首页 建立定密责任人制度



建立定密责任人制度建立定密责任人制度 建立定密责任人制度:以“管人”来“管密” 建立定密责任人制度是保密法修订的重点之一,是改进定密工作,破解定密难题,推动“依法定密、科学定密、规范定密”的一项关键性措施,也是机关单位保密工作的基础。 当前定密工作存在五个突出问题 一是主体责任不明。原保密法只是较为笼统地规定了国家秘密的确定权,没有明确限定定密权限的归属。在业务工作中,定密责任主体没有具体到个人,在出现问题时,责任追究便难以落实。浙江省保密局在对某市62个单位定密情况的抽样调查中发现,从公文起草到发文,由承办人定密的占24....

建立定密责任人制度 建立定密责任人制度:以“管人”来“管密” 建立定密责任人制度是保密法修订的重点之一,是改进定密工作,破解定密难题,推动“依法定密、科学定密、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 定密”的一项关键性措施,也是机关单位保密工作的基础。 当前定密工作存在五个突出问题 一是主体责任不明。原保密法只是较为笼统地规定了国家秘密的确定权,没有明确限定定密权限的归属。在业务工作中,定密责任主体没有具体到个人,在出现问题时,责任追究便难以落实。浙江省保密局在对某市62个单位定密情况的抽样调查中发现,从公文起草到发文,由承办人定密的占24.2,,由处室负责人定密的占51.6,,由单位专兼职保密干部定密的占17.7,,由分管领导定密的占6.5,。人人可以定密,但并非人人都掌握国家政策、了解行业动态、熟悉定密知识,因此出现了对保密事项范围的理解和把握各取其道、各解其意,难以保证定密的准确性。 二是定密知识与技能缺乏。浙江省保密局在调研中发现,一些单位涉密人员不熟悉、不了解保密事项范围,不清楚定密工作程序,不知道如何“对号入座”确定密级。2009年,浙江省保密局对某市进行定密工作专项调研时,抽样调查了21O名机关干部,发现73,的人未掌握“保密事项范围”、“密级鉴定”和“法定程序”等相关知识。同一年的保密大检查发现,浙江省部分机关、单位的标密文件,经鉴定多数仅为内部事项,并不涉及国家秘密。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 三是定密制度难以落实。目前在定密程序、定密责任追究等方面,由于缺乏明确、具体的规定,给实际操作造成困难。如有的单位将领导一般性讲话文稿、工作信息简报等非密事项全部定密;有的单位由于定密环节多,程序衔接难,定密工作普遍存在宁高勿低、宁多勿少等现象。 四是保密事项范围亟需更新修订。保密事项范围是确定、变更和解除国家秘密事项的具体标准和依据。保密事项范围应当及时适应形势和工作的变化,不断加以修订和完善,要细化、具体、操作性强。目前,有些单位和部门的保密事项范围比较陈旧,相对笼统和宽泛,有些甚至容易引起分歧,已不能有效地指导工作。 五是定密机制建设未有效实施动态管理。目前,多数涉密人员对定密工作的管理仅限于定密环节,致使绝大多数秘密事项一旦确定,就不再有相应的跟踪管理,这一状况导致国家秘密事项在某一时间段究竟有多少、处于何种状态根本无法确定。长期以来,机关单位对某些本可预见保密期限的国家秘密,不注意标注期限,更不设定解密时间或解密条件,人为地提高了工作成本,造成了资源浪费,侵害了公民的知情权,妨碍了信息的公开与合理利用。 应通过“管人”来有效“管密” poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 保密工作是靠人来做的,定密责任人制度的建立,更凸显了人的因素。要想有效提高定密质量,实现准确定密,必须管好定密责任人,通过“管人”来有效“管密”。 确定定密责任人。就定密而言,主要涉及“谁能定密”和“怎么定密”两大问题。新保密法相关条文规定,机关、单位负责人及其指定的人员为定密责任人,负责本机关、本单位的国家秘密确定、变更和解除工作。定密责任人确定后,由该责任人组织实施定密工作,解决“怎么定密”的问题。按照新保密法的要求,定密责任人要在承办人提出拟定意见的基础上作出最终的审核批准。 建立规范化的定密程序。