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隆林商业步行街外埠销售方案(1)隆林商业步行街外埠销售方案(1) 隆林商业步行街销售中心 2009-11-12 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169...

隆林商业步行街外埠销售 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (1) 隆林商业步行街销售中心 2009-11-12 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 近3个月的销售中心来访情况汇总: 1、经济适用房的推出,分流部分客群; 2、县城城区内,套房客群被各大楼盘分流,项目来访偏少,反之近段乡镇客户来访加大,主要以乡下政府机关以及企事业单位、教师等客群为主,之前以桠杈镇客群为主,目前金钟山客户略盛,有必要做详细了解,对接待金钟山客群要做针对性访谈; 3、目前项目套房客群少,剩余物业较多,销售任务艰巨。 4、来访客户数量不足以支撑开盘,常规续客广告作用不大,常规销售难以完成预期目的; 5、来访客群关注因素排行依次:1、价格 2、地理位置 3、户型格局 4、综合配套等依次; 6、当地决大部分客户有风水信仰,销售 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 对这方面有适当的培训引导; 7、现场来访对四房需求比较多,目前项目没有4房推出; 8、普遍认可本项目户型,通风采光比较好; 9、公积金购房有必要加强,特别是5、6号楼及之后的套房销售,有必要进行适当公关; 10、隆林其他楼盘住宅销售也基本处于停滞状态,守株待兔待客上门的销售方式很难带动当地住房客群购买热情,同时也很难推动隆林住房价格增长。 项目现场实际情况 白天: 1、现场路面干净整洁,安静,很适宜居住,通风采光良好。 2、现场物业管理总体感觉还不错; 3、没有装修的住宅显得相对暗,装修后的住宅,明亮宽敞,项目价值才得以充分体现,让消费者更有购买欲望,从销售角度上看,做装修样板间很有必要。 夜间: 1、央索街附近以及项目入口处灯光偏暗,加之位置相对偏,让人没有安全感,建议适当补足灯光设施。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 2、人流少,特别是六点之后,适当增加娱乐设施以及相关公益活动。 外埠行销 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 前言: 项目已经开发两年多时间,长时间的推广以及品牌灌输,县城以内已经对项目有深层的认识,该挖掘的客户,基本都挖掘,由于隆林县城目前房市长期处于开发商自己销售状态,销售形式相对单一,各楼盘竞争意识不是很强,长期这样的状态,难以带动房市火暴,消费者在这样的购房环境中也会容易形成广告轰炸疲劳,购房尽限于自住等原始意识形态,这样的结果只会把消费者购房周期拖长,这就形成了目前隆林套房销售凝滞不前的现状; 综合来看,目前存在隆林待开发的客户群有两大类: 1、县城以内摇摆不定的客户;这类客户手上有闲钱,经历过地产广告的狂轰烂炸,对地产有相对深的认识,(常话讲,认识深,反而胆子小),想投资地产,但总担心点什么,比如房市价格跌荡起伏、国家政策等,这类客户购房周期长,但经常关注风吹草动; 2、乡镇客户;一直以来,广西县份绝大部分乡镇都不是太富裕,所以很多开发商忽略了对乡镇投资客群的深开发,隆林也一样,每个乡镇的购房基数少,但是很多乡镇的总和是个非常可观的数据,而且农村市场互动性强,一旦购买,将不是一两套的数量,所以我们很有必要从农村市场下手,而且农村市场的带动,一样可以增加县城摇摆客户的信心,促进县城购房群体成交; 由于项目即将5、6号楼开盘,目前隆林地产项目的宣传手法同质化比较严重,常规销售推广难以完成近阶段以及长远销售目的,从项目本身情况以及访谈得出结论,制定有针对性的外埠行销计划很有必要,为能达到更好的推广效果,为项目后期积累更多的有效真实客户以及销售网络,制定此次外埠行销计划。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 一、目标: 1、消化1、2、3、4号楼剩余物业,特别是剩余住宅物业; 2、为5、6号楼开盘以及后期续客做准备; 3、抢在竞争对手前开发乡镇市场,争取更多物业; 4、提升客户对本项目的投资信心,树立品牌大盘形象,争取更多市场份额; 5、提升销售人员对项目的信心,同时通过销售活动,提升销售部的综合作战能力以及凝聚力。 二、时间:从2009年11月20日开始 三、地点:隆林各22个乡镇 四、销售策略:将老带新政策扩大化,扩大老带新销售网络,短时间内拓展准客户范围,形成乡镇直销网络链,从联络点广泛收集投资客信息,铺开泛销售网络,形成销售、宣传一线并进的营销局面,促成最后项目物业销售。 一)具体实施办法: 1、坚持老带新政策,老客户带新客户,多带多奖励,不设封顶; 2、每乡镇设立直销联络网点或联络人,通过网点信息收集以及信息发布,最大限度挖掘乡镇客户,凡该区域成交客户,都给该联络点或联络人奖励(奖励办法见下)操作方法见下图: 认购实施 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 图解: 老客户验证 选房成功 客户下定 办理完毕 老客户带新客户到销售现场 新客户选房 选房成功 签定购房 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 老客户领取奖金 新客户归属查询 办理交款手续 新客户到现场 新客户成为老客户 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 乡镇联乡镇联 络点N 络点A 拓展联络点 拓展联络点 拓展联络点 。。。。。 