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中国的一些象征中国的一些象征 1、The four books in China: The Confucian Analects, the Books of Mencius, the Great Learning, the Doctrine of Mean 中国的《四书》:《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》 In the old days, if a man were educated at all, the first education he received was in philosophy. When the...

中国的一些象征 1、The four books in China: The Confucian Analects, the Books of Mencius, the Great Learning, the Doctrine of Mean 中国的《四书》:《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》 In the old days, if a man were educated at all, the first education he received was in philosophy. When the children went to school, the Four Books were the first ones they were taught to read. It is true that the Four Books have been the Bible of Chinese people, but in the Four Books there is no story of creation, and no mention of heaven and hell. 从前在中国,一个人如果受教育,首先就是受哲学方面的启蒙教育。儿童入学,首先要读的就是四书(《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》)。“四书”在中国人的心目中 诚然具有《圣经》在西方人心目中的那种地位,但“四书”中没有上帝创世也没有天堂地狱。 2、The nature of man is originally good. -------The Three Characters Classic 人之初,性本善。 -------《三字经》 Sometimes when the children were just beginning to learn the characters, they were given a sort of textbook to read. This was known as The Three Characters Classic, and was so called because each sentence in book consisted of the characters arranged so that when recited they produce a rhythmic effect, and thus helped the children to memorize them more easily .This book was in reality a primer, and the very first statement in it is that“The nature of man is originally good.” 孩子刚学认字,通常所用的课本《三字经》,每三字为一组,每六字成一句,偶句押韵,朗读时容易上口,也便于记忆。事实上,这本书乃是古时中国儿童的识字课本。《三字经》的第一句是“人之初,性本善”。 3、Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism 儒、道、佛 People have accustomed to say that there were three religions in China: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. But Confucianism, as we have seen, is not a religion. As to Taoism, there is a distinction between Taoism as philosophy, which is called Tao chia(the Taoist school), and the Taoist religion (Tao chiao).Their teachings are not only different, they are even contradictory. Taoism as a philosophy teaches the doctrine of following nature, while Taoism as a religion teaches the doctrine of working against nature. As to Buddhism, there is also the distinction between Buddhism as a philosophy, which is called Fo hsiieh(the Buddhist learning), and Buddhism as a religion, which is called Fo chiao(the Buddhist religion). 许多人习惯的人为,儒、道、佛是中国的三种宗教。其实, 儒家并不是一种宗教。道家和道教也是不同的俩回事,道家是一种哲学,道教才是宗教。他们的内涵不仅不同甚至是相互矛盾的:道家哲学教导人顺应自然,道教却教导人逆乎自然。至于佛教,佛学与佛教也是有区别的 4、 Chinese knot中国结 As an outstanding delegate of Chinese culture, Chinese knot, as well as poetry, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, is welcomed and loved by worldwide people. Knot is an endemic Chinese hand woven folk art. With its unique Oriental verve, colorful change, knot fully reflects the wisdom of Chinese people and the profound cultural connotation of China.Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy. To a different node decorated with each other together, or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix, regarding the formation of a Chinese knot. Such decoration embodies vivid color of religion and culture in Ancient China, as well as people?s good inten tions of pursuing ideal life of truth, kind and beauty. For example, full of luck “Ji Qing You Yu”, Live long and proper “Fu Shou Shuang Quan”, to have two happy events in a family simultaneously “Shuang Xi Lin Men”, Everything Goes Well “Ji Xiang Ru Yi”, Have a pleasant journ , and so on. By using principle of mathematical stroke, Chinese Knot proviey “Yi Lu Ping An” des wonderful visual effect for people. It can be called “the Chinese one must”. 中国结就像中国的诗词,书画、雕刻、陶瓷一样,作为中华民族的代表,为世界人民所熟知和喜爱。中国结艺是中国特有的民间手工编织艺术,它以其独特的东方神韵、丰富多彩的变化,充分体现了中国人民的智慧和深厚的文化底蕴。每一个中国结从头到尾都是用一根丝线编结而成,其成品左右对称,正反一样。每一个基本结又根据其形、意命名。把不同的结组合在一起,或用吉祥饰物搭配,形成了造型独特、绚丽多彩、寓意深刻、内涵丰富的中国传统吉祥饰物。体现了我国古代的文化信仰及浓郁的宗教色彩,体现着中国人民追求真、善、美的良好愿望。如“吉庆有余”、“福寿双全”、“双喜临门”、“吉祥如 意”、“一路平安”等。中国结利用数学一笔画的原理,为人们呈现了美妙的视觉效果,堪称“中华一绝”~ 5、mourning dress 丧服 national mourning 国丧 in mourning带孝stand silently mourning肃立致哀observe a national mourning举国哀痛funeral rites 葬礼cross 十字架 ghost 鬼 wreath 花圈 visitor 扫墓者 Frankenstein 人形怪物 dracula 吸血鬼 priest 牧师 veil 面纱 widow 寡妇 bereaved family 丧亲家族 weeping person 哭丧人 mourning-band 黑纱 attendant 致丧者 mourning dress 丧服 tear 眼泪 deceased 死者 grave 坟墓 coffin 棺材 gravestone 墓碑 epitaph 碑文 Black garments worn after a relative or friend died, to which strict rules of etiquette applied. The length , color or style of mourning depended on your relationship to the deceased. 