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社科院博士英语(历年翻译真题)社科院博士英语(历年翻译真题) Translation (社科院历年翻译真题) 1.If our country is to achieve modernization the biggest obstacle is not the shortage of natural resources,nor the lack of funds,still less the problem of technology,but rather the quality of the more than one billi...

社科院博士英语(历年翻译真题) Translation (社科院历年翻译真题) 1.If our country is to achieve modernization the biggest obstacle is not the shortage of natural resources,nor the lack of funds,still less the problem of technology,but rather the quality of the more than one billion people,for funds can be accumulated, technology can be created or imported,but the overall quality of the huge population, which can not be imported,must only be improved by ourselves( 我们的国家要走向现代化,最大的障碍并不是资源问题,也不是资金问题,更 不是技术问题,而是十几亿人口的素质问题。资金可以积累,技术可以创造,也 可以引进,但是十几亿人口的素质是无法引进的,这必须靠我们自己去提高。 2.Today women increasingly leave the home for the workplace(In addition to the normal financial incentives,we find ambition and personal fulfillment motivating those in the most favorable circumstances,and a desire for more social contact in order to relieve their domestic isolation(However,for all,working is tied to the desire for independence( 今天,越来越多的妇女走出家门参加工作。除了传统的经济 方面的原因以外,我们还发现,环境优越的妇女参加工作是为了施展抱负,发挥 个人才能,还有的妇女则是希望通过参加社会活动冲出家庭小天地的束缚。但对 所有的妇女而言,参加工作都是为了获得独立。 3.Both the party and the government,relying on all quarters of society,will take measures to show concern for laid-off workers,help them with welfare,organize job-training,open up new avenues of employment,and promote reemployment projects( 党和政府要采取积极措施,依靠社会各方面的力量,关心和安排好下岗职工的 生活,搞好职业 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,拓宽就业门路,推进再就业工程。 1 4.We must foster socialist ideology and socialist ethics by basing ourselves on China‘s reality,and by maintaining our traditional cultural values flora the past,while assimilating what is good from foreign cultures( 我们要建设立足中国现实,继承 历史文化优秀传统,吸取外国文化有益成果的社会主义精神文明。 5.The main task of macro-economic control is to keep a balance between total demand and total supply,to curtail inflation,promote the optimization of major economic structures and achieve stable economic growth( 宏观调控的主要任务,是保持经济总量平衡,抑制通货膨胀,促进重大经济结 构优化,实现经济稳定增长。 6.A successful lie is doubly a lie;an error which has to be corrected is a heavier burden than truth;only uncompromising ,honesty‖ can reach the bedrock of decency which you should always expect to find even under deep layers of evil( 成功的谎言是加倍的谎言,必须纠正的谬误是比真理更重的负担,只有不屈的 ―诚实‖才能达到体面的岩基。 scientific and technological advances have provided new means of 7.In particular, freeing man from the shackles in which he has been held(Unfortunately,they have also increased and perfected the means of compromising his personality and his integrity while at the same timerestricting his fundamental freedoms and individual rights( 特别是,科学技术把人从长期束缚它们的桎梏中解放出来。但不幸的是,它们 也增加并完善了损害人的个性和正直的工具,同时又限制了人的基本自由和个人 权利。 8.When respecting and providing for the elderly becomes common practice,people of all generations will have a sense of security(For everyone get old some day,and when people feel perfectly secure of a happy and comfortable life in old age,they will devote themselves whole heartedly to work( 当敬老养老蔚然成风时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感,有一天每个人都 会变老。如果人们确信老年时生活一定幸福安乐,就会全力以赴地投入工作。 2 9.The world in which we live today is being swept by far—reaching changes(It is undergoing swift and drastic transformations not only in its political institutions but also in the ways of life of the various peoples inhabiting our planet( 当今,我们所处的世界正在发生迅速变化。不仅政治体制在发生迅速巨变,而 且在我们星球上的各族人民的生活方式,也在发生巨变。 10.The crisis in development,especially as reflected in the external debt situation of developing countries,is an alarming symptom of the disequilibrium in the global economy(It calls for imaginative solutions( 发展危机,特别是反映在发展中国家 外债问题中的危机,是全球性经济不平衡的令人震惊的表现。危机要求我们寻求 创造性的解决办法。 11. In light of the Asian financial crisis and the changes in the international markets,it is proper for us to continue boosting domestic demand. This constitutes the basic foundation for China‘s economic development as well as being part of our long-term strategy. 继续扩大国内需求,是当前应对亚洲金融危机和国际市场变化的正确选择,也 是我国经济发展的基本立足点和长期的战略方针。 12. Due to their interdependent political,economic,and cultural ties,all Chinese nationalities have shared a common destiny and a common interest throughout their long historical development,creating a strong force for affinity and cohesion. 中国各民族相互依存的政治、经济、文化联系,使其在长期的历史发展中有着 共同的命运和共同的利益,产生了强固的亲和力、凝聚力。 