首页 如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six)

如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six)


如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six)如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six) 如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six) In order to English level and the ability of using the language better, scientifi...

如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six)
如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six) 如何应对大学英语六级考试复合式听写(How to deal with compound dictation in College English Test Band Six) In order to English level and the ability of using the language better, scientific and objective measure of college students, the National English four, six level of test committee will continue to serve for the teaching of the spirit, earnestly study the test means to reflect the role of teaching, and constantly improve the quality of the test. Since the beginning of 1996, there have been new translation questions, such as translation, simplified answer and dictation. For a long time, listening has always been a big obstacle for students, and dictation is even more difficult. The National University English four class examination in 97 years in June for the first time using compound dictation (Compound Dictation) of this type, it is more emphasis on the choice of listening comprehensive ability of using language, students should not only have good listening ability, but also should have a strong ability to spell, note taking ability and written expression ability listening ability is the basis of compound dictation ". How to write well? Section B Compound Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage Three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. In the six grade English exam, candidates in the 8-10 test, because did not understand you only think about all the dictation down, the result was too fast, don't remember it. Dictation part of the meaning of understanding, but also did not use their words, white lost a good deal. In the six level listening test, apart from the key points of the dialogue and passage, six different dictation techniques should be adopted according to the characteristics of the dictation subject itself. To do good writing, we must grasp the following points: (1) use the gap, browse the full text, and actively predict. Dictation begins with a longer length of Directions, about 150 words long, almost equal to the dictation itself. To read at 130-150 words per minute, it takes about 1 minutes to read a little bit more. While the content of Directions candidates in peacetime training have been repeatedly exposed, very familiar, no need to listen to slow reading, should be effective use of this valuable time, read the text, positive predict the content. Because the dictation part (second part except compound dictation outside) more information provided by the paper text information more often than requested, the use of information to predict the unknown known information can greatly improve the pertinence of the lyrics. Through the surface of the text capture information, find clues, understand the gist. Compound dictation material for the exposition, this genre has the prominent theme, clear, clear, concise and logical characteristics. Most of the beginning or the paragraph of the article has topic sentence, and then the paragraph, sentence further expand, explain or demonstrate the topic sentence. There is a complete topic sentence at the beginning and end of paragraph. Candidates should take advantage of all the opportunities, such as the gap between the exam or the time of the test instruction, browse the text part of the test paper, especially the topic sentence, and predict the development clues and the gist of the article according to the topic sentence. Passage One If you are a young college student, 在生活中你最关心你的健康和幸福的担忧可能是(S1)在目前的 _________。基本上,你想在身体上,精神上,感觉很好,现在_______ (S2)。你可能不会花太多时间担心(S3)_______未来,比如你是否 会患上心脏病,或________(S4),你将如何在你的照顾自己(S5) _______年,要不了多久你会活。这样的想法可能(S6)_______你每 隔一段时间,但是,如果你在三十多岁,四十多岁,五十多岁,或以 上,这样的健康相关的想法都可能成为对你重要的________(S7)。 (S8)_________将会帮助你在身体上和精神上感觉更好。最近,研 究人员发现,即使在成年后期,锻炼、力量训练和体重增加的食物也 能帮助老年人显著改善健康状况,并为他们的生活增添快乐。(S9) _________给我们机会去避免一些健康问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,困扰着他们。