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财务管理外文文献及翻译财务管理外文文献及翻译 LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务管理和财务分析作为财务学科中应用工具。本书的写作目的在于交流基本的财务管理和财务分析。本书用于那些有能力的财务初学者了解财务决策和企业如何做出财务决策。 通过对本书的学习,你将了解我们是如何理解财务的。我们所说的财务决策作为公司所做决策的一部分,不是一个被分离出来的功能。财务决策的做出协调了企业会计部、市场部和生产部。 无论企业的形式和规模如何,财务原理和财务工具均适用。就像对小规模的私营企业而言存在如何筹资的问题,大企业面临所有权和经营权分离时出...

财务管理外文文献及翻译 LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务管理和财务分析作为财务学科中应用工具。本书的写作目的在于交流基本的财务管理和财务分析。本书用于那些有能力的财务初学者了解财务决策和企业如何做出财务决策。 通过对本书的学习,你将了解我们是如何理解财务的。我们所说的财务决策作为公司所做决策的一部分,不是一个被分离出来的功能。财务决策的做出协调了企业会计部、市场部和生产部。 无论企业的形式和规模如何,财务原理和财务工具均适用。就像对小规模的私营企业而言存在如何筹资的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,大企业面临所有权和经营权分离时出现的代理问题。不管公司的规模和形式是如何的,公司财务管理的基本原理是一样的。例如,无论是独资企业做出的决策还是大企业做出的决策,今天一美元的价值都高于未来一美元的价值。 我们所说的财务原理和财务工具适用于全球的企业,不仅限于美国的企业。虽然国家习惯和法律可能与国家的原则理论存在着不同,但财务管理用到的工具是一样的。例如,在评估是否要买一个特殊设备的价值时,你需要评估企业未来现金流的发生(设备成本和支出的时间和设备的不确定性),这个企业位于美国、英国还是在其他的地方? 此外,我们相信拥有强大的财务原理和数学相关工具的依据对于你了解如何做出投资和财务决策十分必要。但是建立这种依据比不费力。我们试图帮你建立这种依据的途径是通过直觉提出财务原理和财务理论。而不是原理和证据。例如,我们引导你通过数字和真实例子对资本结构原理产生直觉,而不是利用公式和证据。再者我们试图帮助你通过仔细的逐步的例子和大量数据处理财务工具。 财务管理和财务分析分为7个部分。前两个部分(第一部分和第二部分)涉及到基础部分,它包括财务管理、估价原则的目标以及风险和回报之间的关系。财务决策涉及到第三、四、五部分的内容,我们提出了长期投资管理(通常被称为资本预算)的长期来源、管理和资金管理工作。第六部分涉及到财务报表分析,它包括财务比率的分析, 盈利分析和现金流量分析。最后一个部分(第七部分)涉及到一些专业论题:国际财务管理,金融结构性金融交易(例如资产证券化),项目融资,设备租赁贷款和财务规划策略。 逻辑结构。本文从基本原理和工具开始,接着提出长期投资和财务决策。前两个部分摆出基本原理;第三部分接着关注于资产负债表的左侧(资产部分)和第四部分在资产负债表的右侧(负债和所有者权益部分)。营运资本决策要支持日常的公司经营,在第五部分讨论。第六部分提供了企业财务报表的分析工具。在本书的最后一个部分,你又被带回到财务管理的目标:股东权益最大化。 图例。数学概念利用表格和插图在视觉上被仔细谨慎动态的描述。例如我们指出银行的资产负债增长率通过复利的方式,在数学上表示为次数和柱状图。 实用性。尽可能的,我们要通过实务例子提出的概念和数学公式。例如,我们首先提出财务分析要通过假设一个公司的简化财务报表。最后,你会学到基础的使用假设的公司数据,我们通过沃尔玛超市的数据来证明分析工具,真实的案例帮助我们更好的理解和记住主要的概念和工具。我们对本书中100个真实的公司的案例求积,你不会希望错过它们。考虑到本书案例和研究问题和难题,你将看到无数的真实公司数据。 覆盖大量的财务报表分析的内容。而大部分的文章只提供一些财务报表分析的内容,我们在本书的第六部分提供给你更多的描述。在第六部分的第六章和第三章主要讲解财务报表分析。 覆盖大量的可供选择的债券工具。由于债券市场的改革,出现了由企业发行的可供选择形式的债券工具。在第15章中,向你介绍了三种工具。我们然后致力于第一章提出的由企业负债发行的最具流动性的可供选择企业债券,企业首次发行的资产有价证券。 覆盖项目租赁和项目资金融资。我们提供深度的项目租赁的内容在本书的第27章,阐明项目租赁的利弊,你在本书中会频繁的看到和专业的项目资金融资。项目融资的增长十分重要不仅对企业而言,对为了追求发展基础设施的国家也十分的重要。在第28章,本书提供了便于理解项目融资的基本原理。 早期介绍衍生工具。衍生工具(期货、交换物、期权)在理财中发挥着重要作用。在第4章向你介绍这些工具。而衍生工具被看作是复杂的工具,通过介绍将让你明确它们的基础投资工具特征。在早期介绍的衍生工具时,你可以接受那些评估隐含期权带来 的困难(第9章)那些在资本预算中隐含的期权(第14章),以及如何运用隐含期权来减少成本及负债(第15章)。 独立的章节。按章来编写,按章节可以容易重新整理以设和不同的课程结构。概念和符号存在于每一章,以便每一章不依赖于上一章。这意味着指导者可以裁减使用本书以适合它们特殊的课程时间范围和学生的预习准备(例如,学生在课前有充足的会计学和税收学基础,在第5章和第6章就可以跳过)。我们坚信我们提供的财务管理与分析的主题将会帮助你了解关键点和为发展技术组合的必要性提供了基础用于处理真实的财务问题。 1财务管理与分析的介绍 财务是经济学原理的应用的概念,用于商业决策和问题的解决。财务被认为有三部分组成:财务管理,投资,和金融机构: ?财务管理有时被称为公司理财或者企业理财。财务的范围就企业单位的财务决策的重要性划分的。财务管理决策包括保持现金流平衡,延长信用,获得其他公司借款,银行的借款和发行股票和基金。 ?投资。投资的范围被集中于金融市场的性质,有价证券的定价。投资经理的任务,例如可能包括评价普通股,为退休基金选择有价证券,或者衡量证券投资组合的绩效。 ?金融机构。金融领域处理银行和其他公司,其他公司专门研究带来供应商基金和使用者基金。例如,银行的管理者可能决定关于批准贷款,管理现金流平衡,设定贷款利率和处理政府法规。 无论是财务的特殊分类还是商业状况都要求财务理论和工具的应用通常包括投资(使用基金)或者财务(筹集资金)。 无论工作于哪个领域的管理者够依靠相同财务基础知识。在本书中,我们想你介绍了维护一个关于信息安全的公共知识体系和指出如何在财务决策中有效的使用该系统。尽管本书强调的是风险管理,基本原理和工具也适用于投资和金融机构。自爱本介绍章节中,我们将考虑财务管理者做出的决策类型,财务分析的角色,企业所有权的形式和管理者做出决策的目标。最后,我们将描述所有者和管理者之间的关系。 财务管理 财务管理包含许多不同类型的决策。我们可以把决策分成3类:投资决策,财务决 策和投资及财务决策。投资决策涉及到基金的使用—买进,持有,或者卖出各种类型的资产:我们是否应该买入钢模压印机,我们是否应该引进新的生产线,卖掉旧的生产设备,买进现有企业,建立仓库,继续持有我们银行里的现金? 财务决策涉及获得被用作投资和财务日常经营的基金。管理者是否应当使用通过公司盈利赚的的资金,他们是否应该寻找来自于商业以外的资金,一个公司的经营和投资所需要的资金能够从商业以外的地方被筹集,通过借贷,如通过银行贷款和出售基金,或者出售所有者权益。由于每一种理财方式都使企业在一种程度上负有义务,财务决策时十分重要的。 许多商业决策,同时包括投资和融资。例如,一个公司可能希望收购另一家公司——一个投资决策。然而,成功的可能取决于它的财政支持:通过借款现金满足购买价格,通过出售附加的股票,或者通过交换现有股票。如果经理决定借钱,必须在指定的时间内进行偿还借来的资金。这些贷款的债主(钱),一般不分享借款公司的利润。另一方面,如果筹集资金管理者决定出售所有者权益,这些基金从来没有被偿还。然而,这样的销售冲淡了控制(利润)当前所有者的利润。 无论一个财务决策包括投资、融资或两者结合,它也会涉及两个特定的因素。预期收益和风险。通过你对财务的研究,你将会关注这些因素。期望回报率之间的差别是潜在的利益和潜在的成本。风险是确定的程度与这些预期收益。 财务分析 财务分析是一种财务管理的工具。它由评价的财务状况和经营业绩的商业公司,在工业生产中,甚至在经济方面,并预测其未来的条件和性能所组成。换句话说,指的是用于检查风险和期望回报率。数据分析可能来自其他经济领域内的公司,如销售、生产部门在公司的财务数据或者从财务信息,如供应商如布隆伯格的金融市场,穆迪投资者的服务, 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的公司、惠誉,价值线,同样来自政府出版的书籍,如联邦储备委员会公报。金融刊物,如《商业周刊》、《福布斯》、《财富》杂志以及《华尔街日报》也出版公司的财务数据(关于个人资料(关于)、经济、市场和行业的经济),其中大部分是也可以在线上网。 在这家公司,财务分析不仅可用于评估公司的业绩,而且可以反映它的部门及其生产线。分析可能呈现根据需要和定期需要的,不仅要确保告知投资和融资决策,还要在 执行政策和奖励 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 作为一种援救。 在公司外部,财务分析也被用来确定新客户的信用度,评估供应商的能力与持有一份长期的合约的条件,并评估竞争者的市场绩效。 公司和投资者没有必要的专业知识、时间或自己进行财务分析的资源可以购买专营提供这项服务的公司。这样的公司可以提供从写的详细分析报告到简单的资信评级。作为例子,Dun & Bradstreet、一个金融服务公司, 评价许多公司的信用度,从当地的小公司到大公司。另外一个例子是不稳定的,三个companies-Moody的投资者服务、标准和Poor Fitch-evaluate由上市公司发行的债务的信贷质量被企业所关注,依据评级表达了这些观点,被发表这三个机构的报告中。 企业的形式 财务管理是不局限于大公司:所有形式和规模的企业中它都十分重要。这三个主要形式的企业形式分别为是独资企业、合伙企业、公司法人。这三种形式有许多不同的因素,其中最重要的金融决策: ?该公司纳税方式。 ?所有者可以对决策的控制。 ?所有者的责任。 ?所有者权益转移的容易度。 ?募集外部资金的能力。 ?企业寿命。 独资企业 最简单和最常见的形式是独资企业。企业所有和经营者是同一个人。因为很少有法律要求去建立并运行一个个人独资企业,这种企业形式被许多人选择,那些后来发展成合伙企业。个人独资经营者进行商业为他或她自己的利益,而其他的人的参与除了雇员。经营者获得所有的收入都来自商业、自己决定是否再投资来自商业的利润或者使用的费用。 经营者承担企业所有的债务。事实上,经营者引发了商业债务。如果企业资产不充足不足以支付业务的债务,经营者必须从他或她的个人资产还债。如果需要更多的资金来运作或扩大业务这些钱多于由商业运作赚来的,所有者贡献出他或她的个人资产经营或借款。许多独资企业,银行是借入资金的主要来源。然而,有限制银行贷款独资企业, 其中大多数都是相对较小。 为了避税,投资人报告的收入来自于商业有关他或她的收入以个人所得税进行纳税申报。 只要它还存在。经营者的寿命终止,那么独资独资企业的资产也可以卖给其他公司, 企业的寿命终止,虽然资产经营可以通过经营者的继承人。 合伙企业 合伙企业是在两个或更多的人签订 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 来经营业务,合伙是相似于个人独资企业,除了所有者替代经营者,这里是不止一个。事实上,有超过一个经营者,介绍了一些问题:谁说在日常经营业务吗,谁是承担经济责任(也就是说最终的责任,)为企业债务,如何分配企业收入? 如何产生纳税收入? 这些问题和合伙协议一起被解决,有些是通过法律进行解决。合伙协议描述损益在合伙人中如何都是分担,它详细企业管理责任。 大多数合伙企业是一般合伙企业, 只有一般的合作伙伴组成,他全面参与企业管理,分享它的利润和亏损,以及对他的负债负责。每一个普通合伙人单独承担企业债务,即使那些债务是其他合伙人签订的。 有限责任公司由至少一个普通合伙人和有限责任合伙人。