首页 上海出租汽车客运服务规范



上海出租汽车客运服务规范上海出租汽车客运服务规范 上海出租汽车客运服务规范公布 第一章 总则 第一条(目的依据) 为了规范上海市出租汽车管理,提高出租汽车客运服务质量,促进出租汽车行业规范化建设,依据《上海市出租汽车管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)及有关规定,制定本规范。 第二条(适用范围) 本规范适用于本市行政区域内出租汽车客运经营及相关管理活动。 本规范所称的出租汽车,是指有专用标志并按照乘客意愿提供运送服务,以行驶里程和时间计收费用的营运客车。 第三条(责任主体) 上海市交通运输和港口管理局(以下简称市交通港口局)是本...

上海出租汽车客运服务 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 上海出租汽车客运服务规范公布 第一章 总则 第一条(目的依据) 为了规范上海市出租汽车管理,提高出租汽车客运服务质量,促进出租汽车行业规范化建设,依据《上海市出租汽车管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)及有关规定,制定本规范。 第二条(适用范围) 本规范适用于本市行政区域内出租汽车客运经营及相关管理活动。 本规范所称的出租汽车,是指有专用标志并按照乘客意愿提供运送服务,以行驶里程和时间计收费用的营运客车。 第三条(责任主体) 上海市交通运输和港口管理局(以下简称市交通港口局)是本市出租汽车行业的行政主管部门,负责本规范的组织实施。 市交通港口局所属的上海市城市交通运输管理处(以下简称市运输管理处)负责本市出租汽车客运日常管理,上海市城市交通行政执法总队负责出租汽车客运监督检查和行政执法。 相关区(县)交通管理和执法部门按照管理权限负责本行政区域内出租汽车客运日常管理与执法检查。 上海市出租汽车客运服务企业和个体工商户(以下简称经营者)及从业人员应当按照本规范从事出租汽车营运和服务活动。 第四条(企业服务 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ) 根据《条例》有关规定获得经营资质的经营者应当按本规范要求,建立健全服务质量管理体系,采取有效措施,持续改进出租汽车客运服务,可制定本企业服务标准,其标准不得低于本规范要求。 第五条(社会监督) sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 市、区(县)交通行政管理部门应当通过多种渠道主动听取社会各界意见和建议,接受社会监督,不断完善出租汽车客运服务管理。 第二章 营运车辆、车载服务设施 第六条(车辆技术要求) 出租汽车车辆应当符合《出租汽车小客车营运技术条件(DB31/T530-2011)》、《上海市出租汽车小客车车辆规定》及国家和本市的其他有关标准。 第七条(车辆服务设施) 出租汽车车辆设备设施应当符合下列要求: (一)新投入营运或者更新的出租汽车必须是新车,并符合安全、环保、节能、舒适的要求,车辆的尾气排放应当达到国家和本市有关环保要求。从首次上牌投入营运日计起,使用年限不超过五年。 (二)从事全市性经营的出租汽车,三厢四门型车辆轴距不低于2600毫米,乘坐室前后靠背前基点距不低于900毫米,行李厢容积不小于400升;两厢五门型车辆轴距不低于2515毫米,车辆高度不低于1650毫米,乘坐室前后靠背中间基点点距不低于900毫米,汽、柴油车的行李部位容积不小于500升。 从事区域性经营的出租汽车车辆要符合各区县交通主管部门的相关规定。 (三)出租汽车车辆发动机、转向系、制动系、传动系、行驶系、车身及照明等技术要求应符合《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258)的规定。车内、外蒙皮平整完好、装饰条、件光亮无损。车辆密封良好,车窗玻璃完好、无损。车门开关应灵活可靠。滤光玻璃(膜)的透光度不得低于50%,行李厢开启装置可由驾驶员操纵。 (四)出租汽车车辆应配备完好、有效的冷、暖空调设施。每年6月1日至9月30日期间和12月1日至次年3月1日期间,以及除此期间外车厢内温度高于28摄氏度或者低于12摄氏度时,应当开启车辆空调设施。夏冬两季前,应当对车辆的空调装置进行维护和工作性能技术检测。营运时,车辆空调设备发生故障不能正常使用的,应当及时修复。 (五)出租汽车车辆的专用车身颜色为镶拼色。