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除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription)


除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription)除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription) 除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription) In addition to the body moisture prescription The body's disease originates from moisture in the body Moisture: the root of all evil Now peopl...

除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription)
除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription) 除体内湿气的方子(In addition to the body moisture prescription) In addition to the body moisture prescription The body's disease originates from moisture in the body Moisture: the root of all evil Now people eat too much meat, eat food pollution, less exercise, body Yin Sheng, Yang deficiency, dampness, internal depression, so the stool can not be normal. Why are there few forms of bowel movement? In Chinese medicine, spleen loose stools, Chinese should take grain for food, are predominantly carnivorous, a lot of people a day without meat will feel very deficient, so long, hurt the stomach, the spleen is the transport of moisture, the spleen hurt, can not be completely transport of moisture, packing in the body. Therefore, the stool does not shape, which means spleen deficiency, also means that the body has moisture. In the pathogenic wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire the "six evils", Chinese are most afraid of damp. Humidity is easiest to penetrate. SHIXIE never fight a lone battle, always hand in glove with other pathogens. Cold is a cold dampness in moisture, this is just like the winter, if the weather is dry, no matter how cold, people are still acceptable, but if the humidity is heavy, the person is very uncomfortable. Winter in the South than in the north winter more unpleasant, is because the moisture heavy, cold light. Moisture heat into heat, it is like the summer sauna day, hot and wet, breathless, clear as the sun in the sky, when dry weather comes. Damp wind becomes rheumatism, wind and easily, but once became rheumatism, often chronic disease is incurable, one thirty. Moisture in the subcutaneous formation of obesity, but also bad health problems...... Why modern people's disease is so complicated, so difficult to treat? Because their bodies are wet, in vitro and in vivo moisture evil always Liyingwaihe, tangled! Sichuan cuisine, which used to be only popular in Southwest China, is now popular throughout the country Because of Sichuan spicy, previously only live in damp heavy southwest people need to use it to moisture, disintegration in now, the human body has moisture, need spicy to resolve, so we instinctively fell in love with it. Two. The method of judging moisture In the diseased body it is stubborn damp; the seemingly healthy human body also has damp pathogens lurking there waiting for action. So how can you tell if there is moisture in your body? 1, look at shit: What kind of shit is normal? "Golden, cylindrical, banana shaped, unobstructed."". (1) if the stool is not forming long, loose stools, bound body wet. (2) if the stool is formed, but after the stool is over, there will always be some stick on the toilet, it is difficult to rush down, and this is also a wet expression in vivo, because moisture has sticky characteristics. (3) if it is not convenient to observe the toilet, you can also observe the toilet paper. If your bowel movements are normal, a sheet of toilet paper will be wiped out. But there are wet people in the body, a toilet paper is not enough, three to five can be wiped clean. (4) if constipation is present and the resulting stool is not forming, it means that the moisture in the body is very heavy and the moisture is sticky and sticky, allowing the stool to stick to the intestines and be absorbed by the intestine without letting it drain out of the body. Thus, fecal poison into the blood, all kinds of lines, and general physicians often attack on disease, but did not understand the root cause lies in the body moisture, careless treatment, which is more terrible. 2, look at the state of waking up: Some people, every time to wake up at seven in the morning they feel sleepy, think there is something wrapped up, let a person have no spirit, or feel something in the bag, make people lazy to move, so, do not look at the tongue, don't see shit, also can judge his body is so humid. In traditional Chinese medicine, "wet weight, such as wrapping", the feeling of being wrapped is the body's feeling of moisture, as if wearing a dry shirt. Dampness heat and cold points. If it is hot and humid, so the tongue should be yellow and greasy, tongue should be red, and cold is greasy tongue coating, the most important thing is not so, the tongue is red, color is often very pale, pale white. This is one of the ways of distinguishing. Wet evil nature of muddy and sticky, it can block the flow of gas, hinder the transport of the spleen. In this traditional Chinese medicine called "damp spleen", if it is exopathic dampness, fever, sweating but although common fever, sleepy limbs, joint and muscle pain and other symptoms; if it is damp turbidity stomach, chest discomfort, frequent urination, loss of appetite, loose stools. How does damp evil come from? There are two kinds in Chinese medicine: one is external dampness and the other is internal dampness. 