首页 细胞分割算法研究方法综述



细胞分割算法研究方法综述细胞分割算法研究方法综述 【摘要】随着现代科技的发展,用计算机处理细胞在医学诊断和 医学图像处理领域有着重要的作用。细胞分割是细胞特征提取和细 胞识别的基础,从医学图像中分割出精准的细胞图像是目前极具挑 战性的课题。在细胞的自动识别的研究中产生了有效的分割算法的 需求,人们提出了不同的分割算法根据图像的不同特征,如阈值法, 分水岭算法等。本文对细胞分割的各种方法进行比较分析,详细阐 述各种方法的优缺点,并对以后各种细胞分割方法结合使用有重要 意义。 【关键词】细胞分割;分割算法;比较分析 survey:the...

细胞分割算法研究方法综述 【摘要】随着现代科技的发展,用计算机处理细胞在医学诊断和 医学图像处理领域有着重要的作用。细胞分割是细胞特征提取和细 胞识别的基础,从医学图像中分割出精准的细胞图像是目前极具挑 战性的课题。在细胞的自动识别的研究中产生了有效的分割算法的 需求,人们提出了不同的分割算法根据图像的不同特征,如阈值法, 分水岭算法等。本文对细胞分割的各种方法进行比较分析,详细阐 述各种方法的优缺点,并对以后各种细胞分割方法结合使用有重要 意义。 【关键词】细胞分割;分割算法;比较分析 survey:the research method of cells segmentation algorithm chen aibin,jiang xia (central south university of forestry & technology,college of computer science,hunan changsha 410004,china) abstract:with the development of modern technology,computer processing cells plays an important role in medical diagnostics and medical image processing.cell division is cellular feature extraction and recognition foundation.segmentation of accurate medical images is challenging task from the cell image.automatic identification of the cells produced a study of the demand for effective segmentation.people made a different image feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over segmentation algorithms based on different characteristics,such as the threshold,a watershed algorithm.in this paper,various methods of cell division system analysis,and detail the advantages and disadvantages of each methods. key words:cell division;segmentation algorithm;comparative analysis 1.引言 图像分割是根据图像的某些特征或特征相似的集合,对图像进行分组聚类,把图像分成若干个特定的,有意义的区域并提取出感兴趣的目标技术和过程。它使图像高级处理阶段的图像分析和图像识别等处理过程的数据量大大减少,并保留图像结构的重要信息。细胞分割的精度对细胞分割有重要作用,它的好坏直接影响细胞分析。细胞分割到今天仍没有取得圆满成功的几个重要原因是:(1)细胞图像很复杂,不仅有白血细胞、红细胞和血小板还有其它东西,而且根据白细胞的成熟程度不同可以分为20多种不同的类别。(2)细胞图像经常受染色不均匀,光照不一致的影响,导致灰度值发生变化。(3)细胞图像经常重叠,没有明显的边界。(4)细胞的大小变化很大,细胞核的形状各种各样。这些使得细胞分割是一个困难和富有挑战的任务。所以,我们有必要针对医学图像这个领域对细胞图像分割方法进行研究。本文对细胞分割的各种方法进行系统分析。 2.常用的图像分割方法 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 为了解决医学图像细胞分割的难题,多年来许多研究人员做了大量的工作,研究出了很多有用的分割方法。随着阈值分割,活动轮廓,边缘检测和形态学等方法在图像分割中广泛应用,活动轮廓,多光谱等新出现的算法也不断的用于解决细胞分割的问题,国内外学者针对一些具体应用的医学图像分割提出了不少好的分割方法。 2.1 基于阈值分割的方法 阈值分割法是一种基于区域的图像分割技术,其基本原理是:通过设定不同的特征阈值,把图像象素点分为若干类。常用的特征包括:直接来自原始图像的灰度或彩色特征;由原始灰度或彩色值变换得到的特征。阈值选取方法有多种,如mode法、otsu法、熵方法、p-tile法和最小误差法等。由于阈值分割算法原理简单,计算量比较小,但它依赖阈值的选择,广泛的应用于早期的细胞分割。在目标和背景差异比较大的图像可以用全局阈值,柯行斌,王汝传[1]在已经经过预处理的图像上用全局阈值分割白血细胞,发现比匹配法分割的效果好一些。而细胞的胞浆和背景相差不大,因此用单一的阈值分割很难取得很好的效果。