车身下半部颜色统一为钻石银灰色,上半部颜色由市运输管理处统一安排。 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass (六)出租汽车车辆前排座位前应配置符合要求的安全气囊袋;配备合格的消防器材。车内座椅、头枕、搁手、保险带等应完整、牢固、有效。 (七)车辆客运服务标识、设施应符合下列要求: 1、出租汽车车辆应当安装符合规定的防劫车设施。 2、安装统一规范的有固定支架的顶灯。 3、在出租汽车车辆仪表板右上方的指定位置安装符合规定的“空车”标志灯。 4、在车辆仪表板的指定位置安装经市交通港口局和上海市质量技术监督局确认的计价器及服务卡插座。 5、后视镜的反面处应当放置出租汽车中、高星级驾驶员的星级标志牌。 6、安装符合卫生标准的塑制内饰顶板和前座位后背下半部塑制护套。 7、使用白色布质座套,或车辆原装环保材质座套,环保材质座套坏损或使用满二年后应更换为白色布质座套。 、配置易清洗的踏脚垫。 8 (八)出租汽车车辆应当安装车载智能系统,车载智能系统应当符合《上海市出租汽车车载智能系统基本技术要求(试行)》。 (九)出租汽车车辆张贴相关服务标识的,应当遵守下列规定: 1、《乘客须知》应当张贴在防劫车设施后方居中位置,《乘客须知》上应当标明车辆牌照号码和服务监督电话; 2、运价标贴应当平行张贴在车厢后两侧三角窗底部居中位置,无后三角窗的车型,应当平行张贴在车厢后窗两侧挡风玻璃上部居中位置; 3、出租汽车两扇前门外侧应张贴企业电调号码; 4、出租汽车前后四扇车门内侧可以张贴面积不大于45cm×60cm的提示性标贴,标贴内容应当是提示乘客识别车辆或者提示乘客不要遗失随身携带的物品; sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 5、在防劫车设施后方右侧应当张贴禁烟标志。 (十)在出租汽车车辆上发布的广告应当整洁美观,不得影响车辆的服务设施和服务功能。广告设置和发布应当符合国家和本市有关规定。出租汽车车厢内可设置和发布广告的位置为: 1、后车窗底部可以设置宽度不超过15厘米的条幅广告; 2、右前座位头枕后背部位可以采用车载信息视频设施发布广告。 右前座位头枕后背部位广告除车载信息视频外,不得采用其他形式设置和发布广告。 设置和发布的广告及设施应当符合下列规定: 1、后车窗底部的条幅广告应当使用单向透视材料; 2、右前座位头枕后背部位车载信息视频应当设置可由乘客开启、关闭以及调节音量、亮度的开关; 3、车载信息视频设施上发布的节目内容,必须经相关广播电视主管部门审核同意; 4、车载信息视频设施的材质及设置应当确保安全,造成乘客人身损害的,经营者应当依法承担赔偿责任。 (十一)出租汽车车辆退出营运时,应清除专用车身颜色、专用营运标识和设施。 (十二)使用替代燃料或者纯电动、电驱动、混合动力为动力源的出租汽车车辆,还应当符合专项技术要求和国家有关规定。 第八条(无障碍出租汽车) 无障碍出租汽车除应当符合《上海市出租汽车小客车车辆规定》有关规定外,还应满足下列要求: (一)安装车载智能系统,并纳入电话调度网络; (二)车辆副驾驶员位置安装方便特殊乘客乘坐的专用座椅,行李厢安装轮椅、拐杖固定装置以及厢门搭扣等安全装置,并确保设备完好; sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass (三)安装手动或自动无障碍乘车设施的,车内应设有安全保险带及残疾车固定装置; (四)无障碍出租汽车车身颜色应当与本企业的出租汽车颜色相一致。车身应当张贴无障碍专用标志。 第九条(计价器) 出租汽车使用的计价器应当遵守国家及本市计价器相关技术规范,配备速度计价独立传感器接口,预留三束以上(含三束)电路接线口。并符合以下要求: (一)按规定具备质量技监部门核发的制造计量器具许可证或者进口检定合格证书; (二)主机应当具有铅封耳(孔)和制造单位加制的铅封,并经法定计量检定机构加制钳印,传感器、连接系统应当加以密封; (三)空车灯应与主机联动,当每次业务结束竖起空车灯时,发票打印装置应当能够自动打印符合要求的车费发票; (四)智能卡读写器应当能够识别驾驶员营运管理卡、上海公共交通卡。 经营者负责本单位计价器的计量管理工作,并按下列规定加强对计价器的使用管理: (一)按期接受法定计量检定机构的整车检定,由法定计量检定机构加制钳印和强检合格标志,合格后方可继续使用; (二)应当到获得计价器制造或修理计量器具许可证的单位修理计价器; (三)由于计价器修理、轮胎规格变换或者车辆维修等原因,拆动计价器钳印造成脉冲信号改变等影响计量准确度的,应当经法定计量检定机构检定合格后方可继续营运。