首页 高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法



高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法 , 高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法 ------高考古诗词鉴赏主观题满分策 略 古诗鉴赏题多为主观问答题模式,学生往往丢分很严重,原因之一是不明白各种问题模式和它的答题方法。现本人归纳如下,供大家参考。 就古诗鉴赏题而言,大体上可归纳出六种问答模式,本文对之加以例析。 第一种模式分析意境型 , 提问方式:这首诗营造了一种怎样的意境, 提问变体:这首诗描绘了一幅怎样的画面,表达了诗人怎样的思想感情, 解答分析:这是一种最常见的题型。所谓意境,是指寄托诗人情感的物象(...

高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法 , 高考诗词鉴赏主观题模式及答题方法 ------高考古诗词鉴赏主观题满分策 略 古诗鉴赏题多为主观问答题模式,学生往往丢分很严重,原因之一是不明白各种问题模式和它的答题方法。现本人归纳如下,供大家参考。 就古诗鉴赏题而言,大体上可归纳出六种问答模式,本文对之加以例析。 第一种模式分析意境型 , 提问方式:这首诗营造了一种怎样的意境, 提问变体:这首诗描绘了一幅怎样的画面, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达了诗人怎样的思想感情, 解答分析:这是一种最常见的题型。所谓意境,是指寄托诗人情感的物象(即意象)综合起来构建的让人产生想像的境界。它包括景、情、境三个方面。答题时三方面缺一不可。 答题步骤和方法:?描绘诗中展现的图景画面。考生应抓住诗中的主要景物,用自己的语言再现画面。描述时一要忠实于原诗,二要用自己的联想和想像加以再创造,语言力求优美。?概括景物所营造的氛围特点。一般用两个双音节词即可,例如孤寂冷清、恬静优美、雄浑壮阔、萧瑟凄凉等,注意要能准确地体现景物的特点和情调。?分析作者的思想感情。切忌空洞,要答具体。比如光答“表达了作者感伤的情怀”是不行的,应答出为什么而“感伤”。 答题示例: 绝句二首(其一) 杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。 泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 注:此诗写于诗人经过“一岁四行役”的奔波流离之后,暂时定居成都草堂时。 此诗描绘了怎样的景物,表达了诗人怎样的感情,请简要分析。 答:此诗描绘了一派美丽的初春景象:春天阳光普照,四野青绿,江水映日,春风送来花草的馨香,泥融土湿,燕子正繁忙地衔泥筑巢,日丽沙暖,鸳鸯在沙洲上静睡不动(步骤installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel 一)。这是一幅明净绚丽的春景图(步骤二)。现了诗人结束奔波流离生活安定后愉悦闲适的心境(步骤三)。 第二种模式分析技巧型 提问方式:这首诗用了怎样的表现手法, 提问变体:请分析这首诗的表现技巧(或艺术手法,或手法)。诗人是怎样抒发自己的情感的,有何效果, 解答分析:表现手法是诗人用以抒发感情的手段方法,要准确答题,必须熟悉常用的一些表现手法。表现手法分抒情手法、描写手法、修辞手法三大类。 抒情手法有直抒胸臆和间接抒情两种。“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”就是直抒胸臆。间接抒情又分借景抒情,如“寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇”;托物言志,如《墨梅》、《石灰吟》,一般是咏物诗;托物寓理,如“半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”,一般是哲理诗。 描写手法主要有:(,)衬托,分正衬和反衬。正衬如“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”。反衬又有动静衬,如“明月松间照,清泉石上流”;声寂衬,如“日出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中”;以乐景衬哀情,如“映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音”等。(,)联想和想像,又叫虚实结合,如“野花留宝靥,碧草见罗裙”。(,)对比。(,)白描。如“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。田野无闲田,农夫皆饿死”。 修辞手法在古诗中经常出现的有:(,)比兴。如“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑”。先言它物引起所咏之物。(,)比喻。(,)拟人。(,)夸张。(,)双关。如“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴”,“晴”暗指感情的“情”。(,)用典。如“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱《后庭花》”。此外还有设问、反问、反语等。 答题步骤和方法:(,)准确指出用了何种手法。(,)结合诗句阐释为什么是用了这种手法。(,)此手法有效传达出诗人怎样的感情。 答题示例: 早 行 陈与义 露侵驼褐晓寒轻,星斗阑干分外明。 寂寞小桥和梦过,稻田深处草虫鸣。 此诗主要用了什么表现手法,有何效果, installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel 答:主要用了反衬手法(步骤一)。天未放亮,星斗纵横,分外明亮,反衬夜色之暗;“草虫鸣”反衬出环境的寂静(步骤二)。两处反衬都突出了诗人出行之早,心中由飘泊引起的孤独寂寞(步骤三)。 第三种模式分析语言特色 提问方式:这首诗在语言上有何特色, 提问变体:请分析这首诗的语言风格。谈谈此诗的语言艺术。 解答分析:这种题型不是要求揣摩个别字词运用的巧妙,而是要品味整首诗表现出来的语言风格。