首页 小区保洁管理方案



小区保洁管理方案小区保洁管理方案 世邦小区保洁管理方案 **小区是***市的一家精品小区,市场定位属高端范围,所以物业管理就显得非常重要,而清洁保养是物业管理的重要组成部分之一,是体现物业管理水平的重要标志。高质量的物业清洁保养为业主或用户提供整洁、舒适、优美的工作环境与生活环境。根据贵公司的要求,我们将对所负责区域的清洁卫生项目提供高标准的服务,努力营造一个舒适、整洁、明亮的居住环境,实行8小时保洁制度,以保证所负责区域的卫生达到要求,每日的卫生全面清扫在人流低谷时进行,尽量减少对业主的影响。 一、 小区保洁状况: 1、清...

小区保洁管理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 世邦小区保洁管理方案 **小区是***市的一家精品小区,市场定位属高端范围,所以物业管理就显得非常重要,而清洁保养是物业管理的重要组成部分之一,是体现物业管理水平的重要标志。高质量的物业清洁保养为业主或用户提供整洁、舒适、优美的工作环境与生活环境。根据贵公司的要求,我们将对所负责区域的清洁卫生项目提供高 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的服务,努力营造一个舒适、整洁、明亮的居住环境,实行8小时保洁 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,以保证所负责区域的卫生达到要求,每日的卫生全面清扫在人流低谷时进行,尽量减少对业主的影响。 一、 小区保洁状况: 1、清洁类别: 清洁类别包括:楼内大堂清洁、电梯清洁、楼层通道清洁、消防楼梯清洁、楼层内窗户清洁、楼层设施清洁及业主分户门清洁。 2、小区清洁内容及标准:(如下表) 高层住宅清洁工作标准 场所 作业内容 实施 次数 日常清扫 , 正门进出口的门扇、玻璃清扫及后门(便门)的门扇、玻璃随时 的清扫。 随时 , 硬地面用扫帚扫,用去尘拖布清除细小灰尘。玷污严重的地 方要用清洗剂擦拭干净,用注油地推进行地面保养。 2次/日 , 粘在硬地面上的口香糖渣滓、油漆等用刮油灰刀和化学药品 仔细地清除掉,不能损伤表面光泽 随时 , 下雨天雨伞上的雨滴及食品的汤水、油等撒在地上时应随时 用拖布擦净。 随时 门 厅 , 雨雪天应铺上雨天用的擦脚垫子,伞上流下来的雨滴应随时2次/日 电 梯 间 用拖布擦去。当天晴天后,要立即去掉雨天用的擦脚垫子上 各 种 门 的污垢,把它存放在规定的地方。 2次/日 走 廊 , 关于报纸箱、搂内指南、金属部件,应干抹。金属及金属部2次/日 楼 梯 件,应用适当的清洁剂擦拭。 随时 , 大理石墙面及其周遍用干(湿)毛巾擦拭保养。 随时 , 踢脚线用干(湿)毛巾去污、中性清洁剂擦拭。 随时 , 消火栓、金属阀用干毛巾擦拭。 随时 , 开关盘用干(湿)毛巾去污 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 硬地面用扫帚扫,用去尘拖布清除细小灰尘。玷污严重的地, 2次/日 方要用清洁剂擦拭干净。粘在硬地面上的口香糖渣滓、油漆 等,要用刮油灰刀和化学药品仔细的清除掉,留意不可损伤 电 梯 间 地面。 随时 走 廊 , 花岗岩或大理石地面、墙面用涂油地拖或毛巾保养。 随时 楼 梯 , 腰壁、巾木、门扇、各种揭示板对其玷污严重部分,应用清随时 洁剂擦拭干净。楼梯扶手、墙面及台阶腰进行擦拭。金属部 分的污点要用适当的洗涤剂擦蹭干净。 1次/日 , 消火栓、金属阀用干毛巾擦拭。 随时 , 涂料墙面用细纱布去污除渍。(含开关、按纽) 实施 场所 作业内容 次数 , 清扫地面灰尘,并清理掉地面碎纸屑等物。 1次/日 , 雨雪天胶垫的清洗。 随时 , 电梯轿箱内之金属、指示器、按钮,各层电梯门、框及楼层2次/日 表示灯要用干抹布擦拭,根据需要适当清洗剂擦拭干净。 , 电梯轿箱内部壁面及各层电梯开闭门扉之里外面要用去尘布1次/日 电梯 擦拭。 随时 , 各层电梯沟槽,容易引起故障,用真空吸尘器将灰尘杂物清 除干净 日常性清扫 , 用扫帚清扫。(泥沙、垃圾、树叶等) 1次/日 外围地面 , 脏污严重地面用水冲洗。 随时 , 标志、扶手要擦拭干净。 1次/日 标志扶手 等 高层住宅清洁工作检查标准和方法 分类 项目 检验标准 检验方法 地面 无废弃杂物、纸屑,无污迹,无泥沙,大理石地面抽查 有光泽,地毯平整、干净,无污渍。 理石墙面用纸巾擦拭50CM,无明显灰尘,乳胶漆墙 墙面 面无污迹,目视无明显灰尘。 公共 踢脚线、警铃、安全指示灯、各种标牌表面干净,区域抽查 无灰尘、无水迹、无污迹、无斑点。 卫生 墙面、地面、门框、电梯指示牌表面干净,无油迹、电梯厅 抽查 无灰尘。 