不影响计量准确度的,可由修理部门先行钳印,并在5个工作日内经法定计量检定机构确认; (四)保持计价器完好,不得损坏由法定计量检定机构在计价器各部位设置的钳印和强检合格标志; (五)使用年限达5年的计价器应当更新。经营者应当对计价器的报废实施统一管理; (六)每月对计价器的显示时间与标准时间进行一次校对,不得利用计价器语音提示功能播放广告。 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 第十条(车辆管理) 经营者应当加强营运车辆管理,建立健全营运车辆管理相关制度: (一)建立健全营运车辆检查、保养、维修管理体系,建立车辆档案,确保营运车辆始终处于性能良好状态; (二)建立健全车辆车容车貌清洁维护制度,每月至少进行一次二级清洗;定期进行车厢消毒;确保营运车辆车厢内部、车身外表无积灰、无积垢、无积水,处于整洁状态。 第三章 营运服务要求 第十一条(驾驶员服务要求) 出租汽车驾驶员必须按照《条例》有关规定,经过职业培训,熟知国家和上海有关道路交通和出租汽车运营服务管理的法律、法规及行业有关运营服务规范和道德要求,按规定取得从业资格证书。从业期间,积极参加相关部门组织的各类培训、考核。 出租汽车驾驶员应持证上岗,营运中做到下列要求: (一)提供规范服务 1、乘客上车后,驾驶员使用礼貌用语,问清到达地点,选择合理行车路线,提醒副驾驶座位上的乘客系好安全带,起步后翻落空车标示灯,按规定使用计价器; 2、因车辆维修,人员用餐、交接班等原因不能载客的,应使用“停运”标志;未摆放“停运”标志的车辆,不得以任何理由拒载;接受电调业务时,按规定使用“电调”标志,不应使用“停运”标志牌; 3、行车中应做到平稳、安全,遇复杂路面应提醒乘客坐稳; 4、营运中,因供车方原因造成车辆停驶或遇管理部门检查时,应暂停计价器计费; 5、营运中,乘客改变目的地或需要改变行驶路线时,应重新选择并告知乘客合理路线,征得乘客同意后改道行驶; 6、到达目的地,车辆靠路边停稳后按暂停计费键;询问付款方式,按计价器显示金额收费,唱收唱支,打印发票。发票应完整无损,字迹清晰,内容真实; sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 如遇高速路、过桥、过隧道加收费用,或有其他合理的附加费用时,应向乘客说明,并协助乘客交付附加费,核对有关票据; 7、业务结束时,提醒乘客带好随身物品、开车门时注意安全,使用“谢谢,再见”等服务用语; 8、遇车辆故障或其他不可抗力导致无法完成运送服务的,应解释原因,帮助乘客转乘其他车辆;并免收起步费; 9、不得有拒载、绕路、甩客、倒客、多收费等违纪行为; 10、不向乘客索要有价证券、小费或物品; 11、不向乘客兜售商品,或强行推荐以收取佣金为条件的其他服务项目; 12、应妥善保管乘客遗留物品,并及时告知企业,主动归还失主或者上缴相关单位。 13、出市境或深夜郊外业务,当班驾驶员需登记被承运人正式身份证,或采取其他方式报告登记。 二)提供文明服务 ( 1、按要求统一着装上岗; 2、不讲服务忌语;不在车内吸烟、饮食;不向车外抛物、吐痰; 3、在营业站内候客时,应遵守营运秩序,服从调派、按序上客; 4、按乘客的意愿使用空调、视频音响设施; 5、使用普通话;根据服务对象可以使用上海话。 6、保持车厢整洁卫生,应阻止乘客携带宠物上车或在车厢内吸烟; 7、协助乘客将行李放入行李厢内。到达目的地后,协助取出行李; 8、不主动介入乘客之间交谈。 (三)提供安全服务 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 1、不酒后驾车;行车途中不打手机,遇有紧急情况需接听手机时,应先征得乘客同意,安全停靠并按下暂停键后接听电话; 2、应拒绝乘客提出的有碍安全行车的要求,但需向乘客解释理由; 3、不得装载易燃、易爆等危险物品;应阻止乘客携带危险物品上车; 4、乘客上下车时,车辆应沿人行道平行停靠,并在车辆右侧上下车;在交通法规禁止上下客的地方,应拒绝乘客上下车; 5、车辆一旦发生意外,立即停车,优先帮助乘客离车至安全区域。 (四)电调服务规范 1、接受调度任务后,应准时到达乘客候车地点,超出预约时间乘客未出现时,应与电调服务人员联系,经同意后方可离去; 2、不能及时前往预约地点时,应提前联系电调服务人员重新安排车辆;若已接近预约时间,电调服务人员应致电乘客表达歉意并说明情况,请求其等待或改乘其他交通工具。 