王任挥[2]提出用最大信息熵原理来确定多阈值分割彩色细胞,能基本区分细胞的细胞核、细胞浆及背景区域,但不能得到清晰的细胞轮廓。由于多阈值一般是设置两个值,而细胞图像一般比较复杂,很难得到明显的双峰的直方图,这就需要设置局部阈值。局部阈值分割法是将原始图像划分成较小的图像,并对每个子图像选取相应的阈值。自适应阈值可以根据特征不同产生不同的合适的阈值,因此适合分割处理大多数图 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 像。马保国,乔玲玲[3]提出的自适应阈值分割,先对图像各像素进行梯度计算,然后局部用最大类间方差法分割。这种算法对有噪声的白血细胞图像也能取得一定的效果。下列图1对四个图的细胞对比阈值分割的效果。总的来说,阈值分割只考虑灰度信息没有考虑空间信息,不适用于多通道图像,也不适用于特征值相差不大的图像,并且对噪声和灰度不均匀敏感。 2.2 分水岭分割 分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构筑大坝,即形成分水岭。在细胞处理过程中,由于设备或人为原因,有时候会出现细胞粘连程度分布不均匀的情况,这样分割起来很困难,分水岭算法经常用于处理这类问题。丁宏和王泽提出用先对细胞图像用距离变换和对种子点改进,再用分水岭算法分割,如果种子定位精确的情况下,粘连的细胞分割能取得很好的效果。分水岭算法直观,快速,可以并行处理并具有分割精度高的优点。但用分水岭方法进行图像分割时,容易造成图像的过度分割而且对噪声特别敏感。一般都通过对图像进行预处理和区域合并的改进来抑制图feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 像过分分割。谢文娟[4]等提出采用形态学基本运算,运用交替序贯滤波对白血细胞图像进行滤波处理,然后采用多尺度形态梯度代替形态学梯度。利用开重建细胞图像,减少极小值标记点,减少过分割产生的区域。通过对白血细胞预处理的改进,有效的解决噪音引起的白血细胞过分分割。包振健,邸 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 灵[5]提出一种混合的分水岭策略来分割骨髓细胞图像,它是用标记的形态学重建和基于区域相似度的区域合并算法来克服分水岭对标记点敏感的缺点。针对分水岭算法的缺点并结合自身的研究需求,许多学者提出4种方法对其进行改进,预处理滤波,这个主要是在预处理消除图像噪声,标记、区域合并和其它方法,后面这三种方法主要是针对过分分割这一优点进行改进。图2为标记分水岭算法实验效果。 2.3 基于模糊理论算法分割 有些分割方法很容易产生过分分割,如上面提到的分水岭算法,而模糊聚类分割算法就很好弥补了这一方面的缺失。模糊聚类是根据事物间的相似性进行区分和分类的过程,它将数据划分为不同组或类的过程,并使同一个组内的数据对象具有较高的相似程度,而且不同组中的数据对象则是不相似。模糊理论算法中最常用的是模糊c-均值聚类算法,模糊c均值聚类(fcm),是用隶属度确定每个数据点属于某个聚类的程度的一种聚类算法。模糊c均值聚类算法的优点是运算简单,收敛比较快,适合处理数据量大的图像,它的缺点是对初始中心很敏感,易陷入局部极小值而难收敛到聚类中 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 心。用模糊c均值处理图像一般采用改进的c均值聚类算法,或者用c均值聚类算法和别的算法结合使用,这样可以扬长避短。s.chinwaraphat[6]提出改进fcm算法消除由于散射或假的聚类造成不明颜色或像素之间的相似性和等离子体胞质背景。nipon theera-umpon[7]用模糊c均值聚类方法对细胞过份分割,然后再结合形态学对细胞进行开与闭运算去除小孔和平滑边缘。下面图3为此方法自动分割和用手动分割图的比较。聚类算法中还有一个常用的是k均值聚类。eunsang bak,kayvannajarian[8]提出k均值聚类算法和自适应阈值分割方法结合使用分割细胞,由实验结果得出分割效果比较好。现在研究人员主要研究是模糊聚类算法如何优化初始中心和如何不陷入局部最小值。 myeloblast promylocyte myelocyte mctamyclocyte band pmn 2.4 基于可形变模型的方法 可形变模型最初用来解决计算机视觉和计算机图像的一种方法,但很快就被应用到医学图像细胞处理技术中,如边缘检测,匹配等等。可形变模型可以分为参数可形变模型和几何可形变模型。参数可形变模型就是把研究的曲线或曲面直接表示出来,它可以对模型直接干预,并且可以为快速实时应用提供紧凑的表达形式,但不可以改变模型的拓扑结构。而几何可形变模型容易实现拓扑学的变化,容易空间维数扩展。细胞分割常用的可形变模型有参数型的snake算法和几何型的水平集算法。传统的可形变模型的缺陷是运算量大,难收敛于凹形区域。snake模型是通过寻找自身能量函数feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 的极小值,这个值是由内部和外部函数获得,使曲线由初始区域向目标真实轮廓靠近并调整形状以逼近目标轮廓的算法。所以基于参数的活动轮廓算法的缺点是对初始轮廓的要求很高,优点是整个算法就是一个特征提取的过程。一般对参数形轮廓进行改进,一方面会针对获得高质量的初始轮廓进行改进,另一方面对外部能量算法进行改进以便有效指引关键点朝着正确的目标方向运动。杨谊[9]提出基于snake模型的细胞图像分割新方法研究就是从这两方面分别进行改进的。farnoosh sadeghian,zainina seman[10]也是先对细胞图像先预处理再用canny算子进行边缘检测,然后才用改进的gvf snake获取清晰的边缘,如图4。