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question tag(附加疑问句)


question tag(附加疑问句)question tag(附加疑问句) question tag(附加疑问句) question tag Basic features: 1., the tag question is composed of a declarative sentence and a short additional question, which means that the questioner has a definite opinion, but is not entirely sure of the need fo...

question tag(附加疑问句)
question tag(附加疑问句) question tag(附加疑问句) question tag Basic features: 1., the tag question is composed of a declarative sentence and a short additional question, which means that the questioner has a definite opinion, but is not entirely sure of the need for the other person to prove it. The rule of an interrogative question is that when the part of the affirmative is affirmative, the additional question is in negative form; when the part is negative, the additional question is in affirmative form. The part of the interrogative sentence and the part of the additional question are either affirmative or negative. Such as: It, s, colder, today, isn, t, it? You 've, had, an, accident, have, you? 2., additional questions, part of the subject of more pronouns, the pronoun should be consistent with the subject of the statement part. Such as: Joan, bought, you, the, gift, didn, t, she? 3., the additional questions, part of the subject in front of more auxiliary verbs, be verbs or modal verbs, they should be consistent with the predicate part of the statement, and negative form commonly used in short form. Such as: They, went, with, you, didn, t, they? 4. when answering questions, no matter what the problem is, if the facts are positive, use yes, and if the facts are negative, use No. Such as: - He, can, t, swim, can, he? He can't swim, can he? - Yes, he, can. no, he will. - No, he, can, T., yes, he won't. Need attention: First, the sentence structure of There be is rather special. The structure of the interrogative sentence is "there be" inversion without the sentence subject. Such as: There, is, something, wrong, the, computer, isn't, there, with, there's something wrong with this computer, isn't it? There, aren't, any, fish, in, the, are, there, river? There is no fish in the river, is there? Two, when the subject of the statement is everyone, everybody, someone, nobody, they, no, one, none, anyone, somebody and other synthetic pronouns, the subject in the interrogative sentence is usually he or. Such as: Someone, opened, the, door, didn't, he/they? Someone opened the door, didn't they? Nobody, went, to, the, cinema, did, they? No one goes to the movies, does he? Three, when the subject of the statement is everything, nothing, something, anything and other synthetic words, the subject in the interrogative sentence is it. Such as: Nothing, serious, happened, did, it? Nothing happened, did they? Everything, is, ready, isn't, it? Everything is ready, isn't it? Four, when the statement of the predicate verb is am positive form, tagquestion verb aren't, instead of am not; when the statement of the predicate verb is am not, the tagquestion predicate still use am. Such as: I, am, five, years, younger, than, you, aren't, I? I'm five years younger than you are, aren't I? I, am, not, late, am, I? I'm not late, am I? Five, when the statement with few, little, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, never, nowhere, nothing, no, one, nobody and other negative or semi negative words, verb tag questions with positive form. Such as: The, old, man, can, hardly, read, can, he? The old man can't read, can he? Little, food, has, been, left, has, it? There's hardly any food left, is there? He, has, few, good, friends, has, he? He hardly has good friends, does he? Six, when the part of the sentence with negative prefix of the word, this statement as affirmative sentence, and then the additional part in negative form. Such as: The, students, were, impolite, weren't, they? Those students are rude, aren't they? It's, illegal, to, drive, a, car, without, a, license, isn't, it? Driving without a license is illegal, isn't it? The meaning of the word as a verb with negative statements in part of the object, the word structure can also be used with a positive, negative structure. Such as: You, got, nothing, from, him, did, you? You didn't get anything from him, did you? Seven, if the statement is the complex sentence and the main verb predicate is I (we) + think, believe, suppose, imagine, reckon, fancy and other words, additional parts should be consistent with the clauses in the predicate in tense. Such as: I, suppose, you, are, not, serious, are, you? I don't think you're serious, are you? (not don't I?) We, think, they, have, their, finished, homework, haven't, they? We think they have finished their homework, haven't