有限责任合伙人投资业务,但不参与管理。有限合伙人的分享利润和亏损是以合伙协议为限。此外,有限合伙人不承担费用超出他或她的最初的投资的部分。 合伙企业不缴纳个人所得税。而每一个合伙人所分担的来源于企业的盈利部分要缴纳个人所得税。每一个合伙人像独资企业一样缴纳个所税。 合伙企业的寿命以合伙协议为限。例如,合伙人可能同意合伙企业只存在于特定数量的十年或只持续一特定的商业交易。合伙企业必须终止时,当任一合伙人死亡,无论他是否合伙协议约定。任一合伙人死亡那么合伙利益不能被继承,合伙企业解散,或者重新谈判。 合伙企业的缺点之一是,不能出售未经其他合作伙伴同意的所有者权益。当一个合伙人要卖他的权益时要经过其他合伙人的同意。另外一个缺点是合伙企业获得新资金有限,出售自己的权益时存在缺点。合伙人可以从银行筹集资金,但数额有限。 合伙企业建有会计、法律、建筑与医疗等,使用这一商业形式可以归结于主要国家法律、法规的行业以及认证机构会让练习者在那些领域限制他们的责任。 企业 公司是一个法律实体,在法律规定下注册成立。公司是将合同里写明了开展业务内容,拥有企业名称、经营权与所有权分离。成立一家公司,国家法律通常需要,公司必须做到以下几点:(1)文件章程(2)采用一套规章制度 (3)董事会的形式。 公司章程说明企业法定名称、它的业务内容和性质。它赋予企业生命,也是企业和所有者的合同。本合同授予公司发行的股份所有权,称为股票,并指定的所有者,被称为股东。 公司章程是企业治理的依据。它定义了管理者、董事会、股东的权利和义务。对于当公司而言,并不是每一个所有者都能亲自参与对公司管理的监督。例如,2001年底,艾默生电气有限公司约有33700个股东。不可能实现由每个股东看管公司的治理。因此,企业所有者会选出一些董事代表他们做出商业决定以及监管企业的管理情况。董事轮流委派和监督企业的经营者,董事也是公司的员工被称为内部董事;企业内部占有位置的,被称为公司外部董事或独立董事。以艾默生电气有限公司为例,在2002年共有18个董事,6个内部董事和13个外部董事。一般认为外部董事比例越大,董事会独立于公司的管理的独立性越大。且企业外部董事的比例不同。例如,在2002年卡夫食品只有44%的外部的董事,而德州仪器则有89%的外部董事。 国家承认公司存在通过公司执照。在许多州,公司法律的法规遵循统一的模型称为Act.3商业公司。一旦成立,企业签订合同,采用依法登记的名称,企业无限的经营期限。即便所有者过世,企业仍可继续存在。所有者承担他们购买企业股份所带来的责任。 不同于个人独资企业和合伙企业,股份公司是可以缴纳企业所得的法律实体。它以企业的收入进行纳税。收入按照联邦州所作出的关于企业所得税率的特殊规定进行纳税,他不同于个人所得税。 如果董事会决定向股东分配现金,现金来源于企业交完所得税后留下的剩余收入。现金支付和支付股息的数额要根据所有者(股东)的应纳税所得额。因此企业收入的一部分(支付股东)需要双重征税,既作为企业所得,又作为个人所得。 董事会已宣告的股息按照他们所持有股票的份额分发给企业所有者。如果所有者拥有两倍的股票,那么在股息奋发时他将会得到两倍的钱。 企业的所有权也被称之为股票和权益,被描述成企业所拥有的股票。一个公司只有 少数所有者发挥完全控制企业决定的做出,公司被看作是一个封闭公司或者非上市公司。企业公开出售股份被称作是上市公司。火星的生产商之一,生产M&M糖果就是一家非上市公司;好时食品也是糖果生产商就是上市公司。 上市公司的股票在证券市场是自由交易的,如纽约股票交易所。上市公司的所有权更易于转移,相较于个人独资企业、合伙企业及非上市企业的所有权而言。 公司的股票要在公开市场上进行交易需要在有价证券委员会进行注册登记,联邦代理人用来监督执行美国证券法律。这个声明提供财务报表、公司章程、描述性的资料及业务性质,企业的负债和股票、经理人、董事会,任何人如果拥有在其他项目中10%以上的股票。 其他企业形式 除了独资企业、合伙企业和企业法人这些公司形式外,还可以通过其他形式对公司进行管理,如业主有限合伙、专业公司、有限责任公司、合资企业。 业主有限合伙具有有限的合伙人,他们的所有者权益需要有组织的在市场上交易。如超过20家业主合伙人在纽约证券交易所进行交易,包括波士顿凯尔特人队,Cedar Fair和红狮酒店合作伙伴。所用者权益代表了指定所有权中的比例,分享企业股票所带来的股息。不同的是,一个公司可以增加新的资本通过发行新的所有者权益,而业主有限合伙则不能。在合伙企业中,不可能出售超过100%权益,但是可以出售额外的股权,另一个不同点是, 业主有限合伙的收入只征税一次,作为合伙人的个人所得。 另一种不同形式的企业类型是专业公司,专业公司是依法成立按照联邦税法纳税的组织,具有无限责任——所有者对公司的债务负责,要成立这样的企业形式,需要是那些从事服务的且要得到国家的 许可 商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可 证如医生、律师、建筑师,普遍认为它是为了公共利益持有的专业人员为企业债务负责。 最近,公司正在使用一种混合的商业模式,有限责任公司是结合了合伙企业和企业法人的新功能。1988年,国内税收服务裁定,LLC被视为为了的避税合伙企业。他的所有者不对公司的债务负责。自从这个裁决,每个国家已经通过立法允许有限责任公司成立。 尽管国家法律略有差异,一般来说,有限责任公司的所有者负有限责任。国税局认为有限责任公司作为合伙企业需具备以下2个以上的特征:(1)有限责任(2)集中管理 (3)所有者权益自由转移(4)企业的生命延续如果企业具备了两个以上的特征,从纳税角度上说它被认为是企业,税收收入依据公司业务水平和所有者权益。 流动性 从财务决策的角度来看这三种主要企业形式的优缺点,在1.1中展示。公司倾向于从独资企业,合伙企业到公司法人的演变,当他们不断地成长、融资需求的增加。独资企业可以从事商业,而公司法人是用来调节增长的选择。独资企业是美国最主要的企业形式,但是最高的商业收入来自于公司法人。 财务管理的目标 到目前为止,我们已经看到了财务管理者在企业组织中最关注投资决策和财务决策。大多数决策存在于企业结构中,用来更好的调节增长和美国89%的企业收入的来源,因此,我们大多数的讨论这本书其余的部分关注于企业财务决策,但许多议题一般而言适用于所有形式的企业。 展示1.1三个基础企业形式的特征 独资企业 优点: 1.所有者既是决策人。 2.所有者获得全部业务收入。 3.所得征税一次,按个体纳税人的水平。 缺点: 1.所有者对企业全部债务负责(无限责任) 2.所有权具有有限的期限 3.对额外的资金有限制 一般合伙企业 优点: 1.合伙人根据合伙协议获取所得。 2.所得征收一次个人所得税。 3.由普通合伙人决策。 缺点: 1.每个合伙人承担所有的合伙企业债务。 2.合伙企业的生命是由协议或合伙人的生命决定。 3.对额外的资金有限制。 公司法人 优点: 1.公司拥有永恒的生命。 2.所有者不承担债务的公司,该公司的大部分可以失去的是他们最初的投资。 3.公司可以通过出售额外筹集资金所有者权益。 4.收入分配比例按所有权权益 缺点: 1.收入所有者是受双重课税。 2.所有权和管理权相分离在更大的组织中。 每个议题关注于财务决策的目的。当管理者选择财务假设时他们脑海中想的是什么目标,当管理者分配当期收入给所有者权益和投资会增加未来的收益么,最初的财务目的是经济最大化或者是所用者价值的最大化。无论何时,一个决策的制定,管理应该选择可供替代的使企业所有者价值得到最快速的增长。 股票价格和有效率的市场 我们可以看到,今天股票的价值是现在股息的价值和投资者在未来期望获得的价值之和,是否这些期望会发生改变? 假设你购买了IBM的股票。你愿意购买的价值是未来现金流折合到现在的价值,你会得到IBM股票的股息和最终卖出股票的价值。价值反映了金额、期限、和风险的不确定性—是否能得到期望的IBM股息如果股票所存在的市场是有效的,股票的价值会因为信息的影响而下降的非常快。 在有效的市场下,资产的价值—股票将受到公共可利用信息的影响。投资者接收到信息后,股票价值迅速变化来反映有利信息。有多迅速,在美国的股票市场,这个有效的市场下,信息无时无刻不影响着公司的股票价值。 财务决策到底是什么含义?在有效的市场环境下,现在公司股票价值反映全部公共可利用信息。因此,不存在好时机和不适当的时机来关注发行安全问题。当一个企业发行 股票,它将收到股票的价值不多不少,股票的价值会随着公司透露的活动信息发生改变。如果一家企业宣布一项新产品,投资者将会利用他们所获得的信息区计算这个新产品如何,这将会改变公司未来的现金流,因此,公司的价值和公司股票的价值将会发生相应的 随着时间的推移,价格会有这样的经济效益,保护投资者的合法权益,接近零。 改变。而且, 委托代理关系 如果你是独资企业的所有者,你所作出的决定将会影响你自己的健康发展。但如果你是一个企业的财务管理者或者你并不是独资企业的所有者的话呢?在这种情况下,你为了所有者做出决策而不是你自己,作为一个财务管理者,这是一种代理关系,你作为代理人。代理是为了这个人(或一群人)所作出的行为,这个人(或一群人)代理代表简称委托人,代理人和委托人的关系称为委托代理关系。管理者和企业所有者之间就是委托代理关系。 附录B Financial Management and Analysis is an introduction to the concepts,tools, and applications of finance. The purpose of this textbook is to communicate the fundamentals of financial management and financial analysis.This textbook is written in a way that will enable students who are just beginning their study of finance to understand financial decision-making and its role in the decision-making process of the entire firm. Throughout the textbook, you’ll see how we view finance.We see financial decision-making as an integral part of the firm’s decision-making, not as a separate function. Financial decision-making involves coordination among personnel specializing in accounting, marketing, and production aspects of the firm. The principles and tools of finance are applicable to all forms and sizes of business enterprises, not only to large corporations. Just as there are special problems and opportunities for small family-owned businesses(such as where to obtain financing), there are special problems and opportunities for large corporations (such as agency problems that arise when management of the firm is separated from the firm’s owners). But the fundamentals of financial management are the same regardless of the size or form of the business. For example, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar one year from today, whether you are making decisions for a sole proprietorship or a large corporation. We view