丧服是在一种在你的亲戚或朋友的葬礼上穿的衣服,是正式的礼仪的要求之一。丧服的长短、颜色以及样式根据你与死者的关系来决定。 6、Chinese tunic suit中山装 The tunic suit has dominated Chinese fashion for many years and is known to Westerners as the "Mao tunic" or "Mao suit". It is a mistake, however, to associate the style with Mao Zedong. It was customary in ancient times to change the styles of the people's clothes whenever a new dynasty replaced an old one. The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty and founded the Republic of China. Members of his Nationalist Party proposed to change the national costume. During the discussions, Dr. Sun favoured the casual dress prevalent in Guangdong Province but proposed certain modifications. A designer worked on his ideas and produced the tunic with four pockets and a turned-down collar, closed all down the middle with five buttons. It looked simple and tasteful and gave an air of sedateness. From then on Dr. Sun set a personal example by wearing the tunic suit on various occasions. It did not take long before the style became fashionable all over the country. 中山装多年来一直主宰着中国的时尚并且被西方人称为“毛主席装”。其实,这是一种误 解,虽然其确实也是与毛主席的穿衣风格有一定关联。在古时候有一种风俗习惯,当一个新的朝代取缔了旧的朝代,衣服的款式也是要变得。孙中山领导的1911大革命推翻了清王朝并建立了中华民国。 国民党内部成员建议改革民族服装。在讨论的过程中,孙中山喜欢流行在广东省的衣服并提出了修改建议。设计者根据他的提议把那种衣服改成了有四个口袋、五个纽扣并采用翻领的衣服。它看起来庄严并且有品位。从那以后,孙中山亲自穿着那衣服出席在各种各样的场合。不久之后,这种衣服便在中国开始流行起来。 7、lion dance舞狮 Lions play an important role in Chinese mythology, and represent joy and happiness. Lion dances are performed to bring luck and to get rid of the devil. This tradition can be traced back to a story that took place long ago. During the rule of the legendary “yellow emperor”, a monster called “nine” appeared in china, attacking the men and the animals. It was so fast and fierce that neither the fox nor the tiger could beat it. In despair, the people asked the lion for help. The loin bravely rushed towards the monster and wounded it. The “nine” fled , but declared to come back revenge. A year later, the “nine” returned. Without the lion?s protection this time , the people produced a „lion” out of bamboo and cloth. Two men crawled inside and approached the “nine”. The “lion” pranced and roared, driving the monster away again. From then on, lion dances have become a yearly tradition to frighten evil away during the Chinese New Year. 8、bellyband肚兜 The DuDou, a piece of cloth that covers one?s belly, dates back thousands of years. It was used by Chinese women as an undergarment in ancient times and can be considered China?s most original underwear. 肚兜可谓是原汁原味,最具中国特色的内衣了。它的历史可以追溯到几千年前。 In fact, the Dudou or bellyband was worn virtually for life, from the time they were four months old.The Dudou dates back to Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), but the diamond shape, popular today, did not appear until the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).Despite the evolution of society and the introduction of machine-produced garments from the west, the custom of wearing a Dudou remains in some remote areas of China, where, however, the garments are commonly made for babies and young kids. In the past, making the bellyband was considered a craft, with which women expressed their feelings to their loves, husbands or newborns. 事实上,肚兜也是中国女子从四个月的时候就要一生都穿着的东西。 肚兜的起源可以追溯到汉代(206BC-220AD),但是菱形的肚兜却是在清朝才出现的(1644-1911)。随着社会的发展以及制衣机机器从西方的引进,穿肚兜的风俗只在一些偏远的农村保留了下来,在那里,穿肚兜的对象渐渐变成了一些婴儿和小孩子。 在过去,制作肚兜被认为是女子对他们的爱人、丈夫,新生儿表达爱的一种手艺。 9、(唐诗)宋词、元曲(Tang Dynasty poetry) Song Ci poetry and Yuan Drama The main literary achievement in the Song Dynasty was Ci (poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originating in the Tang Dynasty and fully developed in the Song Dynasty). Ci have sentences of different lengths, which are convenient for singing. Many outstanding writers of Ci appeared in the two Song dynasties, such as Su Shi, Li Qingzhao, Xin Qiji, Liu Yong, Zhou Bangyan and Jiang Kui. 宋朝文学的主要成就是词。词是一种新体诗歌,唐朝时已经出现,最初在民间流行。句子有长有短,便于演唱。经过五代到两宋,词得到极大的发展。两宋时期,优秀词人不断出现。苏轼、李清照、辛弃疾、柳永、周邦彦、姜夔(kui)等的词代表了宋词的最高成就。 苏轼(公元1037,1101年),号东坡居士,四川人,中国古代著名文学家,具有多方面的艺 他的词豪迈奔放,描绘壮观的景物,给词注入了生命力,对词的发展作出术才能和造诣。 了突出的贡献。他的“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物”(《念奴娇?赤壁怀古》),“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟(指月亮)”(《水调歌头?