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美国五十个州中英文对比[讲解]美国五十个州中英文对比[讲解] 美国五十个州中英文。 分享不了,盗的。嘿嘿 标签: 美国 中英文 分享 2010-10-14 16:39 中文名+英文州名+英文缩写(大写字母) 阿拉巴马 Alabama Al [?æl??bæm?] 阿拉斯加 Alaska AK [??læsk?] 亚历桑那 Arizona AZ [?æri?z?un?] (美国西南部的州) 阿肯萨斯 Arkansas AR [?ɑ:k?ns?:] (美国中南部的州) kæl??f?:nj?] 加利福尼亚 California CA [? ...

美国五十个州中英文对比[讲解] 美国五十个州中英文。 分享不了,盗的。嘿嘿 标签: 美国 中英文 分享 2010-10-14 16:39 中文名+英文州名+英文缩写(大写字母) 阿拉巴马 Alabama Al [?æl??bæm?] 阿拉斯加 Alaska AK [??læsk?] 亚历桑那 Arizona AZ [?æri?z?un?] (美国西南部的州) 阿肯萨斯 Arkansas AR [?ɑ:k?ns?:] (美国中南部的州) kæl??f?:nj?] 加利福尼亚 California CA [? 柯罗拉多 Colorado CO [?k?l??rɑ:d?u] (位于美国西部) netik?t]康涅狄格 Connecticut CT [k?? 德拉瓦 Delware DE 佛罗里达 Florida FL [?fl?r?d?] 乔治亚 Georgia GA 夏威夷 Hawaii HI [h??wɑ:i:] 爱德华 Idaho ID [?aid?h?u] 伊利诺 Illinois IL [?ili?n?i(z)] 印地安那 Indiana IN [?indi?æn?] 爱荷华 Iowa IA [?ai?w?] (美国中西部的一州) 肯萨斯 Kansas KS [?kænz?z] 肯塔基 Kentucky KY [ken?t?k?] 路易斯安那 Louisiana LA [lu(:)?i:zi?æn?] (美国南部的州名) 缅因 Maine ME [mein] 美国东北角的州) 马里兰 Maryland MD [?m??rilænd] 马萨诸塞 Massachusetts MA [?mæs??t?u?sits] 密西根 Michigan MI [?mi?iɡ?n] 明尼苏达 Minnesota MN [?m?n??sot?] 密西西比 Mississippi MS [?misi?sipi] 密苏里 Missouri MO [mi?zu?ri] n?tæn?]蒙大纳 Montana MT [m? 内布拉斯加 Nebraska NE [ni?bræsk?] 内华达 Nevada NV [ne?vɑ:d?] (美国西部内陆州) 新罕布夏 New Hampshire NH [nju: ?hæmp?i?] 新泽西 New Jersey NJ [nju: ?d??:zi] (美国大西洋沿岸) 新墨西哥 New Mexico NM 纽约 New York NY 北卡罗来纳 North Carolina NC [?n?:θ?kær??lain?] 北达科塔 North Dakota ND [?n?:θd??k?ut?] 俄亥俄 Ohio OH [o?ha?o] 俄克拉荷马 Oklahoma OK [??ukl??h?um?] 俄勒冈 Oregon OR [??riɡ?n] 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania PA [pensil?veinj?,-ni?] 罗德岛 Rhode Island RI [r?ud?ail?nd] (或译作罗德艾兰州) 南卡罗来纳 South Carolina SC [?kær??la?n?] 南达科塔 South Dakota SD 田那西 Tennessee TN [?tene?si:] 德克萨斯 Texas TX [?t?ks?s] 犹他 Utah UT [?ju:tɑ:] 维蒙特 Vermont VT [v?:?m?nt] 维吉尼亚 Virginia VA 华盛顿 Washington WA 西维吉尼亚 West Virgin WV 威斯康辛 Wisconsin WI [wis?k?nsin] 怀俄明 Wyoming WY [wai??umi?] 哥伦比亚特区Dist. Of Columbia DC A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. America's fifty states have some of the most historically interesting nicknames. Alabama is known as the "Heart of Dixie" because it is in the very middle of a group of states in the Deep South. "Dixie" itself is a nickname for the American South. It started when Louisiana printed notes with the French word for "ten" on them. "Deece," or "D-I-X," led to "Dixie." Way up north, Alaska is called the "Last Frontier" for understandable reasons. Near the Arctic Circle, it was the final part of the nation to be explored and settled. Arizona is "The Grand Canyon State" because of the famous winding canyon