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破窗效应(Broken window effect)


破窗效应(Broken window effect)破窗效应(Broken window effect) 破窗效应(Broken window effect) 破窗效应 破窗效应(打破Pane Law) 破窗效应:及时矫正和补救正在发生的问题。 [编辑]破窗效应的由来 美国斯坦福大学心理学家菲利普?辛巴杜(Philip Zimbardo)于1969年进行了一项实验,他找来两辆一模一样的汽车,把其中的一辆停在加州帕洛阿尔托的中产阶级社区,而另一辆停在相对杂乱的纽约布朗克斯区。停在布朗克斯的那辆,他把车牌摘掉,把顶棚打开,结果当天就被偷走了。而放在帕洛阿尔托...

破窗效应(Broken window effect)
破窗效应(Broken window effect) 破窗效应(Broken window effect) 破窗效应 破窗效应(打破Pane Law) 破窗效应:及时矫正和补救正在发生的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 [编辑]破窗效应的由来 美国斯坦福大学心理学家菲利普?辛巴杜(Philip Zimbardo)于1969年进行了一项实验,他找来两辆一模一样的汽车,把其中的一辆停在加州帕洛阿尔托的中产阶级社区,而另一辆停在相对杂乱的纽约布朗克斯区。停在布朗克斯的那辆,他把车牌摘掉,把顶棚打开,结果当天就被偷走了。而放在帕洛阿尔托的那一辆,一个星期也无人理睬。后来,辛巴杜用锤子把那辆车的玻璃敲了个大洞。结果呢,仅仅过了几个小时,它就不见了。以这项实验为基础,政治学家威尔逊和犯罪学家凯琳提出了一个”破窗效应”理论,认为:如果有人打坏了一幢建筑物的窗户玻璃,而这扇窗户又得不到及时的维修,别人就可能受到某些暗示性的纵容去打烂更多的窗户。久而久之,这些破窗户就给人造成一种无序的感觉结果在这种公众麻木不仁的氛围中,犯罪就会滋生、繁荣。 管理定律 我续 安慰剂效应卢维斯定理 阿尔巴德定理蓝斯登定律 暗箱模式蓝斯登原则 阿尔布莱特法则垃圾桶理论 阿姆斯特朗法则蓝柏格定理 阿什法则雷鲍夫法则 艾奇布恩定理懒蚂蚁效应 阿罗的不可能 定理牢骚效应 艾德华定理洛克忠告 艾科卡用人法则拉图尔定律 阿伦森效应鲁尼恩定律 暗示效应拉锯效应 安泰效应M 氨基酸组合效应木桶原理 B墨菲定律 彼得原理蘑菇管理定律 不值得定律马太效应 贝尔效应名片效应 保龄球效应米格- 25效应 布里特定理马蝇效应 比伦定律末位淘汰法则 柏林定律麦克莱兰定律 巴菲特定律目标置换效应 彼得斯定律梅考克法则 白德巴定理摩斯科定理 布利丹效应美即好效应 波特定律马斯洛理论 布利斯定理曼狄诺定律 波特法则冒进现象 布朗定律毛毛虫效应 伯恩斯定律摩尔定律 布利斯原则木桶歪论 名人效应 拜伦法则n 冰淇淋哲学鲶鱼效应 比林定律南风法则 邦尼人力定律尼伦伯格原则 玻璃天花板效应凝聚效应 巴纳姆效应纳尔逊原则 半途效应希尔十七项 成功原则 贝尔纳效应鸟笼效应 贝勃规律O 边际效应奥卡姆剃刀定律 菠菜法则奥格威法则 标签效应奥狄思法则 杯子理论奥美原则 弼马瘟效应欧弗斯托原则 搬铁块试验P C螃蟹效应 长尾理论帕累托法则 刺猬法则帕金森定律 长鞭效应皮格马利翁效应 磁石法则破窗效应 磁力法则皮尔斯定律 蔡戈尼效应皮京顿定理 从众效应皮尔?卡丹定理 权威效应披头士法则 蔡格尼克记忆效应攀比效应 超限效应Q 全球化链条定律群体压力 传染效应乔布斯法则 参与定律犬獒效应 成事定理青蛙法则 拆屋效应乔治定理 出丑效应秋尾法则 D强手法则 多米诺骨牌效应齐加尼克效应 达维多定律情绪效应 倒金字塔管理法R 定位法则热炉法则 大荣法则柔性管理法则 杜利奥定理儒佛尔定律 杜根定律洛克定律 迪斯忠告人性定理 灯塔效应|锐化效应 达维多夫定律S 德尼摩定律三强鼎立法则 杜嘉法则手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 定律 杜邦定律水坝式经营法 登门槛效应首因效应 叠补丁效应生态位法则 等待效应 德西效应 狄伦多定律 多看效应 E生鱼片理论 250定律隧道视野效应 恶魔效应 F 500强企业经 典管理法则 弗洛斯特法则双木桶理论 失真效应 适才适所法则 飞轮效应史坦普定理 弗里施法则史华兹论断 肥皂水效应舍恩定理 凡勃伦效应史提尔定律 Farrell principle of Steiner theorem Fesno theorem Griffith rule "4+2" rule The rejuvenation effect of thinking inertia effect Feedback effect; social loafing effect Counter cask principle; Su Dongpo effect Freud forest slip effect G sage theory Reputation magnetic field Halo effect T Gresham's law Tongren law body language The old theorem; flea effect Treme's head of communication effect Management communication theory kick cat effect Communication infinity theory Goodman's theorem, Terry's law Good law; nail effect Grignard effect Gufeng soup effect principle Fruit effect that Troy Excessive cause effect; projective effect Excessive learning effect Functional fixation theory of head fish Sensory deprivation, experiment, ostrich policy Spade test Attitude change- Candy experiment W Wang Yongqing's law of emotional effects Symbiosis effect of Wei Terai law Cooper Werwilson law theory H Wilder theorem Flowerpots effect, Weng lattice, Marie effect Peanut test Environment poised Black hole effect The butterfly effect woersen rule Hawthorne effect, Walton's law The laws of cooperation in Washington, Watson's law The monkey Wang judgment theory Reciprocity law, Welch principle Jay Henry's law No discount rule for ocean tide effect Hengshan law, Wortmann's law Hayne's law, weapon effect The law of monkeys and elephants X A new rule of law of cask Confidence gained White's law, law of slope, sphere Shapiro Hamer law law Bad apple rule, West Point Classical law Hobson, choice effect, hope effect Heinrich's rule; vanity effect Harmony theorem Y Hello effect; herd effect theory J "100-1=0" law Wine and sewage law fish bowl theory The law of doubling influences the world The 100 law Goldfish bowl effect; ant colony effect Ziegler theorem, Jacobs theorem Gilbert's law, imprinting effect Theorem 150 law jig Ji Delin's law, Yerkes-Dodson rule Competitive advantage effect; Johnson effect Prison role simulation Experimental mallard spirit Ratchet effect Recency effect Empirical logic Inference effect; advantage enrichment; effect Metal cutting test; delay meet; experiment K law of causation Harsh Cena's law, heterosexual psychology Occer goose effect Opposite sex effect brewing effect Ownership effect Kanter's law, Z About the law of pig game theory Carych theorem, crash theory Covey theorem, philosophy of water supply Kalzen's theorem, boiling frog effect Stereotypic effect; self eating; cub effect L self reference effect Renier effect; self selection effect Zero sum game theory of tent Kolmogorov theorem; maximum temperature effect Jansen's effect Renier effect; responsibility dispersion; effect Cockroach effect Seat comfort [editor] [Edit] performance of broken window effect In our daily life often have such an experience: the table property, open doors, may cause the greed of the people without greed; for violation of the provisions of the company or the program behavior, the organization has not seriously, did not cause the attention of employees, so that even the repeated occurrence of similar behavior again; for the work is not cost effective, leading to a waste not to regard it as right behavior of employees, subordinates are not corrected, it is becoming more and more serious. Wait。 