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开心学英语四年级教案上下全册开心学英语四年级教案上下全册 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 开心学英语四年级教案上下全册 开心学英语四年级上全册教案 Unit One Hi , Gogo The first period (第一课时) (Conversation、Vocabulary、Review) 一、 教学目标 1, To review ―Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc. 2.The sounds and words 3.New words: hungry, thir...

开心学英语四年级 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 上下全册 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 开心学英语四年级教案上下全册 开心学英语四年级上全册教案 Unit One Hi , Gogo The first period (第一课时) (Conversation、Vocabulary、Review) 一、 教学目标 1, To review ―Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc. 2.The sounds and words 3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler 二、 教学重点 1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third preson, singular ,present tense; 2、 人称代词单复数的区分; 3、 能正确记住Do you have …?的用法 三、 教学难点 1、 能准确书写所学的单词; 2、 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense; 四、 教学过程 (1) 1、 Greetings Say hello to the new students 2、 Presentation :To find a few students to play a role 3、 To over look the unfamiliar words ; 4、 Let the students practice a few minutes, then perform it. 5、 Try to recite Conversation together. (2) 1,To teach the new words in Vocabulary 2、to present the new words ;To do the motions to help remember the words. 3、listen to the tape for Review www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 4、A few students to repeat after the tape, then the whole class. 5、To write down the sentences and practise while the teacher ask and answer questions. 6、 The students work: practice with their partners 7、 A few students demonstrate the questions (3) 1、 To teach the students say the rhyme and help them to remember the new content. 2、 Go over all the knowledge and summarize. (4) Homework 1、To copy the words 2、To recite Conversation 3、Make preparations for the dictation. The second period (第二课时) (Practice1 Practice2 Song Activity1) 教学目标 1. To review ―Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc. 2.The sounds and words 3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler. 五、 教学重点 1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense; 2、 人称代词单复数的区分; 3、 能正确记住Do you have …等的用法。 六、 教学难点 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;能准确书写所学的单词。 七、 教学过程 1.Revision (recall the new words together, dictation.)T ask a student ―What’s this?”。then result in ― I’m thirsty. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2`To use the same way to show the sentences of Practice1, Listen to the tape and circle the answer 3.To check the answer (2) 1.The teacher ask the student a question and review ― Are you hungry? …‖ 2. Hold up a object and say :I have a ruler. Do you have a ruler? Yes, I do To extend the key point ―No, I don’t‖ 3. repeat the same way to get other objects involved . 1、 Pair work (3) 1. To listen to the tape twice 2. To sing after the tape 3. Hold a competition between the boys and girds 4. check over ( 4) 1、区分人称代词的数。 2、用RHYME 的方式去区分,如: 人称代词你我他她 你 you ,我 I ,他 he , 她 she 物主代词你/我/他/她的 你的 your , 我的 my ,他的 his ,她的her 单数复数要分清 你们 you ,我们 we ,他/她们they 个个记牢,动脑筋 莫出笑话,莫出错 (1) 学生做练习 ,2, 检查,反馈(5) To summarize the contents: www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 (1) To look over the contents (2) Homework: copy the sentences of Practice1 The third period (第三课时) (activity2, sounds and words1and2) 一 、教学目标 1, To review ―Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.不同 2.The sounds and words 3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler 二、 教学重点 2、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense; 3、 人称代词单复数的区分; 4、 能正确记住Do you have …de的用法 三、教学难点 5、 能准确书写所学的单词; 6、 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense; 四、教学过程 1. Ask the student to look over the Sounds and the words 2. To write them down and let them to distinguish the words in v.+s/es 3. to read after the teacher and then listen to the tape 4. ask a few students to repeat 5. ask the student to use ―Can you…?‖ to ask their partner about the words 6. To look over Part2 then look at the screen To find out the V. 7. Play a game: a few students to point out the thing while hear what the teacher say 8. To summarize the contents 9.Homework: review this Unit www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Unit 2 What day is it today? Teaching Target : What day is it today? It’s Monday. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Teaching Key: New words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Sounds and words:/ju:/ The first period: (第一课时) 一、词汇 1、教师把图画卡片挂在黑板上。 T:(指着Sunday) It’s Sunday. Repeat. [Ss: It’s Sunday] T: What day is it today? It’s ….( 引导学生答) 用一周的其他几天继续进行活动。 T:All the days together make one week .(出示图画卡片)Week. Repeat.[Ss: Week.] 2、 Look at the teacher’s mouth, then guess the words. 3、 Read together and pair work. 4、新课呈现 T: Open your books to page 10.Listen to the tape and repeat, point to each day as you say it . 播放录音,让学生跟读一周的每一天。 至于week这个单词,可让学生在图片的月历上圈出一个礼拜 T:(指着Saturday ) Is it Wednesday? [Ss :No, it isn’t . It’s Saturday.](指着Monday )Is it Monday ?[Ss: Yes, it is] 教师必要时做示范。 指着一周的其他几天,问类似的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 对话 二、对话的学习: 1、教师带一本大的月历和一些体育器材,如:一个篮球,一个乒乓球拍等,进入教室。 Review the words .(做练习) T:What day is it today?(指着月历上一周的每一天,然后指着当天的日子)oh, it’s (Tuesday). www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 教师举起一个篮球。 T:I play basketball on(Tuesday). (再指着月历) 2、把球传给不同的学生,让他们重复句子 I play basketball on(Tuesday) 教师拿起其他的体育器材,如乒乓球,假装打乒乓球。 T:I play ping-pong on Sunday.(指着月历上的Sunday) 把球拍传给其他学生,示范句子,让他们重复。 3、新课呈现 T:Open your books. Let’s listen to the tape. 教师播放录音,同时指着每一幅图片。 T:Let’s listen again and repent 播放录音,每句后停顿,让学生跟读。 把学生分成四个小组,让他们分别扮演Gogo, Jenny, Tony及Mrs.Green(Tony和Jenny的妈妈) 鼓励每组加上动作,如:在对话中假装玩某一项体育活动。 教学后记:星期几这七个单词比较难掌握,需要不断的强化。 The second period: 一、指着词汇部分的图片。 T:What day is it today ?(Ss: It’s (Thursday) 指着图片中物品 T :What’s this ? Ss: It’s a (piano) T: What do you do on Monday? S1:I(play the piano )on(Monday) 二、播放录音,每句后暂停,让学生跟读 教师指着某一位学生说:What day is it today? [SI:I(play the piano )on (Thursday). 三、新课呈现 播放录音:每句后暂停,让学生跟着读。 T:(指着某位同学问)What day is it today ?[SI: It’s (Wednesday)] T: (指着另一位同学问)What do you on (Wednesday),[S2:I(play soccer )on ( Wednesday) ] 与几个学生重复此项活动。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 四、 Exercise 1 指着每组的三张图片进行谈论。 T:(指着第一组中的Monday)What day is it today ?[Ss: It’s Monday .] T: (指着第3组中的Friday) How about this one ? what day is it today ?[Ss: It’s Friday .] What do you do on Friday ?[Ss: I play soccer on Friday.] 新课呈现 T:Let’s listen to the tape . 播放第1组图片的录音,然后暂停。 T:Which day of the week is it ?Do you know ? Is it this one ?(指着Monday ) 在学生回答时,作一个画圈动作,圈住It’s Wednesday.这个句子。 T: Number I is it’s Wednesday . 继续练习其他几组,每组后暂停,让学生重复每一句。 Exercise 2: 教师把图片挂在黑板上。 T:What day is it today ?[Ss: It’s (Wednesday ?)[Ss: I (play basketball )on (Wednesday ).] 重复问题,让学生提供不同的答案。 新课呈现 T:Now, let’s read the questions. 让学生大声读出问题。 把学生分成两人一组或小组方式互回答。 教学后记:What day is it today ? It’s句型掌握理想。 The third period: 一、Sing a song 展示一幅大的月历,指着不同的日期。 开始谈论学生的生日日期,帮他们找到自己的生日在今年的星期几。 新课呈现 T: Let’s sing a song !Let’s listen first . 播放录音,唱到哪,就用手指到哪。 把学生分成两组。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 一组唱问题,一组唱回答。 二、活动 T: What do you do on Saturday ?Repeat .[Ss: What do you do on Saturday ?] T:I swim on Saturday .(指着一个学生问) What do you do on Monday ?[Ss: I (cook) on Monday .] 用一周的不同周日对数名同学重复提问。 要几个学生提出问题让其余的学生回答。 新课呈现 教师让学生结对 把调查表抄在黑板上,教师示范做一次调查。问某一学生:What do you do on Sunday ?[Ss: I (play soccer )on Sunday ]把soccer写进相应的方格里。 若时间允许,让几组学生与全班同学分享答案。 活动2 教师把第2册图画卡片挂在黑板上, 在每张图画卡片下,打乱顺序写下图片的单词 让一些自愿的学生把单词和相应的图片配对。 让那些自愿的学生用粉笔/水彩笔把正确的单词写在图片下面 问全班学生是否同意该学生的拼写 新课呈现 T: Open your books Look at these scrambled words . What are they ? 引导学生说:Days或Days of the week 指着图片中不同的桌子,问学生它们是星期几。 让学生结对,把一周内几天的拼写复原并写在下面的空白处 三、语音和单词 教师把字母U写在黑板上, T: What’s this letter?[Ss:U] T :Yes Today’s sound is same sound as the letter u .Let’s practice the sound /ju:/.Look at my mouth and repeat . T:/ju/.[Ss:/ju/] www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 新课呈现 教师让学生看着该页上的单词。 T: Let’s listen to the tape . 播放录音,让学生指着每一个读出的单词 T: Let’s listen again and this time ,repeat 播放录音,让学生跟读 经过充分练习后,教师任意指着不同的图片,让学生说出该单词。 让学生看着歌谣旁边的图片 T:(指着气球)What are these ?[Ss: They’re balloons. T: (指着独角兽) What’s this ?[Ss: It’s a unicorn 用其他图片继续活动 新课呈现 T:Let’s listen to the chant . 播放一遍录音 T: Now ,listen and point to the pictures as they are chanted . 再次播放录音,当唱到unicorn, cucumbers ,ice cubes 和balloons时,学生应用手指着它们。 T: Let’s chant together 播放录音,让学生跟着唱,并跟着节奏打拍子 教学后记:经过充分练习后,教师任意指着不同的图片,让学生说出该单词。学生掌握理想。 Unit 3 Can I have a balloon? The first period www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 教学目标:1、学习Conversation部分的对话,并能运用这些句型进行模仿对话。 2、学习Vocabulary部分的单词,要求四会。 3、会熟练应用Target部分的句子进行对话。 教学重点:Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 教学难点:运用Conversation部分和Target部分的句子进行模仿对话。 教学过程: 一、Revision 1、Sing the songs: ―What’s your name?‖ &― What day is today?‖. 2、Ask and answer the questions: 1) Are you hungry? 2) Who’s she /he? 3) What day is it today? 4) What do you do on Monday? 二、Presentation (一)学习Conversation 1、出示实物或图片并问答: T: What’s this/that? S: It’s a/an…. 2、师出示ice cream cone图,自问自答: T: What’s this? T: It’s an ice cream cone. (教学单词ice cream cone) (教师把ice cream cone给一个学生,作没有cream cone状) T: Can I have an ice cream cone, please? (当学生递过来时,教师连续说:) T: Thank you. 3、板书: Can I have a/an …? (留空一行) Thank you. (留空一行) 4、带读并启发学生理解板书句子的意思。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5、分组用所学的单词操练句子。 6、找一位反应较快的学生A与教师演示对话: A: Can I …? T: Yes. Here you are. A: Thank you. T: You’re welcome. 7、板书并带读: Can I have a/an …? Yes. Here you are. Thank you. You’re welcome. 8、向学生解释在这里Can可以用May I来代替,意思不变。 9、用类似的方法教学:Can I have a/an …? Yes, you can./No, sorry. 10、让学生打开课本 ,认真听录音一遍,再跟读。 11、让学生自由朗读对话两分钟,再分组扮演角色 朗读对话。 12、师创设情境,让学生四人一组扮演角色进行对话,并抽一组同学在全班同学面前表 演,对有创意的学生给予表扬。 (二)学习Vocabulary 1、创设情境教学单词,比如: 师递给学生一把尺子,说:You have a ruler.板书并教学单词“have”, 接着教师拿 起尺子在黑板上画线,并板书单词“use”,说:use, I use the ruler.等等。 2、用同样的方法教学其它的单词:buy call borrow watch listen. 3、Listen to the tape and repeat,再自由记忆单词。 4、游戏:哑剧表演 让一个学生来到讲台上表演动作,其它同学猜单词并大声拼读出来 (三)学习Target的句型 1、教师开火车形式提问: www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 T: Can I have a ruler? S1: Yes. Here you are. T: Can I use your pencil? S2: Yes, you can. T: Can I borrow your book? S3: Sure. Here you are. T: Can I buy your pen? S4: No, sorry. …… 在得到四个不同的回答后,告诉学生说:这四种回答都是正确的。 2、让学生指着书本上的图,认真听录音,然后跟读。 3、两人一组自由对话: S1: Can I …? S2: Yes. Here you are./ No, sorry. 三、小结。 四 ` Homework 1、能熟读Conversation部分的对话。 2、能熟读并背诵Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 The second period 教学目标:1、巩固Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 2、熟练掌握Can I …?句型及其问答。 3、学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。 教学重点:以can 开头的一般疑问句及其问答。 教学难点:Practice 2部分的问题及其问答。 教学过程: 一、Revision www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 1、随意抽查几位学生背诵Conversation. 2、出示Vocabulary部分的单词卡,并让一位同学 来扮演动作,其它同学猜单词并拼读出来。 3、让学生2个一组,手拿实物,一边做动作,一边对话。 A: Can I …? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Can I …? B: No, sorry. 二、完成Practice 1 Listen and circle. 1、给2 分钟学生默读并理解句子的意思。 2、Listen to the tape and circle. 3、Correct the answer and then read after the tape. 三、完成Practice 2 Ask and answer. 1、师生对话,教师走到学生面前就地取材,问答: 1) T: What’s this? S1: It’s a book. T: Can I use your book? S1: Yes. Here you are./ Yes, you can. 2) T: What’s that? S2: It’s a pen. T: Can I use your pen? S2: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry. …… 2、让学生认真看书,熟读句子。 3、学生两人一组拿起物件进行问答。 4、笔头完成对话。 四、Sing the song: Can I have a pen? 1、启发学生看图理解并熟读歌曲。 2、Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat. 3、分组比赛,一组唱问题,一组唱回答,看哪一组唱得好。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 4、Sing the song together, 一边做动作,一边唱。 五、Activity 1: Look, read and match. 1、师出示图片,让学生用开火车的形式快速说短语: watch TV call my mother go to the zoo buy a book borrow a stapler listen to a song 2、游戏:找图片比赛 规则:课前每人准备一套有关Activity 1的图片,每组派一位代表出来,教师说短语, 看哪一组代表最先找出相应的图片,哪一组就获得1分,最后分数最多的一组为胜。 3、在相应的短语上贴上图片。 4、打开书本,完成Activity 1的配对练习。 5、学生结对相互检查答案,教师巡视,帮助有困难的同学。 六、小结。 七、作业: 抄写第三课所学的单词,并背诵。 熟练掌握Can I …?句型及其问答。学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。 The third period 教学目标:1、巩固句型: A: Can I …? B: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry. 2、学习Sounds and words 部分的字母、字母组合的发音及单词。 3、会应用所学的知识完成Workbook的练习。 