首页 从成都到九寨沟自助游攻略



从成都到九寨沟自助游攻略从成都到九寨沟自助游攻略 现在比较热,但是哪里海拔很高,建议带上一件外套和一些抗高原反应的药物。而且紫外线比较强,带上墨镜和防晒霜之类的东西。雨伞也是必备物品,九寨沟是个多雨的地方。注意的就是保护坏境,不要乱扔垃圾,那里是风景区。特别是不能吸烟。只有接待中心那里有一处吸烟的地方其他地方都不能吸烟的。住宿还是很方便的,外面几乎全是宾馆。游览顺序不用你来愁,你进沟之后坐上观光大巴,车上导游会给你讲解九寨沟里的风景情况。仔细一点就是7月开始进入旺季。人会比较多,建议提前订房。但是在旺季酒店有可能会把定好的酒店卖出去。(...

从成都到九寨沟自助游攻略 现在比较热,但是哪里海拔很高,建议带上一件外套和一些抗高原反应的药物。而且紫外线比较强,带上墨镜和防晒霜之类的东西。雨伞也是必备物品,九寨沟是个多雨的地方。注意的就是保护坏境,不要乱扔垃圾,那里是风景区。特别是不能吸烟。只有接待中心那里有一处吸烟的地方其他地方都不能吸烟的。住宿还是很方便的,外面几乎全是宾馆。游览顺序不用你来愁,你进沟之后坐上观光大巴,车上导游会给你讲解九寨沟里的风景情况。仔细一点就是7月开始进入旺季。人会比较多,建议提前订房。但是在旺季酒店有可能会把定好的酒店卖出去。((必须坐车路途很长)大巴会把你们送到第一道沟的顶端。然后你们可以转完一个景点,坐大巴去下一个景点。一直到中转站,然后坐大巴去第二个沟顶端,一样往下转。这里秩序很好,大巴是循环式的很多看哪个景点自由度很高,不想看的可以坐大巴跳过,也可以不坐大巴,徒步从栈道走到下一个景点。这个看自己了。基本下午4,5点就可以转完了。然后回酒店,吃饭沟口有德克士,外面一点有很多当地的小吃,有很多选择。第二天如果很累的话,可以去中查沟玩加上坐车3小时左右就可以回来,那里主要是骑马上山,参观藏族风情。对马没有兴趣的话可以忽略了。(其实挺好玩的就是有点贵一人180)然后可以回酒店休息。接下来一天就是去黄龙比较远而且住宿不方便所以放在临走之前去转完就回家。。。黄龙和九寨沟是两种风格比较粗狂海拔较高考虑吃点红景天什么的。坐缆车上山自己再爬一段(有栈道不累不危险)到五彩池徒步下山(下山时有很多很好的景点)然后就可以让包车师傅直接把你送到机场然后走人这都是些主意事项哦,如果你要觉得好不合适的话,可以上蜀游网看看,sc799那个上面有很详细的攻略~楼主,希望能帮到你哦~ 网友回答 2014-05-17 第一天:成都--九寨,到新南门汽车站或者茶店子汽车站买成都---九寨沟的车票,大概是150左右。(如果路还没有通,走东线,就是从绵阳进去)如果西线路通了,价格可能会有变动。行车时间大概10个小时。晚上住九寨 第二天:游览九寨沟。路线我就不说了,楼上的说的很清楚了。门票310,是套票,就是含车票的。里面的观光车都是按公交形式运行,到了景点会下车游览,游览完后原地乘车。(部Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 分景点)。千万不要走没有人走的栈道,要不浪费时间,没有游览到好的景点不说,小心出不来变成九寨沟野人。晚上住九寨 第三天:去黄龙,游览黄龙。住川主寺。 第四天,川主寺回成都。 一天基本能把景点走玩,但是有的人觉得不时间不够,你自助游可以申请2次进沟。目前九寨沟二次进沟是免费的,但是7月份就说不清楚了。可能政策有变动。 住宿九寨沟有招待所---超5星的酒店,30000多间床位任你选。所以不用担心。 花费一个人大概:车费400左右+门票310+200+住宿3晚200+餐费大概150左右 =1250左右。旅游纪念品和自费还没有算. 九寨沟自助游攻略及常见九寨沟旅游问题 1:沟内游览顺序应该如何安排为好, 九寨沟的网友 如果在沟内玩两天的话,时间是非常足够的。