1) due to the humid, wet rain, wading caused by damp place. Long summer moisture height, so dampness. The misty rain, the way people do not open an umbrella, it will also allow moisture into the body, if the sweat is more susceptible to the problem. The people in the city were in good health, and later moved to the country shed. They thought the air was good, but it was always sick. In fact, it didn't adapt to the moisture there. 2) another moisture is wet, wet is a product of disease pathological changes, from be addicted to drinking or eating cold, so that the loss of Spleen Yang, wet from the inside. For example, often drink ice beer, cold drinks, cause spleen injury, so that moisture is heavy; there is lack of exercise, resulting in blood circulation is not enough, so Yang rise hair unfavorable, will lead to wet is very heavy, because Yang is the most important means to control the moisture. Three, how to get wet? The doctor will according to the site where the damp and wet, for example, if the dampness injury to the spleen and stomach, with Pingweisan, not for gold wendlandii, at the same time, there are a lot of Chinese medicine to wet method, which is often based on what is the combination of the wet evil evil as what other patients to decide, for example, a method of clearing heat and removing dampness, wet method has favorable water permeability, temperature water wet, a wet Qufeng method etc.. Four, remove the body moisture eighteen Damp is modern people 's nemesis, the vast majority of Difficult miscellaneous diseases and chronic disease source or an accomplice. As long as the wet evil little, all the so-called modern disease will be away from us, nausea, chronic disease all may also lose their faith. How to deal with damp evil, dispel damp evil? 1, drink barley red bean porridge (with Soybean Milk machine): In barley, Chinese medicine called "coix seed", "Shen Nong's herbal classic" will be listed as the top grade, it can cure rheumatism, stomach, eliminate edema, spleen and stomach, Jiufu Qingshenjianfei qi. Red bean, red, red heart, therefore it can heart nourishing, ancient records it "Jiufu thin", that often eat red bean slimming effect. There are obvious benefits of water, swelling, spleen and stomach. The stress of modern people is great, heart qi deficiency, diet disorder, less exercise and spleen deficiency dampness. Both to wet, and bushings, but also spleen and stomach, non rice and red bean. Boil it into porridge, intended to make its effective ingredients fully absorbed by the human body, while not giving the spleen and stomach how much burden. Summer is the heat that when wet, and wet, just can play a role in nourishing and eliminating dampness and the two herbs. About rice and red bean "swelling" role, is also very interesting. We must not think that swelling is edema. Around ten there are at least five or six body fat, which is also called swollen, bloated. In Chinese medicine, obesity or edema, it means that the body has wet, water can not flow with the blood, stay between the body cells, so that the rapid expansion of the body. Edema is so, obesity is the same, only the degree of depth. A highly wettable drug or food can remove the water trapped in the body and can also reduce swelling. So, the treatment of edema will use red bean, but the practice proved, barley red bean porridge with good slimming effect, can reduce weight, and do not hurt the body. Especially for middle-aged and elderly obesity, the effect is particularly good. People often fancy: "my first job in adzuki bean porridge, plus a handful of rice, the porridge boil thick, flavour that is a beauty!" I said, "never add rice."!" Why? Because rice grows in water, containing moisture, wet and sticky, so rice boils as soon as it boils. Red beans and barley are wet, itself does not contain moisture, so they are not how to boil thick soup, Henqing. Chinese medicine is precisely the use of its clear nature, to the human body to remove the wet. As soon as the rice is added, it adds moisture, so the whole gruel is thick. Although better taste, but for health is not good, because the rice, all red bean, barley will have been wasted, no effect. Not everyone can drink barley red bean soup, a taboo? In fact, the soup is good health, no side effects, but for different people, you can do some proper addition and subtraction. Some people physique cold, which can add a little warming food, such as longan, jujube can; some people with insomnia, also has the obvious wet greasy feeling in the body, then add some lotus seeds, lily; if a woman dysmenorrhea, can put barley removed, boil red bean soup, plus some ginger, jujube, brown sugar, drink warm belly, also can ease the pain. Joint pain, add some raw white peony root, licorice, sour and sweet Yin nourishing blood and removing stagnation. Normal thinking, mental trouble excessive exercise and fewer people, often face not red, the spirit is also insufficient, even heart palpitations, sleep, feeling heavy with emptiness. This is a manifestation of the heart qi deficiency plus wet body, you can add some longan cook in barley Chixiaodou decoction. Longan sweet, Appetizers Jianpi can soothe the nerves, blood, it can excite the heart Yang, tonifying Qi, make people full of energy, full of gas. Moreover, the barley red bean soup tastes very general, plus longan, became sweet, light