首页 国家认证认可委员会关于强制性产品认证执法检查有关问题的四个复函



国家认证认可委员会关于强制性产品认证执法检查有关问题的四个复函国家认证认可委员会关于强制性产品认证执法检查有关问题的四个复函 consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to res...

国家认证认可委员会关于强制性产品认证执法检查有关问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的四个复函 consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. 关于对强制性产品认证执法检查有关问题 的复函 认法函[2004]118号 江苏省质量技术监督局: 你省无锡市滨湖质量技术监督局《关于对CCC认证产品检查中发现的有关问题的请示》,锡滨质技监请[2004]3号~以下简称《来函》收悉。经研究~现复函如下: 依据强制性产品认证规则的要求~一张强制性产品认证证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 所覆盖的产品应当是证书中列明的加工场,厂,所生产的产品~证书中未列明的加工场,厂,生产的相同产品~不能使用该认证证书~也不能使用认证标志。同时~最终产品标识标注的产品名称、 规格 视频线规格配置磁共振要求常用水泵型号参数扭矩规格钢结构技术规格书 型号、制造商、生产厂应当与认证证书标明的产品名称、规格型号、制造商、生产厂相一致。因此~《来函》中提到的“未获强制性产品认证的生产企业委托已获强制性产品认证的生产企业生产《第一批实施强制性产品认证的产品目录》,以下简称《目录》,内产品~在产品上标注未获强制性产品认证生产企业厂名、厂址~出厂销售”的行为~以及“已获强制性产品认证生产企业委托未获强制性产品认证生产企业生产《目录》内产品~产品上标注已获强制性产品认证生产企业厂名、厂址~并加施强制性产品认证标志出厂销售”的行为~应当认定为违法行为~并依据《行政处罚法》和《认证认可条例》的有关规定实施处罚。 consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. 国家认证认可监督管理委员会关于对 强制性认证产品一致性执法检查 有关问题的批复 ,国认法函[2005]128号, 湖北省质量技术监督局: 你局《关于如何查处申请认证时送检样品与实际生产产品不一致违法行为的请示》,鄂质监法函[2005]106号,收悉。经研究~现批复如下: 一、强制性认证产品一致性是指获得强制性产品认证的产品,以下简称获证产品,的名称、规格型号以及生产者,制造商,、加工场所等相关内容应当与强制性产品认证证书中描述的内容相一致~送检样品的型式结构和关键件与实际生产的产品的型式结构和关键件相一致。 二、在强制性产品认证行政执法中~地方质检部门有权对申请强制性产品认证时送检样品,以下简称送检样品,与实际生产产品的一致性情况作出判定。判定应当以国家认监委指定的认证机构的确认为依据。 三、地方质检部门对获证产品与送检样品的一致性存在质疑时~可以采取现场封样~请封样产品的原发证认证机构,或者分中心,进行技术确认。若确属封样产品与送检样品不一致的~则可以认定封样产品为未经强制性产品认证的产品。 Concrete work, and must deal with "three relationships": one is to handle well the relationship between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which requires us to host lead when action must be strictly in accordance with the intentions and requirements for leadership, work within the limits of delegated authority, not offside, participation in the intervention, and not decision-making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to the initiative and work to some foreseeable, be proactive, prepared, thinking ahead, providing information, active leadership, reflect the situation, ahead of good research, reference point, in key places to promote overall efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative services and transaction services. Administrative services and Services Office services complement the two aspects of the job. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines both, adhere to government service as the main line, the Chief turns around the overall situation, turns around the district. On one hand, will attach great importance to and grab the Chief work changes the pattern of past focus on transactional work, fully carry out the administrative service functions of the Office, play the role of general coordination and staff aides. The other hand, attention and service, arrange the consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. 实施处罚时~应区别情况~准确定性~正确适用《认证认可条例》~坚持“教育与处罚相结合”和“过罚相当”的处罚原则~充分考虑被处罚人违法行为的情节、性质和被处罚人对强制性产品认证实施规则的认知程度。对被处罚人无主观故意~尚属初犯~并能够主动消除或者减轻违法行为危害后果的~可以从轻、减轻处罚,对恶意逃避认证或者虚假认证的违法行为可以从重处罚。 四、对封样产品~如果有根据证明其不符合强制性产品认证所依据的强制性标准的~地方质检部门和相关指定认证机构应依据国家法律、法规和部门规章的规定分别采取相应的处理 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 二??五年六月三十日 consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. 国家认证认可监督管理委员会关于强制性 产品认证“3C”标志使用方面有关问题的 批复 ,国认法函[2003]36号, 湖北省质量技术监督局: 你省武汉市质量技术监督局东湖新技术开发分局《关于关于咨询“3C”标志使用方面有关问题的函》收悉。经研究~回复如下: 在强制性产品认证的过程中~认证机构在进行工厂审查时应对库存品,同申请认证产品型号一致的,进行确认,同时申请人也应主动要求认证机构确认库存产品与申请产品的一致性。经确认合格的~库存产品和在线生产的产品均准许使用“3C”认证标志~而不是企业在获得强制性产品认证证书后生产的产品才能使用“3C”认证标志。 函中所提及的企业在申请认证的过程中~如认证机构已对库存产品和申请产品的一致性进行了确认~则该企业对获证前生产的、在使用有效期内的产品也使用印有“3C”标志的说明书和外包装的行为~不能按“冒用认证标志”进行处罚。 此复 Concrete work, and must deal with "three relationships": one is to handle well the relationship between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which requires us to host lead when action must be strictly in accordance with the intentions and requirements for leadership, work within the limits of delegated authority, not offside, participation in the intervention, and not decision-making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to the initiative and work to some foreseeable, be proactive, prepared, thinking ahead, providing information, active leadership, reflect the situation, ahead of good research, reference point, in key places to promote overall efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative services and transaction services. Administrative services and Services Office services complement the two aspects of the job. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines both, adhere to government service as the main line, the Chief turns around the overall situation, turns around the district. On one hand, will attach great importance to and grab the Chief work changes the pattern of past focus on transactional work, fully carry out the administrative service functions of the Office, play the role of general coordination and staff aides. The other hand, attention and service, arrange the consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. 国家认证认可监督管理委员会关于强制性 产品认证行政执法有关问题的批复 ,国认法函[2005]224号, 天津市质量技术监督局: 你局《关于微密电子,天津,有限公司是否属于无证生产的请示报告》收悉。经研究~现批复如下: 强制性产品认证的工厂是指对认证产品进行最终装配和/或试验以及加施认证标志的场所。目前手机类产品主要是采用散件组装的生产方式~手机组装厂对组装后的手机进行检测~组装内容可能仅包括粘贴标签及加施认证标志~铭牌生产产地为该组装厂~则强制性产品认证工厂应为该组装厂~但指定认证机构在进行初始工厂审查和在获证后监督时应严格审查工厂对供方的控制要求。若该手机组装厂生产的手机未经强制性产品认证~不得擅自出厂销售。因此~微密电子,天津,有限公司作为手机部件的供应商无需单独申请强制性产品认证。 二??五年十一月十五日 consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a "implementation" Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team.
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