不过结合九寨沟自助游玩过的意见,两天时间虽然充足,不过也最好不要面面俱到所有景点都游完,经典的景点多驻留会儿,享受享受大自然的馈赠(第一天进沟的时候办理好二次进沟手续,第二天想再办的话就已经迟了) a,第一天进沟因为现在常规的旅行社游览线路是坐车到原始森林一路玩下来,中途乘车去诺日朗餐厅吃饭,然后再坐车返回继续游览。自助游当然希望避开类似游行的旅游团队咯,,所以我觉得可以不去原始森林,因为原始森林不是九寨沟的重点,九寨沟的灵魂在于水,千万不要错过了起风前那段大好时光。坐车到天鹅海下,最好也自己准备食物,九寨沟吃的东西很贵,而且沟内唯一的诺日朗餐厅也是几乎所有旅行团队中午就餐的地方。(要耽误很多旅游时间) 2:九寨沟游的穿着问题。 A:九寨沟属川西高原气候中的暖温带,气候宜人,温和偏冷。就算在全国绝大多数地区都处于夏日的炎热中,九寨沟的早晚仍然透着阵阵凉意,让九寨沟成了一个理想的避暑胜地。九寨沟从沟口游人中心(2000m)到海拔最高的长海(3060m),海拔落差1060m,温度也有很大的区别,以至于曾经在九寨沟出现了一沟四季的神奇景色:沟口还是夏日炎炎,越往里走一路看到红叶惹人喜爱,走到长海竟然是一片茫茫白色,真是喜傻了当时所有在场得人。 一般来说每年的10月底-第二年三月九寨沟就开始进入冬季了,穿着当然要以防寒的羽绒服为主,厚厚的衣服,厚厚的裤子,厚厚的鞋子。 3月中旬开始,薄外套和薄毛衣是必不可少的,女同学的防晒霜也要带上。 6月中旬到8月底正值九寨沟的夏季。短袖、风衣、牛仔裤,薄外套,还有必不可少的三样东西就是墨镜、防晒霜和雨伞, Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 8月底正-10月底都说九寨沟的秋季是最漂亮的季节,不过秋季的凉意也很快的弥漫了整个九寨沟,秋季到九寨沟薄毛衣和厚外套应该比较合适,怕冷的朋友可以再多带些衣服御寒。 到九寨沟有什么美食, 因为九寨沟属于藏族居多的地区,所以有很多藏族特有的食物在九寨沟到处都能见到,比如说:糌粑、酥油茶、雅茶、青稞酒、酸菜面块、牦牛肉、洋芋糍粑、荞麦面食、烤羊肉串、烤羊、烤乳牛、牛杂、羊杂等等好多好多藏族人民喜欢的食物 九寨沟属于高原地区,洋芋、青稞和牦牛是九寨沟的特产,而且九寨沟到处都是林区,木柴资源也是相当丰富,所以当地藏民喜欢吃烤的食物,烤全羊,烤牦牛肉,烤羊肉串,能烤的都烤烤。烤出来的食物也是别有一番风味,同山外面的烧烤绝不是一种滋味。到九寨沟去旅游的朋友千万不要错过九寨沟的这一美食呀, 洋芋糍粑也是一道美食,九寨沟的洋芋特别好吃,洋芋的吃法也特别多,煮熟的一个一个就着和好的辣椒面吃,风味独特。 说到美食,就不得不说说九寨沟沟口右手边的边边街,这条号称“中国商业第四街”的边边街上聚集了各种各样的摊铺、饭馆、酒吧、药店,应有尽有。 到九寨沟有什么购物的地方, 出了九寨沟,往右,先是一长溜的货摊,然后就是沿河沟的店铺街面,摊铺上很多小商品,最多的是藏饰品,礼帽、发巾,挂件、披肩,还有不少餐饮店,还有药店、超市,甚至露天电影院,俨然一条繁荣的商业街。但同一般的商业街又不同,边边街沿着哗哗流淌的黑河(九寨沟沟口那条河叫“黑河”),一边是河,一边是街,这样的商业街,绝无仅有。边边街上的烤全羊和烤牦牛肉也是值得大大推荐的美食,,, 九寨沟现场购票能不能刷卡, 九寨沟和黄龙售票大厅都可以刷卡买票的,只不过,黄龙只能刷工行的卡,因为是工行安的。 九寨沟自助游的路线。 a飞机:目前只有成都、西安、重庆四个城市开通了到九寨沟的航班,所以如果想搭飞机到九寨沟的话,只能先到这三个城市中的某一个再搭飞机到九寨沟。 b汽车:成都新南门客运站(028,85433609)和茶店子客运站(028,87506610)都有发往九寨沟的班车。新南门客运站每天早上08:00,只有一班车到九寨沟,票价121,2元(保险费)。茶店子客运站每天07:20、08:00、08:40、14:00发车到九寨沟,票价102、112两种。旭途行车时间都是10个小时左右。 绵阳、平武、都江堰也有发往九寨沟的车。