首页 浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势-罗麦洪洪



浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势-罗麦洪洪浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势-罗麦洪洪 浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势 任何行业的发展与进步都是顺势而为的结果,中国直销业的发展自然也不例外。所谓“顺势而为”,便是扬其长,避其短,在包容鼓励的基础上限制行业的弊端。一个健康理性的社会应该是能够听到不同声音的社会。同样,一个进步的社会首先应该是一个包容的社会,包容事物的弊端,而发展其对于社会经济进步有益的一面。直销业的发展模式对于我们现阶段的经济特点而言,我个人认为是一种有益的补充,可以解决很多社会深层次的矛盾。 用人用其长,做事取其大,对于直销行业,我们不是...

浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势-罗麦洪洪 浅谈中国直销业十大未来发展趋势 任何行业的发展与进步都是顺势而为的结果,中国直销业的发展自然也不例外。所谓“顺势而为”,便是扬其长,避其短,在包容鼓励的基础上限制行业的弊端。一个健康理性的社会应该是能够听到不同声音的社会。同样,一个进步的社会首先应该是一个包容的社会,包容事物的弊端,而发展其对于社会经济进步有益的一面。直销业的发展模式对于我们现阶段的经济特点而言,我个人认为是一种有益的补充,可以解决很多社会深层次的矛盾。 用人用其长,做事取其大,对于直销行业,我们不是对其正面的引导太多,恰恰是过少。因为一些人的急功近利,因为存在失败者,我们的社会便缺少了包容,导致绝大多数人对这一行业产生误解。在我看来,对于这一行业理性地批判是必要的、有益的,但当这种批评变成了无情的打击,就有可能扼杀了这个行业,同时也扼杀了整个社会的包容性。 凡事讲求“先起步,再稳定;先稳定,再发展”,无论你如何精于规划,当你真正开始做事时就会发现:之前你所想到的问题有时并不是问题;之前你所没有想到的问题倒是都成问题了。直销业在中国的发展恰恰就是遵循了这样的规律:“先起步”,自九十年代初,雅芳、安利、仙妮蕾德等等这些直销巨头进入中国以来,政府采取了静观其变、默许待望的方式,让这一新兴营销模式得以在中国开始;“再稳定”,随着《直销管理条例》等一系列法规的出台,先紧后松,稳定大局的思路,让中国直销业平稳过度;“再发展”,接下来便是顺应经济发展规律,各企业顺势而为,骑虎不下,群雄逐鹿、百家争鸣的发展阶段。 为了迎接这一美好愿景的到来,北京大学人才研究中心直销人才研究室秉承着“用知识改变直销人才命运,用智慧提升直销人才人生”的研究理念应运而生。下棋讲求看三步者胜一步,看五步者胜三步,在此我们不妨为这场中国直销业的搏弈棋局把把脉,也算是做个天气预报,以便诸位未雨绸缪、料事三分。 1、企业文化与中华文化的融合趋势 “直销”在国人听来,这不是一件正事,但却有可能使自己一夜暴富;而在西方发达国家,百姓知道这的确是一件正事,但却绝不会使自己一夜暴富。我常常感慨,网络业也好,金融业也罢,无论哪行哪业,到了中国总要变一个基调,在国外从事这些炙手可热行业的领军人物,来到国内刚开始都是雄心万丈,到头来折戟沉沙者比比皆是。无论你是国外的新兴行业还是朝阳企业,如果不懂得与五千年传承下来的中国文化相融合,那你就是不懂得把握中国消费者的消费需求心理,你就准备好用五千年的时间来打入这个市场吧。 所以说,一些我们耳熟能详的直销企业安利、雅芳、仙妮蕾德、日晖、如新、康宝莱、玫琳凯„„也许他们在国际市场上并不算领军企业,但在中国市场,他们早已经抢滩占地、requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 先入为主,早已对“中国特色”深喑其道。