乡镇联 络点B 拓展联络点 乡镇联乡镇联 络点D 络点C 外埠行销一阶段 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 信息汇集 信息发布 对联络点输出项目信息 乡镇联乡镇联并收集联络点信息 络点N 络点A 信息发布 信息汇集 信息汇集 信息发布 。。。。。 乡镇联 络点B 信息发布 信息汇集 对联络点输出项目信息 信息汇集 信息发布 并收集联络点信息 乡镇联乡镇联 络点D 络点C 信息发布 信息汇集 外埠行销二阶段(即后期销售网络运营) 组织客户上来看房,促成下定 乡镇联 络点 下到联络点做专场演出咨询 外埠行销深入阶段 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 二)联络点、联络人选择办法: 1、人流活动频繁,地处当地商业核心区域,在当地经营多年,诚信度高,经营主有相对高的威望; 2、行业优化选择:1、农村信用社或邮政储蓄网点 2、移动或联通营业网点 3、人流繁多的百货商店 3、联络人优化选择:1、单位领导(学校以及企事业单位领导等) 2、当地有威望的某行业带头人(种、养大户等) 3、各乡镇中巴司机。 三)联络点具体实施工作: 1、培训联络人项目基本知识,并记录其联系电话以及地址; 2、物料及物料架配送安装,营业厅及便利店,放置于进门右侧,正面与门口呈60?角。 3、摆放物料数量 序号 物料 数量 备注 1 项目楼书或海报 约250份/镇,150份/乡,50份/学校,10份/单位 实际数量根据乡镇大小来确定数量,企 2 户型图 约250份/镇,150份/乡,50份/学校,10份/单位 业根据职工数量来确定,尽量避免浪费。 3 企业DM或企业月刊 约250份/镇,150份/乡,50份/学校,10份/单位 4、当该联络点购房人数超过5套,整合当地资源,在当地做一次专场演出咨询活动。 5、在适当时候组织客户上来看房活动或相关公司活动。 四)奖励办法及实施: 1、 老客户介绍新业主成功购商住楼或商铺的,老客户可获得1000元人民币奖励,新客户可享受额外99折优惠;老客户介绍新业主成功购买商铺的,老客户可获得800元人民币奖励,新客户可享受额外99折优惠;老客户介绍新业主成功套房的,老客户可获得400元人民币奖励,新客户可享受额外99折优惠。 新客户首次到访系老客户介绍所至,经现场销售现场“验证”属实,并于当日完善“老带新”资料登记,成交后方能领取此奖励。(“验证”以促使新客户办理合同为准) of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 六)外埠行销路线(见外部行销路线图): of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 路线1:隆林县城——者浪——天生桥——桠杈——者保——隆林县城 路线2:隆林县城——蒙里——革布——金钟山——猪场——德峨——隆林县城 路线3:隆林县城——常么——蛇场——龙滩——岩茶——克长——长发——隆林县城 路线4:隆林县城——扁牙——平班——委乐——沙梨——隆或——介廷——者隘——隆林县城 合计22个乡镇“ ”为重点把握乡镇。 销售任务分解: 路线1:组长: 队员: , 09年11月28日前完成联络点铺设并做好网点备案,09年12月5日回访并收集第一轮资料 路线2:组长: 队员: , 09年11月28日前完成联络点铺设并做好网点备案,09年12月5日回访并收集第一轮资料 路线3:组长: 队员: , 09年11月28日前完成联络点铺设并做好网点备案,09年12月5日回访并收集第一轮资料 路线4:组长: 队员: , 09年11月28日前完成联络点铺设并做好网点备案,09年12月5日回访并收集第一轮资料 五、物料准备以及费用预算 序号 物料 规格 数量 单价 总价 完成时间 执行人 备注 1 外埠行销方案 1 2009(11(13 郭俊松 2 宣传单张 A4 5000份 2009(11(17 刘万里 3 户行图 A4 3000份 2009(11(17 刘万里 4 联络员、联络点备案表 A4 100份 2009(11(15 郭俊松 5 客户储备登记表 A4 200份 2009(11(15 郭俊松 联络点、联络员 6 行销培训 2009(11(16 郭俊松 早上 7 小礼品(圆珠笔或钥匙扣) 500个 2009(11(16 刘万里 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 8 横幅 10*0.75 40条 2009(11(17 刘万里 9 资料架 30个 2009(11(17 刘万里 10 联络员空白名片 20盒 2009(11(17 刘万里 11 购房财富卡 600张 2009(11(16 刘万里 12 X展架 0.6*1.6m 8副 2009(11(16 刘万里 13 信息汇总整理 2009(11(28 后记 外埠行销工作开展之后,前阶段是个艰难的过程,我们希望通过我们的带动,其他楼盘一起跟上或有更新颖的营销手段,大家协力搞热搞活隆林房市,对我们而言,我们是第一个深度挖掘乡镇客群的,我们食头道羹,而且市场的搞活,价格必然节节攀高;再者就项目目前而言,地理位置以及价格等在其他项目来说,综合竞争指数还是排在前二的,所以我们没有必要担心我们的决策以及活动是在帮别人,通过这轮活动以及长驱宣传,我们或许可以扭转我们楼盘的整体形象,进入老大的位置,这也是我们活动的主要目的之一。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with
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