首页 广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题



广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题 听力部分(满分50分) 一、你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听 到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号 内,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. 5 ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. sleep B. sweet C. cheap ( ) 4. A. December B. September C....

广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 广东省东莞市小升初英语考试真题 听力部分(满分50分) 一、你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听 到的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 , 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号 内,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. 5 ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. sleep B. sweet C. cheap ( ) 4. A. December B. September C. October ( ) 5. A. the horse B. the house C. the mouth ( ) 6. A. have a headache B. have a toothache C. have a sore throat ( ) 7. A. Mom isn’t at home. B. Mom is at home. C. Mom, let’s go home. ( ) 8. A. I can’t play football in the rain. B. My uncle can’t play games in the day. C. Mike can’t come to my home today. ( ) 9. A. Can I speak to your sister, please? B. Can I speak to your teacher, please? C. Can I speak to your grandma, please? 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com ( ) 10. A. Sarah went swimming last weekend. B. Sarah went shopping last weekend. C. Sarah went fishing last weekend. 二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或 句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“?” , 不相符的 打“×”。每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. June ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. st 1 ( ) 7. She likes purple and pink best. ( ) 8. Mr. Liang is tired. ( ) 9. Sarah went to the USA. ( ) 10. They are eating breakfast. 三、你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句, 并将其前面的字母编号填在题前的括号内,每个问题将读两遍。(每 小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. This is my friend. B. Yes, he is. C. Hello, friend. ( ) 2. A. I climbed mountains last Monday. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com B. I am going to water the flowers. C. I sweep the floor every day. ( ) 3. A. Happy birthday. B. It’s in 1996. C. It’s in May. ( ) 4. A. What about you? B. No, I don’t. They are sour. C. Let’s have some grapes. ( ) 5. A. He is collecting stamps. B. He usually goes to school on foot. C. He likes playing the violin. 四、你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思 合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,数字可以用阿 拉伯数字表示。每组对话将读两遍。(每空1分,共10分) 1. Teacher: How many traffic _______ are there in every country? Student: There are always three: red, yellow and . 2. Amy: What is your English teacher like? Is she ? Chen: Yes, she is. And she’s thin too. But she is very . 3. Zip: Your birthday is in February. But what’s the ? Miss Wu: February . 4. Teacher: you clean the blackboard and windows yesterday? Liu Yun: No, I didn’t. But I all the desks and chairs. 5. John: The elephant is than the cow. Wu: Yes, you’re right. And it’s , too. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 五、你将听到Jimmy和他妈妈的一段对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请在题前的括号内打“?”,错的打“×”。该对话将读三遍。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. Today is Sunday. ( ) 2. Jimmy feels sick. ( ) 3. Jimmy has a toothache. ( ) 4. Jimmy’s mother is kind. ( ) 5. Jim must take some medicine. 笔试部分(满分50分) 六、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(每句2分,共10分) Tom: Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Mimi, please? Mimi’s mom: Hello, Tom. ________________. Mimi is doing the dishes in the kitchen. Tom: OK. Thank you. Mimi’s mom: Mimi, _____________________. Mimi: Thank you, mom. (Mimi comes and answers the phone.) Mimi: Hello, Tom. It’s Mimi. Tom: Mimi, let’s go to the library tomorrow. Mimi: Oh, sorry, Tom. I can’t go with you. I am going to cook dinner tomorrow. Tom: But why? Mimi: _______________________________. