首页 二年级语文阅读



二年级语文阅读二年级语文阅读 小学二年级语文阅读训练 晚饭后,我和姐姐正在门口乘凉。忽然飞来一只大蜻蜓,落在一棵小树上,我悄悄地跑去,把它捉住。大蜻蜓真漂亮~两只眼珠像小玻璃球,亮晶晶的。一对红翅膀不住地扇着。我真喜欢它,就拿着玩起来。 姐姐看见了,大声喊:“快把它放了,它是益虫~”我听了姐姐的话,想到益虫的好处,就把它放了。 1、给带点的字选择正确的音节,对的打“——”。 蜻蜓(qīn qīng) 扇着(shān shàn) (( 乘凉(niáng liáng) 捉住(zhuō zuō) (( 2、写出与下面词语意思...

二年级语文阅读 小学二年级语文阅读训练 晚饭后,我和姐姐正在门口乘凉。忽然飞来一只大蜻蜓,落在一棵小树上,我悄悄地跑去,把它捉住。大蜻蜓真漂亮~两只眼珠像小玻璃球,亮晶晶的。一对红翅膀不住地扇着。我真喜欢它,就拿着玩起来。 姐姐看见了,大声喊:“快把它放了,它是益虫~”我听了姐姐的话,想到益虫的好处,就把它放了。 1、给带点的字选择正确的音节,对的打“——”。 蜻蜓(qīn qīng) 扇着(shān shàn) (( 乘凉(niáng liáng) 捉住(zhuō zuō) (( 2、写出与下面词语意思相近的词语。 漂亮——( ) 喜欢——( ) 3、用“ ” 画出描写蜻蜓外形的句子。 4、读读短文中的这个句子“两只眼珠像小玻璃球,亮晶晶的。” 这是把蜻蜓的_ _比作 ___。 2、 大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩嫩的芽瓣。夏天的树上,挂满肥肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂满鲜红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤。落叶是大自然的邮票,把一年四季寄给你,寄给我,寄给大家。 (1)这一段话共有( )句; (2)填空 : a、一年有( )、( )、( )、( )四个季节。 b、春天的树上,芽瓣是( );夏天的树上,叶片是( );秋天的树叶颜色有( ) 和( );冬天的树下,满地是( ) 。 c、大自然的邮票指 ( )。 3、 夏天 初夏,石榴花开了。远看,那红色的花朵像一簇簇火焰。近看,一朵朵石榴花像一个个小喇叭。淡黄色的花蕊在风中摇动,就像一群仙女在翩翩起舞。 1、 这段话共有( )句。 2、 用横线划出第2、3两句句子。 3、石榴花在( )开放。它的花蕊是( )的, 花朵是( )的。 4、我喜欢石榴花是因为( ) 。 5、石榴花很多,从( )、( )等词可以看出。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 4、金鱼 鱼池中的金鱼各种各样,有圆头的,有大眼的,也有尾巴像花朵的。颜色也不少,有金色、黑色、白色,也有白色和金色相间的,很好看。 它们非常活泼,常在水里游,有时互相追逐,有时一起游戏,加上色彩美丽,真令人喜爱。 1、短文有( )段话。 2、文中的金鱼有( )种颜色。 3、金鱼的形状有( )的,有( )的,也有( )的. 4、你最喜欢的金鱼是( ) . 5、浪花 我坐在沙滩上玩耍。浪花看见了,迈着轻轻的步子走来,悄悄地瘙痒了我的小脚丫。笑得我眼泪都流出来了,他才哗哗地笑着跑回家。 一会儿,浪花又唱着笑着跑来了。这次它给我捧来了雪白的贝壳,青青的小虾。 哗哗哗,浪花跑去又跑来,像一群淘气的娃娃。 1、短文有( )段,请标出来。 2.填空。 ( )的步子 ( )的贝壳 ( )的小虾 3、哗哗哗,浪花跑去又跑来,像( )。 6、羊妈妈收菜 羊妈妈带着小羊到菜园去收菜。 他们走到萝卜地里。羊妈妈拔了一个萝卜。小羊要吃萝卜叶子。羊妈妈说:“萝卜的根最好吃。” 他们走到白菜地里。羊妈妈拔了一棵小白菜。小羊要吃白菜的根。羊妈妈说:“白菜的叶子才好吃呢~” 他们走到西红柿地里。小羊要吃西红柿的叶子。羊妈妈说:“要吃西红柿的果实呀~” 1、这篇短文有( )话。 2、羊妈妈带着小羊到了哪些地方, (,) (,) (,) 3、读了短文,我知道了: professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, (1)西红柿的( ) 好吃。 (,)萝卜的( ) 好吃。 (,)白菜的( ) 好吃。 7、时钟花 小白兔没有钟,不知道时间,它请小山羊帮忙想 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 。小山羊送给它三盆花。 太阳出来了,牵牛花开了,张开了小喇叭。中午,午时花开了,张开了笑脸。天黑了,夜来香开了,张开了小嘴请轻地唱歌。 1、这篇短文有( )段话。 2、小山羊送给小白兔什么花, -----------、--------------、-------------- 3、( )花早晨开,( )花中午开,( )花晚上开。 8 两只羊 一天,一只白羊从南面上了独木桥,一只黑羊从北面上了独木桥。他们同时来到桥当中,白羊说:“你退回去,让我先过桥~”黑羊说:“你退回去,让我先过桥~” 它们谁也不肯让谁,就打了起来,不一会儿,只听到河里“扑通~扑通~”的响声,它们都掉到河里去了。 1、短文一共有( )小节。第一段有( )句话。 2、拼读下列音节,并在文中圈出这些词语: (1) dú mù qiáo (2)tóng shí (3)běi miàn (4)xiǎng shēng 3、填空: (1)( ) 和( ) 在独木桥的( ) 相遇了。它们都要对方( ) ,让( ) 先走。 (2)两只羊谁也( ) ,就打了起来,结果都( ) 。 (3)在文中找出一对反义词,把它写在括号里: ( )——( ) 9.画 画 星期天下午,我坐在阳台上画画。 我先用绿色的水彩笔在纸上画了一片森林。森林碧绿碧绿的,树木长得非常茂密。我又在森林的上方,画上湛蓝的天空。天空中还飘荡着一朵朵洁白的云。接着,我在森林里画了几只小鸟,黄黄的羽毛,尖尖的嘴巴,很有趣。 最后,我给图画取了个名字:《小鸟的家》。 1、短文一共有( ) 个自然段,第二自然段有( )句话。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 2、我在白纸上画了( ) 、( )、( )和( )。 3、用“—”画出文中 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示颜色的词语。 4、照样子写词语: 碧绿碧绿 ( ) ( ) ( ) 10、 小明病了 小明病了,直叫肚子疼。妈妈带他去医院看病。 医生问小明吃了脏东西没有,小明摇摇头。医生看了看他的手,发现他的手很脏,指甲也很长,说:“用脏手拿东西吃会生病的。” 小明记住医生的话,做到经常洗手、剪指甲,成了一个讲卫生的孩子。 1、 短文有_____小节,第一节有_____句话,讲小明________,妈妈带他去_________ 第二节讲小明生病的原因是_____________________________。 2(小明是好孩子吗,为什么, 11、 喜鹊的新发现 喜鹊在半空中飞着,眼睛只盯住自己的下面。它看见那些蜻蜓、蝴蝶、蜜蜂等小昆虫在低空中飞,便喳喳地叫道:“看来世界上要算我飞得最高了。” 哪知,头上传来鸽子咕咕的歌声,喜鹊吃了一惊~难道上面还有飞鸟,往上一看,一群鸽子在头上盘旋它伸长脖子向上喊道:“鸽兄,看样子天上数你飞得最高了吧,” “不,不,我飞得不算高,上面还有大雁呢~”鸽子对喜鹊说。喜鹊翘首一望,真的,雁群排着“人”字形,整整齐齐地飞向远方。 “真是人上有人,天外有天啊~”喜鹊感慨地说。 1(短文有______个自然段。 2(照样子写词语。 整整齐齐 ( ) ( ) 3(喜鹊先看到蜻蜓、蝴蝶、蜜蜂等小昆虫,它想( ) . 后来喜鹊看到大雁,它想:( ) . 12、春姑娘 太阳公公交给蝴蝶一封信,并告诉蝴蝶:“一定要把信亲手交给春姑娘~”蝴蝶点点头。蝴蝶飞呀飞,脸上挂满了汗珠。 她听说春姑娘就躲在花丛中,可是那么多的花儿,哪一个才是春姑娘呢,她敲开了一个又一个花儿的小门。 玫瑰姐姐说:“蝴蝶妹妹,歇一会儿吧。”蝴蝶摇摇头。蒲公英姑姑说:“孩子,喝一口水吧。”蝴蝶摆摆手。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 后来,所有的花儿都知道了这个消息,大家一起商量好,要帮蝴蝶找春姑娘。他们张开小嘴一起喊:“春姑娘,你在哪里呀——” 1( 短文共有_______自然段。 2( 春姑娘在哪里,蝴蝶找到了吗, 3( 请你填上合适的词。 