能用来答题的词一般有:清新自然、朴实无华、华美绚丽、明白晓畅、多用口语、委婉含蓄、雄浑豪放、笔调婉约、简练生动„„ 答题步骤和方法:(,)用一两个词准确点明语言特色。(,)用诗中有关语句具体分析这种特色。(,)指出表现了作者怎样的感情。 答题示例: 春怨 打起黄莺儿,莫教枝上啼。 啼时惊妾梦,不得到辽西。 请分析此诗的语言特色。 答:此诗语言特点是清新自然,口语化(步骤一),“黄莺儿”是儿化音,显出女子的纯真娇憨。“啼时惊妾梦,不得到辽西”用质朴的语言表明了打黄莺是因为它惊扰了自己思念丈夫的美梦(步骤二)。这样非常自然地表现了女子对丈夫的思念之情(步骤三)。 第四种模式炼字型 提问方式:这一联中最生动传神的是什么字,为什么, 提问变体:某字历来为人称道,你认为它好在哪里, 解答分析:古人作诗讲究炼字,这种题型是要求品味这些经锤炼的字的妙处。答题时不能把该字孤立起来谈,得放在句中,并结合全诗的意境情感来分析。 答题步骤和方法:(,)解释该字在句中的含义。(,)展开联想把该字放入原句中描述景象。(,)点出该字烘托了怎样的意境,或表达了怎样的感情。 installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel 答题示例: 南浦别 白居易 南浦凄凄别,西风袅袅秋。 一看肠一断,好去莫回头。 前人认为,“看”字看似平常,实际上非常传神,它能真切透露出抒情主人公的形象。你同意这种说法吗,为什么, 答:同意。看,在诗中指回望(步骤一)。离人孤独地走了,还频频回望,每一次回望,都令自己肝肠寸断。此字让我们仿佛看到抒情主人公泪眼朦胧,想看又不敢看的形象(步骤二)。只一“看”字,就淋漓尽其所有致地表现了离别的酸楚(步骤三)。 第五种模式一词领全诗型 提问方式:某词是全诗的关键,为什么, 解答分析:古诗非常讲究构思,往往一个字或一个词就构成全诗的线索,全诗的感情基调、全诗的思想,抓住这个词命题往往可以以小见大,考出考生对全诗的把握程度。 答题步骤和方法:(,)该词对突出主旨所起的作用。(,)从该词在诗中结构上所起的作用考虑。 答题示例: 春夜洛城闻笛 李白 谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城。 此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情, “折柳”二字是全诗的关键,“折柳”寓意是什么,你是否同意“关键”之说,为什么, 答:“折柳”的寓意是“惜别怀远”,而 诗歌 诗歌26首倪柝声诗歌智慧书红色经典诗歌朗诵稿诗歌鉴赏术语怎样读懂古代诗歌 的主旨正是思乡之情(步骤一)。这种思乡之情是从听到“折柳”曲的笛声引起的(步骤二)。可见“折柳”是全诗的关键。 第六种模式观点不同型 installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel 提问方式:有人这样认为,有人那样认为,你觉得呢, 提问变体:有人认为这个字用得好,有人认为哪个字用得好,你认为呢, 解答分析:依据原诗做答,一定要从原诗词中找原因理由。 答题步骤和方法:找到原词中的关键几点,分条作答,用翻译的形式就可以。 答题示例:见《第1 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》p110 考题精析 installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-1~1-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Main characteristics of hydraulic metal structure number project name gate, trash rack, door (gate ... Pressure pipe and the metal structure installation 9.1 main engineering profile yongxing river level hydropower station pressure pipe pipeline plane Shang along Ridge is line layout, and slope surface contour close vertical, Guan Po with original ground line changes, used open type Ming tube, single tube joint water way, competent diameter 1.3M, long 931.00m, two root non-symmetric "Bu" type support tube, diameter 0.8M, single root long 8.3M. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 107 buttress, telescopic section 11. Support Pier spacing 8M, side-sliding bearing. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, base surface into bedrock, pipe excavation slope 1:0.75 with M5 grouted rubble slope protection, 0.3M, bottom side sewer, 0.25m wide, deep 0.3m,M5 grouted rubble masonry, set maintenance step ladder on the left side, 1.0M wide. Yongxinghe-? hydropower station penstock pipes arranged along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric "y" pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel
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