13. An education reform centering on curriculum and teaching materials is under way(As our main goal,we will try to reform the educational system so that it focuses on the enhancement of the students‘ abilities instead of training them merely to pass exams. 当前正在进行的课程教材改革为核心的教育改革,改革的中心目标是变应试教 育为素质教育。 3 14. In a sense,people are the key to whether we Chinese perform well domestically,whether socialism,the reform and opening are adhered to,whether the economy will grow quickly and the country enjoy long-term peace and stability. 中国的事情能不能办好,社会主义和改革开放能不能坚持,经济能不能快一点 发展起来,国家能不能长治久安,从一定意义上说,关键在人。 15. To guarantee a minimum standard of living and to improve the Citizens‘ hoice is to strive for economic growth and see to it the welfare,China‘s only c population growth conforms to the country‘s social and economic development. 为了保证人们起码的生活条件,使公民富裕起来,中国惟一正确的选择就是努 力发展经济,调整人口增长以适应国家社会和经济的发展。 16. The presence of China is felt,more than ever,all over the world,assuming historic dimensions in the world political situation. 在世界各地,今天比任何时候都更加感觉到中国的存在,它在世界政治形势中 占有历史性的重要地位。 17. Our socialist practice has been the result much more of responding to a felt need than to any understanding and application of socialist theory. 我们的社会主义实践, 与其说是出于社会主义理论的理解和运用,还不如说是为了适应现实的需要。 18. The most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources. 我们现在面临的所有重大世界性问题中最重要的问题,就是人口对土地和土地 资源的压力正在迅速增长。 4 19. Nowadays in the condition of the science and technology being developed swift and violent,the hope of vitalizing economy is education,the quality and quantity of the teachers-group has a decisive effect on the education development. 在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,振兴经济的希望在教育,教师队伍的数量和质量 对教育发展只有决定性的影响。 20. It is imperative to guide people to correctly handle relations between competition and cooperation,between the exercise of decision power and supervision,between efficiency and fairness,between achieving prosperity sooner and achieving common prosperity,and between economic returns and social effects. 必须引导人们正确处理竞争和协作、自主和监督、效率和公平、先富和共富、 经济效率和社会效益等关系。 21. The speed of reform of state-owned enterprises must be accelerated to ensure sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy. 为了保证国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展,我们必须加快国有企业的改革步 伐。 22. The doctrine of filial piety, which was the foundation of Confucian education, advocated not only devotion to one‘s parents but submission to all types of authorities at any levels. 孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各级各类的权 威。 23. At present, a sweeping and profound social and economic reform is being carriedout in China. lifts remarkable transformation has turned a dosed economic system centered on plans and projects to an open market-based economy. 目前在中国正进行着一场意义深远的社会和经济改革。这个伟大的改革使封闭 的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济变成了以市场为基础的开放经济。 5 24. A mother in a family, who is illiterate, can hardly shoulder the responsibility for a good education of the younger generation. If we fail to improve the cultural quality of women who account nearly half of the population in China, we can by no means improve the cultural quality of the whole nation. 一个母亲如果没有文化,很难担负教育好下一代的责任。占中国人口半数的妇 女的文化素质提不高,全民族的文化素质也难提高。 25. We are managing to educate citizens to avoid the behaviors of over consumption, such as the excessive use of air conditioners, private cars and disposable products at will. 我们正努力教育公民不要像西方国家那样过分消费,比如使用过多的空调,私 人汽车,以及随意处理的产品。 26. Since China started to implement the policy of opening up to the outside, its total or semi-closure has been changed and the level of its economy and technology has been raised. 实行改革开放以来改变了过去封闭半封闭状态,提高了我国经济水平。 27.Culture is the sum total of all the traditions, customs, beliefs, and ways of life of a given group of human beings. 文化是某一特定人群所有传统、习谷、信仰和各种生活方式的总和。 28.The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its polities by the lives they live. 一个国家的妇女通过她们的生活方式塑造了这个国家的道德、完教和政治。 29. Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities. And helping the Iower class rejoin mainstream of society is in the interests of all. 帮助真正的穷人,要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值。帮助下层社会的人重新回 到社会主流中来,符合所人的利益。 6 30.To continue to propel the modernization drive, to achieve reunification of the motherland, and to safeguard world peace and promote common development are the three historical tasks of the Chinese people in the new century. 推进现代化建设、完成祖国统一、维护世界和平与促进共同发展,是中国人民 在新世纪的三大历史任务。 