电梯内 干净、无污迹、无积尘、无脏杂物 抽查 垃圾桶 外表干净,无积垢、无臭味 目测 各种设施包括大堂前台、广告牌、灯箱、消防栓箱、搂层分抽查 外表 布牌灯;表面干净,无积尘、无污迹、无斑点。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 所管区域内的楼梯、防火梯、电扶梯、栏杆:无灰楼梯 抽查 尘及杂物。 楼梯扶手、栏光洁、物积尘,玻璃无污迹。 抽查 及门 杆 及其墙面上各种设施如应急灯、水管、出入指示灯、楼梯走廊 抽查 凸物等:无积尘、无污迹、无脏杂物。 门 干净,无灰尘、无污迹。 检查 4、保洁难点: 目前保洁班清洁难度是:高位清洁、管道清洁。 原因:由于清洁内容是高位,必须使用高梯辅助作业。 5、垃圾清运。 垃圾清运采取分类收集的办法: 在狠抓环境管理和培养业户环保意识的基础上,我们将对垃圾实施垃圾收集袋装化,从而实现有效的垃圾分流。 a) 垃圾收集袋装化:垃圾的收集,统一采用垃圾袋进行袋装。 B)设置生活垃圾楼层站,以便于转运。 二、保洁岗位操作规范: 清擦物品操作方法: 1、备:毛巾、刀片(必要时)、清洁剂(必要时)、布料(必要时)。 2、毛巾使用中要经常清洗,保持干净。 3、使用前将洗净的毛巾拧干,对折多次后使用,一面擦脏后及时换另一面使用。 4、从物体的一端尽头抹到另一端尽头(避开有不平的一端)。 5、物体表面如有较厚的污渍,可先用刀片铲干净。 6、处理污渍时如无特殊情况,均使用中性清洁剂。 7、使用清洁剂时,需将清洁剂喷在毛巾上,再抹抹物,不可直接将清洁剂喷到 物体上。 8、镜面物体需要用质量好的布料擦拭,不可用粗糙毛巾以免划伤镜面。 9、清洁完毕后,必须将抹布洗净晾干。 拖地操作方法: 1、湿拖前要摆放“小心地滑”标识牌,拖布应尽量拧干。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 2、拖地时,先拖擦边角落,后拖擦中间,尽量避免使拖把撞到墙身或玻璃。 3、水桶要摆放在适当位置,不能放在路中间,门口等以免影响客户(应尽量放 在墙边或一角,并在工作人员的视线之内)。 4、地拖不可太湿,地上不能有印,水要勤换(不能太黑)。 5、清洁完毕后,必须将拖布洗净,拧干,晾干放好备用。 二、 监督程序: 1、检查频率 1)保洁主管每日至少1次对岗位进行抽查。 2)公司主管每半月至少1次对保洁岗位进行抽查。 2、工具保养 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 : 由指定保洁员定期对保洁工具进行保养,及时向主管汇报工具磨损情况。发现损坏及时请技术人员进行维修。 3、年度工作计划:(具体执行时,根据情况可能在时间上有变动) 序号 工作内容 计划完成时间 备注 1 做好巡查及整改工作 每日 2 完成保洁班定期作业计划 每周 3 清洁操作方法 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 全年 5 组织员工召开保洁质量分析讨论会 每月一次 6 编制材料支出情况表 每月 7 资料收集、整理、归档、利用。 全年 8 定期与员工思想沟通交流 每月 9 新员工入职引导培训 即时 4、保洁应急方案: 4(1、如有参观活动:保洁主管接到通知后,立即对保洁范围内进行巡视检查,并通知相关岗位责任人,对于重点部位加大人员清洁频度,特殊情况下安排人员协助。如提前知道应尽量不安排清洗地面、冲洗地面的一些工作。如发现岗位上the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 有积水,应及时将水清洁干净,保证地面无水迹。 4(2、保洁主管要提前安排人员对现场进行清洁,同时在现场处加放垃圾桶等。活动中,应安排保洁员对现场卫生进行清洁维护。活动后应及时对现场进行清洁,确保现场的卫生状况。 4(3、适用于暴风雨、水管爆裂等意外情况的处理。 4(3(1、环境主管巡查、督导各岗位清洁员的工作,加强与其它部门的协调联系工作。 4(3(2、各岗位清洁员配合保安员关好各楼层的门窗,防止风雨刮进楼内,淋湿墙面、地面,防止打碎玻璃。 4.3.3仓库应内备好雨衣、雨靴、手电筒做到有备无患。 4(4、楼层内发生水管爆裂事故的应急方案: 4.4.1当楼层内水管,接头爆裂造成楼层浸水时应迅速关闭水管阀门,并立刻通知相关部门。 4.4.2迅速用扫把扫走流进电梯厅附近的水,控制不了时将电梯开往上一层,并通知维修人员关闭电梯。 4.4.3如房间浸水,应先抢救房间、楼层内的物品资料。 4.4.4用垃圾斗将水盛到水桶内倒掉,再将余水拖干。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy
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