首页 在公司旺季生产动员大会上的讲话



在公司旺季生产动员大会上的讲话在公司旺季生产动员大会上的讲话 紧盯目标 众志成城 全力以赴打好旺季生产攻坚战 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 大家好: 今天~我们齐聚一堂~隆重召开旺季生产动员大会。一方面是动员广大干部职工统一思想~坚定信心~凝聚力量~确保全面完成年度目标任务。另一方面~过几天就是中秋、国庆佳节~在这里~我向各位领导、员工致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿~祝大家身体健康、家庭和睦、工作顺利、万事如意: 大家都知道~我厂生产的基质、编织袋、漂浮育苗盘都是订单生产、集中生产~公司老员工很了解公司产品生产是随淡、旺季变化而适度调整的。...

在公司旺季生产动员大会上的讲话 紧盯目标 众志成城 全力以赴打好旺季生产攻坚战 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 大家好: 今天~我们齐聚一堂~隆重召开旺季生产动员大会。一方面是动员广大干部职工统一思想~坚定信心~凝聚力量~确保全面完成年度目标任务。另一方面~过几天就是中秋、国庆佳节~在这里~我向各位领导、员工致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿~祝大家身体健康、家庭和睦、工作顺利、万事如意: 大家都知道~我厂生产的基质、编织袋、漂浮育苗盘都是订单生产、集中生产~公司老员工很了解公司产品生产是随淡、旺季变化而适度调整的。目前由于公司厂地、设备、人员等各方面条件限制~无法在短时间内完成供货量~所以必须提早进行产品库存~所以每年从九月底开始至明年二月是我厂生产旺季~编织袋要到四月份~也是公司实现全年目标任务的关键时期。 经研究决定~今年的生产旺季从本月底开始~为此~今天特此召开这个动员大会~希望全体员工以饱满的精神状态~全力以赴打好旺季生产攻坚战。 下面~我主要讲三个问题。 一是盯紧一个目标。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 今年五月份~公司召开了2011年度总结表彰大会。会议明确了公司年度经营目标~团结协作、齐心协力~抓产量、保质量~全力以赴完成年度生产目标。 生产目标是基质250万袋、编织袋700万条、漂浮育苗盘200万个。我相信~只要我们相互配合、众志成城、有强烈的进取心和工作责任心~就没有战胜不了的困难,只要各部门精诚团结、兢兢业业、恪尽职守~就一定能够圆满完成年度的生产任务和各项指标。 根据以上的生产目标~各月的工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 如下: 基质有机肥车间: 10月份完成老1#、新1#、2#、3#渣土的晾晒~破碎渣土4000方~筛选腐殖土2000方~渣土1000方~柴煤破碎7000方。 11月1日开始生产基质~11月计划产量80万袋,12月计划产量80万袋,2013年1月计划产量75万袋,2013年2月20日前完成剩余计划。 塑料制品车间: 编织袋:10月100万条,11月100万条,12月100万条,2013年1月100万条,2013年2月60万条,2013年3月100万条。 漂浮育苗盘的生产根据原料组织生产~日平均产量不低于13000个。争取在春节前完成150万个盘的生产。 售后服务室: ? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-n 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nsectiots Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangemeng in neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist traininin to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of ainedNeurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was tr , the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules onlydependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Thereforepurpose be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1.discussion note: theoretical training should And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case 2 从10月份开始分批次将人员调入基质有机肥车间~11月1日前除涂艳芳外其余人员全部调入基质有机肥车间一直到春节前。涂艳芳留在微生物实验室进行菌种提纯、筛选、扩繁及配合基质有机肥车间将好的菌种进行甘蔗渣发酵试验。 开发研究室:10月20日前完成基质配方的认定~11月1日调达丽琼进基质有机肥车间负责质检工作~其余人员继续做好降低成本的优质基质配方试验及每天生产基质的摆盘试验。 二是抓好两个强化。 第一~是强化产品质量。质量是企业的信誉和生命~是市场竞争的集中体现~是消费者的根本利益所在。“质量是企业的生命”。这句话时时警示着我们要确保产品质量达标。在这里~希望大家能够进一步提高产品质量意识~严格贯彻落实公司制定的质量要求和相关规定~尤其是新员工更应该通过培训和指导~了解、掌握、熟悉质量管理的相关知识。 大家都必须明白这样一个道理~没有质量保证的产品~就不可能成为品牌产品~没有品牌的产品就没有市场竞争力~没有竞争力的产品就没有生命力~最终将被市场淘汰~企业就无法生存。因此~加强产品质量建设~是加强企业科学管理、提升市场竞争力的关键所在。产品质量不符合安全性 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ~所带来的后果将更加严重~将会导致企业倒闭、产业重创。这样的例子很多很多。 ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-ng medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nreathiary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 bogy and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Roteurolhas some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of N ched after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, ands reaTraining objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content itheoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solidnd teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purposediscussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning a And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case e 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within scienc3 公司要想在市场竞争中站稳脚跟~谋求生存和发展~就必须牢固树立“质量第一”、“以质取胜”的观念~建立健全质量保障体系~完善全员、全过程、全方位的质量监督管理~在产品品种、质量、品牌、服务上狠下功夫。 第二个是强化生产、消防安全。“安全是职工的生命”。人的生命是宝贵的、无价的。我们每位员工都要懂得如何珍惜自己的生命、身体安全~否则万一发生安全事故~即使没有造成生命危险~也会对身体造成伤残。一个人断了手指、伤了脚都会是一生的遗憾。因此~希望大家严格按照操作规程~坚决杜绝违规操作。在这里~我对我厂安全工作提一点要求。 1、要认真开展现场管理整治工作~建立安全文明的生产环境。大家不要认为环境建设只是企业的一种外表形象~是拿来看的~与安全生产无多大关系。其实~除了人员、机器设备是安全生产的重要因素外~环境也是安全生产的一个重要因素。一是环境建设反映企业管理的水平和职工文明生产的素质。二是生产现场的整洁、定臵合理、物流有序、设备完好~无“跑、冒、滴、漏”等现象~职工干起活来就可得心应手~发生碰撞、摔倒、触电、火灾等事故的机会也会少很多。三是加强现场管理~可培养职工工作认真、细心、文明的心理素质~培养从小事抓起~从小处着眼~防微杜渐的习惯。四是在清洁、整齐、优美的生产工作环境中干起活来心情舒畅~注意力集中~精神状态良 purpose be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1.discussion note: theoretical training should And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case ? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-n 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nsectiots Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangemeng in neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist traininin to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of ainedNeurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was tr , the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules onlydependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore4 好~可大大提高安全生产的效果。 2、要从细节做起~加强消防安全。大家都知道~许多事故的发生~都有从小到大、从量变到质变的过程。许多伤害事故的酿成~都是因为积小成大~侥幸麻痹造成的。 对人而言~经常重复地做一些看似没有太大危险的事~终究会因一时疏忽而招致祸端。比如你可能已经上百次乱扔烟头而没有引起火灾~但并不意味着你在第一百零一次乱扔烟头时仍能确保平安。对一个企业而言~如果对一个缺陷、一个隐患、一次违章、一次警告掉以轻心~处之漠然~可能一个月、一年都没有出事~但并不意味着十年八年都能一帆风顺。因此~希望我们大家都要养成良好的习惯~增强自我约束力~严格遵守公司的规章制度~及时整改事故隐患~消除不安全的因素~确保生产经营活动顺利进行。 3、加大培训教育力度。对新招职工、临时用工~要经常对他们进行安全教育~使他们有安全意识~不违规操作,同时也要加大安全的巡回检查力度~对发现的隐患要及时处理~减少安全事故的发生。 三是实现三个转变。 第一~团结协作的思想作风要有新的转变。我们来到公司~都是为了一个共同的目标~为了公司的成长和我们自己的进步~从五湖四海凝聚在一起。公司就是我们的大家庭~我们全体员工要像兄弟姐妹一样~紧密团结在一起。工作、生活上有什么困难~向上级反映~发 nd teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purposediscussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning a And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case e 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within sciencICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-ng medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nreathiary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 bogy and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Roteurolhas some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of N ched after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, ands reaTraining objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content itheoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid5 生了什么矛盾、别扭~也要心胸开阔~忍一时风平浪静~退一步海阔天空。团结就是力量~只有团结~才能保证各项生产工作的顺利进行。 今年公司为提高大家福利待遇~采取了一系列的措施~从制度上对公司薪酬福利待遇、晋升机制、激励机制、培训与教育、软环境建设等各方面做了明确规定~进一步保障了员工切身利益~维护了职工权益。 公司在提高员工待遇~改善工作环境的同时~也希望大家增强主人翁责任感和集体荣誉感~强化责任落实~提高工作的主动性和自觉性。只要大家心往一处想~劲往一处使~我们的旺季生产目标就一定能全面实现。 第二~工作作风上要有新的转变。一是社会分工没有高低贵贱~我们是一个团结的集体~我们整个公司就象一部大机器~每一个人就象机器上的零件~每个人都有他的地位和作用。各级管理人员是公司的中坚力量~要在企业生产各个方面发挥核心作用。在发生紧急情况时~要看到你们的身影,在困难面前~要看到你们的身影,在危机时刻~要看到你们的身影,在重大任务前~更要看到你们的身影。你们要在平时工作中看得出来~关键时刻站得出来~困难面前挺得出来~这就是我们对管理人员的要求。 我们全体员工也要发扬主人翁的精神~树立“厂兴我荣~厂衰我耻”的观点~要干一行、爱一行、钻一行、精一行、360行~行行出 purpose be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1.discussion note: theoretical training should And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case ? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-n 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nsectiots Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangemeng in neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist traininin to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of ainedNeurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was tr , the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules onlydependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore6 状元。你们的努力~公司是看在眼里~记在心里的~公司的成长离不开大家~公司发展了~你们也会跟着进度~只有大家严格遵守厂规厂纪~严格遵守操作规程~服从安排、钻研业务~企业就一定能够蒸蒸日上。 第三~在抓工作落实上有新的转变。落实既是一种作风~也是一种能力。各车间、科室要采取多种形式~努力在全厂营造一种齐抓共管促落实、保生产的氛围。公司从成立至今~经历了同行业的激烈竞争~经受了市场的冲击~走过了10多年的风雨历程~成绩的取得~依靠的就是各项工作的落实和一步一步的完善提高。为了打好今年旺季生产攻坚战~希望大家进一步抓好工作的落实~提高工作效能~确保生产工作有序开展、良性发展。 同事们~公司的成长和发展~离不开全体员工辛勤挥洒的汗水。在这里~我郑重的向你们道一声:大家辛苦了:我代表弥勒烟用物资厂衷心的感谢你们: 同事们~让我们携起手来~以更加饱满的工作热情~更加昂扬的拼搏精神~锁定目标~坚定信心~团结一致~全力以赴打好旺季生产攻坚战。 谢谢大家: nd teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purposediscussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning a And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case e 60 medical image learn (including CT rements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within sciencICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requi-ng medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical Nreathiary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 bogy and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Roteurolhas some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of N ched after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, ands reaTraining objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content itheoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid7
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