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张翔基础级口语教程张翔基础级口语教程 张翔----掌握英语口语--《基础级口语教程》 掌握英语口语--《基础级口语教程》 UNIT 1 WHO ARE YOU? 你是谁? Part 1 Are you a ...?你是„„吗? 1. Are you a Chinese?你是中国人吗, Yes, I am a Chinese. / No, I am not a Chinese. 是的,我是中国人。/不,我不是中国人。 2. Are you a student? 你是学生吗, Yes, I am a student....

张翔基础级口语教程 张翔----掌握英语口语--《基础级口语教程》 掌握英语口语--《基础级口语教程》 UNIT 1 WHO ARE YOU? 你是谁? Part 1 Are you a ...?你是„„吗? 1. Are you a Chinese?你是中国人吗, Yes, I am a Chinese. / No, I am not a Chinese. 是的,我是中国人。/不,我不是中国人。 2. Are you a student? 你是学生吗, Yes, I am a student. / No, I am not a student. 是的,我是学生。/不,我不是学生。 3. Are you a junior student? 你是低年级学生吗, Yes, I am a junior student. / No, I am not a junior student. 是的,我是低年级学生。/不,我不是低年级学生。 4. Are you a senior student? 你是高年级学生吗, Yes, I am a senior student. / No, I am not a senior student. 是的,我是高年级学生。/不,我不是高年级学生。 5. Are you a teenager? 你是青少年吗, 1 Yes, I am a teenager. / No, I am not a teenager. 是的,我是青少年。/不,我不是青少年。 6. Are you a webworm? 你是个网虫吗, Yes, I am a webworm. / No, I am not a webworm. 是的,我是个网虫。/不,我不是网虫。 7. Are you an idolater? 你是追星族吗, Yes, I am an idolater. / No, I am not an idolater. 是的,我是追星族。/不,我不是追星族。 8. Are you a rascal? 你是捣蛋鬼吗, Yes, I am a rascal. / No, I am not a rascal. 是的,我是捣蛋鬼。/不,我不是捣蛋鬼。 9. Are you a coward? 你是个胆小鬼吗, Yes, I am a coward. / No, I am not a coward. 是的,我是个胆小鬼。/不,我不是个胆小鬼。 10. Are you a chatter? 你是个搬弄是非的人吗, Yes, I am a chatter. / No, I am not a chatter. 是的,我是个搬弄是非的人。/不,我不是个搬弄是非的人。 2 11. Are you a movie star? 你是电影明星吗, Yes, I am a movie star. / No, I am not a movie star. 是的,我是电影明星。/不,我不是电影明星。 12. Are you a leader? 你是个领导吗, Yes, I am a leader. / No, I am not a leader. 是的,我是领导。/不,我不是领导。 13. Are you an employee? 你是个打工的吗, Yes, I am an employee. / No, I am not an employee. 是的,我是打工的。/不,我不是打工的。 14. Are you a boss? 你是老板吗, Yes, I am a boss. / No, I am not a boss. 是的,我是老板。/不,我不是老板。 15. Are you a manager? 你是经理吗, Yes, I am a manager. / No, I am not a manager. 是的,我是经理。/不,我不是经理。 16. Are you a soldier? 你是个士兵吗, 3 Yes, I am a soldier. / No, I am not a soldier. 是的,我是个士兵。/不,我不是个士兵。 17. Are you a general? 你是个将军吗, Yes, I am a general. / No, I am not a general. 是的,我是个将军。/不,我不是个将军。 18. Are you a chief executive officer(CEO)? 你是个首席执行官吗, Yes, I am a CEO. / No, I am not a CEO. 是的,我是个首席执行官。/不,我不是个首席执行官。 19. Are you a singer / writer? 你是个歌手/作家吗, Yes, I am a singer / writer. / No, I am not a singer / writer. 是的,我是个歌手/作家。/不,我不是个歌手/作家。 20. Are you a pedant? 你是 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 呆子吗, Yes, I am a pedant. / No, I am not a pedant. 是的,我是书呆子。/不,我不是书呆子。 21. Are you a true man? 你是男子汉吗, Yes, I am a true man. / No, I am not a true man. 是的,我是男子汉。/不,我不是男子汉。 4 22. Are you a hero? 你是个英雄吗, Yes, I am a hero. / No, I am not a hero. 是的,我是个英雄。/不,我不是个英雄。 23. Are you a victor? 你是个胜利者吗, Yes, I am a victor. / No, I am not a victor. 是的,我是个胜利者。/不,我不是胜利者。 24. Are you a good person? 你是个好人吗, Yes, I am a good person. / No, I am not a good person. 是的,我是个好人。/不,我不是个好人。 25. Are you a nature lover? 你是个热爱大自然的人吗, Yes, I am a nature lover. / No, I am not a nature lover. 是的,我是个热爱大自然的人。/不,我不是个热爱大自然的人。 26. Are you a painter? 你是个画家吗, Yes, I am a painter. / No, I am not a painter. 是的,我是个画家。/不,我不是个画家。 27. Are you a poet? 5 你是个诗人吗, Yes, I am a poet. / No, I am not a poet. 是的,我是个诗人。/不,我不是个诗人。 28. Are you a night owl? 你是个夜猫子吗, Yes, I am a night owl. / No, I am not a night owl. 不,我不是个夜猫子。 是的,我是个夜猫子。/ 29. Are you an early riser? 你是个早起的人吗, Yes, I am an early riser. / No, I am not an early riser. 是的,我是个早起的人。/不,我不是个早起的人。 Part 2 Are you happy,你快乐吗? 1. Are you happy? 你快乐吗, Yes, I am happy. / No, I am not happy. 是的,我快乐。/不,我不快乐。 2. Are you sad? 你伤心吗, Yes, I am sad. / No,I am not sad. 是的,我伤心。/不,我不伤心。 3. Are you single? 6 你是单身吗, Yes, I am single. / No, I am not single. 是的,我是单身。/不,我不是单身。 4. Are you lonely? 