首页 山东省艺术示范学校评估标准及要求



山东省艺术示范学校评估标准及要求山东省艺术示范学校评估标准及要求 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, ...

山东省艺术示范学校评估 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 及要求 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 附件2: 山东省艺术教育示范学校评估标准 本标准是根据教育部印发的《学校艺术教育工作规程》、《全国学校艺术教育发展规划(2001年—2010年)》、以及山东省教育厅印发的《山东省〈学校艺术教育工作规程〉实施细则》、《山东省教育厅转发教育部关于进一步加强中小学艺术教育的意见的通知》(鲁教体字[2009] 1 号)、《山东省普通中小学基本办学条件标准(试行)》(鲁教基字[2008]15号印发)等文件要求,结合我省中小学艺术教育的实际制订。目的在于以示范学校作为典型和窗口学校,以点带面,推进全省中小学艺术教育工作的开展。凡经评估达到本标准的学校,由省教育厅命名为“山东省艺术教育示范学校”。 一、学校管理 (一)重视艺术教育,把艺术教育作为学校教育的一个重要组成部分,有专人负责,工作职责明确。由校长或副校长分管艺术教育工作,并成立了由分管领导、教导主任、专业教师组成的艺术教育指导小组。 (二)艺术教育管理机制符合学校实际,运作有序,资料、档案齐备,具有较高的管理水平。学校每学年和每学期的艺术教育工作,都有具体的工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和要求。校长、教导主任了解音乐、美术教学的新课程标准的基本内容和要求,每学期对音乐、美术Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 教师进行教案检查和指导。分管校长和教导主任每学期听课时数音乐、美术各不少于10节,并有听课笔记和教案检查 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 (三)对全校艺术教育工作定期进行研究、检查,并有各个时期的质量总结报告。对艺术教师工作成绩有公正、全面地评价,在奖励、职称评定、岗位考评、增资及工作安排、生活待遇等方面,能充分照顾到艺术教育工作的特点,做到与其他学科教师同等对待。艺术教师的工作量标准:中学不超过十四课时,小学不超过十八课时(中小学均含课外活动辅导所占课时)。另外,艺术教师在配合学校行政、工会、团委等部门所作的庆祝和纪念活动等,均能按工作时间记入工作量。对工作中取得成绩的教师的奖励,有具体的规定。 (四)鼓励和支持艺术教师进行本专业的进修学习,为艺术教师在职进修创造条件。支持艺术教师从事艺术教育研究方面的社会兼职工作,如参加省、市及当地艺术教学研究会等。鼓励艺术教师外出学习,积极支持艺术教师参加国家、省、市组织的艺术教研活动。重视教师专业学习资料的订购和积累,每年订购艺术专业刊物在3份以上。 (五)有艺术教育专项经费,保证学校艺术教育教学工作和艺术活动的正常开展。 二、师资与教学 (一)师资方面 1、艺术教师有良好的师德,有事业心和责任心,有较强的scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 业务能力和工作热情。艺术教师中有省市级优质课获得者、教学能手、学科带头人、先进工作者、劳动模范等。 2、艺术教育示范学校艺术教师学历要求:小学教师达到本专业中专以上毕业水平,初中教师达到本专业大学专科以上毕业水平,高中教师(含中等职业技术学校、中等师范学校)达到本专业大学本科以上毕业水平。 3、艺术教育示范学校的艺术师资配备齐全,师资配备按国家规定中的班数与教师比例配备。其中:小学音乐为1:0.16,美术为1:0.14,初中音乐、美术均为1:0.10,高中音乐、美术学科均参照初中的班数与教师比例配备。 4、艺术教育示范学校的艺术教师要有较好的素质,较高的专业水平和教学业务能力,能承担县以上教学观摩课,胜任对所在乡镇中小学艺术教师的业务进行示范和指导工作,积极参加艺术教育教学的研究及其它艺术活动并取得好成绩。 (二)教学方面 1、义务教育阶段学校能按照《山东省基础教育课程改革实验区义务教育阶段课程安排表》和《山东省义务教育五四分段课程设置 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (试行)》,普通高中按照《山东省普通高中课程设置及教学指导意见》组织教学,开齐课程、开足课时。在开足开齐艺术教育课程的同时,开设一些艺术类选修课供学生选择性学习。普通高中艺术课程实行学分制,保证必修课程的6个学分(相当于108课时);每学期进行音乐、美术学科的考试,考试成绩Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 记入学期的总成绩。