31. To observe and evaluate the status of human fights in a country, we should take into consideration the historical, social, economic and cultural conditions of the very country instead of cutting off the history, divorcing from the current situations of the country, not to mention applying one model or the situation of a certain country or area to all the countries mechanically. Each country‘ s human rights problem should be solved mainly by its own government and people, while that of the world by governments and people from all over the world together. 观察和评价一个国家的人权状况,应考虑到该国的历史、社会、经济、文化等 条件,不能割断该国的历史、脱离该国的国情,更不能按一个模式或某个国家或 区域的情况来简单套用。各国的人权问题主要由各国政府和人民自己来解决,世 界的人权问题要由世界各国政府和人民共同参与来解决。 32.At present, the international situation is experiencing the most complicated and profound changes since the end of Cold War. Peace and development are still the two subjects confronted with people all over the world. Peace is the premise of development while the latter is the guarantee of the former, and seeking for development under peaceful circumstances has become the common desire of the international society. 当前,国际形势正经历着自冷战结束以来最复杂、最深刻的 变化。和平与发展依然是摆在世界各国人民面前的两大课题。和平是发展的前提, 发展是和平的保障,在和平的环境中谋求发展已成为国际社会的共同愿望。 7 33.The only way to acquire more knowledge is by education and training. Knowledge, like capital, material resources and sweat, has become a necessary, perhaps the most fundamental factor of production. Therefore, the educational system of a society should be able to shift towards the knowledge-based work fast, or this society will inevitably lag behind. 获得更多知识的惟一途径是通过教育和培训。知识如同资本、物质资源和汗水 也许是最基本的因素。因此,一个社一样,已经变成了生产的一个必要因素—— 会的教育体系应该是能够向以知识为基础的工作迅速转变,否则这个社会就将不 可避免地落在后面。 34. Peace and development are the common aspiration of people of all countries and are the main themes of today’s world. Peace is the basis for development and development promotes peace, It is our common duty to promote world economic development and safeguard world peace with ,equality, credibility, cooperation and development‖ as the basic criteria. 和平与发展,是世界各国人民的共同愿望和当 今世界的主题,和平是发展的基础,发展促进和平。以―平等,诚信,合作,发 展‖为基本准则,推进世界经济发展,维护世界和平,是我们共同的职责。 35. The Taiwan question is an important question of principle that has a bearing on China’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and the great cause of national reunification. To put an end to the separation between the two sides of the Straits and realize the reunification of Taiwan and the Mainland is the common aspiration of all Chinese both in China and overseas. It is also where the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation lie. 台湾问题是关系中国主权,领土完整和祖国统一大业的重大原则问题。结束两 岸的分离局面,实现台湾和祖国大陆的统一,是海内外中国人的共同愿望,也是 中华民族的根本利益所在。 8 36. The development and spread of IT is having significant influence on education and bringing unprecedented challenge and opportunity to modern education. This is mainly shown in Internet education, where a strong challenge is posed to ,national education‖, to traditional educational ideology and theories. This challenge causes the shift from systematized education to non-systematized education. 信息技术的发展和传播正在对教育产生重大的影响,给现代教育带来了前所未 有的挑战和机遇。这主要表现为网络教育对―国家教育‖的挑战,对传统教育思想 和理论的挑战,使 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 化教育向非制度化教育转变。 37. Books introduce us into outstanding social groups and bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.While reading we see their behaviours and listen to their words as if they were really alive. We sympathize with them and share their joy and suffering. Their experience that seems to become ours makes us feel as if we were in the scenes which they describe. 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 籍引导我们进入优秀的社会群体,将我们带到伟大的思想家面前。读书中我 们耳闻目睹他们的言行举止,仿佛见到了他们活生生的身影,我们同情他们的遭 遇,与他们有乐共享、有难同当。他们的遭遇似乎也成为了我们的经历,使我们 感到我们自己有点像在他们所描绘的情景中扮演角色。 38. Fame, wealth and power are merely worldly possessions within the reach of anybody striving for them .But your experience of life and feelings about life are your own and they could not be shared. A full awareness of this will point out you that the most important thing in your existence is your distinctive individuality or something special of yours. What really counts is not your worldly success but your peculiar insight into the meaning of life and your commitment to it. 名声、财产和权利等都是身外之物,人人都可求而得之,但没有人能够代替你 感受人生。如果你真正意识到这一点,你就会明白,我生在世最重要的事就是活 出你自己的特色和滋味来。你的人生是否有意义,衡量的标准不是外在的成功, 而是对人生意义的独特领悟和追求。 9 39.China persisted in the scientific view of development by putting people first, and endeavor to build a harmonious society. New progress was achieved in its reform, opening up and modernization drive. Economy developed constantly, more democratic practices were seen in the political arena, and the society made progresses in a comprehensive way. Further advancements were made in people’s living standards, and everything in China took on continuing improvement and development in all fields. 