你孤独吗, Yes, I am lonely. / No, I am not lonely. 是的,我孤独。/不,我不孤独。 5. Are you rich? 你富有吗, Yes, I am rich. / No, I am not rich. 是的,我富有。/不,我不富有。 6. Are you young? 你年轻吗? Yes, I am young. / No, I am not young. 是的,我年轻。/不,我不年轻。 7. Are you old? 你老吗, Yes, I am old. / No, I am not old. 是的,我老了。/不,我不老。 8. Are you poor? 你穷吗, Yes, I am poor. / No, I am not poor. 7 是的,我穷。/不,我不穷。 9. Are you clever? 你聪明吗, Yes, I am clever. / No, I am not clever. 是的,我聪明。/不,我不聪明。 10. Are you stupid? 你傻吗, Yes, I am stupid. / No, I am not stupid. 是的,我傻。/不,我不傻。 11. Are you foolish? 你愚蠢吗, Yes, I am foolish. / No, I am not foolish. 是的,我愚蠢。/不,我不愚蠢。 12. Are you new here? 你是新来的吗, Yes, I am new here. / No, I am not new here. 是的,我是新来的。/不,我不是新来的。 13. Are you friends with Susanna? 你和苏珊娜是朋友吗, Yes, I am friends with Susanna. / No, I am not friends with Susanna. 是的,我和苏珊娜是朋友。/不,我和苏珊娜不是朋友。 8 14. Are you serious? 你是认真的吗, Yes, I am serious. / No, I am not serious. 是的,我是认真的。/不,我不是认真的。 15. Are you tired? 你累吗, Yes, I am tired. / No, I am not tired. 是的,我累。/不,我不累。 16. Are you still close with your parents? 你和你父母的关系还密切吗, Yes, I m still close with my parents. / No, I am not still close with my parents. 是的,我和父母的关系还密切。/不,我和父母的关系不密切。 17. Are you busy? 你忙吗, Yes, I am busy. / No, I am not busy. 是的,我忙。/不,我不忙。 18. Are you free? 你有空吗, Yes, I am free. / No, I am not free. 是的,我有空。/不,我没空。 19. Are you lazy? 你懒惰吗, 9 Yes, I am lazy. / No, I am not lazy. 是的,我懒惰。/不,我不懒惰。 20. Are you diligent? 你勤劳吗, Yes, I am diligent. / No, I am not diligent. 是的,我勤劳。/不,我不勤劳。 21. Are you brave? 你勇敢吗, Yes, I am brave. / No, I am not brave. /不,我不勇敢。 是的,我勇敢。 22. Are you boring? 你烦人吗, Yes, I am boring. / No, I am not boring. 是的,我烦人。/不,我不烦人。 23. Are you tidy? 你整洁吗, Yes, I am tidy. / No, I am not tidy. 是的,我整洁。/不,我不整洁。 24. Are you lucky? 你幸运吗, Yes, I am lucky. / No, I am not lucky. 是的,我幸运。/不,我不幸运。 10 25. Are you unfortunate? 你倒霉吗, Yes, I am unfortunate. / No, I am not unfortunate. 是的,我倒霉。/不,我不倒霉。 26. Are you sure? 你确定吗, Yes, I am sure. / No, I am not sure. 是的,我确定。/不,我不确定。 27. Are you ready? 你准备好了吗, Yes, I am ready. / No, I am not ready. 是的,我准备好了。/不,我没准备好。 28. Are you well? 你好吗, Yes, I am well. / No, I am not well. 是,我好。/不,我不好。 29. Are you mean? 你小气吗, Yes, I am mean. / No, I am not mean. 是的,我小气。/不,我不小气。 30. Are you angry? 你生气吗, 11 Yes, I am angry. / No, I am not angry. 是的,我生气。/不,我不生气。 31. Are you hungry? 你饿了吗, Yes, I am hungry. / No, I am not hungry. 是的,我饿了。/不,我不饿。 32. Are you nervous? 你紧张吗, Yes, I am nervous. / No, I am not nervous. 是的,我紧张。/不,我不紧张。 Part 3 Are you delighted,你很高兴吗? 1. Are you delighted? 你很高兴吗, Yes, I am delighted. / No, I am not delighted. 是的,我很高兴。/不,我不是很高兴。 2. Are you discouraged? 你沮丧了吗, Yes, I am discouraged. / No, I am not discouraged. 是的,我很沮丧。/不,我不沮丧。 3. Are you amazed? 你感到惊奇吗, 12 Yes, I am amazed. / No, I am not amazed. 是的,我感到惊奇。/不,我不感到惊奇。 4. Are you married? 你结婚了吗, Yes, I am married. / No, I am not married. 是的,我结婚了。/不,我没结婚。 5. Are you excited? 你兴奋吗, Yes, I am excited. / No, I am not excited. 是的,我很兴奋。/不,我不兴奋。 此贴被竹影无风在2004-04-3 10:59重新编辑] [ 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 [楼 主] | Posted:2004-02-09 20:34| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 最后登陆:2005-03-10 13 Part 4 Are you kidding,你在开玩笑吗? 1. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗, Yes, I am kidding. / No, I am not kidding. 是的,我在开玩笑。/不,我没有开玩笑。 2. Are you working? 你在工作吗, Yes, I am working. / No, I am not working. 是的,我在工作。/不,我没工作。 3. Are you eating? 你在吃饭吗, Yes, I am eating. / No, I am not eating. 是的,我在吃饭。/不,我没吃饭。 4. Are you dancing? 你在跳舞吗, Yes, I am dancing. / No, I am not dancing. 是的,我在跳舞。不,我没跳舞。 5. Are you singing? 你在唱歌吗, Yes, I am singing. / No, I am not singing. 是的,我在唱歌。/不,我没唱歌。 14 6. Are you cooking? 你在做饭吗, Yes, I am cooking. / No, I am not cooking. 是的,我在做饭。/不,我没做饭。 7. Are you reading? 