营业站调度员服务要求) 第十二条( 出租汽车营业站调度员日常服务中应做到下列要求: (一)佩带行业服务标志、衣着整洁、文明礼貌;在岗时不吸烟; (二)掌握基本日常英语对话; (三)营业站有车时,按先进先出原则,依次秉公派车;营业站无车时,应立即组织车源; (四)指挥驾驶员按车位有序停放车辆,保持车道畅通; (五)对候车乘客应先到先乘;对老、弱、病、残、孕、幼等特殊乘客,应优先供车; (六)应及时填写调度日报,做到项目齐全、字迹清楚、准确无误; (七)不得利用职务之便扰乱车辆调派秩序,侵害乘客或驾驶员利益; (八)督促驾驶员遵守客运法规,纠正、制止驾驶员的违法违规行为,情节严重的及时向sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 管理部门进行举报。 第十三条(营业站设置要求) 在综合交通枢纽、主要轨道交通站点、大型居住区以及人流较为密集的公共场所应设置供乘客集中乘车的出租汽车营业站点。营业站点的设置应符合上海市有关工程建设规范和标准。 第十四条(企业服务要求) 出租汽车企业应当加强客运服务管理,并积极参与精神文明建设和社会公益活动。 日常服务应做到下列要求: (一)提供电调服务 1、具备电话调度功能的企业,应当公布服务叫车电话; 2、调度中心应24小时安排调度人员接听叫车电话,提供24小时叫车服务; 3、电话订车的接通率应达到80%以上; 4、接到乘客订车电话后,应在5分钟内回复。调车成功的,提前告知乘客所调车辆的车号和预计到达时间; 5、应在乘客要求的时间之前到达指定地点; 6、电话订车的平均满足率应达到75%以上; 7、应建立调派档案,对调派结果进行记录; 8、调度中心应设立外语坐席,满足外籍人士用车需求; 9、调度中心在客流高峰或大型公共活动期间,应服从行业统一指挥调派; 10、应将车载智能系统内的信息保存30天以上,便于处理各类投诉或查询。 (二)加强安全管理 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass 1、应完善劳动组织,教育驾驶员合理安排作息,防止疲劳驾车; 2、应加强对营运车辆安全技术性能的检查,发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,立即停止营运; 3、应制定车辆保养计划并组织实施,保留车辆保养、检验记录。 (三)完善质量监督系统 1、应向社会公布服务承诺; 2、应建立服务质量 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,制定质量管理目标; 3、应设立服务质量管理部门,负责服务质量的监督、考核和分析,并制定和落实改进措施,对质量问题限期进行整改; 4、应建立失物处理流程,对上交的失物进行登记、保管,寻找失主。协助乘客查找失物,及时答复进展情况。 第十五条 (应急要求) 遇抢险救灾、突发公共安全事件、主要客运集散地客流积压、重大活动等情况时,出租汽车经营者、驾驶员和相关服务人员应当服从管理部门的统一指挥调度。 第四章 投诉处理 第十六条(企业管理制度) 出租汽车企业应加强服务质量跟踪,建立投诉处理工作机制: (一)建立完善的投诉处理制度; (二)设立投诉处理部门,专人受理乘客来电、来信、来访; (三)开通24小时服务热线,在发票上公布服务热线电话号码。 第十七条(处理要求) 行业管理部门和出租汽车企业要不断提高出租汽车服务投诉处理的规范性,及时处理乘客诉求: sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass (一)市运输管理处或者区县运输管理机构接受投诉后,应当在接受之日起一个月内处理完毕,遇情况复杂的,可以在三个月内处理完毕;出租汽车企业接受投诉后,应当在接受之日起十日内做出答复。对答复有异议的,可以向市运输管理处或者区县运输管理机构投诉;投诉受理率和处理率应达到100%; (二)接到投诉后,应详细记录投诉者的姓名与联系方式、事件的经过、车辆和发票的有关信息; (三)对符合退款要求的投诉,向投诉者反馈处理结果时应表示歉意,反馈次日应将退款寄给投诉者,退款汇出日期应告知对方; (四)应定期组织对投诉者的回访,听取投诉者对投诉处理结果的意见。 