中国坚持以人为本的科学发展观,着力构建和谐社会,改革开放和 现代化建设取得了新的进展。经济持续发展,政治更加民主,社会全面进步,人 民生活进一步提高,并呈现出不断改善和全面发展的良好局面。 40. Realizing the difference among our culture can help us to communicate with each other more effectively. Learning our different ways of communication can enrich our cultural life.Different communication styles embody our deep-seated views of philosophy and the world.These deep-seated views of philosophy and the world is exactly our cultural foundations respectively. We will get wider visions which are shown by the world when we can understand the deep-seated philosophy. 意识到我 们的文化差异可以帮助我们更有效地相互交流,了解我们不同的交流方式可以丰 富我们的文化生活。不同的交流风格体现了我们深层的哲学观及世界观,这些深 层的哲学观及世界观正是我们各自的文化基础。明白了这些深层哲学我们就会获 得这个世界展示给我们的更加宽广的景象。 10 41.The approval of every country to multi-polarization reflects the pursuit of democratization in international relations in a sense.In the times of economic globalization,a relation of deep interdependence is formed among nations.The principle of equality among nations,which was published in Charters of the United Nations,is filtering into people‘s mind.More and morecountries have clearly realized that big or small strong or weak,rich or poor,every nation is all equal member of the world.The democratization of international relations will be the common aspiration in establishing new order of the world. 从某种意义上说,各国对多极化的认可反映了国际关系中对民主化的追求。在 经济全球化的时代,一种深入的相互依赖的关系正在国与国之间形成。在联合国 宪章中曾发表过的一种国与国平等的原则正深入人心,越来越多的国家已经清楚 地意识到:无论大小、强弱、贫富,所有的国家都是世界大家庭中平等的一员, 国际关系的民主化将成为构筑世界新秩序的共同愿望。 42.Questioning is not only the necessary step of discarding the false while retaining the truth in the negative aspect,but also a basic condition in establishing new theories and inspiring new invention in the positive aspect.It is lazy of thought to admit other‘s word completely without thinking.This kind of people is always playing a passive role without the ability to learn thoughtfully.Only the people who often question and ask others can raise questions.They want to get the answers by raising questions.There is no way for increasing knowledge except constantly asking and answering questions( 质疑不仅是从消极方面去伪存真的必要步骤,也是从积极方面建立新学说,启 迪新发明的基本条件。对于别人说过的话,不经过思索,都不打折扣地承认,那 是思想上的懒惰。这样的人永远是被动的,永远不能冶学。只有常常质疑,常常 发问的人才能提出问题,提出问题才想求出解答。学问只有通过不断的发问和求 解才能增长,别无他法。 11 43.A winner experiences the reality of himself by knowing himself,being himself ,and becoming a credible,responsive person .He is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge.He can separate facts from opinion and doesn’t pretend to have all the answers.He listens to others,evaluates what they say ,but comes to his own conclusions,while he can admire and respect other people ,he is not totally defined, demolished,bound,or awed by them. 胜利者通过认识自我、展现自我、成为可信赖并负责的人,才能体验真实的自 我。他不惧怕独立思考,也不惧怕运用自己的知识。他能够把事实和观点区分开 来,而且不假装什么事情都懂。他听取别人的意见,评价别人的意见,但得出的 结论一定是自己的。他能够欣赏和尊重他人,但绝不被他人牵制和摆布,也不畏 惧他人。 44.To advance science ,technology and education is an important driving force for building a sustainable future.Ultimately,economic growth and a better life can only be achieved by acquiring knowledge and especially by making scientific and technological innovation.We should pursue scientific and technological innovation as a matter of strategic priority in carring out international cooperation,expand and deepen such cooperation and make new progress in scientific and technological innovation.Human resources are the key to scientific and technological innovation and education provides the basis for it. 发展科技创新和教育,是共创可持续未来的重要动力。经济增长和民生改善, 说到底要依靠知识进步,特别是要依靠科技创新。应该把推动科技创新摆在国际 合作优先发展的战略地位,不断扩大科技合作领域,深化科技合作内涵,提升科 技创新水平。科技创新,人才是关键,教育是基础。 12 45.The word ,culture‖ originally means accumulation in foreign languages. Ancient scholars laid much emphasis on incremental progress in learning, a correct way in fact. It is so because in learning not only is the ability to understand required, memory is necessary too.And no matter how strong your understanding and memory can be ,it always takes some time before you can really understand and memorize the things you learned .Some people think that they could comprehend everything at a set ,but the reality would always turn out to be the opposite. ―文化‖这个词在外交里最初是积累的意思。古代学者非常重视逐渐积累的过 程,这是符合一般规律的正确方法。因为学习不但要靠理解能力,还要靠记忆力。 无论理解力和记忆力有多强,要理解和记住所学的东西总要有一个过程。有些人 认为他们一下子就能把什么都学会,其结果必定是事与愿违。 