教学重点:Sounds and words 部分的单词及其字母组合的发音。 教学难点:字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的发音。 教学过程: 一、Revision 1、出示图片或实物,让学生之间互相问答: S1: Can I have your pen? S2: Sure. Here you are. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 S3: Can I borrow your stapler? S4: No, sorry. …… 二、Activity 2 1、出示图片,学生快速说出单词和相应的短语,如: an ice cream cone buy an ice cream cone a balloom have a balloom …… 2、游戏:教师把图片依照书本贴在黑板上,叫两位学生到讲台上来,由S1抛一下硬 币,若为下面,则S1向前走一步;若为反面,则只走一步,把磁铁向相应的卡片 移动,让S2向S1问一个关于图画卡片的问题,如: S2:Can I watch TV? S1:Yes, you can./ No, sorry./ Sure. Here you are. 3、让学生翻开书本,两人一组玩这个游戏,注意运用上“Can I …?”这一句型。 4、学生玩游戏,教师巡视,帮助有困难的学生。 三、学习Sounds and words: 1、Listen , point and say. 1)出示图片教学单词,提醒学生注意字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的读音,并 注意教师发音时的嘴形。 2)听录音,录音读到哪个单词,就让学生指到哪个单词。 3)跟录音机读单词,然后自由记忆。 4)出示图片快速拼读单词。 2、Listen and chant. 1)看图问答: T: What’s this? S: It’s a soup. T: What’s this? S: It’s a spoon. T: Do you like soup? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. …… 2)让学生自由朗读诗句。 3)Listen to the tape and point to the pictures. 4)让学生跟录音一起唱。 四、完成Workbook 练习。 五、小结。 六、作业: 1、 背诵本课的单词和句子。 2、 把Sounds and words部分的单词写一行。 Unit 4 Review 1 目的与要求: Language: Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Who’s she? She’s my grandmother. What’s that? It’s a stapler. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Can I have a peach? Sure . Here you are. Can I have a balloon? No, sorry. Sounds and words:/s/,/z/,/эz/,/ju:/,/u:/ Vocabulary: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, week, go, use, have, borrow, buy, watch, call, listen, cooks, eats, play, reads, washes, touches, music, humans, unicorn, huge, cucumber, ice cube, balloon, spoon, suit, boots, soup, glue Materials: Picture Cards 1—24,chalk/marker, Draw, cut and play! WB p.70, scissors, weekly schedule WB p.50 教学过程: Getting ready 1. Point to various pictures. T: What are they saying? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Using the book 1. T: Now let’s listen. 2. Ss draw lines from the letters to the corresponding pictures. Getting ready 1. Hold up picture cards 9—15. 2. Have Ss say the words. Using the book 1. T: Draw lines from the letters to the days. 2. Play the tape. Getting ready 1. Put up three Picture Cards from Unit 1—3 on the board. 2. Ask S1 to come to the board. 3. Make a sentence about one of the Picture Cards. T: Circle the picture. Using the book 1. Point to the pictures in the boxes. 2. T: Listen to the tape. Circle the correct pictures. Getting ready 1. Write: cooks, Tuesday, balloon, plays and washes on the board. 2. Write a word from the Sounds and words sections in Units 1—3 on the board, e.g. Music. 3. T: which word has the same sound?[Ss: Tuesday.] 4. Draw a line from Tuesday to music. Using the book 1. Point to the words in the boxes. T: connect the words that have the same sounds. Getting ready 1. Write oo, u, u-e, ou and s at the top of the board. 2. Write b ts and m sic on the board. 3. Ask for a student volunteer to come to the front. 4. T: (point to oo.) Can you say this? [S1(/u:/).] www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5. T: Where does it go?(Point to the words at the bottom of the board.) 6. Have S1 draw a line from the letters to b ts. 7. T: /u:/. Boots. Repeat. Boots. [Ss: Boots.] Using the book 1. T: Look at the pictures, listen and write. 2. Play the tape. 延展活动: Draw, cut and play!(WB p.70) Ss draw a picture in each box. Then Ss cut their cards apart and choose one card. T say the word and listen for another with the same sound. T demonstrates by holding the card ice cube and giving a student the card humans. T and S1 walk around the room in different directions, calling out their words. T cups his/her ear with one hand, pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1. They sit down together, showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1. They sit down together ,showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play. Weekly schedule( WB P. 50) Put Ss in pairs. They interview each other to complete each other’s weekly schedules. T demonstrates with a student volunteer, e.g. What do you do on Monday?S1 answers I play basketball on Monday. Ss write single words on the schedule, eg. basketball. Unit Five Do you like science? 一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1、 Vocabulary: English, music, art, math, science, history,P.E., subject. 2、 Conversation: A. Do you like…? Yes, I do. B. What subject do you like? I like… 二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points) www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 A: Do you like… B: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points) A: What subject do you like? B: I like… 四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium) 1、 各种书籍 2、 录音带 五、教学活动:(Teaching activity) 1. Bingo 2. 传口令练单词。 3. 抛娃娃传问答。 4. 调查表。 5. Dick game 6. 胜利坐凳游戏。 7. Sing a song. 六、教学课时:三课时 七、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure) The first period (第一课时) Step 1、Revision Revise how to ask for thing: What’s that? It’s a /an …(使用学过的物品) Step2、Presentation and drill 1、师捧出一叠各科书本,引导生问:What’s that? 老师拿起一本书Say : It’s my book. It’s my science book. 2、学习science, 示范、板书、带读、抽查、操练讲: It’s my science book. 3、师拿起另一本书问学生:Is it my science book? Yes or No.(引导学生回答)师Say: It’s my English book. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 4、以同法学习 music, history, art, P.E., math. 5、Play a game : ?Bingo. ?传口令练单词。 6、继上游戏最后一个单词,老师拿出该书讲:I like„板书、示范、带读、分组练、个人抽查,师一边穿插问:What do you like, 7、由最后一 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 引出How to say: What do you like? 学习、操练,随意举书回答练习。 8.师穿插引导讲: What subjects do you like? 操练。 9.Play a game:使用布娃娃,随意抛,哪个学生接到,哪个回答 ,: What do you like? B: I like… 再由学生抛布娃娃到另一个同学,继续回答练习。 10.调查表(,26 Activity1) ,hat do you like? I like name art math history draw P.E. English science Step3、Consolidation 1、听课文,自由读,抽查。 2、做Student book: P25 Practice 1 3、做Workbook: P18? Step4、 Homework: 1、 熟读单词。 2、 背课文新句型。 板书: What do you like? / What subjects do you like? I like… The second period (第二课时) Step1、Revision www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 1. 师指学生桌上English book, ask: What’s that? answer(生): It’s my English book. 师再指另一种物品继续进行问答(分组、男女、个人) 2. 师举起各种书问:What do you like? 提问一学生回答:I like…开火车问答练习。 Step 2、Presentation and drill 1. 继上一练习,师接最后一学生内容引出讲:Do you like…? 引导学生回答 Yes/No.学习 新句型,示范、带读,随意抽出各种书练习讲: Do you like…? 师穿插回答Yes, I do. 2. 教学生操练Yes, I do.师生练习分组问答,开火车操练。 3. 由最后一组学生的操练内容引导问老师:Do you like…? 师答:No, I don’t I like…板书, 学习,操练。 4. Play a game: ?Dick game(student book P27 Activity2)操练: Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. I like… ?胜利坐凳游戏:甲学生找乙学生进行问答练习,甲学生会问就坐到乙学生座位,乙学生继续去找其他学生进行问答练习,操练。 Do you like…, Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 5、Sing a Song: I like science. (P26 Song) Step 3、 Consolidation. 1.听课文录音一次。 2.读课文中P23Conversation ?、?、?、? and P24Target?、 ?.自由读、抽查。 3. 做Workbook:P18 ? Step 4、Homework 1. 熟读课文内容。 2. 做Workbook: P15? 板书:Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. The third period (第三课时) www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step 1、Revision 1. Sing the song: I like science. 2. 师问:What do you like? I like… 与一学生进行问答练习,分组、男女、个人抽查练习。 3. Play a game: Three Cups Card Game 4. 继上游戏最后一内容,师引出问该生: Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 5. 开火车操练: Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. Step 2、Practice 1.Workbook: P18? 2、学习Studentbook : P28 Sounds and words, 先让学生听录音一次,再将读音分组出示。 Science dance face fance dice mice 师师范读,学生找规律,试说,师再小结。 ,、Listen and chant (Studentbook : P28 ?)。 4、Sing the song of I like science. Step 3、 Homewrok. 熟读全文,背诵重点句型,默写单词。 板书:What do you like? I like … Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. Unit 6 What do they want? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Target I. Sentences. 1. What do they want ? They want that stuffed animal. 2. Do they want a guitar? No, they want a computer game. 3. Does she want a guitar? No, she doesn’t. 4. Do you want a guitar? Yes, please. II. Words. want does toy doesn’t computer game stuffed animal puzzle skateboard doll guitar walk wolf water III. Sounds and words [w] (initial position) window wolf walk water week worm Materials Picture Cards 33-40, realia: stuffed animal, computer game, doll, drum, guitar, puzzle, etc., chalk/marker, Ss’toys, Survey Grid WB P.47. The first period (第一课时) Step 1 Review 1. Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don't. 2.What subjects do you like? I like … . 3.听写单词: English music art math science history P.E. subjects www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step 2 Conversation Getting ready ※ Bring realia , such as a stuffed animal, a computer game and a doll to class. ※ Hold up a stuffed animal to show Ss. ※ T: stuffed animal. Repeat. Ss: stuffed animal. ※ T: Do you want a stuffed animal?(Offer one stuffed animal to s1.) Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. ※ T: (Hold up a computer game.)Computer game. Repeat. Ss: Computer game. ※ T: Does (he) want a computer game?(Point to another student.) Ss: Yes,(he) does./No, (he) doesn’t. ※ T: (Hold up a doll.)Doll. Repeat. Ss: Doll. ※ T: Do you want the doll?(Point to two other Ss.) Ss: Yes, they do./ No, they don’t. Using the book. ?T: Let’s listen to the tape. ?Hold up the book and point to the picture. ?T: Let’s listen again and repeat. ?Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. ?T: Repeat after me. ?Read each line of line the dialogue and add simple actions, such as nodding and shaking your www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 head and holding up the appropriate toys. ?Ss repeat each line together and do the actions. Extension activity 让学生把他们最喜爱的玩具带进课堂来。把全班分成六个小组。每组各自创建“玩具店” 开展对话。如Do you have a doll? Yes , I do./No, I don’t.给学生练习的时间,教师解决学生不 懂的玩具名称的问题,让其中部分小组为全班表演。 Vocabulary Getting ready ◎ Put Picture Cards 33-40 on the blackboard. ◎ T: Listen, then repeat. Computer game. Ss: Computer game. ◎ Continue with other Picture Cards. Also show realia when possible. Using the book ※T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each item as you say it. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. ※T: Close your books. ※T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and realia.) what is it? Ss: It’s a …. Extension activity 让学生按座位顺序开始玩游戏。如S1说:S2说:每个学生重复前面的清单,再加进 自己的项目。对学生提出挑战,看谁能记住清单上最多的项目。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step 3 Homework 抄写并记住本课单词 The second period Step 1 Review 1、朗读对话。 2、听写单词。 Step 2 New lessons Target Getting ready *T: (S1’s name),do you want a (guitar)? (Offer a Picture card to S1.) S1: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. *T: (S2’s name), does (S1’s name) want a (guitar)? S2: Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t. *Model responses Using the book ,T: Look at your books. What are they saying?(Point to the first picture and circle the guitar with your finger.) ,T: Continue with the other two pictures. ,T: Now listen to the tape and repeat. ,T: Play the tape, pausing in between each number so Ss can repeat. Extension activity www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 教师用一些实物或图片问学生:S1,Do you want a doll?让S1回答。然后再问S2,Does S1want a doll?让S2回答。余类推。 What do you want? Survey(WB P.47) 要求全班同学讨论哪些是最流行的玩具,并把它们在黑板上列出来。学生把所列的玩具清单抄在调查表上,就最喜欢的玩具这个话题对其他四个学生做访问调查。要求把四个学生的姓名写在 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 的顶端,然后发问:Do you want a (computer game)?若S1说:Yes, S2就在写有S1姓名的方格中?打。若S1说:No,S2就在方格中打×。S2就清单上的其他物品问S1。当S1回答完所有的问题之后,S2就问另外一个同学。当所有同学完成全部调查后,让全部学生结对,相互讲述各自的调查结果。如:(S1’s name)wants a (computer game).(S2’s name)doesn’t want a doll.通过讲述让学生达到运用语言的目的。 Practice 1 Getting ready ??T: Look at the pictures. What’s this?(Point to the checkmark.)It means yes. ??T: (Point to the X.)This means no. ??T: Look at the pictures. What are these?(Point to the pictures in Numbers 2 and 3.) ??Have Ss name the items. Using the book ??T: Let’s listen to the tape. ?? Play the tape for Number 1, then pause. ??T: Does he want a toy car? ?? While Ss are responding, make a circle motion around the yes, he does, phrase. ??T:“Yes, he does.” is the answer. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ?? Continue with the remaining three numbers, pausing after each one so Ss can circle the pictures and sentences they hear. Extension activity 教师先与一个学生小级示范该游戏。