the principles and tools of finance as applicable to firms around the globe, not just to U.S. business enterprises. While customs and laws may differ among nations, the principles, theories, and tools of financial management do not. For example, in evaluating whether to buy a particular piece of equipment, you must evaluate what happens to the firm’s future cash flows (How much will they be? When will they occur? How uncertain are they?), whether the firm is located in the United States, Great Britain, or elsewhere. In addition, we believe that a strong foundation in finance principles and the related mathematical tools are necessary for you to understand how investing and financing decisions are made. But building that foundation need not be strenuous. One way that we try to help you build that foundation is to present the principles and theories of finance using intuition, instead of with proofs and theorems. For example, we walk you through the intuition of capital structure theory with numerical and real world examples, not equations and proofs. Another we try to assist you is to approach the tools of finance using careful, step-by-step examples and numerous graphs. ORGANIZATION Financial Management and Analysis is presented in seven parts. The first two parts (Parts One and Two) cover the basics, including the objective of financial management, valuation principles, and the relation between risk and return. Financial decision-making is covered in Parts Three, Four, and Five where we present long-term investment management (commonly referred to as capital budgeting), the management of long-term sources of funds, and working capital management. Part Six covers financial statement analysis which includes financial ratio analysis, earnings analysis, and cash flow analysis. The last part (Part Seven) covers several specialized topics: international financial management, borrowing via structured financial transactions (i.e., asset securitization), project financing, equipment leasing, and financial planning and strategy. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE TEXTBOOK Logical structure. The text begins with the basic principles and tools, followed by long-term investment and financing decisions. The first two parts lay out the basics; Part Three then focuses on the “left side” of the balance sheet (the assets) and the Part Four is the “right side” of the balance sheet (the liabilities and equity). Working capital decisions, which are made to support the day-to-day operations of the firm, are discussed in Part Five. Part Six provides the tools for analyzing a firm’s financial statements. In the last chapter of the book, you are brought back full-circle to the objective of financial management: the maximization of owners’ wealth. Graphical illustrations. Graphs and illustrations have been carefully and deliberately developed to depict and provide visual reinforcement of mathematical concepts. For example, we show the growth of a bank balance through compound interest several ways: mathematically, in a time-line,and with a bar graph. Applications. As much as possible, we develop concepts and mathematics using examples of actual practice. For example, we first present financial analysis using a simplified set of financial statements for a fictitious company. After you’ve learned the basics using the fictitious company, we demonstrate financial analysis tools using data from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Actual examples help you better grasp and retain major concepts and tools. We integrate over 100 actual company examples throughout the text, so you’re not apt to miss them. Considering both the examples throughout the text and the research questions and problems, you are exposed to hundreds of actual companies. Extensive coverage of financial statement analysis. While most textbooks provide some coverage of financial statement analysis, we have provided you with much more detail in Part Six of the textbook. Chapter 6 and the three chapters in Part Six allow an instructor to focus on financial statement analysis. Extensive coverage of alternative debt instruments. Because of the innovations in the debt market, alternative forms debt instruments can be issued by a corporation. In Chapter 15, you are introduced to these instruments. We then devote one chapter to the most popular alternative to corporate bond issuance, the creation and issuance of asset-backed securities. Coverage of leasing and project financing. We provide in-depth coverage of leasing in Chapter 27, demystifying the claims about the advantages and disadvantages of leasing you too often read about in some textbooks and professional articles. Project financing has grown in importance for not only corporations but for countries seeking to develop infrastructure facilities. Chapter 28 provides the basic principles for understanding project financing. Early introduction to derivative instruments. Derivative instruments (futures, swaps, and options) play an important role in finance. You are introduced to these instruments in Chapter 4. While derivative instruments are viewed as complex instruments, you are provided with an introduction that makes clear their basic investment characteristics. By the early introduction of derivative instruments, you will be able to appreciate the