你在阅读吗, Yes, I am reading. / No, I am not reading. 是的,我在阅读。/不,我没在阅读。 Part 5 Are you out?你在外面吗? 1. Are you out? 你在外面吗, Yes, I am out. / No, I am not out. 是的,我在外面。/不,我不在外面。 2. Are you down? 你下楼吗, Yes, I am down. / No, I am not down. 是的,我下楼。/不,我没下楼。 3. Are you from China? 你来自中国吗, Yes, I am from China. / No, I am not from China. 是的,我来自中国。/不,我不是来自中国。 15 4. Are you in red? 你是穿的红色衣服吗, Yes, I am in red. / No, I am not in red. 是的,我是穿的红色衣服。/不,我不是穿的红色衣服。 Part 6 Are you interested in history?你喜欢历史吗? 1. Are you interested in history? 你喜欢历史吗, Yes, I am interested in history. / No, I am not interested in history. 不,我不喜欢历史。 是的,我喜欢历史。/ 2. Are you disappointed about your failure? 你对你的失败感到失望吗, Yes, I am disappointed about my failure. / No, I am not disappointed about my failure. 是的,我对我的失败感到失望。/不,我不对我的失败感到失望。 3. Are you frightened of losing power? 你害怕失去权利吗, Yes, I am frightened of losing power. / No, I am not frightened of losing power. 是的,我害怕失去权利。/不,我不害怕失去权利。 4. Are you pleased with the new flat? 你对这套新公寓满意吗, Yes, I am pleased with the new flat. / No, I am not pleased with the new flat. 16 是的,我对这套新公寓满意。/不,我对这套新公寓不满意。 5. Are you surprised to see me? 看见我你感到很吃惊吧, Yes, I am surprised to see you. / No, I am not surprised to see you. 是的,我看见你感到很吃惊。/不,我看见你不感到吃惊。 6. Are you worried about your weight? 你担心你的体重吗, Yes, I am worried about my weight. / No, I am not worried about my weight. 是的,我很担心。/不,我不担心。 7. Are you afraid of dogs? 你怕狗吗, Yes, I am afraid of dogs. / No, I am not afraid of dogs. 是的,我怕狗。/不,我不怕狗。 8. Are you in fear of death? 你怕死吗, Yes, I am in fear of death. / No, I am not in fear of death. 是的,我怕死。/不,我不怕死。 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 17 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 [1 楼] | Posted:2004-02-09 20:34| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 03-10 最后登陆:2005- UNIT 7 IS IT INVITING? 它诱人吗? 1. Is it (the cake) inviting? 它(蛋糕)诱人吗, Yes, it is inviting. / No, it is not inviting. 是的,它很诱人。/不,它不诱人。 2. Is it (the story) amusing? 它(这个故事)有趣吗, Yes, it is amusing. / No, it is not amusing. 是的,它有趣。/不,它没趣。 3. Is it(the day)so charming? 天气好吗, Yes, it is charming. / No, it is not charming. 是的,天气很好。/不,天气不好。 18 4. Is it (the speech) confusing? 它(这个讲话)令人费解吗, Yes, it is confusing. / No, it is not confusing. 是的,它令人费解。/不,它不令人费解。 5. Is it (the dog) missing? 它(小狗)丢了吗, Yes, it is missing. / No, it is not missing. 是的,它丢了。/不,它没丢。 6. Is it (the job) encouraging? 它(工作)令人鼓舞吗, Yes, it is encouraging. / No, it is not encouraging. 是的,它令人鼓舞。/不,它不令人鼓舞。 7. Is it (the matter) quite pressing? 这事很紧迫吗, Yes, it is quite pressing. / No, It is not quite pressing. 是的,这事很紧迫。/不,这事不紧迫。 8. Is it quite refreshing to take a bath after work, 干完活洗个澡很舒服吗, Yes, it is quite refreshing to take a bath after work. / No, it is not quite refreshing to take a bath after work. 是的,干完活洗个澡很舒服。/不,干完活洗个澡不舒服。 9. Is it (the result) very promising? 19 它(这个结果)有希望吗, Yes, it is very promising. / No, it is not very promising. 是的,它有希望。/不,它没希望。 10. Is it (the news) shocking, 它(这个消息)令人震惊吗, Yes, it is shocking. / No, it is not shocking. 是的,它令人震惊。/不,它不令人震惊。 UNIT 11 GREETINGS 问候 Greeting someone问候某人 1. Nice meeting you here George! 乔治,没想到在这儿遇到你~(较随便) 2. Hi,Sue. Nice to meet you. 嗨,苏。很高兴遇到你。 (Nice to meet you可用于见面打招呼和告别,Nice meeting you仅可用于见面。) 3. How’s everything?/ How are things going with you? 近来怎么样,(适用于日常谈话) 20 Responding回答 1. Just fine. Thanks. 还好,谢谢。 2. Very well. How about you? 很好。你怎么样, 3. All right,and you? 还行,你呢, 4. Pretty good,thank you. 非常好,谢谢。 5. Can’t complain./ OK. 还好~ 6. So’so,thanks. 不过如此,谢谢。 7. Same as ever./ Oh,the usual round. 老样子。 8. I’m extremely well,thank you. 我好极了,谢谢。 9. I’m very well indeed,thank you. 我真非常好,谢谢。 Dialogues对话 21 1. A: Hello,David,long time no see you! How are things going with you? 你好,大卫,很久没见了,你过得怎么样, B:Not bad,thank you. 还不赖,谢谢。 