那么对于未来中国直销市场来说,能够进一步与中国大的文化背景相融合者必将胜出。比如从产品方面来说,美国人体内缺“镁”,而中国人体内缺“钙”;美国人肠内有一种特殊的酶,喝牛奶不会腹泻,而中国人肠内就没有这种酶,所以有人一喝牛奶就腹泻„„再比如从心理方面来说,西方发达国家很注重个性的培养与渲染,而在国内,则是注重共性的力量。国人讲求凡事让三分,不争第一,只做第二,枪打出头鸟,高处不胜寒,而在我们直销企业内部,却极其推崇榜样的力量,这不失为一种企业文化与社会文化的交锋。 千万不要认为两军交战勇者胜,直销界的领军人物们应当顺势而为,学会内敛,否则,你说自己从事的是趋势行业,可以前仆后继,终致成功,那你就一意孤行、妄自尊大地做吧,最终你就是“前仆”那伙儿的。所以奉劝诸位学会内敛,而这“内敛”有二:一种是狼的内敛,接近猎物前低调得很;一种是羊的内敛,低调一生,无为一生。请君任选~ 2、终端制胜的个性化营销趋势 作为消费者,我们会有一种同感,现在商厦装修越来越豪华,营业面积也越来越大,尤其是广告背后商人、艺人们无休无止的名利欲望,可谓是无底深渊,但却尤嫌不足。为了扩大自身产品在消费者心目中的影响力,这种营销方式自然无可厚非,但凡事过犹不及,熊猫电子以1亿多元的天价成为央视2003年的广告“标王”;蒙牛以3.1亿元的天价成为央视2004年的广告“标王”;宝洁公司以3.8亿元的天价成为央视2005年的新一届广告“标王”„„羊毛出在羊身上,这场地费、装修费、广告费最终买单的还不是消费者。 “中国不缺消费群体,也不缺好的保健产品,缺的就是一个良好的不含水分的推广渠道。”国民保健意识在提升,但中国保健行业的整体业绩却在下滑。比尔盖茨曾说:“谁拥有行销网,谁就拥有未来”。我在此补充一点,“谁拥有终端行销网,谁就拥有未来”。终端网络制胜、终端网络为王,建造交互式终端合作网络的时代已经来临。 在200多年前,人类处在农业社会,谁拥有了土地,谁就拥有了权力和财富;随着蒸汽机的发明,人类进入工业社会,谁拥有了机器设备,谁就拥有了权力和财富;那么,随着信息社会的来临,谁拥有了核心产品,谁就拥有了“知本”,谁就拥有了终端销售网络,谁也就拥有了“资本”。你若“知本”与“资本”兼具,你所拥有的便不仅仅是权力和财富,更是事业与家庭兼顾、健康与财富双赢的和谐生活,这也完全符合我们现今构建小康社会与和谐社会的基本要求。 我之所以强调“终端”,是因为只有企业掌控终端消费客户才会真正拥有商场上的主动权。在做企业培训的时候经常会遇到这样的问题:企业一方面早已拥有了遍及全国的行销网络,但因为大多是赊销代理制、赊销商超制的销售网络,所以自身并没有主动权;另一方面requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 企业便如同在高速路上急驰的货车,突然刹车系统失灵,车速越快,就越预示着“死期将至”~直销业虽然在中国的前期推广过程中有很多弊病,但却始终没有停止过对终端客户服务网络建构的努力,服务终端的发展趋势在未来仍将继续。 很多直销机构已经意识到了这一点,比如国内直销界的后起之秀佰益健公司,就要把为人体全面健康体检的“BBS健康预警系统”设置在他的专卖店里,以便为顾客免费提供个性化的健康解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,并为顾客免费建立个性化的健康档案,这就是体验式营销。他们在服务的过程中与你交流,以达到“实用与情感”双重交流的作用。如此一来,消费便是水到渠成的事。再加之后期的培训讲解,实验活动,消费者便自然向“忠诚消费者”甚至“经营者”转变。 3、专业化培训与职业化人才并行趋势 我接触过几位从事直销行业的朋友,其中一位不愿公开姓名的广州朋友,开了一家美容院,在为顾客做美容的过程中,应用自己所从事的这家直销公司的美容产品,顾客用后非常满意。