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华南理工大学建筑学教学大纲华南理工大学建筑学教学大纲 建筑学 Architecture 专业代码:080701 学 制: 5年 Speciality Code: 080701 Schooling Years:5 years 培养目标: 培养能坚持社会主义道路,适应市场经济和科技发展需要,德智体美全面发展,具有扎实的 专业基本理论和职业技能的建筑师及其他高级建筑专业人才。 目标1:(扎实的基础知识)培养学生掌握扎实的建筑设计专业基本原理、方法和手段等方面 的基础知识,并通过学习相关基础原理和相关专业知识,掌握建筑设计的基本方法,...

华南理工大学建筑学教学大纲 建筑学 Architecture 专业代码:080701 学 制: 5年 Speciality Code: 080701 Schooling Years:5 years 培养目标: 培养能坚持社会主义道路,适应市场经济和科技发展需要,德智体美全面发展,具有扎实的 专业基本理论和职业技能的建筑师及其他高级建筑专业人才。 目标1:(扎实的基础知识)培养学生掌握扎实的建筑 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 专业基本原理、方法和手段等方面 的基础知识,并通过学习相关基础原理和相关专业知识,掌握建筑设计的基本方法,为将所学基 础知识应用到设计实践中去做好准备。 目标2:(解决问题能力)培养学生能够创造性地运用建筑设计领域的基本原理和相关专业知 识,创造性、综合性地解决实际设计课题中所遇到的问题。 目标3:(团队合作与领导能力)培养学生在团队中的沟通和合作能力,进而使之在实际工作 中能够具备领导设计团队可持续发展的能力和协调各个相关专业矛盾的能力。 目标4:(工程系统认知能力)让学生认识到设计专业、设计学科是实现整个建设系统的重要 组成部分之一,增强个人专业能力与建设系统之间整体意识协同,使专业能力更好地服务于社会、 服务于世界。 目标5:(专业的社会影响评价能力)培养学生具有正确建筑设计方面的价值观和评判能力、 在利用专业能力服务于社会的同时秉持正确的价值观,对建构健康人居环境产生潜在的积极影响。 目标6:(全球意识能力)培养学生具有全球化的专业视野,并能够在全球化设计思潮中保持 清晰意识,正确认识民族特色的价值,正确处理好全球性与地域性之间的关系。有竞争力地、负 责任地行使自己的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。 目标7:(终身学习能力)学生毕业后可到与建筑设计相关的单位从事建筑设计、研究与管理 等工作,亦可从事城市规划、景观设计等相关专业工作,具备终身学习的能力。 Educational Objectives: Train architects and other advanced architectural talents with strong professional basic theory and skills, to hold on the socialism and meet the need of market economy and technology development. Objective 1:[Foundations] Train students to handle strong basic knowledge of basic principle, method and measure in fields of architectural design. Through learning relational basic principle and professional knowledge, handle advanced design methods of this project, and prepare the application of basic knowledge to practice. Objective 2:[Professional Knowledge] Train students to use basic principle and professional knowledge in fields of architectural design, to solve problems in actual design project creatively and 1 generally. Objective 3:[Teamwork/Leadership] Train students’ ability of communication and collaboration, and the abilities of leading design team and coordinating contradictions among all relational specialties. Objective 4:[Engineered Systems] Make students to realize that design specialty and design course are important compositions of construction system. Strengthen the integral consciousness synergism between personal professional ability and construction system, and then make professional ability service society and world better. Objective 5:[Societal Impact] Train students to gain the sense of worth and ability of judgement and hold onto right sense of worth in servicing society with professional ability, that does make inner influence to the construction of healthy habitat environment. Objective 6:[Global Awareness] Train students to gain the global professional view, and keep clear consciousness in global ideological trend of design. Acquainted with the value of national characteristic and dealing with the relationship between global trend and regional character correctly. Perform personal responsibility competitively and responsibly. Objective 7:[Lifelong Learning] Graduates can handle the work as architectural design, research and management in relational work units, and also engage in the work like urban planning and landscape design,build up the ability of lifelong learning 专业特色: 建筑学作为人居环境学科的重要组成部分部分,专业以建筑学科教育为核心,培养具备建筑 学、城市规划和风景园林学三个学科通识基础与能力,并在建筑设计相关方向精专的设计与研究 型人才。