errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 2) query($sql) or printf("State"/> errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 2) query($sql) or printf("State"/>
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mysql存储过程学习笔记--php应用_l8v4g4s2e0的空间_mysql存储过程学习笔记--php应用_l8v4g4s2e0的空间_ 点烟看寂寞燃烧 孤单了,点支香烟,静静的看着它在指尖燃烧殆尽. 烟之点燃,是为了燃烧一切的寂寞. 连接数据库 错误检查 1) query($sql) <> TRUE) { printf("Statement failed %d: (%s) %s\n" ,$mysqli->errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 2) query($sql) or printf("State...

mysql存储过程学习笔记--php应用_l8v4g4s2e0的空间_ 点烟看寂寞燃烧 孤单了,点支香烟,静静的看着它在指尖燃烧殆尽. 烟之点燃,是为了燃烧一切的寂寞. 连接数据库 错误检查 1) query($sql) <> TRUE) { printf("Statement failed %d: (%s) %s\n" ,$mysqli->errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 2) query($sql) or printf("Statement failed %d: (%s) %s\n" ,$mysqli->errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); ?> 3) query($sql); if ($mysqli->errno <> 0 ) { printf("Statement failed %d: (%s) %s\n" ,$mysqli->errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 简单无返回查询 query("CREATE TABLE guy_1 (guys_integers INT)"); if ($mysqli->errno <> 0 ) { printf("Statement failed %d: (%s) %s\n" ,$mysqli->errno,$mysqli->sqlstate,$mysqli->error); } ?> 返回结果集fetch_object 95000 AND department_id=1 AND status='G'"; $results=$mysqli->query($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) { die ($mysqli->errno." ".$mysqli->error); } while($row=$results->fetch_object( )) { printf("%d\t%s\t%d\n",$row->employee_id,$row->surname,$row->salary); } ?> 使用fetch_row返回结果集 95000 AND department_id=1 AND status='G'"; $results=$mysqli->query($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) { die ($mysqli->errno." ".$mysqli->error); } while($row=$results->fetch_row( )) { printf("%d\t%s\t%d\n",$row[0],$row[1],$row[2]); } ?> 事务管理 autocommit(FALSE); $mysqli->query("UPDATE account_balance SET balance=balance-$tfer_amount WHERE account_id=$from_account"); if ($mysqli->errno) { printf("transaction aborted: %s\n",$mysqli->error); $mysqli->rollback( ); } else { $mysqli->query("UPDATE account_balance SET balance=balance+$tfer_amount WHERE account_id=$to_account"); if ($mysqli->errno) { printf("transaction aborted: %s\n",$mysqli->error); $mysqli->rollback( ); } else { printf("transaction succeeded\n"); $mysqli->commit( ); } } ?> prepare语句 prepare("INSERT INTO x VALUES(?,?)") or die($mysqli->error); $insert_stmt->bind_param("is", $my_number,$my_string); #i=integer for ($my_number = 1; $my_number <= 10; $my_number++) { $my_string="row ".$my_number; $insert_stmt->execute( ) or die ($insert_stmt->error); } $insert_stmt->close( ); ?> 从prepared语句中返回结果集 prepare($sql); if ($mysqli->errno<>0) {die($mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error);} $stmt->bind_param("is",$input_department_id,$input_status) or die($stmt-error); $stmt->bind_result( $employee_id,$surname,$firstname) or die($stmt->error); $input_department_id=1; $input_status='G'; $stmt->execute( ); if ($mysqli->errno<>0) {die($stmt.errno.": ".$stmt->error) ;} while ($stmt->fetch( )) { printf("%s %s %s\n", $employee_id,$surname,$firstname); } ?> 获得 Metadata结果集 result_metadata( ); $field_cnt = $metadata->field_count; while ($colinfo = $metadata->fetch_field( )) { printf("Column: %s\n", $colinfo->name); printf("max. Len: %d\n", $colinfo->max_length); printf("Type: %d\n\n", $colinfo->type); } ?> 调用无结果集的存储过程 query($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) { die("Execution failed: ".$mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error); } else { printf("Stored procedure execution succeeded\n"); } ?> 返回单个结果集的存储过程 query($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) { die("Execution failed: ".$mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error); } while ($row = $results->fetch_object( )) { printf("%s\t%s\n", $row->department_name, $row->location); } ?> 有输进参数和返回结果集的存储过程 prepare($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) {die($mysqli->errno.":: ".$mysqli->error);} $stmt->bind_param("i", $in_sales_rep_id); $in_sales_rep_id = 1; $stmt->execute( ); if ($mysqli->errno) {die($mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error);} $stmt->bind_result($customer_id,$customer_name); while ($stmt->fetch( )) { printf("%d %s \n", $customer_id,$customer_name); } ?> 输出参数的处理 prepare($sql); if ($mysqli->errno) {die($mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error);} $stmt->execute( ); if ($mysqli->errno) {die($mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error);} $stmt->close( ); $results = $mysqli->query("SELECT @customer_count AS customer_count"); $row = $results->fetch_object( ); printf("Customer count=%d\n",$row->cus百杰tome爱看小说r_count); ?> 多结果集处理 multi_query($query)) { $result = $mysqli->store_result( ); while ($row = $result->fetch_object( )) { printf("%d %s %s\n",$row->employee_id,$row->surname,$row->firstname); } $mysqli->next_result( ); $result = $mysqli->store_result( ); while ($row = $resu免备案空间lt->fetch_object( )) { printf("%d %s \n",$row->customer_id,$row->customer_name); } } ?> 不确定结果集数的处理 multi_query($query)) { do { if ($result = $mysqli->store_result( )) { while ($finfo = $result->fetch_field( )) { printf("%s\t", $finfo->name); } printf("\n"); while ($row = $result->fetch_row( )) { for ($i=0;$i<$result->field_count;$i++) { printf("%s\t", $row[$i]); } printf("\n"); } $result->close( ); } } while ($mysqli->next_result()); } ?> PDO 连接数据库 word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 = 'secret'; try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password); } catch (PDOException $e) { die('Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage( )); } print "Connected\n"; ?> 简单查询 exec($sql); ?> $rows=$dbh->exec("INSERT INTO my_numbers VALUES (1), (2), (3)"); printf("%d rows inserted\n",$rows); ?> 错误处理 exec($sql); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { $error_array=$dbh->errorInfo( ); printf("SQLSTATE : %s\n",$error_array[0]); printf("MySQL error code : %s\n",$error_array[1]); printf("Message : %s\n",$error_array[2]); } ?>
exec($sql); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { die("Error: ".implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))."\n"); } ?> 事务管理 beginTransaction( ); $dbh->exec("UPDATE account_balance SET balance=balance- $tfer_amount WHERE account_id=$from_account"); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { printf("transaction aborted: %s\n",implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))); $dbh->rollback( ); } else { $dbh->exec("UPDATE account_balance SET balance=balance+$tfer_amount WHERE account_id=$to_account"); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { printf("transaction aborted: %s\n",implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))); $dbh->rollback( ); } else { printf("transaction succeeded\n"); $dbh->commit( ); } } ?> 结果集处理 query($sql) as $row) { printf("%d \t %s\n",$row['department_id'],$row['department_name']); } ?> query($sql) as $row) { printf("%d \t %s\n",$row[0],$row[1]); } ?> prepare语句 prepare($sql); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); ?> 从prepare语句中返回结果集 prepare($sql) or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); while($row=$sth->fetch( )) { printf("%d \t %s \n",$row['department_id'],$row['department_name']); } ?