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com Tom: Oh, your mom’s birthday! __________________________? Mimi: I am going to cook some noodles. Tom: ________________________________? Mimi: It’s easy. First, put some water in the pot and then put the noodles. In several minutes, they are ready. Tom: Wow! You are great. Have a nice weekend. Mimi: Thank you. Bye. A. How do you do that? B. Sorry, you can’t. C. Hold on, please. D. What are you cooking for her? E. What are you going to cook for her? F: Because it’s my mom’s birthday. G: There is a call for you. 七、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择恰当的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 回答问题,并 将该答案前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内(每小题2分,共10 分) My aunt works in a zoo. Her job is to look after the animals in the zoo. She feeds(喂) the animals, washes them and cleans their rooms. She loves animals and she likes her job very much. She talks to the animals, and the animals understand her. The animals are always happy when they see my aunt. Every day, many people come to see the animals in my aunt’s zoo. But some people do not know the zoo rules. They go too near dangerous animals like lions or tigers. Some people litter. When people do these, my aunt will stop them. 1. What does my aunt do every day? A. She looks after the animals. B. She loves animals. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 2. Can the animals in the zoo talk? A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t. 3. What is “dangerous” in Chinese?(“dangerous”的中文意思是什么,) A. 可爱的 B. 危险的 4. What’s the rule of the zoo? A. Don’t litter. B. Don’t talk to the animals. 5. My aunt is a ______ worker in the zoo. A. good B. bad 八、阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每 空只填一词,每词只准用一次。注意 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写工整。(每空1分,共10 分) learned, by, because, good, hot, warm, excited, bored, going, swimming, Beijing, China Peter’s Holidays Last summer holiday, Peter and his parents went to visit Uncle Wong in Dalian. They went there 1 ship. Peter 2 how to swim in Dalian 3 they went 4 every day in the sea. They had a 5 time. This summer holiday, they plan to go to 6 by air. Beijing is known as the capital(首都) of 7 . It’s usually 8 in summer. Sometimes the temperature(温度) is 40?C. It’s too hot. But the 2008 Olympic Games(奥运会) is 9 to be held(举行) there! Peter is 10 . He can’t wait to go now! Do you think Peter will have a great holiday this year? 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 九、根据图片所给的提示,认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,让对话 合理、通顺,并且与图片相符合。(每小题2分,共10分) 1. Teacher: __________________________, boys? Boys: We are going to the computer room. 2. John:____________________________? Mike Mike’s brother: He is 165 cm tall. 3. Wu: ______________________________? Dong: Because I can play with snow. 4. Zhang:___________________________, Mei Mei? Mei Mei: She is nurse. Liu Yun 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 5. Sarah: __________________________________, Amy? Amy: I can see nine. 十、假设你叫Jack,通过因特网认识了一位美国的笔友Tommy。用不少于5句话向你的笔友介绍一下你自己,必须用上所给的提示词。数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。开头与结尾已为你写好。(满分10分) hobby 12岁, on foot, near favorite subject Dear Tommy, Jack 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 听力材料及参考答案 第一大题Listen and choose:你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留四秒钟供你选择答案。 1. kite 2. man 3. sleep 4. October 5. the horse(此题与house相区别,请将元音读清) 6. have a toothache 7. Mom is at home. 8. I can’t play football in the rain. 9. Can I speak to your sister, please? 10. Sarah went fishing last weekend. 第二大题Listen and judge:你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“?” , 不相符的打“×”。每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留五秒钟供你选择答案。 1. 男声:I come from Australia. 2. There is a cinema next to the library. 3. It’s spring now. It’s warm. st4. Today is June 1. Happy Children’s Day! 5. We usually have sports at 9 am. 6. I would like to have some cabbage and fish for lunch. 7. 男声:What’s your favorite color? 女声:Purple and pink. 8. 女声:Mr. Liang, Are you tired? 男声:No, I am not tired. I am happy. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 9. 男声:Hello, Sarah, where did you go on your holiday? 女声:Hi, Xiaoming. I went to the USA. It was fun! 10. 男声:Mom, come on. It’s time for school. 女声: OK, ok. I am cooking breakfast. 