补充一个:绵阳平政客运站(0816,2695343),每天06:30,11:00,每一个半小时一班车到九寨沟,30座大巴;每天早上08:10有车到黄龙。江油客运站(0816,32610083261851),每天07:30、08:30、09:30,空调VCD大巴;每天早上07:40坐到松潘车在黄龙下。平武没有到九寨沟的班车。都江堰客运站每天早上8:00发车到九寨沟,票价97.5 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 九寨沟怎样到黄龙,怎么样从黄龙到九寨沟或者川主寺或者九黄机场? A:九通客运站每天早上有发往黄龙的班车,7:20有一班,票价38。车票最好提前一天买好,如果住的酒店在九寨沟到黄龙的路上,还可以告诉师傅一声,第二天师傅可以开车到你住的酒店门口来接你,同样这班车下午3点左右会在黄龙景区的华龙山庄那里接客人返回九寨沟,也可中途在川主寺下车。所以如果大家游完了黄龙需要返回九寨沟或者到川主寺或者到九寨沟的话都可以搭这班车,到九寨沟票价38,川主寺下的话20。早上搭车过来的九寨沟自助游游客如果下午需要继续搭那班车的话也可以把行李放在车上 九寨沟到黄龙162公里,开车需要3个小时,不过黄龙游玩不像九寨沟需要那么长时间,不坐索道的话四五个小时左右便可游遍所有的景点,如果坐缆车,时间就会更少。 九寨沟门票观光车票价格和二次进沟门票观光车票价格? A:九寨沟门票全票旺季220,淡季80,观光车票旺季90,淡季80,二次进沟除黄金周外都是免费的,各位驴友需要在第一天领票进沟的时候在沟口办理二次进沟相关手续。 九寨沟观光车运行时间? ?每日早上7:00始发 ?诺日朗出沟末班车:晚上19:00 ?长海返回诺日朗末班车:下午16:30 ?原始森林返回诺日朗末班车:下午18:00 ?景区内每个景点均设观光车上下车站点,旺季时每天共有200多辆车在沟内运行。 九寨沟摄影注意: ?拍摄镜海的最佳时刻:在早晨8:30以前,或者下午18:00以后。 ?拍摄火花海的最佳时刻:看得见日出的早晨,不过这种机会不易碰到。 ?在老虎嘴可以拍到五花海全景。 ?在火爆景点避开人堆,向前多走几步一样拍到完美影像。因沟内景点一般较长,人往往易见开头就激动,以至于好景位无人拍照 特别提醒: 1.坐车。从成都坐车沿都江堰、岷江去九寨沟右边风景较好,但过茂县后就是车左边风景较好,岷江、叠溪海子都在左边。 九寨沟去黄龙的路上是右边风景较好,可以一路看到雪宝鼎。 九寨沟内坐观光车,游览树正沟、则查洼沟都要坐左边,游览日则沟一定要坐右边。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 2.游客较多时,如不随大流坐车到Y型沟的两端再往下玩,而是选择途中下车,过后再要招呼上行的车停下载你就很难了,车子满载的话司机都不会停,这时要找调度亭的调度商量,请他帮你用对讲机叫司机停车。 3.徒步游一般都是走栈道景色更美,但芦苇海(黑角沟开始)到盆景滩的一段一定要走公路,这段栈道遮蔽视角的杂树太多,且观景的角度不对,芦苇海中最出彩的玉带河都看不见。 4.黄龙上山很累,下山却很轻松,走下山道的话1小时足够了,剩下的时间都分配给上山和拍照吧。 主要景点:古城墙遗迹、古战场遗迹、松洲八景、川主寺、红军长征纪念碑碑园、大草原。 松潘位于四川西北部,距成都320公里,所辖范围东西长149公里,南北宽113公里,总面积8323(4平方公里,平均海拔在3000米以上,它是连接黄龙、九寨沟两大风景名胜区的主要中继站。1992年被列入四川省省级历史文化名城。松潘古城以数千年积淀的历史文化、民族风情吸引了大量中外游客。 古城墙遗迹 松潘古城墙始建千明朝,当时所用的青砖长50厘米、厚12厘米,每块砖重达30公斤,所用的灰浆由糯米、石灰加桐油熬成,因此城墙异常坚固。城墙高10米、宽30米、长6200米,是我国苜屈一指的古城墙遗址。