> 为prepare绑定数据 prepare($sql); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') {7711站长团购 die("Error: ".implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))."\n"); } $sth->bindParam(':sales_rep_id', $sales_rep_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->bindParam(':surname', $surname, PDO::PARAM_STR, 30); $sales_rep_id=41; $surname = 'SMITH'; $sth->execute( ); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { die("Error: ".implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))."\n"); } while($row=$sth->fetch( )) { printf("%d %s \n",$row['customer_id'],$row['customer_name']); } ?> 查询 metadata prepare("SELECT employee_id,surname,date_of_birth FROM employees where employee_id=1"); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); $cols=$sth->columnCount( ); for ($i=0; $i<$cols ;$i++) { $metadata=$sth->getColumnMeta($i); printf("\nDetails for column %d\n",$i+1); printf(" Name: %s\n",$metadata["name"]); printf(" Datatype: %s\n",$metadata["native_type"]); printf(" Length: %d\n",$metadata["len"]); printf(" Precision: %d\n",$metadata["precision"]); } ?> 执行简单存储过程 exec($sql); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { die("Error: ".implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))."\n"); } ?> 单个结果集的存储过程 query($sql) as $row) { printf("%d \t %s\n",$row[0],$row[1]); } ?> prepare($sql) or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); while($row=$sth->fetch( )) { printf("%s \t %s \n",$row['department_name'],$row['location']); } ?> 绑定输进参数 prepare($sql); if ($dbh->errorCode( )<>'00000') { die("Error: ".implode(': ',$dbh->errorInfo( ))."\n"); } $sth->bindParam(':sales_rep_id', $sales_rep_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->bindParam(':surname', $surname, PDO::PARAM_STR, 30); $sales_rep_id=41; $surname = 'SMITH'; $sth->execute( ); ?> 多结果集处理 prepare("call stored_proc_with_2_results( $employee_id )"); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); while ($row1=$sth->fetch( )) { printf("%d %s %s\n",$row1['employee_id'],$row1['surname'],$row1['firs tname']); } $sth->nextRowset( ); while ($row2=$sth->fetch( )) { printf("%d %s \n",$row2['customer_id'],$row2['customer_name']); } ?> 不确定结果集数目的处理 CREATE PROCEDURE sp_employee_report(in_emp_id decimal(8,0)) READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE customer_count INT; SELECT surname,firstname,date_of_birth FROM employees WHERE employee_id=in_emp_id; SELECT department_id,department_name FROM departments WHERE department_id=(select department_id FROM employees WHERE employee_id=in_emp_id); SELECT count(*) INTO customer_count FROM customers WHERE sales_rep_id=in_emp_id; IF customer_count=0 THEN SELECT 'Employee is not a current sales rep'; ELSE SELECT customer_name,customer_status FROM customers HERE sales_rep_id=in_emp_id; SELECT customer_name,sum(sale_value) FROM sales JOIN customers USING (customer_id) WHERE customers.sales_rep_id=in_emp_id GROUP BY customer_name; END IF; prepare($sql_text); $sth->execute() or die(implode(':', $sth->errorInfo( ))); do { if ($sth->columnCount( ) > 0) { //是结果集 //输出字段名 for ($i = 0; $i < $sth->columnCount( ); $i ++) { $meta = $sth->getColumnMeta($i); printf("%s\t", $meta["name"]); } printf("\n"); while ($row = $sth->fetch( )) { for ($i = 0; $i < $sth->columnCount( ); $i ++) { printf("%s\t", $row[$i]); } printf("\n"); } printf("-------------------\n"); } } while ($sth->nextRowset( )); } ?> ( ))); ?> 不使用bindParam获得输出参数 prepare($sql); $sth->execute() or die (implode(':',$sth->errorInfo( ))); $sql="SELECT @customer_count"; foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) { printf("Customer count=%d\n",$row[0]); } ?> 中国最大的站长团购网站 中国最大的小说网站 我在财富杂志上看到一款旺道SEO网站优化软件,上面介绍了一些关于网站优化
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