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鼎湖庆云寺中英文鼎湖庆云寺中英文 Temple Qingyun in Mountain Dinghu [Garden] – [Stone Torri & Step Path] – [Maitreya Hall] – [Gate of Temple] – [Heavenly Guardian Hall] – [Main Buddha Hall] – [East Hall] – [Monks’ Dining-hall] – [Middle Halls] – [Rear Halls] [Introduction] Good ...

鼎湖庆云寺中英文 Temple Qingyun in Mountain Dinghu [Garden] – [Stone Torri & Step Path] – [Maitreya Hall] – [Gate of Temple] – [Heavenly Guardian Hall] – [Main Buddha Hall] – [East Hall] – [Monks’ Dining-hall] – [Middle Halls] – [Rear Halls] [Introduction] Good morning, everyone! I am very glad to meet my friends from afar! Today we are going to visit the famous Mountain Dinghu and the well-known Temple Qingyun built there. First of all, allow me to give you a general introduction to the mountain and the temple before we have a close look at them. Mountain Dinghu is located 18 kilometers northeast of Zhaoqing City, 86 kilometers away from Guangzhou. It is next to the Tropic of Cancer. The mountain is seated, to be exact, in 23 degrees 8 minutes north latitude, and 112 degrees 35 minutes east longitude. As it lies in the transition area of the subtropical zone, the mountain boasts pleasant climate, flush rainfall and luxuriant forests. A favorable place like this attracts Buddhists to settle in. as early as Tang thDynasty in the 7 century (that is, the years between 676 and 679), Buddhist Zhichang had a temple called Baiyun Temple built there. Later another 36 temples were erected nearby. They are affiliated to his temple. Buddhist Zhichang is also called Chan Master Zhichang. He is a disciple of Liuzu Huineng, the sixth founder of Zen (Chan) Buddhism. A visit to the relics today would give you a hint about how grand these temples used to be. Temple Qingyun, the one we are going to enter, was first built in the late Ming Dynasty, but it was named Temple Lotus (or Lianhuaan) at that time. The Zen Sect, one of the dominations of Buddhism, was and is its main school. Pure Land Sect and Vinaya School were and are also practiced there. In 1982, the Star Lake district, where Mountain Dinghu is located, was listed by the State Council as one of the 44 major national scenic spots. One year later, Temple Qingyun entered the list of the 142 key temples in China. Among those big name people who visited the Temple and left their calligraphic work and paintings there are Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Zhang Taiyan (a learned scholar in late Qing Dynasty), and Gao Jianfu (a modern artist). Besides, generals like Ye Jianying, Zhu De and He Long, former President Jiang Zemin, former Premier Zhu Rongji have been to the temple. In and around the temple are Buddhas, sacred relics, gardens with Chinese characteristics and other things typical of China. Now let’s go and find out if this famed temple in a noted mountain impresses you guys. [Garden] We are now in the garden of Temple Qingyun. Here is one of the “Top Ten Charms of Mountain Dinghu”, named Fangchi Yueyin in Chinese. It means that “the moon is invited in the square pond”. But it’s not the right timing. Well, if we cast a look at the stone handrails around the pond, we will see 24 cameos. Each tells you a story. Do you want me to explain them in a few words? [Stone Torri & Step Path] Here we come to the Stone Torii. It serves as the main gate to Temple Qingyun. On its façade are four Chinese characters “Lingnan Mingcha”. That is, “Famous Temple in South China”. On its back are another four, “Yunding Shengjing”. In English, they mean “Charm of Mountain Dinghu”. These two phrases emphasize the role Temple Qingyun places in Buddhism, and its richness in sightseeing resources. Could I call your attention to the Step Path? In its middle is a carved stone of clouds and dragon. Its two sides stand two