一( )水 一( )信 一( )嘴 一( )门 一( )黄叶 一( )伞 16、 给树治病 一棵老树生了病,有些叶子黄了。 一个医生飞来,落在树上。他用嘴这里敲敲,那里敲敲,找到了生虫子的地方,就啄一个洞。他伸进长舌头,把虫子一个一个地钩出来吃。吃完虫子,张开翅膀飞走了。 老树的病让医生治好了,慢慢地长出新叶子来。 这个医生就是啄木鸟。 1(本文有_____自然段 2(填上动词。 ( )舌头 ( )走了 ( )虫子 ( )叶子 17. 柳树 春天到了,柳树枝条上爆出了嫩芽,随风飘荡。 小芳和小军一起到公园里去玩。小军看到柳条很美丽,就随手折了一根,玩了起来。这时,小芳看见了急忙说:“公园里的花木是园丁伯伯辛辛苦苦栽培出来的,是给大家欣赏的。我们要爱护它,不能损害它。”小军听了很惭愧地说:“以后我再也不乱摘花木了。” 1、这篇短文有 ( ) 自然段。 2、本文写发生在( )和( )之间的事情。 3、( )折柳枝,( )帮助他。( )惭愧地说:“ ”. 18. 小白兔 小白兔长着一身雪白的毛,像个白雪球。它的耳朵长长的,总是竖得高高的。它的三瓣嘴就像一个小小的三角形。它有一对像宝石一样的红眼睛,一眨一眨,好可爱。小白兔尾巴短短的,只有小指头那么长,真是兔子尾巴长不了。 小白兔爱吃白菜、青草,更爱吃胡萝卜。白兔吃胡萝卜最有意思。它一口一口地撕咬着,小胡须也一翘一翘的。一对红眼睛盯着人看,好像怕人抢了似的。 小白兔胆子很小,很怕生人,如果离它近一点,它就马上离开,跑到别的地方去。 1、短文共有( ) 自然段。 2、第( )节写小白兔吃食。 4、小白兔身子 ,耳朵 ,嘴巴 ,尾巴 , professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 真可爱。 19. 宝贝 落潮了,海浪把无数的宝贝悄悄地留在了海滩:五彩的贝壳,光滑的卵石,可爱的海星„„小螃蟹藏在石缝里,海蛎子挂在礁石边上,海蛤躲在细沙底下,海螺躺在温暖的沙滩上„„ 1、填空 小螃蟹藏在 里。海蛎子挂在 边上。 海螺躺在温暖的 上。海蛤躲在 底下。 2、文中“海浪把无数的宝贝悄悄地留在了海滩”中的“宝贝”是指什么, 25. 小蜻蜓 清清的小河边长满了绿油油的草,夹杂着许多不知名的野花。这就是小蜻蜓活动的天地。 小蜻蜓,身体轻,看上去好像一架小飞机。 它们有时在花间飞舞,有时轻轻掠过水面。这里飞飞,那里停停,小蜻蜓过者悠闲的日子。 1、短文共有( )自然段,标上自然段号。 2、正确连线: 一架 野花 一棵 飞机 一朵 青草 3、在正确内容的括号里打? ? 小蜻蜓活动的天地在哪里, 小河边( ) 大树下( ) 原野上( )竹林里( ) ? 小蜻蜓看上去像什么, 小蜜蜂( ) 小飞机( ) 小蚊子( ) 小燕子( ) 4、为什么小蜻蜓过着悠闲的日子,请把有关的语句用“,,,”划出来 27.太阳花 太阳花是一种很美丽的小花,细细的小花瓣(bàn),粉红粉红的,鲜艳极了。叶子呢,也是细细的,嫩(nân)嫩的,像含着一包绿汁(zhī)。 早上,太阳一升起,太阳花就兴冲冲地开放了。傍晚,太阳一下山,太阳花就慢慢合拢(lǒnɡ)花瓣睡觉了。 太阳花的颜(yán)色可多了~有粉红的,有黄黄的、蓝蓝的,还有紫紫的。 1、 这篇短文共有 个自然段。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 2、 太阳花很美,我知道它长什么样,我还会用“ ”划出来。 4、我会找出颜色的词并在词上打“?” 蓝蓝的 黄黄的 细细的 紫紫的 粉红的 嫩嫩的 43. 太阳和虹 刚下过雨,太阳出来了,天上出现一道七色彩虹,人们都赞美虹。虹听到了,就骄傲起来,说自己比太阳还漂亮。 太阳对虹说:“你漂亮,这是真的。不过,要是没有我也没有你。”虹不相信,反而更加骄傲了。太阳摇摇头,躲进云里,虹立即不见了。 1、短文共有 自然段,第二自然段有 句话。 2、“太阳摇摇头,躲进云里,虹立即不见了。”句子中的“不见”可以换成 。 3、虹不见了,是因为:( ) ? 虹太骄傲了。? 人们都赞美虹。? 太阳躲进云里了。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater,
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