difficulties of evaluating securities that have embedded options (Chapter 9), how there are real options embedded in capital budgeting decisions (Chapter14), and how derivative instruments can be used to reduce or to hedge the cost of borrowing (Chapter 15). Stand-alone nature of the chapters. Each chapter is written so that chapters may easily be rearranged to fit different course structures. Concepts, terminology, and notation are presented in each chapter so that no chapter is dependent upon another. This means that instructors can tailor the use of this book to fit their particular time frame for the course and their students’preparation (for example, if students enter the course with sufficient background in accounting and taxation, Chapters 5 and 6 can be skipped). We believe that our approach to the subject matter of financial management and analysis will help you understand the key issues and provide the foundation for developing a skill set necessary to deal with real world financial problems. 1 Introduction to Financial Management and Analysis Finance is the application of economic principles and concepts to business decision-making and problem solving. The field of finance can be considered to comprise three broad categories: financial management,investments, and financial institutions: ? Financial management. Sometimes called corporate finance or business finance, this area of finance is concerned primarily with financial decision-making within a business entity. Financial management decisions include maintaining cash balances, extending credit, acquiring other firms, borrowing from banks, and issuing stocks and bonds. ? Investments. This area of finance focuses on the behavior of financial markets and the pricing of securities. An investment manager’s tasks, for example, may include valuing common stocks, selecting securities for a pension fund, or measuring a portfolio’s performance. ? Financial institutions. This area of finance deals with banks and other firms that specialize in bringing the suppliers of funds together with the users of funds. For example, a manager of a bank may make decisions regarding granting loans, managing cash balances, setting interest rates on loans, and dealing with government regulations. No matter the particular category of finance, business situations that call for the application of the theories and tools of finance generally involve either investing (using funds) or financing (raising funds). Managers who work in any of these three areas rely on the same basic knowledge of finance. In this book, we introduce you to this common body of knowledge and show how it is used in financial decision- making. Though the emphasis of this book is financial management, the basic principles and tools also apply to the areas of investments and financial institutions. In this introductory chapter, we’ll consider the types of decisions financial managers make, the role of financial analysis, the forms of business ownership, and the objective of managers’ decisions. Finally, we will describe the relationship between owners and managers. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial management encompasses many different types of decisions. We can classify these decisions into three groups: investment decisions, financing decisions, and decisions that involve both investing and financing. Investment decisions are concerned with the use of funds— the buying, holding, or selling of all types of assets: Should we buy a new die stamping machine? Should we introduce a new product line? Sell the old production facility? Buy an existing company? Build a warehouse? Keep our cash in the bank? Financing decisions are concerned with the acquisition of funds to be used for investing and financing day-to-day operations. Should managers use the money raised through the firms’ revenues? Should they seek money from outside of the business? A company’s operations and investment can be financed from outside the business by incurring debts, such as though bank loans and the sale of bonds, or by selling ownership interests. Because each method of financing obligates the business in different ways, financing decisions are very important. Many business decisions simultaneously involve both investing and financing. For example, a company may wish to acquire another firm— an investment decision. However, the success of the acquisition may depend on how it is financed: by borrowing cash to meet the purchase price, by selling additional shares of stock, or by exchanging existing shares of stock. If managers decide to borrow money, the borrowed funds must be repaid within a specified period of time. Creditors (those lending the money) generally do not share in the control of profits of the borrowing firm. If, on the other hand, managers decide to raise funds by selling ownership interests, these funds never have to be paid back. However, such a sale dilutes the control of (and profits accruing to) the current owners. Whether a financial decision involves investing, financing, or both, it also will be concerned with two specific factors: expected return and risk. And throughout your study of finance, you will be concerned with these factors. Expected return is the difference between potential benefits and potential costs. Risk is the degree of uncertainty