非艺术类中等职业学校艺术类必修课程不少于72课时。中等职业学校(中等师范学校)应按照教育部有关教学计划开足艺术课程(音乐、美术)。有条件的地区和学校要开设丰富的艺术类选修课供学生选择性学习。 2、按国家规定的教育教学计划,以及音乐、美术课程标准的要求每学期均制定学期教学计划、单元教学计划和每课时的教案;音乐、美术列为期中、期末必考科目,考试成绩记入学生成绩册。艺术学科不及格的学生不能评为三好学生。艺术学科单科成绩及格率在95%以下的班级,不能评为先进班级。全校艺术学科成绩及格率必须达85%以上。 3、艺术教育示范学校的音乐、美术教师每人均有选定版本的各年级的专业教材和教参1套;教研组或每位音乐、美术教师还须有其他版本的专业教材和教参1—2套作为参考资料。小学、初中学校每位音乐、美术教师,均有本学科的全日制义务教育课程标准一册。普通高中学校每位音乐、美术教师均有本学科的高中课程标准一册。 4、能根据课堂教学和课外活动的需要,提供便利条件,支持、鼓励、辅导艺术教师充分运用多媒体设备,用好远程教育资源,并根据本地实际,不断丰富网络艺术教育资源。 5、校本教材的改革应体现多样性、选择性的特点。使学生在普遍达到艺术课程基本要求的前提下,实现对艺术课程各个学scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 习领域的自主选择。并根据学生需要和学校的实际,确保每个学生都能够掌握一项自己喜欢的艺术技能。 (三)课外活动 1、要大力开展丰富多彩的课外艺术活动,营造良好的校园文化艺术环境。学校开展课外、校外艺术活动,要做到有计划、有措施、有制度。全体学生参加的课外艺术活动,每周每班不少于两课时。课外艺术兴趣小组的活动,每周二至四个课时。要因地制宜,充分利用一切有利条件,普遍成立各种艺术活动小组和社团。要充分发挥和利用社会文艺团体、艺术家等社会艺术资源,提高教师业务水平,丰富学校艺术活动。 2、学校每学期除举办歌咏比赛、音乐会、书画展等,全校性的单项艺术活动外,应每学年定期举办一次综合性的艺术节。 3、课外、校外艺术活动要和校园文化建设、社区文化建设相结合,发动和组织学生积极参与美化学校与社区文化环境的活动。农村学校也要利用当地的文化艺术资源,发挥学校文化环境对村镇文化建设的辐射作用。 4、拒绝任何商业性或其它社团举办的有收费营利行为的艺术竞赛活动。要严禁以赢利为目的的艺术活动进入学校。 三、教学设施 在所在地区,总体办学水平较高。具有良好的办学条件,校园、校舍能满足师生学习、生活的需要。 (一)相关设施、设备能满足艺术类课程教学的需要和课外Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 艺术教育活动的需要,艺术教育的设施、设备、器材均达到《山东省普通中小学基本办学条件标准(试行)》,有健全的管理制度,使用效果好。 (二)专用的音乐教室、舞蹈教室、美术教室和书法专用教室,必须有网络多媒体设备,以及按《山东省普通中小学基本办学条件标准(试行)》,以标准班额配备相应的器材、设备。音乐教学器材室和美术教学器材室器材的存放必须上架,必须有专人管理。 四、有关政策 (一)省级艺术教育示范学校不搞“终身制”,实行动态管理。对获得山东省艺术教育示范学校称号的学校将定期组织检查评估,符合条件的,继续保持称号;不符合条件的,取消称号。 (二)省级艺术教育示范学校有对本县(市、区)中小学的艺术教育教学工作进行业务指导的义务。 (三)凡被评为山东省艺术教育示范学校的学校,可在本县(市、区)中小学范围内招收艺术特长学生入学。并享有直接承接省、市级艺术教育课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 研究的权利。 scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 山东省艺术教育示范学校 评估、计分办法 项目 序号 评估要求 分值 评估方法 得分 1-1 管理机构健全。 5 学年、学期、学科计划齐全,1-2 5 有专人落实。 一 教师座谈会 定期对艺术教育工作进行总学 查看资料 结和评价,教师待遇、工作校 个别访谈 1-3 5 量计算课时安排均按规定执管 问卷调查 行。 理 鼓励教师进行本专业进修,1-4 5 为教师进修创造条件。 有专项艺术教育经费,保证1-5 5 艺术活动开展。 良好的师德,有学科带头人、2-1-1 5 有先进人物。 (一) 艺术教师学历达标,小学中 师资 实地考察 2-1-2 专以上,初中大专以上,高5 方面 查看档案资料 中本科以上(艺术专业)。 二 学生座谈 师 2-1-3 按国家标准配备师资。 5 资 与 艺术教育示范校对所在县教 2-1-4 4 (市、区)指导作用 学 按省课程安排及国家课程标 (二)准的要求,开足课程,开齐2-2-1 5 教学 课时。 方面 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 艺术教育课程有考核、有记2-2-2 5 录。 