效果是最有利的见证,就这样,她没用过多的介绍,便赢得了很多稳定的老顾客,但两次突发事件让她的直销事业遭受重创。一次,由于慕名来用产品做美容的顾客太多,由于她缺少专业的美容操作常识,所以便将顾客带到了为美容器具消毒用的“紫外线消毒专用房间”,结果紫外线严重刺伤了顾客的眼睛,这次操作失误不仅使她损失了几万元,而且也导致很多老客户的流失。还有一次,同样由于专业美容知识的缺乏,在用酒精为顾客背部消毒时,因为操作失误,燃烧的酒精不慎洒在顾客身上,造成客户背部三分之一面积的烧伤,这一次又让她损失不小。这一次又一次的打击让她非常感慨:“直销事业是一个好事业,我从中获得了健康与财富,但由于自己专业美容知识的匮乏,造成自己今天这种局面。我真心地告戒从事直销事业的姐妹们,我们不仅要有眼光去发现直销事业的良机,更要有专业知识去把握这种机遇。” 的确,这是一个学习型的时代,无论从事哪一领域,只有通过学习将自己打造成专业人才才能把握机遇,最终获胜。而众多从事保健美容品行业的直销人员,虽然在《直销管理条例》出台后,拥有了合法的经营资格,但由于缺乏营养学、美容学等领域的专业知识,既加大了自身选择直销产品和直销企业的风险,又无法有效地开展自己的经营活动,为客户提供专业的产品和健康咨询服务。所以,公众内心所认可的是有专业培训背景的营养保健师、美容保健师,而不是推销员。在日本,每100人就拥有一名营养保健师,而在我国目前每10000人才有一位营养保健专业人员。 如果说中国的文化中心是北京,那么北京的文化中心则当之无愧应该是北京大学。在这个名家汇粹,学者云集的学习盛地,以其学术的敏锐性和前沿性,直销人才研究室专门针对我们所有直销人精心 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 “美容保健师、营养保健师、企业培训师”的课程。在过去,似乎requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 从事直销事业总是倍受争议。但今天却不同,在法律方面,商务部与国家工商总局正式出台并执行《直销管理条例》;在学术方面,北京大学这所百年学府特为研究直销行业而成立了“北京大学人才研究中心直销人才研究室”;在执行方面,各大直销公司纷纷加大培训投入,为指导从业人员顺利开展事业做准备。如果说过去是没有机会学习,那么现在则是没有借口不学习。未来将有越来越多的专业化培训机构诞生,使得直销人向营养保健师、美容保健师、培训师、职业经理人等职业化人才方向转化。 4、向综合型人才发展的趋势 如果你不够专业,一个行业看似“金坑”,你跳下去就会变“火坑”。所以说,现在已经进入微利时代,越是微利时代越讲求从业者的专业素质。但如果你过于专业,便往往容易阅历使然、囿于经验,谨小慎微、埋头苦做的结果便是永远追逐微利。所以说,专业素质只是直销业从业者的经营基础,只有在此基础上成为一个综合型人才,才会使你在微利时代“积跬步以至千里”。 所以说,你不仅要掌握专业的营养保健知识,在此基础上还需要专业的店面经营、人员管理、着装礼仪、沟通演讲„„诸多方面的知识。因此,充实与加强职业培训师队伍是建设和提高直销企业整体竞争力的重要一环。 这是一个学习机遇无处不在的时代,只要你坚定信念、塑造自己、提升自己、充实自己,你便一定会以专业的技能把握机遇、驾御机遇,从而去迎接即将到来的成功之旅。 5、店铺经营与无店铺经营多业态并存趋势 “今天你连锁了吗,”似乎已经成为了直销从业者见面的问候语。虽然在《直销管理条例》明确取消了店铺数量、标准等限制,提出了服务网点的新概念,但店铺经营仍然是直销企业在中国发展的必然趋势。店铺经营与无店铺经营相结合的方式,将使未来直销企业形成进可攻、退可守的经营态势。 在店铺外结识,在店铺内销售,店铺内外相结合,交叉提供咨询服务,不失为机动灵活的一种直销趋势。