associated with these expected returns. Financial Analysis Financial analysis is a tool of financial management. It consists of the evaluation of the financial condition and operating performance of a business firm, an industry, or even the economy, and the forecasting of its future condition and performance. It is, in other words, a means for examining risk and expected return. Data for financial analysis may come from other areas within the firm, such as marketing and production departments, from the firm’s own accounting data, or from financial information vendors such as Bloomberg Financial Markets, Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Corporation, Fitch Ratings, and Value Line, as well as from government publications, such as the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Financial publications such as Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal also publish financial data (concerning individual firms) and economic data (concerning industries, markets, and economies), much of which is now also available on the Internet. Within the firm, financial analysis may be used not only to evaluate the performance of the firm, but also its divisions or departments and its product lines. Analyses may be performed both periodically and as needed, not only to ensure informed investing and financing decisions, but also as an aid in implementing personnel policies and rewards systems. Outside the firm, financial analysis may be used to determine the creditworthiness of a new customer, to evaluate the ability of a supplier to hold to the conditions of a long-term contract, and to evaluate the market performance of competitors. Firms and investors that do not have the expertise, the time, or the resources to perform financial analysis on their own may purchase analyses from companies that specialize in providing this service. Such companies can provide reports ranging from detailed written analyses to simple creditworthiness ratings for businesses. As an example, Dun & Bradstreet, a financial services firm, evaluates the creditworthiness of many firms, from small local businesses to major corporations. As another example, three companies—Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch—evaluate the credit quality of debt obligations issued by corporations and express these views in the form of a rating that is published in the reports available from these three organizations. FORMS OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Financial management is not restricted to large corporations: It is necessary in all forms and sizes of businesses. The three major forms of business organization are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. These three forms differ in a number of factors, of which those most important to financial decision-making are: ? The way the firm is taxed. ? The degree of control owners may exert on decisions. ? The liability of the owners. ? The ease of transferring ownership interests. ? The ability to raise additional funds. ? The longevity of the business. Sole Proprietorships The simplest and most common form of business enterprise is the sole proprietorship, a business owned and controlled by one person—the proprietor. Because there are very few legal requirements to establish and run a sole proprietorship, this form of business is chosen by many individuals who are starting up a particular business enterprise. The sole proprietor carries on a business for his or her own benefit, without participation of other persons except employees. The proprietor receives all income from the business and alone decides whether to reinvest the profits in the business or use them for personal expenses. A proprietor is liable for all the debts of the business; in fact, it is the proprietor who incurs the debts of the business. If there are insufficient business assets to pay a business debt, the proprietor must pay the debt out of his or her personal assets. If more funds are needed to operate or expand the business than are generated by business operations, the owner either contributes his or her personal assets to the business or borrows. For most sole proprietorships, banks are the primary source of borrowed funds. However, there are limits to how much banks will lend a sole proprietorship, most of which are relatively small. For tax purposes, the sole proprietor reports income from the business on his or her personal income tax return. Business income is treated as the proprietor’s personal income. The assets of a sole proprietorship may also be sold to some other firm, at which time the sole proprietorship ceases to exist. Or the life of a sole proprietorship ends with the life of the proprietor, although the assets of the business may pass to the proprietor’s heirs. Partnerships A partnership is an agreement between two or more persons to operate a business. A partnership is similar to a sole proprietorship except instead of one proprietor, there is more than one. The fact that there is more than one proprietor introduces some issues: Who has a say in the day-to-day operations of the business? Who is liable (that is, financially responsible) for the debts of the business? How is the income distributed among the owners? How is the income taxed? Some of these issues are resolved with the partnership agreement; others