邀请五个自愿的学生暂时离开教室。在剩余的学生中 选一保学生做神秘客。神秘客从在一张被拉起的布后面,这样别人就看不到他/她。让走出 去的五个同学返回教室,背对全班同学坐在教室前面,这样就无法知道班上缺了谁。五个同 学轮流向神秘客发问。如神秘客予以真实的回答:他/她设法伪装自己的声音,在五个人每 人问了一个问题后,要他们猜猜谁是神秘客。神秘客露面。然后与另一组同学玩另一轮游戏。 Practice 2 Getting ready ※Have Ss look at the pictures on SB p.31. ※T: She is asking a question.(Point to the girl under Number 1.) What is she saying? ※Point to the picture of the skateboard in the thought bubble as a clue. ※Get responses from several Ss and accept all answers. ※Do the same for the remaining three questions. Using the book ※T: Now, read the questions. ※ Have Ss read the questions. ※ After each question, ask individual Ss to answer. ※ Put Ss in pairs or small groups to take turns asking and answering the four questions. Extension activity 每个同学准备一张纸,学生把所有的词汇写在纸上,然后开始寻找相关的同学开展活动。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 给学生三分钟的时间相互回答。如:Do you want a (puzzle)?若被问的学生说:Yes, I do. S1 就把S2的姓名写在他/她的纸上。每人均需为每件物品配对一个学生姓名。 Step 3 Homework 抄写句型,能看实物来回答 The third period tep 1 S Review 1、实物回答问题。 2、复习句型 Step 2 New Lessons Song Getting ready ◎have Ss cover up the lyrics on the page with their hands. T: Look at the pictures. Who do you see?(Point to the pictures. Ss: Gogo. Basketball. Jenny. ,etc. T: What are they doing? Ss: They are playing basketball. Using the book T: Let’s sing a song! Let’s listen first. Play the tape and point to each word and phrase as it is sung. T: Now let’s sing! Play the tape again. Have the Ss sing with the tape. T: Let’s sing it again. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions and the other group sings the responses. Then switch. Extension activity 在原歌曲中加进新的歌词,替换学生的姓名和他们想要的物品。然后全班同学开始唱: Does (S1’s name) want a (computer game)? S1唱Yes, I do!教师在全班巡视,争取让每个学生 的姓名都有机会出现在歌曲中。 Activity 1 Getting ready , On the board, write Yes, he does. and No, he doesn’t. , Hold up Picture Card 39 toy car to show Ss, then offer it to a male student. , T: Does he want a toy car? (S1nods or shakes his head.) Ss: Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. , Ask for a volunteer to circle the correct sentences on the board. Using the book , T: Open your books. Look, read and circle the correct answers. , Model Number 1. , T: Does he want a doll? (Point to the thought bubble above the boy’s head.)Is that a doll . Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a skateboard. Does he want a doll? Ss: No, he doesn’t. , Circle No, he doesn’t. on the page with your finger. , Put Ss in pairs to do Numbers 2,3 and 4. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Extension activity 在黑板上画一张井游戏的表格。把九个同学的姓名填在表格的第一方格中。这些学生坐在 教室的前面,把其余的学生分成两面三刀组(X组和O组),当第一组开始时组员选择表格 的一个学生姓名。教师问一个问题,如:Does he/she want a stuffed animal? 小组回答Yes, he/she does. 或者No, he/she doesn't. 那个学生然后回答:Yes, I do./No, I don't .若小组回答正 确,教师把学生的姓名替换掉,把小组的代号(X组和O组)填进表格,若小组答错了, 教师把另一组的代号填进空格。不论是哪个方向,能首先连成一排的就是胜利者。教师要九 个学生把他们想要的物品写在一张纸上。然后教师对照纸检查学生的答案。 Activity 2 Getting ready Point to first picture on the page. T: Look at the girl. What is she saying? Ss: Does he want …? T: What does the boy want? (Point to four small pictures.) T: Does he want a drum? Ss: No, he doesn’t. T: Does he want a puzzle? Ss: Yes, he does. Continue with the pictures of the stuffed animal and the skateboard. Using the book T: Look at the pictures on page 33. Work with a partner. Ask each other questions about the items on this page. Put Ss into pairs to do the activity. Circulate and listen to Ss and provide prompts if necessary. Extension activity www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 把图片贴在黑板上。教师就班上不同的学生提出问题。如what do (S1’s name) and ( S2’s name) want?教师举起一、二或三只手指提示学生们该列出多少物品。邀请自愿的学生回 答,如(S1’s name) and ( S2’s name) want a drum, a puzzle and a doll. 若教师同时提出两个 或多个学生,他们应该快速开展讨论,然后回答。如:We want a drum and a puzzle. We don’t want a doll. 与其他同学继续开展问答对话。 Sound and words ?Getting ready T: Let’s practice the sound[w]. Look at my mouth and repeat. Show your mouth and model how both lips are extremely rounded. T: [w]. Ss: [w]. Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T: Let’s listen to the tape. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it. T: Let’s listen again and this time, repeat. Have Ss repeat after the tape. after enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. ?Getting ready Have Ss look at the pictures in the book. T: What’s that? Is it a dog? (Point to the wolf.) Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a wolf. Continue with the other pictures and elicit responses. Draw two simple sketches on the board, a window and a worm. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 T: The worm is wiggly. (Point to sketches.) Circle the picture. Have a student volunteer come to the front. Give him/her a piece of chalk/marker. S1 circles the sketch of the worm. Using the book T: Let’s listen to the tape. Play the tape once. T: Now listen and point to each picture and circle the correct one. Play the tape again and have Ss circle the correct pictures as they repeat the sentences. Extension activities 1、让学生在教室中央分两行面对面站着。教师讲出一个单词,若该单词含有[W]音,学 生就快速说出该单词,并且快速跑动换行,若该单词不含[W]音,学生就保持沉默,且快速 跑去触摸墙壁,若教师在他们摸墙壁之前就用手触到他们,他们就加入教师行列而站在中间。 2、邀请一个自愿的学生来到教室的前面。教师指着该页的图片,让学生把图片的意 思用动作表达式出来。其他同学设法在课本上猜出相应的句子,如:He walks on the water. 第 一个说出正确句子的同学获胜。然后轮流演示图片的意思。 Step 3 Homework 用实物练习对话,掌握句型“What do they want?”及回答。 Unit7 Where are my glasses? 一、 教学目的: 1、 能正确运用句式“Where are my glasses?‖去进行交际。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2、 能够正确地谈论物体及其所处位置。 3、 学习/f /的发间及规律。 二、 教学重点: 1、 掌握句式“Where is/are my ……?/It’s behind the desk.ect.,并能正确运用其进行 交际。 2、 掌握词汇:closet, glasses, sofa, wellet, bookcase, next to, behind, in front of. 3、 了解/ f/的发音及规律。 三、 教学难点 运用句式及所学单词进行交际。 四、 课时:2 五、 教学过程 The First Period 一、 复习引入新课: 1、 复习呈现出 Gogo ,让Gogo 四处寻找他的好朋友,课前把一个学生藏在讲 台后Gogo问 :Where’s my friend?复习单词behind,运用其它已学物体进行复习 under和 on 。 2、 引入新课:运用1方法教学wallet and. nex to , ―Where’s….?‖etc. 二、 教学新课: 1、 听读,呈现 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 ,教学新单词:closet ,glasses ,sofa ,wallet bookcase ,next to,behind, in front of 学生跟读。 2、 听录音表演:part1 播放录音,学生边听边指着课本里的图片,试着跟读让学 生根据录音表演,再进行自读自演。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 3、 实物表演:引导学生运用实物进行表演正确运用“Where is/are…..?/It’s/They’re…..etc‖. 三、 新知识巩固: 1、 呈现自制课件,引导学生完成p31 practise1. 2、 自和说:出现挂图p38 Activity1引导学生运用“Where’s……?It’s……etc进行成 组对话练习。 四、 作业:运用“Where’s……?”做对话。 The Second Period 一、 复习: 1、 呈现所学物体卡片复习单词 2、 运用实物启发学生运用所学句式“Where’s my ……?It’s…..‖进行成组对话练习。 3、 学唱歌曲“Where is my white sock?‖ 二、 教学新课: 1、 游戏引入: 挑选几个同学拿着教师发给他们的含有/f/音的单词卡。放音乐,按拍子数one, two, three, four…..ect。当音乐一停,数到的同学站出来,全班同学读出他所拿 的单词。反复操练,使学生掌握/f /正确发音规律。 2、 拍子巩固: Student’s book page40.Listen and chant.学生边打拍子边唱。 三、 新知识巩固 1、 玩游戏,复习单词及句子。拿出一个自制小盒子,玩接力游戏,让学生每组抽 出三个同学分别进行接力游戏。比如:一个同学抽到on,则第三个同学就运用它 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 们进行,造句,如my wallet is on the desk..etc,反复进行。 2、 表演交际:让学生自由组合运用自己的实物进行表演对话。 四、 作业: 1、 口语练习:自由组合编造小对话。 2、 运用所学单词造句子:例:My wallet is on the desk.ect 8 Review 2 (第一课时) 一、教学目标 1、会听句型?Do you like……?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ?Does she / he ……? ?Where’s ……? ?I like…… 2、掌握单词:English, science, music, history, art, P.E, math, computer game, doll, drum, ballon, wallet, subjects, skate board, guitar, closet, glasses, sofa, bookcase, next to, behind, in front of. 二、教学重点、难点: 1、能正确辨别句型?Do you like……? ?Does she / he ……? ?Where’s ……? ?I like…… 2、能正确辨认单词的读音及意义。 三、教具: 图片、录音机、实物(glasses, stapler) 四、展现新课 一、Revision. 1、用图片复习单词. glasses, science, drum, guitar, football, dool, P.E, English, math, ballom. 2、把English, guitar, football, science 4张图画贴在黑板上,在图画上面标上A B C D。Say: I like English.然后从A到English图画卡片画一条连线。 3、老师用其他三张图画卡片造句,让学生到黑板前在字母和图画卡片之间连线。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 二、教授新课。 A Listen, look and match. 1. T: Let’s listen to the tape. Draw a line form the letter to the picture. 2. 播放录音。 3. Check the answers. B Listen, look and match. 1、 用图片复习history, art, music.(复习的时候可用上DO you like history/ art ……? What do you like?等) 2、 老师把history, art, music图片贴在黑板上,说:I like history.让一个学生 到黑板前给相应的图画卡片画圈,然后老师选另外三个句子让学生画圈。 3、 做书本练习2。 ? T:Match the letters to the pictures. ? 播放录音。 ? Check the answers. C Listen, circle and match. 1、用实物复习glasses, stapler.并用上句型Is it ……? What’s this? 2、教师把stapler放在一课桌的后面,问:Where’s the stapler? 学生回答:It’s on the desk.(教师可随意拿起学生们桌上的东西如pen, ruler, 等摆放在不同的位置,训练句型Where’s ……? It’s …… 3、做书本练习3。 ? T: Now listen to the tape and choose the right word.(播放录音,每组后暂停) www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? 让学生重复句子,圈出关键单词。 T: Now connect the words to the pictures.教师指着例子。 ? 继续利用录音完成其他几组的练习。 ? Check the answers. 五、延展活动。 1、翻开《活动手册》P57。 T: Write down the things that you like and don’t like.先让学生说出他们所喜欢的物品,然 后用同样的方法完成I don’t like , I want 和I don’t want. 2、让学生自己完成填空练习。(若学生需要别的词汇,教师可讲出来,并把它写在黑 板上向全班解释。) 3、让学生画出物品的图画。 六、Play a game. 1、 教师预先把《活动手册》P58的指令抄写在纸上,放在一个小纸盒里。 2、 叫一组同学站起来准备做游戏。 3、 叫一个同学出来抽出纸令,(每次抽4条)然后快速读出指令。 4、 看谁做得又快又好,(每条纸令做得最慢或做错的淘汰出局,坚持到最后者 为胜。) 七、Homework. 1、单词填空练习,如g it r 2、两人一组练习对话,用上句型?I like…… ?Do you ……? ?Where’s ……? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 8 Review 2 (第二课时) 一、教学目标: 1、 完成《活动手册》练习题。 2、 语音和单词:[s](词尾位置)[w](词首位置)[f](词首位和词中位置) 二、教学重点: 语音和单词: 1. [s] [w] [f] 2. dance wolf four window telephone dice 三、教学工具: 录音机,图片。 四、Revision. ? What subject do you like? ? Where is your ruler / pen / bag……? ? Do you want a book / ball ……? 五、展现新课: 1、引入新课。 教师在黑板上画两个orange,一个在sofa的前面,一个在sofa的后面。 T: The orange is in front of the sofa. 让一学生上来把与句子不对应的图画打上“×”。 2、翻开《学生活动手册》P27。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? T: Now, listen, say and circle. ? 播放录音,每组后暂停。 ? 让学生重复句子,并在以相应的图画上打“×”。 ? 继续利用录音完成其他几组练习。 3、完成练习2和练习3。 4 、教师在黑板上方写下ce, f , w 和ph.。同时也写上 ather, fen , oto 和 ork..邀请4个学生上台,要求他们在字母之间连线,并说出单词。 5、打开书本P42,完成练习4。 ? T: Look at the letters and match them. Then match the words to their pictures. ? Check the answers. ? 让学生正确读出单词。重点突出[s] [f] [w]的读音,使学生掌握这些音标发音。 6、巩固练习:完成《活动手册》P28练习4。 六、Play a game. 1、 教师根据插图说出一些单词,学生仔细观察图画,找出相应的项目。教师偶 尔说一些不在图中的单词,如果学生认为这幅图不存在,就跳起来。如果学 生判断错误,就要和教师一起站在教室的前面,轮流说单词。 2、 让学生扮演书本P69-70图中不同的人物角色,让他们把椅子按汽车座位形式 摆放。S1当Gogo,司机,S2和S3分别扮演Tony 和Jenny,S4为坐在Gogo 身后的女孩,让学生做插图中的人物所做的事情,如:S1在驾驶,S2在找眼 镜,S3在招手往后看,S4在画画,教师在教室中巡视,就插图中的人物提问 班上其他的学生,学生可参考插图回答问题,教师也可让班上其他的学生向 扮演角色的学生提问题,如:Do you like math? Can I borrow your guitar?这些 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 学生则按插图人物身份回答问题。 八、巩固练习 1、 做《活动手册》P60 Can you find it? 这页插图的图画中隐含了单元中词汇 和语音部分的单词,让学生结对合作把它们找出来画圈,并把它们写在插图 下面的空白处。 2、 检查答案。 九、Homework. 1、 完成《活动手册》P59 What is it? 学生把图中的物品按照Furniture Toys subjects 不同分类,把数字写在方框中,把单词写在相应的空白中。(教师要讲 解Furniture的意思) 2、 两人一组,打开课本P69-70,看插图,比一比谁说的单词多。 Unit Nine What are you doing? 教学目标: 1Words:fish/shop/study/paint /run/write/ laugh/smile. 2 Sentences: What are you doing? What is he/she doing? What are they doing? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 重点与难点:现在分词的用法与读音。 教具:单词卡片、实物、投影仪、录音机。 教学过程(分三课时) 第一课时 Vocabulary and Target 一、 复习: 1、(通过老师指令,学生做动作)复习play/fly/dance/sleep/eat. 2、 Play a game: Simon says. T: Simon says, play(全班做动作) Dance!(不能做动作,因为没有simon says) 二、 新课: play shopping Step1 在黑板上贴 sleeping studying writing running painting eating Step2(叫几个同学做fly动作) T: What is he doing? He’s flying. What is she doing? She’s flying. What are they doing? They’re flying. (老师问其中一个同学) T: What are you doing? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 (引导)S1: I am flying. Step3板书:What is he/she doing? What are you/they doing? Step4(老师打篮球并说) T: I’m playing basketball. (把球传给学生) T: What are you doing? S1:I am playing basketball. (再把球传给另外的同学,反复练习I am playing …) Step5让学生挑出playing单词卡。 Step6同样方法,引出其它贴在黑板上的单词。 Step7. Read after the tape then repeat. Step8. Play games: 1、任意抽走一张单词卡,让学生回忆是哪个单词。 2、取下单词卡,拿出其中一个给一位学生,让他做动作,其他同学猜单词。 Step9.(叫一组同学上台做不同的动作,突然老师说:Stop!他们保持动作的停留,然后老师 提问) T: What is he/she doing? What are they doing? S: He/She is writing. They are painting. Step10. Open the book at P44, read Target after the tape. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step11. Play a game: Leader. (叫一个同学走出门外,全班同学中产生一个Leader带领其他同学做动作,每做一 个动作,老师问:What is she/he doing?出去的同学回答,然后找出Leader) Step12. Pair work: What is he/she doing? What are they doing? Step13. Homework: Copy the new words. 第二课时 Conversation and Practice 1,2 一、 复习What is he/she doing? What are they doing? 