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王明华模拟试题10王明华模拟试题10 2011年初中学业水平模拟考试 历 史 试 题(八) 2011年4月 本试题分第?卷(选择题)和第?卷(非选择题)两部分。第?卷1,3页,第?卷4,6页,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 注意事项: 1(答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型填涂在试题和答题卡的指定位置,考试结束,将试题和答题卡一并交回。 2(第?卷选出答案后,将其字母代号用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的对应位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。 3(第?卷用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷中...

王明华模拟试题10 2011年初中学业水平模拟考试 历 史 试 题(八) 2011年4月 本试题分第?卷(选择题)和第?卷(非选择题)两部分。第?卷1,3页,第?卷4,6页,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 注意事项: 1(答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型填涂在试题和答题卡的指定位置,考试结束,将试题和答题卡一并交回。 2(第?卷选出答案后,将其字母代号用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的对应位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。 3(第?卷用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷中。 第?卷(选择题 共40分) 一、选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题2分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的。 1.商鞅变法,遭到旧贵族反对的措施是: A.改革土地所有制 B.重农抑商 C.奖励军功 D.严明法令 2.秦始皇和汉武帝为了巩固统一,对儒家的态度完全相反,其实质都是: A. 加强对思想的控制 B.独裁统治 C.加强对人民的控制 D.都是反对“百家争鸣” 3.新疆自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分。下面对新疆管理的说法不正确的是: A. 公元前60年,西汉设立西域都护 B. 唐朝设立安西都护府 C.清朝政府设立伊犁将军 D.新中国今天设立新疆省 4.宋代绘画风格多样,风俗画日益增多。宋代旷世名作、风俗画《清明上河图》的作者是: A.阎立本 B.宋徽宗 C.李公麟 D.张择端 5.他是清朝著名的金石学家,是潍坊的骄傲,他历经40年完成了《十钟山房印举》,被誉为“印谱之冠,印学之宗”,他是: A.晏婴 B.郑板桥 C.赵明诚 D.陈介祺 6.下列是人民英雄纪念碑上的部分浮雕,其中与林则徐有关的是: A B C D 7.2011年七月一日是中国共产党成立多少周年: A. 88 B. 89 C. 90 D.91 8.下列关联不正确的是: attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability A.农圣——贾思勰 B.绵里裹针——刘墉 C.党的创始人——马保三 D.中国蔬菜大棚之父——王乐义 9.下列属于《辛丑条约》影响的是: A.使中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会 B.大大加深了中国的民族危机 C.使中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会 D.使中国完全沦为殖民地 10.杨家埠年画 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现内容丰富多彩,其主题是: A. 喜庆吉祥 B.花鸟山水 C.喜剧人物 D.神话传说 11.遵义会议是中国共产党历史上生死攸关的转折点,与此有相同作用的会议是: A.中共七大 B.中共八大 C.十一届三中全会 D.中共十五大 12.新时期的长征精神是对工农红军长征精神的继承和发扬。下列发生在长征途中的重要历史事件按时间先后顺序排列正确的是: ?四渡赤水河 ?遵义会议 ?飞夺泸定桥 ?会宁会师 A. ???? B. ???? C. ???? D.???? 13.改革开放伟大决策的推行是中国特色社会主义事业推向前进的巨大动力,中国推行的改革首先是从农村开始的。在农村进行的改革主要内容是: A. 没收地主的土地分配给农民 B.对农业进行社会主义改造 C.在农村开展人民公社化运动 D.实行家庭联产承包责任制 14.一位美国学者曾在书中高度评价我国的一位科学家:是他使饥饿的威胁在退却,正引导我们走向一个营养充足的世界。这里的“他”应是: A. 袁隆平 B.邓稼先 C.侯德榜 D.钱学森 15.潍坊历史悠久,以“寿”字而闻名的历史文化遗存是: A.潍坊十笏园 B.青州云门山 C.安丘汉画像石墓 D.潍坊浮烟山 16.林肯是美国著名的总统,他最大的贡献是: A. 领导美国的独立战争美国获得独立 B. 为维护美国的统一和解放黑人奴隶做出了重大贡献 C.领导美国参加了第一次世界大战 D.领导美国参加了第二次世界大战 17.世界近代史上许多国家通过不同方式走上了资本主义道路,下列国家中有一个国家走上资本主义道路的方式与另外三国明显不同,这个国家是: A. 英国 B.法国 C.美国 D.日本 18.面对全球性经济危机,国务院公布刺激经济、拉动内需的十条措施。实施基础性设施建设,需要4万亿元。这项措施与罗斯福新政的哪一项措施相似: A. 整顿银行 B.加强对工业的调整 C.缩减农业的大片耕地 D.兴办大量公共工程 19.下列人物的主要活动是: ts vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stabilitynd organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all ioff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods a-XX poor, into a well rk, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face ofard woe now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hte of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We arigh raalth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a hment, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wenomic base, low levels of developoff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-nd faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr aivelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a betteattention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's l2 A. 掀起了宪章运动 B.