足或超出规定。凡不足规定时间达2秒以内扣0.1分~达4秒以内扣0.2分~达4秒以上,最多扣0.3分,凡超出规定时间达5秒以内扣0.1分~达10秒以内扣0.2分~达10秒以上,最多扣0.3分。 六、服装、器械: 、服装: 参加精武传统项目比赛者~必须穿着精武传统,连环扣,款式服装1 ,颜色、面料、长短袖不限,~软底鞋,其它项目只需穿着武术服装,面料、颜色、式样不作统一规定,。 2、器械:参加精武传统项目比赛必须使用硬质器械。 3、服装、器械由参赛选手自备。 七、录取名次: 1、个人项目:按各项目类、年龄组别、性别、套路,以套路名称为准~同一套路3人以上可独立立项~未满3人的~大会有权利合并组别,分别录取前八名~不满8人的减一录取。 2、对练项目:按各项目类、年龄组别、男女混编分别录取前八名~不满8对的减一录取。 3、个人和对练项目的第一至三名分别颁发金、银、铜奖牌和名次证书~第四至八名颁发证书。 4、个人表演项目:不分性别、组别~按人数分别设一等奖20%、二等奖30%、三等奖30%、优胜奖20%。一至三等奖分别颁发奖牌和证书、优胜奖颁发证书。 5、集体表演项目:按队数分别设一等奖30%、二等奖30%、三等奖40%。分别颁发集体奖杯~个人颁发奖牌和证书。 八、未尽事宜~另行补充。 武术比赛报名表格 队名:(盖章) 领队: 教练: 裁判员: 参 赛 项 目 参赛出生日期 序 姓 名 性別 組別 参 赛 项 目1 参 赛 项 目2 参 赛 项 目3 个人表演项目名称 集体项目名称 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 备注:每队一表~此表可复印。 Annex Five thThe 13 2014 World Martial Arts Cultural Competition Competition Rules of Martial Arts Routines 一、Age Category: st,A,Children Level:12 years old or below,Born after January 1, 2002, stst,B,Junior Level: 13 years old to 17 years old,Born on January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2001, stst,C,Youth Level:18 years old to 35 years old ,Born on January 1, 1979 to December 31, 1996, stst,D,Senior Level:36 years old to 55 years old,Born on January 1, 1959 to December 31, 1978, st,E,Elderly Level:56 years old or above,Born before December 31, 1958, 二、Competition Event:Each athlete shall select three individual competitions at most and a demonstration event, among which must be “Chin Woo Traditional Routine”, otherwise, the athlete will be disqualified. (A)Children Level: 1、Items of Chin Woo Traditional Sports : Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Lower Leg Kicking(Lower Routine Six) 、Power Boxing、Cross Battle、Block Boxing, Weapons:Choose one of Eight Diagram Broadsword、Killing Sheep Cudgel、Snowflakes Knife、Tamo Sword, Pair Exercise:Take Lower Leg Kicking. 2、Items of Traditional Martial Arts Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of traditional Chinese Boxing, Weapons:Choose one of traditional weapons (single weapon, double weapon, soft weapon). 3、Items of Competition Sports of Martial Arts: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Long Boxing、Nan Boxing、Tai Chi Boxing of 42 style competition, Weapons:Choose one of Broadsword Play、Swordsmanship、Spear play、Cudgel Play、Nan Knives、Nan Cudgels、Tai Chi Sword of 42 style competition. 4、Items of demonstration events:Collective and individual routines are unlimited。 (B)Junior Level: 1、Items of Chin Woo Traditional Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Power Boxing、War Boxing、Block Boxing、Yang’s Hand, Weapons:Choose one of Eight Diagram Broadsword、Killing Sheep Cudgel、 Snowflakes Knife、San kwang Sword、Dew Flower Cudgel、Liuhe Spear, Pair Exercise:Choose one of Take Lower Leg Kicking、Match Set of Boxing、108 hands、Double Knives Versus Spear. 2、Items of Traditional Martial Arts Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of every traditional Chinese Boxing, Weapons:Choose one of traditional weapons (single weapon, double weapon, soft weapon). 3、Items of Competition Sports of Martial Arts: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Long Boxing、Nan Boxing、Tai Chi Boxing of 42 style competition, Weapons:Choose one of Broadsword Play、Swordsmanship、Spear play、Cudgel Play、Nan Knives、Nan Cudgels、Tai Chi Sword of 42 style competition. 4、Items of demonstration events:Collective and individual routines are unlimited。 (C)Youth Level: 1、Items of Chin Woo Traditional Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Section Boxing、Loose Boxing、Rebounding Boxing、Yang’s Hand、Mian Palm, Weapons:Choose one of Five Tiger Spear、Moon Knife、San Kwang Sword、Special Cudgel、Zhang’s Spear, Pair Exercise:Choose one of Match Set of Boxing、108 Hands、Chassis Hammer、Double Knives Versus Spear、Cut Horse Broadsword Versus Spear. 2、Items of Traditional Martial Arts Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of every traditional Chinese Boxing, every traditional Tai Chi Boxing; Weapons:Choose one of traditional weapons (single weapon, double weapon, soft weapon), Tai Chi Weapons, etc. 3、Items of Competition Sports of Martial Arts、Optional Items: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Long Boxing、Nan Boxing、Tai Chi Boxing of 42 style competition or Optional Boxing, Weapons: Choose one of Broadsword Play、Swordsmanship、Spear play、Cudgel Play、Nan Knives、Nan Cudgels、Tai Chi Sword of 42 style competition. 4、Items of demonstration events:Collective and individual routines are unlimited。 (D)Senior Level: 1、Items of Chin Woo Traditional Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Power Boxing、War Boxing、Loose Boxing、Rebounding Boxing, Weapons:Choose one of Eight Diagram Broadsword、Special Cudgel、Snowflakes Knife、San Kwang 、Dew Flower Cudgel、Zhang’s Spear, Sword Pair exercise:Choose one of Match Set of Boxing、108 Hands、Chassis Hammer、Cut Horse Broadsword Versus Spear. 