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最新国际音标讲义最新国际音标讲义 行知教育 知行合一 English International Phonetic Symbol 元 音 音 标 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 e me he she we be evening these metre bee meet street keep see three green tree beef sheep week feet eighteen ee sweet Halloween need weekend sweep feel eat meat please re...

最新国际音标讲义 行知教育 知行合一 English International Phonetic Symbol 元 音 音 标 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 e me he she we be evening these metre bee meet street keep see three green tree beef sheep week feet eighteen ee sweet Halloween need weekend sweep feel eat meat please read clean tea leave teacher mean team speak each leaf ea meal peach Easter seat beach ice-cream 1.Keep the street clean, please!请保持街道清洁。 前 2.We eat meat every day.我们每天吃肉。 例句 元3.She meets me in the street every day.她每天在大街上见到我。 4.We see a bee.我们看到一个蜜蜂。 音 ie piece believe thief field [i:] ei receive ceiling 其它组合 Key people policeman machine Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟。 其它例句 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说。 i river pig sit big six this ship fish city pick film visit miss thin chip y pity city gym many happy twenty busy sorry very study a orange ay Sunday holiday Wednesday Thursday u busy 前ui build e English eleven begin cinema behind basketball 元 It is a thin pig. 这是一只瘦猪。 音 He missed me. 他想我了。 Fish and chips are cheap and easy to eat. 鱼和薯条便宜,吃起来也很方便。 [?] 例句 It is a pity that she is sick. 她病了,太遗憾了。 Jim is as thin as a pin. 吉姆像一个别针一样瘦。 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 其它组合 monkey money - 1 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 ea head bread breakfast weather dead a many any get let rest egg bell desk leg pen pet leg ten remember question yes spell left e 前ready headache heavy sweater bed every never 其它组合 friend said bury 元 East or west, home is best.金窝银窝不如自己的老窝。 音 Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好点我们再相聚。 Better late than never.迟到总比不到好。 例句 [e] Ben eats bread. Ben吃面包。 Never let it rest.永不停息。 He is dead. 他死了。 bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man had a can cat fat match relax I have a happy family.我有个幸福的家庭 。 前 Not bad.不错。 元 As a matter of fact , I think he is outstanding.事实上,我认为他很杰出。 音 例句 A fact is a fact. 事实就是事实。 The fat man has a flag in his hand. 那个胖男人手中拿着一面旗。 [æ] A black cat is eating a rat. 一只大黑猫正在吃一只老鼠。 The fat man is mad. 那个胖男人疯了。 u up supper lunch fun but hurry cup bus run club summer much funny must us o come mother brother love above some front money 中ou trouble country young touch cousin enough oo blood flood 元 Seven is my lucky number. 七是我的幸运数字。 音 Something is better than nothing. 有总比没有强。 You shut up. 你闭嘴。 [?] 例句 My son has much money. 我儿子有许多钱。 His son always come here for money.他的儿子总是来这儿要钱。 Her young cousin has enough for the lunch.他的小侄子有足够的钱付这顿午餐 - 2 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 ir girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird birthday circle sir first ur turn burn murder nurse Thursday purse hamburger surf hurt 中ear learn earth heard early er term her hers 元 or work worm worker world worse word 音 ere were Nobody is perfect.人无完人。 [?:] The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 例句 The nurse wears a dirty skirt.这位护士穿着一件脏裙子。 This girl works in a church.这位女孩在教堂工作。 er teacher dinner remember player flower farmer powder worker mother after or doctor actor visitor ar dollar o together tomorrow today lesson Washington control polite welcome around ago elephant banana Canada Japan China America about sofa 中a camera panda 元e listen open minus student children different 其它组合 Picture colour Saturday holiday April 音 What's the matter with you? 什么事,/你怎么了, The faster, the better. [?] Allow me to introduce myself. 请容许我介绍一下我自己。 例句 Her sister is a teacher.她的姐姐是一名老师。 The famous doctor arrived in the city. 那位有名的医生到达了那个城市。 His brother want some sugar.他的哥哥想要一些糖。 