首页 中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则



中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则 中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则(暂行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了健全民主集中制,完善团内民主选举制度,根据《中国共产党青年团章程》制定中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则。 第二条 本规则所称团的基层组织是指工厂、商店、学校、机关、街道、合作社、农(林牧)场 、乡、镇、村和其他基层单位团的委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会。 第三条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会由团员大会选举产生。 团的基层委员会由团员大会或团代表大会选举产生。 第四条 下列人员在团内有表决权、...

中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则 中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则(暂行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了健全民主集中制,完善团内民主选举 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,根据《中国共产党青年团章程》制定中国共产主义青年团基层组织选举规则。 第二条 本规则所称团的基层组织是指工厂、商店、学校、机关、街道、合作社、农(林牧)场 、乡、镇、村和其他基层单位团的委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会。 第三条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会由团员大会选举产生。 团的基层委员会由团员大会或团代表大会选举产生。 第四条 下列人员在团内有表决权、选举权和被选举权。 (一)中国共产主义青年团团员(受留团察看处分尚未恢复团员权利的除外); (二)在团内担任领导职务或直接从事团的业务工作的中国共产党党员(受留党察看处分尚未恢复党员权利的除外)。 第五条 党团组织提名为团的委员会成员候选人或团的代表大会代表候选人的中国共产党党员在团内有被选举权。 第六条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会每届任期一年。 团的基层委员会每届任期两年。下设团委的基层团委每届任期可为两到三年。 (注:团十五大通过的团章对团的基层组织每届任期作了新的规定,即支部委员会、总支部委员会每届任期两年或三年,其中大、中学校支部委员会每届任期一年,基层委员会每届任期三年或五年。有III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 关该条内容以团十五大团章的规定为准) 第七条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会任期届满应按期进行换届选举。如需提前或延期换届选举,应报同级党组织和上级团组织批准。延长期限不超过一年。 第八条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会负责人不得由任何一级组织或个人指定。团的基层委员会确因工作需要,在两次代表大会之间增补负责人时,增补人选已是委员会成员的,应召开委员会全体会议进行选举;不是委员会成员的,只能授予代理职务代理期不能超过半年,到时即应召开下一次团代表大会进行改选。 团的县级和县级以上基层委员会在必要时,可以召集代表会议,增选委员会的部分成员。增选委员会成员的数额,不得超过该级团代表大会选出委员总数的三分之一。 第九条 团内选举应尊重和保障团员的民主权利,充分发扬民主,体现选举人的意志,任何组织和个人不得以任何方式强迫选举人选举或不选举某个人。 第二章 代表的产生 第十条 团的基层代表大会的代表应能反映本选举单位的意见,代表团员意志。 第十一条 代表名额一般为一百人左右,最多不超过二百人。 代表具体名额由召集代表大会的团的委员会根据所辖团员人数,按照有利于团员了解和直接参与团内事务,有利于讨论和决定问题的原则确定,报同级党组织和上级团组织批准。 of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensivetion rking environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main posiweak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and wo as thenfrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such , lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation ieenings, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, grem, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focun systnetwork system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management informatiouirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect gement is the basic reqIII) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine mana2vide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities.To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents pro ions.community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service funct 代表名额的分配由召集代表大会的团的委员会根据团员人数和代表具有广泛性的原则确定,一般不规定代表的构成比例。 第十二条 团的基层代表大会的代表一般由下一级团员大会选出,也可以由下一级团代表大会选出。 团的县级和县级以上基层委员会在必要时,可以召集代表会议,选举出席上一级团代表大会的代表 第十三条 代表候选人数应多于应选人数的百分之二十。 第十四条 代表候选人由各选举单位按分配名额组织团员酝酿提名,根据多数团员的意见确定,提交团员大会或团代表大会进行选举。 第十五条 上届团的委员会成立代表资格审查小组,负责对代表的产生程序和资格进行审查。 代表的产生不符合规定程序的,应责成原选举单位重新进行选举;代表不具备资格的,应责成原选举单位撤换。 代表资格审查小组应向团代表大会报告代表资格审查情况。经审查通过后的代表,获得正式资格。 第三章 委员会的产生 第十六条 团的支部委员会一般由三至五人组成,设书记一人,必要时可设副书记一人。 团的总支部委员会一般由五到七人组成,设书记一人,副书记一人。 第十七条 团的基层委员会一般不设常委委员会。 团员人数在二千名以上或下设团委的基层团委,根据工作需要, nt, faing the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, managemehand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becomother ce and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the ities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenanfacil rfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipalruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, peeconstfficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly rof management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and ecope t, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the sthe one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban developmen III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On3rms of voluntary service activities.ous fonity volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and varicilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of commu 经上级团组织批准,可以设立常务委员会。 第十八条 不设常务委员会的团的基层委员会一般由七至九人组成;设常务委员会的团的基层委员会一般由十五至二十一人组成,常务委员五至七人。 团的基层委员会设书记一人、副书记一至二人。 第十九条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会不设候补委员。 第二十条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会委员候选人,按照德才兼备和班子结构合理的原则提名。 第二十一条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会候选人名额应多于应选名额的百分 之二十;常务委员候选人名额应多于应选名额一至二人。 