2. A:How do you do! 你好~(常用于刚介绍认识的朋友之间,较正式。) :How do you do! B 你好~ 3. A:Nice to meet you? 很高兴见到你。 B:Me too. 我也是。 4. A:Good morning! 早上好~ B:Good morning! 早上好~(用于吃午饭前一段时间) 5. A:Morning! 早上好~ B:Morning! 早上好~(是Good morning的简略形式,仅用于非正式英语中。) 6. A:Good afternoon! 下午好~ 22 B:Good afternoon! 下午好~(比较正式的招呼语,用于午饭后至下午五点左右。) 7. A:Good evening! 晚上好~ B:Good evening! 晚上好~(比较正式的招呼语,用于六点以后。) 8. A:Hello!/ Hello there! 你好~ B:Hello!/ Hello there! 你好~(极其常用的招呼用语,用于一天所有时间,只是在特别正式场合不能用。) 9. A:How are you (getting on)? 你好吗, B:Fine,thank you! 很好,谢谢~(询问近况,较正式。) 10. A:How are things going with you? 过得怎么样, B:Nothing special. 都还好。 11. A:How are you doing? 你最近如何, 12. A:How’s life? 过得怎样,(用于非正式场合) 23 B:Fine,thanks. 还好,谢谢~ 13. A:Hey,What’s up? 嘿~怎样, B:Nothing much. 没什么。 14. A:Hello! Have a nice dinner! 你好~(看到别人去用餐时说) 15. A:Hello! You’re doing a good job. 你好~干得不错。(看到别人在干活时说) 16. A:How is it going? 一切顺利吗, B:Great. How about you? 是啊,你呢, 17. A:It is quite a happy surprise! 真高兴会遇见你~ A:How nice to meet you again! 能再次看见你真好呀~A: It’s so good to see you./ Good to see you again. 能见到你真好。 B: I really missed you,too. 我也很想念你。 24 (对久未谋面的朋友传达见面的喜悦之情) 18. A:How is your boyfriend doing? 你的男朋友好不好啊, B:Still alive and kicking. Thank you. 过得不错,谢谢。(询问某人消息) UNIT 12 INTRODUCTIONS 介绍 Making introductions做介绍 1. Allow me to introduce Mike. 请允许我来介绍迈克。 2. May I have the pleasure/ honor of introducing Susanna, 我有这个荣幸(向某人)介绍苏珊娜吗, 3. Meet my good friend Pearl. 来见我的好朋友帕尔。 4. Look,here’s John. John,Tom. Tom,John. 你瞧,这位是约翰。约翰,汤姆。汤姆,约翰。(要配以适当动作) 5. Look,Mike is there,come and meet him. 25 看,迈克在那里,来见见他。 6. I’d like to introduce my girlfriend,Ann. 我想介绍一下我的女朋友,安。 7. Let me introduce my friend Tom to you. 让我把我的朋友汤姆介绍给你。 Introduce oneself自我介绍 1. Excuse me,I’m Ann. 打扰了,我是安。 2. How do you do,I’m Fred. 您好,我是弗雷德。 3. Hello,I’m Peter. 你好,我是彼得。 4. Allow me to introduce myself,I’m Mary. 请允许我作一下自我介绍,我是玛丽。 Responding回答 1. Nice/ Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 2. Happy to know you. 很高兴认识你。 3. I’m pleased to meet you. 26 见到你很高兴。 4. I have often heard about you. 我常听人说起您。 Dialogue对话 Introduce oneself自我介绍 Jack White from 1. A:Allow me to introduce myself,Microsoft. 请允许我自我介绍,杰克?怀特,来自微软公司。 B:Nice to meet you,Mr.White. 很高兴见到你,怀特先生。 2. A: Hello,I am Liudong. 你好,我是刘东。 B:Hello,I am Mary. 你好,我是玛丽。(轻松地做自我介绍) 3. A:Hi,my name is Zhang Yao. 嗨,我是张瑶。 B:How do you do! 你好~ A: How do you do! 你好~ (比较轻松地做自我介绍) 27 4. A:I’m glad to have met you. 很高兴认识你。 B:I’m glad to have met you,too. 我也很高兴能认识你。 (互相寒暄) Making introductions介绍某人 1. A: come and meet our employees,Mr. Richard. 理查德先生,过来见见我们的雇员吧。 B:Thank you,Mr. Jackson. 谢谢,杰克逊先生。 A:This is Miss Gray,and this is Miss Taylor. 这是格雷小姐,这是泰勒小姐。 B:How do you do! 你们好~ 2. A:Look,here’s Peter! Peter,John. John,Peter. 看,这是彼特。彼特,这是约翰。约翰,这是彼特。 B:Hello,John. 约翰,你好。 C:Hello,Peter. 彼特,你好。 3. A: Please allow me to introduce my good friend Tom. 28 请让我介绍我的好友汤姆。 B: I am delighted to meet you. 很高兴见到你。(比较正式为两位作介绍) 4. A:Let me introduce your new headmaster Tom. 我来为大家介绍新校长汤姆。 B:Hello everyone! I am Tom. 大家好,我是汤姆。 C: Hello,sir. 你好。(向大家正式介绍某人)Note: 当你作介绍时,要注意几点:首先,一般是先把男性介绍给女性,而对于同一性别的,则是先把年幼的介绍给年长的,把职位低的先介绍给职位高的。 为人介绍时,最好配以适当的手势。 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 [4 楼] | Posted:2004-02-09 21:07| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 最后登陆:2005-03-10 29 UNIT 13 CONGRATU LATIONS 祝贺 Congratulating祝贺某人 1. Congratulations! 恭喜了~ 2. Fantastic! 了不起~ 3. Well done! 干得好~ 4. It was great to hear about the thing./It was great to hear that. 听到这个真是太好了~ 5. Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations. 请允许我致以最真诚的祝贺。 6. I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on your success. 我想成为祝贺你成功的第一人。 7. Let me congratulate you onshavingspassed the examination. 让我祝贺你通过考试了。 8. Please accept my warmest congratulations. 请接受我最真诚的祝贺。 