二 2-2-3 教材及教学资料齐全。 5 师 (二) 资 教学 查看档案资料 与 方面 个别访谈 能根据课堂教学需求,掌握 教 2-2-4 和用好现代教学手段和资4 学 源。 应开发艺术教育校本课程, 2-2-5 确保每个学生掌握一项艺5 术。 开展丰富多彩的课外活动, 成立各种活动小组和社团,2-3-1 5 做到有计划、有措施、有制 度。 (三) 每学年、每学期定期举办艺2-3-2 5 课外 术活动。 活动 积极组织学生参加校内外活2-3-3 5 动。 2-3-4 拒绝任何商业活动。 4 艺术教育设施、设备按《山 东省普通中小学基本办学条3-1 8 三 件标准(试行)》的要求配备,查看档案资料 教 有健全的管理制度。 个别访谈 学 现场查看 设 3-2 艺术教育专用教室及器材。 5 备 总分 注:依据评估要求及实际情况(效果)实行百分制,项目按4、5、8分三档记分。其中,4分按2、4分二档记分;5分按1、3、5分三档记分;8分按2、4、6、8分四档记分。有本项不符合要求的不得分。 scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 山东省艺术教育示范学校 申 报 表 地(市): 县(市、区): 学校名称(公章): 评估总分: 申报时间(新报、重报): (重报指省教育厅原批准的学校) Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 学校名称 学校类型 电话 地 址 邮编 电子信箱 分管校长 校长姓名 学历 学历 姓 名 专业职称 电话 专业职称 电话 艺术教育 管理机构 名 称 负责人 学历 专业职称 姓 名 其 中 学生 艺术专职班级数 人数 教师人数 男 女 中级职称 高级职称 中专 大专 本科 生均校舍面积(?) 共 间 艺术专用艺术教师任课人均_____课/ 教 室 周 共 ? 名称 负责人姓名 参加人数 课外艺 术活动 艺术团体名称 传统表演节目名称 人数 指导教师 艺术教师 获奖情况 艺术教育近三年平均 元/年 经费投入 scope other than unit package contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineering construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval ... Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standards on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, which include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, process performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection and acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision engineers to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check whether reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straightening, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match, Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of 自 评 报 告 县(市、 区)教 育局 意见 年 月 日 (公章) 市教 育局 意见 年 月 日 (公章) 省专 家组 验收 意见 年 月 日 省教 育厅 意见 年 月 日 (此表可从教育厅网站艺术与国防栏目下载) Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the company's overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control "test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control," the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal "model safe and civilized construction site". promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of
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