第二十二条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会委员由全体团员酝酿提名,上届委员会根据多数团员的意见确定候选人,提交团员大会进行选举。 团的支部委员会委员也可以不提候选人,经全体团员充分酝酿后,直接投票选举产生。 第二十三条 团的基层委员会委员,凡召开团员大会选举的,由上届团的委员会在组织团员民主推荐、充分酝酿的基础上,根据多数团员的意见确定候选人预备名单,报同级党组织和上级团组织同意后,提交团员大会进行选举;凡召开团代表大会选举的,由上届团的委员会广泛征求所属团组织的团员的意见,提出侯选人预备名单,报 of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensivetion rking environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main posiweak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and wo as thenfrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such , lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation ieenings, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, grem, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focun systnetwork system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management informatiouirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect gement is the basic reqIII) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine mana4vide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities.To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents pro ions.community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service funct 同级党组织和上级团组织同意后,提交大会主席团,经大会主席团初步确认,提交各代表团(小组)酝酿讨论,大会主席团根据酝酿讨论情况确定候选人名单,提交代表大会进行选举。 第二十四条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会书记、副书记,由团员大会从新当选的委员会委员中选举产生。 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会书记、副书记候选人由新选出的委员会全体会议酝酿提名,也可以由上届团的委员会提名,经同级党组织和上级团组织同意后,根据新选出的委员会多数委员的意见确定。 团的支部委员会书记、副书记的选举,也可以不提候选人,由团员大会直接从新当选的委员会委员中选举产生。 第二十五条 团的基层委员会书记、副书记和常务委员,由团的基层委员会全体会议选举产生。召开团员大会选举的团的基层委员会书记、副书记,也可以由团员大会从新当选的委员会成员中选举产生。 团的基层委员会书记、副书记和常务委员由上届团的委员会提出候选人建议名单,报同级党组织和上级团组织同意后,提交选举人酝酿讨论,确定候选人名单,提交选举。 第二十六条 团的基层委员会书记、副书记、常务委员候选人必须是本届委员会委员,设立常务委员会的团的基层委员会书记、副书记候选人必须是本届委员会常务委员。 第四章 选举的组织领导 第二十七条 团员大会的选举,由上届团的委员会主持。 ing the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, managemehand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becomother ce and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the ities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenanfacil rfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipalruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, peeconstfficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly rof management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and ecope t, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the sthe one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban developmen III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On5rms of voluntary service activities.ous fonity volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and varicilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communt, fa 团代表大会的选举,由团代表大会主席团主持。 第二十八条 召开团员大会选举的团的基层委员会第一次会议的选举,由上届团的委员会推荐一名新选出的委员主持。召开团代表大会选举的团的基层委员会第一次会议的选举,由团代表大会主席团指定一名新选出的委员主持。 第二十九条 团代表大会正式举行前,由上届团的委员会主持召开大会预备会议。预备会议的主要任务是: (一)通过代表资格审查小组的报告; (二)通过大会主席团名单; (三)通过大会秘书长、副秘书长名单; (四)通过代表大会议程; (五)通过有关确认事项。 第三十条 团代表大会的领导机构是团代表大会主席团。 主席团成员由上届团的委员会与下一级团的委员会协商提名,经各代表团(小组)酝酿讨论后,提交代表大会预备会议表决产生。 主席团一般由各代表团(小组)负责人,团代表大会筹备机构负责人及各方面的代表组成。主席团成员必须是团代表大会代表。 主席团设常务主席若干人,由上届团的委员会提名,在大会秘书长主持的主席团第一次会议上表决产生。 三十一条 团代表大会主席团的任务是: (一) 按照大会议程主持大会; (二)组织大会的报告和讨论; To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents pro ions.community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service funct of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensivetion rking environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main posiweak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and wo as thenfrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such , lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation ieenings, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, grem, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focun systnetwork system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management informatiouirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect gement is the basic reqIII) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine mana6vide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. (三)组织代表酝酿讨论并确定出席上一级团代表大会代表和本届团的委员会委员候选人名单,主持大会的选举; (四)组织代表审议大会的决议; (五)决定其他人事和有关重要事宜。 第三十二条 团代表大会设秘书长一人、副秘书长若干人,负责处理团代表大会召开期间的日常事务。 秘书长、副秘书长由上届团的委员会提名,交团代表大会预备会议表决产生。 第五章 选举办法 第三十三条 团员大会、团代表大会和团的基层委员会有选举权的到会人数超过应到会人数的五分之四,方可进行选举。 第三十四条 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会委员,团的基层委员会常务委员会委员,出席上级团代表大会的代表,直接采用候选人数多于应选人数的差额选举办法选举产生。 团的支部委员会、总支部委员会、基层委员会书记、副书记一般采用差额选举办法选举产生。经同级党组织和上级团组织批准,也可以采用等额选举办法。 第三十五条 选举前,选举单位的团组织或大会主席团应将候选人的简历、工作实绩和主要优缺点向选举人作出实事求是的介绍,对选举人提出的询问应作出负责的答复。根据选举人的要求,可以组织候选人与选举人见面,由候选人作自我介绍,回答选举人提出的问题。 