位于城东、城南、城北的三座城门顶部均呈半月形,门基大石上镂刻着各种别具匠心的浮雕,古色古香,至今保留着远古的韵味。 古战场遗迹 自古以来,松潘都是兵家必争之边陲重镇。如今,岷江河谷、涪江河谷沿岸大量的关隘、兵屯、靖墩和烽燧(烽火台)等古战场遗赃仍然随处可见。 松州八景 古桥春涨通远桥是一座伸臂式木廊桥,在大洪水潮涨时节,桥叶杏花吐蕊、水磨旋转,上下沙洲百鸟争鸣,构成一幅宁静而繁荣的乡村图。 金蓬晚照县城东南方的金蓬山曾是羌人金蓬部落的居住区,至今仍有羌酋遗冢,傍晚夕阳依山,回映金蓬山如诗如画。 龙潭映月位于县城西郊,在这里西门沟与岷江交汇激荡的水流,在映月桥下漩为深潭,月圆之夜,静影沉壁。 炉烽晓烟位丁城东南石河桥畔,这里山峰状如香炉,清晨炊烟四起,缭绕炉峰,别具诗情画意。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 大悲梵钟传说大悲寺的古钟是一位神仙化身的方土所铸,铸成离别时方士嘱咐大悲寺和尚:“我离去10日后方可敲钟”。寺内和尚不解其意,在他离去的当天当天下午就敲响了大钟。此时方士只走到了雪山梁,闻声叹道“钟声只能传到这里了~”据说如果不是这样,大悲寺的钟声将会远达京城,传播边警。 赤松古迹传说神龙氏的雨师赤松子曾历尽艰辛,保证松潘一带风调雨顺,百姓感其恩, 赤松观、筑炼丹台纪念他。 便与城南建 风洞秋声在通往黄龙主祟区的驿道上有明代所设风洞关,关下溶洞深不可测,秋天发出悦耳的风声。 雪栏霁色雪栏关是东路通往黄龙沟的又一处关口,每当雨后天睛,远山森林如洗,彩虹下古城堡笼罩在淡淡的雾蔼里。 川主寺 川主寺位于松潘县城北郊17公里,为川西北高原第一重镇,同时又是连接黄龙、九寨沟、红原、若尔盖等风景区的枢纽。它南距成都337公里,北距九寨沟88公里,东邻黄龙39公里,西去大草原43公里,是“黄龙-九寨沟”黄金旅游热线上的必经之地。 镇上有许多星级宾馆、购物中心、交通班车站点,还有大量的餐馆、小食店和出售民族特色纪念品的摊点、店铺,商贸业发达。著名的红军长征纪念碑和博物馆也坐落在这里。 红军长征纪念碑碑园 红军长征是人类历史上的一个伟大壮举,中共中央政治局在长征途中召开过5次重要会议,其中两次是在松潘境内召开的,即“沙窝会议”、“毛儿盖会议”,因此红军长征纪念碑碑园就坐落在这里。它位于川主寺镇东侧圆宝山,1988年4月动工,1990年8月25日落成,并由邓小平同志亲笔题写了园名。碑园由纪念碑、大型群雕、大型浮雕不口陈列馆组成,被誉为我国“中国工农红军长征纪念总碑”。主碑堪称中华第一碑,碑身为三角立柱体,象征红军三大主力紧密团结,坚不可摧。在24米高的碑顶巍然矗立着近15米高的红军战士像,双手高举成“V”字形,一手持花,一手持枪,象征着长征的胜利。汉白玉的碑座形似雪山,寓意为雪山草地树金碑。每当夕阳西下,碑身通体金光四射,在满山苍松翠柏的映衬下,格外庄严肃穆,是九环线上的标志性景观之一。 大草原 自川主寺西行出黄胜关上尕尼台,即进入大草原。这里草场广阔、牧草茂盛,畜牧业十分发达,形成了川西北独特的草原游牧风光。这里属安多藏族(牧区藏族)聚居区,在这片神奇的土地上,遍布着大大小小庄严神秘的寺院庙宇,有着众多虔诚善良的佛教信徒,充满着浓厚的藏传佛教文化氛围。同时,该旅游区也是红军长征途经之地,是进行革命传统教育的天然基地。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 九寨神仙池 神仙池位于九寨沟县大录乡,距甘海子45公里,距九寨沟口49公里。含4个小项: 1、神仙池森林水景; 2、拉来河坝天保博物馆; 3、松赞干布古马道; 4、敞篷式观光车沿线观光。 1、森林水景:由一连串高山湖泊及钙华池组成,其特点是既有足以与黄龙媲美的大型钙化池,又有可与九寨沟比肩的高山湖泊和茂密森林,集九寨黄龙风光于一身,玲珑精致,晶莹剔透,堪称一绝。尤其值得一提的是这里的原始森林完全未被砍伐,其植被覆盖之好,九寨沟和黄龙均不能与其相比。