marble pillars. You can also see carcings and pillars like these in Imperial Palaces, right? I guess you have some idea about the importance of Temple Qingyun. [Maitreya Hall] In front of us is Buddha Maitreya. It’s not difficult to recognize him, as he is always wearing a big smile. On his two sides are 20 guarding gods. Each has his own super power. The gate here leads you to the main part of Temple Qingyun. What is on the gate is called Duilian, that is, a couplet in English. The first line tells us that although Temple Qingyun has been through ups and downs, yet its believers come to worship in great numbers; the second line conjures up a mental picture. In the picture the valley echoes the splashing of water coming from crystal-clear spring water and waterfalls. Can you read out its symbolic meaning? [Heavenly Guardian Hall] Please look up at the red vertical plaque on the screen. The seven Chinese characters read like “Chici Wanshou Qingyunsi”. It is the title of the temple issued by the then Empress Dowager Ci Xi. She showed her respect for this sacred temple. Behind the screen, we can see one of the temple guardians, Weito. [Main Buddhas’ Hall] The Main Buddhas’ Hall here has its own features. You see, besides the statues of the Trinity Buddhas, there are two inner rooms. The one on the right is to worship ancestors: the initial founder Damo, the fifth Hongren, and the sixth Huineng; the other one on the left is to worship Buddha Qie Lan. They are guardians of the temple. Their names are Guanyu, Anathapizdika, and Huaguang from left to right. Generally speaking, temples of the Pure-Land School have the Trinity Buddhas as Dipamkara, Sakyamuni and Maitreya while temples of Zen (Chan) Sect or the Vinaya School choose to worship Bhaisayaguru, Sakyamuni and Amitabha as its Trinity Buddhas. If you have a closer look at the Trinity Buddhas here in Temple Qingyun, you can see Amitabha, Sakyamuni and Maitreya from left to right. Such a combination differs this temple from others. Temple Qingyun is open to have Buddhas from Chan, Pureness and Vinaya since it was established. [East Hall] Now we’ve come to the East Hall. This is a particularly sacred place because four sariras are placed here. Sarira, or holy relic is believed to be able to protect the temple and mountain by warding off evil spirits. [Monks’ Dining-Hall] Does this room look like a dining room? That’s right. We are now at the Monk’s Dining Hall. The vegetable dishes of Temple Qingyun are well-known, and the most popular dish is called “Dinghu Shang Su”. Well, how can we skip a look at this huge wok? It adds one more treasure to the thtemple. Cast in 18 century, the wok is said to have been used to cook for as many as a thousand monks. [Middle Halls] From east to west on this floor are palaces and halls. Here is Buddhistic Palace. It is used to worship Buddha Amogha-siddhi. According to the Buddhist Scripture, Amogha-siddhi is the Buddha that promises people success and his promise never fall short. An interesting palace, right? Next is Ancestral Hall. In the middle sits Buddha Vairocana. His name means universal illumination. On the left is Manjusi Bodhisattva. He represents wisdom. On the right is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. He is the guardian of truth. At the rear is Cundi. She is one of the incarnations of Guanyin Bodhisattva (Goddess of Mercy). Her name “Cundi” means purity. It is believed that she is able to extend human’s natural life and ward off disasters. Double-tree Hall holds a gigantic sleeping Buddha. He is the image of Sakyamuni in nirvana. Worshipped in Seven-Buddha Hall is Buddha Sakyamuni and his six companions. The Hall of Arhats in the west sits 500 Arhats. Could you afford the time to count one by one? [Palaces and Halls at the rear] The highest shrine