nt, faing the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, managemehand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becomother ce and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the ities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenanfacil rfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipalruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, peeconstfficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly rof management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and ecope t, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the sthe one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban developmen III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On7rms of voluntary service activities.ous fonity volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and varicilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of commu 第三十六条 选举设监票人,负责对选举全过程进行监督。 团员大会或团代表大会选举的监票人由全体团员或各代表团(小组)从不是候选人的团员或代表中推选,经团员大会或团代表大会表决通过。 委员会选举的监票人从不是候选人的委员中推选,经全体委员表决通过。 第三十七条 选举设计票人。计票人的工作接受监票人监督。 第三十八条 选举一律采用无记名投票的方式。选票上的候选人名单以姓名笔划为序排列。 因故未出席会议者,不能委托他人代为投票。 第三十九条 选举人对候选人可以投赞成票或不赞成票,也可以弃权。投不赞成票时,可以另选他人。 第四十条 每次选举收回的选票,等于或少于投票人数,选举有效;多于投票人数,选举无效,应重新选举。 每一选票所选人数等于或少于应选人数的为有效票,多于应选人数的为无效票。 第四十一条 选举结果,被选举人获得的赞成票超过实到会有选举权人数的半数为当选。 获得赞成票超过实到会有选举权人数半数的被选举人多于应选名额时,以得票多者当选。如遇被选举人得票数相等不能确定当选人时,应就票数相等的被选举人重新投票,以得票多者当选。 第四十二条 当选人少于应选名额时,应对不足名额再进行选举。 community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service funct of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensivetion rking environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main posiweak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and wo as thenfrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such , lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation ieenings, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, grem, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focun systnetwork system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management informatiouirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect gement is the basic reqIII) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine mana8vide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities.To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents pro ions. 仍少于应选名额时,可相应减少应选名额,不再进行选举。 当选人接近应选名额时,征得选举人同意,也可以直接减少应选名额不再行选举。 第六章 报批手续 第四十三条 团的基层组织召开团员大会或团代表大会选举,应事先向同级党组织和上级团组织请示,并取得批准。 第四十四条 团的基层组织的选举结果须报同级党组织和上级团组织批准,并由上级团组织发文公布。属于同级党组织管理的干部职务名称表之列的,应按干部管理权限由同级党的组织部门办理任职手续。 第七章 监督与处理 第四十五条 本规则由上级团组织负责监督实施。 第四十六条 对于违反团章和本规则的行为,必须认真查处,根据问题的性质和情节轻重,对责任者进行批评教育直至予以组织处理。 对于严重违反本规则的选举,上级团组织可以作出选举无效的决定。 第八章 附 则 第四十七条 团的基层组织进行选举,要按本规则制定相应的选举细则(办法),经团员大会、团代表大会或委员会全体会议讨论通过后执行。 第四十八条 中国人民解放军和中国人民武装警察部队团的基层 cilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communt, faing the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, managemehand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becomother ce and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the ities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenanfacil rfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipalruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, peeconstfficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly rof management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and ecope t, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the sthe one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban developmen III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On9rms of voluntary service activities.ous fonity volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and vari 组织的选举,分别由中国人民解放军总政治部和中国人民武装警察部队政治部参照本规则另行制定相应的规定。 第四十九条 本规则的解释权属共青团中央组织部。 第五十条 本规则自发布之日起施行。过去的有关规定与本规则不一致的,按本规则执行。 community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service funct of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensivetion rking environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main posiweak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and wo as thenfrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such , lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation ieenings, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, grem, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focun systnetwork system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management informatiouirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect gement is the basic reqIII) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine mana10vide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities.To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents pro ions.
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