第三大题Listen and choose:你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到 的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括 号内,每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留六秒钟供你选择答案。 1. Is your friend strong? 2. What did you do last Monday? 3. When is your birthday? 4. Do you like grapes? 5. What’s Mingming’s hobby? 第四大题Listen and fill:你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入 所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的 规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。每组对话将连续读两遍。每 小题之间将停留十秒钟供你填写答案。 1. Teacher(女声): How many traffic lights are there in every country? Student(男声): There are always three: red, yellow and green. 2. Amy(女声): What is your English teacher like? Is she short? Chen(男声): Yes, she is. And she’s thin too. But she is very smart. 3. Zip(男声): Your birthday is in February. But what’s the date? th Miss Wu(女声): February 12. 4. Teacher(男声): Did you clean the classroom yesterday? Liu Yun(女声): No, I didn’t. But I cleaned all the desks and chairs. 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 5. John(男声): The elephant is heavier than the cow. Wu(女声): Yes, you’re right. And it’s bigger, too. 第五大题Listen and judge:你将听到Jimmy和他妈妈的一段对 话,请根据对话内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请在题号前的括号内 打“?”,错的打“×”。该对话将连续读三遍。读完后将有十秒钟的 停留时间供你判断对错,再进入第五大题。 Mom(女声): Wake up, Jimmy. Jimmy, it’s time for school. It’s not Sunday. It’s Monday today. Jimmy(男童声): Oh, mom. I don’t think I can go to school today. Mom(女声): What’s the matter, Jimmy? Oh, you have a fever! How do you feel? Jimmy(男童声): I feel sick, mom. And I have a headache. Mom(女声): Hurry up! Let’s go to hospital. Mom(女声): Doctor, my son has a fever. Doctor(男成年声): Mmm…Yes. He has the flu. Don’t worry. Take some medicine and drink water. Stay in bed for some days. He’ll feel better soon. Mom(女声): Thank you, doctor. 答案及评分要求 一、 Listen and choose(每小题1分,共10分) 1B 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B 7B 8A 9A 10C 二、Listen and judge(每小题1分,共10分) 1. × 2. × 3. ? 4. ? 5. × 6. × 7. ? 8. × 9. ? 10. × 三、Listen and choose(每小题2分,共10分) 1B2A3C4B5C 四、Listen and fill 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。(每空1分,共10分) 注:括号内是学生的可能表现,按要求给分。 1.lights (写对light但没加s,给0.5分) green(任何其它答案均不得分) 2.short, smart(如果写成:shorter, smarter,给0.5分) 3.date(任何其它答案均不得分) th 12/12/twelfth(写12时,th可加可不加;但写对12,加错后缀,如nd,给0.5分) 4.Did(写对did,没大写D, 给0.5分) cleaned(写对主词clean但没加ed,或加了其他的后缀,给0.5分) 5.heavier(写成heavy, heavyer给0.5分) bigger(写成big, biger给0.5分) 五、Listen and judge(每小题2分,共10分) 1.× 2. ?3. × 4. ? 5. ×/? 六、Read and choose(每小题2分,共10分) 如果学生将整个句子抄在横线上,是没有认真审题结果。整道题在得分的基础上扣1分。 C G F E A 七、 Read and choose(每小题2分,共10分) 因为试卷漏了打括号,故学生可将答案直接写在题号前,也可以加了自加括号再填 或者在题中打勾直接选也可以。只要答案是正确的就给分。 1A 2B 3B 4A 5A 八、Read and fill(每空一词,每空1分,共10分) 填对一个空得一分,填错不得分,抄错单词不得分。 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 1.by 2.learned 3.because 4.swimming 5.good 6.Beijing 7. China 8. hot 9. going 10.excited 九、Ask and answer (每小题2分,共10分) 1. Where are you going(Where的W没大写,扣0.5分) 以下答案得1分 Where are they going Where are you go Where do you go 其他答案:例如写对主词where,其他一蹋糊涂的,得0.5分,如: Where do you going Where did you go 2. How tall is Mike/your brother/he? (How的H没大写,扣0.5分) 写错人称的或者写错疑问词,只得1分 How tall are you? How tall is Mike’s brother? What tall is Mike? 既写错人称的又写错疑问词,不得分,如: What tall are you? What tall is Mike’s brother? 3. Why do you like winter? (Why的W没大写,扣0.5分) 其他答案均不得分 4. What does Liu Yun/she do(What的W没大写,扣0.5分) What do Liu Yun/she do (扣0.5分) 5. How many birds can you see(How的H没大写,扣0.5分) birds漏加s的扣0.5分 can写成do的扣0.5分 十、Look and write 1. 以下是参考答案,括内的词表示可有可无,不写也不扣分。 第一句:My name is Jack. / I am Jack. 第二句:I am 12 (years old). 第三句:My favorite subject is math. /I like math best. 第四句:My hobby is playing the violin. / I like playing the violin. 第五句:I go to school on foot every day because my school is near. 以上只是参考答案,不必严格按照此顺序来写。 如果学生写超出此五句话,即使有错误,既也不扣分,也不加分。鼓励孩子多写多练。 2. 扣分分为以下几项: 1)拼写错误分: 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com 拼写错单词但不影响意思表达的,每2个词扣0.5分。拼写错误最多扣3分,即拼写错12个单词,扣满3分后,还有拼错的单词也不再扣分。 2)语法错误分: 语法出错,每个扣0.5分。 例如: My name are… My hobby is play (the) violin.(漏了the) I like play (the) violin. (漏了the) I go to (多the) school by feet. everyday 没有分开等等。 3)如果用了第二三人称,没用第一人称,先当作没错给分,再在最后得分的基础上扣2分。 金钥匙学校www.jin14.com
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