46.Historic changes have taken place in the relations between contemporary China and the rest of the world.The Chinese economy has become an important part of the world economy.China has become an important member of the international system ,and the future and destiny of China have been increasingly closely connected with the international community.China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world ,nor can be the world enjoy prosperity and stability without China.China will, as it always does ,endeavor to build ,together with other countries, a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity. 当代中国与世界的关系发生了历 史性的变化。中国经济已经成为世界经济的重要组成部分。中国已经成为国际体 系的重要成员,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。中国 的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣稳定也离不开中国。中国将一如既往地致力于与 各国一道建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 13 47.The difference between men is in their principle of association.Some men classify objects by color and size and other accidents of appearance; others by intrinsic likeness,or by the relation of cause and effect; still others by the clearer vision of causes,which neglects surface differences. People’s different attitudes determine their different ways of dealing with things. 人与人之间的差别在于他们对待事物的不同态度。有人按照事物的颜色、大小、 外形来区分事物。有人根据事物内在的特点。因果关系来区分事物。有人可能更 关注事物之间的内在区别,而忽略了事物之间一些外在的差异。对待事物的不同 态度决定了人们处理问题的不同方法。 48.The purpose of friendship is a plain and pure-hearted sociality circle that can be joined; it is fit for aid.With friends,we can not only have rambles on serene days, or express graceful feelings, but share frustrations as well. Friendship should never fall into something usual and settled. We should add courage,wisdom and strength to what is friendship. 结交朋友是为了建立一种朴素的、真诚的社交圈子。友谊是互助,我们既可以 与朋友在平静的日子中一道悠闲散步,抒发优雅的才情;也愿意与朋友一起度过 坎坷的岁月。友谊不应当落入平庸与俗套当中,我们应该以勇气、智慧、力量为 友谊增色。 49.No society in which these liberties are not,on the whole,respected,is free, whatever may be its form of government:and none is completely free in which they do not exist absolute and unqualified(The only freedom which deserves the name,is that of pursuing our own good in our own way,so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs,or impede their efforts to obtain it( 在任何社会中如果这些自由大体上得不到尊重的话,那么这个社会是不自由 的,不论其政府有可能采取何种形式:在任何社会中如果这些自由的存在不是绝 对的和无条件的话,那么这个社会是不完全自由的。 14 50.Each is the proper guardian of his own health,whether bodily or mental and spiritual(Mankind are great gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves,than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest( 每一个人都是他自身健康的真正的保护者,不论是肉体的健康还是智力的和精 神的健康。人类是大大的受益者,因为,人们为了活着彼此容忍,这似乎对他们 自己有益,而人们为了活着彼此胁迫,这似乎对其余的人有益。 51.Major breakthroughs were made in the reform aimed at establishing a socialist market economy;a framework for the new macro-control system was erected preliminarily and the fundamental role of the market in the allocation of resources was notably bolstered( 以建立社会主义市场经济体制为目标的改革取得重大突破,新的宏观调控体系 框架初步建立,市场在资源配置中的基础性作用显著增强。 52.Non-commercial banking has been preliminarily separated from commercial banking,and the central bank is playing an increasingly important role in financial control,supervision and management( 政策性金融和商业性金融初步分开,中央 银行的调控和监管职能开始增强。 53.A single exchange rate for the RMB was successfully introduced;the exchange rate of the RMB remained stable;and the RMB was made convertible under current accounts( 人民币汇率顺利并轨,汇价保持稳定,实现了在经常项目下的可兑换。 54.In the reform of investment and fund—raising,we introduced a system whereby a legal person is held responsible for projects,a capital system and public bidding system( 在投融资领域进行了改革,推行项目法人 责任制 驾驶员岗位责任制工程部岗位责任制ok学校安全工作责任制出纳员岗位责任制学校岗位目标责任制 ,资本金制度和指标制度。 15 55.The direction,objectives,guiding policies and priorities of the reform have been defined.We have explored many means and have accumulated valuable experience in tackling difficult points( 改革的方向、目标、方针和重点已经明确,我们对解决难点问题进行了多方面 的探索,积累了可贵的经验。 56.But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with the different types of culture known to us, scientific discoveries, and ideological revolutions. 但我们近年来才认识到,确定男女各自的特征并不那么容易,其界限是随着我 们所知道的各种文化的发展,科学上的发现以及意思形态方面的革命而逐渐形成 的。 57.The role distinction, raised in some cases to the status of uncompromising dualism on a strongly hierarchical model, lasted throughout this period, appealing for its justification to nature, religion, and customs alleged to have existed since the dawn of time. 这段时期,男女作用的不同始终存在,有时还按照等级森严的模式把它提高到 男女有别,不可调和的程度,为了证明其合理性,人们把这说成是据说自开天辟 地以来既已存在的天性,宗教和习俗使然。 