30 Dialogue对话 1. A: I have been awarded first prize for an article I wrote for English Today. 我在《今日英语》上发表的文章获得了第一名。 B:Congratulations,I’m very happy for you. 太棒了,祝贺你,真是为你高兴。 2. A: Let me congratulate you on your success. 祝贺你的成功。 B: Thanks. 多谢。 3. A:It was great to hear that you entered a university. 听到你考取大学了我很高兴。 B:Thank you very much.十分感谢。 4. A:Mary,congratulation on your promotion. 玛丽,恭喜升职。 B:Thanks.多谢。 5. A:Congratulations,Jack! You really did very well. 祝贺你,杰克~您表现很出色~ B:Thank you. Your support was a great help. 谢谢你们。你们的支持对我帮助很大。 6.A: First of all,I congratulate that you’ve got very beautiful classroom and with you a happy New year. 31 首先,我祝贺你们有了装饰得非常漂亮的教室,并且祝大家新年愉快~ B:Thanks. The same to you. 谢谢,也祝您新年快乐~ 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 [5 楼] | Posted:2004-02-09 21:09| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 最后登陆:2005-03-10 UNIT 14 COMPLIMENTING 赞美 Pay a compliment to someone赞美某人 1. I must say it is really good. 我不得不承认它非常棒。 2. I admire you for your bravery. 我敬佩你的勇气。 3. You’re looking fine/nice. 32 你看上去很好/很美。 4. You don’t look your age. 你看上去比实际年龄年轻。 5. You’ve lost some weight. 你瘦了。 6. I can’t believe my eyes! 我真不敢相信我的眼睛。 7. How nice! 太好了~ 8. Wonderful! 妙极了~ 9. Your tie looks great on you. 你戴的领带很适合你。 10. You look great in that new dress. 那衣服你穿很棒。 11. That’s a smart car. 那是辆很棒的车。 12. I really must express my admiration for his courage. 我必须得说我很羡慕他的勇气。 13. I think you deserve the highest praise. 我想你应该得到最高的赞美。 33 Responding回答 1. I’m very glad you like it. 我非常高兴你喜欢它。 2. I’m very glad you think so. 我非常高兴你这样认为。 3. Thank you. It’s very nice of you to say so. 谢谢,你这样说真是太好了。 4. Thank you very much for saying so. 非常谢谢你这样说。 5. You flatter me./I’m flattered. 你恭维我。 6. How very kind of you to say so. 你这样说太好了。 Dialogue对话 1. A:What do you think of my new hat? 你认为我的新帽子怎么样, B: It’s very nice. It goes beautifully with your dress. 很好,配你的衣服很好看。 A: Thank you. It’s very nice of you to say so. 谢谢,你这样说真是太好了。 34 B: You’re welcome. 别客气。 A: My sister gave me this for my birthday. 我过生日时我姐姐送我的这顶帽子。 B: She has excellent taste. 她的品味很好。 2. A: I really like your flat. It’s so neat and attractive. 我真的喜欢你的房间。它是这样的干净和讨人喜欢。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。 C: Yes.It’s one of the nicest flats I’ve ever seen. 是的,这是我见过的最好的房间之一。 B: Well, thanks for saying so. 呃,谢谢你能这么说。 Note: 在受到赞美时,中西方人的表现往往不同。中国人喜欢讲究谦虚谨慎,常常回答极为中庸,而西方人仅在少数情况之下这么做,他们常常用“Thank you”来回答以示他们已接受赞美。所以讲英语时应遵循西方的用语习惯,尤其是与西方国家的人打交道时,不然他们就会被搞得一头雾水。 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 35 [6 楼] | Posted:2004-02-09 21:10| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 最后登陆:2005-03-10 UNIT 15 INVITATION 邀请 Extending invitation作出邀请 1. Would you like to...? 你想不想„„ 2. I’d very like you to... 我很想你„„ 3. We’d like to invite you to... 我们想邀请你„„ 4. Would you (by any chance) be interested in..., 你对„„有兴趣吗? 5. If you could manage, we d like you to... 如果可以的话,我们想邀请你„„ 6. We should be very pleased, you were able to... 36 如果你能„„我们将万分高兴 Accepting invitation接受邀请 1. I’d like to... 我想„„ 2. I’d be happy to/glad to/pleased to/delighted to come. 我很高兴能来。 3. We are looking forward to it. 我们很期盼(这次邀请)。 4. Thanks./Thank you for asking/inviting me/invitation. 谢谢邀请我。 5. That sounds great/wonderful/like fun. 听起来太棒了。 6. It’s (very) nice of you to invite me. 你能邀请我真是太好了。 7. I’d love to, but I won’t be able to... 我想去,但我不能„„ Dialogue对话 1. A: Who else are you inviting? 你还请了谁? 37 B:Some of my friends. 一些朋友。 2. A:I’mshavingsa party tomorrow night. Why don’t you come? 明天晚上我有个聚会,你为何不一起来呢? B:I’d love to.swheresis it? 好啊,在哪儿? 3. A:Will you come tomorrow? 你明天来吗? B:Sure. Thank you for asking me. 当然,谢谢邀请我。 4. A:We areshavingsa party this weekend. Would you come over? 这个周末我们有个晚会,你能来吗? B:Thank you. I certainly would. 谢谢,我一定来。 5. A:How aboutshavingsa drink with me? 跟我喝一杯怎么样? B:I’d love to. 好的。 