课程体系包括前阶段的学科通识课程与后阶段的专业拓展课程,强调坚实广泛的学科基 础及学以致用的专业实践能力培养,并提供学生宽阔的专业发展空间。 Speciality Features: The specialty is part of habitat environment subject whose core is consist of architecture. It aims at train design and research talents with the ability of architecture, urban planning, and landscape design and especially proficient in architectural design. The subject system includes the general education in earlier three years and the expanded education in later two years. It emphasizes the strong and comprehensive subject base and the professional ability training through practice, and provide large space for personal interest development to students. 培养要求: 课程目标体系构成,每门课的设置都有相对应的培养目的,即学生所获得相应的知识、能力 和素质。 Educational Requirement: The objective system of each course is composed of a corresponding set of cultivation purposes, which are the appropriate knowledge, ability and quality that students are supposed to gain. 2 知识架构:(Knowledge Structure) A1 与建筑学相关的历史、哲学、艺术的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature, history, philosophy and art associated with architecture ; A2与建筑学相关的社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of social science research methods associated with architecture; A3建筑学领域内科学技术的基本知识、前沿知识;A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and engineering in the field of architecture; A4建筑学领域内基本的数学和逻辑学知识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and logic in the field of architecture; A5 建筑学领域内的设计基础知识和设计方法知识;A5 Core knowledge of a certain professional area in the field of architecture; A6 建筑学领域内的专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of specialized technique in the field of architecture; A7 建筑学领域内的管理知识;A7 Managemental knowledge in the field of architecture; A8 建筑学领域内的跨文化、国际化知识;A8 Cross-cultural, international knowledge in the field of architecture. A9 能力要求:(Ability Requirements) B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression; B2 发现、分析和解决建筑学领域内问题的能力;B2 The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems in the field of architecture; B3 对现有建筑学成果进行批判性思考和独立进行建筑方面工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking of present architecture achievement and independent working in architectural design; B4培养学生在团队中的沟通和合作能力,进而使之在实际工作中能够具备领导设计团队可持续发展的能力和协调 各个相关专业矛盾的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating and communicating with different various people in a wok team,as well as in the future the one of leading a work team to sustainable development and coordination the contradiction in related fields in practice ; B5 对文学艺术作品的初步审美能力;B5 Preliminary aesthetic ability on the literary and artistic work; B6 至少一种外语的应用能力;B6 At least one foreign language proficiency; B7 终生学习的能力;B7 The capacity for lifelong learning B8 建筑领域内组织管理能力;B8 Organizational and managemental capacity in the field of architecture; B9 建筑设计的创新意识和创新能力;B9A sense of innovation and creativity in architectural design; B10 建筑分析写作与表达能力;B10 Analytical writing skills on architecture. 