ar car farm card arm garden park star hard far party dark start scarf a fast class last glass plant aunt calm banana father after past ask 后 au laugh aunt 元其它组合 heart half 音It takes a lot of hard work.这需要很多的辛勤劳动。 So far, so good.到目前为止还好。 例句 [ɑ:] Don't break my heart.不要伤我的心。 Times are hard. 时世艰难。 - 3 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 You can’t park your car on the farm.你不可以把车停在农场里。 The party starts at half past ten.晚会在十点半开始。 例句 [ɑ:] I can’t see the stars in the dark sky.在黑暗的填空中我看不到星星。 Her father is a hard-hearted man.她父亲是个心肠很硬的人。 hot lost lot fox box not on sorry October dog song stop doctor job clock got o shop long boss coffee 后a want wash watch what wallet always small ou cough 元 She lost that job, but she got this job.她失去了那份工作,但是找到了这份工作。 音The clock often stops.这个钟 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 经常停。 例句 The love song is not long, but but it is very hot. [?] 这首爱情歌曲并不长,但却很受欢迎。 The boss lost a clock and a watch in the shop. 老板在商店里丢了一块钟表和一块手表。 small wall talk tall hall(会堂)ball call walk all al or/oor/ore short more horse for forty sport door floor store before morning New York au author caught autumn August Australia daughter autumn taught ou/our bought thought our court your four fourth 后 ar warm quarrel quarter 元a water alway aw draw saw law paw 音 其它组合 blackboard story [?:] Mr Ford was born in the fall.福特先生出生在秋季。 Maud is tall and Paul is short.摩德先生个子高,保罗个子矮。 例句 Don't draw on the wall.不要在墙上乱写乱画。 Paul lives in a big house, and he rides a horse every day. 保罗住在一个大房间里,他每天都骑马。 oo book good look cook foot took bedroom tooth soon school cartoon 后u put push sugar pudding full ou could would should pull July 元 o woman wolf 音 We could put some sugar in the pudding.我们可以在布丁里加点糖。 例句 Look at me! Am I good-looking?看我漂亮吗, [?] The cook is looking at his foot.厨师正在看他的脚。 - 4 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 ew flew grew review Jew o do to who whose two oo too zoo food tool pool school boot room noodle tooth moon afternoon soon 后 ou soup group through 元u blue glue June ruler 音ui fruit juice oe shoe [u:] I cook food for you.我给你做饭。 例句 You could drink soup in the cool room.你可以在这个凉爽的房间里喝汤。 Who is the fool?那个傻瓜是谁, i time like nice fine five tiger igh high night sign right light 双y my by why fly eye try ie die tie lie 元 uy buy 音 ye eye bye The kite is flying highly in the sky.风筝在高空中飞着。 [a?] 例句 His wife died in July 1995.他的妻子死于1997年3月。 Eyes never lie.眼睛从来不说谎。 a name cake game face ai rain train wait ay day may okay play today way 双ei eight eighteen eighty ey they 元 ea great break 音It rains all days in May.五月里整天地下雨。 No pains, no gains.不劳无获。 [e?] Call a spade a spade.实事求是。 例句 Please wait, let’s take a break.请等一下,咱们休息一会儿吧。 Who can save my fate and take the pain away? 谁能拯救我的命运,把我的痛苦统统带走。 - 5 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 oi oil boil soil toilet join coin voice choice noise 双 oy boy toy enjoy annoy 元The boy is making a noise.这个男孩弄出很多噪音。 The boy enjoys playing joys.这个男孩喜欢玩玩具。 音 例句 It’s annoying to speak in a loud voice.大声说话真烦人。 [??] The oil is boiling.油开了。 ou Out about house blouse trousers shout sound mouth mouse ground 双ow now how cow down town brown flower 元I found a brown mouse in a house.我在房间里发现了一只棕色的老鼠。 Don’t shout loudly, sit down.不要大声叫,坐下。 音例句 How can you allow him in?你怎么可以让他进来呢, [a?] He is out and running around the town.他不在,他正在镇子里到处跑呢。 go no nose home over cold phone so hope old woe(悲哀,悲痛) o ow show yellow window row tomorrow show snow grow 双oa goat boat coat road soap 元ou Shoulder though I’m cold, please close the window. 音 I don’t know. 例句 [??] Show me your new coat. Country road, take me home. air air hair chair airport care hare(野兔) parents fare(费用) are ear pear wear bear 双 ere there where 元 eir their theirs 音a Mary He bought a chair on the trade fair.他在贸易展览会上买了一把椅子。 [e?] 例句 I don’t care you share the room with me.我不介意你和我共住一间房子。 