6. A:Would you like to come over to my home for dinner? 你愿意来我家吃饭吗? B:Why, yes. That would be very nice. 38 好的,太棒了。 7. A:How do you fancy playing basketball with me? 你愿意和我去打篮球吗? B:Yes, that sounds lovely. 是的,太好了。 8. A:I’d like to have dinner with you, if I may. 可以的话,我想和你一起共进晚餐。 B:Sure. I’ll bring Lily along, too. 当然,我会带上丽丽一起来。 9. A: I wonder if you are free on July 5th. 我想知道你7月5日是否有空。 B:Yes, I believe so. 是,我想有的。 10. A:Would you like to come to my house for dinner? 你愿意来我家吃晚餐吗? B:I’d love to, when? 我乐意,什么时候? A:On Friday evening. 周五晚上。 B:Oh. I have promised to go to a movie with my brother. 噢,我已经答应我的兄弟看电影了。 39 A:Well. How about Saturday, 那周六如何, 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声; 雁渡寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 [7 楼] | Posted:2004-02-09 21:11| 竹影无风 级别: 总版主 发帖: 2531 威望: 440 财富: 53 注册时间:2003-12-25 03-10 最后登陆:2005- UNIT 16 AT A RESTAURANT 在餐馆 Reservation 预约 1. A:Have you a table for two? 有两人桌吗? Has this table been reserved? 这张桌子有人预定吗? I want to make a reservation for three at 7?00. 我要预定7点的三个人的座位。 40 Does it get crowded here? 这里人很多吗? Around eight o’clock. 大约8点左右。 B:Can I help you? 我能为您服务吗? Party of five, sir? 先生,五位对吗? I think we can squeeze you in. 我想我们可以给你挪个位子。 Would you like this table on the side? 你喜欢靠边的这张桌子吗? 2. A:I want to make a reservation. 我要订位。 B:Your name? 你的尊姓大名? A:Mike Brown. 迈克?布朗。 B:How many in your party? 有多少人? A:Two. 2位。 41 Take one’s seat入座 1. A:Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生,您预定座位了吗? B:I make a reservation. My name is Charles Blake.我定位了,我是查尔斯?布莱克。 :This way, please. A 请跟我来。 A:Here’s your table, is it all right? 这是您的桌子,行吗? B:I don’t care for this table. 我不喜欢这张桌子。 B:It’s too close to the door. 这离门太近了。 B:Could we have a quiet table, if possible? 如果可以的话,能在安静的地方安排一张桌子吗? 2. A:Good afternoon, madams. 下午好,女士们。 B:Have you a table for two? 有两个人的座位吗? A:Yes, come with me. 有,跟我来。 42 A:This way, please!/Come this way! 这边走! B:Er, Can we be seated at the table near the window? 噢,我们可以坐靠窗子的那个座位吗? A:Sorry, madams. It’s been reserved. 抱歉,女士,那个位置已经被预定了。 3. A:Is there a place vacant? 有空位吗? B:I’m afraid there’re no other places free at the moment. 恐怕现在没有空位了。 Order dishes 点菜 1. A:May I take your order? 可以点菜了吗? B:Yes, please. 是。 A:Is there a set menu for lunch? 有午餐的套级菜单吗? B:Here’s the menu, sir. 这是菜单,先生。2. A:What’s good here? 你们这里有好吃的菜吗? B:Shrimp. 43 虾。 3. A: Perhaps I could recommend mushroom soup and clear soup. 也许我可以推荐清炖冬菇和清汤。 B:That sounds good. Let’s have a try. 听上去不错,我们试试吧。 4. A:Give me ansgroupsof chicken curry. 给我来份咖哩鸡。 A:Hold on a second, switch that to roast chicken. 等一下,把那个换成烤鸡。 B:There’s only the grilled chicken still available. 只有铁排鸡了。 5. A:Could I have some orange juice? 我可以来点儿橙汁吗? B:Large, medium, or small? 大杯,中杯还是小杯? A:Medium, please. 中杯吧。 6. B:Anything else? 还要什么别的吗? A:No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 44 B:If you need any help, please call me. 如果您有什么 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,请吩咐。 7. B:Would you like the hot dog with the works? 您的热狗所有的配料都要加吗? A:Oh, yes, I’d like everything on it. 啊,好,都加吧。 8. A:I’d like some chips. 我要炸薯条。 B:Same here. (Me too.) 我也点同样的。 9. A:Are you ready tosgroupsnow? 你们准备要点菜了吗? A:Would you like tosgroupsnow?/May I take your order? 现在点菜吗? B:Yes, I’ll have the roast chicken dinner. 我要烤鸡套餐。 10. A:What’s today’s specialty? 今天的特色菜是什么? B:It’s French onion. 是法式洋葱。 11. A:What would you like for your main dish? 您的主菜要什么? 45 B:Beefsteak. 牛排。 12. A:May I have the menu, please, What do you recommend? 请把菜单给我,你建议点些什么菜? B:Will you try swordfish? 要不要试试剑鱼? 13. A:How would you like your steak served? 您喜欢吃几成熟的牛排? B:Medium rare, please. 半熟的。 14. A:Waiter, would you please be here for a moment? 服务员,可不可以过来一下? B:Yes, what can I do for you? 好的。我能为您效劳吗? A:May I get the menu? 