they? I, believe, that, you, will, the, party, won't, you, enjoy? I'm sure you'll like the party, don't you? The statement if negative transfer, part of the subject and verb tags should be consistent with the clause, and the clause as negative sentences. Such as: I, don, t, think, you, can, do, these, exercises, alone, can, you? Eight, when the declarative part is the imperative sentence, the additional part can not be consistent with the verb in the imperative sentence, but choose shall, will, can and so on according to different intentions. Such as: Don't, make, noise, will, you? Don't make any noise, OK? Let's, help, each, other, will, you/won't, you? Let's help each other, OK? Let, me, do, it, for, you, will, you/won't, you? Let me do it for you, OK? Let, US, have, a, look, at, new, dictionary, will, you/won't, you, your? Let's take a look at your new dictionary, OK? [note] the imperative sentence at the beginning of the Let's (including the speaker himself); the appended section is often used in shall we or shan't we, which means soliciting opinions. Let us/me/him does not include the hearer's initial imperative sentence. Does the additional part use will you or won't you? Nine, containing had, better declarative sentences, the auxiliary part of the use of auxiliary verb had; would containing declarative sentences, additional parts of the verb with would. Such as: You'd, better, go, home, now, hadn't, you? You'd better go home now, OK? You'd, like, to, see, the, film, wouldn't, you? You really want to see a movie, don't you? The statement of have to, the tag question to the negative form of the auxiliary verb. Such as: You, have, to, water, the, vegetables, every, day, don't, you? You're watering every day, right? The subject of the ten and 8. statements is indefinite pronoun one, the subject of the interrogative sentence can be either one or you (American English he). Such as: One, should, be, ready, help, others, to, shouldn't, one? Everyone should be helpful, right? When the statement subject clause, infinitive (phrase), verb -ing, questions of the subject should be it. Such as: What, you, need, is, more, important, isn't, it? What you need is more important, isn't it? Ten, tag questions can sometimes be Eh, Right, Am, right, I, Don't, you, think, Isn't, that, so, and so on. Such as: She, didn't, pass, the, entrance, examination, eh? She didn't pass the entrance exam, eh? They, forgot, to, attend, the, lecture, am, I, right? They forgot to go to that class, right? Eleven, use the must table to infer the use of the interrogative sentence 1) to the present situation conjecture, the question question part uses the active verb (do, be) general present tense proper form. If present, the question section is expressed in the proper form of the present continuous tense. If the there be structure, questions using isn't/aren't there. Such as: 他一定在那儿,是吗, 他一定有一个大家庭,不是吗, 他一定在外面等着,是吗, 房间里一定有一些学生,不是吗, 2)对已发生的过去情况的推测,若陈述句谓语部分有“必须做”, 而且有 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示过去的时间状语,问句部分用没有;若没有表示过去的时 间状语,问句部分用没有或没有如: 他们昨天晚上一定去那儿了,是吗, 他们现在一定已经到了,不是吗,(根据现在来判断) 他们一定去过长城,不是吗, 3)若是被动,应按被动结构来处理。如: 这个房间昨天一定打扫过了,是吗, 房间一定已经打扫过了,是吗, 4)若句中有表示过去完成时的时间状语,问句部分应用没有如: 到上学期末,他们一定已经学了5000个英语单词,不是吗, (本 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 中必须表推测,如果将它去掉,还原为真实句就是他们已经学了5000个英语单词的最后一个学期。最后因此,反意问句是没有) 十二、陈述部分的主语如果是这,,,这些,那些,附加问句部分的主语分别用它或如他们: 这是一台新电脑,是吗, 这些不是香蕉树,是吗, 十三、有时疑问部分的主语用你,它与陈述部分的主语在人称上不同,这时附加问句实际上等于另外一个句子,相当于你呢,或你觉得怎么样,例如: 我喜欢住在乡下,不是吗,我喜欢住在乡下。那你呢, 我想他今晚不会到,是吗,我想他今晚不会到。您是怎么想的, 十四、有些动词既可以充当助动词,也可以充当主动词,疑问部分的操作词就要根据这些动词在陈述部分的具体用法而定: 你不必大声喧哗,是吗, 他不必工作到这么晚,是吗, 他的建议不必采纳,需要吗, 彼得经常需要帮助做家庭作业,是吗, 他敢试试,不是吗, 他不敢去,是吗, 汤姆刚买了一栋新房子,是吗, 汤姆十一点喝一杯咖啡,是吗, 她还没有离开,是吗, 她每个月都理发,不是吗, 十五、动词有有时作”有”讲,在附加疑问句中可以有两种形式: 他有很多朋友,不是吗,或者:他不是吗,但: 他没有兄弟,是吗, 他没有兄弟,是吗, 十六、动词有在下列搭配中时是主动词: 你们都玩得很开心,不是吗, 他总是身体不舒服,是吗, 你每年冬天都患重感冒,是吗, 他从约翰那里知道了,不是吗, 我们明天必须四点起床,是吗, 但:我们得四点起床,是吗, 十七、用来的附加疑问句有两种形式: 他以前住在伦敦,不是吗, 十八、应该的附加疑问句通常用应该/不应该,如: 他应该受到惩罚,是吗, 我们不应该这样的形式只用于正式语体,在非正式语体中常用不或以 应该代替应该充当附加疑问句的操作词,如: 我们该走了,不是吗,或不应该吗,或我们不应该吗, 十九、附加疑问句用升调表示说话人对所述内容把握不大,希望对方加以证实,或者说话人为了语气委婉,表示客气: 你会开车,是吗, 这个不是你的,对吗, 用降调则表示提问者对所述内容较有把握,期待对方同意,或者仅是为了提起对方的兴趣。这类附加疑问句实际上相当于陈述句: 我可以再试一次,是吗, 看起来要下雨了,是吗, 二十、上面所讲的都是反意的附加疑问句。还有一种附加疑问句不是反意的,这种句子的陈述部分和疑问部分或者同为肯定,或者同为否定,常用来表示不同的感情色彩。例如: 我通过了吗,我及格了吗, B:不,恐怕你失败了。没有,我恐怕你没及格。 我失败了,是吗,真丢脸~我没及格,是吗,真糟糕。 这里表示证实了某人自己的想法,言下之意是”真糟糕”。 你会按照你的吩咐去做的。我是老板。在这里你得按我说的做,我是老板。 B:你是老板,是吗,你是老板,是吗, 这里表示讽刺,对对方表示蔑视,即”你有什么了不起”的意思。 我打碎了花瓶。 B:哦,你有,是吗, 这里是对对方说话所作的评论,表示不快,带有”怎么这样不小心”的含义。 你是个很粗鲁的人。 B:噢,我是,是吗, 这里是对对方说话不注意礼貌而给予的粗鲁回答,有点反唇相讥。 你最好不要来。到目前为止你还不会游泳。 B:所以我不能游泳,到目前为止,我不可以, 这里说话人的不愉快感觉已经跃然纸上,表示不服气,言外之意是”别小看人了”。 总之,陈述部分和疑问部分或者同为肯定,或者同为否定,通常都带有”潜台词”,话中有话,而且往往表示讽刺、愤怒、怀疑、惊奇、不快等感情色彩,不能随便使用。这类附加疑问句通常是不需要回答的。
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