二、 新课 Step1(老师做钓鱼和游泳动作,让学生问) S: What are you doing? T: I am fishing. I am swimming. Step2 让学生做此动作,老师问: T: What are you doing? S1: I am fishing. T: What is he doing? (问其他同学) S2: He is fishing. Step3板书: fishing Step4设情景对话。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 (老师扮Gogo,看到其他同学在读书、钓鱼、睡觉、买东西、游泳……) Gogo: What are you doing? What is he/she doing? Step5. Open the book at P43, listen and look at Conversation. (老师指着Picture 4) T: What are they doing? S: They are shopping. Step5让学生练习再表演。 Step6. Practice1. A:先读所有的句子,再玩游戏。(让学生抄下其中六句话,由老师念句子,六个都跟老师相同的就Gogo.) B: Listen to the tape and then circle the right answer. Step7. Practice 2. Play a game:叫几位同学站在一排同学的后面做动作,让其他同学猜。 T: What is he doing? / What are they doing? S1: He is …/ They are … S2: He is … Step8完成句子。 What you ? I____ ______. (睡觉) What he ? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 He (写字) What_____ they______? They are______.(跑步) 第三课时 Song/Activity 1.2. Sounds and words 1.2. 一、 复习 1. 单词:Playing? 2. Ask and answer: What?doing? 二、 新课 Step1. Song. (1) Sing the song. (2) Play a game:一边唱歌一边传递盒子(盒子装有单词的卡片)当老师时,盒子 所在谁的手上,谁就抽出一张有单词的卡片,并作相应的动作。 S1: What is he doing? S2: He is? Step2. Sounds and words. (1)叫六位同学上台,同时做不同的动作,老师逐一介绍。 He’s flying./singing/drawing/crying /laughing/smiling. (2)板书以上单词。 (3)Listen to the tape then repeat. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 (4) Play a game:老师把全班分为两组相对而站,当学生听到单词含有ing的读音时,做 相应的动作,否则就不动,错的出局。两组比赛,保留人多的为获胜组。 Step3.做练习:Listen, say and circle. Activity 1 Step4. Activity 2(投影图片) Guess: Who is it? Step5.小结整个单元,讲有关现在进行时应注意的地方。 Step6. Play a game:老鹰捉小鸡。 老师扮老鹰,挑出8个同学扮小鸡,摆弄7张凳子为一个圈,8个同学站在圈外围着 凳子跑,一边跑一边问老鹰:Eagle,eagle, what are you doing? Eagle: I am running. 同学又继续问,老鹰不停地回答I am singing等等。当老鹰说I’m catching you时,8个 同学抢凳子坐,抢不到凳子的同学代替老师,然后拿走一张凳子再继续,最后一个坐 到凳子的为获胜者。 Step7.Homework:活动手册。 Unit 10 This is his body www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students’ ability of listening (can hear and catch the meaning of the new words and sentences); speaking (can talk about body with somebody); reading (according to the picture to catch the meaning in Conversation); writing (can write the new words according to the picture and can write the sentences). 2. The students can master and use the words and sentences of the text. 3. Train the students’ communication skills and encourage them to communicate with each other. Teaching Aids: recorder、a doll、 pictures… The first period Teaching contents: 1. New words: body、eyes、nose、arms、hands、 ears、mouth、legs、feet 2. New sentences: This is his head (mouth…). These are his eyes (ears…). Teaching key point: 1.New words: body、eyes、nose、arms、hands、 ears、mouth、legs、feet 2.New sentences: This is his head (mouth…). These are his eyes (ears…). Teaching difficult points: How to use these sentences: This is his head(mouth…). These are his eyes(ears…). www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Teaching Procedure: Step ? Organize teaching Sing a ―What are they doing ‖song. Step ? Review 1. Review unit 9 (1) Words: playing、eating、running… (2) Sentences: What’s he doing? He’s sleeping (running…). 2. Play a game: Guess ―What’s he doing‖ .let the doll do the motion, ask the students guess and answer the questions. E.g.: T : Look at the doll .Guess ,what’s he doing?(let the doll sleeping) S : He’s sleeping. … Step? Presentation 1 Today, we will know something about our body, look at the doll(point to the doll), ―This is his body‖(Write it down on the blackboard, and then ask the students read after the teacher). ―body‖ means ―身体‖. 1. Learn the new word ―eye‖. (1) Point to the doll’s ―eye‖ and say like this: T : This is his eye. Read after me ―eye‖(read for several times, make sure the student www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 know the meaning of ―eye‖). (2) Ask the students point to their eyes and say after the teacher. (3) One by one say the word . (4) Teach the students ―two eyes‖ should read ―eyes‖.(make sure the students understand). 2 .The same way to teach the other words(nose…). Step? Reinforcement 1. Open your books .Listen to the tape of the Vocabulary. Point and say. 2. Play a words game: Give one group a word, when the teacher call the word which belongs to the group, this group must stand up and say the word and point to the correct place in his/her body, and raise their word card. Step? Presentation 2 1. Read what the teacher point to the doll and then write down the sentences: This is his eye(nose…). These are his eyes(ears…). 2. Ask one or two students to say the sentences. 3. Listen to the tape of conversation. listen, say and point. 4. Pairs work. Ask one pairs or two come out and act. 5. Do workbook 1. Step? Conclusion 1. Sum up what we learned in the class. Review the new words and sentences. 2. Stress the key point and difficult point. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step? Homework 1. Copy the words. 2. Read Conversation and Vocabulary for two times. The second period Teaching contents: Sentences: Touch your nose (eyes…). Open your month (eyes…). Close your eyes (month…). Teaching key point: Sentences: Touch your nose (eyes…). Open your month (eyes…). Close your eyes (month…). Teaching difficult points: How to do the correct motion when the students hear what the teacher says. Sentences: Touch your nose(eyes…). Open your month(eyes…). Close your eyes(month…). Teaching procedure: Step ? Organize teaching Sing a ―What are they doing ‖song. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step ? Review 1. Review the old words: body、eyes、nose、arms、hands、 ears、mouth、legs、feet 3. Play a word game. Step ? Presentation 1 1. The teacher says the sentence: ―Touch your nose‖ and then do the motion. Write down the word ―touch ‖, and the students read after the teacher. 2. Teach the other sentences in the same way. 3. Play a game: do what the teacher says .Using these sentences: Touch your nose(eyes…). Open your month(eyes…). Close your eyes(month…). Step? Practice &Exercise 1. Do Practice 2: pairs work. 2. Do Practice 1: ?Listen to the tape and circle. ?Check the answer. 3.Chant: ?Read after the teacher. ?Listen to the tape and chat. ?Do workbook 3 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 4.Do Activity 1: put some pictures on the blackboard and then give word cards to a student and ask the student match the words with the picture. 5.Do Activity 2: compete (ask a boy and a girl come to the blackboard, write down the answer. Who do first and right who is the winner. Step? Homework 1.Read Unit 10. 3. Do workbook 2&4. The third period Teaching contents: 1. The words and sounds teach、stretch、reach、watch、catch、match 2. English sound: ch /t?/ Teaching procedure: Step ? Organize teaching Chant ―Touch your nose‖. Step ? Review 1. Review the words and sentences of The first and second period. 2. Play a game.(Do what the teacher says.) 3. Have a dictation. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step? Presentation 1. Teaching the word ―watch‖. Read the word after the teacher. And do the motion let the students guess, then tell the students ―ch‖ pronounces ―t?‖. 2. One by one read the word. make sure each students can read it better. 3. Teach the other words in the same way. Step? Practice 1. Play a word game. 2. Listen to the tape of Sounds and words, read after it. 3. Learn the chant: ?Read after the teacher first. ?Listen and chant. Step? Homework 1. Read the words of unit 10. 2. Copy the words what we learn in this time. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Unit 11 Whose bag is this ? 一、 Target: 1 Whose skateboard is this? It’s my skateboard. Whose stuffed toy is this? It’s mine. 2 Look out! You can hove it. 二、Key: mine yours his hers ours theirs Jenny’s Gogo’s 三、Difficult : Whose skateboard is this? It’s my skateboard. Whose stuffed toy is this? It’s mine . 四、教学过程: 第一课时 P55—P56 一、Revision 1 复习型容词性物主代词(结合实际,实物提问) What is your name? My name is --- What is this /that/these/those 二、New Lesson 1、 T: (指着一块滑板)What is that? It is a skateboard. 2、同样方法学习其它 3、Let’s listen to the tape .Point to the pictures. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 4、 Let’s listen again and repeat. 5、分角色朗读 6、 小组分角色朗读 7、 分4个小组表演 三、New Lesson 1 、把图画卡片 65-72贴在黑板 2 、T(举起画片)Tony says ―This is my skateboard .‖(指着滑板)My skateboard . Repeat(My skateboard) Mine . Repeat. 3、 继续学习其他图片。先谈物品,如:your notebook, his balloon, Gogo’s stuffed animal..然后学词汇---yours his Gogo’s--- 4 、T: Listen to the tape and repeat .Point to each word as you say is . T: Whose balloon is it? It is his. 5、 Play a game .Guess Ask: What is this ? Is this a pencil case? Is it big or small? Whose is it ? Whose is it? Whose are these? 四、Teach Target. Listen and say. 1 、请两个学生到前面 2、把图片43 发给学生。Ask: Whose sofa is this? Repeat 3、教师给一张图44 It is theirs. Repeat 4、T: Whose wallet is this? It is his /hers. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5、Open the books. Listen to the tape and repeat. 五、Play a game 分小组玩―guess‖(用身边物)Whose ---- is this? 六、Homework:表演对话,听写课本单词 第二课时 p57,58 一( Ask and answer 复习物主代词:Whose --- is this ? It is his/mine. 二、New lesson (Practice 1) 1、指着图片,讨论图片里的内容。 2、 T:指着第一题下面的Jenny, ask :Whose stuffed animal is this? 3、 同样方法提问 4、 T: Let’s listen to the tape 5、 播放录音 6、T: Whose stuffed animal is this? Circle the sentence. 7、教师绕句子: It’s Jenny’s.画图示意。 8、以此方式继续其他三题的练习。 三、Play a game。 学生画出自己心爱的玩具一件。教师收集十几张图画后,每一次举起一张,请一个 学生就该提一个问题。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Whose game is it,让另一生答; It’s…… 然后,让画的作者说明答案是否正确。 四、New Lesson (Practice 2) 1 、指着拿吉他的女孩的图片。 2 、T: What’s she asking? Whose guitar is this? 3、 T: Now, read each question and answer. 4 、让学生结对,相互回答。 五、Pair Work 就书本上图片互问互答。 六、Sing a song 1 、教师范唱。 2、 Ask: Whose ball is it? Whose doll is it? 3、 Let’s sing a song. Les’s listen to is first. 4、 Sing after the tape. 5 、Add actions and sing it again. 6 、自由唱,小组唱,表演。 七、New Lesson (Activity1) 1、 出示图片,让学生看图。 2、教师范做第一小题。 3、交待规律,让学生独立完成其他题目。 4 、教师在教室里巡视,检查。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5、 对于No 2 and No 4,由教师读出答句,学生说出问句,可把其中的一部分写在 黑板上,给学生抄,再由学生完成句子。 如:Whose __ is it ? 或 __ skateboard is it? 八、Homework 完成Activity 1 及 Sing the song <> 第三课时 〈p59,p60〉 一、 Revision 1 、Look at the picture, What are they? 让学生复习词汇。 2 、任意指不同的图片,让不同的学生说出物品名称。 二、New Lesson (Activity 2 ) 1、 T: (指着该页上面的女孩)She’s asking, ―Whose pants are those?‖ 2、 指着在栏顶端的短裤图片和Tony 的图片。 T: They’re Tony’s pants, Repeat. 3 、再指其他的几幅图提问。 4、 把学生分成小组,就书上图片相互问答。 5、抽5~~8组表演。 三、New Lesson (sounds and words ) 1、 教师演示气流如何在喉头受阻。并让学生重复。 2 、让学生读课本上的单词 3、 Listen to the tape. Read after the tape. 4、抽学生读单词 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5、 Teach<> 指导学生看图。 Ask: What is it?/Is it hot or cold?/Is it horse happy? 6、 Let’s listen to the chant. Let’s chant together 7、 Listen and repeat it. 8、小组唱,合唱或轮唱 四、Homework: Finish Activity 2 and sing the song. Unit 12 Review 3 一、 目标与要求 1. Target: What’s she doing? She’s writing. What are they doing? They’re painting. Touch your nose! Open your mouth! Close your eyes! Whose skateboard is this? It’s my skateboard. Whose stuffed toy is this? It’s mine. 2. Sounds and words: 二、 Vocabulary: 1. Key: playing,eating,shopping,running,studying,sleeoing,painting,writing, eyes,ears,nose,mouth,arms,legs,hands,feet,mine,your,his,hers,ours,theirs,Jenny’s,Gogo’s 2. Sounds and words: flying,crying,singing,laughing,drawing,smiling,teach,watch,stretch, catch, reach, match, hair, happy, house, hot, head, home 三、 Teaching aids www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 PictureCards44,49-72,chalk/markers,cutandplay! WBp.74,school game board WBp.63,scissors,dice,paper tokens 四、 教学过程: Getting ready 1. Put four Picture Cards up on the board. 2. Write the letter A on the board. 3. Bring S1 up and give him/her a piece of chalk/marker. 4. Make up a question and answer about one of the pictures. 5. S1 finds the correct picture and draws a line from letter A to the Picture Card. Using the book 1. T: Let’s listen to the tape. 2. Play A, then pause the tape. 3. T: Which picture is it, class? 4. Modle drawing a line from A to the matching picture. 5. Play the tape for Ss to continue with the rest. 2 Getting ready 1. take three volunteers outside the room and explain that they will each act out a different word,e.g.eyes, nose and mouth. 2. Take them back to the class and have them do their actions. 3. Make a question and an answer about one of the words,e.g. Can you touch your ears? Yes, I can. 4. T: Who is acting out the correct word? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5. Have Ss answer accordingly. Using the book 1. T: Listen to the tape. Circle the correct picture. 2. Play the tape once, pausing so Ss can circle the pictures. 3Getting ready 1. Write smile,,,,stre_____ and _air on the board. 2. Ask three Ss to come up to the board. Give them chalk/markers. 3. Say one of the words and have one student write in the missing letters. 4. Repeat with the other two words and two Ss. Using the book 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures. 2. T: listen to the words and repeat. 3. Play the tape and stop after each number. 4. Ss repeat the words as they are writing in the missing letters from each word. 4 Getting ready 1. Write a sentence on the board,e.g. Whose _____is this? 2. In the blank space, put up Picture Card 44 wallet. 3. T: What is this? 4. Whose wallet is this? Repeat. 5. Write a few more sentences like this. Using the book 1. T: Now, you find the words and do the crossword puzzle. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2. Circulate, checking Ss’ work. 3. Ss write the words next to each sentence. 4. Then Ss complete the puzzle. Do the exercise Workbook Page 44 1. Listen, say and circle. 2. Read and match. 3. Listen and circle the words. 4. Read, say and write. Homework 1. Read the book from Unit 9 to Unit 11. 开心学英语四年级下全册教案 Unit1 Hi, Tony! Hi,Jenny! 一、 教学目标 1. 学会VOCABULARY 的单词。 2. 复习巩固上学期学习的句型:―These are Gogo’s shoulders.‖ 、“Touch Gogo’s toes !”、―What are you doing? I’m moving.‖ 3. 懂得“g”、“j”在单词中的发音。 二、教学重点 1 掌握“g”、“j”的正确读法和发音。 2 熟练运用句式“These are„”、“What are you doing? I’m…”进行交际。 三、 教学难点 1熟练运用句式“These are„”、“What are you doing? I’m…”进行交际。 四、 教学用具 教学录音带 自制课件 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 五、 教学过程 THE FRIST PERIOD 1. revision : , Say hello to the students , Sing a song which they have learned in last term . , Go through the parts of the body . 2. Presentation: , Present the pictures with the computer . ( T: What’s this ? It’s a shoulder . Listen to the tape twice ,then repeat , thirdly, spell the word one by one . at lasrt chant together just like : ― shoulder shoulder touch your shoulders .‖ , Use the same mean to teach other new words . , Read the words together . , Let the students to read the words by themselves freely . , To test if they can read the words . , Comes to ―Review‖ T ask a student to come out and present a sentence : ―This is ×××‖s shoulder .‖ ( Make sentences by the ss when a pattern drills is presented . ) , Continue to presented the target language by that way . 3. Practice : , Open the books and read after the tape twice of ―Conversation‖, secondly read freely and read together . divide the ss into 2 groups and read together . , Let the ss work in group and play a role . , A few groups to demonstrate . , To review the parts of the body and read the lyrics together and listen to the tape twice . Sing a song after the tape and do the action . , A few ss to perform at the front of the classroom.. 4. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing . www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 5 .Homework : , Copy the new words four for each . , Read the text to their parents THE SECOND PERIOD 1.revision : , Say hello to the students , Sing a song ―Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ! , Dictation 2.Presentation: , Ask and answer questions . , Ss to make sentences after the modern . , To listen to the tape and do ―Practice1‖ 4. Practice : , T make a dialogue with the student and then let them practice by themselves . , A few pair to demonstrate . , To do Page 6 Item2 . 4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing . 5. Homework : , To make sentences of Page5 ―Practice2‖ , Read the text to their parents THE THIRD PERIOD 1.revision : , Say hello to the students , Sing a song ―Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ! , Ask and answer questions with ―What are you doing ? I’m ….‖ Etc. . 2.Presentation: , Listen to the tape and find out what the features are . , T demonstrate how to pronounce ―g‖ . www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 , Ss read it one by one . , Ss read the words freely, secondly ask them to set up more examples . 3.Practice : , Listen to the tape and chant together . , Group work then make perfomance . 4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing . 5.Homework : , Copy the words of ―The sounds and words‖ (4 for each) , Read the text to their parents 教学后记:the students like gogo’s story very much, the story attack the children, they like to act it. Unit Two Are you dancing? Teaching Target: Are you dancing? No, I am not. I’m thinking. Is he practicing volleyball? No, he’s not. He’s practicing basketball. Teaching key: New words: exercising working shouting thinking practicing talking cutting coloring etc. 工具:哑铃、小号、剪刀、画笔等。 Sounds and words: ing [ ] The first period: 一、 词汇: 1、 教师拿住篮球边做动作边说: T :I am playing basketball(强调playing) 把球传给某一同学运球,教师问: T: What are you doing? S: I am playing. 2、 教师拿住哑铃做动作,全班同学问: T: I am exercising. S: What are you doing? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 T: exercising. exercising Repeat. S: exercising (拼写三次) 同学们也做动作边说exercising. 3、 用同样方法教授:working shorting thinking practicing talking cutting coloring. 4、 Open your books to page 10 listen to tape and act. 5、 Free talk. Make a dialogue with the new words. 6、 分组自学Target教师指导、鼓励学生创新。 7、 让学生扮演不同的角色,给予表演的同学以表扬与鼓励。 8、 布置作业:抄写单词,熟读Target. The second period 一、 1、复习上节课所学的新单词。 2、检查Target的掌握情况。 二、 导入新课 1、 分组讨论自学conversation, 教师作指导、鼓励创新。 2、 让不同组别作表演,教师多鼓励表扬同学。(特别是答与意识不强的同学)。 3、 教师适当作总结。 三、 练习: 1、 Open your book to page 11 and finish. Practice1、教师注意指导中下生。 2、 Finish the practice 2, Cheek the answers and correct them. 四、 布置作业:熟读Conversation. The third period 一、 复习: 1、 检查单词掌握情况。 二、 练习: 1、 完成p13的填空,请三个同学把答案写在黑板全班Check the answer 并改正。 2、 Open your book to P12 and listen the song: What’s everyone doing now? First listen to the tape just listen and then listen to tape and act it last sing by themselves and act it. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 3、 Finish the ―look and write‖ Check the answers and correct them. 三、 Sounds and words. 1、 Lister to the words: egg、 hug、 mug 、jog、 bag、 dig. 2、 教授单词:注意情景教学。 3、 总结每一个词的共同点,全班齐声朗读三次。 4、 读“Look 、write and say‖把有发g音单词找出来。 四、 布置作业:抄写单词。 五、 教学后记:the vocabulary in this unit is so long, they felt it is so difficult for them to remember. Unit 3 I’m washing the car The First Period 教学目标: 1、学习Vocabulary部分的单词和词组,要求四会。 2、学习Target部分对话,并能运用这些句型进行对话。 教学重点: Vocabulary部分的单词、词组和Target部分的对话。 教学难点: 运用所学的单词、词组及句型进行模仿对话。 教学过程: 一、Revision 1. (学生做动作)Ask and answer. T: What’s sb doing now? S: He (She) is -ing. /I’m –ing. /They (We) are –ing. 2. Chant: What’s everyone doing now? 二、Presentation (一) 学习Vocabulary部分的单词及词组 1、师创设情景(拿起扫帚扫地),自问自答: T: What am I doing? T: I’m sweeping the floor. 2、出示sweeping the floor图片,并放录音让学生模仿跟读几次。 3、把图片贴在黑板上,并在图片下板书sweep the floor. 4、用同样方法教学其它词组: cleaning the dishes making the bed www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 folding the clothes watering the plants dusting the furniture washing the clothes 5、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. 6、Play games.(抛球看图说短语比赛) 规则:教师把球抛给每组同学,接到球的同学就要看图赶快说出一个短语,说对了加1分, 说错了加一分。(注意:每组的机会要均等,而且每组里讲的短语不许相同。) (二) 学习Target部分的句子 1、让学生认真记读背诵板贴的词组,然后教师抽走washing the clothes这张卡片,再让一个学 生回忆并做出这一动作。 T: Is she/he cleaning the window? S: No, she/he isn’t. She’s washing the clothes. 2、用同样的方法,让几个学生作擦窗动作 T: Are they cleaning the windows? S: Yes, they are. T: Are they reading? S: No, they aren’t. „„ 3、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. 4、Pairwork: (两人一组看图问答) Is he/she doing „„? Are they doing „„? 5、Play games: (猜一猜) 规则:教师用布蒙住一位学生的眼睛,叫另一外一位学生出来做动作,被蒙上眼睛的同学 用句型Is sb doing sth. now?或Are they doing sth?来猜,其它同学回答Yes/No,直到 被蒙上眼睛的同学猜对为止。 三、Summarize(让学生总结这一节课所学的内容) 四、Homework 1、背诵Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 2、Copy the new words and drills. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 The Second Period 教学目标: 1、巩固学习Vocabulary部分的单词、词组和Target部分的对话。 2、能熟练掌握What’s sb doing sth.?和 Is sb. doing sth?这些句型及其问答。 教学重点、难点: 现在进行时的问句及其答句。 教学过程: 一、Revision 1、创设情景或让学生做动作,学生间互相问答: S1: What’s sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth. 或 S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isn’t. 二、学习Conversation 1、Let the students read the conversation by themselves. 2、Listen to the tape and repeat. 3、Teach the new words: busy can’t breakfast wait 4、Read around the conversation by themselves, then act it out. 5、分组表演对话,对有创的学生给予表扬。 三、学习Chant activity? 1、Talk about the pictures, then ask and answer. T: What’s the girl doing? Is she washing? S: No, she isn’t. She’s folding the clothes. T: Is the boy dusting? S: No, he isn’t. He’s sweeping the floor. „„ 2、Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat. 3、分组chant, 看哪组chant得最好。 4、Chant together, 一边做动作,一边chant, 让学生真正地动起来。 四、Exercises 1、师出示Practice 1&2 和P18 Look and write 部分的图片,让学生来火车的形式快速地说现短语。 2、Play games: 教师把练习中出现的图片贴在黑板上,每组派出一个代表,教师说短语,看哪组代表 最先找出相应的图片,哪组就获得1分,分数最高的一组获胜。 3、口头完成Practice 2 & Activity 2. 4、笔头完成以上练习,并订正。 五、Summarize 六、Homework 完成下列句子: 1、What ____ you doing? I ____ ____(读书)。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2、What ____ they ____ ? They are ______ the floor (扫地). 3、Is Jenny ______ the window (擦窗), ____, she isn’t. She ____ ____ ____ ____(整理床铺)。 4、Are they _____ the clothes (折衣服)? Yes, _____ _____. The Third Period 教学目标: 1、继续巩固学习What’s sb doing sth.?和 Is sb. doing sth?这些句型及其问答。 2、学习Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。 3、能独立完成Workbook的练习。 教学重点、难点: Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。 教学过程: 一、Revision 1、出示图片或让学生做动作,互相问答: S1: What’s sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth. 或 S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isn’t. 2、出示P19 Activity 部分的图片,让学生用以上句型进行问。 答。 二、学习Sounds and words 1、出示图片或创设情景教学单词,并提醒学生注意字母组合ck及 ke在单词中的发音。 2、听录音,录音读到哪个单词,就让学生指到哪个单词。 3、跟录音机读单词,然后自由记忆单词。 4、出示图片快速拼读单词。 三、Listen and chant. 1、看图问答: T: What’s this? S1: It’s a lake. S2: It’s a snake. S3: It’s a cake. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 T: What colour are they? S: They are black. ……. 2、让学生自由朗读诗句。 3、Listen to the tape and point to the pictures. 4、让学生跟录音一起chant. 四、完成Workbook的练习。 五、Summarize 六、Homework 1、背诵本课的单词和句子。 2、把Sounds and words部分的单词分别写一行。 教学后记:it take lots of time for the students to learn the vocabulary, the conversation is very interesting. Unit Four Review 1 一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1、 Vocabulary: shoulders, teeth, knees, fingers, toes, wave, put, move, exercising, working, shouting, thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring, sweeping the floor, cleaning, the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes. 2、 Conversation: These are Gogo’s shoulders. Touch Gogo’s toes! What are you doing, Jenny? I’m moving my desk. Are you sleeping? No, I’m not. I’m thinking. Is he practicing volleyball? No, he’s not. He’s practicing basketball. 二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points) 操练A: What are you doing? B: I’m … www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 A: Are you …? B: Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. A: Is she/he …? B: Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isn’t. 三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points) Is she going to … Are they going to … 四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium) Picture Cards 1-30, Crossword information gap WB p. 49, Matching game WB p. 50 图画卡片1-30. WB p. 49 的Crossword information gap, WB p. 50的 Matching game. 五、教学课时:二课时 六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure) The first period 复习一 1 热身运动 教育手举书本,指着图画。 T:What are they doing? 要不同的学生回答. 新课呈现 T: Now let’s listen to the tape. 播放A句的录音,然后暂停。 T: Are they exercising,(Sl’s name)? [Sl: No, they’er not. They’re cutting paper.] T: Circle the correct answer.(示范画圆圈) 继续操练其余几幅图片。 2 热身运动 教师把图画卡片1~30任意贴在黑板上。 让学生说出单词。 新课呈现 T:(指着上边一排单词)Look at the words at the top. 让不同的学生大声读出单词。 T:(指着下边一排的单词,如:the plants, the windows 等)Look at the words at the bottom. 让不同的学生大声读出单词。 T: Draw lines from the top to the bottom to make the phrases.(用手示范在touch与your toes之间连线) 给学生时间画连线。 与全班一起核对答案。 The second period 3 热身运动 让学生看图画。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 复习一下图中任务的姓名及物品。 