而且中国人的观念是“跑得了和尚跑不了庙”,店铺毕竟代表着公司实力,给顾客以诚信放心的感觉。因此像康宝莱、仙妮蕾德、中山完美、天狮等知名企业,不仅没有缩小开店规模,反而进一步提高了开店速度,记得仙妮蕾德公司总裁陈得福博士早在半年前便曾对我说过,仙妮蕾德公司力争于2006年底在国内开拓20000家分店。 既然铺设店铺是直销业在中国发展的必然趋势,那么我们就有必要了解一下直销企业开拓店铺的主要方式——加盟连锁。现在国内外加盟连锁的经营方式大概分为三种形式:直营连锁、特许经营连锁和自由连锁。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 自由连锁,即保留连锁商单个资本所有权的联合,在直销企业的连锁经营模式中并不多见; 直营连锁,即总公司直接投资开设连锁店,如安利、天狮等企业所开设的直营店; 加盟连锁,即以经营权的转让为核心的连锁经营,也就是特许加盟。比较知名的连锁企业如超市连锁业巨头沃尔玛、快餐式连锁业麦当劳和肯德基、国内家电销售连锁企业国美电器和苏宁电器等等。在直销行业中如仙妮蕾德、中山完美等公司也采取了这样的经营方式。 直营连锁与加盟连锁的结合运用,将是未来直销业发展的趋势之一,这也是与每位直销人息息相关的事业机遇。每位直销人的店铺将采用公司统一的授权、统一的形象、统一的管理以及统一的奖励模式。也因为要采取这种统一的奖励模式,使得“直销连锁”与传统连锁有所不同,有人说这是打擦边球,有人说这是变相传销,也有人说这是对直销模式的彻底放弃。而在我看来这些都有可能,因为任何行业永不乏鱼目混珠、急功近利的人。但最有可能的定论,是对传统直销模式的创新,这是中国直销业在夹缝中生存发展的必然趋势。 近来常有记者问我,既然《直销管理条例》取消了90%以上直销企业所采取的“多层次”奖励模式,那么这些企业又当如何应对呢,前面我们说了,向加盟连锁的方式发展是一种主要应对方式;强强联手,优势互补,企业合并,合纵联横也将成为企业选择的方式之一;另一些未能获得营业执照的企业将采取韬光养晦、静观其变、耐心等待、厚积薄发的思路;当然也不排除在商业社会中勇于铤而走险的企业,它们将采取明修栈道、暗渡陈仓的伎俩,将传销模式转入地下,继续我行我素,这也是两部《条例》所要重点打击的对象。这钱有两种赚法,有人赚得心安理得、光明正大,而有的人赚得则是胆战心惊、寝食难安,劝君还是不要违背道德底线,以身试法。 以上这些都是直销企业将选择的主要转型趋势,不折不扣彻底放弃多层次经营模式,转入传统行业经营的公司会有,但绝对是少数,即便大家纷纷冠冕以加之。 6、品牌营销新趋势 广告大师奥格威曾说:“推销产品如果不做广告,就如同在黑暗中向情人递送眼神。”有很多人错误地认为,打广告就是宣传企业,口碑相传就是直销企业,因为他们觉得广告营销意味着增加成本,而口碑营销则意味着降低成本。实则,产品价格不仅仅取决于分销模式,更取决于利润分配模式和同业竞争形式。随着《直销管理条例》生效,越来越多取得合法身份的直销企业将明显增加广告投放量,以此形成强势的企业品牌,这已经成为了直销企业品牌营销的新趋势。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 在不久的将来我们会发现,一些企业虽然广告投放量增加,但产品价格却下降了,原因很简单,产品利润已经向基层直销人员倾斜,减少了利润分配层次和比例。但因为价格的下降,品牌形象的提升,销售数量增多了,直销人员反而得到了更多的实惠。 所以说,安利与田亮、天狮与周华健的广告案例也就不足为奇。2004年,安利在中国的销售额达到了170亿元,成为中国直销市场上的最大赢家。这些业绩的背后,我们应该看到的是其不惜投巨资进行“体育营销”和公益活动的努力。事实上,直销企业拥有强有力的品牌形象,不仅仅为直销人员开拓陌生市场奠定了形象基础,而且也为直销人员与身边人沟通产品树立了口碑,否则,如果你与朋友家人沟通不善,结果便是得罪一个,埋怨一堆。 