第五章 服务质量测评 第十八条(行业服务质量测评) 行业管理部门应依据本规范的要求,对出租汽车行业服务质量进行测评,建立行业服务质量测评指标体系,制定测评实施细则,对抽样 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、指标权重、评价方法等作出具体规定。 乘客满意度测评) 第十九条( 行业管理部门应依据本规范的要求,对出租汽车行业进行乘客满意度测评,建立乘客满意度测评指标体系。 第二十条(服务质量综合评价) 行业管理部门按照相同权重对行业服务质量和乘客满意度的测评结果进行综合,形成出租汽车行业的综合服务质量指数,用于监测上海市出租汽车服务质量的总体状况。 第六章 附则 第二十一条(施行日期) 本规范自2012年5月1日起施行。 sulfuric acid solution. Nitric-perchloric acid (5+1) mixture. Acetic acid sodium acetate solution: weigh 34 g of sodium acetate (NaAc • 3H2O) dissolved in 450mL water, plus 2.6 mL glacial acetic acid, adjust pH to 5.5, diluted with water to 500 mL. 0.5g/L-chromazurol s (Chrome azurol s) solution: weigh 50mg-free cream s, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL. 0.2g/L trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide solution (weighing 20 mg 16 alkyl bromide trimethylamine, dissolve and dilute with water to 100mL and, if necessary, heat the dissolution. 10g/L Ascorbic acid solution: weigh 1.0g Ascorbic acid dissolve and constant volume to 100 mL with water. available now match. Aluminium standard stock solution: weigh precision 1.0000 g aluminium oxide (purity 99.99%), plus 50mL 6moI/L hydrochloric acid solution, heat dissolved, after cooling, move into the 1000mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. Aluminium standard solution: lessons 1.00mL aluminum standard stock solution, placed in 100mL volumetric flask and diluted to scale and draw 5.00mL 50mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1 μg g aluminum. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Food grinder. Electric hot plate. 4, and sample pulled acting will sample (not including sandwich, stuffed part) crushed uniform, take about 30 g reset 85 ? oven in the dry 4 h, said take 1.0000 g~2.000g, placed 100mL tapered bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, added l0 mL~15 mL nitric acid a perchlorate (5+1) mixed Taiwan liquid, cover good glass
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