神仙池藏语为“嫩恩桑措”,意即仙女沐浴的地方,民间文学也有许多围绕神仙池的美丽传说至今在当地广为流传。此外,藏族同胞泽里面对来势汹汹的伐木者,挺身而出,使这里的原始森林幸免砍伐。为纪念这位环保斗士,也为向游客弘扬环保精神,景区在当年泽里抵制砍伐的现场为其塑象,以供观瞻。 2、拉来河坝天保博物馆:位于神仙池景区至神仙池途中10公里处。当年,这里是当地森林采伐的一处重要营地,禁伐之后,这里遗留下大量林业工人居住的木屋和伐木工具以及令人触目惊心的滥伐遗迹。在这里利用宽阔的草场和上述遗址遗迹,构建教育基地,除向游客提供一处途中休息地外,更让人们认识环境与人的紧密关系,激发环保意识。此外,游客可以在这里植树或认养树木,景区将向植树游客颁发纪念证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 以志纪念,同时每年向游客通报树木生长情况。 3、松赞干布马道:史载松赞干布大军经大录神仙池至松潘与唐军对峙,此马道为秘密通道,全长三十公里。整条马道自红岩沟口(藏羌文化保护区入口处)始,跨过海拔3600米的甲蕃山梁,沿黑河穿越迄今完全未被砍伐的原始森林和高山峡谷,到达神仙池。其间一片上千亩的柳树林设森林木屋酒店和帐篷客栈,供不同需求客人中途住宿。黑河湍急适度适宜运动型漂流,可漂流直抵神仙池景点入口。途中时有野生动物出没,野趣十足。游览观光型、运动探险型、科考采风型客人均可在此寻找到自己的所好。马道沿线设置数处休息娱乐点,安排大量 参与性节目,如:欣赏藏族民间歌手放歌、野外烧烤、体验牧场生活(挤牛奶、放牧)、赛马、参观野生鹿场、野营、锅庄篝火晚会、凭吊松赞干布行军遗迹等等。 4、敞篷式观光车:甘海子至神仙池45公里沿线美景不断,风光宜人。景区双层敞篷式观光大巴沿山而行,巴士上层敞开围栏设座,下层封闭以避风雨。游客登车顶凭栏远眺,一览雪山、红叶、碧水、绿草,化旅途劳顿为轻松休闲,系国内景区创新项目。为强化景区接待条件,在景区入口设置游客接待中心,在景点入口设置餐厅,接待能力达2000人。在观光公路途中设置休息站,欣赏藏族民歌手演唱当地山歌。 A、最好参加旅行社组织的团队,才有住房和安全的保证。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency B、九寨沟区属高海拔地区,不宜剧烈运动,宜少饮酒,多食蔬菜、水果,以防发生高山反应。应备好常用药品,最好能配备小型氧气瓶(此物可以在成都购买)。 C、年老体弱者,应备好常用药品,最好能配备小型氧气瓶(可以成都购买)。有高血压,冠心病,心脏病者前往九寨沟时要额外注意。 D、景区严禁烟火。 E、景区日照强,紫外线强。长时间在户外活动,请戴上太阳帽,涂抹防霜,以保护皮肤。 温差大,请带足保暖防寒衣物,并备常用药品。 F、景区昼夜 G、爱护景区一草一木,注意景区环保,听从管理人员安排,有困难及时与管理人员联系。 H、森林防火责任重大,严禁野外用火; I、沟内各主要游览点都有较隐蔽的厕所和垃圾桶,请您在游览过程中积极配合,加强自身的环保意识; J、不要投食喂鱼;为确保安全,最好在导游人员的陪同下游览,以免造成意外事故; K、川西北高原地区海拔较高,应带好雨具和常用药品,昼夜温差大,需备御寒衣物。冬季驾车要带上防滑链条,冰雪路上车速勿快,牢记安全第一。 L、爱好摄影、登山的朋友,请带好有关器材,注意户外保暖。 M、住宿不能在沟内。 N、请尊重当地少数名族的生活和信仰,避免与当地居民发生冲突;购物时最好能听从导游人员的建议,以免发生不必要的纠纷。 O、可以观看藏羌民俗歌舞晚会,晚会非常精彩,是九寨沟风情的最佳展示,票价120-160不等,根据艺术团档次来定。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency
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