58.The entire world order rested on the divergence of the sexes. Any overlapping or confusion between the roles was seen as a threat to the time-honored order of things. It was felt to be against nature, a deviation from the norm. 整个世界的秩序均建立在男女有别的基础上。男女的作用若出现重叠或混淆现 象,人们会认为这是对又来已久的生活秩序的一种威胁,是违背天性和离经叛道 的行为。 59. The dawn of the third millennium is coinciding with an extraordinary reversal in the power structure. 在第三个千禧年即将到来之际,力量结构正在发生天翻地覆的变化。 16 60. Not only will the patriarchal system be dead and buried in most of the industrialized West, but we shall see the birth of a new imbalance in the relations between the sexes, this time exclusively to women’s advantage. 在大多西方工业化 国家,不仅父权制将被埋葬掉,而且我们还会看到男女之间的关系将产生新的不 平衡,而这一次将完全是有利于妇女的。 61.In smaller groups ethnocentrism takes the form of ,team spirit‖, ,local , and ,company morale‖. pride‖ 民族中心主义在较小的群体中表现为―团队精神‖,―地域主义‖和―公司士气‖等 具体形式。 62.Whether in a football team before a big game or in a nation at war, ethnocentric feelings have the beneficial effect of mobilizing and uniting a threatened group against its enemy. 民族中心主义情绪无论是在一个面临一场重大比赛的足球中还是在一个处于 战争状态的国家中,都发挥着动员和联合一个受到威胁的群体起来对抗敌手的有 益作用。 63. To avoid any taint of ethnocentric prejudice, anthropologists began to adopt an attitude of cultural relativism, the view that human thoughts and deeds should be judged not by any outside standards but only by those of the society or group in which they take place. 人类学家们为了避免出现民族中心主义偏见的迹象,开始采取一种文化相对主 义的态度,文化相对主义是一种人为评价人的思想行为应该依照其发生的社会或 团体的标准而不是任何未来的标准的观点。 64. After the 1930s it was no longer possible for scholars to maintain the stance of total cultural relativism. 从20世纪30年代以后,学者们再也不坚持绝对的文化相对主义观点了。 65. Adults today are as aware as Wordsworth of the importance of childhood experiences that a cherished and well-behaved child has a better chance of growing into a balanced, loving and law-abiding adult than an unloved one. 今天的成年人和华滋华司一样认识到孩童时期生活经历的重要性——备受关 怀,行为良好的儿童比没有人疼爱的儿童有更好的机会成长为心态平衡,关心他 人和遵纪守法的成人。 17 66. But while the nurturing of self-esteem in children is now accepted as a requisite of their development, the social and economic demands on over-worked, harassed parents often prevent them from putting this theory into practice where it matters most –in the home. 尽管人们都认为培养儿童自尊心是儿童成长的必要条件,但是社会和经济的要 求又使得劳累过度,疲惫不堪的父母再家里常常不能把理论和实践相结合,而这 两者再家里的结合至关重要。 67. No longer subject to the discipline of the evening family meal—the cradle of manners and civil behavior—one in three people eats his or her dinner in front of the television. 青少年在家用晚餐(此乃培养礼貌和文明举止的场所)时不再遵守规矩,三分 之一的人一边吃饭,一边看电视。 68. Pre-Christmas toy advertising is designed to strike terror into the hearts of parents and make their children even more demanding and greedy. 圣诞节前的玩具广告使得父母们心惊胆战,却使得他们的孩子更加贪得无厌, 要求越来越高。 69. Many parents are too guilt—ridden or too bewildered by conflicting child—rearing advice to do anything other than wring their hands with worry. 许多父母被相互矛盾的养育孩子的忠告弄得负疚太深,极度困惑,因而忧心忡 忡,一筹莫展。 70.Death is a dramatic, one-time crisis while old age is a day-by-day and year-by-year confrontation with powerful external and internal forces, a bittersweet coming to terms with one’s own personality and one’s life. 死亡是富有戏剧性的 一次性的危机,而老年则是一天天,一年年地与强大的内外力量抗争,是一种苦 乐参半地逐渐适应自己老年时个性和生活的过程。 18 71. In reality, the way one experiences old age is contingent upon circumstances of late-life events (in what order they occur, how they occur, when they occur) and the social supports one receives: adequate finances, shelter, medical care, social roles, religious support, recreation. 事实上,一个人老年的历程是因下列因素而异的:晚年变故的情况(这些事变 发生的先后,变故的过程,及具体时间)还决定于他所得到的社会支持:即是否 有足够的金钱,住处,医疗保障,社会角色,宗教支持和文化娱乐。 72. The process of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural progression of the life cycle, the old completing their prescribed life spans and making way for the young. 年老的过程及最后的死亡必须最终被看作是生命周期的自然进程,老人结束他 们各自的寿数,为年轻人让路。 73. The old must clarify and find use for what they have attained in a lifetime of learning and adapting; they must conserve strength and resources where necessary and adjust creatively to those changes and losses that occur as part of the aging experience. 老年人必须弄清自己毕生学习和适应的收获并加以利用,而且还必须保持比要 的精力和物力,创造性地使自己适应衰老过程中所必须经历的变化和损失。 74. There is a lifetime accumulation of personality and experience which is available to be used and enjoyed. 一生中积累形成的品格与经验在老年时可以收益。 75.Both these attitudes are to be deplored, and it is philosophy that shows the right attitude: acting upon the best hypothesis without dogmatically believing it. 这两种态度都是无法令人接受的,而正是哲学本身表明了正确的态度:根据最 好的假说行事,又不教条的相信它。 19 76. A man imbued with the philosophical spirit, whether a professional philosopher or not, will wish his beliefs to be as true as he can make them, and will in equal measure, love to know, and hate to be in error. 