可以给我菜单吗? B:Here’s the menu. We have the list of special dishes on the last page of the menu. 这是菜单,在菜单的最后一栏,是特色菜的一览表。 15. A:Welcome! Can I help you? 欢迎光临,我能为您效劳吗? B:I want a Big Mac, a smallsgroupsof French fries and 46 a medium coke. 我要一个巨无霸,一份小薯条和一中杯可口可乐。 A:Is that all? How about an apple pie? 就这些吗?来个苹果派吧? B:No. Thanks. 不,谢谢。 A:Is that for here or to go? 是在这儿吃还是带走? B:For here. 在这儿吃。 A:Here you are, sir. That’25 Yuan, please. 给你,先生。一共25元。 16. A:Could I see the menu?/Show me the menu, please. 我能看看菜单吗?,请把菜单拿来。 A:What’s the local specialty here?/What do you recommend? 这儿的特色菜是什么?,你推荐什么? B:The restaurant is noted for steak. 这儿最有名的是牛排。 A:OK, We’ll take it. We’d like it rare. 好吧,就要这,做得嫩点儿。 B:What about your drink?/Some thing to drink? 喝的呢?,要来点饮料吗? 47 A:I prefer sherry. 我要雪利酒。 C:A cup of tea for me, please./A bottle of water, please. 请给我一杯茶。,请来一瓶水。 17. A:Would you like anything else? 还想来点别的吗? B:No, I’m stuffed./I’ve had enough. 噢,不,我吃得太饱了。,够了。 Settle accounts 结账 1. A:May I have the bill, please? 理单。 B:Let me have the bill, please. 我来理单。 A:It’s my treat today. I’ll pay. 今天我请客。 B:Let’s go dutch this time. 这次我们各付各的。 2. A:Thank you, this is your tip. 谢谢了,这是给你的小费。 B:Thank you, Sir. 48 谢谢,先生。 3. A:This is on me, I insist. 一定得让我付。 B:We can’t let you do that. 我们不能让你付。 C:Let’s compromise. How about making it a Dutch treat? ? 我们折中一下吧,各付各的怎么样 4. A:The check, please. 请结账。 B:Here you are, I hope you enjoy your dinner. 给您账单,我希望你们吃得满意。 A:Do I have to pay you or the cashier? 我是把钱付给你还是收银员? B:Pay me, please. 请付给我。 C:Thank you for your dinner. 谢谢您,请我吃了这么好的晚餐。 UNIT 17 SHOPPING 购物 49 Reception 接待 1. Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗? 2. What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 3. Can I help you? ?(需要些什么?) 我能帮你吗 4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served? 你需要帮忙吗? 5. Is there anybody waiting on you? 有人招呼你吗? Choosing and buying选择与购买 Choosing 选择 1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我想买一双鞋,一件夹克。 2. I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。 3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。 4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把这只表让我看看。 5. Would you show me this cup? 50 你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗? 6. I’m interested in this new type of car. 我对这款新车很有兴趣。 7. I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。 8. I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind. 如果不介意,我想看一下。 An attempt 试穿 1. Could you try it on please? How is it? ?如何? 请试穿看看好吗 2. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗? Inquiry 询问 1. Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗? 2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants? 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 3. Can you get me one? 你们能补货吗? 4. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery? 51 如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货? Size and color 尺寸和颜色 1. The fit isn’t good. 尺寸不太合适。 2. It’s too big. 太大了。 3. Too small. 太小。 4. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。 5. They punch my toes. 把我脚趾夹疼了。 6. Can I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗? 7. How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样? 8. This color is very pupular. 这个颜色很流行。 9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress. 这种蓝色和衣服上的淡蓝色小点很配。 52 Price 价格 1. How much does it cost? 多少钱? 2. What’s the price for this suit? 这套西装多少钱? to pay for it? 3. How much do I have 我要付多少钱? 4. How much are these ties? 这些领带要多少钱, 5. I’ll give it to you for 5250. 5250元美金卖给你。 6. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗? Check 付钱 1. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱? 2. May I write a check for you? 我能开支票吗? 3. Do you take traveler’s checks? 你们接受旅行支票吗? 53 4. Sorry, we don’t take checks. 对不起,我们不接受支票。 5. How about 98 down and 100 a month? 