7、专业化分工基础上的结盟并购趋势 我们都知道,五个手指握成拳头才有力量,运用在商业领域就是一种结盟。社会分工越来越细,企业职能越来越专,随着《直销管理条例》的正式执行,直销行业内部的专业化分工程度将越来越高。产品研发、产品营销、物流配送甚至于专业培训等等环节,都将由专业的机构来从事,这就必然决定了这次结盟并购将使传统行业与直销业相互渗透,彼此促进。同时,并购也是各个经济时期企业进入新行业、新市场的首选方式之一。因为并购可以快速促进新产品与新渠道的组合,快速提高企业在新形势下的适应能力。 结盟并购后直销企业将进一步拥有产品分销权,这便使得直销企业不仅可以销售本企业生产的产品,还可以销售其母公司、子公司所生产的产品。产品门类丰富了,营销与物流自然要由专业机构来跟进;参与人员多了,相关的营养知识、美容知识、店面经营、人员管理等知识也自然都要由权威专业机构来进行系统培训。如此一来,未来的直销巨头将是在某一领域内的专家,并是善于整合系统资源的“整合巨头”。 我们来看天狮子集团所提出的多网互动的“新置换理论”,其内涵实质便是对各种有效资源的充分整合;美商日晖收购中国十大化妆品生产基地之一的江苏虹雨集团,其实质便是对“肤美灵”、“坦尼莎”、“芬舒雅”等知名化妆品牌的整合;再如“百年药店”同仁堂与立新世纪的结盟,使得同仁堂可以获得全新的直销渠道,也使得在中国内地有名无分的立新世纪可以名正言顺地获得进军内地、逐鹿中原的机会;此外,像雅芳、宝健这样的知名企业,也已经与专业的物流企业全面合作,由物流企业负责直销产品的配送„„不仅直销企业与传统企业将结姻联手,直销企业之间也将上演一场激烈的并购战。 毕竟顺利获得直销牌照的企业比例甚微,大量采取直销模式的企业又如雨后春笋,一些未获执照的企业挺而走险,进入地下,另一些未获执照的企业则会采取强强联手、优势互补,或是采取大鱼吃小鱼,快鱼吃慢鱼的并购思路。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 8、学术组织研究、协会协调、政府监管,三位一体新趋势 记得在九三年左右,我国政府开始将“直销”这种经营模式作为一个行业来监管。但究其根本,我们的执法人员并不知道“直销”的真正含义,而是将其作为一般行业来监管。而行业本身讲求的是熙熙皆为利来,攘攘皆为利去,在商言商的结果便是冲破道德底线,加之法制底线监管的不利,“金字塔计划、老鼠会、传销组织”狼烟四起„„到了1998年4月,当一部分直销企业转变为一个个“经济邪教”后,“直销”已经不再是经济概念了,甚至于危及到国家政治环境的稳定。因此,中国政府一纸禁令,暂时停止了直销业在我国的发展。政府相关监管人员在对“直销”没有深入了解的时候,监管的直接结果便是“不抓就乱,一抓就死”。但如果不予监管,“经济邪教”必将惑众人心,也必将殃及正规合法直销企业的发展。因此,“管”势在必行,关键是如何管理。 直销条例第五十三条规定,“直销企业拟成立直销企业协会等社团组织,应当经国务院商务主管部门批准,凭批准文件依法申请登记。”未来的直销行业必将会呈现出学术组织研究、行业协会协调与政府相关部门监管,三位一体的新型管理趋势。 第一,成立直销行业的学术研究组织。可以说直销行业在中国发展的十多年间,潜心研究直销经济、理念,撰述直销企业、人才的研究机构少之又少。针对《直销管理条例》出台后直销业的规范需要,落实国家《全民健康教育与健康促进工作纲要》精神,北京大学人才研究中心顺应时代要求,集合业内专家学者,特成立北京大学人才研究中心直销人才研究室,将业内优秀企业提升到学术的高度来研究,而后将这些成功的理念、 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 与故事普及大众,真正致力于培养直销、健康产业的专业精英人才,联合出版、媒介等机构提升行业的整体社会认同感。