素质要求:(Quality Requirements) C1 志存高远、意志坚强——以传承建筑文化、探求建筑的未来发展规律、振兴我国的建筑创作、创建优美的人 居环境; C1 Ambitious, strong-willed—with the pursuit of civilization heritage in architecure, discovering the development of future architecture, the rejuvenate of nation architectural creation, as well as building graceful human settlement; C2 刻苦务实、精勤进取——脚踏实地研究建筑本质问题; C2 Diligent, pragmatic, down to earth, hard working on the nature of architecture; C3 身心和谐、视野开阔——具有良好的身体和心理素质;对多元建筑文化的具有包容心态和宽阔的国际化建筑 视野; C3 Physical and mental harmony, open-minded—with the tolerant mentality of various architectural culture and broad international perspective; C4 思维敏捷、乐于创新——勤于思考建筑本质问题,善于钻研建筑的关键领域,对于建筑创新怀有浓厚的兴趣, 并渴望解决问题; C4 Quick thinking, innovative awareness——diligent in thinking on the nature of architecture, good at research on the key field of architecture, with strong interest in architectural innovation, full of curiosity and desire to solve problems; 3 C5崇高价值观念——具有强烈的社会责任感,具有正确的建筑领域的法律意识、职业道德意识,在建筑团队中具 有较强的主动性、责任感与合作性。 C5Noble values—with the correct legal awareness in the field of architecture, professional ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility, as well as strong initiative, responsible and cooperative awareness in a work team. 授予学位:建筑学学士学位 Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Architecture 主干课程: 建筑设计基础(一、二)、建筑设计(一、二、三、四、五、六)、建筑设计原理 Main Courses: Fundamentals of Architecture Design (I), Fundamentals of Architecture Design (II), Architectural Design (I), Architectural Design (II), Architectural Design (III), Architectural Design (IV), Architectural Design (V), Architectural Design (VI), Principles of Architectural Design 特色课程: 全英语教学课程:当代建筑思潮、城市规划原理、城市设计理论和方法 双语教学课程:外国建筑史、工作坊与专题设计 研究型课程:建筑设计结构选型、绿色建筑设计与技术、数字化建筑设计技术 创新实践课程:工作坊与专题设计 创业教育课程:建筑师业务 Featured Course: Courses Taught in English: Contemporary Architectural Thoughts, Principles of Urban Planning, Theories and Principles of Urban Design Bilingual Courses: History of Chinese Architecture,Design Workshop and Special Topic Design Research Courses: Structure and material selection in architectural Design, Sustainable Design and Technology, Digital Techniques in Architecture Design Seminar (including freshmen seminars and thematic seminars): Innovation Practice Courses: Design Workshop and Special Topic Design Entrepreneurship Education Courses: Architects’ practice 4 一、教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 总体安排表(Teaching Plan Schedule) 中理考 入军 课工 电综社生毕其 毕就机 假 小 教 学 进 度 安 排 (周) 大 外论 学 程程 子合会产业它 业业 合作 学学 作教 教 设训 实实实实实实 设安 暑假 项业 年 期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 学 试 育 训 计 练 习 验 践 习 习 习 计 排 动 期 计 目 21 22 23 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 1 C D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B 13 2 1 3 19 一 2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M M B B M 16 2 3 21 3 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E Q B B 16 2 1 1 20 二 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M M B B M M E 16 2 1 4 23 5 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Q Q B B 16 2 2 20 三 6 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B M M M 16 1 3 20 7 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Q Q B B 16 2 2 20 四 8 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M M B B 16 2 2 20 9 E E E K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 3 18 21 五 10 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O P 17 1 18 125 202 合 计(周) 15 1 3 5 18 12 17 1 5 二、各类课程学分登记表(Registration Form of Curriculum Credits) 课程类别 课程要求 学分 学时 备注 Course Category Requirement Credits Academic Hour Remarks 必修 42.0 572 Compulsory 公共基础课 General Basic Course 通识 10.0 160 Elective 必修 74.0 1552 学科基础课 Compulsory Disciplinary Basic 选修 Courses 0.0 0 Elective 理论教 必修 21.0 432 学 专业领域课 Compulsory Specialty- related Lectures 选修 Courses 10.0 160 Elective 必修 137.0 2556 Compulsory 合计 选修 20.0 320 Elective Total 157.0 2876 集中实践教学环节(周) 56.0 56周 Practice Training (Weeks) 毕业生学分要求 157.0+56.0=213.0 Graduation Credit Required 注:通识课在合计中计入选修一项中。 