先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何? 6. I’ll take this. 我要这个。 The others 其他 1. Take one’s measurement. 为某人量尺寸。 2. I think we’re out of your size. 我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。 3. Check back next Sunday. 你下星期天再来看看。 Dialogue 对话 1. A:Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? 波德太太,你今天要点肉吗? B:Yes, please. 是的。 A:This lamb’s very good. 这块羔羊肉很好。 54 B:I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t. 我喜欢羔羊肉,但我丈夫不喜欢。 A:What about some steak? This is a nice piece. 来些牛排好吗?这块很好。 B:Give me that piece, please. 请给我那一块吧。 And a pound of mince, too. 我还要一磅肉糜。 2. A:Can I help you? 您想要买什么? B:I’d just like to have a look around. 我只想随便看看。 A:Are you looking for some apples? 你想要一些苹果吗? B:I could also buy some apples if they’re nice. 如果苹果不错的话,我也可以买一些。 3. A:Do you like this dress, madam? 夫人,你喜欢这种衣服吗? B:I like the color very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small for me. 我很喜欢这种颜色,这件衣服很好看,但我穿太小了。 A:What about this one? It’s a lovely dress, it’s very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it? 55 这件怎么样?这件很好看,非常时髦。短裙现在很流行。你想穿上试试吗? B:All right. 好的。 4. A: Have you any shoes like these? 你们有这种鞋子吗? B:What size? 什么尺码? A:Size five. 五号的。 B:What color? 什么颜色? A:Black. 黑色的。 B:I’m sorry. We haven’t any. 很抱歉,我们没有。 5. A: How many do you need? 你想买多少? B:Two Kilograms. 两公斤。 6. A: Are these apples on sale? 这些苹果降价卖吗? B:That’s our rock bottom price. 56 这是我们的最低价了。 7. A: That’s too expensive for us. We can’t afford all that money. 对我们来讲,太贵了,我们付不起那么多钱。 B:This model’s less expensive than that one. It’s only twenty-eight pounds. But, of course, it’s not as good as the expensive one. 这种型号比那种要便宜些,只要28镑。但是,当然,它不如那台贵的好。 A: I don’t like this model, the other model’s more expensive, but it’s worth the money. 我不喜欢这种型号。那种型号贵些,但它值这些钱。 A:Can we buy it on instalments? 我们可以分期付款吗? B:Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks. 当然,你可以先付10英镑定金,然后,每月付1镑,一共付60个星期。 8. A: I think I prefer the blue one if it’s not too much trouble. 如果不太麻烦的话,我想要那件蓝色的。 B:Not at all. I’ll get it for you. Here you are. This is our latest design.不麻烦,我去为你取来。给你,这是最新款的。 A:Could I have a try? 我能试试吗? B:Certainly. The fitting room is over there. 当然可以,试衣间在那边。 57 B:It seems to fit you very well. 这件衣服很适合你。 A:All right. I think I’ll take it. 行,我买了。 9. A: Can you come down a bit? 你可以便宜一点吗? B:That’s almost cost price. 这几乎是成本价了。 10. A: Excuse me, I would like a blue shirt please. 对不起,我想买件蓝色的衬衫。 B:Yes, with pleasure. Here you are. 很愿意为您服务,给您。 11. A:I’m looking for a pair of shoes. 我想买双鞋。 B:Yes, sir. I’d be glad to show you some. 好的,先生。很高兴拿给你看。 12. A: Do you have anything larger than this one? 你有更大点的吗? B:Yes, we have. Let me show you. 有,我拿给你。 13. A: Would you mind if I try this on? 我能试试吗? 58 B:No, not at all. 当然可以。 A:Give me a smaller size, please. 请给我拿小一点的。 B:With pleasure. I’d be glad to show you some. 很荣幸为您服务。 14. A: What can I do for you, Madam? 我能为您做什么,女士? B:I want to buy a suit of clothes. 我想买身套装。 15. A: Is there anything I can do for you, Miss? 有什么我能帮忙的吗,小姐? B:I’m just looking. 我只是看看。 16. A: I want to buy a camera. 我想买架照相机。 B:I’m sorry. It’s out of stock. 对不起,脱销了。 A:Are you likely to be getting any more in? 你们还进货吗? B:Look in again next Sunday. 下星期日再来看看吧。 59 17. A: How much is it? 这个多少钱? B:Sixty dollars. 60美元。 A:How much does it cost?这个值多少钱? B:It costs one hundred Yuan. 100元。 A:What’s the price of this one? 这个值多少钱? B:It’s priced at only eighty Yuan. 只要80元。 A:How much does it come to? 总共多少钱? B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars. 总共240美元。 18. A: Can you come down a little? 你能便宜点吗? B:That’s the best I can do. 这是最合理的价格了。 19. A: Half price computers? How do they do that? 半价计算机?怎么可能呢? B:I don’t know. Let’s read the fine print. 不知道。我们来看看那个小印刷字吧! 60
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