is situated at the top of Temple Qingyun. From west to east, you can see Sandalwood Forest, Master Rong-rui’s Memorial Hall, Buddhist Teaching Hall, Abbot Hall, Buddhist Origin Hall, Stupa Palace, Three-saint Shine and Second Generation Ancestral Hall etc. I have no time to describe each of them, but I would say a few words about some of them. The origin of Master Rong-rui’s Memorial Hall can be traced back to a sad story when he then China and Japan had cultural exchanges in the year of 733 AD. That is, 21 years after the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, to be exact. A Japanese monk named Rong-rui from Kofukuji Temple, Nara, was commissioned to China to seek Dharma. After overcoming various kinds of hardships, he finally succeeded in inviting Chinese eminet monks like Daorui from Luoyang and Jianzhen from Yangzhou to spread Buddhism in Japan. But he got caught in the bad weather during his voyages and journeys to and fro between Japan and China. Rong-rui is widely respected for his contribution to Sino-Japan cultural exchanges. He was nicknamed as ocean-crossing Japanese monk, or Monk of Tang Dynasty as he introduced Buddhist sultra, medical science, arts, architecture and classic works from China to Japan. A common temple does not have any Pragoda Palace, but Temple Qingyun has one. Inside this Palace sit Medicine Buddha Ksitigarbha, and a thousand Hands and Eyes Buddha Avaloktieshvara. Here in Three-saint Shrine are Buddha Amitabha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprata. Buddhist Origin Hall is used to worship Master Xi-he, the first monk who came to this Mountain to explore. So much for today’s formal introduction. Please feel free to tell me if you want to know more. 鼎湖庆云寺 【花园区】——【牌坊、蹬道】——【弥勒殿】——【护法殿】——【大雄宝殿】——【东偏殿】——【斋堂】——【中进诸殿堂】——【后进诸殿堂】 在广东能将名山与名寺聚在一起的,就是我们现在前去游览的鼎湖山与庆云寺了。 鼎湖山位于肇庆城东北18公里处,离广州约86公里,鼎湖山在北回归线附近居北纬23?08?,东经112?35?,属南亚热带过渡区,所以雨量充沛,树木葱茏,气候宜人。 在这样优美的自然环境中,早在唐代仪凤年间(676-679),六祖惠能的高足弟子智常禅师在此创建了白云寺。在智常的感召下,附近先后建起了白云寺属下的寺院三十六座,呈现出一派佛国风光。时至今日,我们仍可从遗迹中,想象出当年寺院的规模。 到明朝末年创建了莲花庵,后改名庆云庵,明末又改名为庆云寺成为广东名刹。庆云寺是以禅宗为正宗,亦兼修净土宗与律宗。 1982年,国务院将星湖(含鼎湖山、七星岩)列为全国第一批44个国家级重点风景名胜区之一。1983年,庆云寺被定为全国142座重点寺庙之一。 早在解放前,孙中山先生、学者章太炎、画家高剑父就到过庆云寺并留下墨宝。新中国的叶剑英、朱德、贺龙、江泽民、朱镕基等国家领导人也上过鼎湖山和庆云寺。 【花园区】 现在我们已经进入了庆云寺的花园区了。在清代,中国的艺术家们就拟定了“鼎湖山十景”:我们眼前就是十景之一的“方池月印”了。仔细看看围着水池的石栏杆,其中的二十四块浮雕,每块叙说一个故事。 【牌坊、蹬道】 我们已来到了石牌坊,它起着标志和导向的作用,正面刻着“岭南名刹”。 背面刻有“云鼎胜景”。 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 了庆云寺的旅游资源和在佛教界的地位。 这蹬道中间的云龙石雕,道旁立着的两柱石华 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,反映出庆云寺享有皇家建筑的规格。 【弥勒殿】 迎面的是弥勒佛,两边的二十诸天都属山门的守护神,他们各有神通罢了。 这是庆云寺主体建筑的大门,门边悬挂的对联上联意思是:莲花峰这里虽经历多次劫难,但佛寺仍旧香火鼎盛。下联是:酒液般的山泉和飞溅的瀑布在山间回响。庆云寺,改革开放后才得以重现繁华景象。 【护法殿】 请抬头看屏风上悬挂的红色竖匾:敕赐万寿庆云寺。这是慈禧所赐的。 屏风后面,就是中国佛寺的守护神之一——韦陀。 【大雄宝殿】 庆云寺的大雄宝殿有自己的特点,殿内除三宝佛外还设有师祖堂和伽蓝殿。 三宝佛中间是释迦牟尼佛,左为阿弥陀佛,右为弥勒佛。一般寺院的三宝佛供“横三世”或“竖三世”。净土宗多供“横三世”,禅宗与律宗多供“竖三世”。庆云寺既是“禅、净、律三宗俱善”,故与一般寺院不同,而且建寺以来就是如此。 右边是师祖堂。龛内供奉的东土禅宗始祖达摩、五祖弘忍、六祖惠能的坐像。左边为伽蓝殿。龛内中间是给孤独长者,左为关羽,右为华光。他们被奉为伽蓝殿,也就是寺院的守护神。 【东偏殿】 东偏殿现在安放供奉舍利子的小铜塔,让游客瞻仰。庆云寺的舍利子是栖壑从憨山的戒传弟子那里得到的四颗,作为镇山宝。 【斋堂】 庆云寺的素菜及仿荤素菜远近闻名,“鼎湖上素”是斋菜中的名菜。 这口大锅铸于乾隆十一年(1746年),用它煮粥,可供千人吃,所以叫“千人锅”。也是庆云寺镇山宝之一。 【中进诸殿堂】 这一层由东至西有成就佛殿、毗卢阁宗堂、双树堂、七佛殿及西边偏殿的罗汉堂。成就佛殿供奉的是不空成就佛,据说能使众生成就所作,从不落空。 毗卢阁中间供奉毗卢遮那佛,左奉“智慧的化身”文殊师利菩萨,右奉“真理的化身”普贤菩萨,后奉准提观音,“毗卢遮那”意译为“光明照遍”。准提观音是观音菩萨的化身之一,能使众生消灾延寿。“准提”意译为“洁净”。 双树堂的雕佛龛内的是大卧佛,是释迦牟尼的涅像。 七佛殿内供奉着释迦牟尼及其以前的六位佛。 这座偏殿就是罗汉堂了,里面供奉着五百罗汉,不妨进去数一数。 【后进诸殿堂】 这是庆云寺最高的一层殿堂。这里从西往东为旃檀林、荣睿大师纪念堂、法堂、方丈、初祖堂、浮屠殿、三圣殿及二代祖堂等。荣睿纪念堂叙述了一个中日文化交流的悲壮故事——日本人、奈良兴福寺僧荣睿,唐开元二十一年(733年),奉旨赴唐求法。通过千辛万苦在唐朝(公元733-753年)多次邀请中国高僧,如洛阳的道睿律师(高僧)扬州鉴真大和尚(高僧)东渡日本弘法传布佛教,但多次东渡因洋流、飓风等恶劣气候影响而多次受阻,历经磨难,最后到达日本,但荣睿积劳成疾圆寂中国寺庙。他把中国的佛经、医学、艺术、建筑、经典一起传布到日本,为日、中文化交流做出了较大的贡献。日本人尊称鉴真为“过海大师”和“唐大和尚”。 一般的寺院无塔殿,而庆云寺有塔殿,塔殿内供药师佛地藏菩萨和千手千眼观音。三圣殿供奉的是西方三圣——阿弥陀、观世音和大势至。初祖堂内供奉庆云寺开山祖栖壑大师。
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