新课呈现 T:(指着Jenny)What’s Peter doing.(S2’s name)/ [S2:He’s moving a chair.] 指着B的空格处,让学生写答案。 继续完成其余句子。 答案:B-He’s moving a chair. C-They’er talking. D-He’s thinking. E-No, he’s not. He’s coloring. F-No, she’s not. She’s moving a desk. 4 热身运动 让学生看本页的单词。 要不同的学生大声读出单词 新课呈现 指着单词giraffe. T:/d /, /d /,giraffe. Let’s find the sound/d /in other words. 指着另外三个单词:duck, jet, big. T: Duck. Jet. Big. Which word has the sound /d /?[Ss: Ginger] T: Continue the line from―jet‖ to ―ginger‖. 给学生时间完成其余单词的连线。 参考答案:giraffe-jet-ginger-jacket-jump; dig-big-bug-dog-mug; clock-duck-lake-sock-neck 教学后记: it take lots of time for the students to learn the vocabulary, the conversation is very interesting. Unit Five Do you like science? 五、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1、 Vocabulary: movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, beach 2、Conversation: A. Where are you going? B. I’m going to … Is she going to the bank? No, she’s not. A. Are they going to the beach? B. Yes, they are. 六、 教学重点:(Teaching key points) A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to ... 七、 教学难点:(Teaching key points) Is she going to … Are they going to … 八、 教学手段:(Teaching medium) www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Picture Card 31-40, realia (straw hat, sunglasses, beach towel, suitcase, bandage, shopping bag, etc) Picture Cards of Gogo. Tony and Jenny from Level 1, paper tokens, dice. 五、教学课时:三课时 六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure) The first period Step 1 Review 1.What are you doing? I’m … 2.What is he doing? He’s … 3.听写单词: sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes Step 2 Conversation Getting ready #Bring in a variety of realia to go with the Picture Cards of the new vocabulary, e.g. straw hat, sunglasses, beach towel, suitcase, bandage, shopping bag, etc. #T: (Put on a hat and sunglasses, beach towel.) Look! I’m going to the beach. #Continue with other realia to introduce other places in the dialog. Using the book. #Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. #T: Let’s listen to the tape. #Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss to follow. #T: Let’s listen again and repeat. #Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. #T: Is Gogo going to the beach? #Have Ss discuss whether Gogo should use his magic to change the direction of the bus. Extension activity #把学生分成八人一组,利用“热身活动”部分中的实物,如手提箱、绷带、购物袋等,让学生练习角色扮 演。把学生的椅子当作汽车座位,请一些学生到前面来表演。 Vocabulary Getting ready #Put Picture Cards 31-40 up on the board. #T: Look at the Picture Cards. #Say each word as you hold up each Picture Card. Show the picture and then the word. #T: Now listen and repeat. T: (Point to picture A.) Is he going to the school? Ss: No, he’s not. T: He’s going to the bank. (Bank repeat) www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Ss: Bank. T: (Point to picture A.) Where are you going? Ss: I’m going to the bank. T: (Point to picture B.) Are they going to the bank? Ss: No, they aren’t. T: They are going to the restaurant. (Repeat restaurant) Ss: Restaurant. #Hold up each Picture Card, say the word and have Ss repeat. Using the book. #T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each place as you say it. #play the tape and have Ss repeat. #T: (Point to beach.) Where is this? Ss: It’s the beach. #Continue with the rest of the pictures. Extension activity 把I’m going to the _____.写在黑板上。教师和学生围坐成一圈,给每个学生发一张图画卡片。向学生解释清楚,每个人均需利用别人的图画卡片来造句。教师首先作示范活动。教师看看别的学生的卡片并选择其中一张,如S1的卡片:bank. 教师说:I’m going to the bank. 然后S1看着另外一个同学的卡片说:I’m going to the (hospital). 有相应卡片的同学也以同样方式继续。当学生熟悉该项活动之后,鼓励他们加快速度。 Song Getting ready #Have Ss look at the pictures around the lyrics. #T: (Point to the swimming pool). Where’s this? Ss: It’s the swimming pool. #Do the same with the picture of movie theater. Using the book. #Ask individual Ss to read the lyrics line by line. #T: Let’s sing the song! Let’s listen to the tape first. #Play the tape and point to each work as it is sung. #Play the tape again to have Ss practice singing. #Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions and the other sings the answers. Then switch. Extension activity 把学生分成小组,每组设法用新地名重新创作一节歌曲。每组准备好之后,让他们唱给全班同学听。若用了单章节词如bank,park, beach, 让他们调整倒数第二行,如the beach, the beach和最后一行。 Practice 1 Getting ready # Point to each picture and ask questions that require Ss to answer with the target language patterns. #T:(Point to picture A.) Is he going to the hospital? Ss: No, he’s not. He’s going to the restaurant. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 #T: (Point to picture B.) Are they going to the swimming pool? Ss: Yes, they are. #Continue with the rest of the pictures. Using the book. #Have Ss read the four sentences before listening. #T: Let’s listen to the tape. #Play the tape for A, then pause. #T: Where’s he going? Ss: He’s going to the restaurant. #Have Ss write A in the appropriate box. #Continue with the rest. Extension activity 教师拿一叠图画卡片31-40,提问一位学生: (S1’s name), are you going to the (beach)?然后从该叠卡片中 抽出一张并把它举起。向学生解释清楚,若卡片上的单词与教师说的是同一个单词,S1就回答说:Yes, I’m going to the (beach).若不相同,S1就回答:No, I’m not. I’m going to the (park).然后教师用同样的方 法提问另一个同学。 Step 3 Homework 抄写并记住本课单词 The second period Step 1 Review 1、朗读对话。 2、听写单词。 Step 2 New lessons Target Getting ready #Draw a smiling face on the board and write I underneath. Put one of the Picture Card, e.g. bank, next to it. #T: (Point to I.) I’m going to the (bank). #Put up the Picture Card of Jenny (from Level 1) on the board. Write she underneath the card. Put another Picture Card from this unit next to it. #T: Can you make a sentence? Where is she going? Ss: She’s going to the (park). #Put the Picture Cards of Tony and Gogo (from Level 1) on the board with a Picture Cards from this unit next to them. Write they underneath the cards of Tony and Gogo. #Ask Ss to make up a sentence. Using the book #Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. #Ask Ss to make up a sentence. #Play the tape a few times and have Ss repeat. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Extension activity 选择一个问答句型写在黑板上, 地名用空格代替,如:Are you going to the ____. No, I’m not. I’m going to the ____.让学生站成一排,教师给每个学生发卡片的时候,根据卡片内容说出相应的句子,如:You are going to the (beach).首先,站在前排的S1用自己的卡片提问问题,如:Are you going to the (beach)?S2则 根据自己的卡片回答,如:No, I’m not. I’m going to the (hospital).然后S2又利用自己的卡片向S3提问, S3根据自己卡片的内容回答。整排学生依次序继续对话。当轮到一排的最后一位同学时,教师在黑板上再写一个问答句型,如:Where are you going? I’m going to the ____.让学生交换卡片,练习新的语言句型。 Practice 2 Getting ready #T:Look at the pictures. (Point to the first picture.) #Have one pair say the Q and A exchange for the picture. S1: Where’s she going? S2: She’s going to the restaurant. #Do the same with the picture of shopping mall. Using the book. #Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks to match the two pictures. #Have Ss practice singing with the new lyrics. To match the rhythm of the last line, have Ss sing Res-tau-rant and Shop-ping-mall. #T: Let’s sing the song with our new lyrics. #Play the karaoke version of the song and have the whole class sing. #Play the tape again. Ss sing the original song with the recorded voices, and then the new lyrics with the karaoke version. Extension activity 让学生围坐成一个圈,教师站在圈中央,问S1:Where are you going today? S1:如实回答,就像在“新课呈现”部分对问题D进行真实回答那样,如:I’m going to the (park).问S2一个有关S1的问题,这问题是要求用否定回答的,如:Is he going to the (bank)? S2回答:No, he’s not. He is going to the (park). 然后教 师提问:How about you? S2作真实回答。然后教师问S3一个有关S2的问题,这问题是要求用否定回答的。当教师轮完一圈之后,还可问学生同样的问题,但这次应任意提问圈内的同学,这样所有学生均需仔细听别人的回答。 Step 3 Homework 抄写句型,看图片操练句型 The third period Step 1 Review 1、看图片回答问题。 2、复习句型 Step 2 New Lessons Activity Getting ready #Write Where are you going? I’m going to the hospital on the board. #Point to are you and have Ss think other combinations. e.g. is he, are they, ect, and write them under are you on www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 the board. #Repeat the procedures to make lists under I’m and the hospital. #Have Ss look at the pictures in the game board. #T: (Point to MS. Black and the school.) (S1’s name), can you make a question? S1: Where is the she going? #T: (S2’s name), can you answer the question? S2: She’s going to school. #Do the same with several more pictures until Ss understand what to do. Using the book. #Demonstrate the game with one pair of Ss first. Give the pair paper tokens and a die. #Have S1 roll the die and move his/her paper token along the board. #S2 makes a question about the picture where S1 lands and S1answers accordingly. #Then S2 rolls the die and moves his/her token. #Put the Ss into pairs and give each pair paper tokens and a die. #Walk around the classroom to see how Ss are doing. #continue the game until all Ss reach the finish. Extension activity 把全班分成两组,给每组几分钟时间看游戏板上的图画。让A组提出一些用否定回答的问题,如:Is Tony going to the beach? Are Mom and Dad going to the shopping mall? 等,B组同学要想办法记住每个人物要去的 地方。时间到,除每组一位同学之外,其他的同学走到前面打开书本,检查问答的内容是否与图画标点符 号。A组的学生轮流发问,B组同学以整个组为单位来回答,之后两组变换角色。 Sound and words Getting ready 1 #Write park on the board and underline ar. #T: (Point to ar.) Let’s practice this sound. Look at my mouth and repeat. #T:/ /. (Ss: / /) #Make sure that the peak of the sound is / /. Show Ss your mouth open with the jaw lowered. Then turn your tip of the tongue upward without touching the palate. Using the book. #Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. #T: Let’s listen to the tape. #Play the tape and have Ss point to the each word as the tape says it. #T: Let’s listen again, and this time, repeat. #Have Ss repeat after the tape. #After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 2 Getting ready #Have Ss look at the sentences on the page. #Read out the sentences and have Ss listen. #T: Which words have the sound / /? Circle them. #Ask individual Ss to say the words. Using the book. #Tell the story: www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Today is the farmer’s son’s birthday. His friends are going to the shopping mall to buy a guitar and a card to as a birthday gift. His mother is going to the market to buy some fruit so that she can bake a cake for tonight’s party. The farmer’s son is very happy. There’s a star in the sky up above. The birthday party begins. #T: Let’s listen to the chant. #Play the tape once. #T: Now let’s practice. #Read out the lyrics sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat. #T: Let’s chant together. #Play the tape and have Ss chant along. Step 3 Homework 操练句型“Where are you going?‖ ―Is she going to bank?‖ ―Are they going to the beach?‖,并熟练掌握。 教学后记: in the unit, I use the cards, computer to build a reality scenery to teach the words and sentences, children like to learn. Unit 6 It’s 3:15 一、Teaching objectives: 1.Words and expressions: tomorrow wake up time go to sleep get up get dressed brush teeth go to school go home do (my) homework eat dinner go to bed at tea meet key pea sea 2. sentenceses: ? What time is it? ? It’s time to go to school. ? What time do you go to school? ? I go to school at 7:30. 3.ea and ee [i:] 二、Teaching key points: 1.Words and expressions: 2. sentenceses: ? What time is it? ? It’s time to go to school. ? What time do you go to school? ? I go to school at 7:30. 三、Teaching difficult points: 1. sentenceses: ? What time is it? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? It’s time to go to school. ? What time do you go to school? ?I go to school at 7:30. 2.ea and ee [i:] 四、Teaching tools: recorder、tape、pictures 五、Teaching procedure: The first period Step 1 Conversation Getting ready 1、教师准备一个能调节时针及分针的大时钟,把时针调到3:00的位置,问:What time is it?让学生回答,It’s 3:00. 2、用同样的方法问3:15, 4:30, 5:45,并示范表达。 Using the book 1、让学生听一次录音,然后打开书,播放录音,每句停顿,让学生跟读,并重复一次,教师朗读对话的每一行,模仿Tony昏昏欲睡的声音和Gogo兴奋的声音。 2、让学生两人一组结对练习。 3、抽部分学生出来表演对话。 4、等到学生熟悉内容后,教学新单词及词组,如tomorrow, wake up, It’s time to , time, go to sleep.并理解对话内容。 Extension activity 教师请一些学生到黑板前,让他们把对话中的句子写在黑板上,每人写一个对话方格内的句子,教师指写位置让学生写,然后让学生将正确的顺序排列出来。 Step 2 Vocabulary Getting ready 出示图画卡片,让学生读,并让学生用动作表演这些短语的内容。 Using the book 1、 教师播放录音,让学生跟读每一个单词。强调部分元音音标,并板书词组及音标。 2、教师做动作让学生猜相应的单词,学生互相练习。 3、指着课本上数字21—60并大声朗读出来,让学生跟读。并用时钟帮助学生理解数字与时钟上分针的关系。 用时钟练习说出时间,如It’s four twenty-one.等等。 Homework 1、抄写短语,每个四次,并记住; 2、抄写对话,并译成中文。 The second period Step 1 Target Getting ready 1、教师在黑板上写上It’s time to ______.和What time do you _____? 把其中一张图画卡片放在第一个句子的空格处(有图画的一面向外)。