一个正规的行业,没有人去研究,那是这个行业的悲哀。 第二,政府监管问题。国务院正式公布了《直销管理条例》之后,商务部又发布了《直销企业信息报备、披露管理办法》、《直销企业保证金存缴、使用管理办法》、《直销员业务培训管理办法》、《直销产品范围公告》、《关于发布直销员证试样的公告》以及《关于发布直销培训员证试样的公告》等六个管理办法。有法必依,执法必严,监管就是监管,铁面无私,明镜高悬,来不得半点虚假。 但现实问题并非如此,不是所有的地方管理人员都知道哪些该管,哪些不该管。很多人本着“不战而屈人之兵”的思路,仅仅是用这些法规去震慑你。我目前获知,个别省份提出了关于直销企业最低罚金限额的规定,这就叫做怀揣利刃,而不动杀机,但关键是很多执法人员对直销行业没有一个客观的了解,无法控制自己的权利欲,凡事将自己的权利运用到“极”所不能的地步。我执法的时候你就是“非法传销”,我不执法的时候你就是“合法直销”,如果按照这样的监管哲学行事,直销业的最终发展结果便会如同证券市场一般,建议推倒重来。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 第三,行业协会的协调问题。国内很多外资直销企业都是世界直销协会或者当地直销协会的会员,在协会的企业档案中,有这家企业的信用 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。政府、社会各界对这些信用记录是很看中的,你违规操作,就必然会影响你的信用等级。企业无信不立,无信无以致远,谁愿意和一个不讲信用的企业合作。而在我国发展的直销企业,根本没有信用记录,对于他的产品宣传、奖金比例、企业实力等等,很少有人质疑。企业在王婆卖瓜的同时,不仅说自己的瓜甜,还东施效颦说自己漂亮,假话说上一千遍,就形成了认同感。 同时,行业协会作为信息中枢,是政府与企业之间联系的纽带,既可以对上提出要求,也可以对下提出指导,而且还可以扮演多重角色,与行业外组织进行交流。一个企业只有眺望四野,时时关注行业的发展动态,才不至于沦为井底之蛙、未雨绸缪、决胜千里。因此,企业可以通过行业协会组织各种专业领域的联谊会、座谈会及国外考察活动。通过这些国际合作与交流,不仅提高了会员直销企业的经营管理水平,开阔了视野,更加提升了直销行业整体社会地位。 9、层次扁平,适当限员发展趋势 力不患多寡,而患不均。纵观历史,汉未黄巾军起义,隋末瓦岗军起义,明末李自成起义,清末太平天国起义„„哪一朝哪一代的社会动荡不是因贫富差距而起,都富点无所谓,都穷点也无所谓,但这一贫一富的距离越拉越大可就不是件好事了。直销业说到底就是简单地复制跟随,直销业对于那些家大业大、月薪丰厚的人来说,往往不屑于参与,但直销业的产品都是他们所必需的,直销业往往销售的是高品质的生活必需品,而穷人却又往往望尘莫及,不敢买,只能做,富人则是不愿做,只愿买。如此一来,富人的钱便自然进了咱穷人的腰包。从这层意义上来说,直销业缩短了贫富差距,但从企业自身的多层次发展模式上来说,反而拉大了贫富差距。 由于中国直销的不理性发展,一些企业在奖金比例上设计的层次过多,导致少数上层人员与大多数底层人员的收入不成比例,利润分配严重不均,贫富差距由此拉大,这就更加刺激了直销人心态的不理性。因此,《直销管理条例》中要求压缩层次,也有出于这种考虑的因素。在这种政策风向标的影响下,越来越多的直销企业开始设定更趋人性化的奖金分配 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,更多的照顾新加入人员的利益,这也必将成为直销企业奖金调整的一种趋势。 层次减少了,发展人数也自然会受到影响,未来直销业讲求的不是人员数量,而是质量,新人也会以业务员存活比率作为加入公司的重要参考。活下来一个,总比死掉一千要好,这便使直销人更趋于理性,使那些妄想不劳而获、一夜暴富的人知难而退。 