A house if the window is broken, no one to repair, not long before, the other windows will be rather baffling to break a wall; if there is some graffiti is not clean, out of order, not fit to be seen things filled quickly on the wall. And in a very clean place, people will be very embarrassed to throw garbage, but once there is garbage on the ground, people will not hesitate to litter everywhere, no shame. This is the "broken window effect" performance. Institutionalized construction has become commonplace in enterprise management. However, the reality is often that the system is more effective and less effective. In the long run, the development of enterprises will be awkward. Employees of the company in the "petty evil" behavior, managers should arouse sufficient attention, the appropriate time to Big deal, so as to prevent people to follow. The United States has a company, although not large, but very few employees fired squid known. One day, Jerry worked for a while in the senior latheman cutting machine, the cutting knife before the protective baffle plate to unload on one side. There is no guard plate, Although the security risks were hidden, it would be easier and quicker to charge the processing parts so that Jerry would be able to finish 2/3 of the parts before the noon break. Unfortunately, Jerry's behavior was accidentally walked into the workshop, the director of the patrol caught caught. In charge of thunder rage, so that he immediately put on the protective board, and then stood there shouting for a long time, and claimed to void Jerry all day work. On the second day of work, Jerry was told to meet his boss. The boss said: "as an old employee, you should know better than anyone what safety means to the company.". Today you little finished parts, little profits, companies can change an individual to change them up, but once the accident, you lose the health and life of the company never afford compensation....... Leaving the company that day, Jerry shed tears, worked for several years, Jerry had scenery, there have been unsatisfactory places, but the company never said no to him. But this time, Jerry knew it was the company's soul this time. In the management practice, managers must be alert to those seemingly minor, minor, but violated the core values of the "small mistake", and adhere to strict management according to law. "Qianlizhidi, ulcer in the colony". The first broken glass window can cause irreparable damage if it is not repaired in time. The revelation of "broken window effect" Bratton, the traffic police chief of New York, was inspired by the broken window theory. The New York subway is considered "can do whatever they want, lawless place", according to the New York subway soaring crime rate, Bratton is called on all the measures taken by the police to seriously promote the "quality of life" of the law, he with "broken window theory" as a teacher, although the major criminal cases for subway station is increasing, but he to combat evasion. The results showed that each of the seven interview, have a wanted criminal; every twenty to them, there is a lethal weapon. The results from the catch to the subway station, the crime rate has dropped significantly improved security. His practice shows that small, small, little evil is a hotbed of violent crime. Because of these seemingly small but symbolic violations of the rectification, but greatly reduce the criminal offense. In Japan, there is a quality management campaign called red card warfare. Japanese companies will have the oil, not clean equipment affixed with a warning meaning "red card", the office and workshop corner shelter evil people and countenance evil practices also posted "red card", in order to promote its rapid change, so as to make the workplace clean and tidy, create a comfortable and orderly working atmosphere. Under such a positive cue, as time goes by, everyone follows the rules and works conscientiously. Practice has proved that the neatness of this phenomenon plays a very important role in guaranteeing the product quality of enterprises. From the "broken window effect", we can get such a reason: a bad phenomenon, have passed a kind of information, the unlimited expansion of information will lead to undesirable phenomenon, at the same time must be vigilant that appear to be accidental, individual and minor "fault", if not on this kind of behavior indifferent, unresponsive or blind, correct, more people will indulge "to break more windows, it is likely to evolve into" qianlizhidi, collapse in Yixue "consequences.
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