一个充满哲学精神的人,无论他是否是职业哲学家,都希望尽其所能使其信念 成为真理,并且同样热爱知识,憎恨谬误。 77.Intellectual sobriety, therefore, will lead us to scrutinize our beliefs closely, with a view to discovering which of them there is any reason to believe true. 因此,理性的清醒会引导我们细查我们的信念,审视哪些信念有理由信其为真。 78.If this attitude could become common, the gain in diminishing the acerbity of disputes would be incalculable. 如果这种态度成为共识,那么尖刻的争吵就会减少,而其中的收益会是无可估 量的。 79. Simplicity is an uprightness of soul that has no reference to self; it is different from sincerity, and it is a still higher virtue. We see many people who are sincere, without being simple; the only wish to pass for what they are, and they are unwilling to appear what they are not; they are always thinking of themselves, measuring their words and recalling their thoughts, and reviewing their actions from the fear that they have done too much or too little. 质朴是一种不考虑自我的正直的精神。和真诚不同,质朴具有更高尚的美德。 我们看到很多真诚但不质朴的人。他们只希望人们看到他们美好的一面,而不希 望暴露出他们的缺点。他们总是反省自我,权衡自己的话语,回想自己的想法并 回顾自己的行为,唯恐做得过多或过少。 20 80. To be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses; this is the very reverse of simplicity. 一味顾忌他人而从不反省自我,专注于眼前,又集中于感官,这就是那种处于 一种盲目愚昧状态的人。这和纯真完全背道而驰。 81. To be absorbed in the contemplation of our own minds is really worse than to be engrossed by outward things, because it appears like wisdom and yet is not, we do not think of cuing it, we pride ourselves upon it, we appear of it, it gives us an unnatural strength, it is a sort of frenzy, we are not conscious of it we are dying, and we think ourselves in health. 聚精会神于内心的反省冥思比全神贯注于身外的世俗事务更加有害,因为这貌 似一种智慧,而其实根本不是。我们不以此为过,反引以为荣,我们醉心与此, 反之这一状态又给我们一种虚假的力量。这是一种颠狂,我们并没有意识到我们 病入膏盲,我们反而以为自己身心健康。 82. That of the soul, which looks straight onward in its path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those that it has already taken, is true simplicity. 在前进道路上一往无前,无暇推断和研究具体步骤,取斟琢和顾及已经采取的 行动,具有这种精神的人才可称之为真正的纯真。 83.As a matter of fact,it is the other way around.Traditional custom,taken the world over,is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. 事实上情况正好相反,全世界都认为,传统风俗习惯是各种具体行为的集中体 现。这种行为较之任何个人在个体活动中所能表现出来的行为都更为令人惊奇。 不管这种行为是多么异常。 21 84.Anthropology was by definition impossible as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian,ourselves and the pagan, held sway over people’s minds. 只要我们同原始人,同野蛮人以及同异教徒之间的差别在人们头脑中占支配地 位,那么,要给人类学一个清楚,明确的解释便是不可能的。 85.A gifted American psychologist has said,―Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.‖It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition.The stronger the will ,the more futile the task. 一个天才的美国心理学家说过:―烦恼是情感的躁动;情绪陷入某件事情当中 无法摆脱。‖在这种情况下,想使头脑放弃这种念头是无济于事的,这种意志越 是强烈,所做的这种努力越是徒劳。 86.Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death,and those who are bored to death. 广而言之,人可以分为三类:累死的人,想死的人和烦死的人。 87.In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path. 他们烦躁不安地到处乱跑,却毫无结果,想通过喧闹的谈笑和活动身体来对付 厌倦的情绪。对他们来讲,这种或那种形式的约束,是最有希望的人生之道。 88.Of these the former are the majority. They have their compensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. 在这些人当中,前者是多数,他们能够得到补偿,长时间待在办公室里或工厂 里,给他们带来的报酬不仅是生存的手段,而且是一种渴望愉悦的强烈欲望,哪 怕是以一种最简单最朴实的方式体现的。 22 89. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential .Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 然而,对所有这两种类型的人,调剂一下视野,改变一下环境和进行娱乐都是 最基本的需要。的确,我们有理由说,那些工作即愉悦的人最需要获得一种方法, 以便使大脑每隔一段时间就从工作念头中解脱出来 90. The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894. 国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 91. The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. 奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在 奥运会上相聚一堂。 92(The official languages of the IOC are French and English. 国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 93. The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 94. The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 23 95.The Olympic Gamesshall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country. 奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 96. Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations. 自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。 97. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. 在过去的30年中,公共教育中显示的对残疾儿童的巨大关注表明了我们社会 中的一种中强烈的情绪,那就是所有的公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充 分发展其能力的机会。 98. But,for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not. 但是,对一个小部分学生来说,职业教育也是条可取的路径。因为在其他因素 相同的情况下,技能的娴熟是得到工作与否的关键。 