水平集活动轮廓对初始轮廓并不很敏感但它的收敛速度比较慢。传统的水平集分割比较适合分割不粘在一起的细胞,而yayunzhou[11]提出的多相水平集能较好的分割粘连细胞,并提出改进水平集收敛于mumford-shah函数以提高收敛速度。 2.5 其它分割方法 除了上面提到的细胞分割算法,还有遗传算法,形态学,区域增长,光谱算法等。 遗传算法是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。它的优点是有很好的收敛性,计算时间少,鲁棒性。缺点是不可以很好的处理大规模计算量的问题。候振杰,潘新[12]提出一种基于熵的遗传聚类算法。用遗传算法和聚类分析及熵结合分割 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 骨髓细胞。 数学形态学是由一组形态学的代数运算子组成的,它的基本运算有4个:膨胀、腐蚀、开启和闭合,它们在二值图像和灰度图像中各有特点。基于这些基本运算还可推导和组合成各种数学形态学实用算法,用它们可以进行图像形状和结构的分析及处理。孙万蓉,俞卞章[13]提出用形态金字塔分割细胞图像,再用流域算法对低分辨率图像进行分割,然后再复合得到原始图像。 区域增长算法一般和别的算法结合一起使用,单独分割效果很差。王瑞胡[14]提出用自适应曲面多尺度曲面拟合的方法,对腐蚀图像得到的种子区域进行拟合和区域生长。在分水岭算法中有时也用到区域增长算法。由于遗传算法计算量很大而且分割效果不是很好,一般和其它的算法结合使用。 多光谱算法郭宁宁[15][16]提出的多光谱算法和其它算法不同,它更依赖于硬件设备,是一种新颖的分割方法。它把光谱图像看成一个三维的图像表示光谱信息和空间信息,不同的灰度对应不同的波长,得到唯一的光谱曲线。再用支持向量机分割图像。xuqing wu,shishir k.shah[17]提出自下而上和自上而下的条件随机域模型,它不仅从光谱域来考虑还从空间域考虑分割。 3.多种方法结合 细胞分割的算法有很多,但每种算法都有各自的优缺点,单独用于分割的时候算法均不是很理想。所以现在很多的学者把多种算法结合利用,取其所长,避其所短,这样得到的分割效果就大大的提feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 高,但它的缺点是运算量特别的大。蔡隽[17]提出先用his空间中的s饱和度分割细胞核,然后利用连通域标记法得到白细胞个数确定细胞窗再用改进的流域算法得到细胞浆的粗分割并用它作为细胞的初始轮廓,再用改进的gvf算法得到细胞的精确分割。这样子分割出来的细胞准确率高,鲁棒性好但运算时间特别长。farnoosh sadeghian,zainina seman[9]用canny算子进行边缘检测,然后用gvf snake获取清晰的边缘,分割细胞质是用zack阈值分割,并且在这算法中还用到形态学里的开与闭运算。j.cheewatanon,t.leauhatong[19]提出用mean shift滤波方法去除噪音,保持很好的细胞结构边缘,再用cie lab彩色空间用区域增长的方法进行分割,再用活动轮廓提出提取白血细胞的边界。 4. 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 与展望 细胞分割的算法有很多,但每种算法都有各自的优缺点,单独用于分割的时候算法均不是很理想。所以现在很多的学者把多种算法结合利用,取其所长,避其所短,这样得到的分割效果就大大的提高,但它的缺点是运算量特别的大。蔡隽[17]提出先用his空间中的s饱和度分割细胞核,然后利用连通域标记法得到白细胞个数确定细胞窗再用改进的流域算法得到细胞浆的粗分割并用它作为细胞的初始轮廓,再用改进的gvf算法得到细胞的精确分割。这样子分割出来的细胞准确率高,鲁棒性好但运算时间特别长。farnoosh sadeghian,zainina seman[8]用canny算子进行边缘检测,然后用gvf snake获取清晰的边缘,分割细胞质是用zack阈值分割, feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 并且在这算法中还用到形态学里的开与闭运算。j.cheewatanon,t.leauhatong[18]提出用mean shift滤波方法去除噪音,保持很好的细胞结构边缘,再用cie lab彩色空间用区域增长的方法进行分割,再用活动轮廓提出提取白血细胞的边界。 通过对医学领域白血细胞中常用的图像分割算法比较,系统分析各种算法的优缺点。近年来,许多研究人员致力于研究白血细胞分割算法,并出了很多的研究成果。但由于白血细胞分割本身的困难,至今还没有一种通用算法分割细胞图像。除了细胞结构的复杂性,准确率要求必须很高。虽然细胞分割取得一定的成就,但面对临床应用的准确率还是远远不够的。人们逐渐认识到任何一种算法单独分割都难达到很好的效果,在不断的研究和改进某种算法和创新算法的同时也注重多种算法结合使用,并研究怎么样结合才能突出各自的优点。同时三维甚至多维的彩色图像分割技术也一直受到人们的关注。在彩色图像中能够提取到的信息量比灰度图像更为丰富,有利于后续的研究。近年来由用户参与控制、引导的交互式分割方法技术在医学图像分割中正受到越来越多的人关注。目前人们仍在继续研究更先进的成像技术和更复杂的图像处理算法。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over
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