首页 大学生职业生涯规划书格式



大学生职业生涯规划书格式大学生职业生涯规划书格式 大学生职业生涯规划书例文 引言:要记住自己永远只能拯救自己~ 第一章 认识自我 1.个人基本情况:真实姓名:XXX 民族:汉族 性别:X 年龄:XX岁 籍贯:XX省XX市/县 身份证号码:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 所在学校及系别:XX大学XX学院 班级及专业:XX级XXXX专业 联系电话: E,mail:360900635@qq.com 2.职业兴趣—喜欢干什么 在我的人才素质测评报告中,职业兴趣前三项是研究型(6分)、实际型(5分)和艺术型(5分)。我...

大学生职业生涯规划书格式 大学生职业生涯规划书例文 引言:要记住自己永远只能拯救自己~ 第一章 认识自我 1.个人基本情况:真实姓名:XXX 民族:汉族 性别:X 年龄:XX岁 籍贯:XX省XX市/县 身份证号码:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 所在学校及系别:XX大学XX学院 班级及专业:XX级XXXX专业 联系电话: E,mail:360900635@qq.com 2.职业兴趣—喜欢干什么 在我的人才素质测评报告中,职业兴趣前三项是研究型(6分)、实际型(5分)和艺术型(5分)。我的具体情况是常规型、实际型、管理型。 3.职业能力及适应性—能够干什么 我的人才素质测评报告结果显示,信息 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 能力得分较高(6分),人文素质能力得分较低(3分)。 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 4.个人性格—适合干什么 我的人才素质测评报告结果显示经济取向型,便是适合有关建筑类(从事经济工作) 5.职业价值观—最看重什么 我的人才素质测评报告结果显示前三项是经济取向(6分)、经营取向(5分)和志愿取向5分)。我的具体情况跟测评一样呢。 6.胜任能力——优劣势是什么 自我分析小结: 第二章 职业环境分析 1.家庭环境分析 如经济状况、家人期望、家族文化是间接影响人的成长。经济便是直接影那个人是否接受教育的机会呢。家人期望便给自己孩子间接的压力,从而影响孩子学习。那当然家族文化便影响朝那个方向发展呢。 2.学校环境分析 如学校特色、专业学习、实践经验也会影响人的发展方向,学校特色便是影响学生心情、要从事那方面工作。专业学习同样影响是否在他那个领域有更高的发展。实践经验是专业知识运用、影响一个人专业素养 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 3.社会环境分析 如就业形势、就业政策、竞争对手。现在就业形势压力非常大、现在毕业生太多了。现在,就业政策不完善,竞争对手非常多呢。road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 在学校期间努力学习专业知识来提高自己专业技术。从而,在找工作相对容易些。 4.职业环境分析 (1)行业分析 现在行业发展还有相对较大的发展空间呢。因为,建筑这行业,有人类居住的地方,便需要建筑,所以建筑这行业不会“饱和”呢。 (2)职业分析 工程师便是建筑骨干,工作要求便是要精益求精、不能有一点粗心。发展前景非常好。 (3)企业分析 单位类型、企业文化、发展前景、发展阶段、产品服务、员工素质、工作氛围等,人企匹配分析、对建筑公司需要人才空间还是非常大的。一个公司的成立,要有一定人才资源。 职业环境分析小结。 第三章 匹配分析 1.SWOT分析 综合第一部分(自我分析)及第二部分(职业生涯条件分析)的主要内容得出本人职业定位的SWOT分析: 内部环境因素 优势因素(S) 弱势因素(W) 外部环境因素 机会因素(O) 威胁因素(T) 2.匹配程度与差距改善 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 3.动态匹配 第四章 职业目标定位及路径分解 1.职业目标的确定 结论:职业目标——将来从事(建筑行业的)工程师职业 职业发展策略——进入国企类型的组织(到珠江二角洲地区发展) 职业发展路径——走专家路线(管理路线等) 2.职业目标的分解与组合 把职业目标分成三个规划期,即:近期规划、中期规划和远期规划,并对各个规划期及其要实现的目标进行分解。 短期 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 (大学计划) 2009年—20 2012年 如大学毕业时要达到本科学位 、大一要达到以基础为主、专业学习、职业技能培养、职业素质提升、职业实践计划等 、如大一以适应大学生活为主。大二以专业学习和掌握职业技能为主。 中期计划(毕业后五年的计划) 2012年—2017年计划 如毕业后第五年时要达到中级工程师。如毕业后第一年要养活自己,不向家里要任何费用。第二年要在建筑行业,站隐脚、职场适应、三脉积累(知脉、人脉、金脉)、岗位转换及升迁等。 长期计划(毕业后十年或以上计划) 2012年—2022年计划 如退休时要达到高级工程师。身体健康,有一个支持我,了解我的知已。 具体路径:普通职员——初级施工员——中级工程师——高级工程师 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 第五章 具体执行计划 1.短期目标的具体实施计划 本人现正就读大学一年级,我的大学计划分为三个阶段。一年级,适应大学生活,不要迷失自己。二年级,每天上网流浪建筑有关专业,扩大自己知识面,提高专业水平。三年级,拿到优秀实习生。 2.中期目标的具体实施计划 树立终生学习目标,毕业只是脱离校园学习而已。毕业后几年中,时刻要学习,向目标靠近。每天都要像向 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 拼搏一样去争取成功。 3.长期目标的具体实施计划 长期目标一样努力学习、每天要总结工作存在那些问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,从而来完善自己,提高自己技能水平。一定要养成写施工日记习惯。 4.人生总目标的具体实施计划 人生总目标不就是要养成终生学习,有知识来武装自己。才能在职场有于自己的地位。人生总目的具体实施计划不非就是,做到前面三个小、中、长期计划等。只样形成质的飞跃。才能实现自己的人生理想。 第六章 评估调整 职业生涯规划是一个动态的过程,必须根据实施结果的情况以及变化情况进行及时的评估与修正。 1.评估的内容 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly (1)职业目标评估。(是否需要重新选择职业?)假如一直没有发展空间的话,那么我将会重新选择职业。 (2)职业路径评估。(是否需要调整发展方向?)当出现在这行业无法生存的时候,我就会选择走另一个职业途径来实现自己人生理想。 (3)实施策略评估。(是否需要改变行动策略?)如果这实施策略行不通的话,我就会采取别的有效措施。 (4)其他因素评估。(身体、家庭、经济状况以及机遇、意外情况的及时评估。) 2.评估的时间 在一般情况下,我定期(半年或一年)评估规划;当出现特殊情况时,我会随时评估并进行相应的调整。 3.规划调整的原则 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly
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