现在很多公司的团队领导人就成了“空中飞人”,忙的不亦乐乎。人员结构扁平化之后,系统领导人的管理难度就加大了。一方面这些领导者要通过专业培训,提升自身的领导能力;另一方面,公司便会主动参与到管理过程中来,给予指导。安利公司这方面做得便很明显,requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 不仅针对对基层销售人员提高了佣金比例,而且与经销商签订短期合同,将一些由公司负责的市场推广、产品展销事宜,按照不同的规格交由经销商操办,公司与经销商共同参与管理,这也是一种在对趋势把握基础上的创新之举。 10、迎合消费者心理的会议营销趋势 我们在现实生活中应当有所体会,在朋友之间的交流方式中,发电子邮件不如写信,写信不如打电话,而打电话又不如见面交流,因此说,面对面地讲解销售,附之以面对面地使用指导才是最有效的。也只有这样,才能够使你的销售网络更加人性化,更加稳定。 在各大直销公司的培训体系中,有创业良机介绍会(OPP)、讲师培训会、领导才能培训会等等,只要直销行业还存在,这种会议营销模式便不会消失。我们常会羡慕那些人前显胜的演讲家,台上台下,心性互动,知古通今,满腹经纶,侃侃而谈之间,传递着妙义千条,哲理万千。随着全球进入新一轮知识型经济竞争中,充实与加强职业培训师队伍是建设和提高企业与社会整体竞争力的重要一环。目前市场急需20,30万培训师,北京大学人才研究中心直销人才研究室在这方面就走在了前面,精心设计了“企业培训师”的专业课程。 未来的直销会场不仅要向消费者系统全面地介绍产品知识,更要将会场变成互动体验的场所,这便是所谓的体验式直销,让消费者亲自体验产品。 总之,经过会前会的渗透和准备;经过会中会的配合、体验与讲解;再经过会后会的跟踪与服务。完全可以使一个新人形象全面地了解公司及产品,同时增强公众的健康意识,所以说会场的最大效用便是捕捉到了消费者的消费心理,运用会场产生彼此感染的“火炉效应”。 11、立足国内与走出国门相结合的发展趋势 众所周知,1998年4月国内市场“停传”后,天狮公司顺应实事,不破不立,挥师海外,顺利打开了国际市场,这种绝处逢生、风回路转的应对战略,使得天狮公司的国内市场也大获转机。这在当时仅仅是一种不得已而为之的思路,但时至今日,随着中国加入世界贸易组织步伐的加快,未来我国直销行业协会也会与世界直销协会接轨,加之内资直销企业与外资直销企业相互学习,短兵相接,自然会为呈现出各大企业在立足国内的基础上,纷纷走出国门的发展趋势。 但走出容易,再退回来可就不那么容易了,一旦我们的企业走出去,“家”就不再是你的退路,而是等待你回来光宗耀祖、光耀门楣的地方。所以说,我们的企业一定要谋定后动,我们的产品质量有没有保证,我们的研发理念有没有中国特色,我们的营销模式会不会水requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 土不符,我们的拓展人员够不够专业独到,等等诸如此类的问题对于我们的企业而言,是否应当未雨绸缪。 《直销管理条例》对多层次直销模式予以否定,而且获得直销牌照的企业也毕竟是少数,对于众多未能顺利转型的企业而言何去何从,走出去不失为一种迎合发展趋势的一种思路。 12、增加行业社会认同感需要我们的从业者平和、理性与专业 我个人认为,凡事讲求做事前,在气势上压人三分;做事时,在行动上快人三分;做事后,在利润上让人三分。无论你是销售产品,还是销售理念,首先销售的是你个人,所以说,让顾客认可你是你营销的第一步。直销行业在中国的发展,最大的瓶颈不是法律瓶颈,而是公众认可瓶颈。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause
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