are resolved by laws. The partnership agreement describes how profits and losses are to be shared among the partners, and it details their responsibilities in the management of the business. Most partnerships are general partnerships, consisting only of general partners who participate fully in the management of the business, share in its profits and losses, and are responsible for its liabilities. Each general partner is personally and individually liable for the debts of the business, even if those debts were contracted by other partners. A limited partnership consists of at least one general partner and one limited partner. Limited partners invest in the business but do not participate in its management. A limited partner’s share in the profits and losses of the business is limited by the partnership agreement. In addition, a limited partner is not liable for the debts incurred by the business beyond his or her initial investment. A partnership is not taxed as a separate entity. Instead, each partner reports his or her share of the business profit or loss on his or her personal income tax return. Each partner’s share is taxed as if it were from a sole proprietorship.、 The life of a partnership may be limited by the partnership agreement. For example, the partners may agree that the partnership is to exist only for a specified number of years or only for the duration of a specific business transaction. The partnership must be terminated when any one of the partners dies, no matter what is specified in the partnership agreement. Partnership interests cannot be passed to heirs; at the death of any partner, the partnership is dissolved and perhaps renegotiated. One of the drawbacks of partnerships is that a partner’s interest in the business cannot be sold without the consent of the other partners. So a partner who needs to sell his or her interest because of, say, personal financial needs may not be able to do so. Another drawback is the partnership’s limited access to new funds. Short of selling part of their own ownership interest, the partners can raise money only by borrowing from banks—and here too there is a limit to what a bank will lend a (usually small) partnership. In certain businesses—including accounting, law, architecture, and physician’s services—firms are commonly organized as partnerships. The use of this business form may be attributed primarily to state laws, regulations of the industry, and certifying organizations meant to keep practitioners in those fields from limiting their liability. Corporations A corporation is a legal entity created under state laws through the process of incorporation. The corporation is an organization capable of entering into contracts and carrying out business under its own name, separate from it owners. To become a corporation, state laws generally require that a firm must do the following: (1) file articles of incorporation, (2) adopt a set of bylaws, and (3) form a board of directors. The articles of incorporation specify the legal name of the corporation, its place of business, and the nature of its business. This certificate gives “life” to a corporation in the sense that it represents a contract between the corporation and its owners. This contract authorizes the corporation to issue units of ownership, called shares, and specifies the rights of the owners, the shareholders. The bylaws are the rules of governance for the corporation. The bylaws define the rights and obligations of officers, members of the board of directors, and shareholders. In most large corporations, it is not possible for each owner to participate in monitoring the management of the business. For example, at the end of 2001, Emerson Electric Co. had approximately 33,700 shareholders. It would not be practical for each of these owners to watch over Emerson’s management directly. Therefore, the owners of a corporation elect a board of directors to represent them in the major business decisions and to monitor the activities of the corporation’smanagement. The board of directors, in turn, appoints and oversees the officers of the corporation. Directors who are also employees of the corporation are called insider directors; those who have no other positionwithin the corporation are outside directors or independent directors. In the case of Emerson Electric Co., for example, there were 18 directors in 2002, six inside directors and 13 outside directors. Generally it is believed that the greater the proportion of outside directors, the greater the board’s independence from the management of the company. The proportion of outside directors on corporate boards varies significantly. For example, in 2002 only 44% of Kraft Foods’ board are outsiders, whereas 89% of Texas Instrument’s board is comprised of outside directors. The state recognizes the existence of the corporation in the corporate charter. Corporate laws in many states follow a uniform set of laws referred to as the Model Business Corporations Act.3 Once created, the corporation can enter into contracts, adopt a legal name, sue or be sued, and continue in existence forever. Though owners may die, the corporation continues to live. The liability of owners is limited to the amounts they have invested in the corporation through the shares of ownership they purchased. Unlike the sole