99. The world Intellectual Property Organization is an organization among governments whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. It is one of the specialized institutions under the United Nations’ intellectual property system. The headquarters is in charge of improving the protection of the world intellectual properties in the world sphere through the international cooperation. 世界知识产权组织为一政府间组织,总部设在日内瓦,它是联合国世界知识产权 组织系统下的许多专门结构之一,它负责通过国际间的合作促进对全世界知识产 权的保护. 24 100. ,The west is national, protecting the model of human rights nation anything but, developing country, also infringe upon human rights to lead anything but, human rights meeting, do not authorize any nation, perhaps national group, become a human rights judge, and developing country, shouldn‘t is the accused of human rights law court forever, either. China have an ancient words, ?positive the person is first just personal‘, we hope to be national separately, taking a mirror first before criticizing and blaming other people, like shine on oneself.‖ ―西方国家,绝不是保护人权国家的楷模,发展中国家,也绝不是侵犯人权的 带领者,人权会议,并没有授权任何国家,或者国家集团,成为人权法官,而发 展中国家,也不应该永远是人权法庭的被告。中国有句古话,‘正人先正己’,我 们希望个别国家,在批评和指责别人之前,先拿镜子,好好照照自己。‖ 101. The economy, the society, the cultural right are the human rights important constituents. For many years, another government basis human rights universal principle and China‘s concrete national condition, while has safeguarded people‘s rights of citizens and political rights legally, realizes people‘s right to subsistence and the right to development diligently, compares the earth to enhance the people to enjoy the economical, social, the cultural right level, causes China‘s human rights condition to present the situation which the unprecedented comprehensive improvement and develops unceasingly. 经济、社会、文化权利是人权的重要组成部分。多年来,另政府根据人权的普 遍性原则和中国的具体国情,在依法保障人民的公民权利和政治权利的同时,努 力实现人民的生存权和发展权,较大地提高了人民享受经济、社会、文化权利水 平,使中国的人权状况呈现了前所未有的全面改善和不断发展的态势。 25 102.From the 21st century middles, The famous country government has caused all levels of educational institution response to the science and technology value, The theory science and the applied science huge progress also aroused the people to study the natural sciences the interest, Therefore the science and technology had the rapid development. But at the same time, the people neglect to the humanities and the social sciences study, the citizen lack the understanding to the morals and the social criterion in the life significance. 从二十一世纪中叶起,名国政府对科学技术的重视引起了各级教育机构的响应, 理论科学和应用科学的巨大进步也激起了人们学习自然科学的兴趣,科学技术因 此有了飞速的发展。但与此同时,人们忽视对人文科学和社会科学的学习,公民 对道德和社会准则在生活中的意义缺乏认识。 103.This has caused following consequence to a certain extent: The place, national and the international violence conflict emerges one after another incessantly, the environmental pollution is day by day serious, these all gave the humanity to live has brought the danger. Therefore, should correct the heavy principle light article in the education the tendency, restores the humanism in the life the value, in order to material civilization and spiritual civilization balanced development. 这在一定程度上导致了以下后果:地方、民族和国际间的暴力冲突层出不穷, 环境污染日益严重,这些都给人类生活带来了危险。因此,在教育中应纠正重理 轻文的倾向,在生活中恢复人文主义的价值,以求物质文明和精神文明的平衡发 展。 104. US rose in 1940 for military and the economical great nation, they in each domain remarkable achievement, let the Oriental be carried away. Although the speech so, the American actually once again changes the Chinese culture, by enriches their life, this tendency is on the rise. 美国在1940年崛起为军事和经济大国,他们在各个领域的卓越成就,让东方 人为之神往。话虽如此,美国人却又一次转向中国文化,以丰富他们的生活,这 个趋势方兴未艾。 26 105.In the skyscraper, the highway, the sedan car and the market variety many domestic electric appliances, all these explained China has implemented the reform and open policy since 1978 to experience deep transformation - this is the change which the people see with own eyes. However, in people material life change behind, but also has other some possibly has a more important change. 摩天大楼、高速公路、小轿车和市场上品种繁多的家用电器,这一切说明中国 自1978年实行改革开放以来经历了深刻的变化—这是人们亲眼看见的变化。然 而,在人们物质生活变化的背后,还有其他一些可能是具有更重要的变化。 106. The sociologists discovered that, enhances along with the people living standard, the tradition life style and the idea slowly has also had the change. The sociologists are always paying attention to these changes, from family structure to woman social position change, from people to marriage manner to expense idea transformation, but also has the income level polarization and so on, these all become the topic which the sociologist studies 社会学家们发现,随着人们生活水平提高,传统生活方式和观念也慢慢地发生 了变化。社会学家们一直在关注这些变化,从家庭结构到妇女社会地位的变化, 从人们对婚姻的态度到消费观念的转变,还有收入水平的两极分化等,这些都成 为社会学家研究的课题。 27
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