2、Items of Traditional Martial Arts Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of every traditional Chinese Boxing, every traditional Tai Chi Boxing; Weapons:Choose one of traditional weapons (single weapon, double weapon, soft weapon), Tai Chi Weapons, etc. 3、Items of Competition Sports of Martial Arts: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Long Boxing、Nan Boxing、Tai Chi Boxing of 42 style competition or Optional Boxing, Weapons: Choose one of Broadsword Play、Swordsmanship、Spear play、Cudgel Play、Nan Knives、Nan Cudgels、Tai Chi Sword of 42 style competition. 4、Items of demonstration events:Collective and individual routines are unlimited。 (E)Elderly Level: 1、Items of Chin Woo Traditional Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Lower Leg Kicking(Front Routine Six、Power Boxing、Cross Battle、 Block Boxing、Rebounding Boxing, Weapons:Choose one of Eight Diagram Broadsword、Killing Sheep Cudgel、 Snowflakes Knife、 San Kwang Sword、Special Cudgel、Liuhe Spear, Pair Exercise:Choose one of Take Lower Leg Kicking、108 Hands、Double Knives Versus Spear. 2、Items of Traditional Martial Arts Sports: Chinese Boxing:Choose one of every traditional Chinese Boxing or every traditional Tai Chi Boxing; Weapons:Choose one of traditional weapons (single weapon, double weapon, soft weapon), Tai Chi Weapons, etc. 3、Items of Competition Sports of Martial Arts: 、Tai Chi Boxing of 42 style competition Chinese Boxing:Choose one of Long Boxing、Nan Boxing or Optional Boxing, Weapons: Choose one of Broadsword Play、Swordsmanship、Spear play、Cudgel Play、Nan Knives、 Nan Cudgels、Tai Chi Sword of 42 style competition. 4、Items of demonstration events:Collective and individual routines are unlimited. 。 三、Participation Measures 1、 Each group may submit 1-3 teams, including one leader, 1-2 trainers, and 12 athletes(regardless of gender and group) , 2、Each group may submit 1-2 Martial Arts referees who received certificates after participating in 2014 World Chin Woo referee training class; the organizer shall invite referees for the insufficiency of number. 四、Method of Competition: 1、Competition Character:The tournament only score personal achievement without team total score. 2、Competition Rules:We adopt Chin Woo Competition Rules of International Martial Arts and Competition Measures of Traditional Martial Arts(2006 Edition). 3、Team Event:6-12 people freedom from form, content and music. The main content of team event is Martial Arts Techniques to set off technical style of Martial Arts by contrast. 五、Competition Time : 1、The routine time of every single exercise event, pair exercise event and personal demonstration event is 40 seconds to 4 minutes(Tai Chi event is within 4 minutes, other events are 40 seconds to 2 minutes). The head of referee will whistle for the one minute left of Tai Chi events. 2、The routine time of team event shall not be more than 4 minutes. 3、Regulations of the deficiency of time and beyond the time. If the athlete does not reach 2 seconds, he will have 0.1 point deducted, if 4 seconds, 0.2 points deducted, if more than 4 seconds, 0.3 points deducted at most; If the athlete exceed 5 seconds, he will have 0.1 point deducted, if 10 seconds, 0.2 points deducted, if more than 10 seconds, 0.3 points deducted at most. 六、Clothing、Weapons: 1、Clothing: The athletes who will participate in Chin Woo Traditional Items must wear traditional Chin Woo cloth (interlocks), (fabric, color and style are unlimited), soft shoes; the athletes who will participate in other events are required to wear martial arts cloth (fabric, color and style are not regulated). 2、Weapons:The athletes who will participate in Chin Woo traditional events must use hard weapons. 3、Participants shall bring their own clothes and weapons. 七、Rank: 1、Individual Event:We will enroll top eight according to items、age、gender、routine ,Subject to the name of routine, more than 3 people can be independently projected for the same routine, the organizer has the right to combine the group if the number of participation is less than 3 people,~if the total number is less than eight, each category shall enroll the total-number-minus-one people. 2、Pair-exercise Event:We will enroll top eight according to items, age and group. If the total number is less than eight, each category shall enroll the total-number-minus-one people. 3、Top three of individual event and pair-exercise event will be awarded with gold medal, silver medal , bronze medal and certificates, No.4 to No.8 will be awarded with certificates. 4、Individual Performance Event:We will set up 20% first prize,30%second prize, 30% third prize, 20% merit prize regardless of gender, group according to the number of participation. Top three will be awarded with medals and certificates, the merit prize winners will be awarded with certificates. 5、Group Performance Event:We will set up 30% first prize,30% second prize, 40% third prize. They will be awarded with group trophy, personal medals and certificates. 八、The unaccomplished matters shall be followed by further notice. Martial Arts Competition Entry Form TEAM NAME:(chop) TEAM LEADER: COACH: REFEREE: Type(A,B,C,D,E COMPETITION EVENTS Group BIRTHDAY GEN COMPETITION EVENTSCOMPETITION EVENTSINDIVIDUAL GROUP NO NAME COMPETITION EVENTSPERFORMANCE DER (1) (2) PERFORMANCE ) (3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE: ONE FORM EACH TEAM, CAN BE COPI
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