proprietorship and partnership, the corporation is a taxable entity. It files its own income tax return and pays taxes on its income. That income is determined according to special provisions of the federal and state tax codes and is subject to corporate tax rates different from personal income tax rates. If the board of directors decides to distribute cash to the owners, that money is paid out of income left over after the corporate income tax has been paid. The amount of that cash payment, or dividend, must also be included in the taxable income of the owners (the shareholders). Therefore, a portion of the corporation’s income (the portion paid out to owners) is subject to double taxation: once as corporate income and once as the individual owner’s income. The dividend declared by the directors of a corporation is distributed to owners in proportion to the numbers of shares of ownership they hold. If Owner A has twice as many shares as Owner B, he or she will receive twice as much money. The ownership of a corporation, also referred to as stock or equity, is represented as shares of stock. A corporation that has just a few owners who exert complete control over the decisions of the corporation is referred to as a close corporation or a closely-held corporation. A corporation whose ownership shares are sold outside of a closed group of owners is referred to as a public corporation or a publicly-held corporation. Mars Inc., producer of M&M candies and other confectionery products, is a closely-held corporation; Hershey Foods, also a producer of candy products among other things, is a publicly-held corporation. The shares of public corporations are freely traded in securities markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange. Hence, the ownership of a publicly-held corporation is more easily transferred than the ownership of a proprietorship, a partnership, or a closely-held corporation. Companies whose stock is traded in public markets are required to file an initial registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a federal agency created to oversee the enforcement of U. S. securities laws. The statement provides financial statements, articles of incorporation, and descriptive information regarding the nature of the business, the debt and stock of the corporation, the officers and directors, any individuals who own more than 10% of the stock, among other items. Other Forms of Business In addition to the proprietorship, partnership, and corporate forms of business, an enterprise may be conducted using other forms of business, such as the master limited partnership, the professional corporation, the limited liability company, and the joint venture. A master limited partnership is a partnership with limited partner ownership interests that are traded on an organized exchange. For example, more than two dozen master limited partnerships are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, including the Boston Celtics, Cedar Fair,and Red Lion Inns partnerships. Ownership interests, which represent a specified ownership percentage, are traded in much the same way as the shares of stock of a corporation. One difference, however, is that a corporation can raise new capital by issuing new ownership interests, whereas a master limited partnership cannot. It is not possible to sell more than a 100% interest in the partnership, yet it is possible to sell additional shares of stock in a corporation. Another difference is that the income of a master limited partnership is taxed only once, as partners’individual income. Another variant of the corporate form of business is the professional corporation. A professional corporation is an organization that is formed under state law and treated as a corporation for federal tax law purposes, yet that has unlimited liability for its owners—the owners are personally liable for the debts of the corporation. Businesses that are likely to form such corporations are those that provide services and require state licensing, such as physicians’, architects’, and attorneys’practices, since it is generally felt that it is in the public interest to hold such professionals responsible for the liabilities of the business. More recently, companies are using a hybrid form of business, the limited liability company (LLC), which combines the best features of a partnership and a corporation. In 1988 the Internal revenue Service ruled that the LLC be treated as a partnership for tax purposes, while its owners are not liable for its debts. Since this ruling, every state has passed legislation permitting limited liability companies. Though state laws vary slightly, in general, the owners of the LLC have limited liability. The IRS considers the LLC to be taxed as a partnership if the company has no more than two of the following characteristics: (1) limited liability, (2) centralized management, (3) free transferability of ownership interests, and (4) continuity of life. If the company has more than two of these, it will be treated as a corporation for tax purposes, subjecting the income to taxation at both the company level and the owners’. Prevalence The advantages and disadvantages of the three major forms of business from the point of view of financial decision-making are summarized in Exhibit 1.1. Firms tend to evolve from proprietorship