每学期建议修读学分表 第1学第2学第3学第4学第5学第6学第7学第8学第9学第10学期 合计 期 期 期 期 期 期 期 期 期 学期 学分 25 29+2 25+2 25+2 18+2 16+2 10+4 7+6 21 17 213 5 三、专业教学 计划表 100天计划表 doc学习计划表下载月度计划表下载体育计划表下载每月阅读计划表下载 (Teaching Schedule) 学时数 是知识能力素质Total Curriculum Hours 课 程 否学分开课架构 类别 要求 要求 课程名称 总学KnowleCourse 上机 代 码 必数 学期 实验 Capacity Quality Course Title dge 时 Computer-Category Course No. Credits Semester RequireRequireLab 修 aided Class StructurClass ments ments Hours Hours e C/E Hours 思想道德修养与法律基础 (48) 143093 3.0 1 A1 C5 Cultivation of Thought and (36) Morals & Fundamental of Law 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主 义理论体系概论 (96) 143106 6.0 3 A1 C5 Thought of Mao ZeDong and 48 Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 中国近现代史纲要 (32) 143091 2.0 2 A1 C5 Skeleton of Chinese Modern 24 History 马克思主义基本原理 (48) 143090 3.0 4 A1 C5 Fundamentals of Marxism 36 Principle 形势与政策 143094 (128) 2.0 1-8 A1 C5 Analysis of the Situation & Policy 公 大学英语(一) 144001 64 4.0 1 A8 B6 B7 C3 共 College English(1) 大学英语(二) 基 必 144002 64 4.0 2 A8 B6 B7 C3 College English(2) 修 础 大学计算机基础 课 145223 32 2.0 1 A3 课College Computer Basis General Basic Course体育(一) 152001 32 1.0 1 B7 C3 Physical Education (1) 体育(二) 152002 32 1.0 2 B7 C3 Physical Education (2) 体育(三) 152003 32 1.0 3 B7 C3 Physical Education (3) 体育(四) 152004 32 1.0 4 B7 C3 Physical Education (4) 军事理论 106001 (16) 1.0 2 A5 Military Principle 微积分基础 140194 C4 1 A4 B2 4.0 64 Calculus Basis 画法几何及阴影透视 130244 2 A564 4.0 Dscriptive Geometry & Shadow Perspective VB语言程序设计 145269 48 3.0 2 A4 B2 C4 VB Language Program Designing 人文科学领域 通 96 6.0 A1 Humanities Field 识社会科学领域 64 4.0 A2 课 Social Science Field 732 52.0 合计 6 三、专业教学计划表(续) 是学时数 学知识能力素质Total Curriculum Hours 课 程 否开课类别 分架构 要求 要求 课程名称 上机 Course 代 码 必学期 总学时 实验 KnowledCapacity Quality 数 Course Title Computer-Category Course No. Semester ge RequireRequiremClass Lab Credit修 aided Class Structure ments ents Hours Hours s Hours C/E 建筑概论 132046 16 1.0 1 A5 必 Introduction to Architecture 建筑设计基础(一) 132037 128 5.0 1 A5 C2 必 Fundamentals of Architecture Design (I) 建筑设计基础(二) 132038 128 5.0 2 A5 C2 必 Fundamentals of Architecture Design (II) 建筑史纲 132044 32 2.0 2 A1 B5 必 Outlines of Architectural History 美术(一) 132297 48 2.0 1 A6 B5 必 Fine Art I 美术(二) 132298 48 2.0 2 A6 B5 必 Fine Art II 美术(三) 132299 48 2.0 3 A6 B5 必 Fine Art III 美术(四) 132300 48 2.0 4 A6 B5 必 Fine Art IV 建筑力学(一) 学132240 32 2.0 3 A6 必 Building Mechanics (I) 科 基建筑力学(二) 132241 32 2.0 3 A6 必 础Building Mechanics (II) 课建筑结构 Disciplinary Basic Courses132029 64 4.0 4 A6 必 Building Structure 建筑构造基础 132292 48 3.0 3 A6 必 Basic of Architecture Construction 建筑设计结构选型 Structure and material 132039 32 2.0 5 A6 B9 必 selection in architectural Design 建筑设计(一) 132032 128 5.0 3 A5 B2 B9 C2 C4 必 Architectural Design (I) 建筑设计(二) 132033 128 5.0 4 A5 B2 B9 C2 C4 必 Architectural Design (II) B2 B4 建筑设计(三) 132034 128 5.0 5 A5 C2 C4 必 B9 Architectural Design (III) B2 B4 建筑设计(四) 132035 128 5.0 6 A5 C2 C4 必 B9 Architectural Design (IV) 外国建筑史 132058 48 3.0 3 A1 B5 必 History of Western Architecture 中国建筑史 132060 48 3.0 4 A1 B5 必 History of Chinese Architecture 建筑设计原理 132308 32 2.0 4 A5 必 Principles of Architectural