发表了《共产党宣言》 C. 创立了巴黎公社 D.领导了十月革命 20、毛泽东说:像希特勒这样的法西斯国家的军事生命是建立在进攻上面的,进攻一结束,它的生命也就完了。下列战役中印证了毛泽东这一论断的是: A. 中途岛海战 B. 斯大林格勒战役 C. 诺曼底登陆战 D.柏林攻坚战 第?卷(非选择题 共60分) 二、非选择题:(本大题共4小题。第21小题16分,第22小题14分,23小题16分,第24小题14分,共60分。) 21.材料一:楚越之地,地广人稀,饭稻羹鱼,或火耕而水耨„„不待贾(买卖)而足,„„无积聚而多贫。是故江淮以南,无无冻饿之人,亦无千金之家。——《史记 货殖列传》 材料二:(东晋建立后),百许年中,无风尘之警,区域之内,晏如也。„„地广野丰,民勤本业。一岁或稔(丰收之年),则数郡忘饥。会土(会稽郡)带海傍湖,良筹亦数十万顷,膏腴上地,亩值一金„„荆城(荆州)跨南楚之富,扬州有全吴之沃,鱼盐杞梓之利,充仞八方,丝绵布帛之饶,覆衣天下。 ——《宋书》 材料三:朝廷在故都(东京开封)时,实仰东南财赋,而吴中又为东南根抵。语曰:苏湖熟,天下足。 ——《陆游集》 材料四: 朝代 南 方 北 方 人口(户) 占全国人口比例 人口(户) 占全国人口比例 西汉 2 470 685 19.8% 9 985 785 80.2% 唐代 3 920 415 43.2% 5 148 529 56.8% 北宋 11 22 4760 62.9% 6 624 296 37.1% 请回答: ?材料一反映南方经济状况如何,材料二、三、四反映南方经济有哪些发展, ?上述材料反映我国古代经济发展出现了什么重大变化, on of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality foff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organizati-o a well, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, intd workdiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hargrowth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no solncome people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of ic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better nomic base, low levels of development, economioff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-eate a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr, crmore focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faste to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood,attention or development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability3 ?结合所学知识,南方经济发展的原因是什么, ?结合材料和所学知识,举例说明宋代商品经济和城市生活发展的表现各一例。 22.材料一:窃近者朝鲜之畔,日人内犯,致割地赔饷,此圣清二百余年未有之大辱,天下臣民所以发愤痛心者也。社稷之危未有若今日者。 ——康有为《上清帝第三书》 材料二:这次变法运动的悲剧性结局几乎从一开始就注定了。不仅缺乏经济基础和民众基础的骤变根本不可能,而且无实权的皇帝和无权力的维新士子结合形成的变法集团的软弱,有实权的太后和有权力的守旧官僚结合形成的反变法集团的强大。 材料三: ?“圣清二百余年未有之大辱”指的是什么, ?材料二中提到的是哪次运动,结合材料指出为什么说这次运动“悲剧性结局几乎从一开始就注定了”, ?材料三中的四位人物分别是,与他们有关的中国近代化运动是什么, -XX poor, into a well rk, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face ofard woe now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hte of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We arigh raalth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a hment, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wenomic base, low levels of developoff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-nd faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr aivelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a betteattention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's lts vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stabilitynd organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all ioff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods a4 ?材料四中体现的运动与材料二中的运动有何共同作用, 23(中国上海成功举办2010年世界博览会,体现了国际社会对中国改革开放道路的支持和信任,也体现了世界人民对中国未来发展的瞩目和期待。阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一:1851年英国伦敦举办第一届世界工业博览会,引擎,水力印刷机,纺织机械,向参观者展示了现代工业的发展和人类焕发出的无限想象力。天时、地利、人和催发了第一届世博会在英国诞生。 材料二:19世纪末20世纪初许多国家争相举办世博会,1893年美国纽约争得了世博会主办权。 材料三:1937年巴黎世博会,主办方意识到,他们所要展示的世界正经历着曲折:经济大萧条,失业状况加剧,通货膨胀,战争阴影笼罩„„这一系列的问题促使主办方对本届世博会寄予了更多的希望„„巴黎世博会在“和平与进步”的呼声中落幕,它的巨大成功传达着人们对美好世界的向往。 ?英国之所以能承办第一届世博会,是因为当时的英国在政治、经济、科技方面走在了世界的前列。请你列举这三方面英国进步的史实来说明。 ?如果为材料二中美国纽约世博会专设一 个展厅,右边哪些最新科技成就应成为本 次博览会的展品, ?