(S10) ____________ (S1)焦点 (S2)情感 (S3)远 (S4)癌症 (S5)退休 (S6)交叉 (S7)越来越 (S8)不管你的年龄,你可以做出一些在你目前的生活方式的重要变化 (S9)我们知道更多关于预防保健的今天比过去我们的父母和祖父母, (S10),这个新的知识可以传递给我们的孩子帮助他们变得比我们这一代人更健康。 (1)现在的未来 (2)对。人们关注的1个变化(年轻-年长) (3)对。2如何更好的感觉和避免一些健康问题 即使”复合式听写”材料为其它体裁的文章,听音前浏览下试题也大有裨益。因为文章具有一致性和连贯性的特点,从试题中我们总会搜索到一些有参考价值的材料。1997年6月份大学英语四级考试中的听写文章:考生扫一眼便会知道是一篇关于警察和他们的工作的事, 这样就不会措手不及,心慌意乱,影响正常水平的发挥了。 相关推荐:大学英语六级(CET6)关于长句子精听的方法】 2)听第一遍录音应从大处着眼,小处着手,听为主,记为辅,听写 结合,双管齐下 听第一遍录音时应尽量放松,抓主要信息(大处着眼),将注意力集 中在空格部分,尤其注意听清或写下第一个词和最后一个词(小处着 手)。否则,就可能糊里糊涂地什么也没听清。要特别提醒:听第一 遍时不要手忙脚乱、边听边记,或为了某一个词而造成意识上的暂时 停顿,破坏整句或整段的理解。 第一遍是全文朗读,要求考生注意听懂全文内容由于听音前考生已浏 览了卷面文字,对听力材料有了大致的了解, Therefore, when listening and reading the first time, candidates can properly fill in some words and make some notes, listen to the main, supplemented by notes. The first time write down the key words to help second times the dictation inspired memory tips, but also reduce the second times notes task, make notes more rounded, and will point out that the contents are more comprehensive and accurate. Listening and recording of two different language skills are closely related to each other in "compound dictation" and promote each other. (3) listen to the second recording, pay attention to the pause signal, pay attention to the meaning group and key words. Second times on the basis of understanding, quickly record what you hear. This is mainly to speed up, using simplified methods, or graphics, symbols recorded content on the line. Generally speaking, the examinee can understand the meaning of the sentence after listening two times, but it is often easy to neglect and make mistakes by writing the key points from memory. Note taking with sufficient information is an important condition for writing good points; but how to record more content in a limited amount of time? Here are several methods. First, abbreviations can be used. We can use esp. instead of especially, sth generation something, apprec generation appreciation and so on. No abbreviations vocabulary, such as letters less words, can write the word, such as gift, take, letter words more basic requirements (only write the word first letters; here is fast, time-saving, and can express the meaning of. Abbreviations do not necessarily require specification, and even use some symbols, the content does not necessarily require complete, as long as it can play a cue role, you can understand the line. Secondly, because the second part of compound dictation does not pause when reading, it is difficult to remember the full text even if using abbreviations. Therefore, candidates should note notes selectively. English words and words with ideographic function, with grammatical function, so words should be mainly notional. In addition, the second part of the "compound dictation" only needs to write the content of the main points, so candidates should focus on the key words in the sentence. Phrases a, thank-you, greatly, appreciated, gift and quite acceptable can be omitted. Through these methods, candidates greatly compress the words, win the time, refine the content, increase the amount of information, improve the efficiency of note taking, and create the conditions for writing the content points. (4) listen to the third recording, and pay attention to the words or sentences which have not been heard or recorded. If you have written down, focus on checking and correcting the contents of the record. The examinee should diagnose, judge and generalize the topic sentence of the above content and part and the second part. The main point is obviously missing, but it is not The more, the better., candidates should prioritize the trade-offs, in this sense, the "compound dictation" also requires candidates have the logic analysis and inductive ability. Literal expression should be concise, fluent and accurate. For example: analysis of the original text of Passage Two: S8 seven bad men jumped out at me; one of them had a knife, and we got into a fight. S9. She was trying to get to the hospital, but there was a bad traffic jam. S10. the baby waited to "arrive" until we got to the hospital. Passage Two's reference answer: (S8) seven bad men jumped out at fight. me/came to me and we got into/began a (S9) She was trying to get to/going to jam. the hospital. But there was a bad traffic (S10) the baby arrived in the hospital. It is not difficult to find that it has the following characteristics: 1., the content of the main points are divided into several points, clear, clear. 