to partnership to corporation as they grow and as their needs for financing increase. Sole proprietorship is the choice for starting a business, whereas the corporation is the choice to accommodate growth. The great majority of business firms in the United States are sole proprietorships, but most business income is generated by corporations. The Objective of Financial Management So far we have seen that financial managers are primarily concerned with investment decisions and financing decisions within business organizations. The great majority of these decisions are made within the corporate business structure, which better accommodates growth and is responsible for 89% of U.S. business income. Hence, most of our discussion in the remainder of this book focuses on financial decision-making in corporations, but many of the issues apply generally to all forms of business. EXHIBIT 1.1 Characteristics of the Three Basic Forms of Business Sole Proprietorship Advantages 1. The proprietor is the sole business decision-maker. 2. The proprietor receives all income from business. 3. Income from the business is taxed once, at the individual taxpayer level. Disadvantages 1. The proprietor is liable for all debts of the business (unlimited liability). 2. The proprietorship has a limited life. 3. There is limited access to additional funds. General Partnership Advantages 1. Partners receive income according to terms in partnership agreement. 2. Income from business is taxed once as the partners’ personal income. 3. Decision-making rests with the general partners only. Disadvantages 1. Each partner is liable for all the debts of the partnership. 2. The partnership’s life is determined by agreement or the life of the partners. 3. There is limited access to additional funds. Corporation Advantages 1. The firm has perpetual life. 2. Owners are not liable for the debts of the firm; the most that owners can lose is their initial investment. 3. The firm can raise funds by selling additional ownership interest. 4. Income is distributed in proportion to ownership interest. Disadvantages 1. Income paid to owners is subjected to double taxation. 2. Ownership and management are separated in larger organizations. One such issue concerns the objective of financial decision-making. What goal (or goals) do managers have in mind when they choose between financial alternatives—say, between distributing current income among shareholders and investing it to increase future income? There is actually one financial objective: the maximization of the economic wellbeing, or wealth, of the owners. Whenever a decision is to be made, management should choose the alternative that most increases the wealth of the owners of the business. Share Prices and Efficient Markets We have seen that the price of a share of stock today is the present value of the dividends and share price the investor expects to receive in the future. What if these expectations change?Suppose you buy a share of stock of IBM. The price you are willing to pay is the present value of future cash flows you expect from dividends paid on one share of IBM stock and from the eventual sale of that share. This price reflects the amount, the timing, and the uncertainty of these future cash flows. Now what happens if some news—good or bad—is announced that changes the expected IBM dividends? If the market in which these shares are traded is efficient, the price will fall very quickly to reflect that news. In an efficient market, the price of assets—in this case shares of stock—reflects all publicly available information. As information is received by investors, share prices change rapidly to reflect the new information. How rapidly? In U.S. stock markets, which are efficient markets, information affecting a firm is reflected in share prices of its stock within minutes. What are the implications for financing decisions? In efficient markets, the current price of a firm’s shares reflects all publicly available information. Hence, there is no good time or bad time to issue a security. When a firm issues stock, it will receive what that stock is worth—no more and no less. Also, the price of the shares will change as information about the firm’s activities is revealed. If the firm announces a new product, investors will use whatever information they have to figure out how this new product will change the firm’s future cash flows and, hence, the value of the firm—and the share price—will change accordingly. Moreover, in time, the price will be such that investors’ economic profit approaches zero. THE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP If you are the sole owner of a business, then you make the decisions that affect your own well-being. But what if you are a financial manager of a business and you are not the sole owner? In this case, you are making decisions for owners other than yourself; you, the financial manager, are an agent. An agent is a person who acts for—and exerts powers of— another person or group of persons. The person (or group of persons) the agent represents is referred to as the principal. The relationship between the agent and his or her principal is an agency relationship. There is an agency relationship between the managers and the shareholders of corporations.
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