the air fare 汽车票的费用 - 6 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 e zero serious ea really idea theatre 双ere here ear dear hear near clear beard queer( 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师) engineer ear 元 eer beer deer 音 The engineer’s idea is very queer.这个工程师的主意非常奇怪。 Deer, come here and let’s drink beer.亲爱的,过来,我们喝些啤酒吧。 [??] 例句 I can’t hear the actors clearly in the theatre.我在剧院里听不清演员的说话。 My house is near the theatre.我的房子离剧院很近。 sure pure(纯的) cure(治愈) ure 双oor poor 元tour(旅行) tourist(旅行者) our I am sure the tourist will like it.我确信旅行者会喜欢它的。 音 例句 The tourist is drinking pure water.那位旅行者正在喝纯净水。 [??] What a poor tourist! 一个多么可怜的旅行者啊~ 辅 音 音 标 p pen map help cheap pencil paper pear play pig pull push party hope [p] pp apple happy appear b bag by bed boy bus blue [b] bb rabbit cabbage t ten time not get table tt bottle bottom little pretty [t] ed watched washed cooked helped danced d desk door day dog dd add daddy middle [d] ed played cleaned climbed answered arrived aired boiled emptied enjoyed cried c cat come cut clock cry picture bloc cc occasion according occupy acclaim ch school Christmas chemistry technique technology stomach [k] k book bike cake kite Kate look black duck clock jacket cock ck - 7 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 q Iraq coq [k] que unique technique g go girl big get gg egg bigger biggest gu guess [g] gue dialogue gh ghost I pat the fat pig on its back. 例句 A cat and a bee are in the lab. f five fish fine family fifteen knife wife life fly ph photo phone elephant photograph cough laugh [f] gh laugh enough ff off coffee v very five have every voice [v] of / ,, ,,,,,, ,,,, 强读式 ,,, ,,/ f c nice city cycle s sit six some bus use us desk books ss miss class glass grass [s] science scene(情景,景色、道具、场) sc Psalm(诗篇,圣诗) psywar(心理战) ps ce piece juice science space s is his please music lose husband apples es leaves thieves knives wives z zoo zero zebra Buzz(嗡嗡声,流言;说闲话) / ,,, / zz [z] se close nose hose those whose Your nose is on your face. 例句 Sue is in the zoo. [θ] th three thank month thin thirty tooth th this the with than that these those [ð] the breathe soothe - 8 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 sh she shoe short shop wash sheep shoulder ship s sure Asia special sufficient(足够的) delicious social c [?] t station nation patient Russia profession(职业) ss ch machine s usually television pleasure measure seizure(捕获、占领) z [?] garage(车库) ge It’s a pleasure to visit your ship. 例句 The fish is so big and let’s measure it. h he her have hand head hair [h] wh who whom whose r red right three rr sorry worry hurry carry carrot [r] wr write wrong ch chair much lunch China tch watch catch match [t?] t picture question g(e) age page huge orange g gentle gentleman general bridge porridge(粥、糊) judge(法官) dge [d?] j jump jacket just June Jim joy enjoy join July June junk ch sandwich A child is having lunch in the church. 例句 There is some jam(果酱) in the large jug(罐、壶). They are playing a joke on this child. [tr] tr tree trip try true truth [dr] dr dress drive hundred children I try to trust you. 例句 I drive a car in the dream. - 9 - 行知教育 知行合一 音标 字母(组合) 单词或句子 ts shirts hurts coats costs goats t’s Let’s [ts] tes kites gates dates zz pizza beds birds hands friends ds [dz] des decides There are two cats under the beds. 例句 The kids are wearing hats. m man meat meet time mm common communicate [m] mb climb lamb comb mn autumn n name nice nine near under kn know knife [n] nn Ann mnemonics(记忆术) mn ng sing long young morning nk thank think ink pink n(g) English uncle [?] Songs for singing. 例句 Bells for ringing. I bring these things. let look please lake people whistle(口哨) l ll tell full till bell [l] What a good meal! Let him in. 例句 Be careful! Turn on the light. y yes you year yellow onion review million billion brilliant(光辉的,灿烂的) behaviour(行为、举止) i [j] e Europe w we window work walk [w] wh what why where white - 10 -
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