carved by the Colorado River. The southern state of Arkansas is the "Land of Opportunity." The state legislature chose this nickname. Arkansas is rich in natural resources and has become a favorite place for older people to retire. In a popular Spanish book, a fictional island called "California" was filled with gold. Sure enough, plenty of it was discovered in the real California, in eighteen forty-eight. This started a gold rush unlike any other in American history in the "Golden State." You would think Colorado would be known as the Rocky Mountain State. But its nickname is the "Centennial State." That is because it became a state in eighteen seventy-six, exactly one hundred years after the nation declared its independence. Connecticut is called "The Nutmeg State" after a spice. Connecticut Yankees, as people in this northeast state are called, are known to be smart in business. So smart that it was said they could sell wooden, meaning false, nutmegs to strangers. Little Delaware is called "The First State" because it was the first state -- the first to approve the new United States Constitution. The Southern state of Florida likes to tell about its sunny days and fine beaches. So Florida is "The Sunshine State." Florida's neighbor to the north grows some of the sweetest fruit in America. So Georgia is "The Peach State." Hawaii, far out in the Pacific Ocean, is the "Aloha State." That is the friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in the native Hawaiian language. So, aloha for now. 昵称是一个人名字的缩短形式,还可以是对一个人,地点或事物进行描述的名字。 美国的五十个州都有历史上最有趣的别名。 阿拉巴马州以美国“南部各州的中心”(Heart of Dixie)著名,因为它位于深南部(Deep So uth)各州的正中心。Dixie本身就是美国南部各州的别名。当时,路易斯安那州印刷了法语 词汇 英语3500词汇语境记忆pets3考试词汇二年级反义词和近义词初中词汇词汇大全考研英语二高频词汇表 "ten"在上面,由此开始,后来逐渐演变为"Deece"或者"D-I-X",最终演变称"Dixie"。 往北上,阿拉斯加被称为“最后的边疆”(The Last Frontier),原因是可以理解的。它靠近 北极圈,是美国最后一块有待开发和定居的土地。 亚利桑那的别名是“大峡谷之州”(Grand Cnyon State),因为这里拥有著名的由科罗拉多 河雕刻成的蜿蜒的峡谷。位于南部的阿肯色州别名是机会之乡(Land of Opportunity)。 该州的立法机关选择了这个昵称。阿肯色州自然资源丰富,成为即将退休的老人最青睐的地 方。 在一部流行的西班牙书籍中,虚构的岛屿"California"遍布黄金。当然,1848年,在真正的加利福尼亚州确实发现了许多黄金。从此开始,“金州”(Golden State)加利福尼亚开始了美国历史上从未有过的淘金热。 你可能会认为科罗拉多州的别名是“落基山之州”(Rocky Mountain State)。但是它的别名是“百年之州”(Centennial State).因为1876年,科罗拉多成为州的时候刚好是美国宣布独立一百周年。 康乃狄格州被称为“豆蔻之州” (Nutmeg State),以香料命名。东北部各州称他们为“康乃狄格Yankees”,他们在生意方面的精明广为人知,甚至可以将木制的有问题的肉豆寇出售给陌生人。 特拉华州被称为第一州(First State),因为它是美国的第一个州——第一个通过新的美国宪法。 位于南部的佛罗里达州喜欢讲述它充满阳光的日子和金黄的海滩。所以佛罗里达也叫做“阳光之州”(Sunshine State)。佛罗里达北部邻州种植了美国最甜的水果,所以乔治亚州叫做“桃树州”(Peach State)。 位于太平洋的夏威夷别名是“爱洛哈之州” (Aloha State)。在夏威夷本土语言中,这是一个友好的问候语,带有“hello”和“goodbye”的双重意思。 