Design 城市规划原理 132009 32 2.0 5 A5 必 Principles of Urban Planning 景观设计原理(一) 132214 Principles of Landscape 32 2.0 5 A5 必 Design(I) 7 建筑物理(热工学) 132237 32 2.0 5 A6 必 Building Physics (Thermal Engineering) 建筑物理(光声) 132238 48 3.0 6 A6 必 Building Physics (Acoustics and Optics) 计算机辅助设计 132239 64 32 3.0 5 A6 必 Computer -Aided Architecture Design 合 计 必1552 32 74.0 C Total B2 B4 建筑设计(五) 132149 128 24 5.0 7 A5 C2 C4 必 B9 Architectural Design (V) B2 B4 建筑设计(六) 132289 128 24 5.0 8 A5 C2 C4 必 B9 Architectural Design (VI) 居住区规划原理 132224 32 2.0 7 A5 必 Principles of Residential District Planning 城市设计概论 132014 32 2.0 6 A5 必 Introduction to Urban Design 当代建筑思潮 132018 32 2.0 5 A8 B5 B3 C3 必 Contemporary Architectural Thoughts 建筑模型与图形语言 132283 32 2.0 2 A6 必 Architectural Model and Graphic Language 建筑设备 132168 48 3.0 6 A6 必 Building Equipment 建筑材料与构造 132323 32 2.0 6 A6 选 Construction and Material of 专Architecture 业建筑师业务 领132043 32 2.0 8 A6 选 Architects’ practice 域 课建筑防火设计 Specialty- related Courses132025 32 2.0 7 A6 选 Fireproofing Design in Architecture 文化遗产保护概论 132318 32 2.0 7 A6 选 Introduction to Cultural Heritage Conservation 传统建筑营造法 132244 32 2.0 8 A6 选 Construction of Traditional Architecture 传统建筑设计 132291 64 3.0 8 A6 选 Traditional Architecture Design 场地设计 132002 32 2.0 5 A6 B2 选 Site Design 室内设计原理 132057 32 2.0 8 A6 选 Principles of Interior Design 绿色建筑设计与技术 132319 32 2.0 7 A6 B9 选 Sustainable Design and Technology 建筑经济与工程管理 132277 32 2.0 8 A7 B8 选 Construction Economics and Project Management 环境心理与行为学 132286 32 2.0 7 A6 选 Environmental Psychology and Behavior Psychology 建筑美学 132047 32 2.0 8 A1 B3 B5 选 Architectural Aesthetics 岭南建筑与园林 132051 32 2.0 6 A6 B5 选 Buildings and Gardens in South China 8 岭南城建发展史 132320 32 2.0 7 A6 选 Urban Construction History of Canton 建筑摄影 132042 32 2.0 7 A6 B5 选 Architectural Photography 数字化建筑设计技术 132288 32 2.0 7 A6 B9 选 Digital Techniques in Architecture Design 色彩美学 132055 32 2.0 6 A1 选 Aesthetics of color 艺术史 132059 32 2.0 7 A1 B5 选 Art History 城市设计理论和方法 132322 32 2.0 7 A5 B2 选 Theories and Principles of Urban Design 必 432 21.0 C 合 计 Total 选 选修课修读最低要求 10.0学分 E 注:《建筑材料与构造》、《建筑师业务》、《建筑防火设计》为建筑学专业限选课。 文化遗产保护概论》、《传统建筑营造法》、《传统建筑设计》为建筑历史方向限选课。 《 四、集中实践教学环节(Practice-concentrated Training) 是学时数 知识架Total Curriculum 课 程 否学分开课能力要求 素质要求 Hours 课程名称 构 Capacity Quality 代 码 数 必学期 Course Title 授课 实践 Knowledge RequirementsRequirements Course No Credits Semester 修 Structure Practice Lecture weeks Hours C/E 军训 106002 3.0 1 B7 必 3周 Military Training 假期公益劳动 105001 1.0 C5 必 1周 Public Service 进行 小建筑测绘 132146 1.0 2 A6必 1周 Small Building Survey 美术写生(一) 132295 2.0 2 A1 必 2周 Sketch Painting(I) 美术写生(二) 132296 2.0 4 A1 必 2周 Sketch Painting(II) 建筑画表现(一) 132147 1.0 3 A6 必 1周 Architectural drawings(I) 建筑画表现(二) 1.0 4 A6132148 必 1周 Architectural drawings(II) 建筑认识 132228 2.0 4 A1 B2 必 2周 Understanding Architecture 传统建筑调查测绘 132302 3.0 6 A6 必 3周 Historic Building Investigation and Survey 建筑专题调研 132199 2.0 8 A6 B1 B2 必 2周 Special Architectural Investigation 施工图设计 132233 3.0 9 A6必 3周 Construction Drawing Design 建筑业务实习 132234 18.0 9 A6 必 18周 Architectural internship 毕业设计 132222 17.0 10 B4 B 9 必 17周 Graduate Design 古建筑专题考察 132324 2.0 8 A6 选 2周 Field Investigation of Historic Environment 工作坊与专题设计 132316 2.0 8 A8 B2 B4 C3 选 2周 Design Workshop and Special Topic Design 9 合 计 必 56.0 56周 C Total 注:《古建筑专题考察》为建筑历史方向限选课。 10
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