要做好定密工作,必须建立切实可行的定密程序,包括拟定、审核批准、变更、解除、争议处理等定密工作的各个环节。同时,要细化各个环节的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。承办人有提出拟定意见的责任,定密责任人承担审核批准的责任,当需要变更、解除时,机关、单位要提出变更、解除的依据和意见,并承担相应的责任。根据新保密法的要求,不明确事项的确定权由国家保密行政管理部门或者省、自治区、直辖市保密行政管理部门行使。当出现不明确事项时,这两级保密行政管理部门应当及时准确给予书面答复,并承担相应的责任。为检验定密质量,要建立定密工作的反馈机制。通过保密工作检查、定密工作年审等渠道,及时发现定密工作中存在的问题,纠正错定、漏定、高定、低定等错误行为。机关、单位尤其要重视反馈保密事项范围存在的问题,提出修改建议和意见。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 建立监督检查机制。各单位、部门应当加强对本单位、部门定密工作的管理,定期对定密责任人履行职责情况和定密工作制度落实情况进行检查,及时发现和纠正定密不当、不规范、失误等问题,并认真接受保密行政管理部门的指导。浙江省保密局在进行专项调研时,通过对848名机关单位的涉密人员和与定密工作有关人员的调查发现,74.6,的人认为在机关单位建立定密督察制度,对于进一步完善定密工作意义重大。 要建立完善的定密责任人管理体系 完善的定密责任人管理体系应包含以下几个部分: 明确定密责任人的任用条件。目前,我国的定密责任人制度还处于起步阶段,对相关人员的选择和任前考察工作还没有规范的程序和做法,建议明确定密责任人的基本任用条件和审查标准,明确定密责任人基本素质要求和工作职责要求。定密责任人的选择和任前考察工作,应由各级党委负责,并列入组织人事部门管理的范畴。 定期开展定密培训。定密责任人上岗前,必须对其进行专门的业务培训。对于不同级别、不同部门、不同性质的单位,其培训、考核可以根据实际需要按不同方式组织,实施不同等级的业务培训。通过培训,使定密责任人真正成为本单位、本部门定密工作的行家里手。 实施动态监督管理。要建立定密责任人的动态监督机制和奖惩制度,特别是要加强对定密责任人的流动性管理。保密行政管理部poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 门应制订相关 管理规定 工会经费管理规定网络安全管理规定设计变更管理规定工程设计变更管理规定设备使用管理规定 ,对责任人因公或因私出国、职务升迁、工作变动、离岗等提出具体要求,建立和完善定密责任人数据库,进行动态管理。同时,还要建立权益保护和激励机制,对定密责任人的合法权益,通过岗位津贴等形式予以保障;对在履行职责过程中取得成绩或出现问题的定密责任人,要做到奖罚分明。 运用科技手段提升工作效能。建议将以计算机、通信和网络技术等为代表的科技手段引入定密工作管理中,运用科技手段,提升定密责任人工作效能。如,可组织开发定密管理系统,对涉密计算机中的国家秘密电子文件进行数字化、智能化的定密、加密和解密,同时可完成电子文件的密级分类和归档,有效推动定密工作的信息化、数字化和科技化。可开发定密责任人管理系统,将定密责任人的基本信息、培训课时、授权时间、定密数量等录入数据库,以实现对定密责任人的动态管理。保密行政管理部门要从对定密责任人的监督、服务和管理三个角度入手,不断推陈出新,逐步解决定密过程不规范、定密监督制约机制不健全、定密自由裁量权过大等问题,努力做到监督到位、服务到位和管理到位。 推行定密工作绩效管理。保密行政管理部门和机关、单位保密工作部门要定期对定密责任人进行绩效考评,尝试引入量化考核办法。结合定密工作的各个环节,探索量化管理指标,根据各环节在定密工作中的分量,设置合理的加权系数,进行考核评估,并最终纳入所在机关单位的年终考核,以此来提高定密工作效率,有效控制定密成本。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor
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