阿肯色(Arkansas): 奇迹州(Wonder State);机会之乡(Land of Opportunity) 阿拉斯加(Alaska): 午夜出太阳之乡(Land of Midnight Sun);最后的边疆(the Last Fron tier);半岛州(Peninsula State) 爱达荷(Idaho): 小锄州(Spud State);锅柄州(Panhandle State);宝石州(Gem State);山间宝石州(Gem of the Mountain) 北达科他(North Dakota): 摇尾州(Flickertail State);老殖民地州(Old Colony State) ;苏族州(Sioux State) 北卡罗来纳(North Carolina): 老北州(the Old North State);焦油脚跟州(Tar Heel State) 宾夕法尼亚(Pennsylvania): 基石州(Keystone State) 得克萨斯(Texas): 孤星州(Lone Star State) 俄亥俄(Ohio): 七叶树州(Buckeye State) 俄克拉荷马(Oklahoma): 快些州(Sooner State) 俄勒冈(Oregon): 河狸州(Beaver State) 佛罗里达(Florida): 阳光州(Sunshine State) 佛蒙特(Vermont): 青山州(Green Mountain State) 弗吉尼亚(Virginia): 总统的母亲(Mother of Presidents);骑兵州(Cavalier State); 自治州(the Old Dominion State) 怀俄明(Wyoming): 平等州(Equality State) 华盛顿(Washington): 清努族州(Chinook State);常青州(Evergreen State) 加利福尼亚(California): 黄金州(Golden State) 堪萨斯(Kansas): 小麦州(Wheat State);废奴游击州(Jayhawk State);向日葵州(Sunflower State) 康涅狄格(Connecticut): 痼习州(Land of Steady Habits);宪法州(Constitution State);肉豆蔻州(Nutmeg State) 科罗拉多(Colorado): 百年纪念州(Centennial State);银州(Silver State) 肯塔基(Kentucky): 莓草系州(Bluegrass State) 路易斯安纳(Louisiana): 欧裔州(Creole State);蔗糖州(Sugar State);塘鹅州(Pelican State) 罗得岛(Phode Island): 小罗得(Little Rhody) 马里兰(Maryland): 老路线州(Old Line State);自由州(Free State) 马萨诸塞(Massachusetts): 老殖民地州(Old Colony State);海湾州(Bay State) 蒙大拿(Montana): 宝藏州(Treasure State);山区州(Mountain State) 密苏里(Missouri): 别哄我州(Show-Me State) 密西西比(Mississippi): 木兰州(Magnolia State) 密执安(Michigan): 貂熊州(Wolverine State) 缅因(Maine): 松树州(Pine Tree State) 明尼苏达(Minnesota): 北极星州(North Star State);万湖州(Land of 10000 Lakes);金 花鼠州(Gopher State) 南达科他(South Dakota): 郊狼州(Coyote State);阳光州(Sunshine State) 南卡罗来纳(South Carolina): 矮棕榈州(Palmetto State) 内布拉斯加(Nebraska): 牛肉州(Beef State);玉米壳州(Cornhusker State) 内华达(Nevada): 战火诞生州(Battle-Born State);艾草州(Sagebrush State);银州(Silver State) 纽约(New York): 帝国州(Empire State) 特拉华(Delaware): 蓝鸡州(Blue Hen State);第一州(First State);钻石州(Diamond State) 田纳西(Tennessee): 志愿州(Volunteer State) 犹他(Utah): 蜂窝州(Beehive State) 威斯康星(Wisconsin): 獾州(Badger State) 西弗吉尼亚(West Virginia): 山州(Mountain State) 夏威夷(Hawaii): 太平洋上的天堂(Paradise of Pacific);阿洛哈州(Aloha State) 新罕布什尔(New Hampshire): 花岗岩州(Granite State) 新墨西哥(New Mexico): 迷人乡(Land of Enchantment);仙人掌州(Cactus State) 新泽西(New Jersey): 花园州(Garden State) 亚拉巴马(Alabama): 棉花州(Cotton State);黄锤州(Yellow Hammer State);狄西的心脏 (Heart of Dixie) 亚利桑那(Arizona): 大峡谷州(Great Canyon State);落日州(Sunset State) 依阿华(Iowa): 鹰眼州(Hawkeye State) 伊利诺斯(Illinois): 林肯的故乡(Land of Lin coln);草原州(Prairie State) 印第安纳(Indiana): 好大州(Hoosier State) 佐治亚(Georgia): 南方帝国(Empire State of the South);桃州(Peach State)
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