让学生跟读 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2、教师不再示范句子,快速更换图画卡片,让学生做替换练习。以同样的方法操练其他句子。 Using the book 1、教师让不同的学生大声读出句子。 2、播放几遍录音,让学生跟录音练习。 Extension activity Step 2 Practice Getting ready 1、指着图片A—D,说出下列句子 A What are they talking about? They’re talking about food. B Is he sleeping? No, he’s not. C What time is it? It’s 9:45. D What’s she doing? She’s watching TV./ She’s talking to her Dad. Using the book 在听录音之前教师让不同的学生大声读出四个句子。播放录音,让学生完成,并重复一次,检查答案。 Getting ready 请学生分别将四个问题读出来,并练习朗读几分钟。 Using the book 教师让学生回答,尽可能真实回答,检查答案,并让学生结对练习。 Step 3 Workbook 1. Listen, read and circle. 播放录音,让学生选择答案,检查并让学生读出来。 2. Read, write and say. 先让学生将问题读出来,然后回答,再到黑板上板演,后评。 Homework 1、抄写中Target的句子,并译成中文。 2(会默写中Target的句子。 The third period Step 1 Listen and chant Getting ready 教师把歌词顺序打乱,一行行写在黑板上。指着任一行让学生大声朗读。 Using the book 播放,让学生听一次,然后后再播放一次,让学生按顺序给句子标上序号。重复几次,让学生能唱出来为止。 Step 2 Ask, answer and write. Getting ready 教师在黑板上写上What time does Jenny______,给学生该页上的提示词,让他们说出完整的问题。如What time does Jenny get up? Using the book 教师把全班男女两组,让男组盖住表B,使用表A,让女组盖住表A,使用表B,让他们问答,并核对答案。 Step 3 Activity Draw and play Getting ready 教师把What time do you_____? 写在黑板上,指着游戏板上的get up问Can you make a question? 让学生回答What time do you get up?指着其他图画,让不同的学生提问题。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Using the book T: 指着(go to school的图画)(S1’s name),can yu ask the question? S1: What time do you go to school? T: What time do you go to school? Draw in the time on your game board. 继续活动,直至所有学生画完所有时钟上的时间。 让学生结对,并给每结一个硬币和一些纸片。S1和S2使用各自的书本,每个学生均把各自的纸片 放在“”的图画上,从此处开始游戏。让学生轮流把硬币掷在游戏板上,正面走一步,反面走两步,当S1 落在某一格时,S2提问,S1根据所画的时间进行回答。然后轮到S2,当学生完成所有格子上内容的问答 时游戏便终结。 Step 4 Wokbook 3. Listen to the chant and write. 让学生听一次后完成填空,后核对答案。 4、Read, match and write 先让学生读句子,然后填到适当的地方 Step 5 Sounds and words 1、练习E的发音,并把其音标写出来[i:]。 2、播放录音,让学生边听边指着录音读到的单词,用图片进行单词教学。 3、教师在黑板上写tea,cheese,在字母组合es和ee下划线,让学生找出一些含有该音素的字母组合 的单词,把单词写在黑板上,如:peas,please. 向学生解释还有字母e是发这个音。如he, she , me等。 Homework 1、抄写并熟记下列单词: tea meet key peas three sea 2、 理解音标[i:]及字母组合ea, ee的发音。 教学后记:In the unit we study the time, I teach it by using the clock, the computer, the radio. But it hard to express the time for the students. Unit 7 I like eating. 一、Teaching contents:What do you like doing ?I like riding my scooter .Do you like reading comic books ?Yes,I do. Sounds consonant cluster:s-blends Sounds\words: ice skating,smiling,snoring,stopping,spilling,swinging 二、Teaching aims:1 Let the Ss use these sentences patern to make their dialogues.(What do you like?I like ….Do you like …?Yes,I do.) 2 Let the Ss pronounce /s/-blends.And ice skating,smiling,snoring,stopping,spilling,swinging 五、Hard and key points: Use those sentences to make their dialogues. Playing video games,visting my friend,listening to music,watchingTV,riding my scooter,plsuing cards,making models,reading comic books 六、Teaching tools:Really objects, tape, pictures www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 THE FRIST PERIOD Step 1 1\learn the new words (1) Put up Picture Cards 51-60 on the board. (2) T: Listen and repeat. (3) Show each Picture Card picture side up,say the phrase for Ss to repeat,and then show the word side. Tape script:Playing video games,Visiting my friend,Listening to music, Watching TV,Riding my scooter,Palaying cards,Making models, Reading comic books 2\ T:Listening to the tape and repeat.Point to each picture as you say it . (1) Have Ss listen,repeat and point to each picture. (2) Say the phrases at random and have Ss point to the corresponding picture. Step 2 1\.target (1)Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. (1) Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. (2) Play the tape a few times and have Ss practice along with the tape. Step 3 2\Conversation (1) T:Let’s listen to the tape. (2) Hold up the book and point to the pictures. (3) T:Let’s listen again and repeat. (4) Play the tape,pausing after each sentence tohave Ss repeat. (5) T:repeat after me. (6) Read each sentence from the dialog,pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. (7) Put ss into pairs. (8) Encourage Ss to add facial and voice expressions. Step 4 homework 1\Write down the new words and sentences 2\Read and recite the new words and sentences www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 THE SECOND PERIOD step 1 1\Review the new words 2\Listen to the tape of the Part 1 conversation-listen and look. (1) T:let’s listen to the tape.(hold up the book and point to the pictures.) (2) Play the tape,pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. (3) Read each sentence from the dialog,pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. (4) Put Ss into pairs. Step 2 (1) Have individual Ss read the four sentences before listening. (2) T:Let’s listen to the tape. (3) Play the tape for A,then pause. (4) T:what does she like doing?[Ss:she likes listening to music.] (5) Have Ss write A in the appropriate box. (6) Continue with the rest. Step 3 1\ (1) T:look at A.What does she like doing? (2) Have one student answer. (3) Continue with the rest of the pictures. (4) Have Ss answer truthfully for D. (5) Provide extra vocabulary if needed. (6) Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the Q&A exchanges. Step 4 song activity (1) T:let’s read out the lyrics first. (2) Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. (3) T:now it’s time to sing!Let’s listen to the tape first. (4) Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung. (5) Play the tape again and have Ss practice singing together. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Step 5 (1) T:Look at A.(S1’s name),can you read the sentence?[s1:Gogo likes listening to music.] (2) T:Look at tony .Complete the sentence about him. (3) Continue and have Ss write the sentences on the page. (4) Remind Ss to put periods at the end of their sentences. (5) Put Ss into pairs and have them check their answers with each other. THE THIRD PERIOD Step 1 1\review the words and sentences. step2 1\activity (1) using the same Picture Cards on the board,create a grid like the one on the page. (2) Write S1’s name on the left side of the grid. (3) T(S1’s name),do you like (listening to music)?Do you like (watching TV)? (4) As S1 answers Yes,I do./No,I don’t.(mark the boses with? for yes and × for no. (5) T:ok,class.In your books,choose five phrases from from the bottom of the page,answer the questions yourself and then ask four aother students. (6) Put Ss in groups of five o complete the survey. 2\ (1) T:Ask three friends the same question.Write two sentences for each friend. (2) Put Ss in groups of four to complete the survey. (3) Give Ss time to finish asking,answering and writing. (4) Ask some Ss to share their findings with the class. (5) T(S1’s name),whst does (S2’s name )like doing?[S1:He/she likes (reading comis books).He/she likes (making models).] Step 3 1\ (1) have Ss look at the words on the page. (2) T:Let’s listen to the tape. (3) Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 (4) T:Let’s listen again and this time,repeat. (5) Have Ss repeat after the tape. (6) After enough practice,point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 2\ (1) T:Let’s listen to the chant. (2) Play the tape once. (3) T:Now let’s practice. (4) Read out the lyrics sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat. (5) T:Let’s chant together. (6) Play the tape and have Ss chant along. 教学后记:I use many ways to teach the unit, the children like the words so much. Unit 8 Review 2 (第一课时) 一 Objectives and Requirements. 1 Language: Where are you going? I’m going to the bank. Is she going to the bank? No, she isn’t. She’ going to the park. Are they going to the beach? Yes, they are. What time is it? It’s 7:10. It’s time to get dressed. Brush you teeth, Jenny. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30. What do you like doing? I like riding my scooter. Do you like reading comic books? Yes, I do. 2 Vocabulary: movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, beach, get up, get home, do my homework, eat dinner, go to bed, playing video games, visiting my friend, listening to music, watching TV, riding my scooter, playing cards, making models, reading comic books. 3 Sounds and words: star, market, guitar, farm, toy car, party, tea, meet, key, peas, sea, ice skating smiling, snoring, stopping, spilling, www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 swinging. 一Warm up. 1 教师举起书本,指着图画。 T: What’s she doing? Where’s she going? Where are they going? 2 分别让学生回答。 二 Presentation. 1 Part One. ? T: Let’s listen to the tape. ?播放A部分的录音,然后暂停。 T: Does she like listening to music? S: Yes, she does. T: Circle the correct answers. ?Check the answers. 2 Part Two. ? 用图片复习本单元单词及词组。 ? 请不同的学生用这些词汇造句。 ? T: (举起自己的书,指着第一幅图) Look at Picture 1. What are they doing? Ss: They are playing cards. ? 教师指着纵横字谜的答案。 ? 让学生看图完成字谜。 ? Check the answers. 3 Part Three. ? 让学生看图。 ? 教师提问,如Where’s this?/ What’s this? / What are they doing? ? T(指着滑滑板的女孩): What does she like doing? Ss :She likes riding her scooter. ? 让学生完成以下题目。 ? Check the answers. 4 Part Four. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? 请学生朗读单词。 ? 教师指着单词star[a:], [a:], star. Let’s find the sound [a:] ? 指着后面的三个单词:car, swimming 和sleep. T: car, swimming, sleep, Which word has the sound [a:]? Ss: car 让学生从star到car 画线。 ? 以同样的方法完成其余部分。 三 Homework:熟读本单元单词。 教学后记:the students like gogo’s story very much, the story attack the children, they like to act it. 8 Review 2(第二课时) 一 Workbook. 完成workbook P27-28练习。 1 Part One. ? T: Listen to the tape. ? 播放录音,学生圈出正确的答案。 ? Check the answers. 2 Part Two. ? 让学生看图。 ? 老师提问,如 Where’s this? / What are they doing? ? T(指着图A): Where are they going? Ss: They are going to the shopping mall. ? 完成以下练习。 ? Check the answers. 3 Part Three. ? 让学生朗读这些单词。 ? 教师指着单词skating [η], [η] skating. Let’s find the sound [η]. Ss: spilling, stopping, etc. ? 完成练习。 ? Check the answers. 二 SB P69-70. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? 让学生看插图,教师指着插图里的人物,物品及人物所做的事情问: What does Jenny like doing? Where are they going? Is Tony going to the shopping mall? 等 ? Practice in pairs. ? Act out. 三 Workbook 1 P56 要求学生用这些字母写出尽可能多的单词。学生做完后,两两互想检查,然后全班一起对答案。 2 P58 让所有学生剪下Bingo卡,放进同一个袋子里,让每个学生抽出一张卡,教师把所有的时间方块剪下来,放进另一个袋中。然后从袋中每取出一张卡就大声说出来,学生听到后就在他们自己的卡上把相应的时间划掉,当某一学生无论从横线、对角线等任何一方完成一行时,他/她就大声说:Bingo. 四 Homework. 学生两两用本单元句型互相对话。 教学后记:it take lots of time for the students to learn the vocabulary, the conversation is very interesting. Unit Nine Are these blue socks yours? ?教学目标:Words: handkerchief, pen, pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, money, swimsuit, corn, blackboard. Useful expressions: Is this money yours? No, it's not. Is this hers? Yes, it is. Yes, they are. Are these Mom's keys? No, they're not. I don't know. ?教学重难点:1、如何运用yours, hers等进行问答。 2、语音及辩音。 ?教具:实物、图片、投影仪、录音机。 ?教学过程:(分三课时) 第一课时( P44.Vocabulary-Target) Step1: Revision (拿学生的实物进行问答) T: Whose book is this? S1: It's my book. T: Whose ruler is this? S2: It's mine. T: Whose keys are these? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 S3: They are hers. (引出复习内容) my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, our, ours, their, theirs. (让学生辨认)my book pencil yours her ruler Step2 Presentation 1、(老师拿一个袋子,把学生的一些物品放进袋子里,然后老师挑出一件件进行问答。) T: Whose book is this? Is this your book? S1: Yes, it is . T: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, it's not. T: Is this ruler yours? S: Yes, it is. (拿出橡皮擦问S4) T: Is this hers? S4: I don't know. T: Is this hers? S5: Yes, it is. (反复进行问答,引出以下句型,并进行板书。) Yes, it is. Is this ...yours? 或Is this yours? No, it's not. Yes, they are. Are these her keys? No, they're not. 2、Pair work:(用学过的单词练习以上句型,做到熟练掌握句型。) 3、(老师拿出实物“钱”问) T: Do you know what it is ? Ss: I don't know. T: It's money. Is this money yours? S1: No, it's not. 引出单词money钱。 4、(老师拿出睡衣、脱鞋、内裤、毛巾、泳衣等,分别给一些学生,作为他们的物品,然后进行问答。) T: Is this towel yours? S1: Yes, it is. 引出单词towel毛巾 T: Are these Tom's pajamas? S2: I don't know. 引出单词pajamas 睡衣(通常以复数形式出现) 如此类推再引出单词 slippers, underwear, swimsuit 5、Open the book at P44. Look at Vocabulary and Target. Read after the tape. 6、Play a game:找物品。 让一个学生背向同学,其他同学拿出自己的物品,让那个同学猜是谁的。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 S1: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, it's not. S1: Is this ruler yours? S3: No, it's not. ...... (还可以用复数物品替换进行练习。) Step3 Practices:找朋友。 用mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, his代替以下词组。 1、 my towel________ 2、her money________ 2、 heir pajamas________4、his slippers________ 5、 your keys________ 6、our swimsuits________ Step4 Consolidation Yes, it is. Is this money yours? No, it's not. Are these Mom's keys? Yes, they are../ No, they're not. Step5 Homework. Copy the new words. 第二课时( P43 Conversation P45 Practice) Step1 Revision: Ask and answer A: Is this money yours? B: Yes, it is . / No, it's not. It's Tom's. A: Are these Kate's swimsuits? B: No, they're not. Step2 Presentation 1、(实物:手帕)T: Is this a towel? S: No, it's not. T: It's a handkerchief. Is this handkerchief yours, Tom? Tom: No, it's not. It's Jenny's . 引出单词handkerchief手帕 T: Whose blue pen is this? S: It's mine. 引出pen钢笔。 2、活动:讲台作为洗衣机,拿出蓝色的衣物与红色的物品混在一起,变成红蓝相间的衣服(事先准备好的), 让学生明白其中的过程。 3、设情景进行对话:(老师扮Gogo,学生扮 Mom) T: Are these blue socks yours? S: No, they're not. They're Tony's. (体现大概过程) Open the book at P43, read after the tape. Act out the dialogue. Step 3 Practices. 书 P45 . Practice.1 2 Step4 Consolidation. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Is this your blue handkerchief?=Is this blue handkerchief yours? Step5 Homework:完成句子。 1、Whose pen____ this? It's ____ pen. It's mine. 2、Is this key____ ? (你的)Yes, it is. 3、_____ these Kate's slippers? Yes,____ ____. 4、Is this your____ ? (毛巾)No, ____ ____. 第三课时(P46-48) Step1 Revision. Act out the Conversation. Step2 Presentation. 1、(结合图片问) T: What's this? S: It's a towel. T: Is this his towel? S: Yes, it is . It's Dad's towel. T: Are these her slippers? S: Yes, they are. They are Mom's slippers. 2、Sing this song after the tape and the teacher. Play a game:把一些学生的物品拿出来,大家一边唱歌一边传东西,当老师说Stop,物品在谁的手上谁就问: Is this Tonny's pen?...... 3、After singing the song . Let's look at the blackboard. 引出:blackboard.黑板 T:你们能找出与字母oar发音相同的单词吗, (fourteen, floor, door, your, morning) (老师做出“倒水”和数字“4”的动作,然后说) T: This is " Pour" and this is " Four" 4、(实物玉米)引出单词corn 5、贴画与单词:corn, fourteen, floor, blackboard, morning, pour. Play games: ?看谁最快认到单词的读音。?每个单词代表一个组,老师说单词,学生用"stand up"的动作表示出来。 活动:P47. Activity.让六个同学站出来,手里分别拿着实物或图片,其他同学进行问答。(根据书本的图画) e.g. Is this Ben's towel? Yes, it is. Step3 Practices. 1、 书P48?,读句子,找出发音相同的单词。 2、 判断下列划线部分发音是否相同,用 表示 ? pour ? work ? fourteen four corn blackboard ? your ? our morning four Step4 Consolidation. 辨别单词的发音。 Step5 Homework (书 P46、2 及活动手册) 教学后记:the students like gogo very much , the books are so fresh to them, so they learn the unit activity. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Unit Ten What do you want to do? 教学目标: 词组:go to the park see a movie play outside go home take a walk take a nap do a puzzle surf the Internet 2. 句子:What do you want do ? I want to „„ Do you want to „„ ? Sure. / Not really. 重点与难点:单词与本课要掌握的句型和第三人称单数句子的运用。 教具:单词卡片、实物、投影仪、录音机 教学过程(分三课时) 第一课时 Vocabulary、Target and practice 1、2 一、 复习 1. 运用图片复习词组(第三课) 2. 看图进行问答:What is she/ he doing? He’s/ She’s„„ 二、 新课 Step 1 运用第三课图片教学Target。 T:What do you want to do , Ss:(教师帮助回答)I want to sweep the floor. Step 2 教师板书句子并略读解句子的意思。 用图片师生对话,然后让学生相互对话。 Step 3 用图片教学一般疑问句 T:Do you want to clean the windows, Ss:(教师帮助回答)Sure. / Not really. Step 4 教师板书句子并略读解句子的意思。 用图片师生对话,然后让学生相互对话。(教师要让学生注意到在这类句型中动词的原形) Step 5 教师把本课的图片贴在黑板上教学新词组,在教学中每教一个词组可以结合新学的句型进行操练。 Step 6 让学生听录音跟读并同时指着每一张图片。 Step 7 请一学生任意挑选图画,让其余同学说出该图的词组。 Step 8 Practice 1. Practice 1(listen to the tape and finish practice 1) 2. Practice 2 运用投影仪看图问答。(然后同桌进行问答) Step 9 Homework:Copy the new word 第二课时 Conversation and Chant activity 一、 复习 1( Read the vocabulary 2( Use the picture to ask and answer T:What do you want to do , Ss:I want to sweep the floor. T:Do you want to clean the windows, Ss:Sure. / Not really. 二、 新课 Step1 Listen to the tape and repeat.(Conversation) Step 2 T:What do Jenny and Gogo want to do , Do they want to make a snowman, www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Who want to make his body,/ arm/ wings Step 3 Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. Step 4 Put Ss into three groups and give them the roles of Gogo’s and Jenny. Step 5 Workbook: Listen to the tape and then circle the right answer. Step 6 Chant activity 1) Ask Ss to read the lyrics. 2) Listen to the tape and then repeat the chant after the tape. 3) Both groups chant the first part, Movie, movie/ Let’s go see a movie! One group chants the question Do you want to (see a movie)? and the other group chants the response Yes, I want to (see a movie ). Then switch for the second . Step 7 Homework Workbook: Page33 Ex 2 and 36 Ex 3 第三课时 Activity Sounds and words 一、 复习 1. 读单词和课文 2. 用图片进行问答 二、 新课 Step 1 Activity 1. Have Ss look at the game board on the page, and write What do you want to do? I want to ______. on the blackboard. Then ask the Ss to answer. 2. Put Ss into pairs. Give each pair two different colors of paper and have them make four game token each. 3. Ask two Ss to make asking and answering: S1: What do you want to do? S2: I want to „„ Step 2 Sounds and words 1. Write arm and home on the blackboard and underline m and me. T: (Point to m) Let’s practice this sound. Look at my mouth and repeat. 2. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page, play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it. 3. Play a games: Have Ss put their heads down on their desks. T: Now I will read some sentences. When you hear the sound /m /, raise your hand and say the words. 4. Continue with the rest of the sentences. Step 3 Homework Workbook : Page 32 6 Ex 4 教学后记:in the unit, I use the cards, computer to build a reality scenery to teach the words and sentences, children like to learn. Unit 11 I’m a doctor 一、教学目标: 1. What do you do? I’m a nurse. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2. 语音和单词 /b/(词首位置) 二、重点: ? taxi driver,fire fighter,police officer,office worker,secretary,doctor,nurse,teacher ? 语音和单词:barber,basketball player,butcher,bus driver,businessman,baker 三、难点: ? Taxi driver,fire fighter,police officer,office worker,secretary,doctor,nurse,teacher ? What do you do? I am a nurse What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. 四、教具: 1、医生、消防队员入魔术师的图片(可从杂志、报纸等刊物找到),图画片81~90,女护士的图片、 纸张、粉笔、水彩笔 2、录音机、录音带 五、教学步骤(分4课时) 第一课时 (SBP.55~56) 一、课前准备 1、准备一些杂志/报刊上选取的医生、消防队员及魔术师的照片/图片。 2、(出示照片)Look. He is/She is a doctor. Repeat Doctor 3、同理教the fire fighter、 magician 二、New Lesson A (Teach conversation) 1. Let’s listen to the tape (教师举起书本,指着图画) 2. Let’s listen again and repeat (播放录音,每句后停顿,让学生跟读。 3(把学生分成四组,扮演不同的角色。 4(再次播放录音,指导朗读及面部表情。 三、Play a game 教师把学生分成四人小组,每组表演对话,但学生需要替换对话中的人名、地名及职业,如:扮演Gogo的学生在对话中讲他/她自己的真实姓名;扮演医生的学生可以把对话变为Uh,hello,(sis name).I’m going to the (school). I’m a (teacher).给每组学生在全班同学面前表演新的对话的机会。 四、New Lesson B Teach Vocabulary www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 1.把图画卡片81-90贴在黑板上。 2(T:Look at the Picture Cards. 3.每说一个单词,就举起一张图画卡片。 4(T:Now listen and repeat. 5.举起图画卡片(有文字那面朝外),让学生跟读。 6(Listen to the tape and repeat . Point to each word as you say it. 7.Listen and repeat. 8.任意指不同的图画,示范造句子。 9(T:(指着出租车司机)He’s a taxi driver. Repeat[Ss: He’s a taxi driver] 10.用同样的方法操练其余的图画。 C Play a game 教师准备图画卡81~90,要一个喜欢画画的学生到黑板前,给他/她一张卡片。该学生利用图画作参考,只画图画的一部分并对人物加以描述如:(He)is wearing a (hat).别的学生想办法猜测该人物所从事的工作,如:(He’s)a (police officer). Homework: ?Copy the new words five times ?Read the conversation and the new words 第二课时(SBP.56) 一、 Revision 1. Read the conversation 2. The new words about the jobs 二、 New Lesson (Teach Target) 1. 准备一个女护士及一个女孩的图片。 2. T:(出示护士的图片)She’s a nurse T: (出示女孩的图片) She’s not a nurse,but she wants to be a nurse. 3. 在黑板上写上I’m a 、和I want to be a 4. 把护士的照片放在I’m a 的旁边。 5(把女孩的照片放在I want to be a 、的旁边。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 6(让学生看本页的图画。 7(教师请不同的学生大声朗读句子。 8(播放几遍录音,让学生随录音练习。 三、Play a game 教师给学生出示一张图画卡片,问:What do you do ?让学生根据卡片内容回答:I’m a (taxi driver)教师快速地出示不同的卡片,让学生替换单词进行问答。问完全部卡片内容之后,教师转问:What do you want to be ? 让学生回答:I want to be a (taxi driver).教师再次利用卡片重复替换操练。学生熟悉之后,教师可不时变换两个问题。 三、 Homework: ? Finish WB No.1 and No2 ? Read Review. ? Copy Review one time 第三课时(SBP.57~SBP58) 一、 Revision 1. T: (指着图A)What does he do ? (指着图C中的女孩)What does she want to be ? 2. 用同样的方法操练其余部分。 二、 New Lesson Teach Practice 1 1. T: Let’s listen to the tape (Part A) 2. T: (指着四个句子)Can you find the sentence? 3. 让学生在该页上寻找句子 I’m a taxi driver. 4. T: write A in the box 5. 用同样的方法完成其余部分。 三、 Play a game 给学生一个利用目标语言句型谈论他们家庭成员及朋友的机会。教师在黑板上写出:What does your do ? He’s/she’s .向不同的学生提出问题,如:What does your (mother)do ? 如果学生不想谈论他们的家庭成员,教师可以提问一些学生熟悉的其他人员,如:What does (……)do ? 四、 New Lesson www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 Teach Practice 2 1. 让学生看P57的问题 2. T:A(Sl’s name),Can you read the sentence ? (What does she do ?) 3. 让其他学生读另外三个问题。 4. 全班齐读1次。 5. 再次出现图片,提问:What does she do? 让学生回答。 6. 用同样的方法操练其余几幅图画。 7. 让学生就问题D作真实回答,若有必要,给学生补充额外的词汇。 8. 让学生进行Pair word ,Ask and answer. 五、 教师把学生分成四人一组。每个学生问他/她出组的其他三个成员:What do you want to be ? 完成回答之后,每组要向全班学生报告他们的调查结果。 六、 Teach the song ?What does he do ?? 1. 教师指着歌词周围的图画。 2. T:(指着办公室工作人员)What does he do ? 3. 用同样的方法操练其余的图画。 4. 请几位不同的学生朗读歌词。 5. T:Let’s sing the song! Let’s listen to tape first. 6. 播放录音,教师边听边指着录音唱到的单词。 7. 再次播放录音,让学生练习唱歌。 8. 把全班分成两个小组。一组唱歌问问题部分,另一组唱回答部分,然后互换角色。 七、 Teach Look and write 1. T:(指着图A中的男孩)What’s he asking ? (指着图A中的男人)What’s he saying ? 2. Look at picture B and write the sentences. 3. 给学生时间把句子写在该页上。 4. 教师巡视检查,提供必要的帮助。 5. 以同样的方法完成图C和图D 6. 请不同的学生向全班朗读他们所写的句子。 八、 Homework: ? Finish SBp5、6 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 ? Finish WBp4 No.3 and No.4 ? Sing the song ?Head,shoulders,knees and toes!? 第四课时(SBp.59~SBp.60) 一、 Revision 1. The words about the jobs. 2. What do you do ? I’m a nurse ? what do you want to be ? I want to be a teacher. 3.Sing the song ?What does he do? 二、Teach Activity 1. Look at the pictures Ask: What does he do ? Is she a doctor ? What does/he/she want to be ? 2. Pair work (Ask and answer) 给出示范句。 3. Check them 二、 Teach sounds and words 1. T: Let’s practice the sound /b/ Look at my mouth and repeat. 2. T: /b/ 3. 教师提醒学生,在发些音时要使用双唇。 4. Look at the pictures 5. Let’s listen to the tape 6. Let’s listen again and this time,repeat. 7. Read after the tape. 8. T:(指着篮球运动员)What does he do ? 9. 教师任意指着其余的图画,问同样问题。 三、 Teach Read and say 1. Look at the pictures 2. T:(指着图B)What does he do ? www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 就其余图画继续提问学生。 3(T:Look at A (Sl’s name)can you read the sentence ? 4. T: Now can you find the sound /b/ in the sentence Circle the words that have the sound /b/ ? 5. 用同样的方法练习其余部分。 6(让学生以自然语速大声朗读句子。 五、Play a game 教师让学生讨论,想出他们所知道的含有/b/音的单词,把它们写在黑板上。学生围成一圈,由S1开始 说一个单词,S2增加一个单词,形成一条单词链。以这种方式绕圈继续活动。 六、Homework ? Finish SBp7 ? Copy the words of SB8 ? Read the new words and ?The tiger is jumping? 七、教学后记 :学生掌握理想。 Unit 12 Review 3 (一)Language Target: Is this money yours? No,it’s not. Are these Mom’s keys? I don’t Know. Is this hers? Yes, it is. What do you want to do? I want to see a movie. Do you want to take a walk? Sure. Do you want to go home? Not really. I want to go to the park. What do you do? I’m a nurse. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. Sounds and words: /b/ /m/ Vocabulary Key: pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, keys, money, handkerchief, swimsuit, go to the park, see a movie, play outside, go home, take a walk, take a nap, do a puzzle, surf the Internet, taxi driver, fire fighter, police officer, office worker, secretary, doctor, nurse, teacher Sounds and words: corn, fourteen, floor, blackboard, morning, pour, Mom, lime, drum, room, vacuum, broom, barber, basketball player, butcher, bus driver, businessman, baker 教学步骤: Step 1.Revision 1. 利用图片复习句型What do you do? I’m……What do you want to be? I want to de a teacher. What does she do? He’s a …… What do they do? They are…… What does he want to be? What do you want to be? Step 2.Presentation 1. Listen read and circle 让学生听一遍。 提问检查。 提问板答案。 www.docin.com/zhjh19780218 2. Read and match 让学生做, 然后让一学生上黑板做,教师评讲。 3. Look read and write. 小组讨论答案。 提问检查。 齐读一遍。 4. Read and match. 齐读一遍,让学生自己边读边做,教师提问评讲。 5. Workbook (1) Listen read and circle. 让学生听,然后评讲答案. (2) Read look and write. 小组讨论答案。 提问检查。 齐读一遍。 (3)Listen and circle the words. 让学生听一遍,提问检查答案。 (4)Read say and write. 齐读一遍, 小组讨论答案, 提问检查答案。 教学后记:it take lots of time for the students to learn the vocabulary, the conversation is very interesting.
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