sweet taste, it is not only to disperse the moisture in our body, but also give us the heart to bring vitality and warmth. We call it a barley red bean congee. It is especially suitable for strong labor workers, is also very suitable for the elderly. Young people prone to irritability and insomnia, rash, acne or face, this is the purpose of the fire and heat in the lung caused by interference, using barley red bean soup wash wonders, or in barley Chixiaodou Decoction plus Lily and lotus seeds with boiled drinking. Lily can Runfei, beauty, and can clear fire, peace of mind of god. Lenz can Yangxin, clear internal heat, while the spleen and kidney. Of course, if you feel the soup doesn't taste good, you can add some rock sugar. If you catch cold, or in a cold, cold pain in the stomach, poor appetite, add a few slices of ginger in barley Chixiaodou decoction. Ginger warm, can dispel cold, spleen and stomach. Note that ginger can not put, put make porridge becomes spicy. If you want to add spices in the soup, you'd better put brown sugar, brown sugar is sexual temperature. Note that women with postpartum care, drink red bean barley soup to remove the barley, in which you can add jujube, jujube is very suitable for warming and invigorating spleen, nourishing blood. Kidney of the people, you can add some beans in barley Chixiaodou decoction. Because the black into the kidney, beans shape is similar to the kidney, to shape complement shape, is a kidney jiapin. Now people often say that is typical of the damp beriberi. In barley Chixiaodou Decoction add crushed soybeans, with boiled soup bubble, this is a recipe for treating beriberi. If you cough, also can put small pieces of pear peel, core cut 1 to 2 cm square, adding barley Chixiaodou Decoction boiled together, can moisten the lung, phlegm, cough. And change to barley red bean soup, used properly can very good effect on the treatment of the most common diseases in life. 2, use five Poria powder: The thick coating of the tongue is a thick, greasy layer that covers the entire tongue and is covered with saliva. This tongue image is the sign of water wet weight in the body. Because the water wet problems mainly appear in the bladder, we can use five Poria powder. Five Lingsan is: Polyporus, Alisma, Atractylodes, tuckahoe, cassia twig. Fuling Baizhu dampness, invigorating the Spleen Yang Guizhi gas, and diarrhea are Polyporus Alisma bladder and kidney water wet. In the "Treatise on the" inside, this prescription to treat the symptoms include: urination, thirst, heat, thirst for drinking water into the spit etc.. 3, when the moisture conditioning heavy people, will often use patchouli and Perrin, and Perrin with other drugs. "The effect is very good, can often play an immediate effect. Put these two herbs and Sanren Decoction Together with, usually every three grams or six grams, and then mark to have a good time drug again into, this is to use the method of aromatic drugs, general boil for a long time, the material will be volatile aromatic, so it is best to "post", in the closed fire the first five minutes, so we can better retain the effective components. It is a reflection of tongue thick and greasy moisture, pay attention to moisture in the end is still under construction and in coke, if mainly in the middle Jiao, he let the western medicine antibiotics stopped, because antibiotics are cold, cold and moisture may lead to more serious, with patchouli, Perrin, is often the dosing LiXiao burn quickly. Back anne. In 4, when cooking, appropriate to add a little spice, such as cardamom, amomum fruit, pepper and other spices, these things have inspired Yang, such as Sichuan where moisture is heavy, so spicy foods is very popular, this is the life of ordinary people's wisdom, there is some truth. 5, you can eat some wet food, such as eat melon, mung bean, red bean, barley etc., these foods have to wet, can Gesanchaiwu point, some benefits, especially when they feel that moisture has been very heavy food, can alleviate the situation. 6, the sweat Qushi balance hormone: Sports sweating is very good to the moisture; especially in the summer, do not open air conditioning, fans, sweat inside the body must come out, otherwise your moisture is too heavy, in the winter will certainly get sick. It's very good for the body to do proper exercise every day. Exercise can relieve stress, activate the body's organs, and speed the flow of moisture out of the body. Modern people with more brains, less physical exertion, coupled with long expectations in airtight air conditioning, very little sweat, the body's ability to control humidity becomes worse. Try running, walking, swimming, yoga, Tai Chi and any other "panting and sweating" exercise that helps activate blood circulation and increases water metabolism. The best in cooking add onions, ginger, vegetables cold nature. 18. Avoid the humidity of the environment Daily life is best reduced to exposure to damp conditions. In particular, people who are sensitive to moisture should pay attention to the following: Don't sleep on the floor. Moisture in the air will drop, and the floor moisture is heavy, easy to invade the body, causing sore limbs. It's better to sleep on a bed with a certain distance from the floor. Wet, rainy days, less out. Do not wear wet clothes, water intake should be appropriate.
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