材料三中的经济大萧条是指什么,战争 阴影笼罩的史实有哪些,(两例即可) on of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality foff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organizati-o a well, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, intd workdiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hargrowth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no solncome people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of ic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better nomic base, low levels of development, economioff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-eate a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr, crmore focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faste to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood,attention or development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability5 ?你认为2010年上海赋予世博会哪种崭新的含义,根据以上材料分析,世界博览会对推动人类的进步发挥了哪些积极的作用, 24.阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料一: 材料二:我的新作是《新帝国主义在中国》,我拿东莞的玩具公司为例,我们的玩具公司利润率太低;而美国的玩具公司呢,它的毛利率在2007年就超过40%,为什么呢,因为他不做制造,他却掌控了我们玩具销售的定价权,价格他说了算。他给我们的一个玩具一毛钱利润,而他们一个玩具赚3.6美元。所以我们辛辛苦苦的忙,但他们拥有定价权,所以他们席卷大部分利润,把我们剥削光。 ——郎咸平访谈 材料三:为什么要把制造放在我们中国,因为它破坏环境,浪费资源,剥削劳工„„所以他们只把两个重大的利润环节掌握在手里,金融资本和产业资本。透过金融资本、产业资本、控制原材料、控制销售定价权,然后把制造放在中国,破坏我们的环境„„ ——郎咸平访谈 ?材料一中两幅漫画反映了怎样的一个经济现象,图二说明了一个什么问题, ?材料二说明了世界经济的一个具体景象是什么, nd organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all ioff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods a-XX poor, into a well rk, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face ofard woe now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hte of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We arigh raalth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a hment, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wenomic base, low levels of developoff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-nd faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr aivelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a betteattention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's lts vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability6 ?材料三反映了当今世界经济对中国的不利影响是什么,我们如何面对这一不利影响, 参考答案: 1——20:CADDD DCCDA CBDAB BDDBB 21.?西汉南方地广人稀,耕作方式落后,交通不发达。 东晋南方地广野丰,农业产量提高,工商业发展起来;唐代南方户口增加,数量接近北方;宋代南方户口数大大超过北方,农业发展,国际赋税仰仗南方。 ?随着南方经济的发展,我国古代经济重心从北方转移到南方。 ?南方社会相对安定,人口增长;特别是北民南移,劳动力增加,也带来了进步的生产工具和技术;政府注重农业生产,兴修水利。 ?北宋时四川地区出现了世界上最早的纸币交子;城市内早市夜市买卖络绎不绝;出现了娱乐兼商业的场所瓦子。 22. ?甲午中日战争中国战败,签订了《马关条约》。 ?戊戌变法。原因:缺乏经济基础和民众基础;依靠没有实权的皇帝;资产阶级的软弱;顽固势力过于强大。 ?鲁迅李大钊胡适陈独秀;新文化运动 ?都促进了思想解放,都推动了中国近代化进程。 23. ?政治:最早确立了资产阶级政治 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ;经济:拥有辽阔的殖民地,成为“日不落帝国”;科技:首先进行工业革命,科技先进,成为“世界工厂”。 ?ABC。?1929—1933年世界经济危机;德国法西斯上台;日本发动侵华战争等。 ?向世界展示中国特色社会主义建设的成果以及中国作为一个发展中国家的成就展示。 促进了世界各国的交流;推动了科技进步;突出时代主题,引领世界潮流。 24. ?经济全球化 经济全球化促进了经济的发展 ?强国主导,收益不均。?破坏环境,浪费资源、剥削劳动力。 中国在顺应经济全球化的同时,制定防范风险的措施,引进国外投资和技术,学习先进的经济管理经验,促进经济的高速发展。 or development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stabilityon of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality foff society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organizati-o a well, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, intd workdiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hargrowth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no solncome people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of ic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better nomic base, low levels of development, economioff society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak eco-eate a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a wellr, crmore focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faste to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood,attention 7
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