2. points should be expressed as complete simple sentences, not phrases, and sentence patterns should not be too complicated. Three Try to avoid unnecessary modifiers in the sentence. In a word, the examinee uses the limited words to sum up all the main points of the listening content concisely, and makes the content and the language expression achieve the organic perfect unity. Compound dictation third times to read for the candidates to check, check the last is an indispensable part, candidates should seize the opportunity to make up for the two listen or omission ignore sound content, modify and improve their own answers. The first part of the dictation requires the candidates to fill in the missing words. Sometimes it is difficult for the candidates to judge exactly what the words should be, but the examinee can use his own language knowledge to correct the lack of listening details. It can be inferred, analyzed and judged from grammar structure, collocation, meaning coherence, context and so on, and spell words correctly. While the main content of the second parts of the dictation dictation, attention should be paid to complete and accurate points, as far as possible to reduce language errors in grammar, spelling and so on. Whether or not a word is spelled correctly suggests that you really understand it. It's hard to say that you've understood the wrong words and more mistakes. Therefore, spelling exercises should be strengthened at ordinary times. Rule of giving a paper 1) design law of 1-7 questions The words filled with words. In 97 and 98 years, there is only one preposition in compound dictation, and the other 13 are nouns, adjectives or adverbs. 7 words are mainly evaluative words, that is to say, they can find the information from the context. Compound dictation in 97 June: In police work, you can never predict the next crime or problem. No working day is identical to any other, so there is no (1) "day for a police officer. ______" Since no day is the same, there is no day like "typical"". According to this causal explanation, it can be judged that the word is typical. Not a day exactly the same, but also indicate the police work is full of changes, variety fifth B. It also can judge the following (I think I can (describe) police word in one word: (5) _______.). (3) the words that represent the upper and lower meanings Some words can be filled out even if they can't hear clearly. Compound dictation in 98 January. Very few people can get college degree before 11, but Michael was an exception. He started high school when he was 5 finishing in just nine, months. He became the (S1) youngest college graduate when he ______ was 10 years and 4 months old, earning an degree. Now at (S2) ______ 11 Michael's working on a master's degree in (S3) ______ intelligence. But Michael's (S4) hasn't always ______ come easy. (S5) his intelligence he ______, still lacks important life (S6) In one ______. class, he had to struggle to understand (S7) ______ novels, because, he says, I've never been in I'm 11. love before" Another challenge was his size. (S8) ______________________________He likes computers so much (S9) wants to make robots ______________________________________ He do all the heavy tasks. (S10) ___________________________________. (S1) world's (S2) architecture (S3) artificial (S4) success (S5) Despite (S6) experiences (S7)浪漫 (S8)高中物理教育是困难的,因为所有的设备都是当时五岁的学生太大。 (S9),在读研究生他是研究如何让他们觉得喜欢的人。 (S10)米迦勒很聪明,但他像其他的孩子。 文章的第一段介绍了米迦勒如何5岁上高中岁上大学,10,11岁攻读硕士学位。第二段开始一个转折,介绍他的这种”成功”也来之不易。所填单词为以上信息的上义词,对上文的 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,自然应该是成功。(但米迦勒的_____并不总是容易的。) ?表示同义或反义的词汇为题眼 复合式听写所填词汇一部分是同义或反义关系,如97年考题: 例如有一天,我是卧底;那是,我是在工作,但我穿的是(6)____衣服,不是我的警察(7)______。 通常情况下警察所穿的应该是”制服”,即均匀,这样,警察制服和正常的衣服就构成反义关系。根据(6)(7)的对照关系,可以判断(6)所表示的应该是”便装”,这也正式对上文卧底的解释。 ?对文章叙述逻辑的考查 叙述逻辑即上下文的因果、转折、递进、解释等关系。如果同学们能看出这些关系,则不用听就可以将所缺单词填上如98年考题。 但米迦勒的成功并不总是容易的。(5)______他的智慧,他仍然缺乏重要的生活(6)_______。在一堂课上,他不得不努力去理解(7)他说______小说,因为,“我11。我以前从未恋爱过。” 由上下文个逻辑关系可以判断(5)应该填尽管,即虽然他很聪慧,但却缺乏很重要的生活.......后面在课上所发生的事情是说明他缺乏(......)的一个例证。例证本身不仅说明了(6)应该填经验,同时加上后文中的“我11。我以前从未谈过恋爱。”说明(7)应该填或浪漫爱情。
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