明月几时有》)被世世代代的中国人千古传诵。 Su Shi (1037-1101 AD) is also known by his literary name Dongpo (Eastern Slope). He was from Sichuan Province, and contributed greatly to the development of Ci. Famous lines of his, which are still quoted today include "the endless river eastward flows/ With its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone days"and "May we live a long life/ And together share the beauty of the moonlight". Li Qingzhao lived in the period of the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty. She was born in Jinan, Shandong Province. Her early life was pleasant and comfortable, with a happy marriage. Her delicate and cheerful poetry written in this period reflects this. However, following the death of her husband and the rise of turmoil in the country, her works started to betray melancholy and pessimism. 李清照,生活在北宋末年南宋初年,济南人,中国文学史上杰出的女词人。她前半生,婚姻生活美满,词写得精巧、优美,如“帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”(《醉花阴?薄雾浓云愁永昼》),“才下眉头,却上心头”(《一剪梅?无言独上西楼》)等词,写出了一个生活悠闲自在的妇女对出门在外的丈夫的深情思念,前一句因思念而消瘦,后一句因思念而烦恼。后期,由于丈夫病死,国家破碎,她的词变为哀怨、悲愤,一直没能摆脱“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”(《声声慢》)的悲凉、忧伤情绪。 The main literary achievement in the Yuan Dynasty was Yuan drama. Leading exponents of this genre, which used a new type of lyrical poetry for the dialogue, were Ma Zhiyuan, Guan Hanqing, Bai Pu, Zhang Kejiu, Guan Yunshi (ethnic Uygur) and Zhang Yanghao. "Withered branch, old tree and a crow in the dusk; a little bridge, flowing water and a cottage"describes the loneliness of a traveler far from home. "The rise of the nation brings misery to the people, and its fall also brings misery to the people!"is a biting social commentary. Both these verses are typical of the Yuan style of lyrics. 元朝文学的主要成就是元曲。元曲由散曲和杂剧组成。散曲是在民间歌词的基础上,吸收少数民族音乐,形成的长短不齐的新的诗歌形式。马致远、关汉卿(q1ng)、白朴、张可久、贯云石(维吾尔族)、张养浩等人的作品代表了元曲的成就。描写出门在外凄凉的“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家”(马致远《天净沙?秋思》);概括了作为一个普通老百姓生活艰辛的“兴,百姓苦~亡,百姓苦~”(张养浩《山坡羊?潼关怀古》)等都是人们非常喜欢的精彩语句。 Drama reached its heyday during the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan drama combined music, dancing, acting and speaking (dialogue and monologue) all together. Classical Yuan plays include The Injustice Suffered by Dou E by Guan Hanqing, Autumn in the Palace of Han by Ma Zhiyuan, A Beautiful Girl Loses Her Soul by Zheng Guangzu, The Parasol Tree and the Rain by Bai Pu, and Romance of the Western Chamber by Wang Shifu. Guan Hanqing was born in Dadu. He was the most prominent dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty. He devoted his life to the stage. He lived among actors, and went on the stage to act sometimes. He was a prolific writer, producing over 60 plays, 18 of which are extant. Guan Hanqing often discloses the dark side of society in his works, and thus came under official suspicion from time to time. But he never wavered in his commitment to portraying real life problems. He once calle d himself "a bronze pea which cannot be destroyed by steaming, cooking, smashing or frying". 元 朝戏剧空前发达,出现了元杂剧。元杂剧是一种把音乐、歌舞、动作、念白(对话、独白)相结合的综合艺术。现有剧目二百多种。关汉卿的《窦娥冤》、马致远的《汉宫秋》、郑光祖的《倩女离魂》、白朴的《梧桐雨》及王实甫的《西厢记》等都是经典的元杂剧。 关汉卿,大都人,是元杂剧作家中最杰出的一位。他一生从事戏剧创作活动,长期生活在演员中间,有时亲自登台演出。他是一位高产作家,写了60多种杂剧,流传至今的有18种。关汉卿因为经常在作品中揭露社会的黑暗,常常受到威胁,但他毫不动摇,在一首曲子中自称是“蒸不烂、煮不熟、捶不扁、炒不爆、响当当一粒铜豌豆”。 10、Taiji ( Tai Chi) 太极 supreme ultimate fist 太极拳 is an internal Chinese martial art. There are different styles of T'ai Chi Ch'üan, although most agree they are all based on the system originally taught by the Chen family to the Yang family starting in 1820. It is often promoted and practiced as a martial arts therapy for the purposes of health and longevity, (some recent medical studies support its effectiveness). T'ai Chi Ch'üan is considered a soft style martial art, an art applied with as complete a relaxation or "softness" in the musculature as possible, to distinguish its theory and application from that of the hard martial art styles which use a degree of tension in the muscles. It…… - is suitable for almost anyone - is easy to learn for health improvement - has gentle and circular movements - integrates the body and mind - has many different forms - is enjoyable to practice - is known in China for centuries to be effective for arthritis Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives. Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within. 11、祥云auspicious clouds
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